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What is Kundalini and how to Activate it?

Chakras, Karma & Kundalini

I can recall in my spiritual journey a time of inner purification,
which steadily integrated and unleashed soul through my being.
Each step was like a home coming - a remembrance of who I was
and where I really came from. But nothing was quite like the
power of Kundalini Reactivation: the unification of higher and
lower self, which I experienced as the top of my head lifting off
and a fountain of light connecting me deep into the cosmos. This
truly was like coming home! So what exactly is Kundalini and how
do we activate it?...
What is Kundalini?
To me the soul is a flowing stream of consciousness, out from the
source and back again. In an aligned state, it's an eternal flow of
creativity, symbolised by the figure 8. You're in creative alignment
with the divine, every step feels interconnected with the universe,
an orchestra of synchronicity sounding in your ears. It's like every
action is supported, and even when your creative manifestation is
blocked in the physical world by someone or something, you're
still able to appreciative the deeper significance, the deeper
meaning, the higher teaching that all co-creators in the event are
being invited to realise. This interconnected flow of creativity is
the harmonious flow of an aligned and balanced soul. This is
Most - if not all - have suffered the loss of this inherent condition
early in life. It is caused by an interdimensional intervention - an
Opposing Consciousness - with the agenda of separating mankind
from his divinity and creating an artificial reality in which to
enslave him. When you look around you in the world at how
humanity lives, it's easy to appreciate how effective this
separation has been.
We can reactivate this kundalini. And to do so will guide you on a
profound journey of rediscovery of who you truly are and your
place in the cosmos. You become once more an active channel for
divine expression. So how do you do it? How do you reclaim your
true nature?
How to activate Kundalini?

