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Comparative Study of Delay Tolerant Networks

Dr. P.K.Suri, Professor and Dean Lokesh Pawar, Mteh Student

Department of Computer S. ! "n#ineerin# Department of Computer S. ! "n#ineerin#
$.C.T.M, $.C.T.M,
Kaithal, $aryana %&ndia' Kaithal, $aryana %&ndia'
AbstractDTN (Delay Tolerant Networking) It is
a network which is overlaid on the top of regional
networks, which also includes the internet. Due to
lack of continuous connectivity between the nodes
there are several architectures proposed for such
an etre!e proposed for such an etre!e and
scarce environ!ents for internet. "s DTN
approaches towards delay or disruption tolerant
network environ!ent which keeps the !essage
viable in a scarce networking conditions. This
survey eplores various fields of DTN which are
being treated so as to !ake DTN viable. This
survey tells us about DTN !ultiple fields which
are under develop!ent.
Keywords ( DTN %Delay Tolerant Networkin#',
TCP)&P %Transmission Control Protool ) &nternet
Protool', CD %Certifiate *uthority', &D %&dentity',
+, %+adio ,re-ueny', *N %*ir.orne Networks'
&. &NT+/D0CT&/N
Today1s &nternet has .een very suessful at
onnetin# ommuniatin# devies round the
#lo.e. &t has .een made possi.le .y usin# a set
of protools, whih is widely known as TCP)&P
protool suite. "very devie on the innumerous
su.2networks that omprise the &nternet uses this
protool for transferrin# the data from soure to
destination with the minimal possi.le delay and
hi#h relia.ility. The underlyin# priniple on whih
TCP)&P works is .ased on end2to2end data
transfer usin# of potentially dissimilar
link2layer tehnolo#ies. $owever, there are many
re#ions where the assumptions of the internet annot
.e upheld. &f at any instant there is no path
.etween the soures to destination, then TCP)&P
fails to work properly or mi#ht even stop
workin# ompletely. 3eause of suh
irumstanes, a newer network has evolved
whih is independent end to end onnetivity
.etween nodes. This network is alled as DTN. Delay
Tolerant Networkin# is an approah to omputer
network arhiteture that aims to address the
tehnial issues in hetero#eneous networks that
e4periene lak of ontinuous network
onnetivity. DTNs ena.le data transfer when mo.ile
nodes are only intermittently onneted. Due to lak
of onsistent onnetivity, DTN routin# usually
follows store2arry2and2forward5 i.e., after
reeivin# some pakets, a node arries them
around until it ontats another node and then
forwards the pakets. Sine DTN routin# relies on
mo.ile nodes to forward pakets for eah other,
the routin# performane %e.#., the of pakets
delivered to their destinations' depends on whether
the nodes ome in ontat with eah other or not.
* Delay Tolerant Network an .e onsidered as an
overlay on the e4istin# re#ional networks. This
overlay is alled as the .undle layer. This layer
is intended to funtion a.ove the e4istin# protool
layers and provide the funtion of a #ateway
when two nodes ome in ontat with eah other.
The main advanta#e of this kind of protool is
fle4i.ility. &t an .e easily linked with the already
e4istin# TCP)&P protool networks or an .e used to
link two or more networks to#ether. The position of
the .undle layer an .e seen in the followin# fi#. 6.

,i# 67 The position of the .undle layer.
