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EDS 351 Marcia Sewall

Michelle Thinh

Scaffolded Lesson Plan
Cell organelles
Content Area & Course: Science Life Science
Grade Level & Student Population: Grade 7; 30 students with approximately 33% (! "n#lish
Learners; "L$ proficiency le%els consist of & student at early "mer#in#' &0% (3! at early to exit
"xpandin#' and &7% ((! at early )rid#in#* +ne student does not ha%e his corpus callosum' which
are the main ner%es that communicate information ,etween the left and ri#ht hemisphere of the
,rain* -nother student suffers from a sei.ure disorder* /his is a mainstream content class with 03
% (7! G-/" students*
Unit of Study: 1ell +r#anelles* /he lesson plan should encompass approximately 23( class
Objective and Purpose: Students will ,e a,le to differentiate ,etween the %arious or#anelles in
a cell* /hey will also ,e a,le to identify and explain the function of each or#anelle*
their understandin# in a 4uic5write will ,e e%idence of the o,6ecti%e ,ein# met* 7n addition'
students will demonstrate their understandin# ,y creatin# a poster* /hey will ma5e a poster
comparin# somethin# from their own li%es to the different cell or#anelles*
Language Considerations: /his topic presents new %oca,ulary words and concepts that all
students may ha%e ne%er heard ,efore* 8or "n#lish learners and those who stru##le with science
it will ,e important to expose them to the %oca,ulary words in multiple ways* Students will first
see the names of the cell or#anelles in the 9oca,ulary Self37n%entory and +pen :ord;<icture
Sort* /he +pen :ord;<icture Sort and the 1losed :ord;<icture Sort accommodates all types of
learners' whether they are %isual' auditory' or 5inesthetic learners* 7n addition' many of the
acti%ities in this lesson plan are done colla,orati%ely in small #roups and pairs to #i%e students
ample opportunities to ,ecome familiar and en#a#e with the new %oca,ulary*
8or students that ha%e a difficult time readin#' ad6ustments may ,e made in the lesson for when
they are readin# the descriptions of the or#anelles online* 7n the 6i#saw expert #roups' the teacher
may ha%e one student read the descriptions out loud to their #roup or pro%ide students with a
pro#ram on their computer that reads the passa#es to the student* 8or those who stru##le to ta5e
notes on the readin#' 6i#saw pro%ides time for students to colla,orati%ely come up with the most
important information ,efore ha%in# to share that information with their home #roups* <ro%idin#
sentence frames for the 4uic5write may ,e needed dependin# on what writin# needs are present
in the classroom*
Students may face challen#es with lan#ua#e when wor5in# on the 1ell +r#anelle Group <oster*
<rior to wor5in# on the poster' it will ,e important to address misunderstandin# durin# class
discussions and when students are in their small #roups so that they are prepared to apply their
5nowled#e a,out cell or#anelles to somethin# from their li%es* -lso' it will ,e important to ha%e
EDS 351 Marcia Sewall
Michelle Thinh
a student in each #roup that has a #ood understandin# of the function of the or#anelles* /he
colla,orati%e and cooperati%e nature of this acti%ity #i%es "n#lish Learners the extra support they
may need to accomplish this tas5*
California Science Content Standards:
7.1.c: Students 5now the nucleus is the repository for #enetic information in plant and animal
7.1.d: Students 5now that mitochondria li,erate ener#y for the wor5 that cells do and that
chloroplasts capture sunli#ht ener#y for photosynthesis*
7.5.a: Students 5now plants and animals ha%e le%els of or#ani.ation for structure and function'
includin# cells' tissues' or#ans' or#an systems' and the whole or#anism*
Grade L! Standards :
1.A.1: "xchan#in# information and ideas with others throu#h oral colla,orati%e discussions on a
ran#e of social and academic topics*
1.B.6: =eadin# closely literary and informational texts and %iewin# multimedia to determine how
meanin# is con%eyed explicitly and implicitly throu#h lan#ua#e*
1.C.12: Selectin# and applyin# %aried and precise %oca,ulary and other lan#ua#e resources to
effecti%ely con%ey ideas*
'uic()rite (EDS 376!: Students indi%idually write freely and nonstop a,out a prompt*
/hey will write a,out the different 6o,s a%aila,le in a restaurant and what the roles are of
each employee* >ay choose a local restaurant that the teacher 5nows most students ha%e
seen or #one to* /ime allotted to writin# will depend on the needs of the students in each
Creative "an(ing (EDS 351!: /he teacher will need to create &0 statements re#ardin#
different roles;6o,s that exist within a theme (specified place' mo%ie' or etc!* )e creati%e*
8or example the teacher can ma5e the theme a city' taco shop' ?o#warts' or ?un#er
Games* /he &0 roles;6o,s must ,e analo#ous to the %arious cell or#anelles* Students will
indi%idually ran5 the roles ,ased on importance* &0 ,ein# the least important role to
contri,ute to the theme@s function and & ,ein# the most important role to contri,ute to the
theme@s function* 7n #roups of 332' ha%e students share and 6ustify their ran5in#s with one
another and then hold a class discussion on why students chose a specific role as most
important or least important*
*+,+L Chart (EDS 376!: Group students in 033 and #i%e them time to discuss;fill in a
A3:3L chart* /ime may %ary dependin# on the class and need of students* 7n the first
