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Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases


1. Which of the following statement is the best to define an acid?
A. acid is a hydrogen acceptor
B. acid is a chemical substance that produce hydrogen ion
C. acid is a chemical substance that produce hydroxide ion
D. acid is a chemical substance that produce hydrogen ion when dissolved
in water
. What is the property of acid when it dissolved in water?
A. the p! value higher than "
B. neutrali#e sodium hydroxide solution
C. unable change blue litmus paper to red
D. non reaction with dry calcium carbonate
$. Which of the following acids and bases below are not used in manufacturing
A. nitric acid
B. sulphuric acid
C. barium hydroxide
D. ammonium hydroxide
%. Which of the following are true about solution of p! %?
A. non reaction with carbonate salt
B. turns red litmus paper to blue
C. reacts with oxygen and release hydrogen gas
D. the colour of solution change to pin& when phenolphthalein is added
'. Which of the following substances show the properties of an acid?
A. (il&
B. )oap
C. *emon +uice
D. ,oothpaste
-. Which of the following gas is colourless?
A. Chlorine
B. Bromine gas
C. )ulphur dioxide
D. .itrogen dioxide
". Which of the following is a strong acid?
A. Acetic acid
B. /ormic acid
C. 0xalic acid
D. 1hosphoric acid
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
2. Which of the following is a base?
A. 1otassium oxide
B. )ulphur trioxide
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Copper 3445 nitrate
6. Which of the following metals cannot react with dilute nitric acid to release
hydrogen gas?
A. 7inc
B. Argentum
C. (agnesium
D. Aluminium
18. ,he differentiate between sodium hydroxide solution and ammonium
hydroxide is
A. Ammonium hydroxide does not has 0!
B. )odium hydroxide ioni#ed completely when dissolved in water
C. A:ueous ammonium hydroxide solution has more 0!
D. p! value of ammonium hydroxide higher than p! value of sodium
11. Which of the following pairs are true about a:ueous solution?
1. Which of the following solutions is the lowest p! value?
A. ;thanoic acid
B. )ulphuric acid
C. A:ueous ammonia solution
D. )odium hydroxide solution
1$. Which of the following substances produce hydroxide ion when dissolved in
water ?
4. Ammonia
44. )odium oxide
444. !ydroxide chloride
4<. Carbon dioxide
Weak aci Stron! aci
A Citric acid )ulphuric acid
B ,artaric acid ;thanoic acid
C ,artaric acid (ethanoic acid
D !ydrochloric acid ,artaric acid
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
A. 4 and 44 only
B. 4 and 444 only
C. 4= 44 and 4< only
D. 4= 44 = 444 and 4<
1%. Which of the following statements show the differentiate between base and
al&alis ?
A. Base is stronger and al&alis is wea&er.
B. Base neutrali#e an acid and al&alis doesn>t.
C. Base insoluble in water but al&alis soluble in water.
D. Base exist in li:uid form but al&alis exist in solid form.
1'. 4f you have to measure 8 cm
of sodium hydroxide solution for titration
process and there is no pipette 8 cm
in the laboratory= what is the "e#t
apparatus to carry out an experiment?
A. Burette
B. 1ipette ' cm
C. (easuring cylinder
D. ;lectronic balance
1-. A few drop of methyl orange are added into dilute nitric acid solution and
sodium hydroxide solution. Which of the following give the correct colour for
the both solution?
Dilute nitric acid )odium hydroxide solution
A. 0range 1in&
B. ?ellow 1in&
C. ?ellow 0range
D. 1in& ?ellow
1". 4n an experiment= an a:ueous @ solution is added with anhydrus sodium
carbonate. Aas is produced and turns the lime water mil&y. What is an
a:ueous @ solution?
A. Al&alis
B. Acid
C. ;sters
D. Alcohol
12. A few of dilute sulphuric acid are added drop by drop into a bea&er filled
with pottasium hydroxide solution. What is the changes occur in the content
of the solution?
A. White precipitate is formed
B. p! of the solution increases
C. ,he number of 0!
ion become decrease
D. ,he number of water molecules decrease
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
16. ? 3p5 C !
3a&5 D ?
3a&5 C ! 3g5
Which of the following reaction cannot represent the e:uation above?
A. 7in& C sulphuric acid
B. (agnesium C sulphuric acid
C. Aluminium C dilute hydrochloric acid
D. (agnesium C dilute hydrochloric acid
8. A student mix 18 cm
of 8.1 mol dm
sulphuric acid into 18 cm
of 8.1 mol
sodium hydroxide solution. Which of the following statements is true?
A. White precipitate is formed
B. (ixture produced cannot conduct electricity
C. (ixture produced changed a blue litmus paper to red
D. (ixture produced changed the colour of methyl orange indicator to
1. Which of the following reaction is a neutrali#ation reaction?
A. 7inc C nitric acid
B. Copper 3445 oxide C sulphuric acid
C. Copper 3445 carbonate C hydrochloric acid
D. (agnesium oxide C sodium hydroxide
. Dry hydrogen chloride gas is flowed into dry methylben#ene for a few
minutes. Which of the following is true about the solution obtained?
A. ;lectrolyte is performed
B. Contains hydrogen chloride molecule
C. Blue litmus paper turns red
D. Eeacts with #inc powder to produce effervescence gas
$. Which of the following is the $i!$e#t p! value?
A. 8.' mol dm
sulphuric acid
B. 8.' mol dm
hydrochloric acid
C. 8.' mol dm
a:ueous ammonia solution
D. 8.' mol dm
potassium a:ueous ammonia solution
%. ,he reaction between a solution and magnesium ribbon produce
effervescence. Which of the following solutions will produce effervescence?
A. Ammonia in water
B. !ydrogen chloride in water
C. Ammonia in methylben#ene
D. !ydrogen chloride in methylben#ene
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
'. Which of the following e:uations is a neutrali#ation process?
A. .!$3g5 C !03l5 D .!%0! 3a:5
B. 7n3s5 C Cu
3a:5 D 7n
3a:5 C Cu3s5
C. !)0%3a:5 C !03l5 D !$03a:5 C )0%
D. Cu03s5 C !.0$ 3a:5 D Cu3.0$53a:5 C !03l5
-. ,he difference between nitric acid and sulphuric acid can be determine by
4. *ead 3445 oxide
44. A:ueous ammonia solution
444. Barium hydroxide
4<. 7inc oxide
A. 4 and 444 only
B. 4 and 4< only
C. 44 and 444 only
D. 44 and 4< only
". What is the mass of ethanoic acid= C!$C00! in '8 cm
of 8.' mol dm

