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Oracle Apps Key Modules Technical Details

Inventory Module!2/!/oracle"inventory"tables"#ith"$l$/2!%/!2/oracle"apps"inventory"$l
*urchasing Module$$/base"tables"&or"purchase"order"po"in"oracle"apps/
Order Manage$ent
A* Module
A/ Module!%/!/oracle"r!2"apps"$l
01 Tables
2o$e I$portant 3ycle in Oracle Apps
O2c 4Order To 3ash cycle5
*2* 3ycle
Interview Question
What is item status? Name the related table
Ans:-I6786TO/9:IT8M:2TAT;2:3OD8 is the 3olu$ in table MT1:IT8M:2TAT;2 #ill tell
you the di&&erent status &or ite$ #hile you de&ining the ite$ in ite$ $aster &or$ 4I67IDITM5. 9ou
can have di&&erent status as sho#n in belo#< also u can de&ine your o#n custo$ status in status code
&or$ in ite$ setups 4I672DOI25
In which table subinventory related information for item is stored?
What are the prerequisite set ups for inter organiation transaction?
De&ine an inventory ite$ that is co$$on to both organi>ations.
De&ine at least t#o organi>ations< one o& #hich is valid to receive $aterial &ro$ the other.
De&ining Organi>ation *ara$eters.2et up inter?organi>ation relationships and their corresponding
De&ining Inter?Organi>ation 2hipping 6et#or)s. @or direct trans&ers< i& the ite$ to trans&er is under
serial nu$ber control< the ite$ $ust have the sa$e unit o& $easure in each organi>ation.
Where to define inter-organiation transaction charges and what are the different options?
Depending on the inter?organi>ation trans&er charge that applies bet#een the organi>ations< a
percentage o& the transaction value or a discrete a$ount that Oracle Inventory uses to co$pute trans&er
What are stoc" locators and how to define them?
2toc) locators are an optional entity that $ay be used to represent physical locations #ithin a
subinventory .MT1:IT8M:1O3ATIO62 is the $ain base table &or this locators.
Name the tables where the stoc" locator information is stored#
What is the prerequisite for defining unit of measure?
In which tables the transaction details stored? At least two#
What are centralied and decentralied level of control of item attributes?
Name all status attributes#
$ifferentiate between intra % inter uom class conversion with e&amples.
Is uom maintained at master level or organiation level or both?
'ention the interface tables for item open interface and open transaction interface and also
their respective production tables#
Name at least five reports in oracle inventory related to transaction ?
What are the prerequisite for costing transactions?
Which is the table for storing organiation information?
(ow to get the on hand quantity of an item across all organiations? Name the underlying
What is the purpose of standard cost update?
'ention the navigational steps for A)* analysis-
What is an item?
An ite$ is a part or services #here you can *urchase< 2ell< *lan< Manu&acture< 2toc)< Distribute and
*rototype.Ite$s can also be containers &or ite$s as #ell as co$ponents you build into other ite$s.
+&plain Item 'aster ,rganiation?
An ite$ $aster organi>ation is a logical entity #here you de&ine the ite$. A&ter you de&ine an ite$ in
the ite$ $aster< you can assign it to any nu$ber o& other organi>ations.
$efine Inventory ,rganiation?
It is a &acility #hich #ill enable you to store and transact the ite$s. It can be a $anu&acturing unit<
#are house< distribution center etc.
What is a subinventory
2ub inventories are uniAue physical or logical separations o& $aterial inventory.2ub"inventories are o&
t#o types: storage and receiving
-torage sub"inventories are inter$ediate or &inal put a#ay locations &or $aterial. Material that resides
in a storage subinventory appears in on hand Auantity< and is trac)ed by the syste$.9ou $ust de&ine at
least one storage subinventory &or your i$ple$entation.
.eceiving type subinventory is only used &or receiving ite$s. Ite$s in this sub"inventories cannot be
on"hand or reserved
What is a stoc" locator?
1ocators are structures #ithin sub"inventories. 1ocators are the third level in the enterprise structuring
sche$e o& Oracle Inventory. 1ocators $ay represent ro#s< rac)s< or bins in #arehouses. 9ou can
transact ite$s into and out o& locators. 9ou can restrict the li&e o& locators< establish capacity o& a
speci&ic locator in #eight or units< as #ell as speci&y di$ensions #hich de&ine a locatorBs capacity by
What are the /ey fle& fields in oracle Inventory?
2yste$ Ite$s< Ite$ 3atalogs< Ite$ 3ategories< 2toc) 1ocators< Account Alias and 2ales Order.
What are item attributes?
Ite$ attributes are the collection o& in&or$ation about an ite$. These are used to store speci&ic
characteristics o& an ite$< such as ite$ status< unit o& $easure< revision control< etc. these can be
controlled at either the $aster or the organi>ation level. These attributes are stored in a table na$ed
What is an item category and category set?
A category is a logical classi&ication o& ite$s that have si$ilar characteristics.
A category set is a distinct grouping sche$e and consists o& $ultiple categories. An ite$ can belong to
any nu$ber o& category sets. Ce can assign ite$ to one category #ithin each category set. The
categories can be retrieved &ro$ the table D'012*A0+4,.I+-2)D and ite$ category set &ro$
+&plain unit of measure 73,'8 and 3,' class?
The unit o& $easure 4;OM5 helps us count the nu$ber o& ite$s involved in a transaction or the
nu$ber o& ite$s that are stored in a subinventory or a locator. ;OM classes let you group di&&erent
;MOBs into one category. 8g< quantity could be a ;OM class under #hich each9 doen9 lot etc are
separate ;OMBs.
+&plain shipping method?
2hipping $ethods are the #ay you ship $aterial. Chen you create a shipping $ethod< you $ust
enable it be&ore you can use it in a shipping net#or). I& you disable a shipping $ethod< it cannot be
used in a shipping net#or).
$escribe Inter-organiation -hipping Networ"s
An inter"organi>ation shipping net#or) describes the relationships and accounting in&or$ation
bet#een a shipping organi>ation and a destination organi>ation. 9ou $ust de&ine a shipping net#or)
bet#een t#o organi>ations be&ore you can trans&er $aterial bet#een organi>ations. Chen you set up a
shipping net#or) you $ust select a trans&er type: In-transit or $irect.
In-transit: Oracle Inventory $oves $aterial to an inter$ediary state be&ore it reaches the destination
organi>ation. A&ter the $aterial arrives at the destination organi>ation< you #ill need a receipt
transaction to retrieve it. I& in"transit is selected< you can de&ine:
2hipping Methods< 01 Accounts to use in transit< Material o#nership during trans&er< *lanning lead
ti$es and Trans&er 3harges.
$irect: Oracle Inventory $oves the $aterial directly to the destination organi>ation. Eo#ever< &or
both trans&er types< you can deter$ine de&ault receipt routing and #hether internal orders are reAuired
to trans&er $aterial.
In which tables are the transactional details are stored?
What is !ic"ing ,rder of -ubinventory or 1ocator? Where will you define the order?
The value indicates the priority #ith #hich #e pic) ite$s &ro$ subinventory or 1ocator< relative to
another subinventory or locator< #here a given ite$ resides. A pic)ing order o& ! $eans that order
entry &unctions pic) ite$s &ro$ the subinventory or locator be&ore others #ith a higher nu$ber 4such
as 2<% and so on5. The subinventory order is de&ined in the subinventory de&inition and the locator
order is de&ined in the locator de&inition. The de&ault order &or both the subinventory and the locator
are de&ined in the organi>ation.
What are the different inventory transactions?
A transaction is an ite$ $ove$ent #ithin< into or out o& inventory. A transaction changes the Auantity
and location o& an ite$
The &ollo#ing are the di&&erent inventory transactions:
/eceive an ite$ into an organi>ation &ro$ 01 account nu$ber
Issue an ite$ &ro$ an organi>ation into a 01 account nu$ber
Trans&er ite$s &ro$ one subinventory to other in the sa$e organi>ation.
Trans&er o& ite$s bet#een various inventory organi>ations
/eservation o& ite$s
$escribe various inventory transaction types?
'iscellaneous transaction: This transaction is used to do ad.ust$ents in stoc) due to da$age<
obsolescence< issuing ite$s &or / F D or issuing trac) able eGpense ite$s.
-ubinventory transfer: This transaction is used to trans&er goods &ro$ one subinventory to another
#ithin the sa$e inventory organi>ation.
Inter-,.4 transfer: This transaction is used to trans&er goods &ro$ one inventory organi>ation to
.eceiving transaction: This transaction is used to $ove goods &ro$ receiving doc) to speci&ied
subinventory and locator.
-ales issue: This transaction is used to $ove goods &ro$ pic) subinventory to staged subinventory.
WI! issue: This transaction is used to issue $aterials against production orders
What is the difference between a subinventory transfer and a move order?
=oth these transactions are used &or the $ove$ent o& ite$s &ro$ one subinventory to the other. The
di&&erence is that $ove order generates a pic) slip and a subinventory trans&er doesnBt.
'ove order reAuires DapprovalB. Also< $ove orders create allocations. 2o you can place hold on the
$aterial #ith the intention o& pic)ing it up a little later. In subinventory trans&er< there is no reservation /
What are the *omponents used in *ustomiing a 0ransaction?
Transaction 2ource Type
Transaction Action
Transaction Type
A Transaction 2ource Type and a Transaction Action co$e together to &or$ a Transaction Type.
What is a 0ransaction source type?
A 0ransaction -ource 0ype is de&ined as an entity against #hich Oracle Inventory charges a
*urchase Order<Account Alias <Move Order<Internal Order<2tandard 3ost ;pdate<Internal
/eAuisition<2ales Order<3ycle 3ount<*eriodic 3ost ;pdate<*hysical Inventory<Account</MA
4/eturn Material Authori>ation5<Inventory<Hob or 2chedule
Name any four purposes where miscellaneous transaction can be used?
3ycle count ad.ust$ent< *hysical inventory ad.ust$ent< ad.usting inventory Auantity #ithin an
inventory organi>ation and decre$enting on"hand balances &ro$ a sub inventory
+&plain inventory control?
Inventory 3ontrol is the process by #hich inventory is $easured and regulated according to
predeter$ined nor$s such as econo$ic lot si>e &or order or production< sa&ety stoc)< $ini$u$ level<
$aGi$u$ level< order level etc.
What are the factors that affect inventory control?
Type o& product
Type o& $anu&acture
7olu$e o& production
$efine A)* analysis?
This techniAue divides inventory into three categories A< = F 3 based on their annual consu$ption
value. It is also )no#n as 2elective Inventory 3ontrol Method 42IM5.
What is consignment inventory?
3onsign$ent Inventory is inventory that is in the possession o& the custo$er< but is still o#ned by the
supplier. In other #ords< the supplier places so$e o& his inventory in his custo$erBs possession 4in their
store or #arehouse5 and allo#s the$ to sell or consu$e directly &ro$ his stoc). The custo$er purchases
the inventory only a&ter he has resold or consu$ed it. The )ey bene&it to the custo$er should be obviousI
he does not have to tie up his capital in inventory. This does not $ean that there are no inventory
carrying costs &or the custo$erI he does still incur costs related to storing and $anaging the inventory.
What are the different planning methods available in ,racle?
/e"order point planning
Min"MaG planning
Kanban cards
2ubinventory replenish$ent planning
When should the material be ordered?
Chen on"hand Auantity J supply ? de$and is less than sa&ety stoc) 4sa&ety stoc) is nothing but $ini$u$
inventory level5 i.e KOn"hand AuantityL J KsupplyL ? Kde$andL M K$in inventory levelL.
+&plain re-order point planning?
/eorder point planning uses de$and &orecasts to decide #hen to order a ne# Auantity to replenish
inventory. /eorder point planning suggests a ne# order &or an ite$ #hen the available Auantity 4on"hand
Auantity plus planned receipts5 drops belo# the ite$Bs sa&ety stoc) level plus &orecast de$and &or the
ite$ during its replenish$ent lead"ti$e. The suggested order Auantity is an econo$ic order Auantity that
$ini$i>es the total cost o& ordering and carrying inventory. Oracle Inventory can auto$atically generate
reAuisitions to in&or$ your purchasing depart$ent that a replenish$ent order is reAuired to supply your
+&plain min-ma& planning technique?
Min"MaG planning is a tool &or planning inventory that loo)s at user"de&ined $ini$u$ and $aGi$u$
inventory levels. It does not consider lead ti$es.Ce can per&or$ this techniAue at org level or
subinventory level.
$efine cycle counting and e&plain its use in oracle inventory?
3ycle 3ounting is a process o& periodic counting o& individual ite$ / all the ite$s throughout the course
o& the year to ensure the accuracy o& inventory Auantities and values.Ce can do the cycle counting at
Organi>ation / 2ub Inventory 1evel.3ycle count is used to:To reconcile syste$ on"hand balances #ith
actual counts in inventory<Maintain control over the ite$s that have higher value.
When do you perform physical inventory and e&plain the steps involved in it?
*hysical inventory can be per&or$ed< #henever there is a need to veri&y the accuracy o& syste$ on"hand
Auantities. This can be done &or entire organi>ation or can be con&ined to a speci&ic subinventory.
2teps to per&or$ physical inventory:
De&ine physical inventory
Ta)e a snapshot o& syste$ on"hand Auantities
0enerate physical inventory tags
8nter counts
Do physical inventory ad.ust$ents by approving or re.ecting
*ost ad.ust$ents
*urge physical inventory in&or$ation
Which are required steps in Inventory module set up?
a5 All the ( )ey &leG&ields i.e Ite$s< Ite$ 3atalog< Account Alias< 2ales Order< 1ocator and Ite$ 3ategory
b5 Organi>ations
c5 3hange Organi>ations
d5 Interco$pany /elations
e5 ;nit o& Measure 3lasses
&52ub inventories
g5Ite$ Attribute 3ontrols< 3ategories
h5De&ault 3ategory set
i5Ite$ 2tatuses
.5 3ost types
)5*ro&ile Options
l5Inventory Accounting *eriods.
What do you mean by .equired with $efaults -teps?
/eAuired 2tep Cith De&aults $eans that the setup &unctionality co$es #ith pre"seeded< de&ault values in
the databaseI ho#ever< you should revie# those de&aults /de&ault values and decide #hether to change
the$ to suit your business needs.
Which are .equired with $efaults -teps in Inventory module?
There are no such steps in Inventory $odule
0here is no stoc" locator control in your Inventory organiation#$o you still need to configure it?
9ou need not to con&igure the &leG&ield in a speci&ic #ay but you $ust still co$pile the 2toc) 1ocators
)ey @leG&ield because all Oracle Inventory transaction and on"hand inAuiries and reports reAuire a &ro>en
&leG&ield de&inition.
What is the use of a pic"ing rule?
Chen you pic) release a sales order in Order Manage$ent $odule < Order 2hipping 8Gecution $odule
4 #hich is a part o& Order Manage$ent5 sub$its reAuests to Oracle Inventory $odule #hich uses the
in&or$ation given in pic)ing rule to give priority to pic) units o& an ite$s and then it generates pic) lists
&or sales orders.
*an you apply material overheads to Average *osting ,rganiation?
6o< you can not apply it to Average 3osting Organi>ation. Eo#ever you can apply it to 2tandard 3osting
What is a 0ransaction Action?(ow many !redefined 0ransaction Actions are available in
Inventory module?
A transaction action is a prede&ined $ethod o& changing the Auantity and/or location and/or cost o& an
ite$. It is used in Transaction Type &or$. 9ou $ay use one o& siG prede&ined transaction actions: ""issue
&ro$ stores< subinventory trans&er< direct organi>ation trans&er< in "transit ship$ent < cost update and
receipt into stores.
*an you do Inventory transactions in prior periods?
9es< you can do by setting the pro&ile option I67: Transaction Date validation to *rovide #arning #hen
date in past period or Allo# date in any open period. It allo#s entry o& a past date.
*an you change customer item name or Item after you save it?
9es< you can change it i& you have set the pro&ile option IN:: 3pdatable *ustomer Item to 6es and
IN:: 3pdatable item to 9es respectively .
What is the difference between Internal and +&ternal ,rganiations?
The di&&erence bet#een Internal and 8Gternal Organi>ation is that #e can not
Assign people to an 8Gternal Organi>ation.
8Ga$ples o& 8Gternal Organi>ations <Cor)ers 3o$pensation Insurance 3arriers.Organi>ations that are
recipients o& third party pay$ents &ro$ 8$ployeeBs bene&its.
Is it possible to have different costing methods for different organiations under the same Item
'aster ,rganiation?
9es. 8ven #e can have du$$y organi>ations &or using di&&erent costing $ethod &or di&&erent costing
$ethod &or di&&erent ite$s #ithin an organi>ation.
What shall be the *osting ,rganiation of an ,rg#?
I& individual organi>ation #ants to have control over its o#n cost< #e #ill assign the current organi>ation
itsel& as the 3osting organi>ation. I& that is not the case< #e can assign the Ite$ Master Organi>ation or
any other organi>ation as the costing organi>ation.
(ow unit cost is derived under Average *osting?
;nder Average 3osting< the unit cost is derived by averaging the value o& all receipts o& that ite$ to
inventory< on a per unit basis. 8ach receipt to the inventory updates the unit cost o& the received ite$.
Issues &ro$ inventory uses the current average cost as the unit cost.
4Transaction value J 3urrent inventory value5
Average 3ostN """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
4Transaction Aty. J current on"hand Aty.5
Transaction 7alue N *O price G Transaction Aty.
3nder -tandard *osting9 how does the system get the unit cost?
Ce have to de&ine unit cost o& all the ite$s as standard cost and the di&&erence bet#een the de&ined
standard cost and the actual cost are recorded as variances. ;nder 2tandard 3osting #e can share costs
across $ultiple organi>ations and hence the standard costs #ill be de&ined only in one organi>ation. The
3ost Master Organi>ation #ill nor$ally be the Ite$ Master Organi>ation.
What is !urchase !rice :ariance 7!!:8?
Chen using the standard 3osting< the di&&erence bet#een the de&ined standard cost and the actual cost are
recorded as *urchase *rice 7ariance 4**75
*7 N 4*O ;nit *rice ? 2tandard unit 3ost5 G Oty. /eceived.
!urchase !rice :ariance is not used for Average *osting#
$oes .epetitive -chedule -upports Average *osting?
6o. Ce canBt de&ine /epetitive 2chedules in an organi>ation that is de&ined as a $anu&acturing< average
cost organi>ation. The reason &or this is that #eighted average costing cannot be applied to repetitively
$anu&actured ite$s.
3nder average costing9 can we share costs between organiations?
6o. Ce canBt share costs bet#een organi>ations under average costing because average costs are
$aintained separately in each organi>ation.
What is the pre-requisite for updating the subinventory parameters?
The subinventory para$eters can be updated only i& there is no On"Eand Auantity in that subinventory.
What is an +&pense -ubinventory and what all are the parameters you will select while defining an
+&pense -ubinventory?
A subinventory #here Aty. is not trac)ed is called an 8Gpense 2ubinventory. 6o para$eters #ill be
selected &or this subinventory. 4Chen the DOty. Trac)edB para$eter is not selected< auto$atically the
other para$eter go inactive.5
*an you prevent some specific items to be assigned to any subinventory other than a selected one?
9es. 2et the ite$ attribute D/estrict 2ubinventoryB to the reAuired 2ubinventory.
,racle Apps !urchasing Interview Questions ; <AQs
Q1. What is the Basic Purchasing Setup for Requisition Import?
A: If importing requisitions from Inventory input a value for the profile option
INV: Minmax Reorder Approval. If the value of INCOMPLETE i ele!ted" the reult #ill
$e imported Re%uiition that re%uire an approval. If the value i APPROVE&" then the
re%uiition !annot $e %ueried in the Re%uiition entr' form( rather" the Re%uiition
)ummar' form #ill have to $e utili*ed to vie# information on the imported approved

