Sie sind auf Seite 1von 6

Procedure for the establishment of a new substation

General rules of electrical installation design

Connection to the MV utility distribution network
Power supply at medium voltage
Power supply characteristics of medium-voltage networks
Different types of MV power supply
Some practical issues concerning MV distribution networks
Procedure for the establishment of a new substation
Electrical protection
Protection against electric shocks - substation
Protection of transformer and circuits
Interlocks and conditioned operations
The consumer substation with LV metering
unctions of the substation with !V metering
"hoosing MV e#uipment
"hoice of MV switchgear panel for a transformer circuit
"hoice of MV$!V transformer
Instructions for use of MV e#uipment
The consumer substation with MV metering
unctions of the substation with MV metering
"hoice of panels - substation with MV metering
Parallel operation of transformers
Constitution of MV/LV distribution substations
Different types of substation
Indoor substation
%utdoor substation
"onnection to the !V utility distribution network
MV and !V architecture selection guide
!V Distribution
Protection against electric shocks
Si&ing and protection of conductors
!V switchgear' functions and selection
%vervoltage protection
(nergy (fficiency in electrical distribution
Power actor "orrection
Power harmonics management
"haracteristics of particular sources and loads
PhotoVoltaic )PV* installation
+esidential and other special locations
(lectroMagnetic "ompatibility )(M"*
Large consumers of electricity are invariably supplied at MV.
On LV systems operating at 120/208 V (!p"ase #!$ires%& a load of '0 (V) mig"t be considered to be
*large+& $"ile on a 2#0/#1' V !p"ase system a *large+ consumer could "ave a load in e,cess of 100
(V). -ot" systems of LV distribution are common in many parts of t"e $orld.
)s a matter of interest& t"e ./0 recommends a *$orld+ standard of 20/#00 V for !p"ase #!$ire
systems. 1"is is a compromise level and $ill allo$ e,isting systems $"ic" operate at 220/80 V and at
2#0/#1' V& or close to t"ese values& to comply $it" t"e proposed standard simply by ad2usting t"e off!
circuit tapping s$itc"es of standard distribution transformers.
1"e distance over $"ic" t"e energy "as to be transmitted is a furt"er factor in considering an MV or LV
service. 3ervices to small but isolated rural consumers are obvious e,amples.
1"e decision of a MV or LV supply $ill depend on local circumstances and considerations suc" as
t"ose mentioned above& and $ill generally be imposed by t"e utility for t"e district concerned.
4"en a decision to supply po$er at MV "as been made& t"ere are t$o $idely!follo$ed met"ods of
1 - 1"e po$er!supplier constructs a standard substation close to t"e consumer6s premises& but t"e
MV/LV transformer(s% is (are% located in transformer c"amber(s% inside t"e premises& close to t"e load
2 - 1"e consumer constructs and e7uips "is o$n substation on "is o$n premises& to $"ic" t"e po$er
supplier ma(es t"e MV connection
.n met"od no. 1 t"e po$er supplier o$ns t"e substation& t"e cable(s% to t"e transformer(s%& t"e
transformer(s% and t"e transformer c"amber(s%& to $"ic" "e "as unrestricted access.
1"e transformer c"amber(s% is (are% constructed by t"e consumer (to plans and regulations provided by
t"e supplier% and include plint"s& oil drains& fire $alls and ceilings& ventilation& lig"ting& and eart"ing
systems& all to be approved by t"e supply aut"ority.
1"e tariff structure $ill cover an agreed part of t"e e,penditure re7uired to provide t"e service.
4"ic"ever procedure is follo$ed& t"e same principles apply in t"e conception and reali8ation of t"e
pro2ect. 1"e follo$ing notes refer to procedure no. 2.
.- Prelim
./.- Ma0
d power
./2- !ayo
ut plans
./3- Degr
ee of
2- Pro4ect
2/.- 5he
type of
2/2- 5he
and rated
2/3- Mete
3- Imple
8- "omm
Preliminary information
5he consumer must provide certain data to the utility at the earliest stage
of the pro4ect/
-efore any negotiations or discussions can be initiated $it" t"e supply aut"orities& t"e follo$ing basic
elements must be establis"ed5
Maximum anticipated power (kVA) demand
9etermination of t"is parameter is described in 0"apter )& and must ta(e into account t"e possibility of
future additional load re7uirements. :actors to evaluate at t"is stage are5
1"e utili8ation factor ((u%
1"e simultaneity factor ((s%
ayout plans and ele!ations showin" location of proposed substation
;lans s"ould indicate clearly t"e means of access to t"e proposed substation& $it" dimensions of
