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Channeled Material Ark Angel Zachary / Jesus Christ

Twin Ray Fellowship - Part 1
September 15, 2003
with Lisa Smith
A vision is an actual cooperative chance to experience first hand the unique collaboration between masculine and
feminine particles of matter. Expressing a vision is to partake of creative flow, materializing physical objects of desire
made flesh. Man made relationships have spiraled far and wide through trying times, yet the fact remains that holy
union is destined to grace this space of existence. Therefore one walks about to honestly observe within the self-truth,
honor, and dignified education announcing sacral relations. It is not found under sexual content, or tantric exercises,
or a force field of breathing light. It is found deep within harmony of self-love and acceptance. Beyond that another
realm opens and individual measured heritage surrenders unto Gods Will. That is when the sacral plexus opens,
heaven and earth merge, and two become as one again under original perfected design. It is well within the reach of
many ascending their wings of humility and commanding the rod of power, among source service. To open the Lions
Gate of Shambhalla, is to merge into a home of service oriented Eternal Life, and nothing less.
Between now and the end of 2003 nearing the Winter Solstice avenue, a multitude of heavenly lights shall have
descended into an earthly vessel living amongst communities of light. It will happen under Twin Ray pairings
destined to receive their covens by opening the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark opens with equal master pairings,
perfected design and inter-relationships created in linear high vibrational fashion. It will truly picture modern day
life, as many step into a new arena, thus a new beginning. In order to manifest that which is termed Twin Ray
relationship, one must stop paying it lip service and get down into the root of all purification, by letting go of all past
arrangements. It will seem as if a new communications systems imprints itself within the head center and that is
appropriate. A modern telecommunications system vibrates in Shangri-La as you learn to walk away from density,
creating light particles with every breath you take.
Master Twin Ray manifestations will open a new arena of technical study across international consciousness
opening up. It shall be easily understood by many taking the time and effort to call it within. For 7 years Twin Ray
has been on the forefront of spiritual society, with little or no results on the physical. At this time, because the earth
partner has come to understand that personal Ascension must be achieved first and foremost, many have been
willing to leap out of the false worship status of a perfect mate, and develop the reality of life with spirit. We are
blessed with several technicians across the globe, willing to see the larger group Twin Ray manifest, and now we are
ready to probe further linking couplings through the divine sacral center. It is immature to focus upon the sexual detail
at first glance, for one only has the earth consciousness to attract in its energy field. Sexual Completion is positioned
throughout Bethlehem Grid System when all alignments between the earth Ray and heavenly Ray is finished. We
have two cycles/entities blending Eternity back together after a long road apart. There where moments of pure
ecstasy and bliss when two hearts touched momentarily before individual service magnetically pulled them back into
their realm of co-creative existence. But that was the past, and this is NOW TIME. Stay in focus, because it will be
precious living for Today that manifests.
A very high facet of self becomes the charge of each individual monitor and that is ones I AM Presence. The earth
shall mutate into its very own Pentagram of Pleasure bringing the 555 back into mathematical status. Magic,
Measurements, and Mutation shall blend with all equipped to handle sixth dimensional frequencies, and even quicker
for all capable of measuring a seventh dimensional range. Shambhalla has now set the pace and tone for the next
year opening its doors on September 13, 2003. Many will flow with ease and grace into its hallways. Most of those
moving home are Twin Ray Pairings finally open to realizing that heaven is no where other then planet earth, only in
a higher vibration. Most entities are not going anywhere after Ascension, just moving up the ladder of spiritual
success within. The linear manifestation for the perfect coupling will run on a measurement called to order by Master
Enoch of celestial technology.
1. Lay the foundation in God Consciousness, integrating Alchemy.
2. After that ones Body double enters, the Amethyst spiritual body of light, along with the I AM Presence technical
3. The Order of the Scorpion enters and lays the equilateral mathematics through the front and back of physical
vessels capable to integrate with their own branch of spiritual service. Thus each will move into co-creation
immediately as the energy of the body is escalated tremendously and one knows it.
4. The Absolution connected with Alpha/Omega in this universe ignites, which is ones Cloak of Divinity.
5. The Supreme Being and Councils of Light, Charged with overseeing universal projects. This is held solid through

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Enochian Light waves.