3undles are also alled as messa#es. The transfer
of data from one node to another an .e made
relia.le .y storin# and forwardin# entire .undles
.etween nodes. The .undles omprise of three thin#s,
$%ND#& #"'&(
soure node1s user2data, ontrol information %e.#.,
soure node &D, destination node &D, TTL et.', a
.undle header. 3esides 3undle transfer, ustody
transfer is also done. The ustodian node for a
.undle keeps the messa#e until it is suessfully
transferred to the ne4t node and it takes the ustody
for that messa#e or until the TTL of the messa#e
$. $%ND#& #"'&(
$undle *reation at )ource
The soure appliation invokes its .undle layer,
re-uestin# transfer of a .undle with a header as
shown in the ta.le .elow. The soure1s user data
inludes instrutions to the destination appliation for
proessin#, stora#e, disposal, and error2handlin# of
the data. This user data is not visi.le to the .undle
layers handlin# the transfer. The soure .undle layer
verifies the soure1s si#nature, reates a .undle,
appends its own si#nature after the .undle header,
and stores the result in persistent stora#e. The stora#e
is re-uired, even if an immediate forwardin#
opportunity e4ists, .eause the .undle layer has
aepted a ustody transfer and must therefore .e
prepared to retransmit the .undle if it does not
reeive aknowled#ement, within the .undle1s time2
to2aknowled#e, that the ustodian has
reeived and aepted the .undle.
Trans!ission by )ource
The soure .undle layer onsults its routin# ta.le and
finds that the ne4t hop apa.le of aeptin# ustody
transfers on a path toward the destination, and that
TCP is the proper transport protool. The soure
.undle layer also determines that it has a ontinuous
onnetion to the "arth #ateway. The .undle layer
transmits a opy of the .undle to the ne4t #ateway
via TCP, starts a time2to2aknowled#e retransmission
timer, and awaits a ustody2transfer aknowled#ment
from the #ateway.
$undle (eception by Destination
8hen the destination .undle layer reeives the
.undle via TCP, it terminates the TCP session and
heks the si#nature of the Mars2#ateway .undle
layer, usin# its stored opies of ad9aent2router
ertifiates and ertifiate2authority %C*'
keys. &t determines that the .undle has .een
forwarded .y a le#itimate soure. Then it stores the
reeived .undle in persistent stora#e, aepts ustody
of the .undle, and onfirms this .y aknowled#ement
to the senders .undle layer, whih deletes its
ustodial opy of the .undle. The destination .undle
layer awakens the destination appliation identified
.y the entity &D. Dependin# on the ontrol part of the
user data sent .y the soure, the destination
appliation may #enerate an appliation2layer
aknowled#ment in a new .undle and send it to the
*. )T+(&,*"((',"ND,-+(."(D
Delay Tolerant Networks have overome the
pro.lems assoiated with the onventional
protools in terms of lak of onnetivity,
irre#ular delays, asymmetri .idiretional data
rates et. usin# the onept of store arry and
forward. The method of store and forward is very
analo#ous to the real life postal servie. "ver y
letter has to pass throu#h a set of post offies,
where it is proessed and forwarded, .efore
reahin# the destination. $ere the omplete
messa#e or a hunk of it is transferred and
stored in nodes suessively until reahes the
destination. The followin# fi#ure %fi#. :', #ives a
rou#h #raphial representation of how a messa#e
is propa#ated throu#h a network.
,i# : 7 Store and forward approah in DTN layers
"ah node is assoiated with a persistent stora#e
devie %like hard disk', where it an store the
messa#es. &t is alled as persistent stora#e as it an
store the messa#e for indefinite amount of time
unlike short2term memory devies. The persistent
stora#e an .e useful in situations when the ne4t node
is not availa.le for a very lon# time, or when the rate
of inomin# messa#es is far hi#her than the rate of
out#oin# messa#es.
D. DTN "//#I*"TI+N)
0. &!ergency )ervices
Searh and resue operations
Disaster reovery
+eplaement of fi4ed infrastruture in ase
of environmental disasters
Poliin# and fire fi#htin#
Supportin# dotors and nurses in hospitals
1. )ensor Networks
$ome appliations7 smart sensors and
atuators em.edded in onsumer eletronis
3ody area networks %3*N'
Data trakin# of environmental onditions,
animal movements, hemial).iolo#ial
2. Terrestrial 3obile Networks
4. &otic 3edia Networks
Near "arth Satellite
;ery Lon# Distane +adio Links %Deep
Spae +,'
5. 3ilitary "d,6oc Network
&. N&&D -+( DTN
These networks are harateri<ed .y the followin#.
