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Advances in Chronic Diseases

Hugo Calatayud M.D.
With the collaoration o! E"iliano Calatayud M.D.
#n$ulished %or& !iled
under nu"er ' ()**+),-..) / 010.2+,-..34 31-3--,-.22
at the National Bureau o! Authors5 6ights
o! the Argentine 6e$ulic
7n Me"oria"
To the "e"ory o!
Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, who gave mankind the formidable power of curing
through energy.
Clemens van !nninghausen, whose prodigious collection of tropism and the peculiar modality
of medicines which allows the cure of many patients.
"ames #. $ent whose %epertory pointed out simillimum to generations of homeopathic doctors.
"orge #orrent, my intellectual father, who opened the doors of homeopathy for me.
Carlos &utierre', my teacher, who put me on the path of the sources of doctrine.
%icardo Haehl, &uillermo oericke and (illis (ard, whose generosity and perseverance made
possible the rescue of the almost lost )
edition of *+rganon,.
#hose ignored e-perimentalist doctors of .ateria .edica /ura, of whose work we still profit
1dams, 1egidi, 1hner, 1pelt, aher, echer, ethmann, runer, ute H.&. Caspari, Cubit',
Foissac, Fran', &ersdorff von, &oullon, &ross, &utman, Hahnemann Frederik, Haubold,
Hartlaub, Hartmann, Haynel, Hempel, Hering, Herring, Herrmann, Hornburg, "ahr, $retschmar,
2anghammer, 2ehmann, 2ehmann, "., 2es3uereur, .eyer, .ichler, 4enning, /iepers, %ohel,
%ummel, %ueckert, #h. Schoenke, Schr5ter, Schweikert, Seidel, Staff, #euthorn, #iet'e, #rinks,
(agner, (ahle, (islicenus, (oost.
1nd those anonymous e-perimentalists0
ds. H. .b. Sch. (.
#o all those patients who honored me by their trust in me.
#o the volunteer testers of the e-perimental scales.
#o Sa8l &amboa, for his help in calculating.
#o 9:ctor ;apana for the same reason.
#o Chris Havas, for his contribution to the e-perimental laboratory.
#o /ablo <ueiro, for the same reason.
#o .iguel 1raldo, for his drawings.
#o %amiro Carballido Calatayud, for the same reason.
#o .ar:a del Carmen "essen, for her work as computer operator =Spanish>.
#o "osefina adano, for her work as computer operator =?nglish>.
#o the collaborators in the e-perimental laboratory0 Santiago Calatayud, @ora 9erona, #omAs
Calatayud and Horacio ;anetto.
#o @ouglas ". 1le-ander, #ranslator.
#o 2iliana Calatayud, for her help and criteria.
#o Carlos .anuel "essen, to whom this book owes its understandability.
#o my parents, from whom B learnt the value of nobleness.
#o 2elia Calatayud, my companion in this work and in life.
The Supreme Being has allowed me to discover, or I may say, He has revealed to me,
the alleviation (mitigation) of mankinds suffering!
Samuel Hahnemann, $!then, 7D1CD1E2F =letter to his friend ". ?. Stapf>
He sa% the sic& in a totally di!!erent %ay.
He elieved in %hat he sa%= although he %as asolutely alone=
and %hen he couldn5t go ac&
one y one the secrets to C#6E %ere eing decoded.
He didn5t &ee$ the" !or hi"sel!.
Even today he continues giving the" to all
%ho allo% the"selves to e illu"inated y Truth.
H7; ME;;A:E
In the course of these investigations I discovered the path of Truth, path that I foresaw
I must follow alone and very far from the great road followed "y the traditional medical
%nder no way do I demand "lind trust and neither do I presume these truths to "e
understood# &either do I understand them# It is enough that they are a fact and nothing else# It
is only e'perience that avers so and I trust e'perience, "efore my own intelligence#!
These truths pure and "ig shall "e dou"ted for many years, even "y homeopathic
doctors and shall not "e put into practice due to theoretical speculation and prevailing
I have felt it was my duty to make known to the world these great truths it needs so
much, and it does not concern me if it is possi"le for mankind to correctly o"serve them or

Samuel Hahnemann, *+rganon,, /reface to the 1st edition, 1E1G.
Samuel Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .5-ico ?d. /orr8a 1IIG, pages 26CD26).
The !irst $art o! this oo& %as %ritten in ho"age to ;a"uel Hahne"ann and his
i"$osing %or&.
Bts aim is to recover many discoveries and concepts of HomeopathyJs creator that were
forgotten, others partly misunderstood or altered, and some scarcely ever put into practice.
Bt also aims to present in an ordered and revealing se3uence the development of medical
thought engendered by HahnemannJs uni3ue intelligence, whose legacy has not as yet given all
its fruit.
Bt is also a short narrative of how Homeopathy strayed from its path due to inevitable
human passions up to a point of difficult return.
The second $art o! the oo& is dedicated to all the chronically sic&= assuredly that
on account o! the advances here noted= "any "ay reach their cure.
7t contains the advances reached in 2+ years o! laor in %hich clinics %as
correlated to e>$eri"ental laoratory.
(ith the convicion that #ruth has its own paths apart from human opinion, the findings
and proofs here noted do not intend to convince anyone, as only facts illuminate truths. #hey
are e-pressed with the hope they should be Kudged only by their clinical results.
#his work was written hoping0
- to avoid the loss of these works
- arouse in other people passion to interrogate 4ature, stimulating new research that
increase the great art of healing, the most sacred vocation among all!, according
to the words of the #eacher.
The si> ne% i"$rove"ents in the treat"ent o! Chronic Diseases
.ost of medical works e-clude going into the depth of the marvelous process of
dynami'ation of homeopathic medicines, and above all the therapeutic significance of
fundamental concepts therein implied, leaving a large conceptual vacuum.
@ue to discoveries in /hysics after 4ewton, and with modern laboratory techni3ues,
those investigations aim to fill out this most important void in the art of curing via energy.
#his book, therefore, contributes in estalishing Magnitudes in ho"eo$athic
"edicines, absent to date, and so necessary to evaluate and compare therapeutic results.
Bt is also the medium to communicate the !inding o! the o$ti"al har"onic
thera$eutic Balance et%een the t%o !unda"ental ho"eo$athic "agnitudes, which allows
through continuous treatment, with .ultiple @oses to cure severe and old Chronic @iseases,
taking into account the best entryway, the most convenient fre3uency of doses and make
prescribing an art, not a routine.
Bn accordance with up to date /hysics, it brings a ne% understanding o! ho"eo$athic
Dyna"i?ation= as %ell as the "edicine5s Energy @ield and the signi!icance o! its e>$ansion,
which replaces the idea of simple dilution, which stops being an inactive agent and accessory
and ac3uire an eminent dynamic power so fundamental as is friction.
Bt is also the co""unication o! the creation o! the !irst alanced ho"eo$athic scale,
that possesses the value of optimal alance in all their potencies and as a result has a
penetration that allows to reach the necessary depth to cure embedded Chronic @iseases with
ma-imum tolerance possible, if employed as art.
#he fifth advancement that is e-pressed are the conditions to carry out continuous
treat"ent throughout the years, convinced there is no method more efficient for the cure and
prevention of Chronic @iseases.
#he si-th and last breakthrough is the development of a ne% "ethod o! "edicinal
i"$regnation %hich allo%s the treat"ent and cure o! highly hy$erreactive $atients.
Finally, the second part of this book, the result of these years of research, is also meant
to those doctors who follow this path opened by #he #eacher.
?ven today, to relate e-perimental laboratory to clinical observation opens wide
territories that only wait to be e-plored, if the person who so does has a spirit devoid of
preKudice as the *small child, referred by #homas Hu-ley.
See 3uote in 1
page of Chapter BB, 2nd /art of this book.
PA6T 7
7n search o! the !orgotten Hahne"ann
The eight o"itted conce$ts
The accu"ulative character o! !riction and deconcentration.
The @unda"ental Disease or Athe lost clueB.
The ne% "edicinal entry%ays.
Multi$le Doses. Discards ;ingle Dose.
6eCects using the 8orsa&ov "ethod.
Medicine in solution increasing Adegree of potencyB. Discards dry "edicine.
Continuous treat"ent during "onths.
Millesi"al scale.
A it o! history. :eneral conce$ts.
Hippocrates, the )sclepiade, says that &ature, including that of the "ody, may only "e
understood as a whole!#
*/hedre, =/lato>.
* do not undertake curing the "ody without the soul* The great mistake of our times
in treating the human "ody is that doctors separate soul from "ody!#
*Carmides, =/lato>.
#owards the middle of the B9 century .C., Hippocrates, one of the greatest doctors of
the (est, considered diseases as natural and not divine, which brought about a deep revolution
on account of its conse3uences0
I shall discuss a disease called sacred L?pilepsy or Sacred .aladyM. In my opinion, it
is not more divine or sacred than other diseases, "ut has a natural cause and its supposed
divine origin is due to man+s lack of e'perience and its peculiar character!#
He also announced one of the principles he applied to his medical practice which was
later e-tensively developed by homeopathy0
By means of the like a disease is produced, and applying the like it is cured!#
#his principle rediscovered after almost 2GGG years, at the beginnings of the year 1CGG
1.C. by Swiss doctor and alchemist /hilipus 1ureolus #heophrastus ombastus von
Hohenheim, selfNnamed /aracelsus =17I6N1C71> who formulated the 2atin adage Asi"ilia
si"ilius curenturB, which means AThe li&e is cured %ith the li&eB, which later became
HomeopathyJs motto.
He averred0
That which produces .aundice, also cures .aundice and all its varieties# /ikewise, the
medicine that will cure paralysis must come from what caused it and in this manner we practice
according to the method of curing "y arcane!#
/aracelsus affirmed that medicinal action is hidden in the interior of the her" and the
mineral!, which he called arcane or 1uintessence!, foreseeing the nature and characteristics
of the dynami'ed medicine, though employing esoteric methods0
)rcane or 1uintessence is a things virtue at its highest potency# The dose of this
medicine is so small and light as to "e un"elieva"le# It should only "e taken in wine or
something similar and always in a minimum 1uantity, due to its heavenly power, its virtue and
its efficacy!#
He clearly stated that doctorJs work goes beyond diagnosis and treatment0
)"ove all things mercy is most necessary, and must "e innate in a doctor# 3here love
is lacking, there is no art!#
#he same concept that Hippocrates had named Physis was later developed by the
elgian doctor aptist van Helmont =1CFEN1)77> who called it Dital Princi$le, stating0
Hippocrates, *1bout the sacred malady,.
Hippocrates, *ook concerning what makes man diseased,.
/aracelsus, *1rchido-is,, volume BBB, page 1E.
(hitall 4. /erry0 *2a al3uimia en la Homeopat:a,, arcelona, ?d. /lenum, 1IIC, pags. 61, FG.
/aracelsus0 *2iber de Caducis,
* governs the organism and may also sicken it!#
#he idea that Dital Princi$le, as the sole capability to autoregulation and conservation,
considering the organism as the best therapeutic agent was e-tended by &erman doctor &eorg
?rnst Stahl =1)CIN1F67> who said0
The simple truth is that man has the doctor in himself, that &ature is the doctor of
diseases and offers the "est ways to cure them than the most successful resources of our art!#
Bn 1FF1, Swiss physiologist 1lbrecht von Haller announced another fundamental
pharmacological principle that hadnJt to date been developed as a system0 Amedicines must "e
tested in healthy "odies without having "een mi'ed!.
2ater, /aul "oseph arthe', French doctor, consultant to 4apoleon =1F67N1EG)>, who
gave the concept of Dital Princi$le its due, as he considered a disease as an alteration of said
principle and proposed the practical rudiments of the 9a% o! ;i"ilarity= or Cure, averring that
the doctor should base his treatment on indications! he receives from the disease0 if the patient
has nausea, an emetic must be given, if he has colics, then e purgative, that is its alike.
1t last, in 1FI), &erman born doctor Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann =1FCCN
1E76>, who was then 71 years old, and was little known published in HufelandJs newspaper an
e-tensive paper, the result of si- years of e-perimenting, titled0 *1ssay on a new principle to
discover the curative power of medicinal substances,, in which he registered symptoms
produced by many substances, which at the same time were capable of curing those same
symptoms in a patient.
He announced in this publication the fundamental 9a% o! ;i"ilarity or Cure in the
following terms0
To cure radically certain 5hronic 6iseases we must find medicines that produce a
similar disease in the human "ody!#
#hus, Homeopathy was born in 1FI), though conceived si- years previously.
Hahnemann repelled the conKectural vision of the older medicine because he understood
it went against the scientific method sustained by systematic e-perimentation he was imprinting
on the new science0
I will not remem"er here the madness of those old doctors who "ased curative
1ualities of medicinal drugs "y their shape and colour, that is "y the doctrine of the signs7 who
"elieved orchis cured se'ual weakness "ecause its roots have two "ul"s grossly resem"ling
testicles7 the pumpkin should "e of use in .aundice "ecause it is yellow7 Hypericum flowers
efficacious in wounds "ecause they produce a red .uice, etc* I set aside all this childishness
even though they are present in recent medical materia.

1ccording to Hahnemann, the doctor must interrogate 4ature, observing in himself and
in other healthy e-perimentalists symptoms that each sole substance produces in tests, as they
are the same that cure the ill patient.
Having drafted0 the 2aw of Similarity or Cure, e-perimentation of single medicines in
healthy men as a way to know their curative capability, and the e-istence of the 9ital Force,
Hahnemann proved that it is possible to stimulate it by means of the method of @ynami'ation of
medicinal substances.
/reface to his *Farmacopea Helvetica, 3uoted by S. Hahnemann in +rganon, )
edition, .e-ico, ?d.
/orr8a, 1IE7, note on paragraph 1GE, page 1)C.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, 7th edition, 1E2I.
He called 9ital Force what today we may understand as iologic ?nergy, especially
based on the gigantic developments in /hysics, this is why it shall be e-pressed from now on
with a more modern title.
#his *vitalism, has no relation with that which affirmed that living matter obeyed
different natural laws that ruled over inert matter, which was practically discarded by the end of
the 1I
1t present, *vitalism, in homeopathy recogni'es in living beings the e-istence of a
Biologic Energy that0
- Organi?es the" in units that sel!4regulate and re$roduce =metabolic capacity,
adaptation to milieu, genetic program>.
- :ives the" the ca$acity to increase their energy and co"$le>ity y "eans o!
=as they are systems open to the e-ternal milieu, they are not subKected to the
second law of thermodynamics>.
- Con!ers the" ne% a$titudes in each level o! integration =the new aptitudes are
not e-plained by the sum that belong to the integrated parts>.
7ts !inal oCect is the e>$ansion o! li!e= and its e>tinction $rovo&es the end o! all
organi?ed iologic syste".
At the sa"e ti"e= constitutes the only di!!erence et%een a live eing and a cor$se.
#herefore, iologic ?nergy0
constitutes health= i! it is in alance=
constitutes disease= %hen not in alance=
constitutes the "ost $o%er!ul healing !orce e>tant %hen sti"ulated y a
si"ilar dyna"i?ed "edicine= in order to recover its o%n order.
Bn short, e-cluding epidemic diseases, a disease is not Aan entity that attac&s the
organis" !ro" %ith4outB= ut it is the sa"e $erson a!!licted.
S'ent &y!rgyi, 4obel pri'e in Chemistry, said0
8y career has "een like a descent from the highest dimensions to the smallest
dimensions with the desire to understand what life is# In this way I passed from animals to
cells, from cells to "acteriae, from "acteriae to molecules and from molecules to electrons# The
irony of this story is that molecules and electrons precisely have no life# )nd here am I from
now on o"liged to retrace my steps to clim" the stairs again, which I descended with great
#his perple-ity and disappointment is the outcome of searching for a material and
visible structure that distinguishes living beings from unanimated entities, when there is only
pure iologic ?nergy that impregnates all.
We recogni?e it %hen y its $o%er a deter"ined level o! co"$le>ity is reached=
that sel!4regulates and re$roduces= ut %e in!er its $resence in the de$th o! the "ost
"inute and unani"ated $article.
Claude ernard, father of physiology, testified on this iologic ?nergy or pree'isting
law! that organi'es, puts in order and harmoni'es the organism, when he affirms0
.ayr ?rnst, *1s: es la biolog:a,, ?d. @ebate, .adrid 1IIE, page 6F.
* Lthe processesM are su".ect and follow one another, according to a
pree'isting law9 they repeat in order, regularity and constancy and harmoni:e in such a
manner that they create the organi:ing and development of the individual!#
.oreover, ?rwin Schr!dinger , 4obel pri'e of /hysics =1I66> admitted that0 *O we
cannot e-pect that the *2aws of /hysics,O are sufficient to e-plain the behavior of the live

Bt is noteworthy that Biologic Energy is $roved not only y ho"eo$athic $ractice=
ut also y allo$athy= %hen it "ani!ests this energy in so"e organs= as %hen $er!or"ing
an Electroence$halogra"= an Electrocardiogra"= or an Electro"iogra"= even though
!acing such evidence= allo$athy does not recogni?e it as a general iologic energy= nor does
it e"$loy it as a healing "ediu".

Hahnemann completed the new medical system formulating another great homeopathic
principle0 The Doctrine o! the Chronic Mias"as, particularly that of Psora, which turn out to
be indispensable to cure Chronic @iseases.
1lthough iologic ?nergy and the 2aw of Cure or Similarity and e-perimentation with
single medicines in healthy individuals had already been drafted, when dynami'ation of the
substances and the doctrine of a sole chronic disease or /sora =e-cluding venereal diseases>
were added, Hahnemann developed these four notions, taking them to a level of therapeutic
system, and established doctrinary norms to employ them in the practice of a true healing
He achieved the "arvelous result o! converting Biological Energy sti"ulated y
dyna"i?ed "edicine in the greatest curative !orce &no%n.
1ll these concepts, systemati'ed and developed, gave birth to a 4ew .edical Science0
Homeopathy, based on four fundamental pillars0
1. Ac&no%ledge"ent o! the e>istence o! a Biological Energy %hich organi?es
and "aintains the organis" as a unit= giving it ada$taility.
