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Channeled Material
Ark Angel Zachary / Jesus Christ
Fountain of Youth Series 2
November 27, 2002 through Lisa Smith
“To have ones health is to have it all”; this is a statement often worthy of repeating, for its true meaning
has been neglected by many of human birth. You can make you mark in history, become renowned of great
purpose, be a spiritual ambassador most highly respected, but until you radiate physical perfection it will
be a life long search for something greater than, instead of enjoying God Given Health. In this series we
term Fountain of Youth, it is important to note that life will take one back into FACTUAL manifestation
always. To hide from inner feelings and sensations simply keep the flow of prosperity, perfect health,
creation, and manifestations from occurring.
The sooner one faces earth based reality, and not give excuse to spiritual conceptions, integrations,
processing, doing for others, the sooner one resides in freedom. The bottom line, the end result my dear
way-openers, right now at this moment how do you honestly feel within? Do you trust your direct
connection with Source, believe in your true net worth? What shape is your physical condition? Any
ailments left to heal, your back, sacral center, circulation, sharp perceptions? How is your energy level,
can you go all day? How is your daily diet affecting your moods? Are you still addicted to poisons of the
mind, body and behavior, including excuses of being human? Now is the time to take care of all details
within and let that be your lead gateway into the house of purity. It is what builds and secures a future
confident of God-Cellular restructuring, finalizing plans for a Fountain of Youth in human embodiment.
The Blue Ray body of Truth happens to be prevalent in today’s modern world of mastery. It will draw unto
ones patterns that which is necessary to upgrade and see within, not without. As you begin to eliminate
situations from your self-created old patterns dear ones, notice how it is not really about outside forces, or
people, it is about eliminating your own lower behaviors. The beauty of truth is that once a master calls it
unto strict discipline, it is handled instantly. The result occurs in each and every situation you would
encounter. It is a blessed escalation of dense release and a golden opportunity to prevail as a walking
master, for underneath that is Sweet Surrender. My brave ones, you are doing just that, calling forth
personal Truth and securing a future of healthy, abundant attitudes. A Fountain of Youth begins with
inspired ideas, creativity, and belief in original perfection. What comes next is the willingness to work and
understand what is exactly human biological perfection. If a program or instruction has served to a point,
take it to the next level of creation with your guidance. Lastly, recognition that you as an earthly master
must make it happen, and do the daily walk that is required to seat a Fountain of Youth. Particularly as the
last gate of Peace opens from the house of Shambhalla it’s a winners paradise, truly built of earthly light.
Do you not see how hard work is well worth the pay off into Freedom. Many of you are about to reap what
has been sown, with a smile of Just Cause, effecting a radio wave of perfection in the process. How
precious to not only understand with the brain, but also FEEL with a heart of golden Source light. No longer
seeking Passion, but living the Passionate embrace in arms of spiritual awakening, something only you can
do for yourself. And that is True Blue Rewarding, unleashing fountains of pleasure beyond youth. Why
settle for anything less, you can have it all.
Blue is about Inward Reflection, Deep Spaces of knowing, and intuition aligned with pure intent. A blue ray
has no hidden agenda, for the White Christ light strips any hidden agendas away and keeps the solid
foundation strong. In Fountain of Youth programming it is important to note, the White Crystalline Structure
must be solidified through continual upgrading, and personal recognition. Until personal harmony is
established, groupings of light cannot gather. A team network under the Temple of Light only works well
when each individual has reclaimed personal mastery and In-Essence. In light of great times and shifting
we would do well to go back into the origins of true leadership and mastery positioning itself across the
planet. We are in the final stages of refining that which does and does not work for human personality
structuring, and paving way to the bigger picture, which tells a much different story. Amongst the housing
of Shambhalla resides a non-partisan political/corporate station of higher truth, closing the double door of
Gemini, and en-lightening the moon essence back unto its Covens, or Ark of Committed Creations. In
original design, the human body has no degenerative systems or thoughts. The human body is now
refining upon this position as your brains transmissions become accustomed to this new instruction that
will feel quite strong. It will be the education of divine living in masters flesh, or the perfection that always