&t is .eause of these harateristis that &nternet
Protools fail or is rendered useless.
6'Lak of Connetivity7 &f at any moment, there
is no end2to2end path .etween soure and
destination %widely alled network partitionin#',
then end2to2end ommuniation annot take plae
usin# the TCP)&P protools suite. $ere DTN omes
very useful.
:' &rre#ular Delays7 Lon# delays an ause the
TCP)&P protool suite to funtion improperly.
Propa#ation delays .etween transmittin# nodes
ompounded with -ueuin# delay at eah node an
topple the protools whih rely lar#ely on -uik
return of aknowled#ement of a sent data. This an
.e overome usin# DTNs. =6>
?' *symmetri 3idiretional Data +ates7
Moderate asymmetries of .idiretional data rate
an .e tolerated to an e4tent in onventional
protools. 3ut if asymmetries are lar#e, they an
.e defeated easily. Networks alled as hallen#ed
networks violate the assumptions of the
onventional &nternet and hene TCP)&P protools
an1t .e used here. *s desri.ed in =6> the
e4amples of hallen#ed networks an .e "4oti
Media Networks, Terrestrial Mo.ile Networks,
Sensor2.ased Networks et.
&& S0+;"@ /N DTN
(eal .orld Deploy!ent Delay2 and Disruption2
Tolerant Networkin# %DTN' has .een a researh
topi for more than 6A years sine ;inton Cerf and
N*S* started workin# on means to e4pand &nternet2
like onnetivity to situations suh as
ommuniations with spaeraft on deep spae
missions. The lar#e round trip delays make
onventional &nternet protools suh as TCP
unusa.le. The DTN arhiteture and the 3undle
Protool suite that have .een developed to ena.le
ommuniation in hallen#ed environments, .oth in
spae and in terrestrial situations, have now reahed a
level of development and testin# where they are a.le
to .e used to support users in real2world situations.
"lwyn Davies some of the work that has
.een done to demonstrate real2world appliations of
DTN, and how DTN an .e used to support a future
&nternet where information items .eome Bfirst lass
iti<ensB, ena.lin# &nformation Centri Networkin#
%&CN'. =C>
(outing in socially selfish DTN tells us a.out the
different sheme for routin# in DTN from e4istin#
inentive .ased shemes. These new shemes
stimulate individually selfish nodes to forward for all
other nodes they followed a new philosophy of
Ddesi#n for userE=?>. They took soial selfishness as a
user demand and allow soially selfish nodes to
.ehave in the aforementioned ways to satisfy suh
demand. There are selfish nodes whih are usually
willin# to forward pakets to other nodes with whom
they have soial ties .ut not to others.They proposed
a Soial Selfishness *ware +outin# %SS*+'
al#orithm to maintain the routin# performane and to
maintain the soial selfishness. SS*+ al#orithm
onsiders two points one is the willin#ness to forward
and other is their ontat opportunity whih results in
a .etter forwardin# strate#y than purely ontat .ased
approah. SS*+ allows users to maintain selfishness
and ahieves .etter routin# performane with low
transmission ost =?>.
)ervice Discovery * novel servie disovery
protool for delay tolerant networks in whih all node
onnetions are intermittent. Most of the previously
proposed protools are .ased on the assumption that
there e4ists an end2to2end onnetion from the -uery
soure node to the destination node, the assumption
that rarely holds for mo.ile wireless networks. The
desi#n of servie disovery protools is partiularly
hallen#in# for mo.ile wireless networks .eause of
their dynami and unstrutured nature. To desri.e
servies throu#h a fi4ed si<e strin#, they used a
3loom filter that leads to effiient servie
announement and searh. There servie disovery
protool is a diretory2less method, whih uses
periodial .roadast to announe servie
advertisements =F>. To redue servie advertisement
paket si<e and memory usa#e, 3loom filter is used
to represent servies with a fi4ed si<e strin#. The
servie -uery pakets are sprayed into the network
and relayed to nei#h.or nodes that meet the
destination node providin# the desired servie
reently. They used a tehni-ue .ased on 3loom
filters =G> =6A> to desri.e servies. The spray and
wait routin# al#orithm =H> and random walk .ased
searh method =66> are om.ined to forward servie
-uery and servie data pakets in =I> =J>, history of
last meetin#s .etween nodes is used as hints to aid
the paket forwardin#, .ut we used this information
in a different way.
