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Complete MatadorU Travel Photography Curriculum Online

1. From early origins to todays innovations and opportunities

A brief history of travel photography
Enter the professional travel photographer
Pitching to magazines, newspapers, and websites
Libraries, stock, competitions, and the rest
Assignment & recommended reading
2. Euipment
Camera types and formats
Flash nits
!ripods other camera accessories
Laptops and e"ternal storage devices
Assignment & recommended reading
!. "perture# shutter# $ilm speed# e%posure# $ocus
#eneral camera settings
!he shtter
Apertres and $oF
%&' ( film speeds
Learning how to focs
E"posre and metering
Assignment & recommended reading
&. Composition# lighting# color# $ilters
Artificial light ( flash
Color temperatre
&hooting in Color
Assignment & recommended reading
'. Types o$ travel photography
'tdoor ( landscape photography
)ight photography
People ( portraits
)atre ( wildlife photography
$ocmentary photography
Assignment & recommended reading
(. Editing) Post processing and image enhancing so$t*are
Lightroom and Apertre* +orking with ,A+ files
Photoshop and Elements
-anaging yor portfolio
Assignment & recommended reading
+. ,o* to get paid photography assignments and manage them $or ma%imum productivity
.nderstanding how the pblishing indstry is evolving
#etting into a pblication mindset
Pblishing vs/ self0pblishing, money, and legal matters
Assignment & recommended reading
-. ,o* to plan and prepare $or a photography assignment
Planning and research
Packing gear, cleaning, and maintenance while traveling
Assignment & recommended reading
.. Myths vs. realities) /hat you need to 0no* to ma0e photography your career
1ey 2alities of sccessfl travel photographers
%n0hose vs/ freelancing and how to deal with brnot
&traight talk abot earnings
&traight talk abot ethics
Assignment & recommended reading
11. 2uilding and 0eeping an audience online 3y mastering social media
&ocial media platforms and tools* !he basics
Facebook* Profiles, pages, and edge rank
'ther platforms of note* !mblr, Pinterest, and Linked%n
6ow to bild yor online presence with social media
!racking performance with analytics
Assignment & recommended reading
11. ,o* to capitali4e on ne* media# 5EO# and ads to moneti4e your 3log and pay $or your travels
-onetizing yor blog and #oogle Adsense
+orking with premim ad networks and how to negotiate contracts
6ow to sell yor own ads
7 steps to bilding a profitable blog that fnds yor travels
Assignment & recommended reading
12. 6iving the dream
Ptting it all together and making the leap
&orces of fnding 8grants, competitions, etc9
6ow to e"tend yor travel time
-anaging mail, ta"es, finances on the road, and final thoghts
Assignment & recommended reading

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