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Drug Data Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindications Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name Pharmacologic Selectively blocks the H1 receptors, General Concentrations CNS: Dizziness, Before
Promethazine Class diminishing the effects of histamine Indications - Hypersensitivity to drowsiness, poor - Observe 15 rights in drug administration.
HCl Phenothiazine on cells of the upper respiratory tract - Prevention and antihistamines or coordination, confusion, - Assess for hypersensitivity and other
and eyes and decreasing the treatment of nausea phenothiazines restlessness, excitation, contraindications.
Trade Name Therapeutic sneezing, mucus production, itching and vomiting - Comatose patients seizures, tremors, - Reduce dosage for patients with hepatic
Phenergan Class and tearing that accompany allergic associated with - Severe CNS depression headache, blurred impairment.
Antiemetic, reactions in sensitized people labyrinthitis - Bone marrow depression vision, diplopia, vertigo, - Reduce dosage of barbiturates given
- Vomiting of unknown cause concurrently with promethazine by at least
Minimum Dose Antihistamine, exposed to antigens; blocks - Prevention of tinnitus
- Concomitant therapy with a half.
25 mg 1 tab q Sedative, cholinergic receptors in the vomiting motion sickness CV: Hypotension,
MAOI’s - Arrange for dosage reduction of opioid
4-6˚, Hypnotic centre that are believed to mediate - Short-term - Lactation
palpitations, analgesics given concomitantly by one-
the nausea and vomiting caused by management of bradycardia, fourth to one-half.
Maximum Pregnancy Risk gastric irritation, by input from the insomnia Precaution tachycardia,
Dose Factor vestibular apparatus, and by input - Symptomatic relief - Lower respiratory tract extrasystoles During
50 mg 1 tab q C from the chemoreceptor trigger zone; of perennial and disorders Dermatologic: - Do not give tablets or rectal suppositories
4˚ depresses the RAS, including the seasonal allergic - Glaucoma Urticaria, rash, to children younger than 2 yr.
parts of the brain involved with rhinitis, allergic - Prosthatic hypertrophy photosensitivity, chills - Give IM injections deep into muscle.
Contents wakefulness. conjunctivitis, - CV disease, hypertension GI: Epigastric distress, - Do not administer subcutaneously, tissue
Promethazine uncomplicated - Breast cancer nausea, vomiting, necrosis may occur.
HCl Pharmacokinetics urticaria and - Thyrotoxicosis diarrhea, constipation - Do not administer intrarterially;
angioedema - Children GU: Urinary frequency, arteriospasm and gangrene of the limb
Availability A: Well absorbed (Oral, IM); peak - Amelioration of - Child with history of sleep dysuria, urinary may result.
and color plasma concentrations after 2-3 hr. allergic reactions to apnea retention, decreased - Instruct to take drug exactly as
- Tablets: 12.5, D: Widely distributed: Brain, crosses blood or plasma - A family history of SIDS libido, impotence prescribed.
25, 50 mg the placenta, enters breast milk. - Dermatographism, - Reye’s syndrome Hematologic:
- Syrup: 6.25, Protein-binding: 76-93%. adjunctive therapy - Elderly Hemolytic anemia, After
- Pregnancy - Instruct to avoid alcohol.
25 mg/5mL M: Extensive hepatic 1st-pass in anaphylactic hypoplastic anemia,
- Instruct to avoid driving or engaging in
- Suppositories: metabolism; converted to reactions thrombocytopenia,
Drug interaction other dangerous activities of dizziness,
12.5, 25, 50 mg promethazine sulfoxide, N- - Preoperative, Drug to drug
leukopenia, drowsiness or vision changes occur.
- Injection: 25, desmethylpromethazine. postoperative, or - Additive anticholinergic effects agranulocytosis, - Educate about avoiding prolonged
50 mg/mL E: Via urine and bile (as metabolites) obstetric sedation with anticholinergic drugs pancytopenia exposure to the sun, or using of sunscreen
- Adjunct to - Increased frequency and Local: Thickening of or covering garments.
Routes of Drug Half Life analgesics to severity of neuromuscular bronchial secretions, - Maintain fluid intake, use precautions
administration 9-16 hr control excitation and hypotension with chest tightness, dry against heatstroke in hot weather.
Oral postoperative pain methohexital, thiamylal, mouth, nose and throat; - Report sore throat, fever, unusual
Intramuscular - Adjunctive IV Phenobarbital anesthetic, respiratory depression, bleeding or bruising, rash, fever,
Intravenous therapy with thiopental suppression of cough weakness, tremors, impaired vision, dark
reduced amounts of - Enhanced CNS depression reflex, potential of urine, pale stools, yellowing of the skin or
meperidine or other with alcohol aspiration eyes.
opioid analgesics in Other: Tingling,
special surgical Drug to food heaviness and wetness
conditions - none reported of hands
Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source:
Karch, Amy: 2009,, Karch, Amy: 2009 Karch, Amy: 2009 Lippincott’s Nursing Karch, Amy: 2009 Lippincott’s Karch, Amy: 2009 Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide,
Lippincott’s Nursing Karch, Amy: 2009 Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide, pp. 999-1000 Drug Guide, pp. 999-1000 Nursing Drug Guide, p. 1000 pp. 1000-1001
Drug Guide, p. 999 Lippincott’s Nursing
Drug Guide, p. 999

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