3ulticasting in DTN Multiast in DTNs with sin#le
and multiple data items, investi#ated the essential
differene .etween multiast and uniast in DTNs,
and formulated relay seletions for multiast as a
unified knapsak pro.lem .y e4ploitin# node
entrality and soial ommunity strutures. "4tensive
trae2driven simulations show that our approah has
similar delivery ratio and delay to the "pidemi
routin#, .ut an si#nifiantly redue the data
forwardin# ost measured .y the of relays
used =6:>. They foused on improvin# the ost2
effetiveness of multiast in DTNs .y e4ploitin# the
two key onepts in Soial Network *nalysis, i.e.,
entrality and ommunities. The .asi idea of their
approah is to develop soial2.ased metris .ased on
the pro.a.ilities of the nodes forwardin# data to their
destinations. The metris in =6:> were developed
.ased on soial network onepts inludin# entrality
and soial ommunities. They investi#ated the
essential differene .etween multiast and uniast in
DTNs, and developed relay seletion shemes
onsiderin# the forwardin# pro.a.ilities to multiple
destinations simultaneously.
3ultiregion DTN ,or multire#ion delay tolerant
networked systems many appliation senarios an
.e envisioned. ,or e4ample, let us onsider the
lassi e4ample of users wishin# to send email from a
mo.ile devie or a laptop %not onneted to any
&nternet aess point' to a user in the &nternet =6?>.
Messa#es should .e routed firstly to &nternet
#ateways and then forwarded in the usual way
throu#h the &nternet. &n other words, the routin#
proess onsists in findin# an inter2re#ion #ateway
that onnets the two re#ions. *lmost all the e4istin#
work on routin# in delay tolerant networks has
foused on the pro.lem of delivery of messa#es
inside a sin#le re#ion, harateri<ed .y the same
network infrastruture and namespae. They
introdued a proposal for inter2re#ion routin# .ased
on .oth pro.a.ilisti and deterministi forwardin#
mehanisms, em.edded in an arhitetural
framework a.le to support it. Multi2re#ion routin#
shemes an also .e onsidered of key importane
for desi#nin# systems to support healthare
initiatives. Many systems .ased on mo.ile phones for
remote healthare interventions have .een presented
in the reent years =6?>. They also introdued a
model of the pro.lem and deompose it into intra2
re#ion routin# %i.e., routin# inside a re#ion' and inter2
re#ion routin# %i.e., routin# aross re#ions'. Then
they desri.ed how to use delivery pro.a.ilities to
implement the forwardin# proess inside a re#ion and
also disussed the namin# system in N/M*D =6?>.