@isease as an unbalance of this ?nergy.
Signs and symptoms as an e-pression of its suffering.
2esions as its conse3uence.
2. Possiility o! sti"ulating Biologic Energy y "eans o! Dyna"i?ation o!
"edical sustances= ased on successive @riction and Deconcentration.
?ach one of them becoming dynami'ed medicine and this, employed alone, without
mi-tures, constitutes a stimulus which bestows that ?nergy its own direction towards health.
6. 9a% o! Cure or ;i"ilarity= y %hich Nature is interrogated y
e>$eri"entation %ith single "edicines ad"inistered to healthy hu"an eings= in %ho"
they $roduce sy"$to"s= %hich in the ill "ay e cured y those sa"e dyna"i?ed
7. E>istence o! a ;ingle Chronic Disease Ee>cluding venereal diseasesF that lies
at the otto" o! chronic su!!erings, and which must be treated to reach a stable cure.
Facing each non venereal clinical chronic state, the doctor should bear in mind he is
facing only a fragment of that Basic Disease o! Man&ind= or Psora, and to cure each one of
those fragments called Chronic @iseases he must employ those remedies which their nature
have the power to reach the utmost curative depth, and these are the Anti$sorics.
?. Schr!dinger, *P<u5 es la vidaQ,. arcelona. ?d. #us3uets. 1IE7. page 127.
S. &raf et alia *.As allA del cerebro,, arcelona. ?d. $airos, 2GG6, page 2G1
?mploying A$soric remedies, which lack power in dealing with Chronic @iseases,
only changes the mask with which this @unda"ental 7llness e-hibits, cure is not achieved,
although they may cure acute diseases.
He maintained that to provide stability to the cure of all chronic diseases =non venereal>,
before, during or at the end of treatment with Anti$sorics= ;ul$hur must be employed, as it is
the remedy that cures this @unda"ental Disease, as in his research he proved that its symptoms
coincided with those that this dynami'ed agent produced in healthy e-perimenters.
Dyna"i?ation o! sustances allowed the ama'ing achievement of stimulating iologic
?nergy, and the idea of Chronic @iseases as a sole disease, which he called Psora =e-cluding
venereal diseases>, are discoveries that have no previous recordings and belong to HahnemannJs
intelligence, to whom mankind is indebted in gratitude.
9a% o! Har"ony
#he 2aws of 4ature that have been formulated are in accordance with another one
which was developing in the medical mind throughout time and states0
There is no disease against which a remedy that cures it hasnt "een created and
;or each particular disease, for each peculiar structure, there are particular remedies
directly effective*!#
#his noteworthy 9a% o! Har"ony, not formulated as such to date, but true
nevertheless, may be formulated thus0
AThere is no anarchy or chaos in eco"ing ill= one gets ill in a %ay that there is
al%ays in Nature a sustance that %hen dyna"i?ed and chosen y si"ilarity is ca$ale o!
The o"itted clues
That which we already know, fre1uently stops us from learning!#
Claude ernard.
Bt is ama'ing that the homeopathic medical world hasnJt incorporated all the discoveries
the creator of homeopathy had made in his last 1C years of life, which are of e-ceptional
richness in treating Chronic @iseases.
Bt is surprising that these revelations of this uni3ue genius of medical science should be
wasted when precisely severe Chronic @iseases are impinging on mankind as never before.
#his phenomenon may be e-plained in many ways, but the bitter fact is that this
veritable treasure for our well being remains almost unknown.
Bt is therefore necessary to rescue it and then direct our steps beyond Hahnemann,
following its own path.
/aracelso, *@e 4atura %erum BBB, 3uoted by (hitall 4. /erry in *2a 1l3uimia en la homeopat:a,
arcelona, ?d. /lenum 1IIC, page C6.
S. Hahnemann, *2esser writings,. *?ssay on a new principle for ascertaining the curative power of
drugs,, 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain 1IIG, page 2)F.
His life was long and fruitful N as the epitaph he chose for himself describes it0 I
havent lived in vain! N, the complete e-ploring of his discoveries will re3uire many lucid minds
and a lot of time.
Bn the words of @r. Carlos 1. &utierre', ..@., Hahnemann is still too modern to be
fully understood.
+nly by impassioned research and unpreKudiced thought this sacred work of human
knowledge may continue being built, that is to say0 &no%ledge to cure.
;u"ary o! Hahne"ann5s "onu"ental %or&.
Bn the 7F years that elapsed since HomeopathyJs birth =1FI)> to HahnemannJs death
=1E76>, two evolutive periods may be recogni'edR in the former, bases were settled for the new
science, in the latter, its development and culmination.
Bases o! the Ne% ;cience
#he first evolutive period spanned 62 years from 1FI) to 1E2F included, and its five
landmarks are0
203(. 9a% o! Cure= published that year, yet conceived in 1FIG.
2033. Dyna"i?ation o! ;ustances, discovered that year and e-posed in 1EG1.
2)2.. Ho"eo$athic Doctrine, developed in AOrganonB, with three editions, until 1E2F.
2)22. Materia MGdica Pura, in which up to 1E2F he studied E6 medicines, of 111 he
e-perimented during his life.
2)2(. Method to Pre$are Ho"eo$athic Medicines. First scale0 Centesi"al.
Develo$"ent and cul"ination o! the Ne% ;cience
#he second evolutive period spanned the last 1C years of his life, from 1E2E to 1E76, and
brought about seven fundamental advances0
2)-). Doctrine o! Chronic Mias"as or the lost clue, developed in his work AChronic
DiseasesB= particularly that of Psora= foreseen in 1E1).
The i"$ortance o! Anti$sorics. Mias"atic Prescri$tion.
2)-3. Discovery o! Ne% 6outes !or the Ad"inistration o! Medicines. 7nhalatory and
2)*-. Multi$le Doses. Aandons ;ingle Doses.
2)**. Tests and reCects 8orsa&ov5s "ethod. Erratic results. +n the path to a new
2)*1. Medicine in solution %ith an increase o! degree of potency. Aandons the
Dry Medicine.
2)*0,*). Continuous Treat"ent= during "onths.
2)1.. Ne% "ethod !or $re$aring ho"eo$athic "edicines.
2ast scaleH Millesi"al. 6es$onse to 8orsa&ov5s "ethod.
1t the same time, Hahnemann continued developing his 8ateria 8edica <ura!, with
2E new medicines, and also his homeopathic doctrine, with three new editions of =rganon!9
the 7
in 1E2I, the C
in 1E66 and the )
in 1E72, but only published in 1I21.
esides the first edition of 5hronic 6iseases!, whose several tomes were published
from 1E2E to 1E6G, Hahnemann wrote a second version also in several tomes, which were
published between 1E6C and 1E6I.
The descri$tion "entioned aove sho%s that $resent ho"eo$athy rests
$ri"ordially on the !ive $rinci$les o! the !irst $eriod= %hile the re"aining seven=
discovered and develo$ed in the second= are haitually o"itted= %ithout noticing that the
latter are the &ey to the devastation and su!!ering rought y Chronic Diseases.
How many times does the homeopathic doctor feel impotent facing an apparently
irreversible course of many of these overwhelming sufferings, not knowing he has the means to
cure them, and that they are precisely those which Hahnemann discovered in his last fifteen
years of lifeS
#he genius of this man was such, that generation after generation continue to e-plore
and e-hume as archeologists his vast and rich thought, in search of new clues.
The ases o! the Ne% ;cience
2. / 203(. 9a% o! Cure.
That which produces illness, cures#!
@elphic +racle
Bn 1FIG, while translating the chapter on Iuina in CullenJs .ateria .edica,
Hahnemann suspected that this, as other substances that produce fever =strong coffee, pepper,
arnica, Saint BgnatiusJ bean, arsenic>, would neutrali'e intermittent fever, and to prove it he took
four drachma =apro-. 6.) mgs.> of Iuina twice a day for a few days. He wrote down his
e-perience as follows0
* my feet and fingertips got cold7 I "egan to feel weak and sleepy7 later my heart
"egan to palpitate, my pulse "ecame hard and fast7 intolera"le an'iety and trem"ling7 lassitude
of the lim"s7 afterwards thro"s in the head, redness of cheeks, thirst9 "riefly all the symptoms
associated ha"itually with intermittent fever appeared in succession#
* In "rief9 all those symptoms which for me are typical of intermittent fever cropped
up, such as sensorial dullness, rigidity of all the .oints, "ut a"ove all drowsiness, disagreea"le
sensation that seemed to "e seated in the periosteum of all the "ones of the "ody# These
paro'ysms lasted two or three hours each time and reappeared when I repeated the dose and in
no other instance#
I suspended the medicine and once again I was in good health!#
ased on this e-perience, he supposed that the /eruvian bark, employed as a medicine
for intermittent fever, acts because it produces similar symptoms to those of intermittent fever in
healthy persons.
Bn 1FI), after e-perimenting with several substances, he confirmed the aforesaid
hypothesis and officially gave birth to Homeopathy in an e-tense paper called *?ssay on a new
principle to discover the healing power of medicinal substances,.
1s an outcome of this e-traordinary work, product of si- years of proof, Hahnemann
had no doubts that an illness was cured by producing symptoms similar to it, and in this sense,
In my addenda to 5ullens 8ateria 8edica L1FIGM I had o"served that the "ark Lfrom
3uinaM given in high doses to sensitive "ut healthy individuals, produces a true fever attack,
very similar to that of intermittent fever and for that reason pro"a"ly surpassed it and therefore
cured it# &ow after mellowing e'periences, I add, not only pro"a"ly "ut with a"solute
certainty! =underlined in the original>.
Bn this mentioned work =1FI)> he e-pounded concepts which constitute the bases of a
new curing system and are0
N #here e-ists a capacity to react in all organisms that opposes the artificial medicinal
illness, with which the cure is achieved.
N y means of this artificial medicinal illness induced in healthy human beings, the
curative capacity of each substance may be discovered.
N .edicinal substances produce a primary effect and the 9ital Force of the e-perimenter a
secondary or reactive one, opposed to the former. #o know the curative capabilities of a
drug only the primary effects must be considered.
%. Haehl, *S. Hahnemann, his life and work,, notes to the .ateria .edica of Cullen, #ome B, Cap. 9,
4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain, 1II2, page 6F.
S. Hahnemann, *2esser (ritings,.
N #hese e-periments must be undertaken only on a healthy human body and with single
substances =no mi-tures>.
N For every illness there is one medicine that cures it.
He then announced his *a-iom,
In order to cure certain 5hronic 6iseases radically, we must search for medicines that
can stimulate a similar disease (when more similar, the "etter) in the human "ody!#
From the discovery and proof of these concepts, the doors to an e-traordinary new
medical science were thrown open for Hahnemann. He was then 71 years old.
-. 4 2033. Dyna"i?ation o! ;ustances.
)ll the countless diseases "egin in the energy# The moment that there is an un"alance in the
energy, any disease may crop up!#
Classic by the Tellow ?mperor, 2FGG .C.
) purely inert matter, a totally gross matter does not e'ist# )ll element of the %niverse
contains in a more or less infinitesimal degree, some germ of interiorness and of spontaneity,
that is to say of conscience!#
#heillard de Chardin, *9ision of the past,.
Up to 1FIE, Hahnemann employed the medicine as was current in his time, that is
employing "assive doses. Bn the following e-amples, the daily 3uantities recommended by
him, reached to 2.7EG milligrams.
For @ysentery 1%4BC1
child =I months> 2 to ) grains daily.
child =7 years> 7 to I grains daily.
child =) to F years> ) to 12 grains daily.
For 1sthma 9?%1#%U. 12U.
6 grains daily during one month.
For /ostpartum @elirium 9?%1#%U. 12U.
1 grain daily.
For /ainful owels 9?%1#%U. 12U.
7 grains daily.
For other cases0 B/?C1CU14H1
C grains.
14#B.+4BU. submuriate0 V grain daily.
4UW 9+.BC10 E grains daily.
B&41#B10 E grains daily in adults.
C+//?% sulphate0 V grain daily.
+/BU.0 X grain daily in adults.
2?@U.0 1E to 21 grains daily.
C14/H+%10 1C to 7G grains daily.
CHB410 X to 1 drachma =6.) mg>.
?ach 4Yremberg grain, ancient weight employed by Hahnemann, was e3uivalent to
the weight of a fat grain of wheat i.e.0 G,G)2 grams or )2 milligrams =see &lossary>, that is to
say that doses were easily measured, but in 1FII he decided to e-periment and reach the final
limit0 !ind the s"allest use!ul dose, in order to avoid to-icity.
1s the minute 3uantities he intended to employ could not be accurately weighed on his
scales, he decided to dilute them in water and later fraction them, and aiming to homogeni'e
these progressively smaller 3uantities in solution, he applied prolonged shakes to it during one,
three, and up to five minutes in each of the successive steps of dilution.
ut as the medicine so prepared continued to produce e-cessive effects, he diluted
progressively reaching high deconcentrations, a procedure he had to repeat several times until
achieving the desired effect0 mild responses and at the same time curative.
esides the innumerable accumulated shakings, the dilutions he achieved in 1FII are
unbelievable for many, although low for present homeopathy.
#herefore y chance he interrelated t%o $rocesses that areH @riction and
Deconcentration= in successive ste$s= $roducing a $heno"enon o! energetic i"$regnation
un&no%n at the ti"e= and even no% not !ully understood= %hich he na"ed Dyna"i?ation
o! ;ustances.
ut what distinguishes genius is the ability to see.
Hahnemann knew he was facing a phenomenon that was lying dormant and had
enormous therapeutic possibilities, as it awakened in the substances astounding medicinal
#he necessity of fractioning imponderable 3uantities made him dilute solutions, while
the need to make them homogenous took him to apply many shakings. #hus, the succession of
dilutions and shakings awakened a dormant capacity of 4ature.
There!ore= a!ter only one year o! using "assive doses= !or the !irst ti"e and in a
sudden "anner the doses he reco""ended acJuired an astounding in!initesi"ality.
Bn his paper *Concerning the cure and prevention of Scarlet Fever,, published in 1EG1
but related to his e-periences of 1FII, that is only one year after employing massive doses,
Hahnemann recommended amounts to which the present homeopaths are accustomed0
For Scarlet Fever0 +/BU.
For a child 7 years old0 1 drop of the fivemillionth part of 1 grain.
=+ne year previously, the recommended dose was 1DC of a grain>.
1lso for Scarlet Fever0 B/?C1CU14H1
Small child0 2,GGG
part of one grain.
=one year previously, the recommended dose was C grains>.
For the 1
stage of Scarlet Fever0 ?221@+441
#he 762,GGG
part of 1 grain =intermediate between the 2
and 6
For /ost Scarlet Fever sufferings0 CH1.+.B221.
Small child0 one drop of the EGG,GGG
part of 1 grain.
7"$erce$tily= Hahne"ann crossed a !rontier= and $enetrated all o! a sudden in
the vast !ield o! dyna"i?ed sustances.
Bn another essay of the same year =1EG1> and as a nearly hidden definition in a
paragraph unnoticed by many, Hahnemann said0
@udgeon, %.?. *2ectures on the theory and practice of homeopathy,. 2ecture WB9, 4ew @elhi, ?d. .
"ain, 2GG2, page 6I2 and foll.
* medicine does not act atomically "ut only dynamically*,
So, after only two years he understood the e-traordinary phenomenum discovered by
him which constitutes one of the cornerstones of the new medical science, to wit0
;ustances $re$ared y a ho"eo$athic "ethod= and y e"$loying @riction and
Deconcentration successively= do not act AatomicallyB in the Che"ical !ield= that is Aon the
extent of their physical surfacesB= ut in the Physics !ield AdynamicallyB= or y "eans o!
their energy.
Habitually the tendency is to deny what is not known, therefore one does not easily
admit the e-istence of something whose nature is new, and more so if it is related to the
Contemporary doctors to Hahnemann did not understand the astounding emergence of a
powerful energy of the substances subKected to the homeopathic method, and reKected what
Hahnemann called the ama:ing development of some dynamic energy! in the medicine.
#here even were homeopathic doctors who cured precisely by that energy while
denying its e-istence, as did @r. %obert ?llis @udgeon, who was the best translator of his work
into ?nglish.
4evertheless, this dynamic state of the medicine places it on the same energetic plane as
that of iologic ?nergy, which is evident by its capacity to produce an illness similar to the
natural one and even stronger than it, and this in turn makes the cure possible.
There!ore= Dyna"i?ation o! ;ustances %as orn in 2033= $roaly the "ost
e>traordinary $heno"enon that u$holds Ho"eo$athy and %hich %ithout it nothing %ould
have een $ossile= as it converted the ho"eo$athic "edicine into an energy ale to cure
y "eans o! sti"ulating hu"an Biological Energy.
7n this %ay= !or the !irst ti"e= hu"anity had at its dis$osal the !or"idale $o%er to
cure y "eans o! energy.
Hahne"ann clearly understood he %as !acing an amazing development of some
dynamic energy in the "edicineH
3hen one prepares a homeopathic medicine one does not limit oneself to dilute a
small amount of medicine in a huge amount of fluid and mi' it, at least lightly# =n the contrary,
shaking is necessary, whose ru""ing makes the mi'ture more "inding7 what is more and is the
main point, the outcome is an amazing change, the nature of which is to date unknown, in
the development of some dynamic energy of the medicinal substance, subjected to this
#his fantastic finding was being ratified as time passed, and a few years later he proved
that non medicinal substances, in their natural state, such as marine salt, coal, lycopodium, gold,
silicon, lye and others, by means of this method of preparation turned into powerful remedies,
and also risky poisons lost their dangerousness and took on e-traordinary curative capacities.
Bn 1E17, on account of the e-perience obtained in 2eip'ig from the typhus epidemic,
brought about by the retreat of the 4apoleonic army from %ussia, Hahnemann had no doubts
that a dynamic energy! lies in a homeopathic medicine.
From then on he defined these medicines as potencies!.
S. Hahnemann, *2esser writings. +n the power of small doses of medicine in general,, 4ew @elhi, ?d.
. "ain, 1IIG, page 6EF.
