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By: Katie Donick
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Survival is not about being fearless. It's about mak-
ing a decision - Bear Grylls
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
A cool breeze carries the salt from the
ocean onto the picture perfect island, cre-
ating music like rustles in the palm trees.
Right now it is the middle of the winter,
but it is hardly noticeable because of the
painted bright blue sky scattered with
baby clouds. Everything is calm and still
like the calm before the storm, even
though the thought of a storm seems
nearly impossible. The sight of the mon-
keys in the trees is a comforting sight to
anyone who might be on the island, act-
ing as protection from loneliness. The co-
lossal palm trees cast intimidating shad-
ows over the silky, white sand creating
some sort of shade in the warm weather.
The crisp smell of the salt water covers
the island inviting you into the crystal
clear water, so clear you can see each par-
ticle of sand on the ocean oor. In the dis-
tance, the lurid sound of coconuts falling
off of trees could be mistaken as low rum-
bles of thunder, but they represent life in
the trees. There are small traces of fertile
soil, but these are mostly covered in other
plant life, so growing crops here would
be a difcult process. During the night-
time, the sky turns a dark navy blue, dot-
ted with diamond like stars, so clear that
it seems that almost every star is visible.
Almost everything is quiet and still, ex-
cept for the waves crashing on the soft
sand and the occasional rain. This aw-
less island lled with silence and secrets
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
could possible be paradise. It is in this fa-
vorable geographic environment that the
civilization of Katatatotetim will be
founded. It is a civilization whose design
takes its inspiration from the study of
past civilizations such as the Arabs, the
Aztecs, the Greeks, the Mayans, the
Mesopotamians, and the Romans,
among others. This book will document
the necessary steps to take in order to cre-
ate a successful civilization.
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a
mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean. -John Muir
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Analysis of the Problem: The rst step in
building a successful civilization is to se-
cure basic human needs such as food and
water. Due to its geography, the major
challenges the civilization of Katatato-
tetim faces in achieving a basic food and
water supply include the following:
1. Creating a civilization on an island sur-
rounded by salt water will make it dif-
cult to provide fresh water for the peo-
ple of Katatatotetim. This will affect the
people of Katatatotetim because in or-
der to survive and grow crops you need
to have clean water. Without sanitary
water for people to drink, habitants
could easily become ill and suffer until
they die. Not only would the lack of
clean water effect health, but it would
also effect sanitary needs like bathing. If
this problem is not solved, all of the ha-
bitants on Katatatotetim will die of dis-
ease and the civilization will crumble.
2. A sandy beach is not exactly the ideal
habitat for farming to feed a quickly grow-
ing civilization. There are few patches of
fertile soil on the island, which are cov-
ered in vast palm trees making it nearly
impossible for other plants to survive.
Without crops growing on the island the
inhabitants would have to rely on coco-
nuts and sh which are not a reliable
source of food because Although the is-
land is surrounded by sh and covered in
coconuts, it is important to have balanced
diet or else humans can get sick and die.
Without food or water it is nearly impossi-
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
ble for anyone to survive on an island or
any environment for that matter.
For a civilization to prosper it has to have
to ability to modify the area around it to
t the needs of the inhabitants, which in
this case are food and water. Adaptations
are ways that humans or animals can
change themselves to get used to the envi-
ronment around them. Modications are
ways that humans or animals can change
the environment around them to t their
needs. For the island of Katatatotetim to
obtain for they will need to modify their
environment to t their need. An example
of a modication is the slash and burn
technic, rst they cleared the land by cut-
ting and burn-
ing plants and
trees (Frey
268), but it
doesnt make
a reliable food
source be-
cause eventu-
ally the ground will become dry and not
fertile anymore. On the island of Katatato-
tetim, using the slash part of slash
and burn would be an affective modica-
tion to create an area for farming crops.
environment around them to t their
needs. For the island of Katatatotetim to
obtain for they will need to modify their
environment to t their need. An example
This is my rainwater pit, that conserves all of
the rainwater that my village collects.
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
of a modication is the slash and burn
technic, rst they cleared the land by cut-
ting and burning plants and trees (Frey
268), but it doesnt make a reliable food
source because eventually the ground
will become dry and not fertile anymore.
On the island of Katatatotetim, using the
slash part of slash and burn would
be an affective modication to create an
area for farming crops.
Proposed Solutions:
Just like the region in which the Maya
lived in, our island lacks surface water.
One example of adaptation to obtain wa-
ter would be t o conserve rainwater [The
Mayans] conserved rainwater (Frey
78). Conserving rainwater would be an
affective adaptation because it will pro-
vide fresh water for drinking and for wa-
tering the crops. One difculty with this
adaptation is the chance of droughts on
the island, but the people of Katatato-
tetim understand this and will be careful
to conserve water. An effective modica-
tion to acquire water would be create a co-
conut farm in which coconut trees would
be kept protected by nets so the wild life
wouldnt be able to get to the coconuts.
Keeping the ora protected from the
fauna we would be able to have a reliable
source of coconuts, which provide food
and water. This method relates back to
the ancient Chinese storing rice in graner-
ies. With this modication our civilization
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
will ourish because we will have a reli-
able food and water source.
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will
nd a way around the laws. -Plato
Law and Government
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Lessons on Democracy
An important lesson to learn from
Athens was that everybody should be
able to have the same privileges whether
or not they are upper class or lower class.
Ancient Athens showed us how to run a
fair Direct Democracy because they
allowed everybody to vote and present
ideas while many other forms of
government only gave the wealthier
people voices like oligarchies,
monarchies, and in most cases, tyrannies.