/ro!oting Tolerance for DTN to address some of
the omplaints a.out DTN. The authors present
su##estions of e4petations for appliations, and
metris for performane, whih su##est a more
tolerant view of researh in the area of Disruption
Tolerant Networkin#. They have already pointed out,
there was a lar#e #ap .etween the development of the
&nternet arhiteture and the first ompellin#
appliations. This does not mean, however, that we
should, or even an, i#nore the appliations in =:J>
that mi#ht .enefit from a DTN arhiteture. They
were not a.le to laim That they have predited the
killer appliations for DTNs, instead, They desri.ed
some of the aspets of DTNs that an ena.le novel
appliations. The apaity of DTN will always .e
muh hi#her than in an infrastruture network
=6C>.This artile has attempted to demonstrate that
DTNs have the potential to ena.le e4itin# new
appliations that annot .e served .y the urrent
"pplications of DTN in "N the urrent air.orne
network is omposed of multiple platforms whih
ommuniate aross numerous data links and
protools. &n the interim timeframe, /.9etive
Kateway %/K' platforms suh as the 3attlefield
*ir.orne Communiations Node %3*CN' and +apid
*ttak &nformation Dissemination "4eution +elay
%+*&D"+' may provide interim interopera.ility
solutions in the *N environment throu#h waveform
and media translation servies, however widespread
deployment has yet to .e determined =6H>. *s
*ir.orne Networks %*Ns' evolve and .eome
inreasin#ly net2entri, it is ritial that apt
onsideration is #iven to properly e4tend &nternet
Protool %&P'2.ased networkin# servies to the
tatial assets. *uthors said that this is an effort to
resolve urrent interopera.ility issues throu#h the use
of a standard protool and provide &P onnetivity
.etween all *ir.orne Network platforms. =6H>
addresses the speifi hallen#es of esta.lishin# and
maintainin# relia.le ommuniations within an &P2
.ased *N environment. &n addition, =6H> provides an
overview of DTN, and details how this tehnolo#y
may .e inte#rated into to the *N infrastruture in
order to address the urrent issues affetin# *N
Distributed *o!!unity Detection this is a
reasona.le intuition, sine people in the same
ommunity are likely to meet re#ularly and hene .e
appropriate forwarders for messa#es destined for
other mem.ers of their ommunity. Similarly, in the
area of soiolo#y, the idea of Dorrelated interationE
is that an or#anism of a #iven type is more likely to
interat with another or#anism of the same type than
with a randomly hosen of the population.
Community is an important attri.ute of Poket
Swithed Networks %PSN', .eause mo.ile devies
are arried .y people who tend to .elon# to
ommunities. They proposed and evaluated three
novel distri.uted ommunity detetion approahes
with #reat potential to detet .oth stati and temporal
ommunities. They found that with suita.le
onfi#uration of the threshold values, the distri.uted
ommunity detetion an appro4imate their
orrespondin# entrali<ed methods up to GAL
(outing for Developing regions The pro.lem of
routin# in delay tolerant networks deployed in
developin# re#ions. *lthou#h these environments
e4periene intermittent onnetivity %hene the desire
to use DTN', in many ases the topolo#y has an
underlyin# sta.ility that we an e4ploit when
desi#nin# routin# protools. 3y makin# small, yet
ritial, modifiations to lassial link state routin#,
we derive a more effetive al#orithm apa.le of
levera#in# preditions of future link uptimes =6I>.
They desri.ed a omplete and fully2implemented
protool, apa.le of .ein# deployed in the DTN
referene implementation without modifiation. 3y
usin# a simulation in =6I> inorporatin# real2world
network harateristis, authors demonstrated that
their system operates effetively when onventional
routin# and forwardin# may fail.
3odelling (edundancy $ased (outing +outin# in
delay tolerant networks is hallen#in# .eause many
well2known assumptions of traditional networks do
not hold in DTNs. ;arious routin# shemes have
.een proposed in literature whih e4ploit redundany
to improve the messa#e delivery. $owever, there
laks a systematial analyti work on modelin# the
redundany .ased routin# shemes for delay tolerant
networks. They model the messa#e deliverin#
proess in DTNs as a ontinuous time Markov
random proess with state. 8ith this
model, they have derived the pro.a.ility distri.ution
funtions of the messa#e delivery delay for different
routin# shemes, inludin# diret transmission
routin#, soure forward, and .inary forward shemes.
8e ondut simulations to validate our model and
our analyti results. &n order to ontrol the overhead
of floodin#2.ased routin# shemes, the authors of
=6J> proposed to dispath a ertain of
idential messa#e opies to a fi4ed of relay
nodes, instead of sendin# to every node in the
network. 8hen a messa#e is #enerated .y a soure
node, a D-uotaE is attahed to that messa#e, whih
represents how many idential opies of the messa#e
an .e inserted in the network.