If importing requisitions from !RP input a value for the profile option MRP:
Pur!hain+ ,' Reviion. Thi profile option i important if 'ou are uin+ multiple
reviion per item and uin+ our!in+ rule to !reate Pur!hae Order or Releae. Thi
profile option indi!ate #hether or not to pa on the item reviion to the pur!hae
Setup"#rgani$ations"Purchasing - &efault Alternate Re+ion Re%uiition Import
.roup-,' /ield. The Re%uiition Import pro!e #ill firt loo0 at the .roup ,'
parameter ele!ted #hen the pro!e i u$mitted( hould thi parameter $e left $lan0"
the 'tem #ill then loo0 to the .roup-,' field reidin+ in the Pur!hain+ Option form.
If 'ou expe!t releae to $e !reated from the re%uiition" #hi!h 'ou import" ma0e ure
the profile option PO: Releae &urin+ Re% Import i populated #ith the !orre!t value.
The !hoi!e for thi profile are 1e or No. If the profile i et to 1e and all our!in+ rule
information i properl' et up" then $lan0et releae #ill $e !reated via the Create
Releae pro!e. If the profile i et to No" the Create Releae pro!e #ill not run at
the !ompletion of Re%uiition Import and all releae #ill have to $e !reated manuall'
via Auto Create.
Q%. &o' (oes Requisition Import (etermine the grouping metho( for
incoming pieces of (ata?
A:Thi fun!tion +roup re%uiition. It firt ai+n value to RE23I)ITION4LINE4I&
and RE24&I)TRI,3TION4I&( the fun!tion then +roup Re%uiition $aed on the
RE24N3M,ER4)E.MENT5 !olumn. All re%uiition #ith the ame NOT N3LL
RE24N3M,ER4)E.MENT5 are ai+ned the ame RE23I)ITION46EA&ER4I&. The
fun!tion then +roup Re%uiition $aed on the .RO3P4CO&E !olumn. All re%uiition
#ith the ame value in the .RO3P4CO&E !olumn are ai+ned the ame
RE23I)ITION46EA&ER4I&. It then +roup $aed on the .RO3P4,1 parameter" #hi!h
ta0e on the value of &E/A3LT4.RO3P4,1 if not provided. .RO3P4,1 !ould $e one of
the follo#in+: ,31ER" CATE.OR1" ITEM" VEN&OR" LOCATION or ALL.
Q). &o' is the P#*I+,-R.A/-*-RR#RS ta01e purge( an( (oes this (ata have
any (epen(encies?
A: Ora!le Pur!hain+ provide the Re%uiition Import Ex!eption Report" #hi!h !an $e
ued to dia+noe re!ord in Error in the PO4RE23I)ITION)4INTER/ACE4ALL ta$le. It
alo ha an option to pur+e the Error re!ord in PO4RE23I)ITION)4INTER/ACE4ALL
and the !orrepondin+ Error mea+e in the PO4INTER/ACE4ERROR) ta$le: -
Reponi$ilit': Pur!hain+ )uper 3er
- Navi+ation: Report7Run" then ele!t Re%uiition Import Ex!eption Report
There i a parameter titled 8&elete Ex!eption8. If 'ou ele!t 81e8" then re!ord in the
PO4RE23I)ITION)4INTER/ACE4ALL ta$le #ith a tatu of 9ERROR8 and the
!orrepondin+ re!ord in the PO4INTER/ACE4ERROR) ta$le #ill $e deleted. 1ou !an
alo retri!t the deleted re!ord $' ele!tin+ the ,at!h4id and the Interfa!e )our!e
!ode. The dependen!' i $et#een PO4RE23I)ITION)4INTER/ACE4ALL :trana!tion4id;
and PO4INTER/ACE4ERROR) :interfa!e4trana!tion4id;
Q2. &o' is the 1ist of va1ues (erive( for the Import Source co1umn 'ithin the
Requisition Import report parameters 'in(o'?
A: The lit of value for the Import )our!e parameter drive off of the re!ord" #hi!h
!urrentl' reide in the PO4RE23I)ITION)4INTER/ACE4ALL ta$le. <ithin thi ta$le i
the !olumn" INTER/ACE4)O3RCE4CO&E" #hi!h !ontain the our!e from #here the
data #a !reated and in turn i the ame value that ho# in the lit of value.
Example: )a' that there are !urrentl' => ro# In
PO4RE23I)ITION)4INTER/ACE4ALL.Ten of the ro# have an
INTER/ACE4)O3RCE4CO&E of 8INV8" and the other ten ro# have an
INTER/ACE4)O3RCE4CO&E value of 8<IP8. <hen the uer then +oe to vie# the lit of
value" it #ill ho# 8INV8 and 8<IP8 in the lit" a thoe are the onl' our!e !urrentl'
loaded and unpro!eed in the interfa!e ta$le.
Q3. What metho(s are avai1a01e in the app1ication to reso1ve errore( recor(s
in the P#*I+,-R.A/-*-RR#RS ta01e?
A: Ora!le Pur!hain+ provide the Re%uiition Import Ex!eption Report" #hi!h !an $e
ued to dia+noe pro$lem #ith the re!ord" #hi!h have !urrentl' errored out in the
- Reponi$ilit': Pur!hain+ )uper 3er
- Navi+ation: Report7Run" then ele!t Re%uiition Import Ex!eption Report
There i a parameter titled 8&elete Ex!eption?. If thi i populated #ith 81e8" then all
re!ord in the PO4RE23I)ITION)4INTER/ACE4ALL ta$le #ith a tatu of 9ERROR?#ill $e
deleted #hen the report i exe!uted. If the parameter i et to 9No8" then 'ou #ill ee
the error from the report and $e a$le to manuall' fix the data in the ta$le" if o
deired( then" upon !ompletion of the data !orre!tion" run Re%uiition Import a+ain to
pro!e the modified ro# in the interfa!e ta$le.
Q4. /an Requisition Import han(1e mu1tip1e currencies?
A:Re%uiition Import i !apa$le of handlin+ multiple !urren!ie" provided that all rate
t'pe and !urren!' !onverion have $een defined.
Q5. /an Requisition Import han(1e mu1tip1e (istri0utions?
A:Re%uiition Import !an handle multiple ditri$ution.
Q6. Is it possi01e to have a11 requisitions create( from !RP to 0e importe(
'ith a status of I+/#!P7-,-?
A:It i not poi$le to have Re%uiition !reated from MRP imported into the Ora!le
Pur!hain+ appli!ation #ith a tatu of INCOMPLETE. The MRP Appli!ation inert all
data into the PO4RE23I)ITION)4INTER/ACE4ALL ta$le #ith an
A3T6ORI@ATION4)TAT3) of APPROVE&. Therefore" #hen the Re%uiition Import
pro+ram run" all re%uiition line from MRP are !reated #ith a )tatu of APPROVE&. If
re%uiition are !reated from MRP and the A3T6ORI@ATION4)TAT3) i not APPROVE&"
then pleae !onta!t upport for aitan!e.
Q8. Is it possi01e to have a11 requisitions create( from Inventory 9 !in9!a:
P1anning to 0e importe( 'ith a status of I+/#!P7-,-?
A:1e" it i poi$le to have all re%uiition !reated from Min-Max Plannin+ #ith a tatu
of INCOMPLETE. If the deired out!ome i Min-Max re%uiition ho#in+ a tatu of
INCOMPLETE" it i ne!ear' to et the profile option: INV: MinMax Reorder Approval to
In!omplete. Converel'" if thi profile option i et to Approved" all re%uiition
imported from Min-Max Plannin+ #ill $e imported #ith an approval tatu $aed on the
approval authorit' of the uer initiatin+ the Re%uiition Import pro!e.
Q1;. &o' can I achieve creating 1; requisitions for 1; 1ines popu1ate( into
the interface ta01e instea( of 1 req. 'ith 1; 1ines?
A:Re%uiition are +rouped a!!ordin+ to the ele!tion !hoen $' the initiator of the
pro!e" $aed on the parameter of 8.RO3P ,1?. If thi parameter i left $lan0" the
value #ill default from the &efault alternate re+ion of the Pur!hain+ Option form.
- Reponi$ilit': Pur!hain+ )uper 3er
- Navi+ation: )etup -A Or+ani*ation -A Pur!hain+ Option
&efault alternate re+ion
If the value ele!ted i ALL" then all re%uiition line #ill $e on the ame re%uiition.
An' other value #ill +roup the line on re%uiition $aed on the value ele!ted.
Q11. Is Requisition Import organi$ation9specific?
A:Re%uiition Import i operatin+ unit-pe!ifi!. <ithin the
PO4RE23I)ITION)4INTER/ACE4ALL ta$le lie the !olumn OR.4I&.3pon Initiatin+ the
Re%uiition Import pro+ram" the profile 8MO: Operatin+ 3nit8 i %ueried to derive the
value of OR.4I& tied to the lo+in runnin+ the pro+ram. Then the Re%uiition Import
pro+ram exe!ute" all re!ord in the interfa!e ta$le #hi!h are the ame a the
or+ani*ation lited in the 8MO: Operatin+ 3nit8 profile #ill $e pro!eed. If 'ou don8t ee
an' valid Import our!e #hen 'ou laun!h Re%import $ut if 'ou had alread' populated
the Interfa!e ta$le then 'ou have to !he!0 the or+4id Column 'ou populated. thi
or+4id #ill $e 'our operatin+ unit tied to 'our Appli!ation lo+-in reponi$ilit'. If the
or+4id i N3LL then 'ou !an ee 'ou re!ord in the Import )our!e.
Q1%. When using encum0rance is there any va1i(ation on the <7 =ate
ensuring the appropriate perio(s are open?
A: The Re%uiition Import pro+ram #ill perform date inte+rit' !he!0 a+aint the date
value in the PO4RE23I)ITION)4INTER/ACE4ALL..L4&ATE field. Thi field .L4&ATE" i
reerved for 'tem operatin+ under En!um$ran!e A!!ountin+ !ontraint. It i
ne!ear' to enure that the en!um$ran!e 'ear i opened for the .L4&ATE $ein+
Q1). &o' can I achieve grouping 0y >en(ors?
A:/irt !he!0 to ee if an' re!ord in PO4RE23I)ITION)4INTER/ACE4ALL have a value
for the .RO3P4CO&E or RE24N3M,ER4)E.MENT5 !olumn. If there i no value in
either of thee t#o !olumn" then the Re%uiition Import Pro+ram ue the &efault
.roup ,' that 'ou etup to +roup re%uiition line. Alo Navi+ate to Pur!hain+ -A
)etup -A Pur!hain+ Option and Che!0 the +roup $' ettin+.
Q12. Why some times Requisition Import Process fai1s to create Requisitions
'hen the =ata is importe( from !RP?
A: Enure that 'ou ue reviion num$er for the item. Thi i mandator' #hen 'ou ue
the profile option BPur!hain+ $' ReviionC. The value #ill indi!ate #hether to pa on
item reviion to the pur!hae re%uiition. 1ou !an update thi profile at the ite level. If
thi profile i et to 1e" then the item ued for re%uiition import pro!e hould have
a reviion num$er. No# #hen 'ou repeat the pro!e the Re%uiition Import #or0 and
the re%uiition #ill $e !reated )u!!efull' from MRP.
Q13. &o' (oes Requisition Import Process generate Accounts?
A: It !an $e either one of = method for a!!ount to $e +enerated:
5. ,' a valid CCI& or
=. ,' a valid !om$ination of a!!ount e+ment.
<e do not +enerate the a!!ount uin+ the A!!ount +enerator pro!e. <e onl'
validate the !har+e4a!!ount4id or $' a valid !om$ination of A!!ount e+ment #hi!h
are populated in the interfa!e ta$le. Thi i the exitin+ fun!tionalit'.
Q14. &o' can automatica11y approve the Requisitions I am creating?
A:There are t#o #a' of doin+ thi:
5. 1ou !an populate re!ord in the Interfa!e ta$le #ith tatu a APPROVE&. In thi
!ae the Approval pro!e i not !alled after !reatin+ the Re%. #ith APPROVE& tatu.
=. If 'ou till #ant the Re%uiition !reated to +o throu+h the approval pro!e then
'ou have to et Re%uiition Import Parameter 8Initiate Approval after Re%import8 to 81e8
#hen Laun!hin+ the Re%uiition Import Con!urrent Pro+ram. /or the Re%uiition to $e
automati!all' Approved" the APPROVER4I& value from
PO4RE23I)ITION)4INTER/ACE4ALL mut have authorit' to approve the Re%uiition. If
that uer doe not have approval authorit'" then the Re%uiition #ill $e in tatu D IN
PROCE)) and for#arded up that uer8 Approval 6ierar!h'.
Q15. &o' 'i11 I get the trace an( (etai1e( 1og for the Requisition Import
A:1ou have to et the profile 'PO: Set Debug Concurrent On' to 81e to +et the detailed
lo+ and &ata$ae level for the Re%uiition Import Pro!e.
Q16. When I 1oa( the Requisition Interface an( create Requisitions it
a1'ays (oes Sourcing. &o' can I stop sourcing from happening?
A:1ou have to et the autoour!e4fla+ in the Re%uiition interfa!e to 8N8 to avoid
vendor )our!in+
Q18. &o' can I avoi( sourcing from overri(ing my ven(or information?
A:1ou have to et the autoour!e4fla+ to 8P8 for partial our!in+.
Q%;. &o' (oes Requisition Import process use the <roup9By parameter
'hi1e 1aunching Requisition Import?
A:The Re%uiition Import pro!e #ill firt loo0 at the .roup ,' parameter ele!ted
#hen the pro!e i u$mitted( hould thi parameter $e left $lan0" the 'tem #ill
then loo0 to the .roup-,' field reidin+ in the Pur!hain+ Option form. To etup in
Pur!hain+ option /orm the Navi+ation i )etup7Or+ani*ation7Pur!hain+ Option -
&efault Alternate Re+ion Re%uiition Import .roup-,' /ield.
Q%1. What (oes the 'MRP: Purchasing by Revision' an( 'INV: Purchasing by
Revision' (o?
A:The profile 'MRP: Purchasing by Revision'i maintained $' MRP and the 'INV:
Purchasing by Revision' profile i maintained $' Inventor'. Thi profile option i
mainl' ued $' the repe!tive produ!t to determine if the Item Reviion need to
$e populated #hile loadin+ the Re%uiition Interfa!e Ta$le. Mot of the $u+
related to thee profile are that our!in+ +et affe!ted durin+ Re% Import. If the
,lan0et PO ha the Item Reviion and the Item in the Interfa!e ta$le doe not have
the Item Reviion field populated" then )our!in+ !ould $e a Iue and Releae #ill
not $e !reated.
Q%%.6o# do I +et the Tax lo+ file for the Re%uiition Import pro!eE
A: To +et the lo+ file pleae follo# the tep $elo#.
)tep 5:
)et Profile Option 8Tax: &e$u+ /ile &ire!tor'8
)et the profile option Tax: &e$u+ /ile &ire!tor' to a erver ide dire!tor' #here a
file that !ontain lo+ mea+e #ill $e !reated. 1ou !an et thi profile option onl'
at the )ite level.
Note: Thi dire!tor' mut $e et a the value of one of the Ora!le initiali*ation
parameter" 83TL4/ILE4&IR8 To ee the !urrent value of 3TL4/ILE4&IR" iue the
follo#in+ )2L tatement in the app !hema:
ele!t value from vFparameter #here name D 8utl4file4dir8
If thi parameter doe not !ontain a value" modif' the initiali*ation parameter file
initGd$4nameA.ora to add the parameter and a value for it :#here Gd$4nameA i
the name of 'our data$ae;.
)tep =:
)et Profile Option Tax: &e$u+ /la+
)et the profile option Tax: &e$u+ /la+ to 1e to !reate a file #ith de$u++in+
information. )et thi profile option at the 3er level. A lo+ file !alled
G3)ERNAMEA.lo+ #ill $e !reated in the dire!tor' pe!ified $' the profile option
Tax: &e$u+ /ile &ire!tor' :#here G3)ERNAMEA i 'our lo+in uername;.
=# What is a !urchase .equisition and define various requisitions
It is a &or$al reAuest intended to procure/buy so$ething that is needed by the organi>ation. It is created
and approved by the depart$ent reAuiring the goods and services.
A purchase reAuisition typically contains the description and Auantity o& the goods or services to be
purchased< a reAuired delivery date< account nu$ber and the a$ount o& $oney that the purchasing
depart$ent is authori>ed to spend &or the goods or services. O&ten< the na$es o& suggested supply
sources are also included.
=asically< reAuisitions are o& t#o types:
Internal requisition and purchase requisition
Internal .equisitions are created i& the Ite$s are to be obtained &ro$ one Inventory location to another
location #ithin the sa$e organi>ation. Eere the source o& the reAuisition #ould be IN:+N0,.6. There
is no approval process &or internal reAuisition.
!urchase .equisitions are created i& the goods are obtained &ro$ eGternal suppliers. Eere the source o&
the reAuisition #ould be -3!!1I+.-. The purchase reAuisitions are sent &or approvals.
># What are the base tables for a !urchase .equisition?
PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL 7-+4'+N0= column in this table represents the requisition
This table stores Eeader in&or$ation o& a *urchase /eAuisition.
I$portant colu$ns o& this table:
/8O;I2ITIO6:E8AD8/:ID: It is a uniAue syste$ generated /eAuisition identi&ier
*/8*A/8/:ID: It is a uniAue identi&ier o& the e$ployee #ho prepared the
280M86T!: It is the /eAuisition nu$ber
A;TEO/IPATIO6:2TAT;2: Authori>ation status type
T9*8:1OOK;*:3OD8: /eAuisition type
O/0:ID: ;niAue Operating unit uniAue identi&ier
This table stores in&or$ation about /eAuisition lines in a *urchase /eAuisition. This table stores
in&or$ation related to the line nu$ber< ite$ nu$ber< ite$ category< ite$ description< ite$ Auantities<
units< prices< need"by date< deliver"to location< reAuestor< notes< and suggested supplier in&or$ation &or
the reAuisition line.
I$portant colu$ns o& this table:
/8O;I2ITIO6:E8AD8/:ID: It is a uniAue syste$ generated /eAuisition identi&ier
/8O;I2ITIO6:1I68:ID: 1in) bet#een *O:/8O;I2ITIO6:1I682:A11 And
1I68:6;M: Indicates the 1ine nu$ber
1I68:T9*8:ID: Indicates the 1ine type
3AT80O/9:ID: ;niAue Ite$ category identi&ier
IT8M:D823/I*TIO6: Description o& the Ite$
O;A6TIT9 6;M=8/: Ouantity ordered
This table stores in&or$ation about the accounting distributions o& a reAuisition line. 8ach reAuisition line
$ust have at least one accounting distribution. 8ach ro# includes the Accounting @leG&ield ID and
/eAuisition line Auantity.
I$portant colu$ns o& this table:
DI2T/I=;TIO6:ID: ;niAue /eAuisition distribution identi&ier
/8O;I2ITIO6:1I68:ID: ;niAue /eAuisition line identi&ier
3OD8:3OM=I6ATIO6:ID: ;niAue 0eneral 1edger charge account identi&ier
DI2T/I=;TIO6:6;M: Distribution nu$ber
?# What is a .equisition Import !rogram?
It is a concurrent progra$< #hich is used to i$port reAuisition &ro$ Oracle or 6on"Oracle syste$.
Data is &irst loaded in *O:/8O;I2ITIO6:A11 table. The /I* can then be run< to i$port the records
&ro$ the inter&ace table as reAuisition in Oracle *rocessing.
/I* creates a reAuisition line and one or $ore reAuisition distribution &or each ro# it &inds in the
inter&ace table. It then groups these lines on /eAuisitions according to para$eters de&ined
@# What tables are affected when you run .equisition Import !rogram?
A# What are the reports associated with requisition import process?
.equisition Import .un .eport: Ce can vie# the nu$ber o& reAuisitions created and the nu$ber o&
records that sho#ed an error
.equisition Import +&ceptions .eport: In this report #e can see all the ro#s that &ail validation.
B# When will you use a .equisition 0emplate?
/eAuisition te$plates can be used to help you Auic)ly create reAuisitions. A reAuisition te$plate contains
$uch o& the in&or$ation needed to create a reAuisition< thus reducing the a$ount o& data entry reAuired
to create a ne# reAuisition. I& you &ind yoursel& repeatedly creating si$ilar reAuisitions &or your group or
depart$ent< you should consider creating and saving reAuisition te$plates as a ti$e"saver.
I& the data o& reAuisition re$ain the sa$e &or repeated purchase o& an ite$< the in&or$ation can be copied
to a te$plate and the sa$e can be copied to the /eAuisition as $any nu$ber o& ti$es as reAuired.
C# What is the purpose of choosing a *ategory when creating a requisition?
The 3ategory boG is a reAuired &ield and is used to de&ine goods and services at a su$$ary or detailed
D# What does the status pre-approved mean?
*re"Approved is the status o& a reAuisition #hen an authori>ed approver has approved the reAuisition and
has &or#arded the reAuisition to another individual to revie#.
E# What is the difference between a reFected and a returned requisition?
Only an approver or a revie#er can re.ect reAuisition. Only a buyer can return a reAuisition. A buyer #ill
return a reAuisition to the preparer &or inco$plete or inaccurate in&or$ation.
=G# What is .<Q and differentiate the types of .<QHs
A .equest for Quotation 7.<Q8 is a &or$al reAuest sent to the suppliers to &ind the pricing and other
in&or$ation &or an ite$ or ite$s. =ased on the in&or$ation supplied< the supplier Auotes a Auotation
against the /@O &or$.
In general< .<QHs are created be&ore purchasing any ite$ to actually )no# the price Auotes &ro$ one or
$ore suppliers.
In Oracle 8=2< .<QHs can be auto created &ro$ an eGisting !urchase .equisition or can be a &resh
There are three types o& Auotations and /@Os that co$e #ith *urchasing by de&ault:
Catalog: ;sed &or high"volu$e ite$s or ite$s &or #hich your supplier sends you in&or$ation
regularly. A 3atalog Auotation or /@O also includes price brea)s at di&&erent Auantity levels.
Standard:;sed &or ite$s youBll need only once or not very o&ten< but not necessarily &or a
speci&ic< &iGed Auantity< location< and date. @or eGa$ple< you could use a 3atalog Auotation or /@O
&or o&&ice supplies< but use a 2tandard Auotation or /@O &or a special type o& pen you donBt order
