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240214 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R5

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Soal Proyek
Project Case

Game Design and Programming
Teknik Informatika
Computer Science
Periode Berlaku Semester Genap 2013/2014
Valid on Even Semester Year 2013/2014
Revisi 00
Revision 00

1. Mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan untuk:
Student(s) is not allowed to:
Menyontek hasil karya mahasiswa lain sebagian maupun seluruh proyek/kuis
Cheat other students project/quiz, in part or the whole
Menyadur karya orang lain, baik sebagian maupun seluruh proyek/kuis
Copy from others work, in part or the whole
Mengunduh dari internet sebagian maupun seluruh proyek/kuis
Download from the Internet, in part or the whole project/quiz
Mengerjakan soal dengan tema yang tidak sesuai dengan tema yang ada di soal proyek/kuis
Use different theme than the existing one for doing the project/quiz
Melakukan tindakan kecurangan lainnya
Conduct other fraudulent actions
Secara sengaja maupun tidak sengaja melakukan segala tindakan kelalaian yang menyebabkan
hasil karyanya berhasil dicontek oleh mahasiswa lain
Accidentally or intentionally conduct any action that could cause the results of the project/quiz was taken by other student(s)
2. Segala kecurangan yang dilakukan mahasiswa seperti yang dicantumkan pada butir 1 akan dikenakan
sanksi sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku (Tata Tertib Pembentukan Kelompok Proyek & Kuis,
Pengumpulan Proyek, Pelaksanaan Kuis Praktikum Software Laboratory Center). Peraturan tersebut
dapat diunduh dari Binusmaya.
Any fraud performed by student(s) as specified in point 1 will be penalized in accordance with applicable regulations (Tata Tertib
Pembentukan Kelompok Proyek & Kuis, Pengumpulan Proyek, Pelaksanaan Kuis Praktikum Software Laboratory Center). Those
regulations can be downloaded from Binusmaya.
3. Untuk proyek, kriteria penilaian dapat ditanyakan pada asisten Anda.
For the project, the assessment criteria can be asked to your teaching assistant.

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Mega Bluejacker Community
Mega Bluejacker Community is a community of gamers which well known to create, and play
games. They have to innovate and design games.
As a member of this community, you are asked by a client to create a game application. Your job
is to create the initial design which has attractive and interactive game play. Choose these following
themes to create the game:

1. Theme 1 : Pokemon
Genre : RPG
Objective : Create a game application which player has a partner and must win in a fight with the
2. Theme 2 : Harvest Sun
Genre : Adventure
Objective : Create a game application which player always do farming job until he/she gets enough
money to buy house and marry a girl.
3. Theme 3 : Temple Rush
Genre : Endless Runner
Objective :
Create a game application which player runs endlessly until he/she drops into holes or collide
with wall.

The minimum requirements are the application must has an introduction with the story of the
game, menu of the application, configuration such as display (full screen mode) and sound, and main

Here are the rules that you must follow to create your project:
1. Use appropriate software for this subject based on Sistem Praktikum that can be downloaded from
2. There are some criteria that must be included in your game:
Create a game play using a game concept by Ernest Adams (2010) which contains:
a. Input system that uses to get the input from user with the explanation.
b. The collisions that support the application.
c. Objective play which contains at least 10 in your game (for example: have many missions,
have main enemy, and have reduction of health from enemy or player).
Create designs that can show the tidiness, graciously, and proportionally. The designs that you
must create are terrain, characters or objects that have animations and textures at least for one
Create game feature such as menu for your game (for example: there are 3 menus; play, setting,
and exit) and sound to support your game.
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3. Collect appropriate files for this subject based on Sistem Praktikum that can be downloaded from
4. Include the other files that can support your project, such as:
All files in your project,
Other files (image, audio, video, etc.) used in your project,
*.DOC file (documentation of your project) that contains all pages in your project, reference links
of additional files (image, audio, video, etc.) used in your project, the description about how to use
your application or mechanism of your game play, detailed storyline considered to in terms of
addictive and attractive, list of actions that included in your game, etc,
If there are some hidden creativities, please note them in the existing documentation because they
can greatly affect your project score.

If you do not understand, please ask for your assistant! Do not make assumptions!

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