ethanoic acid?
3Eelative atomic massF C= 1G 0= 1-G != 15
A. .' g
B. $.-8 g
C. ".'8 g
D. 6.88 g
2. Calculate the molarity of the solution when .8 g sodium hydroxide is
dissolved in water to form '8 cm
3Eelative atomic massF != 1G .a= $G 0= 1-5
A. .8 mol dm
B. 8.8' mol dm
C. 8.8 mol dm
D. 8.8' mol dm
6. A sulphuric acid solution with concentration of 16.-8 g dm
. Calculate the
volume of sulphuric acid which can neutrali#e ' cm
of 8.8 mol dm

sodium hydroxide.
3Eelative atomic massF != 1G 0= 1-G .a= $G )= $5
A. 1.' cm
B. '.8 cm
C. $".' cm
D. '8.8 cm
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
$8. ;:uation below represents the neutrali#ation between nitrate acid and
barium hydroxide.
!.0$ C Ba30!5 Ba3.0$5 C !0
18.8 cm
of 8.1 mol dm
barium hydroxide is titrated with 8.1 mol dm

nitrate acid. 4f the initial reading of the burette is 18.8 cm
= what is the final
reading of the burette?
A. 1'.8 cm
B. 8.8 cm
C. $8.8 cm
D. %8.8 cm
$1. 8.8 cm
of 8.' mol dm
of a particular acid needs '8.8 cm
of 8.- mol dm

sodium hydroxide to form a complete neutrali#ation. Which of the following
molecular formula is the "e#t acid to use?
A. !.0$
B. !)0%
C. !$10%
D. C!$C00!
$. 1.% g calcium carbonate reacts with '8.8 cm
of .8 mol dm
acid= !Cl. What is the mass of the calcium carbonate is left as a residue?
3Eelative atomic massF != 1G Ca= %8G 0= 1-5
A. 1. g
B. %.2 g
C. -. g
D. ".% g
$$. 188 cm
of mol dm
hydrochloric acid has reacted with '8 cm
of mol
sodium hydroxide solution. What is the mass of sodium chloride
3Eelative atomic massF != 1G .a= $G 0= 1-G Cl= $'.'5
A. $.$8 g
B. '.2' g
C. 11."8 g
D. 1$.'8 g
$%. What is the mass of calcium hydroxide is re:uired to prepare '88 cm
of 8.%
mol dm
calcium hydroxide solution?
3Eelative atomic massF != 1G Ca= %8G 0= 1-5
A. 11.% g
B. 1%.2 g
C. .2 g
D. 6.- g
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
$'. Which of the following contains 8.81 mol hydroxide ion?
A. ' cm
of 8. mol dm
barium hydroxide
B. %8 cm
of 8. mol dm
potassium hydroxide
C. '8 cm
of 8. mol dm
calcium hydroxide
D. 28 cm
of 8. mol dm
sodium hydroxide
$-. %.8 g of sodium hydroxide dissolved in distilled water to form '8 cm