very o&ten. A 2tandard Auotation or /@O also includes price brea)s at di&&erent Auantity levels.
Bid:;sed &or a speci&ic< &iGed Auantity< location< and date. @or eGa$ple< a =id #ould be used &or
a large or eGpensive piece o& eAuip$ent that youBve never ordered be&ore< or &or an ite$ that incurs
transportation or other special costs. 9ou cannot speci&y price brea)s &or a =id Auotation or /@O.
==# What is a Quotation9 what are the different types of Quotations available and describe the
Quote Analysis?
A Auotation is a supplierBs response to .<Q#
Ouote analysis is the process o& revie#ing the Auotations given by the suppliers. The best Auotation #ill
be selected by analy>ing certain &actors li)e price< Auality< delivery ti$e etc.
=># What is a !urchase ,rder and e&plain the different types of !,Hs available
A *urchase order is a co$$ercial docu$ent and &irst o&&icial order issued by the buyer to the supplier<
indicating types< Auantities< and agreed prices &or products or services the supplier #ill provide to the
=asically< there are &our types o& *urchase Orders< vi>
!urchase ,rder
;sed &or One"ti$e purchases &or goods and services. Eere you )no# the
ite$< price< pay$ent ter$s an delivery schedule
!urchase ,rder
3reated #hen you have long"ter$ agree$ent #ith the supplier. 9ou $ust
speci&y the details o& goods and services< pay$ent ter$s and the tentative
delivery schedule
3reated #hen the details o& ite$s and services< pay$ent ter$s are )no#n
but not speci&ic about the delivery schedule
3reated #hen the ter$s and conditions o& a purchase are )no#n but
speci&ic goods and services are not.
=?# What are the base tables that are affected when you create a !#,?
!,2(+A$+.-2A11 7-+4'+N0= column in this table represents the $ocument number8
This table stores header in&or$ation o& a *urchasing Docu$ent. 9ou need one ro# &or each docu$ent
you create.
This table stores the line in&or$ation o& a *urchasing Docu$ent
This table contains the in&or$ation related to purchase order ship$ent schedules and blan)et agree$ent
price brea)s. 9ou need one ro# &or each schedule or price brea) you attach to a docu$ent line.
This table contains the in&or$ation related to accounting distribution o& a purchase order ship$ent line.
9ou need one ro# &or each distribution line you attach to a purchase order ship$ent
This table stores the general in&or$ation about the suppliers
This table stores in&or$ation about the supplier sites. 8ach ro# includes the site address< supplier
re&erence< purchasing< pay$ent< ban)< and general in&or$ation.
This table stores in&or$ation related to planned and blan)et *urchase Order releases. 8ach ro# includes
the buyer< date< release status< and release nu$ber. 8ach release $ust have at least one purchase order
This table stores in&or$ation about contacts related to 2upplier site. 8ach ro# includes contact na$e and
This table stores in&or$ation about the approval and control history o& a *urchasing Docu$ent. This
table stores one record &or each approval or control action an e$ployee ta)es on a purchase order<
purchase agree$ent< release or reAuisition.
=@# What is >-way9 ?-way9 @-way matching?
Oracle *ayables shares purchase order in&or$ation &ro$ your purchasing syste$ to enable online
$atching #ith invoices. Invoiced or billed ite$s are $atched to the original purchase orders to ensure
that you pay only &or the goods or services you ordered and/or received.
0woIWay: *urchase order and invoice Auantities $ust $atch #ithin tolerance be&ore the corresponding
invoice can be paid.
0hreeIWay:*urchase order< receipt< and invoice Auantities $ust $atch #ithin tolerance be&ore the
corresponding invoice can be paid.
<ourIWay: *urchase order< receipt< accepted< and invoice Auantities $ust $atch #ithin tolerance be&ore
the corresponding invoice can be paid.
=A# +&plain the !>! process flow
*rocure to pay 4p2p5 is a process o& reAuesting< purchasing< receiving< paying &or and accounting &or
goods and services. *rocure to *ay 1i&ecycle is one o& the i$portant business *rocess in Oracle
Applications. ItBs the &lo# that gets the goods reAuired to do business. It involves the transactional &lo#
o& data that is sent to a supplier as #ell as the data that surrounds the &ul&ill$ent o& the actual order and
pay$ent &or the product or service.
3reate a reAuisitionQQ create /@OQQ create a Auotation &ro$ Auote analysisQQ generate a *OQQreceipt
o& $aterialQQ create Invoice in payablesQQ trans&er to 01
=B# What is an approval hierarchy?
Approval hierarchies let you auto$atically route docu$ents &or approval. There are t#o )inds o&
approval hierarchies in *urchasing: position hierarchy and e$ployee/supervisor relationships.
=C# What are the documents that use !,2(+A$+.-2A11?
The &ollo#ing are the docu$ents that use *O:E8AD8/2:A11
/@OBs< Ouotations< 2tandard *urchase Order< *lanned *urchase Order< =lan)et *urchase Order and
=D# *an the original !urchase ,rder be viewed in any way without resorting to -Q19 for a revised
!urchase ,rder?
The original version o& a revised *O cannot be vie#ed &ro$ the *O &or$ or *O su$$ary &or$.
In&or$ation on the original *O can be obtained &ro$ the *O:E8AD8/2:A/3EI78 and
*O:1I682:A/3EI78 tables using the *O:E8AD8/:ID colu$n as a co$$on re&erence using 2O1
=E# *an we automatically 5*loseH the !urchase order without receiving the full quantity?
The /eceipt 3lose Tolerance lets you speci&y a Auantity percentage #ithin #hich *urchasing closes a
partially received ship$ent. @or eGa$ple< i& your /eceipt 3lose Tolerance is ,R and you receive -(R o&
an eGpected ship$ent< *urchasing auto$atically closes this ship$ent &or receiving.
>G# When does a !urchase ,rder line get the -tatus 5*losed for .eceivingH?
0oods have been received on the syste$ against this line but an invoice has not been
$atched to the order.
>=# *an we match an Invoice against a line even when it is 5*losed for InvoicingH?
The 3lose &or invoicing status does not prevent you &ro$ $atching an invoice to a purchase order or to a
>># What does create internal order conc request do?
3reate internal order reAuest #ill trans&er the I/ in&o to OM inter&ace tables.
>?# +&plain the .eceipt .outing
/eceipt /outing is o& three types: Direct< 2tandard and Inspection
In $irect once the goods arrive at the destination< #e directly $ove the$ to a speci&ic 2ub"Inv
In -tandard once the goods are at the destination< #e receive it at the receiving point &irst and then $ove
the$ to the 2ub"Inv.
In Inspection once the goods are at the destination< #e receive it at the receiving point and then #e
per&or$ inspection and accordingly #e either accept it or re.ect the$.
>@# What are the different !urchasing modes in .eceiving?
There are three $odes:
,nline: /eceipts are processed online. I& there are any errors< they are sho#n on the @O/M itsel&< and
donBt let you I06O/8 and */O388D.
Immediate: /eceipts are processed i$$ediately< but no errors are sho#n. 8rrors are recorded in
/83:T/A62A3TIO6:I6T8/@A38 table.
)atch: /eceipts are processed in batch< but no errors are sho#n. 8rrors are recorded in
/83:T/A62A3TIO6:I6T8/@A38 table.
6ote: In all the above t#o cases< it reAuires /eceiving Transaction *rocessor to be run periodically.
>A# Which tables are updated When you save a .eceived $ata in a form?
/37:2EI*M86T:E8AD8/2: It contains supplier ship$ent header data li)e
2hip$ent date< supplier 6a$e
/37:T/A62A3TIO62:I6T8/@A38: It contains received data li)e Ite$ na$e< Auantity<
and receiving location
>B# What are the maFor transactions in .+*+I:IN4?
*urchase Order /eceipts
Internal /eAuisition /eceipts
Inventory Inter"Org Trans&er /eceipts
3usto$er /eturn /eceipts
2'. What is !ay on .eceipt AutoInvoice !rogram?
=y running this progra$< #e can auto$atically create an invoice &or a *O #hen #e enter a receipt &or the
respective *O.
>D# What is Invoice :alidation !rocess?
=e&ore you can pay or create accounting entries &or any invoice< the Invoice 7alidation process $ust
validate the invoice.
Invoice 7alidation chec)s the $atching< taG< period status< eGchange rate< and distribution in&or$ation
&or invoices you enter and auto$atically applies holds to eGception invoices. I& an invoice has a hold< you
can release the hold by correcting the eGception that caused Invoice 7alidation to apply the hold by
updating the invoice or the purchase order< or changing the invoice tolerances.
ChatSs ne# at /!2 *urchasingT
Whats new in R12- Purchasing:
The Professional Buyers Work Center speeds up daily purchasing tasks by providing
buyers with a central launch pad from where they can efficiently perform their daily
tasks, such as:
o Viewing and acting upon requisition demand
o Creating and managing orders and agreements
o anaging contract deliverables
o !unning negotiation events, including auctions and !"#s
o anaging supplier information
The Professional Buyers Work Center tightly weaves $racle Purchasing with other
products in the procurement family, such as $racle %ourcing, $racle Procurement
Contracts, and $racle %ervices Procurement& 'uyers can now easily navigate from
purchasing to sourcing documents, and vice(versa, using a single, friendly user
"rom the Demand Workbench, buyers can access the catalog and favorites to find
negotiated alternatives to non(catalog requests& )hile authoring orders and
agreements, buyers can use the catalog or favorites to quickly add items, thereby
accelerating the document creation process& The enhanced catalog access provides
easy access to pre(negotiated items& This reduces spending by leveraging negotiated
Document Styles is a new feature in !*+& ,t allows buying organi-ations to control
the look and feel of the application to match the needs of different purchasing
documents& Through reusable document styles, deploying organi-ations can enable or
disable various $racle Purchasing features, thereby simplifying the user interface&
This helps people to use familiar name to Purchasing documents&
o )hen a purchasing document is created using a style, disabled features are
hidden to simplify the user interface& "or e#ample, organi-ations can create a
document style for a specific commodity, such as temporary labor& This
document style optimi-es field labels and display for that commodity,
simplifying purchase order entry by hiding regions.attributes that are only
relevant for goods purchases&
Procurement o Com!le" Ser#ices is an integrated solution for $racle %ervices
Procurement used to model comple# work contracts that involve advanced payment
terms& These contracts tend to have high dollar values, often running into several
millions of dollars& They also tend to be long lead time contracts, sometimes
e#tending over multiple years& These contracts are characteri-ed by progress
payments that are governed by the comple# payment terms, and which are released
based on completion of work&
o The business flow can originate with a services request which the buying
organi-ation determines needs comple# payment terms to manage and fulfill&
The sourcing process allows negotiation of the comple# payment terms and
these are carried forward to the Contract after the award&
o The Contract, once approved and signed off by the involved parties is now
in a state ready for e#ecution& The %upplier can report progress on the work
specified on the Contract, which the buying organi-ation can certify as
complete& %ubsequently, payments can be processed for the progress made on
the contract& The payment terms specified on the contract are used to
compute the payment due to the supplier&
Public $P%s are modiied to support ulti($rg /ccess Controls 0&'$C1& Public /P,s
take $perating 2nit as a parameter& $perating 2nit is an optional parameter& ,f it is
not provided, the default operating unit from setup is used to set the desired
o P$ Change /P, 3 P$4C56*'&pls
o Cancel P$ /P, 3 P$4P7C$'&pls
o Price Control /P, 3 P$4PCP!'&pls
'racle (-Business )a" is a new infrastructure for ta# knowledge management and
delivery using a global system architecture that is configurable and scalable for
adding country specific ta# content&
o /s the single point solution for managing transaction(based ta#, $racle 8(
'usiness Ta# delivers ta# services uniformly to $racle 8('usiness %uite business
flows through one application interface&
o $racle 8('usiness Ta# provides a comprehensive solution to configure,
maintain, manage, and access transaction(based ta#es& $rgani-ations will
have the ability to effectively address multiple ta# needs, from global ta#
requirements to local compliance&
o Previously, only basic ta# code and ta# group based ta# computation
capabilities were supported& 'y integrating with $racle 8('usiness Ta#, the
Procure to Pay business flow will be able to address comple# ta#
requirements& /nother benefit of the integration is the ability to utili-e a
single point ta# solution across the 8('usiness %uite, which greatly simplifies
maintenance and ta# management&
o Ta# is calculated for the following purchase documents:
9 Purchase and ,nternal !equisitions, at the requisition line level
9 %tandard and Planned Purchase $rders, at the P$ shipment level
9 'lanket and %cheduled !eleases, at the !elease shipment level
o Ta# is calculated whenever a purchase transaction is created and ta# is
recalculated when any ta# determination attributes on the transaction is
updated& %o any saved purchase document should have its applicable ta#
already calculated&
o ,n case of upgrading to !*+ client may opt to keep using Pre(!*+ ta# setup
or can do some additional setups for using new functionalities&
,n release **i, $racle /dvanced Procurement %uite supported 4%:("$ stylesheet
based layout templates& ,n release *+, you can use layout templates created in
icrosoft !T" and /dobe P7" formats& )ith !elease *+, buyers can print purchasing
documents on demand using any of the pre(defined layout templates& ,t also allows
buyers to print a purchasing document in multiple formats
o /ttachment type supported
9 6otes to %upplier 0!*+, **i1
9 :ong %hort te#t 0!*+, **i1
9 "iles 0!*+1
9 2!: 0!*+1
&aintain Sourcing Rules*$S+s or $greement %tems: Prior to this release, system(
generated sourcing rules and /%:s were only created at the time of blanket
agreement approval& These rules were enabled for all organi-ations, which might not
have mirrored actual business processes&
,n this release, you create sourcing rules and /%: entries for a specific inventory
organi-ation& ;ou can create these rules for agreements that you manually create, or
for agreements that you import through the open interface&
,n addition, the dependency of rules creation with the approval process has been
removed& /s a result, you can create rules for e#isting agreements that have already
been approved& This concurrent program allows you to automatically create rules for
all of the operating units in which a blanket agreement is enabled&
Su!!ort or Contract Purchasing ,sers- ,n this release, contingent workers can
perform the same actions as requesters and buyers who are employees& These actions
include creating requisitions, purchase orders, and receipts& ,n addition, contingent
workers can approve both requisitions and purchase orders&
6ow the question is what the benefit of this:
< Companies can outsource their procurement functions to third parties,
allowing them to focus on their core competencies&
< "or the many companies that utili-e the services of contingent workers,
these workers can raise requisitions on their own behalf&
< Companies can meet compliance requirements because they no longer have
to define contingent workers as employees for contingent workers to perform
their =obs&
$uto-$!!ro#al )olerances or Change 'rders: 0Purchasing:Tolerances and Routing
> Change Order) /uto(/pproval Tolerances are defined on %etup screen or in )orkflow
/ttributes& $nce a Purchasing 7ocument is submitted for approval, in the /pproval
)orkflow a check is done to ensure that all changes are within tolerance& ,f they are
then main approval is bypassed otherwise the document is routed through main
approval process in workflow&
&odel Com!le" Pricing or Blanket +ine %tems: !*+, $racle Purchasing provides an
additional option to model comple# pricing for 'lanket line items& ,n this release
$racle Purchasing has built an integration with the $racle /dvanced Pricing product&
$racle /dvanced Pricing provides a set of tools in the form of price lists, formulas and
modifiers to model comple# pricing scenarios& This integration may eliminate the
need for e#isting $racle Purchasing customers to incorporate custom code into the
product in the form of the custom pricing hook&
The integration with advanced pricing allows dynamic calculation of prices providing
significant additional fle#ibility to complement the e#isting blanket agreement
functionality& Companies can now accurately price all requests and purchases, thus
reducing their dependence on the supplier>s billing capabilities&
Pricing .ierarchy
< ,f the transaction references an item from the item master, the list price of
the item in the item master is first defaulted into the transaction&
< ,f the transaction references an approved and active blanket agreement,
the pricing engine then determines the price from the applicable agreement
price breaks if there>s any&
< ,f there isn>t any price break defined, it picks up the price from the
agreement line&
< ,f there>s pricing information available in Oracle Advanced Pricing in the
form of price list lines and.or modifiers, these pricing rules are then applied
to arrive at the net price&
< ,t is important to note that if you have defined custom pricing rules in the
custom hook provided, those rules override any other pricing that the system
may have derived&
&ass Re-!ricing o Purchasing Documents was availabel from **i?, in !*+ it is
improved a lot& ;ou can now be able to re(price orders in batch using the e#isting
@!etroactive Price 2pdateA concurrent program even if the orders were not sourced
from 'lankets&
This Concurrent Program is now capable of re(pricing transactions based on pricing
rules defined:
o $n $racle /dvanced Pricing Price :ists.odifiers
o /nd on Custom Pricing 5ooks
$d#anced $!!ro#al Su!!ort or Re/uisitions:
o Parallel /pprovals
o %upport for Viewers
o Position 5ierarchy %upport
/ead $ore: http://&$/2!/%/#hat"ne#"at"r!2"$lUiG>>2yvl0On&0
!3.*(A-IN4 7!, 3-+<31 IN<,.'A0I,N8
7H PO Note
The pur!hain+ deal #ith $u'in+ the material from the upplier and
for thi #e ue the pur!hae order. The pur!hae order hould not $e
!onfued #ith the ale order. A pur!hae order i one #hi!h 'ou pla!e
to a upplier for the +ood #hile the ale order i the one #hi!h the
!utomer pla!e for the produ!t that 'ou ell to the !utomer.)o on!e
#e pla!e the pur!hae order" the upplier #ill provide the +ood for u
and he alo provide the invoi!e #hi!h +oe to the A!!ount pa'a$le 'tem.
No# #e have alo een in the AP 'tem" thi
invoi!e !an $e mat!hed a+aint the pur!hae order.

