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Brazil and

The World Cup

Price List
Year 1s will be learning all about the World
Cup and Brazil including, the history of
football and plants and animals that grow and
live in Brazil.
Did you know that Brazil is the only country
outside of Portugal that speaks Portuguese?
Did you know that Brazil has the greatest
biological diversity in the world?
Year 1

By the end of year 1 most children should be able to:
Writing Targets:

Write letters that have ascenders, (h, l, b, d) descenders (p, g, q, y) and
sit on the line (a, c, e)

Use connectives in their writing to join sentences e.g. (and, so, but)

Use punctuation in their sentences (e.g. capital letters, full stop,
question mark, exclamation mark) and use finger spaces

Use interesting vocabulary (feelings), adjectives (describing words) and
verbs (doing words)

Say a sentence out loud before writing it down

Read back what they have written and ensure it makes sense

Reading Targets:
Segment and blend sounds to read unfamiliar words and nonsense
words (e.g. sh-e-d, shed, v-oi-s-k, voisk)
Read and spell tricky words (e.g. the, said, my)

Read and spell the days of the week

Read a variety of texts including newspapers, stories, comics, recipes,

Answer literal questions (e.g. What colour was the hat?)

Answer predictive questions (e.g. What might happen next?)

Answer inference questions (e.g. Why was Bob grumpy?)

Reading and re-reading books helps children
to build up their fluency and confidence,
National Curriculum 2014

Research Project
Look on the internet and find out about Brazil or the World Cup. Help your
child to write down 10 facts that they find. Some useful websites can be
found on the back of this booklet. You could always visit the library and
use their computers if you do not have one at home.

Make a Poster
Help your child to make a poster to advertise
their favourite sport or sports team. Talk about
the need for the writing to be big and bright to
catch peoples eyes. Look for posters or adverts
on billboards when you are out and about. What
are they telling us or what do they want us to

Acrostic Poem
Write a poem about football using the letters in the word football as the
start of each sentence. Talk to your child about what they already know
about the sport to get some ideas before you start. E.g.
Football is my favourite sport,
Our family watch it all the time.
Other people just dont like it,
They dont understand the excitement as the,
Ball goes into the goal
Loudly we shout!
Lets all love football.

Help your child to learn their poem
off by heart and perform it to their family.

By the end of Year 1, most children should be able to
Count forwards and backwards in ones to 100 and read and write
numbers to 100 in numerals

Count in multiples of twos, fives and tens

Say the number that is 1 more or 1 less from any number

Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including
zero, using the signs +, -, =

Solve one-step problems that involve repeated addition
(multiplication) and repeated subtraction (division) using objects
and pictures

Know all pairs of numbers making 10 and 20

Recognise and name halves and quarters of objects, shapes and

Compare, describe and solve practical problems for: lengths and
heights, mass and weight, capacity and volume

Know the value of different coins and notes

Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands
on a clock face to show these times

Identify and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes

Describe position, direction and movement, including whole, half,
quarter and three-quarter turns

Some targets are harder than they seem, e.g. children who can count up to
20 may still have trouble saying which number comes after 12. They may
have to start at 1 and count from there.

Research Project
Research and find out what your familys favourite sport is. Ask every member the
same question and help your child to make a tally chart to show how many people
like each sport.
Use the data you have collected to make a block graph
to show the same information in a different way.

Ask your child questions
about their graph. Talk about
what the data shows.

E.g. What is the most popular
sport? How do you know?
Which is the least popular?
How many more people like
football than rugby?

Telling the Time
Look at the hands on a clock, and talk to your child about
oclock times and half past times. Look at where the hands
are on the clock. Try to use the correct words for the hour
hand (the short one) and the minute hand (the long one).
Talk about how the hour hand moves to the next number
after the minute hand has gone all the way around the clock
once. Ask your child questions which make them think
about 1 hour later and 1 hour earlier.

E.g. I woke up at 8 oclock and came to school 1 hour later. What time did I come
to school?
I was playing football at half past 5 and an hour earlier I was eating my tea. What
time did I have my tea?

Time Yourself Challenge
You will need a stopwatch (most smartphones have this function in the clock
settings) or a timer of some kind e.g. a kitchen timer or a sand filled egg timer, or
watch the hands on a real clock.
Time your child doing different activities, see how many times they
can do an activity in a minute. E.g. How many times can they jump
in 1 minute? How many times can they run down the garden and
back in 1 minute? How many times can they write their name in
1 minute?
Encourage your child to challenge other members in the family,
who can do the most?
Favourite Sport
Block graph of Favourite Sports

The World Cup is being held in Brazil. There are lots
of different animals that live in the rainforest in
Brazil. Can you use the library, books or the internet
to find out which animals live there? Can you write
down some facts for each animal?
Outdoor Learning
Play your favourite sports outdoors with
your friends. Think about the rules you
need to play it. It takes a long time and lots
of practice to be a professional sports
person. You will need to practice lots to get
good at your favourite sport too.
Can you think up a new sport? Think about
the rules you will need to play your sport.
What will you call it? How many players do
you need? What equipment do you need?
Art and Design
Design and draw a sports kit for your team
to wear when they play your made up new
sport. What colours will each team play in?
What will their logo be? Who is their
sponsor? Ask your mum or dad if they can
help you paint or draw your design onto an
old plain t-shirt. Please ask first!

Music and Movement
Listen to Samba and Latin music. How does it make
you feel? What do you want to move like when you
listen to it? Make up your own dance routine to this
music and perform it to your family.
Look at the clothes the dancers wear, how do they
move with the music? You could always design your
own dance costume on paper.
Find out where the world cup football teams
come from. Look for the countries on a world

Can you find out what each countrys flag
looks like and what language they speak

See the back page of the book for a world
map and links to helpful websites. Dont
forget you can always use the library too.
Sports day
Over the summer holidays meet with your friends and
design your own sports day event. Decide which events to
have e.g. running races, jumping races, skipping races,
football match. Make medals and trophies to give to the
winners. Make healthy snacks and drinks as
refreshments. Invite your family to be the spectators.

Brazil is world famous for its flamboyant and colourful
carnivals. Year 1 will be holding an interclass competition to
make the best class carnival. It will be judged by Mrs Orton
please help your child to make either a carnival float or a
costume to fit a doll to a add to a class carnival parade.
Please help to make your class carnival amazing!

Collect lots of junk and shiny materials e.g. empty crisp
packets, cereal boxes, kitchen roll tubes, fabric off cuts. Have a look at
carnival floats and costumes on the internet (see the website link below).
Design and make a carnival float or carnival costume. Bring your float or
costume into school to show and talk about.
The deadline for all entries is Monday 9

Free games and links for computers
Find out facts about Brazil including animals, food, sports and people.

Childrens encyclopaedia

Make your own mixed up animals game

Make a mixed up animal/human character game
Play a jungle game and create a jungle online

Find out information about carnivals in Brazil

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