solutions. What is the concentration of the solution produced?
A. 18 g dm
B. 1' g dm
C. 1- g dm
D. 8 g dm
$". 1'.1g of solid H is dissolved in water to produce 88 cm
of solution. ,he
molarity of this solution is 8.- mol dm
. What is the relative molecular
mass of solid H?
A. '-
B. 18-
C. 1-
D. 122
$2. Which of the following solutions is the concentration of 8.1 mol dm
3 Eelative atomic mass F .=1% G !=1 G 0=1- G Cl=$'.' G .a=$ G )= $ 5
A. 6.' g dm
of sulphuric acid
B. $.' g dm
of hydrochloric acid
C. %.' g dm
of sodium hydroxide
D. 18.- g dm
of sodium carbonate solution
$6. ,he e:uation below represents the reaction between metal I and copper 3445
I C Cu)0% I)0% C Cu
What is the volume of 1.8 mol dm
of copper 3445 sulphate needed to react
with 8.6 g of metal I?
3Eelative atomic massF I= $5
A. 1' cm
B. 8 cm
C. $8 cm
D. -8 cm
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
%8. 88 cm
of distilled water is added to '88 cm
of .8 mol dm
hydroxide solution. What is the molarity of the solution produced?
A. .8 x '88
B. .8 x "88
C. .8 x '88
D. .8 x '88
%1. '8 cm
of .8 mol dm
potassium hydroxide reacts with the excess dilute
sulphuric acid to produce potassium sulphate. ,he same mass of
potassium sulphate is obtained when the excess of dilute sulphuric acid
reacts withJJ
4. %8 cm
of .%8 mol dm
potassium hydroxide
44. 28 cm
of 1.' mol dm
potassium hydroxide
444. 1'8 cm
of 1.8 mol dm
potassium hydroxide
4<. 88 cm
of 8.'8 mol dm
potassium hydroxide
A. 4 and 4< only
B. 4 and 444 only
C. 44 and 4< only
D. 4= 44= 444 and 4<
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
%i!ure &
/igure show the information for anhydrous organic acid= 1 .
3a5 What is the meaning of wea& acid?
L1 mar& M
3b5 *i:uid 1 which is dissolve in methylben#ena does not show the properties
of acid . Why ?
L mar&sM
3c5 Dilute potassium hydroxide solution was reacts with 1 and produce salt.
3i5 .ame the type of reaction occur.
L1 mar&M

3ii5 Write chemical e:uation for this reactions.
L1 mar&M
3d5 Acid 1 was dissolved in water and the solution produced was added with
sodium carbonate solid.
3i5 )tate one observation for this reaction.
L1 mar&M
3ii5 .ame the gas produced.
L1 mar&M
)ubstance F Anhydrous organic acid
)tate F *i:uid
/ormula F C!%0
,ype of acid F Wea& acid
1roperties of acid F Dissolve in water and dissolve in methylben#ena
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
3iii5 )tate one test which can be done to confirmed the presence of gas.
L mar&sM
. Dry hydrogen chloride gas dissolved in methylben#ena produced solution 1
and dissolved in water to produce solution I.
,est 0bservation
)olution 1 )olution I
Add with
magnesium tape
.o reaction ;ffervescence
Add with blue
.o reaction Blue litmus change
to red
Ta"'e (
,able 1 show the test carried out on solution 1 and solution I.
3a5 When magnesium tape is added into solution I= a gas is produced while
solution 1 does not have any changes.

3i5 Why solution 1 does not has any reaction when react with magnesium
tape ?
L mar&sM
3ii5 .ame the gas produced.
L1 mar& M
3b5 4f solution I is add with dilute nitric acid and followed with argentum nitrate.