No# in +eneral" in a t'pi!al !ompan'" a pur!hae order i not raied
ri+ht a#a'.There i a pro!e #here a re%uiition i firt raied and
in repone to that re%uiition" a pur!hae order i !reated. /or ex
in a PO 'tem"an emplo'ee firt raie a re%uiition for" a'" a
in0Iet printer" #hi!h +oe thru the tandard #or0flo# pro!e and it
+et approved $' the mana+er et!. )o in order to raie a re%uiition"
the uer mut $e defined a a EMPLO1EE.:Thi !an $e done in etup"
peronnel "emplo'ee;
7H RE23I)ITION) : On!e the re%uiition +oe thru" the uer !an raie
a pur!hae order.
No# for the pur!hae order to $e raied the uer mut $e defined a ,31ER.:Thi
!an $e done in etup" peronnel" $u'er;

)o let8 +o thru the route of !reatin+ the pur!hae order $' initiall' !reatin+ a
Thi i %uite imilar to !reatin+ a ale order. 6ere #e !an re%uet an item #hi!h
!an $e an aet" !ould $e an expene or an item #hi!h eventuall' +oe to the
inventor' et!. Let u ee the differen!e" an aet i one #hi!h i li0e a !hair
or a 0e'$oard for 'our !omputer #hi!h #e are uin+. An expene i li0e +oin+
for a dinner and an item !an $e re%ueted #hi!h eventuall' +oe into the !ompan'
inventor'. 6ere #e mention the upplier detail"or+ani*ation et! information and
then !reate a re%uiition. .et the re%uiition from the $ae header and detail ta$le