Firstly, it greatly helps to keep reminding yourself of the higher
connection through spiritual practice. The power of meditation
cannot be over stated. Of course there are many forms, but
essentially the principle we're looking for is a way of softening
identification with the lower physical/emotional nature - feeling
through that and instead, touching the softness around us. It's
experienced as a sense of expansiveness, pure light, stillness and
peace. When you begin to embody this higher nature, there's a
feeling of wellbeing and harmony: pure inner peace.
It can be done through countless spiritual practices such as
meditation, yoga, tai chi, martial arts, shamanism, crystal healing,
sounding healing, aromatherapy, reiki, five rhythms dance,
through connection with nature and probably one of the most
powerful - loving sexual intimacy.
But this connection to higher self is not the end of the story. It is
only the beginning - a plateau which we must break through and
beyond if we are to progress further. We must then cleanse and
purify the lower vehicles to actually unify lower and higher self.
How do we do that?
Opening the channels for Kundalini
The lower self composed of body and mind has been essentially
separated from the higher self by a karmic barrier in the fourth
density which generates ego. It's a consciousness which addicts
people to base levels of desire through fear and sense of lack. It
causes people to effort to control reality, generating the build-up
of conditioned behaviours, isolating them from their inherent
connection. So essentially we must confront and break down
these fear based patterns that embed the lower consciousness
within our being.
Imagine sitting in an orchestra of music where the base section is
playing so loud, the finer sounds of the flute (for example) can no
longer be heard nor felt. This is the effect within society of the
denser vibrational consciousness.
Here are some key areas we'll need to look at..
Food: industrialised and processed food is full of impurity. From
preservatives to pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, artificial
colourings and GMO, these disharmonious substances create
'excito-toxins' within the body. It becomes like white noise,
contracting our consciousness into the denser vibrations. It's the
same with meat and dairy, which many would argue the human
body was not designed consume or digest. When people convert
to a mainly plant based diet, they get healthier and their vibration
rises. The sense of interconnectivity greatly increases (see
Trinity's Conscious Kitchen).
Fear and control: Mostly fear happens when we realise we cannot
control the situation; we're needing a particular outcome or are
resistant to what's really happening. It's all caused by false
identification with who we think we are. Such erroneous
perceived need, creates tightness and density which sucks the
soul into it like water into a sponge. You can literally feel the
contraction inside. Yet if we challenge this when it's happening,
soften into the tightness and unwind the need of an outcome, then
we find the universe shapes through us the 'Right Action' ('right'
defined as being in alignment). Once more you feel your
interconnectivity as the One Life.
External distraction: It would seem society has been purposefully
constructed to distract people from their inner self. Yet within
rests the seat of our power - our kundalini. Our inner
configuration of consciousness creates the reality we're
experiencing. Both our aligned state and distortions are mirrored
into the outer world. So trying to fix the outer is a pointless waste
of time, and only distracts from the source of the creativity. Hence
we must not only delve deep within, but be constantly attuning to
our inner self through the events of our lives. You touch the place
of the void - infinite potential - the crystal clear clarity of the Seer.
Upon which, right action then flows through you. It could also be
enjoyment within the physical world, but you do it because you
feel a sense of rightness to it, there's no getting lost in it, and your
actions are supported by co-creative synchronicity of the
Inner child/Inner teenager: when we're in the flow of life in this
way, then the soul begins to integrate and infuse within. It's
purpose is the empowered experience of the One. And so
(assuming we allow it), the soul will flow into all the inner density
that prevents the expansive freedom of an enlightened life - fueled
by kundalini. Especially it will take us into our inner child and
teenager identities - a complex inner web of fixed bahviours, fears
and identifications with the illusion. The false self creates false
reality filters through which we judge life thereby creating
unaligned choices leading to disharmony. So as the soul now
infuses, we must allow the contraction of these filters to expose
themselves as inner tightness, but now soften and unwind into the
constriction. We must challenge and confront the lower based
behaviours, interrupting the old reactions and instead choosing
the responses of our highest truth. This will unwind the old
Matrix Consciousness: the limiting consciousness of the matrix is
omnipresent through the field, influencing mind and emotions.
It's a web of fixed ideas and behaviours - energy - which owns
people. We think we're making free choices, but mostly they're
confined within limiting fields and parameters. You appreciate
this just as soon as you start making choices of the soul - you tend
to rebel against the non-aligned ways of society. It's vitally
important that we honour this new emerging truth, or we
continue to strangle the life out of the soul. There's no need for
conflict, but if we work at it, we can still express our truth with
tact and without reservation. Sometimes this may mean saying or
doing nothing, but in the process, embodying depth of truth that
says energetically "this is where I stand!". It's all apart of the
reattunement inside. If we're constantly expressing the soul, then
it will strengthen within.
Electrosmog including wifi: the surrounding field is full of
interfering electronic frequencies from wifi, mobile phone
networks, household electrical circuits, gadgets and appliances.
They cause a huge amount of interference within our bodily field.
If we can minimise the use of such gadgetry in our lives, then our
biomagnetic field will become more harmonious and aligned.
People that don't serve: We may find we have to let go of certain
relationships - people that constantly remind you of the old
consciousness and continue to suck you into it. There will be yet
others who beneficially activate your old patterns so that you may
break through them. Hence there'll be some relationships to
maintain, even if they aren't always harmonious - because they
challenge you to be more of you. But in these more challenging
engagements, the key is to always take the opportunity to expand
who you are within them, even if that means a degree of
uncomfortable confrontation. If you're truly meant to be in that
relationship, the person will come to accept you as who you truly
are, even if they don't agree with you. They'll be brought to a place
where they're not constantly challenging you. So be mindful of
which relationships to maintain and which to release. Thus you're
opening into the new consciousness and kundalini is
strengthening within you through the application of aligned Right
Compassion for all life: Compassion is an inherent characteristic
of the soul, signaled by the fact that we're interconnected with all
life. Energetically, what we do to another sentient being, we do to
ourselves. And if we deny the impact of our footprint on other life,
then we're denying an inner aspect of ourselves too. So by
exploring the choices we make in relation to the impact on life
they have, causes us to increase our sensitivity and intimacy with
the whole of life. From the clothes we wear to the food we eat,
how we travel and what we consume in society, all these activities
contain energy. As we become ever mindful of our actions, then
compassion arises naturally, which increases the inflow of
Integrating Kundalini into our lives
Generally speaking, in order to activate kundalini, we must open
and harmomise the chakras. In the Openhand Approach, the
chakras are consciousness exchange points where the
consciousness of the soul infuses within the bodymind. Where we
become identified with the bodymind, then convolution, tightness
and disconnection ensues. So by bringing conscious attention into
these centres and softening into them, means we reconstitute the
natural infusion of soul. At Openhand we do this through breath
work, exhaling into each chakra and relaxing until we can feel the
inflow of soul.

