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Joseph W.

10628 N Osceola Drive
Westminster, CO 80031
Cell: 303.579.8353
Internationally experienced, strategically focused, customer centric, technical executive with broad expertise
in customer satisfaction, product delivery, quality and reliability management, supplier quality, functional
management, analytics, reporting, and Operational xcellence. !nown for working effectively across
organi"ations, levels, and diverse cultures. #ses principles of design thinking and business excellence to build
effective teams, manage organi"ations, and solve problems in innovative ways. $emonstrated ability to
prevent and resolve major customer concerns. %assion for business process optimi"ation and data analysis.
&ompetency areas include'
(ew %roduct $elivery / &ustomer )acing %rocesses / )ield
+uality and ,eliability *anagement' &-%-
.trategic Organi"ational /eadership
)ield ,isk -nalysis / ,eliability -ssessment
nterprise $ata .ystem $evelopment
.afety Organi"ation Interface
.upplier +uality' -cceptance .ampling, .%&, 0$
/ean .ix .igma *aster 1lack 1elt 2 3ransactional / 3echnical'
$*-I& /$).. / $), / )*- / +)$ / -$!-,
+., -udit 4I.O56678
*anufacturing ngineering
$esign ngineering
9eibull ::, .-. ; <*%,
1usiness Objects, *initab,
%roprietary .+/ +uery 3ools,
-gile, +uality &enter,
%$*9orks, 9onderware, *.
Office, .hare%oint
Product Delivery and Customer Exerience !ana"ement
.uccessfully launched new products at key O* customer locations worldwide through partnership with
sales, design, manufacturing, logistics, service and repair in multiple locations worldwide. #nderstood and
resolved product issues for key customers.
o =elped grow annual business by >?66* at prominent #. workstation manufacturer by managing
product release and quality performance to requirements. Improved scorecard performance from third
to first place.
o 1uilt business with key computer manufacturer in )rance from scratch to surpass 7* units per month
by managing product introduction and quality performance to customer expectations.
Implemented @Aoice of the &ustomerB based metrics and weekly review process attended by worldwide
senior management to focus the company on improving product quality and reliability performance at key
O*Cs. &orporation met quarterly and annual improvement goals throughout the use of this process.
,e;qualified product, manufacturing, and repair processes for )ortune 766 computer manufacturer to
stringent requirements even though customer management said requalification was impossible, avoiding
return of millions of dollars of product.
9orking from (etherlands office, established sustainable organi"ation to support key uropean computer
manufacturers. $irected customer focused improvement efforts in field engineering, manufacturing,
business management, marketing, service, logistics, and repair. Increased or maintained high customer
scorecard ratings.
-ssisted in resolving customer escalations by determining appropriate corrective actions and remedial
actions through development and use of special product return analysis techniques.
#uality and $elia%ility !ana"ement
.uccessfully delivered more than D66 million pair of advanced technology E$ glasses over three years
with negligible customer complaints by developing &ontract *anufacturers, establishing and administering
management system for certifying and monitoring internationally based contract manufacturers and
licensees 4customers8.
&ompleted optimi"ation and certification of new design at three contract manufacturers to reali"e F6G or
>F* annual savings
$eveloped and certified new contract manufacturer and new lens film to implement cost reductions
responsible for >7* annual savings
*anaged expansion of corporationCs quality and engineering services organi"ations to keep pace with
demands associated with doubling in corporate revenue and shift in corporate structure from functional to
1uilt full functioning product qualification, environmental and reliability test organi"ation from scratch,
staffing, defining procedures, procuring equipment and establishing relationships with internal
stakeholders and customers, and establishing relationships and audits with external testing and safety
certification organi"ations.
Hrew specified and demonstrated *33) by a factor of three through iterative product improvement.
&usiness Excellence ' (ean )ix )i"ma
.treamlined product delivery management process through ,-&I analysis, process mapping, and
development of I3 system that automated consolidation of supplier inputs, highlighting of changes in
commitments and delivery exceptions, and organi"ed information into pivot tables for comparison to
demand forecast. .ubstantially reduced manual data manipulation allowing more time to be spent on
value;added efforts.