!reated4$'D :ele!t uer4id from fnd4uer #here uer4name D8LAJA.ARL8; the Re%uiition detail.

!reation4date D :ele!t max:!reation4date; from po4re%uiition4line4all;

-- <e !an +et to 0no# the tatu of that PO item :a #e !an +et it in OM;
from the #or0flo# ta$le uin+ the %uer'..

)ELECT item4t'pe" item40e'" a!tivit'4tatu" $e+in4date" end4date"
a!tivit'4name" pro!e4a!tivit'
/ROM #f4item4a!tivit'4tatue" #f4pro!e4a!tivitie
<6ERE item40e' D 85K=>LK5-5KK5=8 -- 8MLM5N==K8
AN& item4t'pe D 8RE2APPRV8
AN& pro!e4a!tivit' D intan!e4id
OR&ER ,1 $e+in4date" end4date

Re%uiition Import :
In addition to !reatin+ the re%uiition online" the' !an alo $e imported
a a $at!h. On!e imported the' +o into the ta$le po4re%uiition4interfa!e4all.
On!e imported" #e need to run the ORe%uiition ImportO from the
O.L Corporate Pur!hain+O reponi$ilit' #hi!h then populate the ta$le
Opo4re%uiition4header4allO and Opo4re%uiition4line4allO ta$le. <hile
runnin+ the re%uiition import" the !on!urrent pro+ram a0 for the our!e
:from #here to $e imported;. Thi our!e value i !omin+ from the a$ove
interfa!e ta$le.

-- Vendor Information !an $e found from thi %uer'.
ele!t vendor4id" vendor4name" e+ment5"vendor4t'pe4loo0up4!ode"
a!!t4pa'4!ode4!om$ination4id !!id
from po4vendor
#here vendor4name li0e 8)A/E.3AR&P8
7HP3RC6A)IN. : The follo#in+ %uerie tore the information a$out the
pur!hae order.
<hen a pur!hae order i !reated7approved" there are no a!!ountin+ impa!t
on .L. The onl' a!!ount that i pe!ified at the PO Level i the
PO Char+e A!!ount and that i an a!!rual a!!ount. <hat thi mean i the
#hen 'ou re!eive a+aint thi PO:at periodend or at re!eipt;" automati!all' the a!!rual
line are +enerated and tranferred to .L i.e thee line hit the a!!rual
a!!ount.<hen #e
a' automati!all'"mean eamlel' or online" #e dont need to run an' pe!ifi!
pro+ram to puh
thoe line to .L.
A!!rue at Period End mean that #hen a re!eipt i aved" the a!!rual trana!tion are
immediatel' re!orded and ent to the +eneral led+er( intead" the a!!ountin+ entrie
are +enerated
and ent at the end of the month $' runnin+ the Re!eipt A!!rual - Period-End
End-of the month a!!rual are onl' availa$le for expene pur!hae" i.e period end
a!!rual and
upon-re!eipt a!!rual are availa$le for expene item" #hile inventor' item are
al#a' a!!rued

-- The default hip-to" $ill-to lo!ation i defaultin+ from /inan!ial Option.
ele!t po4header4id" t'pe4loo0up4!ode"e+ment5 po4num$er"vendor4id"
#f4item40e'"!reation4date" lat4update4date
from po4header4all
#here e+ment5 D 85>>>>>Q>8

ele!t po4header4id"po4line4id"item4id" !ate+or'4id" item4de!ription"
lit4pri!e4per4unit"unit4pri!e" %uantit'" re%uet4id
from po4line4all
#here po4header4id D=K=L5

7HT'pi!all' the pur!hae order header information #ill +o into po4header4all"
The pur!hae order line information #ill +o into po4line4all
the pur!hae order hipment information #ill +o into po4line4lo!ation4all
:i.e the time and lo!ation" need4$' " the lo!ation #here thi need to $e
Thee lo!ation are uuall' the inventor' lo!ation.
the pur!hae order ditri$ution information #ill +o into po4ditri$ution4all
:!ode4!om$ination et!;.

)o ea!h PO #ill have header"line"hipment and ditri$ution. Another
!aveat here in !reatin+ the PO hipment i a follo#. <hile !reatin+
hipment" #e pe!if' the hip to or+ and the hip to lo!ation. 6ere the
default value i !omin+ from the item or+"i.e if the item and it reviion
i ai+ned to a' or+ V5" then that or+ onl' !ome. 6ere 'ou !an pe!if'
mater or+ a #ell" $ut 'ou !annot re!eive in the mater or+. 6en!e it i
important that 'ou pe!if' an or+ #hi!h i not item mater or+.
ele!t po4header4id" po4line4id" po4ditri$ution4id"!ode4!om$ination4id
"detination4t'pe4!ode" detination4u$inventor'" re%uet4id
from po4ditri$ution4all
#here po4header4id D =K=L5
7H PO APPROVAL PROCE)) : 6avin+ !reated the PO" the next tep i the PO Approval
Pur!hain+ and 6R )tuff.
If 6R i not !ompletel' intalled. <e !an define the emplo'ee and poition
in Ora!le pur!hain+"
6o#ever if 6R i intalled then the appli!ation #ill for!e 'ou to define
the emplo'ee "upervior and poition in the 6R module.

In Ora!le 6R"People are different from the emplo'ee. Not all the people defined
are emplo'ee. Emplo'ee information +oe into the ta$le Ohr4emplo'eeO and
the people information +oe into the Oper4all4people4fO ta$le"$ut an emplo'ee
#ill $e in $oth the hr4emplo'ee and per4all4people4f ta$le. T'pi!all' if
there are an' !onta!t for an emplo'ee "then the' #ill $e entered a the people.

-- The $elo# %uer' !an $e tried to ee if the 6R produ!t i intalled or not.
Interetin+ all the 6R related !ode i preent in the appli!a!tion
--uer PER and not 6R
and exit :ele!t 5 from /N&4PRO&3CT4INIT4CON&ITION C
and C.RE4INIT4CON&ITION in :83)ER8"8RE)P8"8APPL8"8NL)8;;

Normall'" #henever a pur!hae order i raied "a'"$' an emplo'ee. then it #ill
$e routed thru the next in the hierar!h'. And there are t#o t'pe of hierar!hie
in the Ora!le pur!hain+ module. One i poition approval hierar!h' and another
emplo'ee7upervior hierar!h'. Thi ettin+ !an $e defined uin+ the path
etup DA Or+ani*ation DA /inan!ial Option !reen. DA 6uman Reour!e ta$.

If the O3e Approval 6ierar!hieO !he!0 $ox i !he!0ed" then it mean that the
poition approval hierar!h' i ued.
If the O3e Approval 6ierar!hieO !he!0 $ox i un!he!0ed" then it mean that the
emplo'ee7upervior hierar!h' i ued.

Let u $riefl' d#ell on #hat i the differen!e $et#een thee t#o hierar!hie.
In the !ae of Poition Approval 6ierar!h'" firtl' a hierar!h' of all the
poition in the !ompan' are defined. for ex" Mana+er" )enior Mana+er" Exe!utive
"Vi!e Preident"et!( all thee poition are firt defined. )o if a mana+er
raie a PO" then that do!ument i routed up the hierar!h' i.e it i routed
to the enior mana+er.

