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Early geneticists thought that genes were made of proteins.
Archibald Garrod (1908) introduced the idea that genes and enzymes are related.
iscussed the genetic disease al!aptoneuria.
"omogentisic acid ("#)$ an intermediate of the %rea!down of phenylalanine and
tyrosine$ is e&creted in the urine.
'arrod theorized that an enzyme that o&idizes "# was lac!ing and that this was due to a
mutation of the gene.
James Sm!er (19(6) showed that enzymes were proteins.
Frederic" Gri##i$h (19(8) con)erted a)irulent pneumococcus to the )irulent strain.
E&periment with mice in*ected with a)irulent li)e cells and heat+!illed )irulent cells.
#)irulent cells were con)erted to )irulent cells.
Tra!s#orma$io! due to a transforming principle
O%T% A&er'( C%M% McLeod and M% McCar$' (19,,) identified the transforming principle to %e
Geor)e Beadle and Ed*ard Ta$m (19,0s) suggested that a single gene specifies each
.hey wor!ed with fungus -eurospora crassa.
-eurospora is a haploid organism.
/ne gene$ one protein hypothesis.
Al#red Hershe' and Mar$ha Chase (190() conducted e&periments on the reproduction of
.hey showed that -# enters the cell.
-# is re1uired for synthesis of new protein coats and -#.
Er*i! Char)a## (1900) determined the composition of -#2 ratios of adenine+thymine and
guanine+cytosine were )ery close to 1.
Rosali!d Fra!"li! and M%H% +il"i!s conducted e&periments on the &+ray diffraction of the -#
molecule in the early 003s.
James +a$so! and Fra!cis Cric" (1904) proposed a model for the structure of the -#
molecule %ased on the wor! done %y 5ran!lin and 6il!ins. .hey proposed the doble heli,
1. -#$ a polymer$ is made of two polynucleotide chains intertwined to form a doble heli,.
(. Each nucleotide monomer contains a nitrogenous %ase which may %e one of the
0ri!es1 ade!i!e or )a!i!e
0'rimidi!e1 $h'mi!e or c'$osi!e.
4. Each %ase is co)alently lin!ed to deo&yri%ose$ a 0C sugar.
,. eo&yri%ose is co)alently %onded to a phosphate.
0. .he %ac!%one of each single -# chain is formed %y alternating deo&yri%ose and
phosphate groups *oined %y 2hos2hodies$er lin!ages.
6. Each phosphate group is lin!ed to the 03 car%on of one deo&yri%ose and to the 43 car%on of
the other deo&yri%ose.
7. "ydrogen %onds form %etween adenine and thymine (two %onds)$ and %etween guanine and
cytosine (three %onds). .he se1uence of %ases is complementary %ut not identical. .his
allows to predict the se1uence %ases in one strand if one !nows the se1uence of %ases in
the other strand.
8. Each pair %ase is 0.4, nm from the ad*acent pair %ases.
9. .here are ten %ase pairs in each turn of the heli& ma!ing each turn 4., nm high.
10. .he dou%le heli& is ( nm wide.
11. .he chains run in an opposite direction and are said to %e a!$i2arallel to each other. #t the
end of each -# molecule there is an e&posed 03 car%on on one strand and an e&posed 43
car%on on the other strand.
1(. Complementary %ase paring of adenine and thymine and guanine and cytosine are the
%asis of Chargaff 8s rule$ which is # 9 . and C 9 . in -#.
# process called re2lica$io! can precisely copy -#.
.he essential features of -# replication are uni)ersal %ut there are some differences %etween
pro!aryotes and eu!aryotes due to the difference in -# organization.
:n pro!aryotes$ -# consists of a circular dou%le+stranded molecule$ while in eu!aryotes it is
made of a linear dou%le+stranded molecule associated with great deal of proteins.
.he two strands of the dou%le heli& unwind. Each strands ser)es as a template for the formation
of a new complementary strand.
-# replication is semico!ser&a$i&e2 each daughter dou%le heli& contains one strand from the
parent -# and one newly synthesized strand.
;ore than a dozen enzymes and proteins are in)ol)ed in -# replication.
1. -# %egins at specific sites in the molecule named ori)i!s o# re2lica$io! and forms the
replication %u%%le. "ere at each end of the replication %u%%le$ -# helicase creates a
re2lica$io! #or".
(. .he position of the replication for! is constantly mo)ing as replication proceeds.
4. .he enzyme -NA helicase tra)els along the heli& opening it as they mo)e.
,. Si!)le/s$ra!d bi!di!) 2ro$ei!s %ind to the single -# strands pre)enting reformation of
the dou%le heli&.
0. To2oisomerases %rea! and re*oin sections of the -# to relie)e strain and pre)ent !nots
during replication.
6. -# synthesis always proceeds in a 03 43 direction2 0< phosphate at one end and 4<
hydro&yl at another end.
7. .he two -# strands are a!$i2arallel$ that is$ their sugar phosphate %ac!%ones run in
opposite directions.
8. -NA 2ol'merases catalyze the lin!ing together of the nucleotide su%units. .here are at
least ele)en -# polymerases in)ol)ed in eu!aryote replication.
9. -ucleotides with three phosphate groups are used as su%strates for the polymerization
reaction. .wo of the phosphates are remo)ed and the nucleotide is added to the 43 end of
the growing strand.