$esigned architecture and led development of enterprise data system for automated reporting of product
performance at )ortune D66 computer manufacturers. ,educed labor for support of most complex
customer by 5IG while substantially expanding reporting and analysis capabilities. &o;chaired multi;year
effort with limited I3 resources as .ix .igma 1lack 1elt projects.
Implemented online, real;time process monitoring and controls for complex continuous flow production of
photo;voltaic panels. %erformed analysis of production data to identify key process input variables and
projected optimal settings to maximi"e power output. 3eam increased power output from ?D9 to JD9.
Improved measurement system resolution by a factor of FD with no increase in capital cost.
*nalytics ' $eortin"
*anaged customer concerns and escalations by providing compelling insights gained from complex field
return data analysis. Identified appropriate corrective actions and measured remedial actions to minimi"e
ultimate impact to customers and their customers. In one case, narrowed customer concern from a few
hundred thousand units to less than two thousand units with a failure signature that the customer could
easily manage.
$eveloped data analysis and reporting tools to provide product and customer performance reports on a
weekly basis, as well as special analyses as requested by executive management. Improved turn;around
time for special requests from a few days to a few hours.
-voided millions of dollars in invalid customer claims through return projection analysis.
Increased predictability in end;user warranty planning and supplier quality management by utili"ing
$esign )or ,eliability techniques to generate field return projections.
$eveloped and implemented enterprise data system for managing and reporting customer issues and
REALD &'(' ) &'(*
Worldwide leader in 3D display technology inclding deployment o! cinema pro"ection systems into 23#000$
aditorims worldwide
Quali+, !anage-en+ o. all Cine-a an/ P0e-iu- *D E,e1ea0 .0o- upplie0s an/ Li2ensees , Boulder, CO
ABOUND OLAR &''3 ) &'('
%merging leader in design and man!actre o! low cost thin !ilm photo&oltaic modles
PC I-ple-en+a+ion, P0o2ess Anal,sis, Op+i2al !oni+o0 ,s+e-, an/ Da+a ,s+e-s , Longmont, CO
World's largest company designing# man!actring and mar(eting hard dis( dri&es. )ertically integrated company with
design centers in *+ and +ingapore# and high &olme !actories ,-.3/ nits in !iscal year ended 0ne 20091 in *+#
+ingapore# China# 2hailand# and /alaysia.
P0in2ipal Eng0. 4Di0e2+o0 Le5el6 7 Cus+o-e0 Pe0.o0-an2e !anage-en+# 3ongmont# C4 &''( ) &''3
Di0e2+o0, Cus+o-e0 Quali+, 7 Eu0ope# +chiphol 5i"(# 2he 6etherlands &''' 7 &''(
P0in2ipal Cus+o-e0 Quali+, Enginee0 4Di0e2+o0 Le5el6# 3ongmont# C4 (338 7 &'''
Di0e2+o0, Cus+o-e0 Te2hni2al !anage-en+ 9 Cus+o-e0 Quali+,# +cotts )alley# C7 (33' 7 (338
$irector of +uality for two disc drive companies, reporting to %resident. *anager, %roduct -ssurance.
*anager, *anufacturing K 3est ngineering. *anager, Operations K $esign ngineering.
1achelor of .cience, ngineering $esign and conomic valuation, #niversity of &olorado, 1oulder, &O
*aster of .cience, $ata -nalytics, &ity #niversity of (ew Lork 2 In process
&ertified /ean .ix .igma *aster 1lack 1elt
&ompany representative to I$*-
.tate of &olorado 2 I3
-.+ &ertified ,eliability ngineer ; Inactive
-.+ &ertified 1iomedical -uditor
*ember -.+ 2 +uality *anagement $ivision, ,eliability $ivision, )$K& $ivision, Innovation Interest Hroup
Institute of nvironmental .ciences
Certi!icate 8 +trategic 4rgani9ational 3eadership
Design !or +i: +igma
+i: +igma ;lac( ;elt
Certi!icate 8 %ssentials o! ;siness 7nalysis
Design !or 5elia<ility
=+5 ,=ality +ystems 5e&iew1 7ditor ,>+4 9000 ? 900-1
@/agnetic +scepti<ility +tdies o! 3accase and 4:yhemocyanin#A D. Dooley# 5. +cott# 0. %llinghas# %. +olomon# and
B. Cray# Droc. 6atl. 7cad. +ci. *+7 )ol. 75# 6o. 7

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