In the !ae of Emplo'ee7)upervior 6ierar!h'" #hile #e are definin+ an
emplo'ee "a' ")mith" then hi mana+er "a'" &avid" i alo pe!ified.
And a do!ument i routed to that mana+er &avid.

In!identall' in Ora!le pur!hain+" there are lot of do!ument t'pe defined.
That i "a re%uiition:Internal or Pur!hae;" planned pur!hae order"
tandard pur!hae!. <e !an ee thee t'pe from the path
etup DA Pur!hain+ DA &o!ument T'pe.
7H Re%uiition7PO Approval Pro!e
-- /or PO Approval on Poition $aed " do the follo#in+ item on !he!0lit.

If the re%ueter need to approve the re%uiition that he ha !reated" then
enure that the do!ument t'pe in
etupDA pur!hain+ DA do!ument t'pe DA O#ner !an approve et!.

/irtl' the re%ueter hould $e an emplo'ee"ma0e ure that thi i defined
a the 6R emplo'ee. .o to the 6R" and find out the poition for thi
parti!ular emplo'ee:re%ueter; for ex" EN.INEER III.

No# for thi PO)ITION" .o to
)etup DA Approval DA Approval Ai+nment.
and ai+n the appropriate do!ument t'pe" and approval +roup
Approval .roup : Approval .roup $ai!all' enure #hat i the approval limit.
Importantl' !he!0 the PO dit a!!ount and enure that" that parti!ular a!!ount i
pe!ified in the a!!ount ran+e in the Approval +roup.
&o!ument T'pe : #hether that poition !an approve thi do!ument t'pe li0e
tandard"planned PO8.

Ma0e ure that thi approval +roup ha the uffi!ient amount a the approval limit
uin+ the menu
)etup DA Approval DA Approval .roup.
-- /or approval of Emplo'ee 7upervior $aed :JO,;

If 'ou are not uin+ the poition approval hierar!h' "that mean 'ou are uin+
hiearar!h'"then approval ai+nment and approval +roup need to $e defined for that
parti!ular JO,.
And follo# the ame a$ove pro!edure.

6en!e to ummari*e" if the poitional approval hierar!h' i ued then the
approval +roup and approval ai+nment hould $e !reated for that poition.
If the emplo'ee7upervior hierar!h' i ued" then the approval +roup and
approval ai+nment hould $e !reated for that Jo$.

No# in thi !ae" #e are aumin+ a imple !ae of o#ner approvin+ the
re%uition. )o in thi !ae" on!e the preparer !reate the re%uiition and
pree the approve $utton" the do!ument automati!all' +et approved " a
lon+ a ever' thin+ i fine.

6o#erver let u ta0e another !ae" #here in the on!e the do!ument i u$mitted
for approval $aed on the follo#in+ ettin+" it i routed to the next
peron in the hierar!h'.

Thi ettin+ !an $e defined uin+ the path
etup DA Or+ani*ation DA /inan!ial Option !reen. DA 6uman Reour!e ta$.

No# let u a' if the 'tem i uin+ the emplo'ee7upervior hierar!h'" then the
upervior #ill lo+in to the 'tem and from the #or0lit notifi!ation" he !an
find a re%uiition pendin+ to approve. #hi!h he !an pi!0 and approve.
No# on!e the re%uiition tuff i done" #e !an do an Auto!reate and !reate
a pur!hae order from the re%uiition. On!e the pur!hae order i !reated"
#e !an ue the follo#in+ %uer' to enure that it #or0 and then the PO i approved.

7H3uall' for our tetin+ purpoe" the pur!hae order #e !an !reate one" and
for approval #e !an ue the follo#in+ %uer' to ma0e it #or0.On!e the po i
approved" #e #ill $e a$le to re!eive a+aint that po.H7
)ELECT ph.e+ment5" ph.po4header4id" ph.t'pe4loo0up4!ode"
ph.dipla'ed4field T1PE" ph.vendor4name" ph.vendor4id" ph.full4name"
/ROM po4po4val4v ph
<6ERE :e+ment5 LIRE 855>>>=KNQQ8;
AN& : ESI)T) :
)ELECT 8Valid PO )hipment8
/ROM po4line4lo!ation poll
<6ERE ph.po4header4id D poll.po4header4id
AN& NVL :poll.approved4fla+" 8N8; D 818
AN& NVL :poll.!an!el4fla+" 8N8; D 8N8
AN& poll.hipment4t'pe IN
:8)TAN&AR&8" 8,LANRET8" 8)C6E&3LE&8;
AN& poll.hip4to4or+ani*ation4id D :=

)o on!e the PO i approved" it i no# read' for re!eivin+ the +ood from the

3ndertandin+ the Re!eipt form : <hen 'ou firt #ant to re!eive an' thin+ and open
re!eipt form" firtl' it ho# the O/ind expe!ted re!eiptO. Thi form had variou field
li0e PO" re!eipt num$er" re!eivin+ lo!ation et!. No# #hat #e have to undertand
from thi form
i that"if #e #ant to re!eive item !orrepondin+ to a PO" then #e have to enter that
PO num$er
and then pre O/indO $utton. No# if #e #ant re!eive all the item that are uppoed
to $e hipped
at a re!eivin+ lo!ation" then #e enter that re!eivin+ lo!ation and pre O/indO $utton"
#hi!h in turn #ill ho# all the pur!hae order that hip item to that pe!ifi!
re!eivin+ lo!ation.
<hat thi mean i that the form !he!0 if it ha $een alread' re!eived" and if it i"
then it
#ill a' no re!ord exit other#ie" #e !an !reate a ne# re!eipt re!ord.

ORECEIVIN. TRAN)ACTION) )3MMAR1 /ORMO and !he!0 the trana!tion.
7H <hile re!ievin+ !he!0lit :

5. Jut li0e .L"AR "Inventor' ha it o#n period a #ell T #e !an open period from
:etup DA !ot DA !ot period .And the data +oe into the or+4a!!t4periodEE;
Ora!le Inventor' --A A!!ountin+ Cloe C'!le --A Inventor' A!!ountin+ Period --A
Chan+e tatu
In inventor' onl' one period at an' time" #hile in .L or Pur!hain+ an' period !an
$e open.
Thi i the mot tri!0iet part. A!tuall' in inventor' if 'ou need to open an' period"
then the
previou period need to $e alread' opened. That i if the previou period i not open
Iut open and !loe it.

=. Alo enure that the pur!hain+ period are open" ho#ever in thi !ae more than
one period !an $e open

)etup DA /inan!ial DA A!!ountin+ DA Control Pur!hain+ Period.
U. One important thin+ i "#e tal0ed a$out the hip to or+ id a$ove. )o #hen #e
open the re!eipt
form" ma0e ure 'ou pi!0 onl' that or+ani*ation that 'ou mentioned in the PO" i.e
'ou are re!eivin+
onl' in that or+. That i from the inventor' "pull thi item up and !li!0 on or+
ai+nment and
ai+n thi item to that parti!ular re!eivin+ or+ani*ation and ave it.Thi $ai!all'
mean that item i
trana!ta$le in that parti!ular or+ani*ation.

K. Another important point i the Item reviion #hi!h i i alo related to the
ai+nment. That i on!e #e define an item in mater or+ and ai+n them to
different or+.
And alo if #e +o to the or+ ai+nment and !li!0 on the Oor+ attri$uteO $utton" #e
#ill find that
#e !an define a reviion for thi item.
6en!e #hen 'ou are enterin+ a PO uin+ the PO from"Iut enure that 'ou are +ivin+
the ri+ht
reviion for thi item"other#ie #e ma' not $e a$le to ele!t the !orre!t hip to
or+ani*ation id
in the hipment form.

M. 1ou !annot re!eive in a mater or+ani*ation and hen!e 'ou #ill not ee the mater
in the LOV #hen re!eipt8in+.H7

7H The follo#in+ %uerie +ive the information a$out the RECEIPT) #e ma0e for the
pur!hae order !reated a$ove.
On!e #e enter a re!eivin+ txn"and the re! txn pro!eor pro!ee it" there #ill $e
an entr' in thi.
r!v4trana!tion tore the hitori!al information a$out re!eivin+ trana!tion that
'ou have performed.
There #ill not $e an' update on thi ta$le. H7
ele!t trana!tion4id"trana!tion4t'pe"%uantit'"interfa!e4our!e4!ode"
detination4t'pe4!ode" po4header4id" po4line4id" po4ditri$ution4id"
from r!v4trana!tion
#here po4header4id D KUK
--and !reation4date AD 85M-OCT-=>>K8

-- The 0e' thin+ i that ele!t the !he!0 $ox and ave it.
7H An' re!eipt +o into r!v4hipment4header and line. the !olumn
indi!ate #hether the material ha !ome a part of internal order or from a vendor
:or upplier;. If it i an internal order ie. inter-or+ tranfer" then the
or+ani*ation4id !olumn indi!ate from #hi!h or+ it ha !ome.
It i important to note that the r!v4trana!tion tal0 a$out = trana!tion
for ea!h re!eipt ie.
one for re!eivin+ the item from the vendor to the re!eivin+ dept
another for re!eivin+ the item from the re!eivin+ dept to Inventor'.
6o#ever in the !ae of hipment" #e find onl' one entr' i.e from the vendor
and 'ou mention the lo!ation of hipment.
-- .et the hipment header id and hipment line id from the a$ove %uer'.
ele!t re!eipt4our!e4!ode"$ill4of4ladin+"vendor4id"vendor4ite4id"
from r!v4hipment4header
#here hipment4header4id D 5U=N5=

from r!v4hipment4line
#here hipment4header4id D 5U=N5=

6en!e 'ou are re!eive a+aint a PO" Re%uiition" a RMA.

7H Jut a %ui!0 #ord. A #e mentioned $efore" #hen #e re!eive automati!all' the t#o
.L line are
!reated all the #a' in +l4interfa!e ta$le"#hi!h !an $e !he!0ed from the follo#in+
Thee t#o line !orrepond to t#o .L a!!ount and the' are re!eivin+ material
and AP a!!rual a!!ount. I have een ome time $oth the a!!ount are +iven a
and in that !ae" the t#o line #ill loo0 exa!tl' identi!al i.e #ith the ame !ode
!om$ination id.
Re!eivin+ option DA Re!eivin+ Inventor' A!!ount
Pur!hain+ option DA AP A!!rual A!!ount.

6en!e)o the onl' thin+ that +oe from PO to .L i the a!!rual.: all thee lia$ilitie
"expene #ill +o from AP;. /or more info" loo0 at the AP %uerie file.
ele!t H from +l4interfa!e

7H The t#o other inventor' ta$le #hi!h +et updated are mtl4material4trana!tion
and mtl4trana!tion4a!!ount.
6ere #e !an +ive the r!v4trana!tion4id that #e o$tain from the a$ove %uer'
:for &ELIVER re!ord" $e!aue that i the one #hi!h fill the inventor'; and +et
that material trana!tion.H7

ele!t trana!tion4id"inventor'4item4id"or+ani*ation4id"
from mtl4material4trana!tion
#here inventor'4item4id
D :ele!t inventor'4item4id from mtl4'tem4item4$
#here e+ment5D8>>>>LVV5>=V=U8
and or+ani*ation4id D Q=;
and !reation4date AD85Q-OCT-=>>K8
--and r!v4trana!tion4id D MQ=5UQ

-- No# in!e there i an in!rement in the inventor' i.e the on-hand $alan!e hould
--in!reae for that inventor' item.
or+ani*ation4id or+"
primar'4trana!tion4%uantit' %t'"
u$inventor'4!ode u$inv"
!ot4+roup4id "
inventor'4item4id D :ele!t inventor'4item4id from mtl4'tem4item4$
#here e+ment5D8>>>>LVV5>=V=U8 and
or+ani*ation4id D Q=;

7H PROC3RE TO PA1 /LO< : )o havin+ +one thru the Pur!hain+ "Re!eivin+ "here i
the t'pi!al flo# for P=P
Pro!ure to Pa' /lo#

Tr' to put thi into the e%uation li0e

Reepin+ that in mind" #e !an have everal report.
If there i a PO" and there i a re!eipt" then it i normal !ae.
If there i no PO" and there i re!eipt" then #e !an +et it from the O3nordered
Re!eiptO report

If there i a RCVT" and then there i an invoi!e DA Normal Cae
If there i a RCVT" and then there i NO invoi!e DA 3ninvoi!ed Re!eipt Report

1ou pe!if' #hi!h upplier ite i parti!ipatin+ in the Pa' on Re!eipt feature
$' ettin+ on the elf $illin+ re+ion.
)upplier DA )upplier )ite DA Pur!hain+ ta$ DA)elf ,illin+ Re+ion
DA Pa' on DA Re!eipt


-- /rom Item Mater..
)ELECT e+ment5
/ROM mtl4'tem4item4$
<6ERE inventor'4item4id D :ele!t inventor'4item4id from mtl4'tem4item4$
#here e+ment5D8>>>>LVV5>=V=U8
and or+ani*ation4id D Q=;

7H Return Material Authori*ation : The Pur!hain+8 Re!eivin+ !an $e ued to re!eive
the !utomer RMA8. T'pi!all' thi i #hat happen. for a item #hi!h i returned
$' 'our !utomer" the ale rep #ill !reate a RMA. 6en!e #hile re!eivin+ that
item" #e !an enter the RMA num$er and then re!eive that !utomer returned item.
6en!e " #e !an ee that #hile #e are re!eivin+ an' thin+ #e need the !orrepondin+
num$er li0e PO num$er or RMA num$er et!.H7