S. HahnemannR *+rganon,, 7th edition, reproduced in *?studios de .edicina HomeopAtica,, first
series, page CFC, 3uoted by @. @emar3ue in *Homeopat:a medicina de la e-periencia,, .e-ico, ?d.
/ropulsora de homeopatia, 1IEF, page 627.
%. Haehl. *S. Hahnemann, his life and work,, 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain 1II2, 9ol B, page 61F.
Hahnemann capped the development of this unknown fact in the long note on the 11
paragraph of the )
edition of +rganon =1E72>0
These medicines act upon our state of health* without transmitting material particles
from them, in a dynamic way*
It is not in the material atoms of these highly dynami:ed medicines, nor in the e'tent of
their physical surfaces * where the medicinal energy under an invisi"le form resides#
=n the contrary, on every small impregnated glo"ule or in its solution, lies a medicinal
force now "are, freed, specific * and which acts with more force, the freer and more
immaterial the energy has "ecome, due to dynami:ation!#
1 critical argument towards Homeopathy says that due to the lack of molecules, high
dynami'ations cannot have medicinal activity0 *a medicine without medicine,.
#his reasoning ignores that successive @riction and Deconcentration generate a
$heno"enon o! energetic i"$regnation o! the sustances= which was already noted by
6aily we hear that the homeopathic medicinal potencies are referred to as mere
dilutions, "ut in fact, they are the opposite9 it is a real dissociation of the natural su"stance
from which surge and reveal the hidden specific medicinal powers contained in its interior,
made manifest "y ru""ing and shaking# The aid of a selected non medicinal attenuating
medium is merely a secondary condition#
The simple dilution, as the solution of a grain of salt in a"undant water, makes the
grain of salt disappear in it, "ut it will never turn it into medicinal salt, which "y means of our
well prepared dynami:ations gets to develop a marvelous power!#
1lso, too fre3uently, emphasis is put on that infinitesimal doses is what distinguishes
Homeopathy from 1llopathy, whereas the difference lies in the dynami'ed state of the
substances and not in their minuteness.
The clue is the dyna"is" or energy o! the ho"eo$athic "edicine= and not its
in!initesi"ality= as it is due to this dyna"is" that it is ale to sti"ulate Biologic Energy=
%hile Allo$athic "edicines do not have this ca$aility.
#he former ac3uire the capacity to stimulate iologic ?nergy making it the therapeutic
agent while the non dynami'ed medicine does not put into motion the biggest curative force
known because it lacks this capacity.
Bn short0 7n Allo$athy "edicines act u$on certain tissues= %hereas in Ho"eo$athy
they act u$on the Biologic Energy= sti"ulating it= in order that it e the "eans o! curing
the %hole syste".
#o 3uote ".#.$ent0
Homeopathy acts in the world of causes, )llopathy in the world of effects!#
Bn reference to the notable activity of the dynami'ed medicine upon the iologic ?nergy
of the sick man, it must be said that when this energy is ill, due to the state of unbalance, it has
an ama'ing avidity for the energy of the dynami'ed medicine that cures it by similarity. #his
avidity is called sensitivity.
2ikewise in reference to that avidity /aracelsus said illness wants the medicine that
cures it like man wants woman!.
S. Hahnemann *+rganon,, )th edition, 6rd note to paragraph 2)I, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a 1IE7, page 2C7.
#he particular sensitivity of the organism facing the dynami'ed similar medicine had
been pointed out by Hahnemann in 1EG1, in his essay *+n the power of small doses in general
and of elladonna in particular,, where in bold lettering noted that high doses are habitually
inactive in a husky farm hand, and minute doses of identical medicine, in the same but sick
man, may produce violent reactions if they are administered diluted in a great volume of water,
at short intervals and shaking them for a long time.
Bt may be concluded that the dyna"is" or energy o! the ho"eo$athic "edicine= as
the dyna"is" that governs the organis" or Biologic Energy are o! the sa"e nature= then
oth energies "ay interact.
This analogous nature is de"onstrated y the ca$acity that the "edicine5s energy
has to $rovo&e an illness si"ilar and even stronger than the natural one= as has been
#he ill iologic ?nergy reaches its e3uilibrium or cure only by the stimulus given by
the energy of the same type of the homeopathic medicine, thus placing homeopathic medicine in
a dynamic field to which allopathic medicine does not accede.
His unpreKudiced lucid mind allowed him to discover this energetic character and reveal
he was facing an unknown phenomenon of gigantic curative capacity.
*. 2)2.. The Ho"eo$athic Doctrine. AOrganonB
Bn 1EGC, Hahnemann published his e-traordinary treatise *.edicine of ?-perience,,
which was the matri- on which he based his doctrinaire masterpiece0 *+rganon,.
1 conceptual summary of the first book allows us to discover the kernel of the doctrine0
Certain acute contagious diseases, such as rabies, pest, yellow fever, smallpo-
measles, as they have the same origin, always preserve the same character and
Bndividual names may be given to them, and if one medicine cures one of them, it will always
cure the same ones, as their symptoms are invariably the same.
LBt may be said that in the acute contagious diseases, that always preserve the same character
and course, one chooses the medicine of the diseaseM
Chronic @iseases are always different to one another and in every individual,
they may not carry individual names, their symptoms are all different, therefore
their medicines must be chosen for their own symptoms and especially if they
are peculiar.
LBt may be said that in Chronic @iseases, as they have character and course according to each
individual, one chooses the medicine of the patientM.
/resents symptoms are the means by which illness e-presses itself and all the
reason why the medicine must be chosen for the acute as well as for the chronic
#he most $eculiar or singular symptoms are the safest in the choice of
#he norms to make the case history consist in knowing how to listen and to ask
without inducing an answer.
S. Hahnemann. *+rganon,, )th edition, parag. 1GG, 1G1 1G2 and 271, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a 1IE7, pages
1CI, 1)G, 1)1 and 267.
Bdem former 3uote.
Bf two diseases of di!!erent character appear simultaneously, the weakest is
te"$orarily suspended by the strongest. (hen the latter ends, the weakest
Bf two diseases of a very si"ilar character appear at the same time, the
weakest is de!initely e-tinguished by the strongest.
@iseases of parts of the body do not e-ist, the whole body participates.
1ll dynami'ed medicinal substance by itself =without mi-ing> produces in the
healthy human being its own unnatural specific disease, always the same and by
this fact may cure, if it is similar to the natural disease.
.edicines should be tested on the healthy human being and without mi-ing.
Bn pathogenetic tests weak medicines have no effect on all healthy people, and
yet they do on all persons when ill.
4orms for testing medicines are enunciated.
2aw of Cure0 if a medicine similar in its peculiar symptoms to the disease to
treat is administered, cure is achieved.
#he curing capacity of the medicines lies solely in the primary symptoms they
produce in the e-perimenter.
#he medicinal illness is always stronger than the natural illness.
He 3uotes HippocratesJ notable ma-im0 By means of the similar illness is
produced, and applying the similar it is cured!#
?-traordinary enhancement of sensitivity in the ill body towards the action of
the similar dynami'ed medicine given in minute doses.
.ention of usefulness of any route of administration0 oral, anal, percutaneous
and inhalatory.
Bn every illness, administer one medicine at a time, without mi-ing.
Bn the course of treatment, any new symptom not present previously and not
belonging to the disease, must be considered as a product of the medicine.
Five years later, in 1E1G, he published the 1
edition of *+rganon,, when he established
that only e-perimentation is the bases of Homeopathy0
In the course of these investigations I discovered the path of truth, a path I intuited I
had to follow alone and very far from the great route followed "y the traditional medical
The more I advanced from truth to truth, the more my conclusions went further and
further from the old system, which having "een "uilt on the outside of common sense, was
sustained only "y con.ectures7 therefore I did not allow myself to announce even one conclusion
unless it were totally confirmed "y e'perimentation*!
The results of these convictions are written down in this "ook!.
S. Hahnemann. *+rganon,, Bntroduction to the 1st edition published in 1E1G.
Note%orthy conce$ts o! each editions o! AOrganonB
B4 #H? 1
?@B#B+4 =1E1G> Hahnemann developed the 2aw of Cure via the similar
medicine, he noted the importance of symptoms and promoted the use of 4atureJs substances,
even the to-ic ones.
#hough he recommended the use of small amounts of medicine, he did not specify the
e-act dose for each of these to-ic substances, he was then violently critici'ed.
For having employed minute doses he was accused of bad faith and ignorance, therefore
Homeopathy was reKected in toto and was not understood by the most eminent doctors of the
Bn spite of these attacks, Hahnemann had understood, nine years previously =*1bout the
cure and prevention of Scarlet Fever Z 1EG1> that by the homeopathic method of preparing,
medicinal activity was dynamic!, that is, of an energetic 3uality very different to the current
allopathic medicines.
B4 #H? 2
?@B#B+4 =1E1I> , Hahnemann suppressed paragraphs referring to the
usefulness of some slight into-ications when these have similar symptoms to the disease to cure,
as those produced by <uina, 1rsenic, .ercury, ?lder flowers, elladonna berries.
#he drawback of this system consisted in not knowing similar to-ic agents for the most
fre3uent diseases and those known were not many =at present this therapy is still being used as
in 1pitherapy>.
He also eliminated paragraphs referring to the employment of multiple doses in favor of
the single dose, though this practice was reverted at the end of his life =1E62>.
Bn this edition, he also pointed out as very convenient that the doctor test the medicines
on himself, as it is the source of true wisdom!# #his recommendation was repeated up to the
last edition =paragraph 171 and its note>.
B4 #H? 6
?@B#B+4 =1E27> , he incorporated animal magnetism or .esmerism as a
theme, which he maintained up to the last edition.
B4 #H? 7
?@B#B+4 =1E2I> , *+rganon, had already doubled the number of pages of
the 1
Chronic diseases were included for the first time0 $sora= sycosis and sy$hilis, and the
need to treat them only with antimiasmatic medicines, pointing out particularly to anti$sorics,
in accordance with conclusions reached after 12 years of reflecting and e-perimenting, which he
had published in *Chronic @iseases, the previous year. Bt must be noted that a$soric medicines
may cure acute diseases, though they cannot cure psora.
For very old and entrenched diseases he promoted the percutaneous route, by friction on
healthy skin, as a means to enter the body by the medicine, and not as a local treatment.
He enthusiastically advised on the use of the inhalatory route, and pointed out the small
probability of causing a worsening of the condition, without losing depth of action.
He began to refer to a "ital #aculty= gross and not intelligent that acts as a curative
"ac3ues aur *+rganon, un livre sans des fronti[res,. France, ?d. oiron, 1II1, page F and foll.
B4 #H? C
?@B#B+4 =1E66> , he denied that illness be a different entity from the
disordered 9ital Force.
He 3ualified this 9ital Force as dynamic =?nergy> and maintained that it could only be
put into order as a conse3uence from the stimulus given by medicinal dynamism, as a result
from the homeopathic method of preparing medicines.
#herefore, he pointed out that e-periments should be carried out with dynami'ed
medicines and not with untreated ones.
He stated that potency 6G of the Centesimal scale was the most appropriate for these
He e-plained the techni3ue to prepare the medicines for the Centesimal scale, which
was previously published for the first time in the Chapter 1rsenicum 1lbum of the 2
of .ateria .edica /ura =1E1)>.
#H? )
?@B#B+4 FB4BSH?@ B4 1E72 , one year before HahnemannJs death, and
published in 1I21, contains fundamental notions and even astounding innovations made at the
end of his life.
Bn it he developed a ne% scale to be able to accede to the highest dynami'ation of
homeopathic medicines.
#he Millesi"al scale =or fifty millesimal> as the Centesimal, starts from the first three
traditional triturations, that is to say from the millionth, to reach the e-traordinary
deconcentration of 1G\
, and the accumulated sum of 6,GGG succussions in its last potency, and
it is by means of this tool one may accede to the cure of the deepest of Chronic @iseases.
)fter many la"orious e'periments and countere'periments I have found that the
activity of the preparation thus achieved shows its ma'imum power and utmost gentleness, i#e#9
it is the most perfected!.
Bn the )
edtion, the norms for preparing and employing medicines according to the
.illesimal scale =paragraph 2FG> are totally new, as the instructions in the C
edition refer to the
Centesimal scale.
/ierre Schmidt summari'ed the hidden treasures of the last =rganon! as follows0
Bn the .illesimal scale one should start from the traditional first three
triturations, i.e.0 from the millionth.
/reparing must be carried out in multiple flasks, reKecting the single flask
system of $orsakov, who knew about it from 1E2I, that is 16 years previously.
.edicine should be given in a solution.
#he degree of potency! must be increased with the globule diluted in a great
amount of water succussioning previously to every intake or dose.
/otencies must be given in dynami'ations of ascending progression.
Bn Chronic @iseases medicine may be given continually, even for months.
1t the same time0
S. Hahnemann *+rganon,, )th edition, Fth note to paragraph 2FG, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, page 2CI.
/. Schmidt0 *#he hidden treasures of the last +rganon,, ?d. . "ain 2GG2, pages 6 to 2G, originally
published in the ritish Homeopathic "ournal, "ulyD+ctober 1IC7.
Continued stating that in taking the case, all the symptoms present must be
considered, and particularly the peculiar ones.
He continued promoting the Bnhalatory %oute, and the /ercutaneous %oute,
pointing out their advantages, as he had been doing since the 7
edition of
*+rganon, =1E2I>.
He de!initely estalished the e"$loy"ent o! the single "edicine in
$aragra$h -0*= Juali!ying as inadmissible the ad"inistration o! "ore
than one "edicinal sustance at a ti"e= reCecting %ithout dout the so
called A$luricist= co"$le>ist= drainage= alternative ho"eo$athiesB and
others not ased on the single "edicine.
Bn this last edition Hahnemann warned of the danger of dynami'ing machines that were
then beginning to be designed, which after the millionth re3uire flouting the rules, with the aim
that the medicine be manufactured only in a fluid.
The Millesi"al scale has a !luid $hase and a dry $hase in each $otency= and does
not allo% the "anu!acture o! "edicine e"$loying these dyna"i?ing "achines= unless the
conditions o! $re$aration are altered.
Bn shortR the Centesimal scale and the .illesimal scale must be prepared in several
flasks and manually.
#he other most important innovation appeared from the discovery o! the reJuisites
that allo% a continual treat"ent !or "onths, indispensable to cure old and severest Chronic
@iseases, which Hahnemann employed for some years previously, and will be developed later
in this work, in the chapter *#he Continual #reatment,.
The story ehind the (
edition o! AOrganonB.
1ll events have more than one interpretationR this is crystal clear in the history of the
definite *+rganon,, finished by Hahnemann shortly before dying, though he did not get to
publish it.
His widow, marchioness .elanie dJHervilly, who was 77 years younger than her
husband, after his death, refused to publish the work, in spite of !nninghausenJs repeated
insistence to do so. He was the other person who knew about its e-istence.
HahnemannJs last discovery annotated in this work was the .illesimal scale, described
as that of ma'imum potency, the most gentle, and the most perfected!. !nninghausen knew
about it, and had tested it with success, with the understanding of not making it known before its
publishing, which was postponed due to the FrancoN/russian war.
Finally, .elanie Hahnemann put the manuscript up for sale, but the price tag she put on
it was so high that those interested in it could not raise the money to buy it.
Bn 1EEG, a little after .elanieJs death, Hering, a pupil of Hahnemann, and father of
Homeopathy in the United States of 1merica, in a new attempt, could not obtain by subscription
among his colleagues the re3uired sum the heirs asked for.
.eanwhile, due to the need to reach high dyami'ations by homeopaths and not
knowing the norms established by Hahnemann to achieve them, on account of .elanieJs
decision, Ho"eo$athy veered its course to a point of difficult return.
#hus, methods were introduced for the making of medicines which Hahnemann tried to
avoid, such as0
$orsakovJs method of the single flask, which produces erratic deconcentrations.
#he employment of dynami'ation machines which use $orsakovJs method, of
dissimilar design according to the inventor of each machine, which therefore
manufacture medicines that are very different one from the other, even though they
carry the same potency denomination and are sold as the same product.
#he enormous mistake of arbitrarily producing an e-aggerated number of succusions to
each potency Z 2GG and up to 6GG per potency, in dynami'ers currently in use.
1s a conse3uence of this anarchy, the violent aggravations that were produced have
hampered the cure of many patients and at the same time helped to discredit Homeopathy.
1t last, after the ending of (orld (ar B, thanks to the efforts and generosity of @rs.
(illiam oericke, (illis (ard and %ichard Haehl, the manuscript of the last edition of
*+rganon, was purchased =1I2G> and was published in &erman and ?nglish, in 1I21 and 1I22
respectively, after being almost lost for FI years.
#his purchase included HahnemannJs mail, made up of appro-imately CGGG sent and
received letters, and nearly all of his clinical histories, from 1EG1 to 1E76, in C7 large volumes,
at present they are being studied and translated at the %obert osch Bnstitute for the History of
.edicine, Stuttgart, &ermany.
(hen the legacy saw the light, the development of the .illesimal scale could be fully
appreciated, is was also the solution given by Hahnemann to accede to high dynami'ations
without using $orsakovJs method of the single flask, nor the dynami'ers that use this method,
their errors were already noted.
Bn the )
edition of *+rganon,, he annotated the discovery of the .illesimal scale, but
the unfortunate delay in its publishing, brought about by .elanieJs refusal to do so, veered
HomeopathyJs route, though as to balance this deed, it was precisely she, whom Hahnemann
called my girl! the person who gave him those eight years of happiness during which he could
conceive that finding.
Hahnemann died at daybreak on "uly 2, 1E76, and .elanie retained the body of her
husband for nine days, finally it was buried in the .ontmatre Cemetery.
Some time later his remains were taken to /[re 2achaise Cemetery, and on opening the
coffin it was noted his head rested on .elanieJs tresses.
1. / 2)22. AMateria Medica PuraB
.ateria .edica was published in si- volumes, from 1E11 to 1E21, during the
4apoleonic (ars.