This large of people that were able to vote
and speak were called the assembly
which consists of patricians and
plebeians who all had an effect on the
laws and ways of their civilization.
a say,
not all propositions were relevant to the
whole community. To pick the important
laws and propositions, Athens created the
council of 500 which 500 citizens
randomly chosen to make the laws. This
way everybody was able to state their
opinion and have it considered for a law,
without having an unorganized
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
government with many different laws
and rules. The whole idea of a direct
democracy gave the people a sense of
security because they felt like their
community was hearing them and
everything that they had to say.
One thing that we can learn from an-
cient Sparta is how to run a successful oli-
garchy, which meant that a group of
wealthy aristocrats ran the day-to-day
business around Sparta. The Spartens
were able to incorporate a democracy
into their government so that people were
able to vote. This was an example of a rep-
resentative democracy. People chose 28
men and 2 Consuls (two military leaders
that were a part of the assembly) to be
part of the Assembly, which was able to
argue and debate over laws, but did not
have absolute power. When the assembly
nally agreed on a law, it was passed on
to the council of elders because they had
the absolute power to pass laws. This was
an effective form of government because
it made sure that every law had been thor-
oughly checked before being passed. This
way there was no way that someone
could create an unjust law without it be-
ing check by the assembly and the council
of elders. The council of elders repre-
sented the oligarchy in Sparta because
they were a group of wealthy men over
the age of 30 that ran the whole civiliza-
tion of Sparta. Although the wealthy peo-
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
ple of Sparta were happy there was an-
other group of citizens that were not. This
led to the Roman
One thing that we
can learn from the
Roman Republic
was to treat peo-
ple equally so that
everyone was
happy, and no one rebelled. In ancient
Rome there was a group of wealthy land
owners called the patricians who made
up most of the government and 1% of the
population. The other 99% of the popula-
tion was made up of plebeians, shop
keepers, laborers, servants, and farmers.
It was important for the patricians to
keep the plebeians happy, because they
made up most of the population. When
the Conict of Orders (plebeians became
angry and wanted more political rights)
occurred the patricians came up with the
Tribunes of Plebs. The Tribunes of Plebs
were ten elected plebeians who were able
to Veto or forbid any law that they felt
was unjust to the plebeians. This led to
the Council of Plebs where the ten
elected plebs were allowed to make laws
that only affected the plebeians. This cre-
ated peace between the two groups of
people, but the plebeians still wanted
more. They felt as though the patricians
were using their power to change laws at
any time, so the plebeians decided to cre-
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
ate the Twelve Ta-
bles. The twelve ta-
bles were twelve
tablets that had all
of the laws written
down and were
placed in the center of the city-state, so
that the patricians were never able to
change the law on the spot. If the patri-
cians hadnt given the plebeians what
they wanted this would have caused con-
This is a meeting place that the government can come to meet.
Gallery 3.1 Minecraft Examples of Architecture
These are columns, an
example of Roman Ar-
Interactive 3.1 Columns
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
ict throughout the city-states, and the
government would fall apart.
Code of Law

The laws above will create a successful civi-
lization by creating a safe and controlled
environment without being harsh and
cruel. Unlike the code of Hammurabis
code, my laws are for the people of Katata-
totetim, so if a man commits a crime they
shall be sent to military to serve their peo-
ple. Although I respect what Hammurabi
did by creating a code of law, I do believe
that they were rather harsh. I dont think
that taking out a mans eye was a peaceful
way to solve problems. My code of law
slightly resemble the twelve tables be-
cause it is written in different places all
over the community, so people are aware
to have a civilization that is not as harsh as
the Hammurabi code, I did use the Ham-
murabi technic in two of my laws because
I feel that they would teach the criminals a
lesson or two, but I didnt use it to the ex-
tent of a death penalty. While writing my
code of law, I tried to make it so that each
punishment was for the better of the peo-
ple. Most of my punishments include serv-
ing in the military, and helping out the
community. I chose this way of punish-
ment because it gives people a chance to
change and come back to the community
as a changed man.
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Almost every law in Katatatotetim is for
the better of the people, with the excep-
tion of the death penalty for murder. The
18th law in Katatatotetim, (at the end of
each month there shall be a job cere-
mony. Everyone wishing to hire a man or
woman shall go up on the platform to
choose a man or woman. The ceremony
will start with the lower class jobs and
end with upper class. If a man/woman
wishes to trade his/her job with another
citizen he/she must show that he/she is
right for the job by passing a series of
tests) is an important law because it gives
everyone a chance to work and have a job.
If citizens were allowed to just wander
around without jobs our civilization
would crumble because we would have
no one inventing new technologies and
working for our government. This law is
also an important law because it happens
each month, so anyone who does not get
picked can also apply the next month. The
20th law in Katatatotetim (For population
reasons each family is only allowed 3
children (with the exception of twins
ect.), but if you have a family member
working for the deformed children you
are allowed to have 4 children.) is an im-
portant law because it keeps the popula-
tion low, so we are able to feed everyone
is our community. I think that it is fair to
give an exception to families helping with
the deformed children because it means
that that family is giving back to the com-
munity. Some people could argue that it
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
populate the civilization, but there are
only a handful of people who work year
round with the deformed children so
there would only be a few extra children.
The last most important law is law num-
ber 11. Law number 11 states that At the
end of every 2 years, every citizen will
meet in the pantheon to vote on 12 peo-
ple to make up the assembly. There
must be 6 men and 6 women. This cre-
ates a form of government that is fair for
men and women. Also, this gives all of
the people a say in who are creating their
code of law. A two year gap between each
election is a good amount of time because
it gives people time to make a difference
and change, but it doesnt give to much
so people start to misuse their power.