7H .enerall' there are ome mana+er:li0e Cot Mana+er; #hi!h #e need to run
:or !heduled; to +enerate the a!!ountin+ entrie for the material in inventor'. The
a!!e path i
etupDA Trana!tion DAInterfa!e Mana+er.
6en!e it i ver' important to undertand that thi ta$le #ill +et updated onl' if the
Cot Mana+er i up and runnin+. <hat the !ot mana+er $ai!all' doe i that" for
.L a!!ount thi item #hi!h ha $een re!eived hould $e attri$uted to.H7

ele!t lat4update4date" trana!tion4id" referen!e4a!!ount"inventor'4item4id"
or+ani*ation4id or+"
trana!tion4date" primar'4%uantit'" +l4$at!h4id" rate4or4amount"!ot4element4id
from mtl4trana!tion4a!!ount
#here inventor'4item4id D :ele!t inventor'4item4id from mtl4'tem4item4$
#here e+ment5D8>>>>LVV5>=V=U8
and or+ani*ation4id D Q=;
and !reation4date AD 85V-OCT-=>>K8

7H<e !an 0no# the !omplete detail of the a!!ount $' +ivin+ the !ode !om$ination id
o$tained:referen!e a!!ount; from a$ove %uer' to the follo#in+ %uer'.H7
WW8-8WWa.e+mentKWW8-8WWa.e+mentMWW8-8WWa.e+mentN a!!t4!ode "
+l4!ode4!om$ination a
!ode4!om$ination4id D 5>QU

7H /or RET3RN)" #e do find a trana!tion in the r!v4trana!tion" #ith the
hipment header id.
A an ex" #e !an return an item in t#o tep" firt tep i to return to re!eivin+
dept and e!ond i to return to the vendor H7

ele!t rma4referen!e"trana!tion4id"trana!tion4t'pe"%uantit'"interfa!e4our!e4!ode"
detination4t'pe4!ode" po4header4id" po4line4id" po4ditri$ution4id"
routin+4header4id "u$inventor'"hipment4header4id"hipment4line4id
from r!v4trana!tion
#here po4header4id D =UQMM
--and po4line4id D =5ULKQ

7H 6ere i an important tet !ae #hi!h #e !an tet. Let u a' #e have a PO #hi!h
an item for a pri!e of FM. <e have raied another PO for the ame item at a different
time " $ut for a pri!e of F5>. No# if #e return the item !orrepondin+ to the firt
PO no#" doe the !ot mana+er update the mtl4trana!tion4a!!ount #ith FM or F5>.
per the tandard fun!tionalit'" the !ot m+r #ill update the ta$le #ith the ame pri!e
a that of the ori+inal PO.
-- AP related %uerie.
ele!t H -- po4ditri$ution4id
from ap4invoi!e4all
order $' !reation4date de!
ele!t H
from ap4invoi!e4ditri$ution4all
#here po4ditri$ution4id D =5U5VQ
ele!t H from ap4hold4all
#here invoi!e4id D MMQMN
ele!t H from ap4invoi!e4all
#here invoi!e4id D MMQMN
7H Re!eivin+ Lo!ation are dei+nated area #here 'ou temporaril' tore item
$efore the' are moved to their final detination" ex :re!eivin+ do!0 and
inpe!tion area are re!eivin+ lo!ation.If ne!ear' #e !an !reate even additional
lo!ation li0e !old tora+e area #here the item are pendin+ inpe!tion H7
ele!t H
from hr4lo!ation4all
7HRe!eivin+ Control" Option and Toleran!e. <e !an loo0 at the #hole $un!h of
option at
etup DA Or+ani*ation DA Re!eivin+ Option
Ex. If the re!eivin+ toleran!e i a' 5P" then 'ou ma' re!eive the item more than the
ordered amount $' 5P le or more. )imilarl' if the re!eipt da' earl'7late i M" then
'ou !an re!eive M da' earl' or late $' M da'. H7
7H A)N : Advan!e )hipment Noti!e : An A)N i tranmitted via E&I:Ele!troni! &ata
Inter!han+e; from a upplier to let the re!eivin+ or+ani*ation 0no# that a
hipment i !omin+. H7
-- !an #e have more than 5 hipment for an PO line" ' the' r +ivin+ another #indo#
for that. EEEEEEE
-- ' am i not a$le to re!eive uin+ the re!eivin+ trana!tion from EEEEEE
------------------------6R )T3//
-- )et the environment in the produ!tion environment
: fnd4!lient4info.et4or+4!ontext;
)ELECT emplo'ee4id /ROM fnd4uer <6ERE uer4name LIRE 8PL3I8
)ELECT H /ROM per4all4people4f <6ERE peron4id in :U>5MN5M;
)ELECT Io$4id" peron4id" poition4id /ROM per4all4ai+nment4f <6ERE peron4id
in :U>5MN5M;
)ELECT name Io$4name /ROM per4Io$ <6ERE Io$4id D 5N>=
-- Thi %uer' +iven a Io$ fun!tion"#ill +ive the approval +roup.
ele!t !ontrol4+roup4name from po4!ontrol4+roup #here !ontrol4+roup4id in
:ele!t !ontrol4+roup4id from po4poition4!ontrol #here end4date i not null
and Io$4id in :
ele!t Io$4id from per4Io$4vl #here name li0e 8EL-. AN& A8 ; ;
-- Thi %uer' "+iven a approval +roup" #ill +ive the approval limit.
ele!t H from po4!ontrol4rule #here !ontrol4+roup4id in
:ele!t !ontrol4+roup4id from po4!ontrol4+roup #here !ontrol4+roup4name D 8NCE
5>7CE 5>8;
-- Thi %uer' +iven a Io$ fun!tion name" #ill +ive the approval limit.:Ma0e ure 'ou
et the !orre!t or+4id $efore 'ou !he!0 the amount limit.
ele!t H from po4!ontrol4rule #here !ontrol4+roup4id in
:ele!t !ontrol4+roup4id from po4!ontrol4+roup #here !ontrol4+roup4id in
:ele!t !ontrol4+roup4id from po4poition4!ontrol #here end4date i not null
and Io$4id in :
ele!t Io$4id from per4Io$ #here name li0e 8EL-. AN& A8 ;
3r+ent 6elp needed re+ardin+ a PO.
In our produ!tion 'tem" #e have a re%uiition #hi!h ha $een !reated and approved.
There i a PO Auto!reated for thi re%uiition #ith the !urrent tatu $ein+
8IN PROCE))8. After thi a !han+e #a made in the re%uiition "#hi!h #a approved
and the !han+e #a alo a!!epted in the PO.
6o#ever #hen #e +o to the Pur!hae Order )ummar' and open up that PO" the
$utton i dia$led. <hen I loo0 at the A!tion 6itor' for thi PO" it ha all the
a!tion hitor' #ith the latet one $ein+ havin+ A!tion value N3LL and performed
$' field i havin+ the $u'er info.
I po0ed around and !han+ed the tatu of the PO from 8IN PROCE))8 to 8RE23IRE)
from $a!0end. After thi #hen I open up the PO from PO )ummar'" the Open $utton
i ena$led. Then a+ain I u$mitted it for approval. After it #a approved $' the
mana+er" the tatu a+ain #ent $a!0 to 8RE23IRE) REAPPROVAL8. )o I am not ure
I am uppoed to do at thi point. Can ome one +ive u ome pointer a to #hat
hould $e done if the PO )tatu i 8IN PROCE))8and the OOpenO $utton i dia$led.
6o# do #e pro+re #ith thi PO.
Thi i ver' ur+ent and an' help i +reatl' appre!iated.
Than0 in advan!e.
=NMKVQ.5 to find out a$out the do!ument mana+er failed.
T'pi!all' the do!ument mana+er #ith error num$er 5 and = !ould $e handled and
do!umented" in m' !ae" the do!ument mana+er #ith error num$er U #a reolved
$' retartin+ the PO do!ument mana+er.
ele!t H from po4approved4upplier4lit
#h' i that even if ever'thin+ i fine" the PO are +oin+ to ,O& in dev.
If proper approval ai+nment and +roup are not defined then even if the re%uiition
i of
mall amount" it #ill indefinitel' +o up the approval hierar!h' until the appropriate
peron #ith
apporoval limit are defined.

--- Che!0 the a!!ountin+ period open or not
ele!t H from +l4period4tatue
#here appli!ation4id D:ele!t appli!ation4id from fnd4appli!ation #here
appli!ation4hort4name D8PO8; -- PO D=>5" INVDK>5"
and et4of4$oo04id D 5
and period4name li0e 8P->N8
order $' period4num
--)our!in+ Rule :
7H )our!in+ rule indi!ate #here an item need to $e our!ed from. That i if ever there
i a PO or re%
raied a+aint a parti!ular item" #e need to +o #ith #hi!h upplier.
)o #e firt !reate a our!in+ rule mentionin+ #hat are the effe!tive date and #hi!h
upplier name.
And then ai+n it to an item. That i #e !an ai+n it to an item" Inventor'
Or+"Operatin+ unit et!.
If it i a+ined to an item" then #e al#a' $u' that item from that parti!ular upplier.
If i i ai+ned to an Inventor' Or+ani*ation" then all the item in that parti!ular
inventor' or+" #ill
$e our!ed from that parti!ular upplier.
If i i ai+ned to an Opeartin+ 3nit" then all the item in all inventor' or+ of that
operatin+ unit #ill
$e our!ed from that parti!ular upplier.H7
--At #hat point #ill the our!in+ rule"!ome into pi!ture. EE
)ELECT H /ROM mrp4r4ai+nment4v
7H 23OTATION) T R/28 : All the 2uotation and R/28 +o into the po4header4all ta$le
t'pe4loo0up4!ode D823OTATION8.
An R/2:A Re%uet for %uotation i omethin+ #hi!h the !ompan' end to the upplier
re%uetin+ them for %uotation on the item. A 2uotation i omethin+ #hi!h a upplier
provide u #ith:hi %uote;. A %uotation !ould $e in repone to an R/2 or ma' not

ele!t H from po4header4all #here t'pe4loo0up4!ode D823OTATION8
ele!t H from po4line4all #here po4header4id D M5N>K
-- 2uotation
ele!t H from po4header4all
#here t'pe4loo0up4!ode D8R/28
and po4header4id D M5N>Q
ele!t H from po4line4all #here po4header4id D M5N>Q
7H ,lan0et Pur!hae A+reement :,PA8; #e did ee ho# a tandard pur!hae order.
A t'pi!al pur!hae order #ill have a header"line" hipment and ditri$ution.

A ,lan0et Pur!hae A+reement i Iut li0e a pur!hae order #ith the item defined
at a pre-ne+otiated pri!e and #hi!h #ill have the $e+in and end date.
6o#ever in the $lan0et pur!hae a+reement"#e #ill not have an' deliver' !hedule
#e dont have them 'et.
from the PO !reen" the moment #e !hooe the ,PA" the hipment $utton #ill not
appear"ho#ever it #ill $e there for a PO.
A mentioned a$ove" t'pi!all'
the Pur!hae Order 6eader information #ill +o into po4header4all"
The pur!hae order line information #ill +o into po4line4all"
the pur!hae order hipment information #ill +o into po4line4lo!ation4all
:i.e the time and lo!ation" need4$' " the lo!ation #here thi need to $e hipped;.
Thee lo!ation are uuall' the inventor' lo!ation.
the pur!hae order ditri$ution information #ill +o into po4ditri$ution4all
:!ode4!om$ination et!;.

6o#ever in the !ae of $lan0et" #e #ont have the hipment and hen!e no
ditri$ution information.
ele!t H from po4header4all
#here e+ment5 D85VM5Q8
and t'pe4loo0up4!ode D8,LANRET8
ele!t H from po4line4all #here po4header4id D M5N5L
-- The follo#in+ t#o ta$le #ill not have an' re!ord for $lan0et.
ele!t H from po4line4lo!ation4all #here po4header4id D M5N5L

ele!t H from po4ditri$ution4all #here po4header4id D M5N5L

5; <hat doe it mean to !reate a pur!hae order onl' #ith the item !ate+or' and
mentionin+ the inventor' itemEE
=;<hat i an A)N and A),N E
A)N i Advan!ed )hipment Noti!e. An A)N i ent $' the upplier to the re!eiver
that a hipment i !omin+ or ion it #a'. The A)N i uuall' ent in an E&I or SML
mea+e format.
A),N i a Advan!ed )hipment and ,illin+ Noti!e. 3uall' a upplier mi+ht the invoi!e
tax information a #ell alon+ #ith the other information"then it i !alled A),N.
U; <hat are the e%uen!e of event in A)N:Advan!ed )hipment Noti!e; E
The e%uen!e of event are
A hipment authori*ation li0e PO i ent to )upplier :If an' error"an app advi!e i
ent to upplier;
)upplier end the A)N via E&I or SML.
A)N i entered and verified via Re!eivin+ Open Interfa!e.
.ood arrive.
A)N v Re!eipt %uantitie are !ompared:If an' error"an app advi!e i
ent to upplier;

K; <hat i E&I:Ele!troni! &ata Interfa!e ; E
E&I i an ele!troni! !ommuni!ation me!hanim $et#een t#o !omputer:the' !ould $e
0ind of !omputer a #ell;. E&I mea+e #ill have a pe!ial format #ith header
and trailer. The E&I oft#are ha mainl' t#o !omponent " tranlator and Mappin+
)o E&I oft#are need to $e implemented $' $oth the tradin+ partner.
The E&I example !an $e explained $et #ith the follo#in+ eu%n!e.
A $u'er do#nload a PO from hi ERP 'tem into a text file.
E&I #ill tranlate the a$ove text file into a E&I format file. &urin+ the tranlation
it #ill ue the mappin+ rule.
E&I oft#are !ontrol !omm oft#are and a !ommuni!ation i eta$lihed to the
The file !an $e ent either to a mail$ox" ftp ite et!.
At the upplier end" the E&I oft#are #ill re-tranlate into a ua$le format for the
upplier to upload the data into their 'tem.

6en!e thin0 a$out E&I a a !ommuni!ation format.

M; <hat i Pa' on Re!eipt fun!tionalit'.