Bn that period, specifically from +ctober 1) to +ctober 1I, 1E16, while Hahnemann was
trying to register the action of the drugs, e-clusively by e-perimenting, the booming of cannon
from the outskirts of 2eip'ig reached his home.
Hahnemann critici'ed .ateria .edica 1lopatica of his time in0 *?-amination of the
sources of ordinary materia medica,, 1E1F, where he pointed out that the main source of
knowledge of the drugJs activity was conKecture and not e-perimentation.
+n the other hand, registers of the effect of drugs in the human body, in cases of
accidental poisoning or suicide, were incomplete and of massive doses, which only gave an
appro-imate idea of their curing power.
@uring the current clinical use of medicines in treating the ill, to be able to separate the
diseaseJs symptoms from those produced by the administered drugs, was uncertain.
%. Haehl. *S. Hahnemann, his life and work,, 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain, 9ol. 1, page 1G6.
1ll of this convinced him of the truth asserted by the great Swiss physiologist 1lbrecht
von Haller, that drugs should be tested on healthy persons, and one at a time =not mi-ed>.
#herefore, HahnemannJs aim was the immense and formidable task of creating a new
materia medica, which he called .ateria .edica /ura, determining with methodic seriousness
the action of each drug on himself, his family and his pupils, a task that nearly surpasses the
length of one human life.
#hese e-periments on his own body gave him an intimate perception of the *spirit, of
each substance, and for this reason he insisted that every doctor should e-periment on himself.
Bn this manner he studied till the end of his life 111 substances that form the basis on
which homeopaths of all the world work by.
Since then not many drugs were e-perimented methodically and systematically to be
added to Hahnemann and his pupilsJ work.
4umerous e-periments carried out after his death, e-cluding e-ceptions, were not
wholly systematic, incomplete, and in many cases thwarted the knowledge of the curing
capacity of these drugs.
Bn the C
edition of *+rganon, =1E66> he pointed out that illness =disordered vital force>
and the medicine, are dynamic =energies> and that is why they may interactR and established not
to e-periment with raw substances, as he did years before, but dynami'ing them to potency 6G
of the Centesimal scale.
.ateria /rima /ura, Hahnemann had for his practice, contained a limited register of
curing capacities of each medicine, not only in the physical sphere, but also in the mental, and
does not abound in descriptions of clue symptoms or peculiar ones.
1nyway, the ) volumes of .ateria .edica /ura are in themselves a homage to tenacity,
observation capacity and HahnemannJs passion at the service of the ill.
@ifferent then is the present situation, as there can be no doubt that the inclusion of
clinical proof to .ateria .edica /ura, by homeopaths the world over, after the death of
Hahnemann has been decisive for the complete knowledge of the medicines.
The $ri"ary e!!ect.
Bn *.edicine of ?-perience, =1EGC> he clearly stated that0 every simple medicinal
su"stance causes a peculiar and specific disease7 a series of determined symptoms, which are
not produced in e'actly the same manner "y any other medicine in the world!#
Bn this work he also remarked that $eculiar sy"$to"s are the surest !or choosing the
"edicine, and the curative capacity of the tested medicines lies only in the primary symptoms
produced in the e-perimenter.
(hen Hahnemann investigated the curing capacity of medicines, he proved that the first
series of symptoms to appear were effects of the medicine on trial, and when these disappeared,
the series of ulterior symptoms and o$$osed to the !irst were the reaction of the
e-perimentatorJs iologic ?nergy and not a direct action from the medicine. He named them
*primary, and *secondary, respectively, and concluded that to know the curative capacity of
medicines, only the primary symptoms are to be considered.
$n the course of these investigations that have taken many years, $ have made an
important discovery. $ have observed that experimenting on a healthy human being,
medicines produce two series of symptoms% some appear immediately or a little while after
the substance had been passed into the stomach or contacted some part of the body% whereas
others entirely opposite, make themselves known shortly after the disappearance of the
former. $ have ascertained that medicines provide lasting alleviation only in those cases in
which there is a concordance between the symptoms produced during the first hours of their
acting on the healthy human being and the symptoms of the disease one wants to cure&
K!e'perimenting on healthy "odies with moderate doses of a medicine, we shall only
note its primary action*!#
The more moderate the doses within certain limits of the medicine used for these
e'periments* the clearer will "e the primary effects that develop and only these are the ones
we are most interested in knowing*!
'he secondary action is not a product of the medicine, but invariability is the result
of the body(s vital force working antagonistically.
(ithout doubt, pathogenesis that erroneously register the primary as the secondary
effect, as many books assert, "i> the action o! the "edicine %ith the o$$osite reaction o! the
e>$eri"enter(s ody= inducing to error.
#herefore, it is very important when testing a "edicine to &no% its curing ca$acity=
to only consider its $ri"ary e!!ects.
2astly, Hahnemann had pointed out that in metals and minerals such as arsenic,
mercury, lead and others, primary effect declines gradually up to the reestablishment of the
previous state of health, without any secondary effect to oppose it.
Anti$soric "edicines. Peculiar sy"$to"s.
Up to the announcement of the Psora Doctrine in 1I2E, to develop .ateria .edica
/ura, Hahnemann fre3uently e-perimented with medicines that later were called a$soric, and
from then on principally with those called anti$soric.
#he concept of antipsoric medicine will be developed later, nevertheless, it is important
to say that the psora doctrine allowed him to discover medicines with the power to cure it, i.e.0
anti$sorics, and others without that power, i.e.0 a$sorics, though the latter have the power to
cure acute diseases.
There!ore= starting !ro" the $sora doctrine= he e"$loyed "edicines according to
the character o! the diseaseH
- @or the AcuteH a$soric and anti$sorics.
- @or the Chronic non venerealH only anti$sorics.
1s for the choice of medicine Z particularly the antipsorics for Chronic @iseases,
Hahnemann chose taking into account the peculiar symptom of the patient, be it physical or
Bt is important to understand the word A$eculiarB according to the maKority of
dictionaries belonging e-clusively to one person, group or thing. Bn Homeopathy, as from its
creator, it refers to sy"$to"s that elong to the $atient and not to the disease.
#he peculiar or characteristic symptom must be a personal manifestation, be it a
general, local, physical or mental symptom.
S. Hahneman *?studios de .edicina homeopAtica,, first series, pages 7GEDI, 3uoted by @. @emar3ue,
in *Homeopat:a, medicina de e-periencia,, .e-ico, ?d. /ropulsora de homeopat:a, 1IEF, page 61.
S Hahnemann. *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 117, page 1)I.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 16F, pages 1EGD1.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, 2
note to paragraph )I, page 16C.
#o define an illness in allopathy, those symptoms common to all patients that constitute
a determined clinical picture are considered, reKecting those not common or belonging to each of
#he criterium is opposite in homeopathy, as the symptoms belonging to each patient or
peculiar symptoms are privileged over those common to all, from which it is inferred that this is
medicine of the person, whereas the other is medicine of the illness =e-cepting the case of acute
epidemic diseases, in which the medicine may be for them, as was previously e-plained>.
1s to mental symptoms, Hahnemann did not give them the e'cessive weight they have
today, as he did not refer to personality types! to carry out this choice#!
*O He was not a mental prescri"er as >ent and his followers O,
* O He considered mental symptoms if they were characteristic, and not only "ecause
they were mental,.
#he search for a similar medicine for the mental symptoms, though not peculiar or
characteristic, a habitual practice at present, leads to fre3uent errors.
2astly, it is pointed out that the clinical e-perience confirms every day that the
circu"stances o! %orsening and i"$rove"ent as they occur= e they general or local=
"ental or $hysical= constitute the "ost e>act $eculiars to accede to the si"illi"u".
The nosodes
#he nosodes are medicines that are obtained from human pathological products or from
animals, or from illness transmitting agents.
Hahnemann reKected using them, a practice he called Bsopathy, and in a letter dated at
the end of 1E66, sent to his best pupil Clemens van !ninnghausen, he wrote0 *
I agree with your opinion concerning the "lind use of the so called isopathy and other
not tested medicines, and our re.ection of them will never "e sufficiently strong!.
1nd years later he added0
If you do not want to e'pose yourself to regretful complications and deplora"le
worsenings, do not try to carry out the cure of the disease it produces "y means of a
<S=?I5%8 L/S+%B4U. at presentM Z a human pathological product @ as for e'ample human
itch, or its se1uelae "y the e'tract o"tained from the itch vesicula of man,.
/robably Hahnemann asked himself0 or one chooses the medicine similar to the
symptoms caused by the disorder of the diseased body, or e-cluding it one chooses as a
medicine the pathologic products of the body in that state.
4o doubt Hahnemann enhanced the cause, that is the unbalanced body and its
symptoms, and reKected the effect which are the pathologic products.
This o$$osition to the e"$loy"ent o! nosodes %as also !ounded in the lac& o!
adCust"ent to the ho"eo$athic doctrine= due to the decisive %eight that in the choice o!
"edicine the si"ilarity %ith the disease has over the si"ilarity o! the sy"$to"s= %hich
goes against the 9a% o! Cure.
See subtitle0 1E1G. Homeopathic doctrine *+rganon,, Chapter BB.
%ima Handley. *Bn search of the later Hahnemann, U.$. ?d. eaconsfield, 1IIF, page F1.
%. Haehl. *S. Hahnemann, his life and work,, 9olume BB, Supplement 17G, 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain,
1II2, page 2I2.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, note to paragraph C), /aris. ?d. 9igot Fr[res, 1IC2, pages
F7DC. #ranslated by /. Schmidt.
+. / 2)2(. Method o! $re$aring ho"eo$athic "edicines.
The Centesi"al scale.
Bn 1E1), in the Chapter on 1%S?4BCU. 12U., of the 2
volume of .ateria
.edica /ura, made known for the first time the Centesimal scale, briefly describing its
2ater, he e-plained it in detail in the 1
edition of *Chronic @iseases,, 1E2E, afterwards
in the C
edition of *+rganon,, 1E66, and in 1E6C more thoroughly in the 2
edition of
*Chronic @iseases,.
#hough before 1E1) Hahnemann employed what in those times were high
dynami'ations, the truth is that medicines rarely surpassed the e3uivalent to 1C Centesimal
Bt was then that, as the procedure to prepare the Centesimal scale was systemi'ed, three
points cropped up0
a> #he optimal potency to employ with each medicine, for any illness.
b> #he dose or amount of medicine in each intake
c> #he amount of shakings given to each potency throughout preparation.
a> Bn re0 to the choice of optimal potency to use with each medicine, Hahnemann added
successive changes.
Bn his essay *+n prevailing fever * =1EGI> he advised using0
- 4UW 9+.BC1 in a potency e3uivalent to the I
- 1%S?4BCU. 12U. in a potency e3uivalent to the 1E
2ater =1E17>, in his work on typhus recommended0
- %T+4B1 and %HUS #+WBC+@?4@%U., in a potency e3uivalent to the 1C
- HT+SCB1.US in a potency e3uivalent to the 1G
He also proposed other potencies for the use in each medicine, which he 3ualified as the
most appropriate for any illness.
Finally in 1E2E, when he announced the @octrine of /sora in *Chronic @iseases,,
Hahne"ann uni!ied criteria and $ointed out that $otency *. Centesi"al as the "ost
convenient to e"$loy %ith all "edicines !or any disease, a concept he ratified in the C
edition of *+rganon, =1E66>.
He continued with a constant tendency to employ more dynami'ed medicines, because
despite the progressive decrease of the amount of substance, its capacity to stimulate the
iologic ?nergy, that is, its dynamism, was every time larger, therefore its curative capacity
increased, as he e-plained in the 7
edition of *+rganon, 1E2I.
%.?. @udgeon, *2ectures on the theory and practice of homeopathy,, 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain, 2GG2,
2ecture WB9.
b> 1s to the amount of medicine per intake, though in the 1
edition of *+rganon,, 1E1G,
he did not indicate recommended doses, "ecause as small as a dose may "e, it will "e stronger
than the natural disease and will van1uish it, later his advice was as follows0
N #ill 1E1) and even somewhat later, the employment of one drop, and less fre3uently
several drops.
From 1E1), and probably previously, of one globule impregnated with the medicine,
and sometimes of one drop =rarely several>.
HahnemannJs employment of lactose globules impregnated with medicine began around
N @ro" 2)-) in his %or& AChronic DiseasesB and !ro" then on= only one gloule the
si?e o! a $o$$y seed= al%ays in the $otency *. Centesi"al !or any disease.
c> 1s to the shakings given during preparation for each potency, it is important to make
clear that this term is employed for the Centesimal scale, as for these preparations Hahnemann
would give a vigorous shaking with the arm that held the flask, taking it from the contralateral
shoulder to the homolateral leg. 2ater when he prepared medicine in the .illesimal scale, he
applied succussions or knocking the flask against a leather bound book or similar surface.
For the Centesimal scale, Hahnemann indicated 1G shakings per potencyR when he
ascertained that that amount of shakings worsened the patient, he considered them e-cessive
and decreased them to 2 per potency, in this manner the worsenings were avoided.
2ater, when employing .ultiple @oses and having discovered the better tolerance to
medicines diluted in a large amount of water! and shaking well "efore every intake!,
procedure he called degree of potency increase!, he returned to his first indication of 1G
shakings per potency, which he registered at the end of the theoretic part of *Chronic @iseases,.
;u""ing u$H to $re$are in Centesi"al ;cale he reco""ended 2. sha&ings !or
every $otency.
Bn 1E2I, $orsakov proposed to simplify HahnemannJs method to prepare homeopathic
medicines in the Centesimal scale, and he based his assumptions on the hypothesis that the
current use of several flasks could be replaced by only one.
$orsakovJs method was widely employed because it may be adapted to dynami'ing
machines, but it produces erratic deconcentrations.
1t the beginning, it seemed Hahnemann gave it his approval, but after assessing during
several years he was not satisfied with it, as there is no mention of this method either in the C
edition of *+rganon,, nor in the 2
edition of *Chronic @iseases,, 1E66 and 1E6C respectively.
1nalysis of the single flask system created by the %ussian researcher shall be enlarged
in the chapter0 *1E66. #est and reKects of $orsakovJs method,.
(hen the need to count on very high dynami'ations further than 6G Centesimal was
evident, and due to the impossibility of employing hundreds of flasks, Hahnemann did not turn
to the dynami'ing machines based on $orsakovJs method, he met the challenge creating the
.illesimal scale, hand made, systematic, trustworthy and of a deeper activity, e-plained in the
edition of *+rganon,.
Currently, this scale constitutes a uniform method for all laboratories and apothecaries,
and clearly surpasses $orsakovJs method, which besides being erratic in its effects, produces
different medicines according to the dynami'ing machine employed.
%.?.@udgeon op.cit. 2ecture W9BBB.
The Millesi"al scale has een then the solution that the creator o! Ho"eo$athy
delivered to the need o! going eyond the *. Centesi"al= and with it every stimulus or dose
reach deeper than previously.
2astly other five points to be solved in the future, according to e-perience, remained,
and shall be e-amined laterR that are0
- #he administering of a medicine0 dry or diluted.
- #he choice of Single or .ultiple @oses, and in the latter case, according to acuteness or
chronicity of the disease, the interval between them.
- @uration of treatment in Chronic @iseases.
- 1dministration of medicine by other routes, besides the oral route
- #he choice of potencies in increasing or decreasing progression.
The cu"ulative character o! !riction or sha&ings and o!
deconcentration or dilution.
1s was previously referred to, when Hahnemann conceived the Centesimal scale, he
considered 1G shakings per potency as e-cessive, when he ascertained the worsening the
medicine in this manner prepared brought about, he therefore decreased them to 2, this way he
obtained good tolerance and curative capacity, as he announced in *Chronic @iseases,.
1lthough later, increasing *the degree of potency, he could apply again 1G shakings per
stage, it is noteworthy that the i"$ortance he gave to the !act o! giving - or 2. sha&ings $er
$otency= only eco"es understandale i! their character o! cu"ulative is ta&en !or
granted, as is proved in the final HahnemannJs 6G potency Centesimal as in the first case the
accumulated shakings add to )G, and in the second 6GG.
+nly multiplying shakings by the number of potencies is when the significant values are
#herefore, Hahne"ann assigned an enor"ous clinical i"$ortance to this conce$t=
as it is the intensity o! the "edicinal activity= generated y !riction= %hich increases
cu"ulatively y the su""ation o! sha&ings.
1s shall be seen later on, deconcentration or dilution also possess this 3uality.
Bn his paper *How can small doses of those very weakened medicines employed in
homeopathy still possess great valueQ, =1E2F>, Hahnemann warned of the danger in applying to
the medicinal preparation more shakings per potency than those indicated, and gave as an
e-ample, if a child with whooping cough were given a dose of @rosera 1C Centesimal, prepared
with 2G shakings per potency, the worsening that would follow would put at risk the life of the
patient, and a dose of @rosera 6G, prepared with 2 shakings per potency, the curative effect
would be mild.
Hahnemann did not develop this concept, and even if it does sound rather
incomprehensible, the e-planation lies in conceiving the intensity given y !riction as the
addition o! the received sha&ings in the considered $otency.
/otency Shakings per potency 1ccumulated Shakings
1C 2G *.. =1C ] 2G>
6G 2 (. =6G ]2>
#his figure shows that the danger alluded to lies in the e>cess o! accu"ulated
sha&ings, received by the medicine in the considered potency N 6GG in the first case and )G in
the second N and de"onstrates the cu"ulative character he assigned to it and its
!unda"ental incidence in clinical "edicine.
(e must bear in mind that pharmacopoeiae of several countries indicate for the
Centesimal scale 2G or more shakings per potency which results in an accumulated final of )GG
or more shakings instead of 6GG, with its very bad conse3uences.
1nother une3uivocal proof of the importance Hahnemann assigned to the cumulative
effect of succussions is clearly stated in this warning0
3hen the medicine has "een consumed, and it is necessary to continue with same, if
the doctor wishes to prepare a new portion of the medicine, with the same degree of potency,
he must give the new solution as many succussions as the sum of the amount of succussions
given up to the last dose of the former solution ) sum that expresses the totality of
succussions given @ and also he shall give a few more, "efore e'tracting the first dose of the
new preparation.