Here you have the sum totality of what Twin Ray relationships integrate together. Now we are in charge of filling in
the grand detail work. We shall examine for your knowledge each step a bit further so you understand what is takes
to manifest that which you are asking to complete. First of all a Twin Ray pairing began this universe together. For the
sake of education we allowed the terms Twin Ray, because each person would then be able to visualize the colors of
creation. It has been downgraded along with the soul/higher self level through the wheel of Karma/Astrology that
carried quite a heavy load. Therefore the master in Shambhalla would couple with the earth descended one and
make an entrance on the planet on a specific date of time, completing the old solar cycle. It is quite well that at this
time in history many are training to move beyond the lower levels of physical manifestation. A Twin Ray coupling
would never come together under such a lower vibrational circumstance. It was however a beginning point, albeit held
with great static attached.
What one begins with, they end with, that is Universal Law. We request that many drop the need for a name, or
association with certain masters that one is teamed up with. It is slowing down the connection process, and adds a
lower level attachment with emotions. Trust me your beloved is one you were SEALED unto eons ago by universal
law, and that is held most SACRED in the sacral. Therefore an Ark of the Covenant was created to host that which is
most blessed and held tight in the reigns of earthly unity until the end of times. If you are not moving with the Twin
Ray energy, let go of old attachments and ideas. It will come, and that is surrender. This brings us to our next level of
stagnant Twin Ray studies. Most people become wounded in their mental/emotional bodies if they finally figure out
their Twin Ray is not what there own consciousness was telling them. Be patient dear ones, there is not a lot of
education to promote THE ONE true partner. You are working this program out for a multitude of entities. Consider
this, as much as you desire completion, so does your heavenly partner. It is not worth ones foolish pride or
impatience to stop ones process, because it will take time to set up. Please stop accessing outside sources for your
information. The day you figure out both parties are equal, through communication and continual maintenance, is the
day all alignments begin to flow. Most earth partners are more nervous for the manifestation and we will assist your
movement, if you take the opportunity to work on self and Twin Ray every day, and pull that into the forefront of your
prime creation.
There is only 1 Ray that matches your Ray essence. At the time physical manifestation happens it will be termed
God-Spark Completion, letting go of the old words. Education and the Tree of Life requires one to remember universal
ray colors and SEALED arrangements. The lead team players that will host Twin Ray reunions all across the planet
will be Abraham and Sara. Abraham will represent the grounding masculine energies of Shambhalla and Sara will
represent the feminine flow of Shangri-La. When the sacral plexus center allows for months of cleansing, there will
come a day when the waters part and it opens unto self. The stomach will then flatten out, and one knows they have
finally opened the flow, and have entered the most sacred space of all. That would be the holy bedroom of
Shangri-La, a blessed sanctuary where two come together as one in the physical. After 7003 years apart working in
both the space of Shambhalla and Shangri-La it has been handed down by authority of the powers that be in this
universe that our first holy union takes place with Abraham and Sara the eve of September 12, 2003. This opened the
temple of El Shaddai across the plains of Casa Grande, Arizona where the flame of Eternity shall burn bright within
the heart of divine romance. Now we are complete in the chemical set up, and ready to move this light across mass
consciousness bringing prime opportunities for those that choose to stop seeking, and trust that living for today will be
the focal point of modern day mastery.
Many entities have missed what is actually manifesting on earth, due to dense feeding. You can go one of two ways
in the coming months and years. You may choose to feed from the hands of God, or live in dual processes. Make your
choice and stick with it, if you are so inclined to love the light of freedom available. On top of God-Spark Completions
are many families of spirit coming together under miraculous gatherings hosting unity. A group of 144 earth entities
are seen by the Emerald Way on their forehead to carry one electron completing the Cloak of Divinity, under Alpha
and Omega instructions. By the close of 2005, each shall know their sacred assignment and become one master
electron of universal proportions serving the masses. What a joy to watch many step direct into mastery. A lightning
rod of power will flash upon many Oct 15, 2003, blending heaven/earth/absolution under the Order of Enochian
Magic. Now is the time to strengthen up and resolve your differences with the self. Only the Master Completions
receive an electron. It will shake any density still held in the Master Cells trust me.
Step one hosting God/Goddess requires that each entity move up from the soul level/higher self and into at least the
sixth dimension. This is where the Fountain of Youth reigns supreme. One can either continue to cycle the lower
levels, or simply call forth God Light, and lay the cells in its Alchemical Balance. Step two hosting the I AM Presence.
Earth is just beginning to call in the explanation and technology of this gift. It takes study and detail work. A persons I
AM Presence cannot integrate without first having a foundation with God Consciousness. Now you can see how much
more work there is to bring through. Step three and the wonderful Order of the Scorpion promises to be the greatest
instigator this planet has yet to see for one reason only. It will be the showstopper of earth ones living the rod of
power, bringing through instructions from the tables of creation and councils of light in this universe. A person serving
the Scorpion League will have manifested the ability to sit in Shambhalla at the tables of creation, live romantic
adventures in the physical within the flow of Shangri-La and multi-task with the grace of a ballerina. Step four
houses the Absolution that is an area built by heavenly magicians magnetically grounding Alchemy, while living the
high life of the true Lord and Lady, Shaddai. These performers become the Eternal Flame that breathes across the
earth through the Ark of the Covenant. They shall become the interpretation of all Sacred Covens and commitments
made long ago with the Twin Ray, God-Spark Completion. Step five representing the Supreme Being is hosted through
the Order of Enochian Magic. Absolution together with Enochian Magic will unveil the Immortal Gate presented in first
creation on this star. It hosts the Immaculate Conception, and many have the capability to see this level of instruction,

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while grounding it.

Please bring all 5 sequences and form them into a pentagram above the head center. Call for the Master Source Stone
to cycle around the pentagram, and let the crystalline pure light move from the crown through the root center
upgrading each and every area of your life, so that you may see the God Light potential within. Next call forth your
God-Spark completion in modern day fashion, and see the Icon enter your field. Access your key codes into
Shangri-La, and let it flow. You will find a very modern picturesque outlook with divinity under this supervision of
higher light. As you learn to let go and detach, only the wisest of knowing comes into view, and along with that sweet
surrender and release unto self. When the Ark Opens all is revealed without fanfare, and Ascension is just a step
within home. Enjoy! With divine romance held solid in my heart, I am Ark Angel Zachary; do share your light with all
you come to see.
Channeled by Lisa Smith
Copyright 2003

Dear Friends, we are really going to escalate the Twin Ray couplings instruction as many
new masters begin to come my way. Please consider ordering the Apollo calendar to assist
with your staying in tune and harmony inside the house that God built. All channels seem to
go together very well, but it may be add some understanding with the overlay procedures
going on right now. Also our 7-day Twin Ray seminars that partake of fasting are a great way
to connect with Mastery and divine romance. I have truly enjoyed this latest viewing with
spirit and look forward too much more. Love, Lisa

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© Copyright Warriors of Peace All rights reserved, not open for reposting or distribution.
Thank you for your consideration and spiritual integrity.
Lisa Smith P.O. Box 926, Lancaster CA 93584 USA Phone: 661-942-4484 Email:
Last modified: 06/20/2005 22:08:16

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