Pa' on Re!eipt i $ai!all' a #a' of !reatin+ the Pa'a$le Invoi!e on!e a re!eipt
i made a+aint a PO. The follo#in+ tep umari*e the re%uired tep.
-- Enure that upplier "ite i et up a Pa' ite" Primar' Pa' ha $een et"
On Pur!hain+ ta$ at ite level" pa' on re!eipt i et in elf $illin+ re+ion.
-- Run Opa' on re!eipt auto invoi!eO !on!urrent pro+ram and enure that 'ou !orre!tl'
et the A+in+ period parameter !arefull' o that the re!eipt i pi!0ed up.
-- After the Opa' on re!eipt autoinvoi!eO !omplete" it !reate invoi!e in the invoi!e
interfa!e ta$le and the Pa'a$le Invoi!e Import pro+ram i automati!all' 0i!0ed off
!reate AP Invoi!e.
Thi i one #a' of !reatin+ Invoi!e in the Pa'a$le )'tem.
Thi pro!e i alo !alled a )elf ,illin+ or Evaluation Re!eipt )ettlement:ER);.

N; <hat i a )upplier Item Catalo+E
A )upplier Item !atalo+ i a data$ae !onitin+ of different 0ind of information li0e
-An' Ne+otiated our!e" li0e if there are an' $lan0et pur!hae a+reement".,A"
%uotation et!
-<hi!h item ha $een pur!haed from #hi!h upplier:i.e hitori!al pur!hae;
-)our!in+ Rule
And the )upplier Item Catalo+ !an $e invo0ed from different pla!e li0e Navi+ator
or from the PO or re%uiition form and then ma0e a de!iion a #ho hould $e
upplier for 'our PO or re%uiition.
L;. <hat are the 0e' field that 'ou mention in the pur!hae order E
item" %uantit'" !ot" !hedule" ditri$ution.
,aed on different thin+ that are put in" the' are !laified a
different order
Q; <hat i the differen!e $et#een tandard and planned pur!haed orderE
)tandard Pur!hae Order i #hen 'ou #ant to ma0e a one-time pur!hae of item
and #hen 'ou 0no#
the item" %uantit'" !ot" !hedule" ditri$ution.
Planned Pur!hae Order i a lon+ term a+reement to $u' a produ!t from a in+le
our!e. 1ou !an alo
have a !heduled releae for a planned pur!hae order.
V; <hat i the differen!e $et#een $lan0et pur!haed a+reement:,PA;" Contra!t
pur!hae a+reement T .lo$al ,PA.
,lan0et Pur!hae A+reement i an a+reement #ith the upplier to pur!hae a
produ!t7item at a
predetermined pri!e $et#een t#o pe!ifi! date.
.lo$al Pur!hae A+reement i li0e a ,PA ho#ever thi i for an enterprie-#ide
purpoe. /or ex" 'ou !an ne+otiate
#ith the upplier" $aed on 'our #hole !ompan'8 +lo$al pur!hain+
re%uirement. That i 'ou !an
!entrali*e the $u'in+ a!tivit' for 'our #hole enterprie $' havin+ a +lo$al
Then the enterprie or+ani*ation !an a!!e thi +lo$al a+reement to !reate
pur!hae order that
levera+e thee pre-ne+otiated pri!e and term.
1ou #ill +enerall' have releae:not hipment; for ,PA8 and .lo$al ,PA8.
Contra!t pur!hae A+reement : 1ou !reate !ontra!t pur!hae a+reement"#ith
'our upplier to a+ree
on pe!ifi! term and !ondition #ithout indi!atin+ the +ood and ervi!e that
'ou #ill $e pur!hain+.
1ou !an later iue tandard PO8 a+aint the !ontra!t Pur!hae a+reement.
5>;. <hat are our!in+ rule EEE #rite in +reat detail .
)our!in+ Rule let 'ou pe!if' ho# to replenih item in an or+ani*ation.
55;. <hat i a R/2 and %uotation E
R/2 : A R/2 i a re%uet for %uotation. R/28 on!e !reated !an $e tranmitted to
the upplier $' either fax"phone "iupplier portal et!.
2uotation : A %uotation from a upplier i in repone to a R/2 or it ma' not $e.
A %uotation t'pi!all' ha a line and the line #ill have a pri!e $rea0. Onl' after
'ou !reate a pri!e $rea0" the approve $utton i ena$led.
1ou !an approve the %uotation an' num$er of time and the approve $utton i
ena$le until the tatu of the
%uotation i !loed.
A %uotation !an $e entered manuall' "a' #hile on the phone from a upplier a
the upplier provide the
information. Or" it !ould !ome from Pur!hain+ &o!ument Open Interfa!e.
On!e a %uotation i !reated" 'ou !ould !reate a PO or ,PA from thi %uotation.
5=;. <hat are )upplier lit and #hat are the' ued forE
)upplier lit are not A)L8. )upplier lit are $ai!all' different 0ind of lit
#ith ea!h lit t'pi!all' !orrepondin+ to a !ate+or' for ex" 'ou mi+ht !reate
a lit li0e Monitor and in that lit +ive all the upplier #ho #ould provide
the Monitor. imilar' hard di0 et!.
T'pi!all' on!e )upplier Lit are !reated"the' are atta!hed to an R/2 and
the R/2 i ent to all thoe upplier in the lit. R/28 on!e !reated !an
$e tranmitted to the upplier $' either fax"phone Ora!le i)upplier portal et!.
5U;. <rite a$out the !omplete flo# of the Pa' on Re!eipt fun!tionalit'.
.ive the example of an item #hi!h i to!0a$le "$ut it i not trana!ta$le or oe
An item i to!0a$le" if it i tan+i$le"for ex
5K;. <hat i Approved )upplier Lit fun!tionalit'"etup et!E
The approved upplier etup i done at the inventor' item level. At the item level"
'ou et
#hether that parti!ular item hould ue approved upplier or not. Thi i et at
Item DA Pur!hain+ option
If 'ou et thi fla+" then 'ou !an onl' approve pur!hae order " if the upplier i an
5M;. <hat i the !on!ept of importin+ the approved upplier "#h' #ould 'ou do that.
5N;. <hat i the differen!e $et#een PO Cloe" PO /inall' Cloed and PO Can!el E
Cloe i reveri$le and prevent AP from mat!hin+ an' of the PO line until
the Cloe i revered.
Can!el #ill !loe the PR7PO line and it i irreveri$le. Can!el #ill alo
!han+e the 2uantit' to *ero at line level. In a !ae #here PO line
i partiall' invoi!ed" !an!el #ill !han+e the 8%uantit' ordered8 do#n
to e%ual the 8%uantit' $illed8.
/inall' !loed #ill !loe the PO and it i irreveri$le. /inall' Cloed
#ill not !han+e the 8Ordered 2uantit'8 ho#ever"it #ill revere dollar $a!0 to .L.
5L;. <hat happened to the 55i Pur!hain+ Open &o!ument Interfa!e in R5= EE
It ha $een plit into t#o pro+ram
Import Pri!e Catalo+ DA thi i to import the ,PA and %uotation primaril'.
Import )tandard Pur!hae Order :<h' #ould 'ou import tandard pur!hae
order "thi !ould $e
$e!aue 'ou have firt entered them into a preadheet and then import them
into the
interfa!e ta$le et!;.
5Q; #hat are the different interfa!e that are there in Pur!hain+EE
Pur!hain+ &o!ument Open Interfa!e :
2uotation from )upplier
Even A)L entrie !an $e imported thru thi interfa!e"ho# EE
Re!eivin+ open Interfa!e
A)N Trana!tion
A),N Trana!tion
5V; In PO" #h' i that hipment i related to the ditri$ution. doe that mean that
hipment #ill have one ditri$utionE
1e. And #hen a PO -mat!hed invoi!e i !reated" the ame invoi!e ditri$ution
#ill $e the ame a PO ditri$ution.
=>;. <hat are the t#o main important report in Pur!hain+ and their ua+eE
A!!rual Re!on!iliation Report.
A!!rual <rite-off Report : Thi report i t'pi!all' run for #ritin+ off the a!!rual.
6o#ever 'ou !an alo ue thi report to find the unre!eipt8ed pur!hae order.
=5;. In the re!eivin+ form"#hat !ould $e the reaon if 'ou are not a$le to loo0 for a
One thin+ #e !an do i to !he!0 and ee the #hat i the PO or+ani*ation "then
!han+e to that or+" and then open up the r!v trx and ee if there are an' re!eipt.
=U;. #hen 'ou !reate a pur!hae order" doe the item pri!e !ome from a pri!e litE
No. that pri!e i for the !utomer. Thi pri!e i the pri!e #e need to pa' to the
upplier. And it !ome from the item7upplier !atalo+ and for the !atalo+ ee a$ove.
=K;. <hat are t#o important fa!tor that need to $e ta0en !are of for PO approval.
one i do!ument amount and the a!!ount ran+e.
Multi"Org Access 3ontrol " ;nderstandingT
Now in Release 12, Multi-Org Access Control (MOAC) enables companies that have
implemented a Shared Services operating model to eicientl! process business transactions b!
allowing users to access, process, and report on data or an unlimited number o operating
units within a single application"s responsibilit!# $ata securit! and access privileges are still
maintained using securit! proiles that will now support multiple operating units#
0he question is how it is possible in .=> and not in ==i###
A62C8/ is the 7irtual *rivate Database 47*D5 enables data access control by user or by custo$er #ith
the assurance o& physical data separation. This &eature ca$e in Oracle !g databse.
=ase data tables eGist in the product sche$a #ith a na$ing convention o& R:A11. The data in this table
is striped by O/0:ID 4Operating ;nit5.
To vie# this in&o in A**2 sche$a user use to use so$e 7I8Cs based on evirn$ental variable.
In /!2 these )ind o& 7I8Cs are phased out and 296O69Ms ca$e in...
In /elease !2< you can create a 2ecurity *ro&ile and assign as $any operating units as you
#ant to that security pro&ile.
Multi-Org Access Control Setup:
%sing Oracle &RMS, !ou
can deine !our securit!
proile using two orms'
(he Security Profile
form, which allows !ou
to select operating units
rom onl! one )usiness
(he Global Security
Profile form, which
allows !ou to select
operating units rom
multiple )usiness
Also it can be done b!
creating organi+ation
hierarchies to show reporting
lines and other hierarchical
relationships# , !ou want to include organi+ations rom a single )usiness *roup, use the
Organization Hierarcy window, alternativel!, use the Global Organization Hierarcy
window to include organi+ations rom an! )usiness *roup# Alwa!s deine hierarchies rom the
top organi+ation down#
Ater doing these setups or
modiication in securit!
proile, run a concurrent
re-uest called .Security !ist
Maintenance/ rom &R
which ma0es those securit!
proiles available and allows
!ou to assign them to a
responsibilit! via a proile
option called .MO' Securit!
1# (he MO Security Profile
controls the list o operating
units that a responsibilit! or
user can access
MO: "efault Operating #nit
is optional and allows !ou to
speci! a deault operating
unit that deaults when !ou
open dierent subledger
application pages# )ecause
!ou can access multiple operating units, !ou ma! want to set up a deault one instead o
orcing users to constantl! have to choose one
(he Release 11i MO: Operating #nit proile option is supported in Release 12 as not all
customers o Oracle products re-uire multiple organi+ations#
Multi-Org Access Control Process:
2ithin a )usiness *roup
.3ision Corporation/ we
need to give access to
Multiple Operating %nit
through one responsibilit!,
base on conditions# MOAC
going to help in this#
4or one particular
responsibilit! called ."G-
Purcasing Super#ser/
there is a re-uirement o
having access to multiple
Operating %nits listed below'
3ision Construction
3ision Corporation
3ision Operations
3ision Services
$ue to man! other re-uirements one hierarch! ."$%en&ra- Org Hierarcy/ e5ists with the
structure as show below#
3ision Corporation
3ision Operations
3ision Services
3ision %tilities
,n this case we can deine one securit! proile ."$%en&ra- Security Profile/, use e5isting
hierarch! and include one more O% .3ision Construction/ also e5clude .3ision %tilities/#
As this is the re-uirement with in )usiness *roup, Organi+ation &ierarch! and Securit! proile
will serve the purpose# &ad it been a re-uirement across )usiness group, we would have gone
or *lobal Organi+ation &ierarch! and *lobal Securit! proile#
6OT8:(he case we are going to consider is h!pothetical and the numbers o Operating %nits
are onl! 6-7, in practical it could be much more# So 8ust imagine i a hierarch! has 9: O%s list
and onl! 2 O%s needs to e5cluded ; included or one o re-uirement< this consideration will
give better understanding o this demo<
Cec' ( Create a Hierarcy:&RMS Manger =R> ? 2or0 Structures ? Organi+ations ?
Create a Profile:&RMS Manger =R> ? Securit! ? 1roile
@nter a name, and select the Securit! (!pe called .Secure organizations by organization
hierarchy and/or organization list/# (his allows !ou to assign multiple O%s#
6OT8: Optionall! use the ne5t two steps to enter a list o Operating %nits instead o a
&ierarch! or to add additional Operating %nits to the list included in the &ierarch!#
$nter Classification: Operating %nit and Organi+ation Name#
(his will give access to .3ision Construction/ as well as all O%s in the attached hierarch!
e5cluding .3ision %tilities/# &ence the purpose mentioned in this case will get solved#
)un te Security Maintenance !ist program *ame ' Securit! Maintenance Aist
Parameters' *enerate list or### All Securit! 1roiles
Create a customize& responsibilityS!stem Administrator =R> ? Securit! ? Responsibilit! ?
Assign te security profileS!stem Administrator =R> ? 1roile ? S!stem
Assign te responsibility to your userS!stem Administrator =R> ? Securit! ? %ser ? $eine
+est te MOAC Setup ,ate-er ,e &i& ere...
!ogin / $*- 1urchasing Super%ser =R> ? 1urchase Order ? 1urchase Order
Chec0 AO3 in the Operating %nit ield to see the list o Operating %nits that can be accessed#

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