Two years also gives the younger gen-
erations chances to step up at each elec-
tion, so there are younger minds on the
1. Because all houses are connected in
twos through passage ways, if you go
into anothers man house through the
passage way without permission by the
owner your house will be burned down
on account of you rude suspicious behav-
2. You may not steal another mans crops.
If this is commited you must tend to
their crops for a year.
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
3. You may not st ght in public places
like the pantheon or vaults. If caught
your sts shall be cut off.
4. You may not take food out of anyones
mouth including women and children. If
caught you shall be forced to eat the
moldy jail food.
5. You may not murder any human. If
you are caught you shall be killed.
6. Every citizen must volunteer to help
the deformed children for at least a week
each year. If any man refuses to help he
shall be exiled from Katatotetim for not
contributing to the community.
7. Each child must go to school for at least
10 years starting at the age of eight. If a
mother and/or father do not send their
child to school, they must pay a ne of
8. If any man/woman is caught beating
they family they shall be sent to the mili-
tary for 2 years.
9. In every family at least one parent must
have a stable job to support their family. If
a man/woman is not able to obtain a stable
job he shall be sent to the military to serve
for 2 years, so the government can fund his
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
10. Families with mothers/fathers in the
military shall be given free healthcare.
Families without mothers/fathers in the
military must pay for healthcare because
that means that at least one of their fam-
ily members has a stable job.
11. At the end of every 2 years, every citi-
zen will meet in the pantheon to vote on
12 people to make up the assembly.
There must be 6 men and 6 women.
12. A citizen is a man or woman who
was born in Katatatotetim over the age
of 18.
13. If you put your child up for adoption
you must serve in the military because it
means that you do not have anyone to
to take care of at home.
14. Every 2 weeks the assembly will pre-
sent only 10 laws to the citizens and they
shall vote on if it is passed or not passed.
15. If there is any ghting or yelling at
these meetings the citizens involved will
be sentence to 5 years in prison.
16. A man or woman who wishes to be a
part of the assembly must have at least
taken 15 years of education and served as
a teacher for at least 2 years.
17. Each household is allowed to raise 5
pigs, 5 chickens, and 5 cows. If this
amount is exceeded then your extra ani-
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
mals shall be sent to families in need.
18. At the end of each month there shall
be a job ceremony. Everyone wishing to
hire a man or woman shall go up on the
platform to choose a man or woman. The
ceremony will start with the lower class
jobs and end with upper class. If a man/
woman wishes to trade his/her job with
another citizen he/she must show that
he/she is right for the job by passing a se-
ries of tests.
19. A father is given rst choice of his
son at the job ceremony. A son is allowed
to decline his fathers choice and be avail-
able for other jobs, but he is not allowed
to go back to his father if he is not cho-
20. For population reasons each family is
only allowed 3 children (with the excep-
tion of twins ect.), but if you have a fam-
ily member working for the deformed
children you are allowed to have 4 chil-
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Political Leadership
To correct the mistakes in the past, my civi-
lization will vote on whom the dictators
will be to ensure that everyone is satised
with the way that they are governed. As
said in the code of law for Katatatotetim,
there is a voting ceremony at the end of a
two year time period where every citizen
is able to vote on who they want in their
assembly. This way is a lot more effective
compared to Julius Caesars tactic of
claiming power, because this way every-
one has a fair chance to vote for who they
want as the government. In the past peo-
ple such as Julius Caesar have claimed
power which has caused uproars with
the higher-class patricians. These uneffec-
tive ways of claiming power resulted in
Sixty Senators plotted to kill him, (Frey).
They are many different ways to claim
power and political leaders such as Julius
Caesar can teach us that claiming absolute
power for yourself is not always the most
strategic way, because there were many
other people who would also like to have
power but he took that away from him.
There are many things that my civilization
can learn from Augustus Caesar. He
showed us many different examples of
how to keep a civilization happy, but also
taught us things to steer clear of. In my
civilization I will try not to meddle in fam-
ily matters because Augustus did that and
it did not go over well with the citizens.
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Also though like Augustus I will try to im-
prove my civilization in every way possi-
ble like Augustus. Augustus created a po-
lice force and a re department to ensure
the safety of his citizens. He also restored
things like aqueducts and temples, which
made the citizens happy and showed he
cared. Augustus was extremely clever as
well because he created people called prae-
torian guards which were 9,000 men
whose only job was to protect Augustus.
This way people would not try to kill or at-
tack Augustus because he had many differ-
ent people guarding him. Also, unlike Ju-
lius, Augustus gave power to other sena-
tors so that they would not rebel against
him. After reading about Augustus's time
as a leader I have decided that Augusts
ens. He also restored things like aque em-
phasis on city improvements and the arts
were welcomed by the Romans. How-
ever, he also pursued a strict moral cru-
sade that was largely unpopular (Frey).
In conclusion there are many different
things one can learn from Augustus,
good and bad.