"nycast (outing 3ased on a new DTN model, they
first analy<ed the anyast semantis for DTNs. *
novel metri named "MDD* was presented in =6G>.
8ith orrespondin# routin# al#orithm for anyast
routin# in DTN. "MDD* %"4peted Multi2
Destination Delay for *nyast' routin# sheme
effetively improved the effiieny of anyast routin#
in DTNs . *nyast is a servie that allows a node to
send a messa#e to at least one, and only
one, of the mem.ers in a #roup. The idea .ehind
anyast is that a lient wants to send pakets to any
one of several possi.le servers offerin# a partiular
servie or appliation .ut does not really are any
speifi one. *nyast an .e used to implement
resoure disovery mehanisms whih are powerful
.uildin# .loks for many distri.uted systems,
inludin# file sharin# et.
)ecurity *onsiderations &nternet2inspired seurity
work on delay tolerant networkin#, in partiular, as it
mi#ht apply to spae missions, and identifies some
hallen#es arisin#, for .oth the &nternet seurity
ommunity and for spae missions. These hallen#es
inlude the development of key mana#ement
shemes suited for spae missions as well as a
harateri<ation of the atual seurity re-uirements
applyin#. * speifi #oal of this paper is therefore to
eliit feed.ak from spae mission &T speialists in
order to #uide the development of seurity
mehanisms for delay tolerant networkin#.=:A>
/roble! of 3ulticasting The pro.lem of
multiastin# was first studied in =:6> to the .est of
our knowled#e. &t supports the distri.ution of data to
a #roup of users a servie needed for many DTN
appliations =:6>. Multiastin# in DTN is a different and hallen#in# pro.lem =:6>.
&n =:6> there are several multiast routin# al#orithms
developed with different routin# strate#ies.
Multiastin# is a hallen#in# task in DTN .eause
there is no end2to2end path .etween some or all
nodes.The DTN network have a variety of
appliations in situations that inlude i'.risis
environments like emer#eny response and military
.attlefields, deep2spae ommuniation, vehiular
ommuniation and non2interative &nternet aess in
rural areas =:6>. Multiastin# in the &nternet and
Manet has .een studied e4tensively in the past =:6>.
Three multiast semanti models were developed
whih allows users to impliitly speify the temporal
onstraints on #roup mem.ership and messa#e
delivery .,our lasses of routin# al#orithms for DTNs
with different routin# strate#ies has .een developed
in =?F> and how routin# performanes in effeted .y
the availa.ility of knowled#e.
/ractical (outing DTN have the potential to onnet
devies in hallen#ed environments .y the urrent
networks. There are several hallen#es for DTN suh
as determinin# routes throu#h the network ever
havin# an end2to2end ommuniation =::>. The
approahes prior to this have .een foused on
epidemi messa#e repliation or on the knowled#e of
the onnetivity shedule =::>. "pidemi routin#
approah of repliation of messa#es is e4pensive and
it doesn1t appear to sale well with inreasin# load. *
metri has .een desi#ned that estimates how lon# a
messa#e will have to wait .efore it an .e transferred
to ne4t hop =::>. &n =::> the topolo#y is distri.uted
.y usin# link2state routin# protool and the link2state
pakets are DfloodedE usin# epidemi routin#. The
link2state routin# has .een implemented here .eause
it provides the omplete topolo#y at eah node. *
framework for evaluatin# DTN routin# al#orithms
has .een provided in =:?>.The al#orithms whih do
well in these environments are mentioned in =:?>.
The per2ontat term learly shows a win situation
for DTN whereas soure and per2hop routin# drop
the messa#e. The routin# ta.les are reomputed every
time a onnetion is made =:?>.