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has been and will always be. You can honestly see how the human team, along with the house of
Shambhalla are each recommended strongly to get it together, for in the unified fields of expression does
the ATOMEVE truly harmonize.
You can assist the process this day by facing inward truth, dropping control or need for validation and
simply trust you are the light, taking its wave up another notch. We are placing a call to commune under no
hidden agendas except that which is in alignment with Source, and asking you to allow nakedness along
with us in the house of Shambhalla to move forward and not look back. You have walked the back roads
many times before. Physical flesh and its perfection will speak a new language of light this day, with the
brains open to its instruction, not by comparison or separation, but inward reality of living light body.
ETERNAL is geometrical language that life continues, and you personally remember that cells can advance
to a point of reconstruction, so this last step of personal truth is a necessary cleansing within, and the
labyrinth one walks through as the twists and turns of fate, straighten themselves out for DIRECT purpose.
Learn to explain love, you can, explain universal dynamics, explain the intricacies of the brain and mind
unit working as one. Never explain yourself to anybody, becoming love does not ask for explanation. It
answers for itself.
As this offering suggests a deep reflection of self, and why you are here, emotional ties in the Blue
Currents of Piscean waters must be dropped, and upgraded into staging Water Bearing Truth of Blue Light.
It will look and feel as if a Blue laser light show has gone off in the Water of your body, producing all kinds
of spiritual currents, but you must drop emotional blackmail with anything, and upgrade the Feeling Nature
of Source Light Blue Waves. It is okay to feel the old leave, embracing the past, but move forward as
feelings shift with the tides of spirit. You will wake up renewed and fresh each day, with no feelings of
anger, shame, pain, but simply moving on. A worker in God’s house is expected to do one thing, recognize
within the self, and carry on with realignment and joy, while making waves of spiritual essence in their
footprints leaving only the sensation of highest intent. When your energy and eyes speak the language of
light, words can only match its intensity. Sometimes the less said, does speak louder then words. A
foundation of White Christ Light is the provider of Radiance and Health, after the physical body and life
starts shaping up in every way, the rest is handled with propriety of spirit and comes quite natural. That is
when you start upgrading the body’s structure with what is termed the Fountain of Youth.
Along the white highway of purification and solid source substance, is an energy structure so refined its
been difficult to explain to the human kingdom, however explain in human poetic terms I will. Imagine that
you have worked hard all your life, raised your family, and taken care of every ailment that came your
way including death of close family members or a mate. You have put off your own happiness because
times would not allow for relaxation, and you even worked more hours, had less sleep because the
children require and truly command every ounce of energy and attention in your life. Then it happens, one
day your children have left home and living their own lives, most likely different then you had planned for
them in the first place, but being a parent you might remember you had done just the opposite as your
parents wished for you, and with good reason, it was your life and not theirs you had taken on. You come
to a comfortable place where finances are finally stable, but not great, and you are in an age of retirement.
If you take that same analogy and apply it to the Christing process its just the same. You work hard to lay
a foundation of your spiritual essence, with many self-created wobbles in the path, and then it finally
happens as you call it in, you are at the comfort factor with your own masters abilities. Finally retirement
into the White Christ Light, but you must have somewhere to tap into after all that hard work, and that is
when the Blue Ray Fountain of Youth comes in. It is a refinement back into the Youth you had basically
missed because you had blinded yourself with such an intense set up, and yet working hard and your
initial set up proved well worth the time involved. Without a doubt no one operated your family for you, you
had to step up to this chosen task and make it work.
When people go into retirement they often times reflect very deeply where it is they had missed their life
being too busy in becoming a success and raising the family. The incredible process of review is simply
that, honoring and accepting responsibility and yet allowing the Purity of White Christ Foundation
anyways, because there is God/Goddess always in the heart full of unconditional love saying everything
is alright, lets move on even in review. Believe me friends of Christ Pathways, there is not one master that
has not reviewed wishing they had done it different, but hindsight is just that hindsight. What you do with
this foundation of Christ Light and how you get the physical structure back into exercise shape, eating right
for optimum health, will prove how worthy you deem yourself. Most people in this last step of the process
find themselves quite emotional and blaming every situation except that which lies within. Yet by the grace
and goodness of divine timing we have NO time or space for feeling sorry, or martyrdom, only the
Grandness of Housing in Heaven can be forwarded into your Fountain of Youth retirement plan. Everyone
is worthy of this multi-cultural Blue Ray Relaxant into the body transmitting nothing but messages of
regeneration and original perfection held in the consciousness of God-Light. Truth is well worth personal
review and can only be done with God-Source.