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Decline of Western Rome
Although there were many different rea-
sons that caused the fall of Rome, I be-
lieve that the biggest factor was the po-
litical corruptions. Having a leader
was an important aspect of Rome be-
cause without them the military would
have no direction. An issue though was
how to choose the leader. Because the
praetorian guards were choosing the
leaders, people started to rebel because
they didnt always agree on the chosen
leader. The choice on a new leader
would always constantly be debated be-
tween former leaders and citizens, and
nothing would get done. The army be-
gan the practice of selling the throne to
the highest bidder. During the next 100
years, Rome had 37 different emperors -
25 of whom were removed from ofce by
assassination (Frey), which was a mas-
sive amount of assassinations compared
to the US. This giant amount of emperors
killed shows that Roman citizens were fo-
cused on who had power not the welfare
of Rome. This shows that Rome didnt
have a solid leader at all times that they
could rely on which was a huge factor to
the political corruptions of Rome. The
leaders of Rome didnt care enough
about the welfare of Rome because they
were too focused on the fact that they
were the leader to actually lead Rome.
Sometimes the praetorian guards chose
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
wealthy patricians that werent ready to
lead a massive empire like Rome. Rome
needed leaders that they could trust not
people who would just spend all of their
money, but the wealthy patricians usually
spent a large amount of money on private
parties and luxury things instead of im-
proving Rome. These amateur leaders
spun the government out of control and
made it almost impossible for someone to
trade or connect with Rome because there
was no one there that really cared about
Rome, and if there was someone who actu-
ally cared about Rome they didnt have
enough money or power to make a differ-
ence. Rome would have thrived for many
more years if it werent for the amateur
leaders of Rome, and the unorganized

In my civilization, there are many tweaks I
would have made to improve the Roman
government. One way to prevent these po-
litical corruptions could have been to look
back in time and see what worked and
what didnt. This way people could have
learned from their mistakes, and could
have been able to improve different as-
pects of their government so that Rome
could move forward. Also, the new lead-
ers would have examples of leaders from
the past, so they would know how to run
an empire, instead of watching it crumble.
Rome should have gone back to a republic
because that was working for them. In my
civilization I will try to have an organized
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
system so that when a leader dies, the citi-
zens of Katatatotetim will know what to
do and it wont erupt into chaos. Roman
leaders threw away the money of Rome
to throw parties and buy stupid things, so
I think that in my civilization we will try
to be responsible and spend money on
things that benet the whole civilization.
I also know that my citizens understand
the importance of conserving money and
staying responsible because we made
need to money to trade with other em-
pires, and if we threw big parties, we
wouldnt have any money. In a way, the
fall of Rome benets my civilization be-
cause now we are able to look back and
recognize the mistakes that they made.
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Peasants Home
Gallery 3.2 Mid Evil Manor
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
The essence of all Religions is one. Only their approaches are different
- Mahatma Ghandi
Belief Systems
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Civilizations need a belief system to pros-
per and grow because in order for those
things to happen, everyone must have the
same beliefs of moral values so that they
can work together. Imagine a world
where everyone has different moral val-
ues, and no one knows how to work to-
gether because you all believe in different
things. Where people roam the streets
with nowhere to go and nowhere to be. A
civilization like this would erupt into
chaos because no one would have any
sense of right or wrong, so they would
just do as the please whatever that might
be. When there is a common belief
throughout a group of people, they are
able to get things done because they all
know what they want and they all know
that teamwork will get them there. If you
look back on past civilizations like China,
India, Greece, and Rome, you will notice
that every civilization has had a common
belief system that citizens were con-
stantly referring back in order to build
and grow there civilization. No one
knows how to work together because you
all believe in different things. Where peo-
ple roam the streets with nowhere to go
and nowhere to be. A civilization like this
would erupt into chaos because no one
would have any sense of right or wrong,
so they would just do as the please what-
ever that might be. When there is a com-
mon belief throughout a group of people,
they are able to get things done because
they all know what they want and they
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
all know that teamwork will get them
there. If you look back on past civiliza-
tions like China, India, Greece, and Rome,
you will notice that every civilization has
had a common belief system that citizens
were constantly referring back in order to
build and grow there civilization.
In order to further understand the impor-
tance of a belief system on society, and
their inuence on their followers, ac-
knowledge the moral dilemma below:
Roger Smith, a skillful swimmer, is out for a
leisurely stroll. During the course of his walk
he passes by a deserted pier from which a teen-
age boy who apparently cannot swim has
fallen into the water. The boy is screaming des-
perately for help. Smith recognizes that there
is absolutely no danger to himself if he jumps
in to save the boy; he could easily succeed if he
tried. Nevertheless, he chooses to ignore the
boy's cries. "Why should I inconvenience my-
self for this kid," Smith says to himself, and
passes on.
If Roger Smith were Hindu, he would
have thought about the consequences of
Karma. Karma is a Hindu belief that
states, when a person dies his or her
soul is reborn into a new body based on
their karma (Frey 149). Karma is made up
of all the good things and bad things that
a person has done throughout his or her
lifetime. Roger Smith would have real-
ized that by letting the boy die, he was
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
creating bad karma for himself, but if he
had saved the boy he would have had
good karma towards him. Along with
karma, there is also dharma. Dharma is
ones law, obligation, and duty. As a
Hindu, Smith would feel obligated to
help the drowning boy. Dharma ties into
karma because if Smith follows his
dharma then he will have good Karma.
The idea of Dharma and Karma provides
moral guidance for people because it
helps them strive to do the right thing, be-
cause they know that it will affect them.