(outing in DTN in a DTN, an end2to2end path may
.e unavaila.le at all times routin# is performed over
time to ahieve eventual delivery .y employin# lon#2
term stora#e at the intermediate nodes =:?>.The
formulation and motivation of DTN routin# pro.lem
when the onnetivity patterns are known then
provide a framework for evaluatin# various routin#
al#orithm =:?>. DTN routin# appears to .e a rih and
hallen#in# pro.lem. &t re-uires tehni-ues to selet
paths shedule transmissions, estimate delivery
performane and mana#e .uffers. &n those situations
where resoures are limited %ontat opportunities,
.andwidth or stora#e' smarter al#orithms may
provide a si#nifiant .enefit.
DTN "rchitecture There were several pro.lems
assoiated with M*N"T. To resolve these pro.lems
an arhiteture in =:C> has .een developed to ahieve
more interopera.ility .etween e4treme environments
lakin# ontinuous onnetivity. Many of suh
networks have their own speiali<ed protools and do
not utili<e &P. The DTN arhiteture aims to provide
interopera.le ommuniations .etween a wide ran#e
of networks whih may have e4eptionally poor and
disparate performane harateristis.
&&&. Conlusion
8hen there is a lak of onnetivity or intermittent
onnetivity DTN supports in these environments.
DTN supports lon# and varia.le delays. &t uses a
store2arry and forward approah whih onsists of
arryin# a messa#e on the node until the nodes #ets
onneted to the other node desired. 8e have
disussed papers related to arhiteture, Multiastin#,
*nyastin#, Seurity, +outin# in DTN.
6. ,.8arthman. Delay Tolerant Networks ( *
Tutorial. :AA?. =:> ;. Cerf, S. 3urlei#h, *.
$ooke, L. Tor#erson, +. Durst, K. Sott, K. ,all,
$. 8eiss,Delay2Tolerant Network *rhiteture,
DTN +esearh Kroup &nt ernet Draft, :AA?.
:. ;. Cerf, S. 3urlei#h, *. $ooke, L. Tor#erson, +.
Durst, K. Sott, K.,all, $. 8eiss, Delay
Tolerant Network *rhiteture, DTN +esearh
Kroup &nternet Draft, Draft :, Marh :AA?.
?. > M. Li, S. Nhu, K. Cao. +outin# in Soially
Selfish Delay Tolerant Networks. &n proeedin#s
of &""" &nfoom, :A6A.
C. "lwyn Davies. Delay2Tolerant Networkin#7
Movin# Towards +eal28orld Deployment.
Presented at &nformation Soiety :A66,L9u.l9ana.
H. Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos, Konstant inos
Psounis, and Cauli#i S. +a#havendra. Spray and
wait7 *n effiient routin# sheme for
intermittently onneted mo.ile net works. &n
8DTN :AAH7 Proeedin# of the :AAH *CM
S&KC/MM workshop on Delay2tolerant
networkin#, :AAH.
F. Ni9ian 8an#, "yuphan 3ulut, and 3oleslaw K.
S<ymanski. DServie Disovery for Delay
Tolerant Networks,E *ppears in KL/3"C/M
8orkshops %KC 8kshps', :A6A &""".
I. *. Lind#ren, *. Doria, and /. Shelen, Pro.a.i
listi routin# in intermittently onneted
networks, Mo.i$o1 A?,Oune 62
?,:AA?,*nnapolis, Maryland,0S*.
J. 3. Chen, C. Choon, Mo.iCent7 a redit2.ased
inentive system for disruption tolerant network,
&n Pro. &""" &N,/C/M, :A6A. S. Nhon#, O.
Chen, @.+. @an#. Sprite7 a simple, heat2proof,
redit2.ased system f or mo.ile ad2ho networks,
&n Pro. &""" &N,/C/M, :AA?.