1. With the Chinese Character of Eternity and liquid golden light, ask your cloak of Christ Divinity to seat
inside your own physical body. Claim it well, Feel its indrawn strength, embrace the shining White
Knight and drink in the nectar of cellular upgrade. Ask EVERYTHING in the healing department to
work its way in and around your physical body, and ask for your own Christ signals to show up in

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your everyday existence. At first you may feel heavy with the White Ray, eventually it will feel like a
familiar Twin Flame, waiting in the spiritual sidelines to come forward. Trust in the process, ask your
cells to bring everything down to the physical level. See it, Feel it, Breathe it, Experience it 24 hours a
day, and make no mistake it will be there as your unconditional loving self. Wrap a crystalline quartz
light around your physical heart, and watch wings of light unfold as you begin to trust that love really
does move mountains. Ask yourself in these final moments of Christ Light, What am I on earth for?
How can I serve my source without causing or needing recognition, just simply living in the physical
world with all peoples in harmony. How can the light work movement better improve upon its original
calling? The day you no longer explain to people in such terms as frequency and God Consciousness,
or I am holding and anchoring this, is the day you have reached the ability to perform magic of Christ
and everyone around you feels great Peace. For within TRUTH is the essence of PEACE. How can you
make a difference in this world blending successfully in all facets of physical reality? Can you trust
solid with your own Christ Light, and believe with all you heart it is done? Provide your own honest
answers, the physical body will adjust and feel its own light of truth. This space is best utilized in the
Ascension Chamber, or Frontal Lobe of the Brain.

2. Bring the Laser Quartz Crystal Kingdom inside your entire Skeletal Structure. Every bone in your
physical body will tingle with AtomEve light particles, and then sing the songs of joy with spirit. The
Spine is the missing component for complete Freedom, and in most people the Sacral region of the spine
is going through massive changes, and that will continue until December 15, 2002. If shifting is
happening that has not occurred in a long time, trust that its adjusting itself. We will focus on the
Lumbar region of your spine, which is a segment of massive opening right now across this planet. It
will be in alignment with your umbilicus. This is another important reason for physical health and
exercise maintenance. You must create a space in the body for your energy Blue Light of Bliss from the
Perineum, up to the Crown Center, and in order to open such a space the spine and its nerve centers
and blood circulation must match the higher vibrations. For most people crippled with Arthritis, or pains
in the knees and poor circulation it has come down to poor health habits or not maintaining your
human body. The neck develops symptoms as the spine cannot move the energy up, and then think
about it, how clear is the channel when the energy is constricted and not moving from the base chakra
all the way into the crown. The Sciatic Nerve plays a major part and runs not only down your hips and
legs, but up through your back. The Femoral Nerve is another master messenger into the heart and
brain waves and must be unobstructed. The body must become flexible and muscular development is
important. The muscles around the back and stomach assist to keep the spine in alignment. The liquid
materials in between sections of the bones become dry and that is when calcium no longer moves.
However the moment you begin a routine of exercise, calcium and strengthening in your bones begin to
circulate. Do not ask how long this will take, everyone is unique, or at a different age. Many people let
their physical vessels go until they must do something, and so prepare it will take continue movement
and work. Go through the soreness that occurs with beginning an exercise routine and stick with it.

3. With quartz crystal movement awakening every center of your spine, run oxygen with Source
Substance back into your mouth and teeth. Run optimum health with Dragons Breath back into your
bones for flexibility, and call in Alchemy with the Lavender Ray to change your spine, straighten and
lengthen it out. It is quite a phenomenon, and depending upon your age you may require laying flat for
this portion of celestial work. As the spine elongates, any area of the brain that has cut off through
poor health habits via nerve channels will open as well. Application of releasing old energy will
increase in the Solar Center, bringing a nucleotide of spirits housing. Alignment between the root,
sacral, solar, and heart will shift as your I AM Presence houses in the throat center and vision is fully