The Hindu belief system would have
helped Roger Smith do the right thing, by
making him more inclined to save the
If Roger Smith practiced Confucian-
ism, then he might have had a different
approach to the situation. As an elder in
the Confucian community, he might have
thought that it was disrespectful of the
boy to interrupt his leisurely stroll. But, it
can also be argued that Smith is not set-
ting a good example for others by letting
a human being die. In Confucianism it is
said that people must show respect to-
wards their elders, but in return those
who are elder must set a good example
for the younger people in their commu-
nity (Frey 208). Because Smith seems
rather arrogant, he would probably take
the point of view that he was not being re-
spected, and could argue that he was set-
ting a good example to teach kids not to
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
question their elders decisions. Roger
Smiths actions are not labeled wrong in
terms of the Confucian principles, so it de-
pends on what kind of Confucian is look-
ing at the scenario and how it unfolded.
In both Confucianism and Hinduism,
there were many different points of view
that could be taken on the situation, but
in my opinion, as a Buddhist, Roger
Smiths choice is clear. As a Buddhist, it is
taught that to end sufferings you must
give up all cravings. Roger Smiths crav-
ing of a leisurely walk is causing him to
suffer because he is letting a human die,
in order to satisfy his craving. Buddhists
live by following the eightfold path,
which states Live a life of selessness,
love, and nonviolence (Frey 159). This
shows that Roger Smith was being ex-
tremely selsh by putting his leisurely
stroll before a humans life. Roger Smith
is not honoring the ways of the Buddha
because he is thinking entirely of himself.
In conclusion, I believe that as a Bud-
dhist, Smith would save the boy from
drowning, in order to follow the eightfold
As you can tell, having moral values to
guide people through life is signicant to
creating a successful civilization. Whether
you are a Hindu, Buddhist, or Confucian,
your actions and life decisions are based
on whatever moral values you believe in.
Giving people something to believe in is
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
imperative because it shows people the
importance of everything that they do,
and how they make a difference. Belief
systems and moral values guide people
to do good things in life, and give them
direction in everything that they do. I can
help people make the right decisions and
can bring a civilization together. If a
whole civilization believes in the same
moral values, then everyone is aiming for
the same thing, everyone has the same
goals. In conclusion, it is evident that be-
lief systems and moral values are crucial
for a civilizations existence and how the
citizens in it live.
Katatatotetims Belief System
The rst principle in the belief system of
the people of Katatatotetim is Klap. Klap
means to fulll your duty and it teaches
that each civilian should commit to what
their job is and do the best to their abili-
This is an over view of the whole thing
Gallery 4.1 Sacred Places
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
ties whether it be an Emma, a king, or a
farmer. Klap makes sure that people are
doing what they can for the civilization
because everything is important. When
everyone is fullling their Klap, they are
also respecting their fellow workers be-
cause they see that they are helping our
civilization just as much as anyone else.
Some people may think that their job is
unimportant therefore they dont need to
work as hard as others but that is not the
case. People are put in a position that
they are best at, and will not be promoted
if they dont show that they work hard,
so letting down your civilization is bad
for you and your neighbors. Being able
to know that everyone is doing what they
can to be their best helps the leader trust
their citizens and can help the civilization
grow and prosper. Klap is important for
the success of Katatatotetim because if
everyone is working hard, then the whole
civilization can keep moving and expand-
The second tenet in the belief system of
the people in Katatatotetim is Brashly.
Brashly means to be honest or to have
honesty. This is probably one of the most
important things that make a successful
civilization. Honesty and trust are the
foundation `of success because civiliza-
tions will crumble if they arent able to
trust their neighbor or their king. This re-
lates to the third step in the Eightfold
path in Buddhism. The eightfold path is
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
the Buddhist way to enlightenment. The
third step states the citizens should avoid
lying and gossiping. This relates to
Brashly because Brashly is all about being
honest to your neighbors and if you are
gossiping and lying, that is violating
Brashly. When people are honest, they are
also kind. With a kind and honest citi-
zens, a civilization can go far. Brashly
with bring people together and make
them stronger and more like one big fam-
ily. Having brashly in my civilization will
improve it greatly in many ways.
The third and nal value in the system of
moral values in Katatatotetim is Flala.
Flala means to do to others what you
would want done to you. This will be im-
portant in my civilization because it will
make people be more respectful and kind
to their peers because that is what they
would want done to them. This is some-
what like the ve basic relationships in
Confucianism because they teach people
how to treat others and how to be kind.
This is like Flala because Flala is trying to
create an environment where there is re-
spect for others. This is also like the
Hindu Belief Karma. Karma says that eve-
rything you do will come back around to
you when you are reincarnated. Although
Flala does not talk about reincarnation, it
does resemble Karma in the way that eve-
rything you do to others, will come back
around to you. Respect is important in
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
any civilization, and Flala will help en-
force that in Katatatotetim.
Rise of Feudalism
The Fall of Rome and barbarians both
contributed to the rise of Feudalism and
the Catholic Church. The barbarians gave
people a need for protection because of
the constant attacks and danger. Before,
Rome had been there and had given them
an army to ght back and had given them
order. Without Rome people needed or-
der and protection and this gave Feudal-
ism the perfect opportunity to rise. Feu-
dalism gave people protection and made
them feel safer; it also gave people things
to do. This gave way to the manors and
efs. Fiefs were the large plot of land in
which many serfs and peasants worked
on. The monarch would give them part of
the ef that they could work on and it
was theirs if they continued to work on it.
Although feudalism made people feel
safe and protected there still was no cen-
tral government. This gave the Roman
Catholic Church an opportunity to rise.
As the church became more powerful the
pope began to control the monarch. One
of the greatest monarchs was Charle-
magne. Charlemagne declared himself
holy emperor because and allied with the
pope because he needed to get into
power and the church could him there.