The aove "entioned sho%s the e>traordinary clinical value Hahne"ann assigned
to the accu"ulation o! sha&ings or succussions in the considered $otency.
Deconcentration or dilution has the sa"e cu"ulative character, as will be seen in the
Second /art, Chapter BBB, *#he 3uestion of magnitudes,.
This enor"ous thera$eutic signi!icance o! the cu"ulative character o! sha&ings or
succussions lies in the !act that !riction generates and adds intensity= giving "edicine
concentrated energy= deter"ining that the conseJuence o! its activity e "ildly curative or
o! a furious violence, according to Hahne"ann.
7t ehooves then to rescue this conce$t= as it %as totally ignored a!ter eing
announced y the Teacher.
1s a proof of this ignorance, one must not be ama'ed that at present, dynami'ing
machines, employing $orsakovJs method, apply 2GG and even 6GG succussions per potency, that
is0 that the final result is a medicine which in the current centesimal potency 6G has )GGG and
IGGG accumulated succussions respectively, whereas in HahnemannJs Centesimal the
accumulated shakings reach 6GG.
Such procedures e-plain the violent aggravations that are observed in every day
practice, and these showings prove the accuracy of HahemannJs warning.
S. Hahnemann. *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .5-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 2IC =/reface to the 6
9olume of the 2
edition written in 1E67 and published in 1E6E>
Develo$"ent and su""it o! the Ne% ;cience.
2 4 2)-) Doctrine o! Chronic Mias"as. 'he lost clue.
The nature of all diseases is the same# They only differ in their location7 their essence
is one, the same as the cause that produces them!#
Areat knowledge sees all in one# Small knowledge e'tinguishes in multiplicity!#
Chuang #'u.
From 1E2E to 1E6G, Hahnemann published one of his fundamental works0 *Chronic
@iseases,, of which between 1E6C and 1E6I he wrote a second edition.
He announced the @octrine of Chronic .iasmas in it an made known the discovery o!
the Psora doctrine= or the lost clue to e ale to cure Chronic Diseases.
These last four years I have strained night and day to discover the lost clue, and
therefore find the means to e'tirpate the old 5hronic 6iseases#
Through thousands of e'periments and e'periences, as from unceasing meditations, I
have finally reached my goal#
& invaluable discovery, whose value for humanity surpasses all $ have ever
discovered and without which all present homeopathy would remain incomplete or imperfect.
Psoric disease
1fter ) to 17 days of having been in contact with a person carrier of what Hahnemann
called .iasma of /sora, or even from contact with clothes contaminated by the transmitting
agent, a transient febricula and an eruption of very itchy vesiculae appears on the skin.
#hese minute blisters at the onset contain a transparent fluid, later purulent in its acme,
and when scratched they tear producing a peculiar odor.
#he eruption is intensely itchy, very characteristic, it is impossible to avoid scratching,
which elicits a pleasing or voluptuous feeling, after which there is a burning sensation that is
habitually suppressed by e-ternal applications.
This a$$arently ino!!ensive s&in eru$tion acco"$anied y transient !ever $oints
out that the interior o! the ody has een totally invaded y an energy ca$ale o!
disordering the Biologic Energy at such de$th= that the $roduced unalance only reJuires
ti"e to sho% its grave conseJuences= as it is invarialy $rogressive= and y its nature=
incurale= unless it e treated %ith dyna"i?ed "edicines. He descried this unalanting
energy o! the Biologic Energy= li&ening it to the energy of a magnet.
The e>ternal "ani!estation is o! such innocence that it see"s al"ost i"$ossile to
relate its a$$earing %ith the diseases %hich cro$ u$ years later.
%. Haehl. *S. Hahnemann, his life and work., 4ew @elhi, ?d. "ain, 1II2, BB #^. Supplement E6, page
1C6 =letter to the %oyal &eneral Consul of /russia, regarding the /sora @octrine, written in $!ethen.
S. Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, pages 1GGD1G2.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 11, 1
1 thorough 3uestioning of persons with e-cellent memory allow to relate that innocent
eruption to the ulterior apparition of severe Chronic @iseases.
+ther times, forgetfulness, or having received the evolving unbalance through heredity,
hampers this relationship.
esides being able to ac3uire them, Hahnemann affirmed that chronic miasmas may be
* the disease Lchronic miasmaM received through infection or through heredity*!
and further on0
* psora @ that producer of the ma.ority of 5hronic 6iseases @ which human "eings
receive through heredity *!
Bts natural history sometimes spares more than one generation, and e-plains that it
begins in one person, evolves in his son and produces, for e-ample, a cancer in his recently born
Hahnemann also considered the non epidemic acute diseases as e-acerbations of this
disorder, or as flames detached from the "onfire of a latent psora!#
*O acute diseases * are generally transient e'plosions of the latent psora which will
soon spontaneously return to such a state if the acute disease is promptly overcome and does
not attain an e'cessively violent character.,
Homeopathic doctors who treat patients having vigorous iologic ?nergies see many a
time, during treatment, as the older layers of the disorder are being cured, the cropping up of
this intensely itchy e-anthema.
The a$$earance o! this $ruriginous eru$tion in the oldest o! sy"$to"atic layers
con!ir"s that it %as $resent at the onset= as cure runs in the o$$osite sense to the evolution
o! the disease.
#his deep unbalance re3uires Sulphur, or Hepar Sulphur to be cured.
#hese bouts of such peculiar pruritus prove in the daily homeopathic practice, the
ancient origin of this severe disorder of iologic ?nergy.
#his chronic miasma of psora! was considered by Hahnemann as the cause of nearly
IG_ of chronic sufferings and their havoc9 seven eighths LFDE`EE_M of all chronic ills grow
e'clusively from it*!
#he word .iasma =from &reek *miainein, ` to stain, to corrupt> in HahnemannJs time,
previous to the .icrobe #heory, referred to the atmosphere which contained the contagious
agent enveloped the sick man and had the capacity to transmit the disease. For e-ample0 for
smallNpo-, it was assessed that the atmosphere that contained the contagious agent spanned a
little over 7 meters =by e-tension also the atmosphere containing the contagious agents in
contact with swamps or putrid organic matter, capable of transmitting diseases>.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, note to paragraph FE.
S. Hahnemann, op. cit, note to paragraph 2E7.
S. Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 1)C.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph F6.
S. Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 7I.
*/arrJs 2ondon .edical @ictionary,, 1EGI, 3uoted by %ina Handley. *Bn search of the later
Hahnemann,, U$, eaconsfield /ub., 1IIF, page )1.
The !ollo%ing %ords had these "eanings !or the creator o! Ho"eo$athyH
- Mias"aH trans"itting agent o! acute and chronic diseases.
1n unbalancing energy of iologic ?nergy similar to the energy of a magnet!
=e-cluding epidemic diseases>.
- Acute "ias"aH acute disease $roduced y this agent o! transient character and
tending to%ards s$ontaneous cure.
4 Chronic "ias"aH chronic disease $roduced y this agent o! $er"anent character=
does not tend to%ards s$ontaneous cure.
#he microbe theory was unknown during HahnemannJs lifeNtime, as /asteurJs
e-traordinary work on the infectious disease of the silkNworm and its conclusions, as his later
e-periments in which he announced his theory of the germs of the disease!, were made more
than 2G years after HahnemannJs death.
ut Hahnemman intuited with astounding anticipation the concept of contagious
principle! as a vehicle capable of transmitting epidemic diseases.
#hus, referring to choleraJs etiology, said in +ctober 1E610
Born in the warm swamps of the Aanges, millions of minute living creatures *!
Lare the carriers of choleraM#
Bn the second note to paragraph E1 of +rganon, )
edition, he wrote0
* those epidemic diseases that undou"tedly may "e transmitted in each one of the
epidemics "y a particularly contagious principle, which is as yet unknown to us*!
Hahnemann classified the acute miasmas in two categories, according to their origin0
N acute e$ide"ic "ias"as ac3uired through a contagious principle!, which today
could be e3uated to a microbe or virus infection.
N non e$ide"ic acute "ias"as or chronic miasma of psora becoming acute, which
were described as flames detached from the "onfire of latent psora!
He also classified chronic miasmas according to their origin as0
- acJuired chronic "ias"as.
- hereditary chronic "ias"as.
1lso, according to their state as0
- latent chronic "ias"as.
- active chronic "ias"as.
He considered that in a state of health, chronic miasmas are latent, and illness occurs
when they leave that state and become active.
Bn his work *Chronic @iseases, 1E2E, Hahnemann thoroughly described the Doctrine
o! Chronic Mias"as, which comprised syphilis, sycosis and psora. He particularly considered
psora as being the cause of nearly almost IG_ of Chronic @iseases of mankind, though in 1E1)
he already made a note of it in his work *1bout the venereal disease and its inade3uate
S. Hahnemann0 *#he lesser writings of S.Hahnemann. #he mode of propagation of the 1siatic
cholera,. 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain, 1IIG, pages FCEDI, essay published in 1E61.
S. Hahnemann *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 1)C.
treatment,, where he anticipated the basic concepts of the doctrine he later developed in 1E2E,
though he had not called it $sora at that time.
He pointed out that the elimination of the e-ternal manifestation of this chronic
miasma without its internal cure, could produce illness, such as phthisis, asthma, insanity,
edemas, apople-y, blindness, paralysis and at times sudden death.
Bn short, it "ay e a!!ir"ed that there is only one chronic disease =e-cluding
venereals>= and all the "ani!estations attriuted as elonging to several inde$endent
diseases are only !rag"ents o! that sole illness e>$ressed in "ulti$le %ays.
The cure o! this disease occurs in an o$$osite %ay to the a$$earance o! its
"ani!estations= and all these "ay end in a $ruriginous eru$tion= the sa"e !or all and eJual
to that %hich a$$eared at the onset o! each one o! the" Ee>ce$t the inherited $soraF= %hich
$roves they are only !rag"ents o! a sole !unda"ental disease= or $sora.
Errors and con!usions concerning the conce$ts o! scaies= "ias"a and
The !irst con!usion. ;caies.
#he first confusion which gave birth to enormous and regrettable errors was due to the
fact that *krat'e, in &erman and *itch, in ?nglish not only refer to scabies, but also to pruritus
or pruriginous eruption.
Many authors too& the %ord as "eaning the disease $roduced y the "ite Eorder
acarina= genus acarusF there!ore erroneously considered that scaies %as the cause o!
$sora= %hereas Hahne"ann re!erred to the other "eaning= that is= a "ost $ruriginous
eru$tion= as the cutaneous "ani!estation o! the $sora disease.
Hahnemann knew scabies and its cause very well, the ploughing mite, as in 1FI2 that
is 6) years before announcing the psora doctrine, he wrote in the 1n'eiger .aga'ine of &otha0
'he itch itself does not consist of emanations or of congenital or ac1uired
acridities, neither is it due to an alkaline or acid condition of the "lood7 "ut it has its origin in
small living insects or mites, which take up their abode in our bodies beneath the epidermis,
grow there and increase largely, and by their irritation or their creeping about cause an
itching7 and owing to the afflu' of humours there"y produced give rise to a multitude of
vesicles, which, on "eing ru""ed, or when the thin watery fluid they contain has evaporated
"ecome covered with sca"s# This is not an opinion adopted in order to get ride of a difficulty,
"ut its is "ased on e'perience!#
'he cause of itch given above is the only true one, the only one that is founded
upon experience. 'hese exceedingly small animals are a kind of mite#
%ichard Haehl, homeopathic doctor and his principal biographer, affirmed at the foot of
this supplement0
This shows clearly that Hahnemann meant something very different "y his psora!
from the ordinary itch, with which he has "een ac1uainted for a long time!#
#he following evidence is conclusive0
4 6e!erring to $sora in his very e>tense %ritten %or&= Hahne"ann never re!erred to
the acarus as it cause= in s$ite o! &no%ing it very %ell and having descried it years e!ore
*1llgemeiner 1n'eiger der @eutsche, =1E1)> reprinted in *#he lesser writings of Samuel Hahnemann,
"orge #orrent was the first to show the error in the meaning of the word.
%. Haehl. *S. Hahnemann, his life and work,, 9ol BB, Supplement E7 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain, 1II2,
page 1CI.
the creation o! ho"eo$athy, but he did point out as a cause of psora an infection!,
considering as such an invasion of the body by an unbalancing energy of the biologic energy, a
dynamic effect, neither material nor mechanic* as the energy of a magnet!.
4 7n addition= Hahne"ann never re!erred to tunnels visile through the s&in= %hich
at their end there is a "inute $rotuerance %here the acarus lodges. Bn the numerous pages
he wrote on psora, he did not ever make one reference to the parasite or to the small living
insect or mite!, as he described it in 1FI2, or to its tunnels.
N Bn *Chronic @iseases,, 1E2E, Hahnemann affirmed that her$es= i"$etigo= ring %or"=
"il& sca "ay in!ect $sora. They have no relation %hatsoever %ith scaies5 acarus= ut
evidently they all have rashes %ith the sa"e characteristic and intense $ruritus %hich
$roves their $soric nature= and thus their ca$acity to trans"it it.
N #he disease produced by Sarcoptes Hominis or 1carus Scabiei, is called *sarna, and
*escabiosis, in SpanishR *Kucken, and *krat'e, in &erman, and *itch, and *scabies, in ?nglish.
Bf to name the unbalance causing almost IG_ of chronic diseases Hahne"ann needed the ne%
na"e o! $sora= it is ecause it had no relation to the acarus5 disease= as there already
e>isted "ore than su!!icient na"es !or the latter.
?vidently psora was for him another illness, entirely different from the mentioned parasitic
4 2astly= as $sora and scaies are t%o non related di!!erent entities= it "ust not call
our attention that chronic $soric diseases continue increasing= %hile scaies is
There!ore= Hahne"ann could never eJuate $sora to scaies= so it %as evident he
used the %ord in its other "eaning= that is as $ruritus or $ruriginous eru$tion.
So then the 3uestions arise0
Ho% can the Psora Doctrine e reCected Ain totoB alleging that it %ould e asurd
to "a&e the acarus accountale o! all the non venereal Chronic Diseases in "an= %hen
Hahne"ann= in s$ite o! &no%ing it very %ell= never "entioned it as cause o! $soraL
7sn5t it ti"e to ad"it he re!erred to a dee$ internal disorder %hose "ani!estation is
a $ruriginous eru$tion %ith no relation %hatsoever to the acarusL
For considering the word *itch, in its first meaning, i.e.0,scabies,, %.?. @udgeon
critici'ed Hahnemann for including herpes, impetigo and milk scab, as capable of transmitting
psora, as according to him they have not the least right to "e considered of a sca"ies nature!,
but he adopted this stance without considering the second meaning of the word.
For the same reason, @r /uffer, HahnemannJs contemporary, held that the latter was
mistaken, assigning psora to scabies, as he never "entioned the acarus or its tunnels.
@ue to the mistake in the choice of the meaning of the &erman word *krat'e,, and the
?nglish word *itch,, %. ?. @udgeon and several contemporaries thought that without acarus
there would not be psora.
+n the other hand, C. Hering did not follow the previous reasoning, and empathically
reKected the hypothesis that scabies would be the cause of psora.
Bn short, the only valid conclusion is that !or Hahne"ann $sora is asically a dee$
internal disorder= its cutaneous "ani!estation consists in a very $ruriginous eru$tion that
has no relation %ith the disease $roduced y the acarus.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th ed., .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a 1IE7, paragraph 11, 1
%.?.@udgeon, *2ectures on the theory and practice of homeopathy,, 4ew @elhi, ?d. "ain, 2GG2,
2ecture W, page 2I2.
1ustrian Homeopathic .aga'ine, 2nd volume, 3uoted by %.?.@udgeon op.cit. page 2F).
The second con!usion. Chronic Mias"a.
1nother disorder took over the concept of chronic "ias"a, that for Hahnemann
necessarily re3uires the e-istence of0
aF A trans"itting agent= %ith a "anner o! contagion and route o! entry.
F A characteristic e>ternal "ani!estation on the s&in or "ucosae.
cF A $rogressive chronic disease as its conseJuence.
dF Possiility o! trans"itting this disease through heredity.
eF Availaility o! one or "ore !unda"ental curative anti"ias"a "edicines.
?ach one of these five conditions for the three miasmas described by Hahnemann are
developed as a simple memory aid, as they are the re3uirements established by him to admit the
e-istence of a chronic miasma0
a> #he transmitting agent or miasma, its mode of contagion and its route of entry.
Hahne"ann considered chronic "ias"as as the conseJuence o! an infection
$roduced y a trans"itting agent= understanding as such the invasion to the ody o! an
unalancing energy to Biologic Energy.
He conceived the dynami'ed medicine of e3ual dynamic nature, therefore capable of reN
establishing the e3uilibrium of said energy.
The dynamic effect of the influences that cause disease in a healthy man, as the
dynamic energy of medicines on the principle of life which reBesta"lishes it to health, do not
differ in any way to the infection and this is neither material nor mechanical, as the energy of a
magnet which is not material nor mechanic attracts a piece of iron or steel!#
1s to the manner of contagion employed by the transmitting agent, he pointed out it was
by casual dermic contact for psora, and through coitus for sycosis and syphilis.
#he entry route is at any point of the skin for psora, and the genital mucosae for sycosis
and syphilis.
b> ?-ternal signs in skin or mucosae.
#he e-ternal sign becomes noticeable when the invasion of the whole body is complete,
and starts in the entry point of the transmitting agent or miasma. For psora, it is the pruriginous
eruption on the skin, for sycosis, the phycoid warts, and the chancre for syphilis, these latter two
in the genital mucosae.
c> 1 chronic and progressive disease.
/sora, sycosis and syphilis are characteri'ed by their chronicity and progressiveness.
d> #he possibility of hereditary transmission.
#he three miasmas have the capacity of being transmitted through heredity.
e> #he fundamental antimiasma medicines.
For psora0 Sulphur and Hepar SulphurR for sycosis0 #huKa, and at times 4itricum
1cidum, and for syphilis0 .ercurius.
S. Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, 1
note to paragraph 11.