column students write what they 5now a,out cell or#anelles and in the second column
they write what they want to 5now a,out the topic* Sample a few #roups and write down
their responses on a class A3:3L chart in order to #au#e what prior 5nowled#e students
ha%e and what they are curious a,out* -fter the lesson is complete ha%e students re%isit
the A3:3L chart and write what they learned* Gi%e students time to assess their learnin#
EDS 351 Marcia Sewall
Michelle Thinh
,y thin5in# a,out what 5nowled#e was confirmed' corrected' or #ained*
-ocabulary Self+$nventory (EDS 376!: 7ndi%idually ha%e students fill in how familiar
they are with &0 %oca,ulary words* )e sure to include the terms ribosome, mitochondria,
lysosome, cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticlm, !ol!i apparats, plasma membrane, and
ncles. )e sure to also include a few words students 5now for sure* Students write BCD
for %oca,ulary they 5now well enou#h to descri,e' BED for %oca,ulary they heard ,ut
can@t descri,e' and B0D for %oca,ulary they ne%er heard* -fterwards ha%e students share
their results in pairs;a small #roup and then ,y participatin# in a whole class poll*
Open ,ord.Picture Sort (EDS 376 " EDS 375!: Group students in 332* Gi%e each
#roup an en%elope containin# small pieces of paper with each or#anelle@s name' pictures
of the or#anelles' and descriptions of or#anelle functions* -llow students to freely create
cate#ories to #roup the pieces of paper into* Students must ha%e a reason for each slip of
paper ,elon#in# to a specific cate#ory* $ependin# on time' as a whole class sample what
cate#ories students created and what word(s!' picture(s!' or phrase(s! they placed in each
Advanced Organi/er & 0igsa) (EDS 376 " EDS 12#A!: 1reate home #roups with 2
students* "ach student will indi%idually ,e assi#ned two cell or#anelles to ,ecome an
expert on* "xpert #roup si.e depends on the si.e of the classroom* /he teacher should try
to or#ani.e expert #roups to only ha%e 33( students* 7n their expert #roups' students will
indi%idually read online
a,out their assi#ned cell or#anelles* +n an ad%anced
students ta5e notes on their or#anelles function as well as draw a picture of the pro%ided
analo#y* <ro%ide time for students to discuss their findin#s with their expert #roup and
come to a consensus a,out what they will share in their home #roups* 1omin# ,ac5
to#ether with the home #roup' students will ta5e turns teachin# one another a,out their
assi#ned or#anelles* /he students who are not teachin# can continue ta5in# notes on their
ad%anced a,out the or#anelles they did not read a,out*
Closed ,ord.Picture Sort (EDS 376 " EDS 375!: Group students in 332* Gi%e each
#roup the same en%elope sorted in the +pen :ord;<icture Sort durin# the preparation
portion of the lesson* Students will discuss F place each word' picture' or phrase into one
of the three cate#ories: name' picture' F function* /he picture and function must ,e
ali#ned with the or#anelle@s name* -s a whole class' the teacher should sample %arious
#roups for which picture(s!' or phrase(s! #roups matched with each cell or#anelle name*
http:;;www*no,elpri.e*or#;educational;medicine;cell;#ame; -fter #oin# throu#h the cartoon
strip with <rofessor >e#acell students will reach a control panel* 1lic5 the lin5 B-,out the
or#anelleD* =oll the mouse o%er each of the or#anelles for information*
EDS 351 Marcia Sewall
Michelle Thinh
Cell Organelle Group Poster (adapted by $iss Sibley
!: Groups of 2* Students
colla,orati%ely ,rainstorm and come to a consensus on a theme they can ma5e analo#ous
to the cell* :ithin the theme students must compare different structures' functions' and;or
people to each of the cell or#anelles* "ncoura#e students to ,e creati%e* Some examples
are the people and structures in a city' taco shop' :almart' and ?un#er Games* Students
are assi#ned to create a poster of their theme' includin# each structure and;or person that
they are comparin# to the different cell or#anelles* >ust include drawin#s* -ssi#n each
student a different colored mar5er and two different cell or#anelles than the ones they
too5 notes on* Somewhere on their poster' each student must write a description of how
the structures and;or people are similar to a cell or#anelle* Students may use their
-d%anced to help them* <eers in the #roup may help one another come up with
what to write down ,ut the written description on the poster must ,e done ,y the assi#ned
student* 7f there is time' ha%e each #roup present their posters to the class*
'uic()rite (EDS 375!: Students indi%idually write freely and nonstop a,out a prompt*
/hey will write a,out the functions of the different or#anelles in a cell* -fter se%eral
minutes tell students to stop writin#* 7nstruct students to start writin# a#ain' ,ut this time
they must restate what they pre%iously wrote* =epeat & or 0 more times* "ach se#ment of
time allotted to write will depend on the needs of the students in each classroom*
ELD Standards-Appropriate Activities Chart
by Proficiency Level
Quickwrite (x) x x x
Creative Ranking x x x x x
K-W-L Chart x x x x
Vocabulary Self-nventory x x x x x
!"en Wor#$%icture Sort x x x x
&#vance# !rgani'er ( )ig*aw x x x x
Clo*e# Wor#$%icture Sort x x x x
Cell !rganelle +rou" %ro,ect x x x x x
Quickwrite (x) x x x

#rade )iolo#y teacher*

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