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The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM I A,.; '4.


the Journal Square and Bayonne 1st vicr-president; Mrs. H. Har- avenue, Springfield, and Conn- '
rison Chamberlain Jr.. 2nd vice- oilman Edmund A. Smith, son I
W. A. C branches, Women V Guild president, and continuing in of- of Ml-, and Mrs. Arthur Smith of
During his residency in Short fice are, Miss Jane A. Durand, North avenue, Garwood, were
Hills, Mr, Canway was a mem-
Banker Dies ber ol the Huly Name Society of
St. Rose of Lima Church. lie
Elects treasurer; Mrs. Muncure Car- married Monday a t St. Stephen's
pender, assistant treasurer: and Episcopal Church, Millburn. Rev
Mrs. Clarence Lattin, .secretary. HiiSh W, Dickinson, rector, of-
Funeral services were held was also a member of the New The annual meeting and elec- On Monday, Mrs. Campbell ficiated at the ceremony. The
Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. in St. Jersey and American Bankers' tion of officers, was held last entertained the executive of- bride Is French instructor at the
Rose oil Lima* C huuc h, Sho r t Associations. Tuesday by the Women's Guild i'ieers and heads of committees Regional High School, Spring-
Hills, for William A. Conway, 52, of Christ Episcopal Church, re- of the Snort Hills Guild and the field. T h e couple will live in
vice-president of the Hudson Mr. Conway loaves a son, Wil-
ports, showed a great amount of executive officers of the Dio- Gar wood.
County National Bank and. resi- liam A., who is with the main work was accomplished for tho pess at Lea In honor of Mrs,
dent of this community. He died office of the Hudson County Na-
year. Mrs. Worthington Camp- Monroe. Presiding at the tea
Saturday at, Jersey City Medical tional a daughter. Miss Mary bell, having served the Guild as Uible were Mrs. Erniwt K. Hal- CANDLELIGHT SHOP
Center of peritonitis following of Short Hills; and three sisters,
President for three years, re- bach and Miss Jane A. Durand.
an emergency appendicitis oper- Mrs. Eugene J. Mulvaney and tired,
ation. The body was brought Mrs, John Donnelly oJ: Easl GIFTS
bacli tu the Short Hills home at Orange, and Miss Mary Conway New officers ol" the Guild are MISS A. MARIAN PHILLIPS,
33 Grosvenor road, Easter Sun- of Newark. Mrs, Conway died Mrs, Andrew P. Monroe, Presi- daughter oi Mr. and Mrs.
day. in 1937. Burial was in Holy Se- dent; -Mrs, Ernest K. Halbach, Charles Phillips of Battle Hill 816 Millburn Avenue
pulchre Cemetery, East Orange.
A native o.f Newark, Mr. Con-
way received his education in1
the Newark school system, beinft
graduated in 1902. That same A MEETING of the Garden
year he was employed by the Study Club of Short Hills will be
Western National Bank of New held' April 17 at 10 A. M. at the
York, serving in various capaci- homo, of Mrs. Clifford Dunn.
ties until the organizaLio 11 o£ the Topic: "Sand Culture" by Mrs.
Ironbound Trust Co, in Newark M. D. Paitoute.
nmvs most about
in 1908. In 1G15 he was made as-
sistant secretary and assistant Yes, 1 really am work-
treasurer of the Ironbound and ing my way thru college.
But not by .selling sub-
was placed in charge of the scriptions. With a com-
Ferry street branch. petent staff of college
Eleven years later lie was in- students and high school
seniors, I am capable of
vited by Frank C. Ferguson, doing any eomnmnity Job
president, to join Lhe employees such as: minding chil-
of the Union Trust Co., of Jer- dren, h o u s e - cleaning,
mowing lawns, simoniz- Ford has built more than
sey City. When the Union Trust lag and cleaning cars,
was merged with the Hudson and (iUtoi'ing,
County National under the "Lei, George Do ItM
one-third of all the automo- '
presidency of Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Cull S. O. 2-5SS9
Conway became vice-president (iKOltlil; «viniSi:ii biles evet built in the world
and was given supervision of

Established 1907

March 29th, 1939
nst Look a t these
dm ASSETS 4 HERE are more Ford cars in use today than any FORD FEATURES
d1 Cash on Hand, in Federal Reserve Bant and Due other make. And there arc more Ford V-8s than • STYLE UAO£RSHIP-Tbe lux-
lrom Banks 875,661.72
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United Stales Government Bonds . 1,494,496.96 • V-WPE 8-CYLINDER 5WGINE-
Other Bonds ' ' .199,080.00 The 1939 Ford V-8 represents the broadest ex- Eight t e n d e r s five smooth-
9,750.00 o e 6 B . Small cylinders giv=
Stock in Federal Reserve Bank perience in building cars any manufacturer ever had.
Short Term Municipal Loans 47,875.24
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Loans and Discounts 149,173.00 maker can put into a car at the low Ford price. • TRIPLE-CUSHIONED COMFORT-
Real Estate .,.'Z.Z 91,878.00 New flexible roll-edge s o t
Vaults, Furniture and Fixtures 23,667.72 Ford performance, traditional for a generation, cushions, soft transverse
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$3,316, (3(32.20 And now Ford style leadership is equally outstand- • STABILIZED CHASSIS - No
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ing. "The smartest cars on the road" is the way own- Level starts, level fitops, level
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UAmUTIES est in appearance. Leaders, as. they deserve to be. • SCIENTIFIC SOVNDPrtOOflNG-
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Capital $ 300,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 54,243.92 • LOW P
Interest, Taxes, Dividends and Expenses Accrued
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Your Ford dealer invites you to

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CART. [I. |.|.l.U|..i.\
Pulflum, r. * R ffuimta
Your Ford—Mercury—Lincoln-Zephyr Dealer
AMUEr, ii, VKUcilTMMf,
Member Federal Reserve System 585 Millburn Avenue at Morris Avenue
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Telephone Millburn 6-2110

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