G. &. Sheriff, P. *. K. *harya, *. Sampath, 3.@.
Nhao and ". M.3eldin#, D&nte#rated data
loation in multihop wireless networks,E
Proeedin#s of the seond &nternational
Conferene on Communiation Systems
Software and Middleware, pp. 626A, :AAI
6A. L. ,an, P. Cao, O. *lmeida, and *. 3roder,
DSummary ahe7 * sala.le wide2area 8e.
ahe sharin# protool,E in Pro. of *CM
S&KC/MM Conf., Sept. 6GGJ, pp. :HC(:FH.
66. *. N. Mian, +. 3eraldi and +. 3aldoni,
D&dentifyin# open pro.lems in random walk
.ased servie disovery in mo.ile ad ho
networks,E Proeedin#s of the Fth &nternational
8orkshop on &nnovative &nternet Community
Systems, :AAF.
6:. 8ei Kao, Min#hua Li, 3o Nhao and Kuohon#
Cao. DMultiastin# in Delay Tolerant Networks7
* Soial Network Perspetive,E
Mo.i$o1AG,May 6J2:6,:AAG, New /rleans,
6?. Miro Musolesi ,Ceilia Masolo D* ,ramework
for Multire#ion Delay Tolerant Networkin#,E
8iNS2D+1AJ, 6G,:AAJ,San
6C. Kross#lauser, M., and Tse, D. N. C. Mo.ility
inreases the apaity of ad ho wireless
networks. &""")*CM Transations on
Networkin# 6A, C %*u#. :AA:', CII(CJF.
6H. Thomas Oonson, Oonah Pe<eshki, ;itor Chao,
Kristofer Smith, Oames ,a<io 3oo< *llen
$amilton $erndon, ;*. *ppliation of Delay
Tolerant Networkin# %dtn' in *ir.orne Networks
Military Communiations Conferene, :AAJ.
M&LC/M :AAJ. &""".
6F. Pan $ui, "iko @oneki, Shu2@an Chan, Oon
Crowroft. Distri.uted Community Detetion in
Delay Tolerant Networks. Mo.i*rh1AI, *u#ust
:I(?6, :AAI, Kyoto, Oapan.
6I. Mihael Demmer, Kevin ,all. DTLS+7 Delay
Tolerant +outin# for Developin# +e#ions.
NSD+1AI, *u#ust :I, :AAI, Kyoto, Oapan.
6J. @on# Liao, Kun Tan , Nhenshen# Nhan#, Li4in
Kao. Modelin# +edundany2.ased +outin# in
Delay Tolerant Networks. Consumer
Communiations and Networkin# Conferene,
:AAI. CCNC :AAI. Cth &""".
6G. @ili Kon#P, @on#-ian# Qion#, Mian Nhan#,
Nhenshen# Nhan#, 8en9ie 8an#, Nhiwei Qu.
*nyast +outin# in Delay Tolerant Networks.
Mirosoft +esearh Teh+eport Num.er7MS+2
:A. Stephen ,arrell, ;inny Cahill. Seurity
Considerations in Spae and Delay Tolerant
Networks. :nd &""" &nternational Conferene on
Spae Mission Challen#es for &nformation
Tehnolo#y %SMC2&TBAF'.
:6. 8enrui Nhao, Mostafa *mmar and "llen Ne#ura.
Multiastin# in Delay Tolerant Networks7
Semanti Models and +outin# *l#orithms.
S&KC/MMBAH 8orkshops, *u#ust ::(:F, :AAH,
Philadelphia, P*, 0S*.
::. "van P. C. Oones Lily Li and Paul *. S. 8ard.
Pratial +outin# in Delay2Tolerant Networks.
S&KC/MM1AH 8orkshops, *u#ust ::(:F,
:AAH, Philadelphia, P*, 0S*.
:?. Sushant Oain Kevin ,all and Patra.
+outin# in a Delay Tolerant Network.
S&KC/MM1AC, *u#. ?A(Sept. ?, :AAC, Portland,
/re#on, 0S*.
:C. Kevin ,all. * Delay2Tolerant Network
*rhiteture for Challen#ed &nternets.
S&KC/MM1A?, *u#ust :H2:G, :AA?, Karlsruhe,

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