10. .hese reactions are e&ergonic and do not re1uire #.=.
11. -# polymerase cannot initiate the synthesis of polynucleotide> they can only add
nucleotides to the 43 end of an already e&isting chain that is %ase+paired with the template
1(. -# synthesis re1uires an RNA 2rimer to initiate the synthesis reaction. .he ?-# primer is
made of a%out ten nucleotide long in eu!aryotes.
14. .he ?-# primer is synthesized %y a protein comple& !nown as a 2rimosome$ which
includes an enzyme$ 2rimase$ that is a%le to start a new strand of -# opposite a -#
1,. -# replication is continuous in one strand and discontinuous in the other.
10. -# polymerase adds nucleotides to the 43 of the new strand that is always )ro*i!)
$o*ard the replication for!. .his strand is called the leadi!) s$ra!d%
16. -# polymerase adds nucleotides to the 43 of the new strand that is )ro*i!) a*a' from
the replication for!. .his strand is called the la))i!) s$ra!d. .he rate of elongation is the
addition of a%out 000 nucleotides per second in %acteria and 00 in humans.
17. =rimase synthesizes a short ?-# primer$ which is e&tended %y -# polymerase to form an
O"a3a"i #ra)me!$.
18. .he lagging strand is synthesized in short pieces called O"a3a"i #ra)me!$s$ which are
made of 100 to 1000 nucleotides. .he fragments were disco)ered %y ?ei*ii /!aza!i.
19. .hese fragments grow in a direction away from the replication for!.
(0. Each /!aza!i fragment %egins with an ?-# primer.
(1. #fter it has %een elongated %y -# polymerase$ the ?-# primer is degraded$ the gaps are
filled with -# and the ad*oining fragments are lin!ed together %y -NA li)ase.
((. -# ligase lin!s the 43 end of one fragment with the 03 end of the ad*oining fragment.
-# replication is bidirec$io!al starting at the origin of replication and proceeding in %oth
#n eu!aryotic chromosome may ha)e se)eral origins of replication and may %e replicating at
se)eral points at any one time.
-# polymerase proofreads each nucleotide against its template as soon as it is added. :f there
is an error$ the nucleotide is remo)ed and the correct one is added in its place.
Errors that arise after replication are also corrected.
Ncleo$ide e,cisio! re2air.
.he mismatch pair of nucleotide distorts the -# molecule>
# !clease enzyme cuts the damaged -# strand at two points>
.he -# is repaired %y -NA 2ol'merase %y filling the gap with the correct nucleotides>
-NA li)ase attaches the new se1uence to the rest of the molecule.
?eplication results in the formation of a chromosome with two dou%le helices.
Each dou%le heli& corresponds to a chromatid.
Eu!aryotic chromosomal -# molecules ha)e special nucleotide se1uences called telomeres
at their ends.
.hese end caps of repetiti)e -# are called $elomeres.
.elomeres do not contain genes. .hey are made of multiple repetitions of a nucleotide
se1uence$ e. g. ..#''' is the repetiti)e unit in humans.
?ecent research supports the idea that the re2e$i$i&e -NA at the end of the chromosome has a
protecti)e function.
.he num%er or repetitions in a telomere )aries from 100 to 1000.
# small amount of telomeric -# fails to replicate each time the -# replicates. -o essential
genetic information is lost.
.elomeric -# can %e lengthened %y a -# replicating enzyme called $elomerase%
.elomerase molecules ha)e a small ?-# molecule together with the protein.
Cells that produce telomerase continue to di)ide indefinitely %eyond the point at which cell
di)ision would normally cease.
#cti)e telomerase is found in germ cells that gi)e rise to sperm and eggs in animals$ %ut it is
a%sent in somatic cells.
.he a%sence of telomerase acti)ity in animal cells may %e the cause of cellular aging.
:t is possi%le that telomeres are a limiting factor in the life span of certain tissues.
Chromatin consists of -@ and histones. Chromatin is 10 nm thic!.
=roteins called his$o!es are responsi%le for the first le)el of -# pac!ing.
;ost of the histone amino acids are positi)ely charged (lysine or arginine) and %ind tightly to the
negati)ely charge -#.
-# winds twice around the histones and form a !cleosome. -ucleosomes resem%le %eads
in a string. .he -# %etween nucleosomes is called the li!"er.
.he amino end of each histone e&tends outward from the nucleosome. .his is the -+terminus.
.he histone tails of one nucleosome and the lin!er -# and nucleosomes on either side
interact and cause the -# to coil forming a chromatin fi%er 40 nm thic!.
.he 40+nm fi%er$ in turn$ forms loops called loo2 domai!s. Aoop domains are 400 nm thic!.
.he loops are attached to a -# scaffold made of proteins.
:n a mitotic chromosome$ the loop domains coil and fold further compacting the chromatin to
produce the mitotic -# found in the metaphase of cell di)ision.
;etaphase chromosomes are a%out 700 nm thic!.
Cou must !now the function of the following enzymes2
-# helicase
@ingle+strand %inding proteins
-# polymerases
#lso the structure$ function and meaning of the following2
=rimer 43 end of chromosome (phosphate)
Aeading strand 03 end of chromosome (hydro&yl)
Aagging strand antiparallel
/!aza!i fragment %idirectional
.elomeres replicating for!
?epetiti)e -# semiconser)ati)e
Chromatin replication
Aoop domain

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