#nluc&ily= y o"itting these !ive indis$ensale conditions to a!!ir" the e>istence o!
ne% chronic "ias"as= a great con!usion o! the asic conce$t o! chronic "ias"a %as
rought aout.
1s the five conditions established by Hahnemann were detracted, it was sought to
include as chronic miasmas the conse3uence of using allopathic medicines, non chronic
infections and even the flu, thus tergiversating the original concept.
One "ore con!usion. ;in.
1 new confusion was caused by "ames #yler $ent, and by "ames Henry 1llen, who
identified psora with the religious idea of original sin, which was in turn reKected by C. Hering.
$ent did not admit as a psora cause the invasion of the body by an unbalancing energy
of the iologic ?nergy, as Hahnemann taught, but attributed its origin to mans fundamental
error, original sin! which would produce a susceptibility to become ill.
For $ent, without original sin, susceptibility to psora would not have e-isted.
/ong "efore the ;lood, which destroyed the evil men that were on the Carths surface
at that time, there already was a manifestation called leprosy, which was the result of a terri"le
profanation that took place in that period#
8any people suffered then that violent aura of leprosy, whereas in the natural order of
the human race of today it is a milder form of psora on a race of different people!
If the human race had remained in a state of perfect order, psora would not have "een
a"le to e'ist#
Suscepti"ility to psora* goes "ack to the first error of the human race!#
There must have "een some illness previous to this state which we recogni:e as the
chronic miasma of psora# L#o understand itM we shall have to accept the 3ord of Aod as
something historic* It is not wrong to reason in this manner and I hope that you will accept it,
not only as history, "ut also as a divine revelation#!
'he realm it spans Lpsoric receptivityM is really extense, as it goes back to the
fundamental error of man* original sin, a true primary disease of our race7 I understand that
the disease thus created, as a primary state, from which all races have engendered what we
may call psoric receptivity, which has set the "asis for all other diseases#!
#he reason by which $ent was a mental prescriber shunning the physical symptoms,
even if they were peculiar or characteristic, lies in the fact he placed the cause of diseases in the
mental sphere.
When attriuting the primitive error to the human race as the origin o! $sora= and
as it is in the "ind %here the fundamental error of man, sin is conceived and orn= there
did not e>ist !or 8ent= "ore i"$ortant sy"$to"s than the "ental= even though they %ere
not characteristic or $eculiar.
#he merging of medicine with religion, which Hippocrates had separated 2,6GG years
previously, is even more evident in "ames Henry 1llen, as the more alien to the doctrine of
%. Handley, *Bn search of the later Hahnemann, U$, ?d. eaconsfield, 1IIF, page 6E.
". $ent. *Filosof:a homeopAtica,. uenos 1ires. ?d. 1lbatros, 2esson WBW.
op. cit. 2esson W9BBB.
op. cit. 2esson WBW
$ent, *2a ciencia y el arte de la homeopat:a, 3uoted by @. @emar3ue in *Homeopat:a, .edicina de la
e-periencia,, .e-ico, ?d. /ropulsora de la Homeopat:a, 1IEF, page 22I.

Truly psora is the first manifestation of original sin, of the first damnation!#
* we see in sin the father of all chronic miasmas, "esides "eing the father of the
* 3hen we suppress a mi'ed miasma as psora and sycosis, what can we e'pect *E ###
here are the two processes of sin, the sin of diso"edience, and the sin of lust!#
All these conce$ts %ere never e>$ressed y Hahne"ann= there!ore they are
co"$letely alien to Ho"eo$athy.
One last con!usion. Psora.
". Henry 1llen also added another confusion, maybe the most serious, as it is
widespread, when at the onset of the WWth century he disputed the concept of chronic miasma,
as Hahnemann had announced, especially the psoric.
1n astounding large retinue of followers adopted as valid his hypothesis throughout the
remaining century, detracting from HahnemannJs concepts which they said were disseminating.
7n an o$$osite sense to the destructive character Hahne"ann had attriuted to
$sora as the cause o! 3.M o! all chronic diseases and their ravages= N. Henry Allen and his
!ollo%ers considered it as a "ias"a o! !unctional character= non organic= only inhiitory= a
$erturation y de!ect or de!iciency.
3hat is pathologic in any marked degree, rarely or never comes from psoric miasma,
it is more of a functional disorgani:er!#
<revious to anything else we must repeat the rule9 psora "y itself does not give any
change to structure and another miasma must "e present to o"tain a change in structure or
shape, of a part or of an organ#!
The @unda"ental Disease o! hu"anityH the "ost destructive= the "ost
"ulti!acetedO to which the name Hydra, B the mythologic monster of several heads @ is "est
applied= as described by Hahnemann in *Chronic @iseases,= %as !or N. Henry Allen a si"$le
tendency to unalance= instead o! eing the unalance A$er seB= a "ere non destructive
inhiition or a functional disorder according to his %ords.
@espite ". Henry 1llenJs ideas, the creator o! ho"eo$athy had $recisely Juali!ied
$sora as a "ias"a illness K most destructive and & much less understood.
.oreover, till the end of his life =1E76> Hahnemann affirmed that from the beginnings
of written history which he placed in biblical times, hu"anity su!!ers in an ))M $sora
Aexclusively= and that the re"aining 2-M= diseases are a conseJuence o! sy$hilis= sycosis
or their co"inations.
+even eighths P))MQ of all chronic maladies sprout exclusively from it P$soraQ
whereas the remaining eighth P2-MQ comes from syphilis and sycosis, or a combination of
two of these three miasma ,hronic diseases, or what is rare, from the complication of the
". Henry 1llen, *2os miasmas crHnicos. /sora y /seudopsora,. uenos 1ires, ?d. 1lbatros, 1IEC,
pages 6G, 76 and 16G.
". Henry 1llen, *2os miasmas crHnicos. /sora y /seudopsora,. uenos 1ires, ?d. 1lbatros, 1IEC, page
op. cit. page 2C2.
S. Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 72.
op. cit., pages 7IDCG
.erely )G years later, ". Henry 1llen postulated that ).M o! hu"anity su!!ers !ro"
$seudo$sora= or a co"ination o! sycosis and $sora.
Today psoric miasma is found in a high degree merged with sycosis, surely 4FG *!
This clearly $roves that N. Henry Allen5s $sora is nothing li&e Hahne"ann5s $sora.
ut Hahnemann anticipated the tergiversation of his conepts which ". H. 1llen and his
followers would later carry out, when he affirmed0
-sora is the miasma illness which is the oldest, more spread out, more destructive
and yet the least understood.
+ne must not forget that premonition the creator of Homeopathy announced in
*Chronic @iseases,0
'hese pure and large truths will be disputed for years and even by homeopathic
doctors and shall not "e put into practice due to theoretical speculations, and prevailing
@ue to all the previous confusions, especially those involving psora, chaos is rampant
and to clarify this fundamental Homeopathy doctrine, it is indispensable to go to the source.
7"$ortance o! anti$sorics.
Those who merely study and treat the effects of an illness, are like persons who
imagine they can send winter away "y sweeping the snow from the doorBstep!#
It is not the snow that causes winter, "ut winter is the cause of snow#! 6e vidi"us
mem"rorum! /aracelsus.
%eturning to the founder of Homeopathy, during 11 or 12 years previous to 1E2E he
investigated the reason for failure of the maKority of treatments for Chronic @iseases.
3hich was the reason for failure in attaining lasting health in thousands of intents
carried out to cure illness of chronic natureE!
To find the reason for which all medicines found "y Homeopathy failed when
intending to a real cure of those diseases *# was a task of utmost importance in which I strove
constantly from $4$0 and $4$2, till the Aiver of all good allowed me to gradually solve such a
su"lime pro"lem thanks to incessant thinking, infatiga"le investigation, unpre.udiced
o"servations and more accurate e'periments, all with the o".ect of the well"eing of mankind!.
Hahnemann employed many years of his life searching the nature and cure of Chronic
I a"stain from relating through how many e'acting efforts * I had to pass to achieve,
finally, after eleven years, to cope with that great omission that hampered the filling of the gap
in the edifice of homeopathic healing art9 the cure of the countless 5hronic 6iseases O,
He discovered that the a$$arently inde$endent and autono"ous chronic diseases
=e-cluding venereals>, %ere only $arts or !rag"ents o! a sole !unda"ental "alignancy
%hich he called Psora =&reekR to scratch>.
". Henry 1llen, *2os miasmas crHnicos. /sora y /seudopsora,. uenos 1ires, ?d. 1lbatros, 1IEC, page
S. Hahnemann, op. cit. page 72.
S. Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, pages 62 to 67.
S. Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 2G7.
.efore reaching this understanding $ could only teach how to treat all chronic
diseases, as if they were isolated maladies, individualKB
Hahnemann reached the concept of a sole chronic disease =e-cluding venereals> when
he verified0
4 As only one Biologic Energy e>ists= and it "aintains the ody as a unit= its
unalance is also a sole !unda"ental "alignancy= even though it dis$lays y !rag"ents.
4 That very di!!erent sy"$to"s that "a&e u$ a$$arently inde$endent and di!!erent
diseases= and are cured y a single "edicine= $roves they !or" a unit.
4 That %ithin the grou$ o! $resent sy"$to"s in each one o! Chronic Diseases= there
al%ays lie others that allo% the recognition o! an essential character o! $sora.
Psora is characteri?ed y several symptoms that are common to it= that is= they
re$eat in each one o! those grou$s= identi!ying thus The ;ole @unda"ental Disease.
4 That Chronic Diseases Enon venerealF= %hich "ista&enly "ay e ta&en as
inde$endent diseases= "ay dis$lay at the end o! their cure a $ruriginous eru$tion= the
sa"e one !or all o! the"= and eJual to that %hich a$$eared at the onset o! each one o!
the" Ee>ce$ting inherited $soraF= indicating they are only !rag"ents o! a sole
@unda"ental Malignancy as cure reruns sy"$to"s in the o$$osite sense to their
4 That !or a stale cure= esides the si"ilar anti"ias"a "edicine= the "ias"a
ac&ground "ust e treated= the $sora A$er seB= %hich is carried out %ith a single
"edicineH ;ul$hur= as is $ro$er !or that single disease.
& miasma 5hronic 6iseases, as affirmed, always remain invariable in their essential
character, particularly psoraO,
### psora, the fundamental illness of many chronic maladies, every one of them seem to
"e essentially different from the others, which does not conform to reality, as may easily "e
noticed in the coincidence of several symptoms that are shared and which appear as the
disease runs its course, and also "y the fact that the same medicine cures all manifestations.
#he doctrine of the single illness or psora, let Hahnemann discover the e-istence of
medicines with power to cure it, or anti$sorics, and others without that power, or a$sorics.
He considered as anti$sorics medicines with the following properties0
N That their action e o! long or "ediu" duration, thus they indicate their deep
activity. 4ever those of brief activity.
N That e>$eri"entally they $roduce a ty$ical $soric eru$tion= there!ore they can
cure it= or that clinically they have cured it.
N That they "ani!est in their activity several symptoms they share and that they
Aremain invariable in their essential characterB
= y %hich their $soric character "ay e
recogni?ed and which Hahnemann detailed in a very e-tense list at the end of the first part of
*Chronic @iseases,.
%elating the dates of e-perimentation of each medicine with its a$soric or anti$soric
character, show that in 62 years before the /sora @octrine =1FI)N1E2E> he studied E6 medicines,
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )
edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, note to paragraph EG.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )
edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 1G6.
S, Hahnemann *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 71.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 1G6.
S. Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 12C.
of which 21 =2C_> were anti$soric, whereas the remaining FC_ were a$soric, as they lacked
the power to cure psora.
The !act that 0+M o! "edicines %ere a$soric e>$lains Hahne"ann5s !ailure to cure
Chronic Diseases= e!ore $ro"ulgating the Psora Doctrine in 2)-).
Bn the 1C years following this doctrine, he studied 2E new medicines, of which 2) were
anti$soric, that is I6_, he then could cure Chronic @iseases.
He reached success from 1E2E on orienting his search for medicines with psoric depth,
especially minerals, such as0 1lumina, aryta Carbonica, ora-, Calcarea Carbonica, &raphites,
$ali Carbonicum, 4atrum Carbonicum, 4atrum .uriaticum, 4itric 1cidum, /etroleum,
/hosphorus, ;incum, and others.
Hahnemann included .ercurius even though the fundamental antisyphilis may
occasionally act as an anti$soric, according to his tests.
O *O the other already tested homeopathic remedies not e'cepting 8ercurius cannot "e
e'cluded in certain states "elonging to psoric diseases.
#he following list, published in *Chronic @iseases,, contains the 7F medicines
considered by Hahnemann till that time as antipsoric0
1garicus Z 1lumina N 1mmonium Carbonicum N 1mmonium .uriaticum Z 1nacardium N
1ntimonium Crudum Z 1rsenicum Z 1urum Z aryta Carbonicum Z ora- Z Calcarea
Carbonica Z Carbo 9egetabilis Z Carbo 1nimalis Z Causticum Z Clematis Z Colocynthis Z
Conium Z Cuprum Z @igitalis Z @ulcamara Z ?uphorbium Z &raphites Z &uaiacum Z Hepar
Sulphur Z Bodum Z $ali Carbonicum Z 2ycopodium Z .agnesia Carbonica Z .agnesia
.uriatica N .anganum Z .e'ereum Z .uriatic 1cidum Z 4atrum Carbonicum Z 4atrum
.uriaticum Z 4itri 1cidum Z 4itrum o $ali 4itricum Z /etroleum Z /hosphorus Z
/hosphoricum 1cidum Z /latina Z Sar'aparrilla Z Sepia Z Silicea Z Stannum Z Sulphur N
Sulphuricum 1cidum Z ;incum.
+ther medicines must be added to these, especially minerals, tested later, as0
1rgentum 4itricum N $ali ichromicum N $ali Sulphuricum N 4atrum Sulphuricum N Calcarea
/hosphorica Z .agnesia /hosphorica, and several more.
At $resent "any ho"eo$aths e"$loy a$sorics and anti$sorics indiscri"inately to
treat non venereal Chronic Diseases= Juali!ying %ithout any asis al"ost all "edicines as
#hey face likewise the same snags in curing as Hahnemann faced before the discovery
of the /sora @octrine, which he considered *O invaluable discovery whose value for
humanity exceeds all $ had ever discovered&
1 chronic disease may not be cured with /ulsatilla or 4u- 9omica, for e-ample, as
with a$sorics the symptomatic picture it presents is only changed and deformed, but not cured,
though such remedies may do so in the case of acute diseases.
& the other medicines LapsoricM 1 even though chosen according to the most strict
similarity of symptoms 1 in no way give lasting and complete cures in cases of ,hronic
2iseases, as those recogni:ed as antipsorics do, when chosen with the same homeopathic
criteria, "ecause the latter @ as different to the former @ adapt to the infinite variety of
symptoms of psoras great malignancy#
%ima Handley, *Bn search of the later Hahnemann,, U$, ?d. eaconsfield, 1IIF, Chapter 9 =see list of
medicines and their e-perimentation dates>.
S. Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicasb,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 2F2.
S. Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 1)C.
#his miasmatic concept has an enormous practical importance, for, when the
homeopath doctor faces a case of psora, in the daily routine of treating Chronic @iseases, he
must, at one time of treatment, hand out a miasmatic prescription, indicating psoraJs
fundamental antimiasmatic0 Sulphur, or if the symptoms so point out0 Hepar Sulphur.
)mong antipsorics I prefer giving Hepar Sulphur calcarea * in dilution DF I have
found it is a valua"le addition to antipsoric treatment, and is superior to sulphur in some
aspects# I let it "e inhaled moderately once through "oth nostrils conveyed in a glo"ule
saturated with Hepar Sulphur, every 4 to $, days, and were it necessary repeated two of three
1 long clinical practice proves that psoric Chronic @iseases only cure with anti$sorics,
as solely with these those cures are stable and lasting!#
Bn general, a single antipsoric is not sufficient to cure psora, and the employment of
several in succession are needed.
)ll psoric diathesis LactiveM * very rarely will "e cured "y only one antipsoric, and on
the contrary will re1uire the employing of several of their remedies @ and in cases of ma.or
severeness, the use of many of them @ one following the other#!
To achieve cure of non venereal 5hronic 6iseases, that commonly stem from psora, it
is fre1uently re1uired to administer several antipsoric remedies in succession, and each one of
them "e chosen homeopathically and in agreement to the group of symptoms that have
remained once the activity of the previous remedy has "een completed#!
Mias"atic $rescri$tion.
From the discovery of psoraJs chronic miasma in 1E2E, and based on recogni'ing *the essential
character of psora,
, HahnemannJs prime goal was the search of a method which enabled him
to cure that psoric background underlying all non venereal chronic diseases.
@uring the period 1E2ED1E6C, while living in $!then, he e-perimented prescribing
Sulphur or Hepar Sulphur during or at the end of a series of antipsoric remedies to treat that
essential disorder %ithout %hich cure lac&s $er"anence, and considered *indispensa"le, to
treat that root to stop it from spawning pathologies.
Bf psora is the basis of all non venereal chronic diseases, the logical conse3uence is to
treat that basis beyond the employment of antipsoric remedies chosen by their characteristic
Since he started living in /aris =1E6C>, and probably before, he decided to invert his
strategy and fre3uently opened the case with Sulphur, to remove the underlying psoric miasma,
and later treated the remaining symptoms with the *simillimum,0
&ow he opens the ma.ority of his chronic cases with Sulphur, chosen without
considering the characteristic symptoms which previously he deemed important, presuma"ly to
start the case "y prescri"ing for the underlying psoric miasma * he "ecame a miasmatic
prescri"er# 5learly he intended to treat the psoric miasma "efore "eginning treatment for the
more individuali:ed symptoms!#
Bf prescribing an antipsoric, Hahnemann treated psora in the form of displays, by
prescribing Sulphur he treated psora in itself, beyond its forms.
2etter to his favourite pupil Clemens van !nninghausen, from $!then, .arch I, 1E66 Z %. Haehl, S.
Hahnemann his life and work, 9ol BB, supplement 12G, 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain, 1II2 page 2CG.
S, Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a 1IIG, pages 2G2D2G6.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 1F1.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 1G6.