Alternatively it can happen through deep consciousness
bodywork. Specifically, you're penetrating the denseness of the
bodymind through movement and breathing; you're feeling and
touching the lightness through you, that which penetrates you. In
attuning to this expansive feeling, you're literally becoming the
sense of soul, which in turn unleashes it within. And the more
attention you can bring to this feeling, the stronger it will become.
What we need to remember however, is that you cannot divorce
effective spiritual practice from its impact within our lives. So
activation of the chakras will highlight the lessons we now need to
work through, as we navigate our relationships and external
circumstances. It shines a spotlight on them. So we have to work
through the distortions highlighted if the effect of the spiritual
work is to be fully integrated within our being. Otherwise we're
wasting our time. So to activate and unleash balanced kundalini,
there has to be integration of our spiritual beingness into our
physical life.
The pitfalls of Kundalini Activation
Without this integration aforementioned, then spiritual practice
becomes either ineffectual, or else it disconnects you from true
reality. In extreme circumstances, some spiritual practice can lead
to premature kundalini activation: it's being forced without the
proper integration of the new, higher beingness within our lives.
It's like conducting too much electrical energy through a fuse
that's too small. It leads to 'burn-out'. The person becomes
disconnected from a true interrelation with the world. They often
seem distanced, aloof, spaced-out and not really in their body. It
can also lead to psychotic behaviour.
We have to be mindful then of practices which unnaturally force
kundalini without the proper integration of the higher spiritual
behaviour in our lives. In my experience, psychedelic drugs such
as Ayahuasca and also forced kundalini yogic breathing are
practices to be wary of. What we're looking for is a steady build up
of kundalini energy over time, allowing it to progressively flow
into our density so that we can unravel and integrate it through
our daily lives. Then it becomes the most profoundly rewarding
and beneficial influence imaginable.
When kundalini is activating in a balanced way, you'll know it as
an increasing sense of lightness, expansiveness and inner
harmony. You'll notice the universe speaking to you through
synchronicity. You'll feel the soul compelling you to act in
accordance with the natural flow. There'll be an increasing sense
of contentment. You'll be having constant breakthroughs where it
feels like coming home to who you truly are.
The miracle of Kundalini
Besides my own, I've now witnessed many people experience the
full activation of kundalini through the Openhand work. When the
breakthrough finally happens, it's a very special moment,
something you'll treasure your entire life. The soul encased within
the lower self, rises up the spine like entwining serpents, then
reconnects higher and lower self in the third eye. Sense of
separated self completely vanishes. Your true self emerges,
everywhere and nowhere, penetrating the space between the
spaces. Crystal clear clarity emerges. You know yourself
experientially as the One. There is nothing that can match it.
From now on, you flow eternally as the soul, an individuated
expression of the eternal. But most importantly, although you're
having this experience of the soul, you still know yourself as the
eternal presence that precedes it. You are still the Source - still
infinite potential. It's like having your 'cake' and eating it too!
So I'd encourage all to work with the activation of kundalini to
restore attunement and interconnectivity with the universe - our
natural state. But we must do so with care, mindfulness and
progressive integration into our daily lives. That way, it builds a
solid basis through which to flow. We're able to harmonise inner
and outer seamlessly. It becomes pure bliss!

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