This was a huge deal because usually the
pope and monarch fought over control
but this Charlemagne showed that they
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
could work together. He was the monarch
that brought the church to power. Before
feudalism people hadnt really paid Chris-
tianity much attention, but as time went
on it began to be the center of everyones
Decline of Feudalism
Many different events lead to decline
of Feudalism in Europe. These events in-
cluded the Bubonic plague, Hundred
years war, and the English peasants war.
The bubonic plague was a disease that
killed 24 million people and once caught
you would die within days. The plague
was carried by eas, which would stay on
rats. Things were very unsanitary, so
there were many rats with eas running
around. Many people nicknamed the
plague The Black Death because of the
black and blue sores that would appear
on your body. This plague contributed to
the decline of Feudalism because many
people were wiped out and there werent
enough serfs or peasants to work on the
land. Another important event was the
English Peasant War. During the English
Peasant war, peasants were asking for
rights, which motivated them to stop be-
ing bullied around by the upper class peo-
ple. This caused them to stop working on
efs, which were the main food source in
a feudalistic society. The Magna Carta,
signed by King John, took away absolute
power from the King or pope that al-
lowed the Habeas Corpus, the idea that a
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
free man could not be put in jail without
the consent of the church. One of the
most signicant reasons that caused the
decline of feudalism was the Hundred
years war. The hundred years war was a
huge was between France and England in
years 1337 through 1453. It started when
Philip VI of France declared that the
French efs of King Edward III were part
of his own realm (Frey 58). One of the
most important characters of the Hun-
dred years war was Joan of the Arc. Joan
of the Arc was a free peasant who
claimed that Jesus who was telling her to
lead the French had visited her. She went
on to the lead the French to victory.
Throughout this war, many different
weapons were created, including the long-
bow. The longbow was an English crea-
tion, which had many advantages. It was
able to shoot farther, faster, and had bet-
ter aim. This was one of the most impor-
tant weapons created. These are the three
main contributors that caused the decline
of Feudalism.
Feudalism to Humanism
Although many different things contrib-
uted to the Decline of Feudalism, the Bu-
bonic Plague had the greatest impact of
the movement from the Middle Ages to
the Age of Enlightenment and the Rise
of Humanism. Unlike the other causes,
the Plague was unstoppable and was a
cause that people had no control over.
The Bubonic plague wiped out a third of
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
the population, which caused people to re-
bel and move into new positions in the
Hierarchy it lead to the decline of the
Feudalism times because of many eco-
nomic and social changes (Frey). There
werent many Knights and Nobles left to
control the serfs, which caused serfs to
gain more power and move away from
the manors. Many people relied on the
serfs to grow the crops and provide food,
so when they left, the rest of the people
had no food and had to go out and grow
the crops themselves. This shows that peo-
ple began to have equal rights and there
wasnt a social pyramid anymore. In feu-
dalism, the whole idea was to be pro-
tected by the king by working so that he
didnt have to. When a third of the popu-
lation succumbed to the Black Death, peo-
ple had to work together to feed everyone
instead of relying on the lower class citi-
zens. This again created equality through-
out the people and went against the laws
of Feudalism. Many things worked to-
gether to cause Feudalism to fall, but the
Bubonic plague was the unstoppable
curse that brought it all down.
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea
lives on. - John F. Kennedy
Power of Ideas
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91

Humanism Impact on Europe
The European society changed in many
ways due to the humanist mindset. The
humanist mind set was to focus on hu-
man life, to control your own life and
achievements, that everyone has value,
and to question everything. These new
ideas lead to many advances in Art, Lit-
erature, and Science and Mathematics.
Painters began to incorporate realism to
make the back-round and people appear
more realistic which was the opposite of
the at paintings of the Middle Ages. An-
other huge advancement was the idea of
perspective. People discovered how to
paint something with a perspective to
make it more 3D. They also learned how
to paint from different perspectives to
show the area around them from a differ-
ent view. Literature also advanced
greatly. People began to stray from writ-
ing all about religion and moved on to dif-
ferent topics that were more intellectual.
They began to write more about the
world around them. Writers used a more
individual style and expressed their
thoughts and feelings, (Frey 328). This is
very different than the middle ages be-
cause usually the church controlled what
people thought and felt about things, but
people were nally expressing who they
were. People began to analysis logic and
mathematics which was put into art as
well because it helped them discover per-
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
spective and 3D gures. One of the most
creative and logical thinkers was Leon-
ardo de Vinci. He was an artist, scientist,
and inventor. He studied human anat-
omy which made his art more realistic
and sought after. Along with de Vinci,
many people were also curious about the
world around them. Many people began
to explore and discover new things about
the world around them. The Renaissance
was a very prosperous time in which
many different aspects of the culture
changed and made advancements.
Humanist effects on Katatatotetim
The beliefs and ideas of the humanist
mindset will inuence my civilization in
many ways. My citizens will be inspired
by the new advancements in the arts, edu-
cation, and architecture. Schools will be
built that will promote science and mathe-
matics, and will teach students about the
world around them without using the bi-
ble. This will make the citizens of Katata-
totetim more intelligent and they will
separate education from the church. This
is imperative because now my civilians
wont be relying on what the pope tells
them. Unlike the middle ages, the human-
ist mindset believed in the worth and po-
tential of all human beings (Frey 315).
This will ensure self condence in all of
my citizens, and will give people a
chance to move up in the social system.