3i5 )tate the observation for this reaction.
L1 mar&M
3ii5 Write the ionic e:uation for this reaction.
L1 mar&M
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
3c5 '.8 cm
sodium hydroxide 8.' mol dm
react completely with 8.8 cm

solution I. Calculate the molarity of solution I.
LEelative molecule mass F I= $-.'M
L$ mar&sM
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
Section B
1 3a5 ,he chemical e:uation below represent reaction between hydrochloric acid
and calcium carbonate.
!Cl 3a:5 C CaC0$ 3a:5 D CaCl 3a:5 C C0 3g5 C !0 3ce5
3i5 Calculate the mass of calcium carbonate that is re:uired if %28 cm
of carbon
dioxide gas produce at room temperature.
L1 mol of gas occupies %dm
at room temperature=
molecule relative mass F Ca= %8G C= 1G 0= 1-M
3ii5 Calculate the volume of water that is added to 8 cm
of .8 mol dm
to produce molarity 8. mol dm
,ype of acid (olarity 3mol dm
5 p! value
!ydrochloric acid 8.' 1.8
;thanoic acid 8.' %.8

3b5 ,able above show the molarity and p! value for hydrochloric acid and
ethanoic acid. ;xplain why the p! value different between this two acid.
3c5 ?ou are re:uired to prepare anhydrus #inc sulphate salt. ,he chemicals are
given as below F
Describe how you would carry out an experiment to show the preparation
of salt. 4nclude the chemical e:uation in your explanation.
.3a5 What do you understand by the terms F
3i5 strong acid
3ii5 wea& acid
L mar&sM
3b5 Briefly describle an experiment to determine the molarity of a sample of
ethanoic acid= C!$C00! by titration method. ?ou are provided with 8.'
mol dm
sodium hydroxide solution and phenolphthalein as an indicator.
L18 mar&sM
.itric acid= #inc chloride solution= sodium carbonate solution.
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
3c5 ,he flow chart in diagram 2.1 below is to identify the cation and anion that
is present in #inc sulphate. Describle the method and observation involved.

Dia!ra) *+(
L2 mar&sM
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
Pa,er -
1. An experiment is carried out to determine the relationship between
the concentration of !
ions and the p! values for hydrochloric acid solution.
,he p! values for the six hydrochloric acid solutions with the concentrations
of 8.188 mol dm
= 8.8-8 mol dm
= 8.8%8 mol dm
= 8.8' mol dm
= 8.81'
mol dm
= 8.818 mol dm
are each measured using a p! meter. ,he
corresponding p! values and the concentrations of the hydrochloric acid
solutions are shown in .i!ure ( below.
%i!ure (
3a5 *ist the variables that are studied in this experiment.
3i5 (anipulated variable
3ii5 Eesponding variable
3iii5 /ixed variable
1.0 1.2 1.4
1.6 1.8 2.0
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
3b5 )tate the hypothesis for this experiment.
3c5 Construct a table and record the p! value= and concentration of !
ion for
the experiment above.
3d5 Based on result from the experiment in table 3c5= draw a graph of
concentration of !
ion againt p! value.
3e5 Based on the graph in 3d5= state the relationship between concentration !

ion and p! value.
3f5 4f hydrochloric acid replace with ethanoic acid= predict p! value for 8.188
mol dm
ethanoic acid.
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
3g5 ,ooth paste can prevent damage of tooth. ;xplain why ?
. A sodium hydroxide standard solution is prepared by dissolving 1.18 g of sodium
hydroxide in glass container W to produce '8 cm
of solution. 8.8 cm
of sodium
hydroxide solution is measured and put into a conical flas&. ,wo drops of
phenolphthalein are added. ,he sodium hydroxide solution is titrated with sulphuric
acid in the burette. A few titrations are carried out to ensure accurate results. ,he
initial reading and final reading in the last titration are shown in /igure 1.
%i!ure (
3a5 4n /igure 1= what is
3i5 the initial reading of the burette ? KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
3ii5 the final reading of the burette ? KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
3iii5 the volume of sulphuric acid used in the titration ? KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
L$ mar&sM
3b5 What is the meaning of a standard solution ?
L$ mar&sM
3c5 .ame the apparatus
3ii5 used to measure 8.8 cm
of sodium hydroxide solution. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases
L mar&sM
3d5 Write the chemical e:uation of the reaction between sodium hydroxide and
sulphuric acid.
L1 mar&sM
3e5 What is the change in the colour of phenolphthalein at the last stage ?
L$ mar&sM
3f5 Calculate the concentration of sodium hydroxide in mol dm
LEelative atomic mass F .a= $G 0= 1-G !=1M
L$ mar&sM
3g5 ,he average volume of sulphuric acid used in three of the titrations is .88 cm
Calculate the concentration of sulphuric acid used.
L$ mar&sM
Chapter 7 : Acids and Bases

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