possible restrictions& e.g. entrances corridors and ceiling "eig"t& toget"er $it" possible load ($eig"t%
bearing limits& and so on& (eeping in mind t"at5
1"e po$er!supply personnel must "ave free and unrestricted access to t"e MV e7uipment in t"e
substation at all times
Only 7ualified and aut"ori8ed consumer6s personnel are allo$ed access to t"e substation
3ome supply aut"orities or regulations re7uire t"at t"e part of t"e installation operated by t"e aut"ority
is located in a separated room from t"e part operated by t"e customer.
#e"ree of supply continuity re$uired
1"e consumer must estimate t"e conse7uences of a supply failure in terms of its duration5
Loss of production
3afety of personnel and e7uipment
Pro%ect studies
5he utility must give specific information to the prospective consumer/
:rom t"e information provided by t"e consumer& t"e po$er!supplier must indicate5
&he type of power supply proposed' and define(
1"e (ind of po$er!supply system5 over"eadline or underground!cable net$or(
3ervice connection details5 single!line service& ring!main installation& or parallel feeders& etc.
;o$er ((V)% limit and fault current level
&he nominal !olta"e and rated !olta"e ()i"hest !olta"e for e$uipment)
/,isting or future& depending on t"e development of t"e system.
Meterin" details
$"ic" define5
1"e cost of connection to t"e po$er net$or(
1ariff details (consumption and standing c"arges%
5he utility must give official approval of the e#uipment to be installed in
the substation6 and of proposed methods of installation/
-efore any installation $or( is started& t"e official agreement of t"e po$er!supplier must be obtained.
1"e re7uest for approval must include t"e follo$ing information& largely based on t"e preliminary
e,c"anges noted above5
Location of t"e proposed substation
3ingle!line diagram of po$er circuits and connections& toget"er $it" eart"ing!circuit proposals
:ull details of electrical e7uipment to be installed& including performance c"aracteristics
Layout of e7uipment and provision for metering components
)rrangements for po$er!factor improvement if re7uired
)rrangements provided for emergency standby po$er plant (MV or LV% if eventually re7uired
1fter testing and checking of the installation by an independent test
authority6 a certificate is granted which permits the substation to be put
into service
4"en re7uired by t"e aut"ority& commissioning tests must be successfully completed before aut"ority is
given to energi8e t"e installation from t"e po$er supply system. /ven if no test is re7uired by t"e
aut"ority it is better to do t"e follo$ing verification tests5
Measurement of eart"!electrode resistances
0ontinuity of all e7uipotential eart"!and safety bonding conductors
.nspection and functional testing of all MV components
.nsulation c"ec(s of MV e7uipment
9ielectric strengt" test of transformer oil (and s$itc"gear oil if appropriate%& if applicable
.nspection and testing of t"e LV installation in t"e substation
0"ec(s on all interloc(s (mec"anical (ey and electrical% and on all automatic se7uences
0"ec(s on correct protective!relay operation and settings
.t is also imperative to c"ec( t"at all e7uipment is provided& suc" t"at any properly e,ecuted operation
can be carried out in complete safety. On receipt of t"e certificate of conformity (if re7uired%5
;ersonnel of t"e po$er!supply aut"ority $ill energi8e t"e MV e7uipment and c"ec( for correct operation
of t"e metering
1"e installation contractor is responsible for testing and connection of t"e LV installation
4"en finally t"e substation is operational5
1"e substation and all e7uipment belongs to t"e consumer
1"e po$er!supply aut"ority "as operational control over all MV s$itc"gear in t"e substation& e.g. t"e
t$o incoming load!brea( s$itc"es and t"e transformer MV s$itc" (or 0-% in t"e case of a <ing!Main
=nit& toget"er $it" all associated MV eart"ing s$itc"es
1"e po$er!supply personnel "as unrestricted access to t"e MV e7uipment
1"e consumer "as independent control of t"e MV s$itc" (or 0-% of t"e transformer(s% only& t"e
consumer is responsible for t"e maintenance of all substation e7uipment& and must re7uest t"e po$er!
supply aut"ority to isolate and eart" t"e s$itc"gear to allo$ maintenance $or( to proceed. 1"e po$er
supplier must issue a signed permit!to!$or( to t"e consumers maintenance personnel& toget"er $it"
(eys of loc(ed!off isolators& etc. at $"ic" t"e isolation "as been carried out.

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