This also will change my code of law be-
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
cause my laws states that people will be
chosen for a job, but as humanists people
must be able to choose their own job. An-
other reason things will change is Habeus
Corpus. Habeus Corpus gives everyone a
fair trial before they are put in jail, which
goes against my law of killing someone if
they murder someone as well. There will
also be a change in government. Instead
of having just one person as a ruler, we
will change to a democracy because it
gives everyone a voice and lets people
question decisions which was very impor-
tant to the humanist mindset. As you can
see, Katatatotetim will be affected in
many ways because of the humanist
The Protest Reformation
There were many questionable teachings
and practices that led to people thinking
that the church was corrupt. These ques-
tionable actions led to the reformation.
One of the biggest problems was indul-
gence. Indulgences were when the church
offered someone forgiveness for an action
if they granted the church a gift which
was usually money. This made it so peo-
ple could commit sins such as murder or
robbery, but still get away with it because
of indulgence. Another problem that
caused people to question the church was
simony. Simony was the buying and sell-
ing of ofces in the church (Frey 348).
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
The church allowed people to buy their
way into being the pope or a bishop. An-
other corrupt aspect of the Church was
the Great Schism. The Great Schism was
the division of the church, or the war of
the popes. Many different countries, such
as Italy and France, believed that they
had the rightful pope and elected them
causing there to be two popes. The ideas
and questions of reformers that differ
from the traditional be-
liefs of the church be-
gan to threaten the
churches power. Mar-
tin Luther was a priest
whose studies of the bi-
ble led him to belief
that no one could
achieve salvation. He believed that peo-
ple were saved by their faith not their
good work. Luther recognized the
churches abuses and posted a list called
the Ninety-Five Theses that argued
against the church. These theses caused
controversy throughout the people and
made more people question the church.
Throughout Luthers rebellion the church
used many different strategies in attempt
to silence his ideas. They wanted to si-
lence him because he was a threat to the
church. He was very popular with people
because he disagreed with the churches
actions. Because of his popularity, the
church was afraid to burn him or kill him.
The reason that Martin Luther was so an-
gry at the church was that Pope Leo X
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
needed money to nish building the
church. The pope sent bishops far and
wide to sell indulgences in order to raise
money. This was another thing that led to
his posting of the Ninety-Five Theses. It
also led to the Lutheranism church, his
own denomination. After being con-
victed with Heresy, Luther went into hid-
ing and during this time many peasants
were struggling against the German
princes. People expected Luther to side
with the peasants but instead he went
with the princes in order to raise money
for his church. In conclusion, the
churches questionable actions led many
people such as Luther to rebel and start
something new.
Humanist Ideas in My Civilization
Having a powerful renaissance thinker in
Katatatotetim would inspire the civilians
and improve the civilization greatly. One
of the most acclaimed scientists of the ren-
aissance was Nicolaus Copernicus. Nico-
laus Copernicus is
responsible for the
theory that ex-
plains why things
appear to be mov-
ing across the sky.
Like many other
people in his day,
Copernicus was taught that Earth was the
center of the universe. He learned that
other planets, the sun, and moon all ro-
tated around Earth. The rotation inter-
ested Copernicus and he began to study
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
the movements of planets. Study this is
what led to his discovery that In reality
Earth and the other planets revolve
around the sun (Frey 338). Copernicus
decided to write a book about his theory
in order to make it well known and under-
stood. Although the book was dedicated
to the pope, it still went against the ideas
of the church that thought that God had
placed humans at the center of the earth.
Having someone like Nicolaus Coperni-
cus in Katatatotetim would make people
think and question ideas. Civilians would
go out in the world and try to discover
new things. People will think and analyze
theories and question them. This will
make citizens explore and rethink what
the church is trying to teach them. Hav-
ing people exploring new ideas will help
my civilization grow because everyone is
inventing new things and technologies,
making huge advancements for Katatato-
tetim. Nicolaus was taught that every-
thing revolved around the earth, yet he
still decided to rediscover the solar sys-
tem. This kind of thinking is what makes
breakthroughs and his what educates peo-
ple about the world they living. Having a
civilization full of thinkers like Coperni-
cus will create a prosperous civilization
because we will constantly be inventing
new ways to grow crops, to ght, and to
survive. As you can see people like Nico-
laus Copernicus are very important in or-
der for a civilization to grow because they
provide inspiration for others.
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91

Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea
lives on. - John F. Kennedy
Power of Ideas copy
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91

Humanism Impact on Europe
The European society changed in many
ways due to the humanist mindset. The
humanist mind set was to focus on hu-
man life, to control your own life and
achievements, that everyone has value,
and to question everything. These new
ideas lead to many advances in Art, Lit-
erature, and Science and Mathematics.
Painters began to incorporate realism to
make the back-round and people appear
more realistic which was the opposite of
the at paintings of the Middle Ages. An-
other huge advancement was the idea of
perspective. People discovered how to
paint something with a perspective to
make it more 3D. They also learned how
to paint from different perspectives to
show the area around them from a differ-
ent view. Literature also advanced
greatly. People began to stray from writ-
ing all about religion and moved on to dif-
ferent topics that were more intellectual.
They began to write more about the
world around them. Writers used a more
individual style and expressed their
thoughts and feelings, (Frey 328). This is
very different than the middle ages be-
cause usually the church controlled what
people thought and felt about things, but
people were nally expressing who they
were. People began to analysis logic and
mathematics which was put into art as
well because it helped them discover per-
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
spective and 3D gures. One of the most
creative and logical thinkers was Leon-
ardo de Vinci. He was an artist, scientist,
and inventor. He studied human anat-
omy which made his art more realistic
and sought after. Along with de Vinci,
many people were also curious about the
world around them. Many people began
to explore and discover new things about
the world around them. The Renaissance
was a very prosperous time in which
many different aspects of the culture
changed and made advancements.
