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Why Study Biochemistry

Career Options
Skills and Competencies
Biochemistry, its close relative, is often referred to as the central
sciences because they unite physics and mathematics, biology and
medicine, and the earth and environmental sciences. These are
fundamental to our existence, playing a role in nearly every aspect of our
lives. They are essential for meeting our basic needs of food, clothing,
shelter, health, energy, and clean air, water, and soil. Technologies based
on chemistry and biochemistry enrich our quality of life in numerous ways
by providing novel solutions to issues in health, materials, and the
generation and use of energy.

By studying biochemistry, you open the door for understanding the
nature of chemicals and chemical processes, thereby providing insights
into a variety of physical and biological phenomena. It also puts you in an
excellent position to choose from a wide variety of useful, interesting,
and rewarding careers. A person with a bachelor's level education in
biochemistry is well prepared to assume professional positions in the
private sector, education, or public service. The list of career
possibilities for people with training in biochemistry is long and varied.
Even in times when unemployment rates are high, the chemist remains one
of the most highly sought-after and employed scientists.

Career Options
It may be obvious to you that a biochemistry background is important if
you plan to teach or to work in the private sector developing chemical
commodities such as polymeric materials, pharmaceuticals, flavorings,
preservatives, dyestuffs, or fragrances. You may also be aware that
biochemists are frequently employed as environmental scientists,
chemical oceanographers, chemical information specialists, chemical
engineers, and pharmaceutical salespersons. However, it may be less
obvious to you that an in-depth knowledge of biochemistry is often
required in a number of related professions including medicine, pharmacy,
medical technology, nuclear medicine, molecular biology, biotechnology,
pharmacology, toxicology, paper science, pharmaceutical science,
hazardous waste management, art conservation, forensic science and
patent law. Thus, a biochemistry degree can be effectively combined
with advanced work in other fields that may lead, for example, to
employment in higher management (sometimes with an M.B.A.), medicine
(with a medical degree), or in the patent field (possibly with a law degree).
It is often noted that today's graduate, unlike the graduate of a
generation ago, should anticipate not a single position with one employer
or in one industry, but rather many careers. You will be well prepared for
this future if, in your college years, you take advantage of the
opportunity to become broadly educated, to learn to be flexible and to be
a creative problem solver. Thus, knowledge and skills gained in your
college courses may be directly applicable in your first job, but science
and technology change at a rapid pace. You will keep up and stay ahead of
others if you graduate with the skills and self-discipline to pursue a
lifetime of learning. Because understanding biochemistry provide many of
these skills and are a fundamental driver in the business and commerce
sector of our society, biochemists are likely to remain in continual
demand. A bachelor's degree in these fields is also an ideal pre-medical
degree. Medical schools do not require a particular college major, but a
biochemistry background will be helpful in the advanced study of
biochemistry, endocrinology, physiology, microbiology, and
pharmacology. Whether your goal is to become a surgeon, a research
scientist, a teacher, or an information specialist, you should examine
chemistry or biochemistry as a college major. These majors arent for
everyone, but those students who do opt for one of these majors find it
as interesting as it is challenging, and they always take great pride in the
degree they earn as undergraduates.

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