%ima Handley. *Bn search of the later Hahnemann, U.$. ?d. eaconsfield, 1IIF, pages 7G and 7).
From then on, HahnemannJs 3uest was to treat the cause o! diseases "ore than the
diseases the"selves that is %hy he $rescried !or "ias"a "ore than !or the disease.
Closing this chapter it must be iterated the astounding and generali'ed acceptance of the
tergiversation brought by ". Henry 1llen to the Hahnemannian concept of psora he said to
uphold, subKected homeopathy to enormous harm.
For Hahnemann, psora is the most destructive! of miasmas, the fundamental disease
of mankind!, in ". Henry 1llenJs concept, psora was reduced to a mere functional
#he doctrine of psora which the founder of homeopathy considered invaluable
discovery whose value for mankind surpasses all that $ ever discovered and without which all
present homeopathy would remain incomplete or imperfect has remained unfortunately not
only depreciated but also void of content and unusable.
+ne must only read HahnemannJs and ". Henry 1llenJs notion of psora to understand
they have nothing in common in their conception nor in their therapeutic implications.
ut, besides these statements, the Hahnemannian doctrine of the fundamental
miasmatic disease, the oldest, the most widespread, the most destructive and yet the least
understood, displays its own truth when it is put into practice.
-. 4 2)-3. Discovery o! Ne% 6outes !or Ad"inistering MedicinesH 7nhalatory and
6iscovery consists in seeing what every"ody has seen and thinking what no"ody
1lbert S'ent &y!rgi von 4agyrapolt, 4obel pri'e in Chemistry, 1I6F
The inhalatory route
+ne has always opted to use the word *inhalation, and not *olfaction,, as the aspiration
with a medicinal purpose is e-pressed by the former as currently defined by the better known
#he first mention of inhalation as a medicinal entering route belongs to /aracelsus, who
recommended it in cases of patients unable to swallow, as in apople-y and epilepsy.
Bn *+rganon,Js 7
edition =1E2I>, homeopathyJs founder started to promote the
inhalatory route, though he had tried it since 1EGC as he wrote in *.edicine of ?-perience,, and
he did not abandon that route till the end of his life according to the last case histories in /aris.
He indicated to inhale deeply once by each nostril.
He started from the hypothesis that a globule impregnated with the dynami'ed remedy
would emit continually (perpetually!) a medicinal atmosphere as a radiant energy capable of
being retained in a flask, which by inhalation, could emit its curative power to the ill.
* as an e'halation or emanation proceeding from these "odies LglobulesM*,
#o his ama'ement, he not only confirmed his suspiction, but discovered that inhalating
it= the "edicinal action %as o! a notale curative ca$acity and also had a Juality o!
"ildness and tolerance su$erior to the oral route, only way in current use till before these
%. ?. @udgeon, *2ectures on the theory and practice of homeopathy, 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain, 2GG2
2esson B, page 1).
S. Hahnemann, *#he lesser writings of S. Hahnemann,. %emarks on the e-treme attenuation of
homeopathic medicines, 4ew @elhi, ?d. "ain 1IIG, page F)).
He oserved that using the inhalatory route= the aggravations %ere "uch "ilder
than %hen using the oral route.
He was ama'ed to prove that the gentleness that the inhalatory route confers the
medicinal activity does not decrease its depth, that is its capacity to cure.
7nhalation o! the gloule in a dry "ediu".
If an idea doesnHt seem a"surd from the onset, there is little hope for it#!
1lbert ?instein
Bn 1E66 Hahnemann affirmed0
Homeopathic medicines have a surer and stronger effect as a vapour when the patient
inhales it from glo"ules impregnated with medicinal fluid, kept dry in a flask!#
*O this inhalation performs its medicinal power in the same degree of intensity as oral
doses, and even produces a milder effect and during the same time#,
Bn the same year, in a note to paragraph 2EE of the C
edition of *+rganon, =1E66>, his
enthusiastic words were0
It is especially in the form of vapour "y olfaction and inhalation of the medicinal aura
that always emanates from the impregnated glo"ule with the medicinal fluid of high
dynami:ation, and kept dry in a small flask, that homeopathic remedies act in a more accurate
manner and with utmost power*!
*LinhalationM produces its curative influence on the vital force in the mildest yet
powerful manner, and it is prefera"le to all other ways of administering the remedy per os *!
$ am convinced 5something $ would have never believed before6 that by inhalation,
the power of the medicine on the patient is at least of the same degree in intensity as when the
dose of medicine is taken orally.
1ura, according to dictionaries, means0 halitus, breath, bree'e Lmedicinal atmosphere
detached from the globuleM.
Bn 1E62, that is, a year previously, Hahnemann had abandoned the use of Single @oses
when he discovered that .ultiple @oses shortened the cure, a method he also used with
inhalations of a globule kept in a dry medium,.
7nhalation o! the gloule in a solution
Bn 1E67, Hahnemann discovered that the dilution of the globule in *a large amount of
water! makes its activity *much more powerful,, which was written in the /reface to the 2
edition to volume 6 of *Chronic @iseases,, published in 1E6E.
2ater, he also ratified this concept in paragraph 2F2 of the )
edition of *+rganon,0
7 globule & diluted in a large amount of water and well shaken before each intake
becomes a much more powerful medicine &
C. !nninghausen, *%epertory of Homeopathic %emedies,, 1E66, /reface by S. Hahnemann.
%. Haehl. *S. Hahnemann, his life and work., 4ew @elhi, ?d. "ain, 1II2, 9ol. BB, supplement 226,
pages 726D727, 3uote from paragraph 2EE of *+rganon,, C
edition =1E66>.
C. !nninghausen, *%epertory of 1ntipsoric %emedies,, 1E62, /reface by S. Hahnemann
He veri!ied that the at"os$here that surrounds the dry gloule %hen inhaled is
curative= as is the at"os$here that is %a!ted !ro" the sha&en !luid in %hich the gloule
had een diluted.
1s he did for the oral route, he employed .ultiple @oses for this medicinal method,
diluting the remedy in a *large amount of water and well shaken,, previous to every inhalation
to vary the degree of power!, which makes for a better tolerance0
If in the treatment only a small phial of say one drachma of diluted alcohol were used,
and which contained one glo"ule of medicine diluted "y succussions to "e inhaled every two,
three of four days, that phial must also "e well shaken eight to ten times "efore each
The $ercutaneous route
Bn the 7
edition of *+rganon,, 1E2I, Hahnemann promoted the use of the percutaneous
route by rubbing which he had tried since 1EGC, as he wrote in *.edicine of ?-perience,, from
which he pointed out its virtues in *Chronic @iseases,0
* its curative effect is greatly increased!#
* may cure much faster *!
* has shown e'traordinary curative activity!
1nd some years later0
* may lead to the e'tinction of very old diseases *!
So, in the last *+rganon,, he advised this route using it simultaneously with the
administration *per os,, giving one half of the dose of the medicine orally in a solution, and the
other half percutaneously by rubbing.
1nd lastly Hahnemann warned that the skin which the remedy is to be rubbed on, must
be healthy, as the method is a way of entry, and not a local treatment.
The o"itted routes
*That ha"it so often tested should not force you Lto walkM on that path!#
(arning by a goddess to /armenides =not let oneself be van3uished by the force of
Unfortunately, like all of HahnemannJs discoveries in the last 1C years of his life
=1E2ED1E76>, the Bnhalatory %oute as the /ercutaneous %oute by rubbing, are not habitually used
by the present homeopathic world, as they were not used by the great homeopaths of the second
half of the 1I
century, and their scope and advantages have not been e-plored.
4evertheless, in these routes of medicinal entry and in other facts which will be put
forth, the clues to the art of prescribing which solve the fre3uent, non curative and at times
severe medicinal aggravations, lie ignored.
1lso, in these routes lies the secret to $ut into $ractice continual treat"ent o!
Chronic Diseases !or years= which allow them to be subKected to the remedyJs activity in a
permanent, prolonged and undecreasing manner.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 27E.
S. Hahnemann, *Chronic @isseases,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 2I).
S. Hahnemann *+rganon,, )th edition, , .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 2EC.
The inhalatory route= $articularly that o! the dry gloule= has the Juality o!
"ildness and is %ell tolerated= Jualities not e>tant in any other route= and %ithout losing
its dyna"is".
+n the other hand, the Juality o! de$th= ale to treat the "ost entrenched diseases=
only elongs to the $ercutaneous route= %hen it is e"$loyed as an only route= %ithout the
si"ultaneous use o! the oral route.
Bt behooves to incorporate these methods to avoid fre3uent aggravations in current
practice in which through an e-cess of stimulus many treatments come to naught.
9a% o! Oversti"ulation
Bn paragraph 2F) of the )
edition of *+rganon,, Hahnemann warned of the dangers of
* a medicine * would harm with each too "ig a dose * more so, the larger its
homeopathicity and the higher its potency!
and a little later0
Too large doses of a well chosen homeopathic medicine, and especially if repeated
fre1uently, as a rule create many pro"lems# In not few instances, the patients life is put at a
risk, or turn almost incura"le his illness9 certainly they e'tinguish the natural illness as the
sensitivity of the vital principle has "een affected and the patient does not suffer from the
original illness from the moment a too high a dose of the homeopathic medicine had dealt with
it, "ut he "ecomes sicker on account of the similar medicinal illness, but more violent, which is
more difficult to e'tinguish (enhanced in the original)#
1s a result from HahnemannJs assertion, and the daily verification homeopathic doctors
perceive in their clinical practice, a 2aw of +verstimulation may be e-pressed in the following
AThe "ore e>cessive the sti"ulus the si"ilar re"edy $roduces on Biologic Energy=
the less curative is its action and vice versaB.
Countless ti"es= %hen the $atient co"$lains and saysH $ am worse= ho"eo$athic
doctors have sus$ended the "edicines as they attriute the aggravation o! sy"$to"s to an
error o! choice= %hen it is a conseJuence o! oversti"ulation y a %ell chosen "edica"ent.
Bt is due to this law that forgotten medicinal entry routes, especially the inhalatory route,
crop up as valuable curative means to obtain mild stimuli better tolerated, therefore more
*. / 2)*-. Multi$le Doses. Aandons ;ingle Dose.
From the 2
edition of *+rganon, =1E1I> to 1E61 included, Hahnemann currently
prescribed the remedy in ;ingle Doses.
1fter having indicated a single dose, he waited during 7G, )G or 1GG days till its effect
petered out and symptoms reappeared, not giving any dose during waiting time.
Bf the returning symptoms continued indicating the same remedy, he then repeated it.
Bf, on the contrary, they pointed to another remedy, he administered the new one
repeating afterwards the previous waiting.
ut he was not really satisfied with this method, because0
- in the "ost severe and oldest diseases= he could not reach the necessary de$th to
achieve the cure.
- the cases he did get to cure a!ter a very long treat"ent too& "any years.
#herefore, Hahne"ann decided to give his conce$t o! ;ingle Doses a radical
change= as the preface he wrote for !nninghausenJs book *%epertory of antipsoric remedies,
1E62, shows0
I am not ashamed to confess of not knowing yesterday, what e'perience could teach
me today#!
I am not ashamed of "eing a"le to pu"lish now an a'iom I was not very sure of when
pu"lishing the ,
edition of =rganon! L1E2IM which, confirmed "y repeated e'periments and
e'periences since then, I can now communicate to the medical world, more completely, and
more definitely, to wit9
that9 it is not necessary as affirmed in paragraphs (,( and following, to administer on
each occasion only =&C dose of the remedy in (acute) and chronic diseases and allow for their
effect "efore giving another remedy#
=n the contrary, it is always necessary and of a great "enefit to administer more of the
same remedy, "efore employing another one! =underlined in the original>.
1 little later, in the 2
edition of *Chronic @iseases, published between 1E6C and 1E6I,
he ratified the new concept, and considered indispensable to e"$loy "ulti$le doses to cure
chronic diseases.
Multi$le Doses di!!er !ro" ;ingle DosesO in the !or"er= doses are re$eated %ithout
%aiting !or the sy"$to"s to rea$$ear= an indis$ensale reJuisite !or the latter.
?mploying .ultiple @oses, Hahnemann was faced with the problem that they produced
fre3uent aggravations, even when administered dry, an inconvenience he admitted in the C
edition of *+rganon, =1E66>.
1s a conse3uence he indicated to interpose after every two or three doses of the remedy,
another medicine related to it. For e-ample, in a treatment with Sulphur he interposed Hepar
1nd if in spite of this aggravations cropped up, he counteracted with the remedy
corresponding to the symptoms present.
#his method, that still produced fre3uent aggravations, he modified one year later, as he
was able to resolve them administering the remedy diluted in a large amount of water, and
well shaken "efore each intake* to increase its degree of potency!#
Bn short, Hahnemann searched to0
4 ;uCect the illness to a continual and non decreasing activity o! the "edicinal
4 7n this "anner= th%art the return o! sy"$to"s= %hich "eans that the illness loo"s
in a si"ilar state it %as e!ore the $receding dose.
Multi$le Doses can be omitted when a vigorous iologic ?nergy e-ists, in a not serious
and recent chronic disease, as its cure may be achieved through a ;ingle Dose, though in the
great maKority of cases these circumstances are rare.
7t is note%orthy that !ro" 2)*- and to the end o! his li!e 22 years later=
Hahne"ann aandoned ;ingle Doses in !avor o! Multi$le Doses= achieving cure in cases
$reviously incurale= and in a shorter ti"e.
1. / 2)**. Tests and reCects 8orsa&ov5s "ethod.
Bn 1E2I general Simeon $orsakov, %ussian state adviser, wrote Hahnemann a letter
asking him to consider a modification to the method of preparing the Centesimal scale.
#he norms on dilutions for that scale, established by HomeopathyJs creator, briefly
indicate0 take one drop from the preceding flask and dilute it in II drops of alcoholi'ed water in
the ne-t flask, repeating in "ulti$le !las&s this procedure successively 6G times.

#o avoid using a large amount of flasks, corks and alcohol this procedure employed,
$orsakov estimated that a single !las& could be used, which was emptied after achieving each
potency and as he considered that the e3uivalent of one drop remained on its walls, he added
afterwards II drops of alcoholi'ed water.
esides simplifying the preparation, this system allowed achieving the goal many
homeopaths of that time proposed0 to reach high dynami'ations, manually as by dynami'ing
1t the beginning, Hahnemann seemed to approve this modification, as he states in a
letter to his pupil ". ?. Stapf0
* the procedure * descri"ed "y mister >orsakov is very sensi"le * allows a fidelity
and a certainty of the ensuing dilutions, therefore there is nothing to reproach it9 it makes the
operations enormously easier!#
Surprisingly, after this approval and after four years of tests with the new procedure,
Hahnemann made no mention of it when he described the Centesimal scale in the C
edition of
*+rganon, =1E66>.
4either did he refer to the proposed method in the 2
edition of *Chronic @iseases,,
two years later. =1E6CDI>.
1E66 may be considered as the year Hahnemann abandoned tests with the single flask
system, whose evaluation he began in 1E2I.
This silence %as surely due to his dissatis!action %ith 8orsa&ov5s "ethod o! the
single !las&= as he "ust have veri!ied erratic clinical results= %hich today= a!ter tests in the
Curie 7nstitute o! Paris= %ith radioactive "ar&ers= are attriuted to its irregular
deconcentration= as o$$osed to the regularity o! Hahne"ann5s "ethod o! "ulti$le !las&s.
#his irregular deconcentration is made evident in a higher degree when dynami'ations
are higher.
2ater on Hahne"ann gave his ans%er to the need o! reaching high dyna"i?ations
%ithout 8orsa&ov5s single !las& "ethod= creating the Millesi"al scale %hich $roduces
"edicines %ith regular deconcentration= o! uni!or" results and %hose clinical res$onses
are co"$arale a"ong the"selves.
1t the end of 1E7G, Hahnemann began to use this new scale, which he detailed in the )
edition of *+rganon,, finished in 1E72, though unfortunately only published in 1I21, after a
delay of FI years.
S. Hahnemann, letter to his friend ". ?. Staph, 3uoted by @. @emar3ue, *#5cnicas HomeopAticas,,
uenos 1ires, ?diciones .aracel, 1IE1, pages 1GEDI.
This delay and the easiness that 8orsa&ov5s "ethod o!!ered !or the use o!
dyna"i?ing "achines= ent Ho"eo$athy5s course to a $oint o! a very di!!icult return, as
will be e-plained further on.
+. 4 2)*1. The re"edy in solution %ith an increase o! degree of potency. Aandons
the re"edy in a dry "ediu".
1round 1E67, Hahnemann made eight very important advances in the search for a
greater depth of medicinal activity to treat chronic diseases.
His thera$eutic ideal %as to ad"inister "edicine in the "ost continuous "anner
$ossile= !or %hich= since 2)*-= he e"$loyed Multi$le Doses.
ut when treating during long spans of time, employing the globule diluted in a large
amount of water, he faced the drawback that it ruined after a few days.
Sometime later, adding alcohol, he obtained a medicine in an incorruptible solution,
being able then to dissolve the globule in as many tablespoons of alcoholi'ed water as he later
were to administer0 up to 7G, and more at times.
He indicated to ingest it daily, sometimes every other day, for 7G or more days.
This $re$aration %as not si"ilar to the si"$le re"edy in a solution he e"$loyed
y dro$s since the eginning o! ho"eo$athy= e!ore discovering the i"$regnation o!
gloules= as no% he indicated it to e dissolved in a large amount of waterB.
4evertheless, he verified that .ultiple @oses employing the globule thus diluted,
- #hat in successive intakes the beneficial effect of the first became annulled.
- #hat the symptoms it tried to cure increased.
- #hat new symptoms produced by the medicine and not belonging to the patient,
cropped up.
He therefore endeavored to avoid these aggravations.