Humanist effects on Katatatotetim
The beliefs and ideas of the humanist
mindset will inuence my civilization in
many ways. My citizens will be inspired
by the new advancements in the arts, edu-
cation, and architecture. Schools will be
built that will promote science and mathe-
matics, and will teach students about the
world around them without using the bi-
ble. This will make the citizens of Katata-
totetim more intelligent and they will
separate education from the church. This
is imperative because now my civilians
wont be relying on what the pope tells
them. Unlike the middle ages, the human-
ist mindset believed in the worth and po-
tential of all human beings (Frey 315).
This will ensure self condence in all of
my citizens, and will give people a
chance to move up in the social system.
This also will change my code of law be-
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
cause my laws states that people will be
chosen for a job, but as humanists people
must be able to choose their own job. An-
other reason things will change is Habeus
Corpus. Habeus Corpus gives everyone a
fair trial before they are put in jail, which
goes against my law of killing someone if
they murder someone as well. There will
also be a change in government. Instead
of having just one person as a ruler, we
will change to a democracy because it
gives everyone a voice and lets people
question decisions which was very impor-
tant to the humanist mindset. As you can
see, Katatatotetim will be affected in
many ways because of the humanist
The Protest Reformation
There were many questionable teachings
and practices that led to people thinking
that the church was corrupt. These ques-
tionable actions led to the reformation.
One of the biggest problems was indul-
gence. Indulgences were when the church
offered someone forgiveness for an action
if they granted the church a gift which
was usually money. This made it so peo-
ple could commit sins such as murder or
robbery, but still get away with it because
of indulgence. Another problem that
caused people to question the church was
simony. Simony was the buying and sell-
ing of ofces in the church (Frey 348).
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
The church allowed people to buy their
way into being the pope or a bishop. An-
other corrupt aspect of the Church was
the Great Schism. The Great Schism was
the division of the church, or the war of
the popes. Many different countries, such
as Italy and France, believed that they
had the rightful pope and elected them
causing there to be two popes. The ideas
and questions of reformers that differ
from the traditional be-
liefs of the church be-
gan to threaten the
churches power. Mar-
tin Luther was a priest
whose studies of the bi-
ble led him to belief
that no one could
achieve salvation. He believed that peo-
ple were saved by their faith not their
good work. Luther recognized the
churches abuses and posted a list called
the Ninety-Five Theses that argued
against the church. These theses caused
controversy throughout the people and
made more people question the church.
Throughout Luthers rebellion the church
used many different strategies in attempt
to silence his ideas. They wanted to si-
lence him because he was a threat to the
church. He was very popular with people
because he disagreed with the churches
actions. Because of his popularity, the
church was afraid to burn him or kill him.
The reason that Martin Luther was so an-
gry at the church was that Pope Leo X
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
needed money to nish building the
church. The pope sent bishops far and
wide to sell indulgences in order to raise
money. This was another thing that led to
his posting of the Ninety-Five Theses. It
also led to the Lutheranism church, his
own denomination. After being con-
victed with Heresy, Luther went into hid-
ing and during this time many peasants
were struggling against the German
princes. People expected Luther to side
with the peasants but instead he went
with the princes in order to raise money
for his church. In conclusion, the
churches questionable actions led many
people such as Luther to rebel and start
something new.
Humanist Ideas in My Civilization
Having a powerful renaissance thinker in
Katatatotetim would inspire the civilians
and improve the civilization greatly. One
of the most acclaimed scientists of the ren-
aissance was Nicolaus Copernicus. Nico-
laus Copernicus is
responsible for the
theory that ex-
plains why things
appear to be mov-
ing across the sky.
Like many other
people in his day,
Copernicus was taught that Earth was the
center of the universe. He learned that
other planets, the sun, and moon all ro-
tated around Earth. The rotation inter-
ested Copernicus and he began to study
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
the movements of planets. Study this is
what led to his discovery that In reality
Earth and the other planets revolve
around the sun (Frey 338). Copernicus
decided to write a book about his theory
in order to make it well known and under-
stood. Although the book was dedicated
to the pope, it still went against the ideas
of the church that thought that God had
placed humans at the center of the earth.
Having someone like Nicolaus Coperni-
cus in Katatatotetim would make people
think and question ideas. Civilians would
go out in the world and try to discover
new things. People will think and analyze
theories and question them. This will
make citizens explore and rethink what
the church is trying to teach them. Hav-
ing people exploring new ideas will help
my civilization grow because everyone is
inventing new things and technologies,
making huge advancements for Katatato-
tetim. Nicolaus was taught that every-
thing revolved around the earth, yet he
still decided to rediscover the solar sys-
tem. This kind of thinking is what makes
breakthroughs and his what educates peo-
ple about the world they living. Having a
civilization full of thinkers like Coperni-
cus will create a prosperous civilization
because we will constantly be inventing
new ways to grow crops, to ght, and to
survive. As you can see people like Nico-
laus Copernicus are very important in or-
der for a civilization to grow because they
provide inspiration for others.
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91

Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Bibliography and Images
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Frey, Wendy. History Alive!: The Ancient World. Palo Alto, CA. Teachers Curriculum
Institute, 2011. Print.
Frey, Wendy. History Alive!: The Medieval World and Beyonce. Palo Alto, CA. Teach-
ers Curriculum Institute, 2011. Print.
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91
Donick, Katelyn Wednesday, June 4, 2014 9:27:39 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:c7:91

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