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Resistance and procastrination: I am going to write a symphony tomorrow = I am never

writing a shymphony => never forget: this very moment we can change our lives. This second,
we can sit down and do our wor
Resistance and Sex: se! "#co$ as a way of eeping us form doing our wor. %ou can tell &y
the measure of hollowness you feel afterward "the more empty you feel, the more certain you
can &e that your true motivation was not love or even lust &ut Resistance$
Resistance and Trouble
'. Trou&le is a fau! form of faim "to get attention$ = addictions, (elousy, cruelty, se! for the
sae of it etc
). The woring artist will not tolerate trou&le in her life &ecause she nows trou&le prevents
her from doing her wor. The woring artist &anishes from her wor all sources of
trou&le. *he harnesses the urge for tro&le and transform it in her wor.
Resistance and self-dramatization
'. +reating soap,operas in our lives = symptom of resistance- a culture of self,
dramati.ation: /ad gets drun, mum gets sic, 0anie shows up for church with an
1aland Raiders tattoo- it2s more fun than a movie. 3nd it wors: no&ody gets a damn
thing done.
Resistance and self-medication
'. Inventing a disease "an!iety, seasonal effect disorder etc$
Resistance and Victimhood
'. a victim act is a form of passive agression- manipulating others "achieve gratification not
&y honest wor or a contri&ution made out of one2s e!perience or insight love, &ut &y
manipualtion of others through silent4non,silent threat$
). the victim compels others to come to his rescue or to &ehave as he wishes &y holding
them hostage to the prospect of his own further illness4meldown4 mental dissolution
Resistance and the Choice of a Mate
'. sometimes, if we2re not conscious of our own resistance, we2ll pic up as a mate
someone who has overcame resistance. =>resistance desfigures love: if we2re the
supporting partener, shouldn2t we face our own failure to pursue our unlived life, rather
than hitchhie on our spuse2s cattails5 3nd if we2re the supported partner, shouldn2t we
step out from the glow of our loved one2s adoration and instead encourge him to let his
own light shine5
Resistance and Unhappiness
'. 6hat does resistance feel lie5 7nhappiness8 : alow grade,misery pervades everything-
we feel lie hell- we are &ored, we are restless- we can get no satisfaction- we want to go
&ac to &ed4to get up and party- we feel unloved and unlova&le- we2re disgusted.
). 7nalleviated, Resistance mounts to a pich that &ecomes unendura&le => vices ic in:
dope, adultery, we& surfing
9. +linical: depression, aggression, dysfunction.
Resistance and fundamentalism
'. 6e2re wired tri&ally, to act as part of a group
). 6e don2t now how to &e alone4how to &e free individuals
9. :reedom=self,mastery
Resistance and Criticism: (ust let it &e
Resistance and Self-doubt: overconfidence may &e an indicator to resistance "if you find
yourself asing: 3m I really a writer5 chances are you are$
Resistance and Being a Star: grandiose fantasies => focus on wor
Resistance and Rationalization: it2s one thing to lie ourselves. It2s another thing to &elieve it.
Resistance presentsus a series of plausi&le, rational (ustifications for why we shouldn2t do our
wor "tolstoy had '9 children and still wrote War and Peace- ;ance 3rmstrong had cancer and
still won the Tour of :rance$
TUR!" #R$%%&S!$'(
The amateur plays for fun- the pro plays for eeps
The pro loves it so much he dedicates his life to it. <e commits full,time- the amateur plays part,
#rinciples of #riorit): a. you must now what2s urgent and what2s important
&. you must do what2s important first "e.g.:wor$
' proffesional is patient: Resistance gets us to plunge into a pro(ect with an overam&itious
and unrealistic timeta&le for its completion. It nows we can2t sustain that level of intensity. The
proffesional nows that any pro(ect taes twice as long as he thins and costs twice as much.
The proffesional is prepared at a deep level. <e is prepared, each day, to confront his own self,
3 proffesional does not hesitate to as for help.
3 pro distances herself from her instrument "=adonna does not identify her with =adonna.
*he employs =adonna$
The proffesional seats his consciousness in a place other than his personal ego. "he gives an
ear to criticism, seeing to learn and grow > still, he selects the real critics from resistence2s
The proffesional cannot let himself tae humiliation personally > humilliation, lie re(ection and
fae criticism, is the e!ternal reflection of internal Resistance.
3 pro her limitations "she nows she can only &e pro at one thing- she gets a lawyer,
an agent etc.$
*!"*&R R&'(M +Be)ond Resistance,
6hen we sit down and wor, we &ecome as a magneti.ed rod that attracts iron fillings: ideas
come, insights accrete. 0ust as resistance has its seat in hell, so creation has its home in
3rt = wro = egolessness?service

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