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Lxam and aper rep
Mlll-kanL Conunued
MldLerm Lxam: March 4
8y lebruary 27 you are requlred Lo provlde:
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MldLerm Lxam
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Sample Muluple Cholce Cuesuon
E:'9 @9:$9 )* '90 *)..)@:&/ @)2.F G%&' %/(00H
l. Papplness and love are Lhe key Lo eLhlcs.
ll. ersons have lnherenL dlgnlLy
lll. lf someLhlng ls a genulne duLy, we should be able Lo lmaglne LhaL lL
be a duLy for everyone
lv. We musL walL and see whaL happens ln Lhe fuLure before we can
[udge wheLher an acuon ls good or bad

A. l and ll
8. ll and lll
C. lll and lv
u. l and lll
L. ll and lv
ShorL Answer Cuesuons
I))F ,9)(' %&,@0(, wlll be 3-4 senLences
long and wlll demonsLraLe undersLandlng of
course maLerlal.

Sample ShorL Answer quesuon:
Lxplaln whaL kanL would say abouL slavery.
Lxplaln argumenLs for and agalnsL Lhe dlvlne
command Lheory of eLhlcs.
Lssay Cuesuon
uefend a normauve Lheory of eLhlcs. Argue LhaL Lhls Lheory ls
superlor Lo rlval normauve Lheorles. Show how Lhls Lheory would
apply Lo aL leasL Lwo examples. Show how Lhls Lheory deals wlLh
meLaeLhlcal problems such as relauvlsm, psychologlcal egolsm, Lhe
naLurallsuc fallacy, and Lhe challenge of developlng a global eLhlc.

Cood essays wlll be aL leasL ve paragraphs long and wlll demonsLraLe
undersLandlng of course maLerlal.

I(%F:&/ 8(:'0(:% *)( '90 0,,%B
Pave you answered each parL of Lhe quesuon?
Pave you demonsLraLed masLery of course maLerlal?
Pave you demonsLraLed phllosophlcal and crlucal Lhlnklng skllls ln
your wrlung?
J@) K%(' ?,,:/&+0&'
3: ulalogue 8eporL: uue Aprll 22
23: 1erm aper: uue May 6
<L%'0 7%70(, wlll be marked down by one
leuer grade per day laLe.)
Mlll and kanL Conunued
1he 1uskegee Syphllls LxperlmenL
CD M0%(, )* ,B79:.:,
E:'9)2' 70&:$:..:&
CND +0&

nuremburg SLandard
volunLary ConsenL of Lhe Puman Sub[ecL ls
!"#$%&'(%) (##(+,!%
rlnclples of 8lomedlcal LLhlcs

!usuce (falrness)
uo no harm (-./0&0 +$+ +$1(.()
lnformed (and uncoerced) ConsenL:
ueonLologlcal Concerns
WhaL ls your duLy?
WhaL ls your mouve/lnLenuon?
WhaL are Lhe baslc prlnclples?
kanuan: ueonLology
Can your lnLenuon be unlversallzed?
ls your acuon respecuul of persons?
Are you mouvaLed by duLy (and noL
egolsm, happlness, eLc.)?
kanuan ueonLology
noL Consequences
Consequences are beyond my conLrol
l can lnLend evll and fall or lnLend good and fall
Cnly pralse/blame for whaL we can conLrol
Cnly our mouve ls ln our conLrol

1he only Lhlng LhaL ls good ls a /))F @:..
OPJ based on lncllnauon or ego
SLolclsm: LplcLeLus
As Zeus has ordalned, so
acL: lf you do noL acL so,
you wlll feel Lhe penalLy,
you wlll be punlshed. WhaL
wlll be Lhe punlshmenL?
noLhlng else Lhan noL
havlng done your duLy: you
wlll lose Lhe characLer of
dellLy, modesLy, proprleLy.
uo noL look for greaLer
penalues Lhan Lhese." LplcLeLus
d. 133 CL
SLolclsm: Marcus Aurellus
lL ls Lhy duLy Lo order Lhy llfe
well ln every slngle acL, and lf
every acL does lLs duLy, as far as
ls posslble, be conLenL, and no
one ls able Lo hlnder Lhee so LhaL
each acL shall noL do lLs duLy"

lL ls Lhy buslness Lo do Lhy duLy
llke a soldler ln Lhe assaulL on a
Lown." Marcus Aurellus
121-180 CL
uuues and Mouves?
Lx. Shopkeeper who charges
a falr prlce Lo all cusLomers

rudence of good buslness =
noL morally pralseworLhy
SympaLhy for cusLomers =
sull Loo arblLrary

5)(%. = because of moral
bellef LhaL falr prlces are rlghL
AcL ouL of duLy (morallLy oughL Lo be
Lhe mouve)
PypoLheucal lmperauves
maxlms for obLalnlng ends (means Lo
and end)
Many of Lhem
Apply ln dlverse conLexLs (dependlng
upon Lhe ends)
CaLegorlcal lmperauve
Moral obllgauon LhaL applles ln all cases
lmmanuel kanL
CaLegorlcal lmperauve
1. AcL only on LhaL maxlm LhaL
you can wlll as a unlversal
2. Always LreaL humanlLy,
wheLher ln your own person or
LhaL of anoLher, never slmply as a
means buL always aL
Lhe same ume as an end.
lmmanuel kanL
CaLegorlcal lmperauve
8eyond Lhe Colden 8ule
Colden 8ule ls abouL whaL you
or l llke/wanL
8uL caLegorlcal lmperauve ls
unlversal and beyond wanLs or

lmmanuel kanL
uLoplan hope for a klngdom
of Lnds
AuLonomous belngs
Lach ls Lhe auLhor and sub[ecL
of Lhe law Lhey glve

lmmanuel kanL
Lvaluaung kanL
Moral obllgauon ls real and sLrlcLly blndlng
no excepuons
Pard Lo sorL ouL Lhe moral from non-moral
C.l. only creaLes negauve duues (noL posluve
unlversallLy ln kanL ls noL abouL consequences-
buL abouL conLradlcuons
noL easy Lo deLermlne whaL ls respecL" and
Lvaluaung kanL
uuLy ls very sLrlcL ln kanL
Papplness ls a slgn of lmmorallLy?
LquallLy of persons
all deserve equal respecL = lmparuallLy
8auonal belngs are Lhe focus
ls Lhls Loo male or human cenLered?)
1ruLh Lelllng and Lhe klller aL Lhe door WhaL Would kanL or Mlll Say?
Sexual MorallLy
unlshmenL and Lhe ueaLh enalLy
8loLechnology and 8loenglneerlng
vlolence and War
Clobal LLhlcs/Cloballzauon

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