4. Pure White Ray of your own Christ Cells will enhance until the Jehovah Christ Flame enters and that’s
when you see from the inside out, no color only clarity. At this moment True Blue enters the body, and
wraps its loving embrace into the Foundation Laid. For in truth, births restitution, liberty and freedom
from a self created world of stagnant behavior. The Hippocampus in your brain center adjusts to its
newly reformatted behavior that thrives in communication and life. If done slowly and in tune with
your Christ Light, you will have some of the most intense energy work you can call in. Recognize that
many of you albeit calling in higher dimensions, have hardly established the grounding forces of
Christ in physical embodiment. We have much work to do getting the body in shape, and letting go of
the past, make this Sagittarius your time to get out of acting as you are one with light, and Truth be
told, humbly accepting the higher assignments. Do understand your own Christ Light with God
Consciousness is your partner in this next step. Enjoy the journey, and Spiritual Woodstock that comes
with the Truth of Freedom, embrace the inevitable you! I love you all deep in reflection of trust and
belief, Ark Angel Zachary

Channeled by Lisa Smith

© Copyright Warriors of Peace

Dear Friends,
After an incredible November 11, 2002 event, I have had both cleansing, and

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moments of sheer joy like I have not experienced in the physical plane for such a
long time. And best of all doing it through my own level of clarity, and learning to
laugh during the process. Boy if I gave myself any excuse for what I am going
through, I will not any more after this channel. It is getting very near in realistic
terms what ascension means. Honestly the connections with physical earth becomes
so much stronger, and I have been relating to all peoples no matter what position we
are in. I have two dualistic sides coming up and out, and actually enjoying them
both, one is the old ways of new age, and one is the very physical real sensations of
Christ Light which is so strong with my guidance I want to get back under the covers.
But like anything else, when we call it in and command it so it happens! I have come
off my most successful seminar in the States thus far, and it actually brought out a
much deeper reflection of what really is spiritual service work. I have found that
saying and hearing things in old understandings which was appropriate at the time,
doesn’t do one darn bit of good for humanitarian purposes. But it sure helped many
of us understand the spirit within. So it is back to the drawing board of refining and
explaining in terms of realistic nature. Like I always say if it doesn’t manifest I am
not interested at all! Now sometimes we are in the process of creating what is being
We are coming together solid, or moving apart into the reflective spaces we have
created now. I recently had the most freeing sensation of all last weekend. As many
of you know I took a nice walk on the wild side of life and actually had a great time
doing it, in my Las Vegas Showgirl Days. My favorite Rock Band was a band called
Journey, good rock and roll in the seventies and eighties. They came into Reno and
last Saturday evening I found myself there, encouraged strong by Zach to go it alone.
Well that happened to be quite an experience and I had so much fun, and it was
such a release from any restraints I had put on myself doing this work. I truly
believe that to demonstrate God-Source in a way of looking like you have taken on
the world is a load of… well you know what I mean, and usually done to justify low
self-worth if you ask me. So it really caught me by surprise to see that everything is
moving so fast for me in this spiritual service work, and I was moving in the direction
of taking on so much stuff, and please I am positive source is a little bit more rock
and roll and laid back, even in the high vibration and content of materials presented.
So I just let loose, and this week gaining clearer vision and slowing down, while
moving forth at the same time, that’s Freedom. I think so many times we feel as if we
have to do it all NOW, or else the big lightning bolt of spirit will take it away because
we are not doing our parts. So if you are spiritually inclined and trying to make a
wild spirit become a Saint, relax, let loose and reflect on enjoyment while getting our
physical butts back into shape.
This week I am off to Phoenix for our one day Dec. 1 2002 seminar that will be one
hundred percent focused on the Physical Body Health, and Spine restructuring. I
love the way our seminars are moving, and Zach with Elijah what a team. Lord
Maitreya has become a very real being in my life with this work, and boy I thought
Elijah made people shape up or ship out, Maitreya makes Elijah seem like a Teddy
Bear or I am just getting used to him. But as always I prefer direct attention to detail,
and not tap dancing around a subject. I think we sometimes dance around so much,
where in the heck did we get started. Its so much fun to see the physical body shape
up. December will be a great holiday month for me as I get to go back and share the
Fountain of Youth and Twin Ray information along with our newly manifested
Master healer that focuses on physical perfection in the Netherlands. Not only are
Rob and Nel Behr great hosts and friends, but Rob cooks great food!! (of course
Healthy) I am sure you will all hear from me soon with this series from Zach, until
then, much love in freedom of spiritual truth, Lisa
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© Copyright Warriors of Peace All rights reserved, not open for reposting or distribution.
Thank you for your consideration and spiritual integrity.
Warriors of Peace c/o Lisa Smith P.O. Box 6568 Apache Junction, Arizona 85278-6568
Phone: 480-671-7806 Email:
Last modified: 12/09/2004 06:31:03

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