Bn the preface of the 2
edition of the #hird volume of *Chronic @iseases,, written in
1E67 and published in 1E6E, he announced the discovery of dissolving the globule in a large
amount of water and shaking it well before every intake, aggravations almost were not
produced when given in .ultiple @oses, if the intervals between them were the proper ones.
y adding shakings to the higher dilution already achieved, Hahnemann simply
prolonged the preparation of the remedy, so that to this procedure consisting in adding higher
deconcentration and more friction previous to each dose he called renewing potency of the
medicinal solution!#
He concluded that as iologic ?nergy receives medicines in different degrees of
dilution and friction, it can react without aggravations, as these happen when the medicine does
not vary its degree of dynami'ation.
* with this precaution9 that the degree Lof potencyM of each dose vary somewhat
from the preceding dose and also vary in degree to the next one, so that the vital principle that
will "e altered "y a similar medicinal illness not "e e'cited towards unfavora"le and violent
reactions, as always happens when doses are 1uickly repeated without any variation#
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 27) Z Underlined in the
esides avoiding aggravations, increasing dynami'ation before each intake, he also
verified that the diluted re"edy in a large amount of water! is & much more powerful
than %hen used in a dry "ediu", so that this way of preparing became a very important tool
to treat chronic diseases.
*8ne dry globule of these= put on the tongue is the minimum dose for a recent and
moderate illness# In this case the medicine touches few nerves# But another one, the same as
the former, crushed with milk sugar, diluted in a large amount of water and shaken well
before each intake, becomes a much more powerful medicament, in condition to "e used for
several days# Cach dose, however small it may "e, will affect many nerves#!
%eferring to the crushed globule with milk sugar he indicates the following procedure0 a
globule is crushed over a certain amount of milk sugar so as to obtain a volume of powder
which can be handled better than the powder volume of only one globule.
With this "ethod %hich he called increase of degree of potency, he avoided
sy"$to"atic e>acerations that $roduced re$etitions %ithout increasing the degree=
"a&ing $ossile a good tolerance to Multi$le Doses throughout ti"e and achieving a !aster
HahnemannJs concept of the increase of degree of potency that was previously referred
to means an increase in dynami'ation given to that potency, but not reaching the ne-t one. For
e-ample, a globule of 1C HC potency *diluted in a large amount of water and well shaken
previous to every intake! after being submitted to this procedure, has a higher dynamism than
what that potency had, but not reaching 1) HC.
@ue to new discoveries, Hahnemann achieved his ideal of Continuous #reatment for
months, thus increasing in the medicine the surprising change of nature, till now unknown in
the development of dynamic energy of the medicinal su"stance! according to his writings =7
edition of *+rganon,>.
Summing up, with the improvements he could0
N Otain a more powerful remedy than when used in a dry medium, when diluted in a
large amount of water!#
N Achieve an incorruptible solutionB of the diluted globule by adding alcohol.
N Avoid aggravations produced by only diluting the globule in a large amount of
water!, by adding more shakings before every intake, which he called renewing
potency of the medicinal solution!, being able thus of increasing the degree of
N E"$loy Multi$le Doses thanks to former advances avoiding the unending routine of
Single @oses in what one must wait for the symptoms to return in order to repeat each
intake, which produces a pendular effect between those symptoms and the remedy.
N Carry out a continuous treat"ent !or "onths if the intervals between doses are
N 6each a !aster cure in the treatment of chronic diseases.
N Easing the a$$earance o! second $lane sy"$to"s.
* a single dose of a homeophathic remedy * will "ring an improvement * within ,F,
-F, 0F or $FF days * it will "e of utmost importance for the patient and the doctor to reduce
this period to half, to a 1uarter and even more, in order to achieve a faster cure!#
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .5-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 2F2.
S Hahnemann. *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 27).
#hese advantages are enormous if the doctor chooses the similar remedy and adapts to
the nature of the clinical picture0
- The chosen scale and $otency.
- The choice o! ad"inistering route.
- The !reJuency in the re$etition o! the dose.
#hese combined factors are the essence of the art of prescribing, and if well chosen
constitute the necessary conditions to achieve the cure of chronic diseases.
Besides= good tolerance to treat"ent given y the increase of degree of potency
$revious to each dose %as $ro!ited y Hahne"ann to increase the "edicinal intensity o!
the Centesi"al scale %hile $re$aring it= a$$lying ten E2.F sha&ings $er $otency instead o!
t%o E-F= %ithout causing sy"$to"atic aggravations that the !or"er rought aout= which
constituted the eighth step forward of those years.
#his increase is evident when considering that friction given by shakings is a
cumulative magnitude.
#hus, in the final potency of this scale it now accumulated 6GG shakings instead of the
previous )G, achieving his purpose of increasing the intensity.
"oining these advances Hahnemann revolutioni'ed homeopathic therapeutics and
opened the possibility of curing many chronic diseases previously considered incurable.
(. / 2)*0,). Continuous treat"ent !or "onths.
From 1E62 Hahnemann intended a continuous treatment, though at the time, after
several intakes he was obliged to suspend them for 6G or 7G days.
To influence with the remedy on the Jital ;orce & in a continuous manner & so
that the curative reaction be continuous.
?arely Lgive the dosesM "efore 2 days * giving the intakes every I, $(, $, days#
)fterwards * let the remedy have its effects , to 0 weeks!#
For Hahnemann, the fre3uency of the repetition of doses had to be higher, if the disease
were more acute and recent, and lower when the disease were chronic and old. #his was a
general rule, dependent on the patientJs reactivity.
(ith the discovery of the good tolerance of .ultiple @oses of the remedy diluted in a
large amount of water and well shaken "efore each intake! he achieved an increase of degree
of potency! and then de!initely acceded to the "ost $o%er!ul tools to vanJuish the oldest
and severest Chronic DiseasesH The Continuous Treat"ent.
The Continuous Treat"ent y "eans o! Multi$le Doses di!!ers !ro" treat"ent
%ith ;ingle Doses in that the !or"er re$eats doses %ithout %aiting !or the rea$$earance o!
sy"$to"s= an indis$ensale reJuisite !or the latter, as was e-plained previously.
#his fundamental tool, habitually ignored in current practice by employing Single
@oses, suCects the disease to a constant activity %ithout declining o! the re"edy= and so
the continuous reaction o! the Biologic Energy there!ore "a&es the curative $rocess e
also continuous= %hich o$ens a ne% thera$eutic %orld.
Bn the note to paragraph 27) of the )
edition of *+rganon,, Hahnemann e-pressed0
C. van !nninghausen, *%epertory of antipsoric remedies,, 1E62. /reface by C. Hahnemann.

3hat I have said in the -
edition of =rganon, in a long note to this paragraph K(,0L
and with the o".ect of preventing those undesira"le reactions of the vital principle, was all my
e'perience allowed at that time#
But for the last four or five years K$4D2MD4L, thanks to a new procedure, I perfected
even more, all those difficulties were completely solved# The same well chosen remedy may be
now repeated daily and for months if it were necessary#
Further on he made clear that potencies must be given in dynami'ations of increasing
(hat follows is the summary of the conditions that "ust e>ist to e ale to carry out
a Continuous Treat"ent o! a Chronic Disease.
a> Conditions relative to the remedy0
N /repare it by 6 hours of trituration in a mortar, reaching the millionth.
N Use HahnemannJs method of multiple flasks of Centesimal or .illesimal scale, and not
the single $orsakovJs flask.
N @o it manually and not with dynami'ing machines, which employ an e-aggerated
amount of succussions per potency, and whose results are not uniform nor comparable, as they
vary according to the design each inventor gave each machine.
N Bn the making, give the remedy 1G shakings per potency for HahnemannJs Centesimal
scale, and 1GG succussions per potency for the .illesimal scale =or Fifty .illesimal>.
b> Conditions relative to treatment0
N #o prescribe especially for the peculiar symptoms, be they physical or mental.
N #o choose e-clusively antipsoric remedies for non venereal Chronic @iseases, which
shall be prescribed in series.
N #o administer only one remedy at a time.
N #o employ one globule, rarely two, the si'e of a poppy seed, diluted in a large amount
of water!, increasing the degree of potency! by E,1G or 12 shakings or succussions previous to
every dose.
N #o employ .ultiple @oses daily or every I, 12, 17 or more days according to the
patientJs sensitivity.
N #o choose the +ral, Bnhalatory or /ercutaneous route, according to the desired depth
and the reactivity of the patient.
N #o employ potencies in increasing dynami'ations.
N For psoric diseases a miasmatic prescription should be made with Sulphur or Hepar
Sulphur, before, during or after treatment with antipsoric remedies.
#hese re3uisites make up HahnemannJs teachings as a result of his latest discoveries
and give shape to the doctrine corpus indispensable to achieve the cure of chronic diseases.
0. / 2)1.. The Millesi"al scale.
1round 1E2ED6G, some homeopaths began the search for high potencies, &. (. &ross,
&. 1. Schreter and S. $orsakov among others, who produced potencies )G, IG, 2GG and even
reached 1CGG.
Hahnemann himself in those times e-perimented with Centesimal potency 2GG of
SulphurR nevertheless, for current use, he asked not to go beyond the boundary of potency 6G
Centesimal, in order that all homeopaths ac3uire their medical practice with remedies made by
only one system, the same for all, so as to be able to interchange clinical e-periences0
I do not approve of your high medicinal dynami:ations (for e'ample "eyond NII and
NN) Lpotencies 6) and )G CentesimalM#
There must "e an end to this, you cannot go to infinite#
8aking this a rule9 that all homeopathic remedies "e attenuated and dynami:ed to N
Lpotency 6G CentesimalM we have a uniform manner of procedure in treatment for all
homeopaths, and when they descri"e a cure we are a"le to repeat it, as they and we work with
the same tools,.
4evertheless, "enichen of (ismar reached potencies 2,CGG, E,GGG and 1),GGG, though
he kept the procedure a secret. 1pparently he employed manually $orsakovJs method, applying
6G shakings per potency.
With these re"edies "ade y "ethods devoid o! any syste" egins the con!usion
in %hich %e are i""ersed related to dyna"i?ation techniJues !or high $otenciesH
$orsakov probably employed a single flask, whereas "enichen= Fincke and Swan kept their
methods a secret.
Bn reference to FinckeJs system, very little is known, as he never revealed it.
1pparently, he used some variation of the illogical procedure of continual flu-ion, which is not
seen here as it is devoid not only of logic but of the most elemental norms that allow it to be
3ualified as a method.
Swan also employed some continual flu-ion procedure. $ent confided Hayes in a letter
=GFN6GN1IG6>, that after personally seeing Swan prepare his remedies, he threw away all those
he had made 3ualifying the procedure as a deceit of the worse kind!.
Besides Hahne"ann !oresa% a ne% cause o! con!usion as he antici$ated the
dangerous conseJuences that dyna"i?ating "achines %ould $roduce= %hen in the
Centesi"al scale y "eans o! the" an e>cess o! succussions %ere a$$lied= and he !oretold
%hat reactions they %ould $roduce= he descried the" as very severe.
But with such a low ratio of the diluting medium respecting the medicine9 $FFM$, if it
were forcibly subjected to many succussions by means of some ade9uate machine it would
develop medicines that, especially in the highest degree of dynamization would act almost
immediately but with a furious and even dangerous violence &
#he furious and even dangerous violence! of the remedy made with dynami'ing
machines, that su".ects it "y force to many succussions! as warned by Hahnemann, was made
evident by the ease that $orsakovJs method offered for the employment of those machines.
Bt must be remembered that the first proKect of a dynami'ing machine was designed by
@r. .esserschmidt, and was published in the *1rchives of Stapf,, 1E67, in HahnemannJs
These grave conseJuences "ay not e understood i! sha&ing= succussion or
@riction are not considered %ith dilution or Deconcentration= as cu"ulative $rocesses =see
*#he cumulative character of friction or shakings,, in the Chapter corresponding to 1E1)>.
1s an e-ample and to point out the truth in HahnemannJs warning0
S. Hahnemann0 *2esser writings of Samuel Hahnemann,. 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain, 1IIG, footnote on
page F)C =letter to @r. Schreter, dated GID12D1E2I>.
@. @emar3ue, *#5cnicas HomeopAticas,, uenos 1ires, 1IE1, ?d. .arecel, page 11I.
S. Hahnemann *+rganon,, )th edition, .5-ico, ?d. /orr8a 1IE7, note to paragraph 2FG.
%. Haehl, *S. Hahnemann, his life and work,, 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain 1II2, 9olume B, pages 662D7.
N HahnemannJs potency 6G Centesimal =6G HC>, end for this scale, has an
accu"ulation o! *.. sha&ings.
N HahnemannJs potency 6G .illesimal =6G 2.> end for this scale, has an accu"ulation
o! *=... succussions.
N 1 current potency of 1G,GGG $. Centesimal, made with one of the common
dynami'ing machines, which apply 2GG succussions per step, employing a single flask
according to $orsakov, has an accu"ulation o! -=...=... succussions.
(ith the last astronomic figure and other similar ones made with the dynami'er, they
enter the field of effects of the furious and even dangerous violence! as Hahnemann warned.
Bt is superfluous to give as an e-ample the accumulated succussios of potencies like
CG,GGG $ or 1GG,GGG $ or more.
4evertheless, luckily, as @econcentration by $orsakovJs method is irregular, its
conse3uences are also irregular, so they do not always produce the severe effects if they were
#he higher $orsakovJs dynami'ations, the higher their irregular deconcentration, as
probably it be of an increasing and progressive character.
4o new evidences are needed to reflect on the warning from homeopathyJs creator.
Hahnemann wrote a letter to $orsakov, in which he e-pressed that these high
dynami'ations must be of an e-perimental nature, and for the current use of all homeopathic
doctors the potency 6G Centesimal must not be surpassed, in order to obtain uniform results
therefore comparable.
Bn this letter, on the other hand, he e-pressed that $orsakovJs works confirmed his own
evidences that0
B The development of the powers of medicinal su"stances "y the homeopathic process
may "e considered almost illimita"le!#
B The higher the dynami:ation (demateriali:ing), the faster and deeper its activity!#
B But its effects cease faster!#
Bn spite of all which was e-pressed regarding $orsakovJs method, it is official for
/harmacopoeiae of several countries, as that of the United States of 1merica.
Bt must be remembered that when developing the Centesimal scale, Hahnemann doubted
in giving 2 or 1G shakings per potency, due to the aggravations the latter amount produced, and
adopted the practice of 1G shakings per potency when he varied the degree of potency, of the
remedy diluted in a large amount of water and well shaken "efore each intake!, thus avoiding
4otwithstanding, /harmacopoeiae of several countries indicate 2G and more shakings
per potency for the Centesimal scale.
As a result o! it %as e>$ressed= Athe furious and even dangerous violenceB !oreseen
y Hahne"ann has een oserved y every ho"eo$ath.
S. Hahnemann, *#he lesser writings of S. Hahnemann. %emarks on the e-treme attenuation of
homeopathic medicines,, 4ew @elhi, ?d. "ain 1IIG, page F)6.
see *#he Centesimal Scale,, in the corresponding Chapter to 1E1).
Besides= the e"$loy"ent o! di!!erent dyna"i?ing "achines= according to the
design o! each inventor= resulted in re"edies that %ere also di!!erent= even though they
have the sa"e $otency deno"ination and are sold as the sa"e $roduct= y %hich clinical
res$onses sto$$ed eing co"$arale.
#herefore, we homeopathic doctors have lost what the #eacher asked to preserve* a
uniform manner in the procedure of treatment for all homeopaths, and when they describe a
cure we may be able to repeat it, as they and we work with the same tools.
@ynami'ing machines vary a lot in the intensity and fre3uency of the succussions, the
si'e of the drop and the single flask, and there are some machines not designed to count
succussions, and these are estimated by the time employed.
1 known dynami'er applies 2C succussions per second, reaching in 12 seconds it takes
per potency, a total of nothing less than 6GG, which for the previous e-ample, a potency of
1G,GGG$ accumulates 6,GGG,GGG succussions.
#he same prescribed homeopathic remedy with the same denomination of potency to be
prepared by $orsakovJs method may be solicited in different pharmacies, or come from
different laboratories, and each one will be different from the rest, according to the dynami'ing
machine employed.
#he /harmacopoeia of the United States of 1merica decreased 6 hours of trituration in
the mortar to 1X hour, by which the degrees of friction and deconcentration accumulated in the
dry stage are different to those made according to HahnemannJs norms.
#he French pharmacopeia sets a limit to the development of potencies, conditioning it
to the chemical proof of the presence of the medicinal substance in them. #hat is impossible
when dealing with potencies beyond I or 12, which correspond to Centesimal BBB and B9, as that
presence cannot be demonstrated chemically when they surpass 1vogadrocs number. #heir
action is not felt in the chemical field but in the field of /hysics, which re3uire another order of
magnitudesR as if, one tried to weigh electricity

Unfortunately, when all the homeopathic medical world of the WBW century was trying
to achieve the highest dynami'ations, the founder of Homeopathy in U.S.1., C. Hering, created
the @ecimal scale, of low dynami'ations, though in one of his last works he appeared to regret
his creation.
#he @ecimal scale meant a step backwards in the development of medicinal potency in
respect to the e-tant Centesimal scale, nevertheless, it is the official scale of the /harmacopoeia
of the United States of 1merica.
7n the (
edition o! 8rganon, Hahne"ann solved through the Millesi"al scale or
9M the need to achieve high $otencies y a trust%orthy= syste"atic and uni!or" "anual
"ethod o! "ulti$le !las&s= ut as this too& 03 years in eing $ulished= it generated the
chaos %hich today is a !actH
4 The use o! dyna"i?ing "achines that e"$loy 8orsa&ov5s "ethod= %hich $roduces=
due to an enor"ous accu"ulation o! succussions= a violent increase o! the "edicinal
activity %ith &no%n conseJuences y every ho"eo$athic doctor.
4 The $rocedures e"$loyed in the $re$aration o! ho"eo$athic re"edies are not
co"$arale as a conseJuence o! di!!erent designs a"ong the dyna"i?ing "achines.
4 ;a"e $otency deno"inations do not indicate sa"e re"edies.
S. Hahnemann, *2esser writings of Samuel Hahnemann,, 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain, 1IIG, footnote on
page F)C, letter to @r. Shreter dated GID12D1E2I.
%.?. @udgeon, *2ectures on the theory and practice of homeopathy,, 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain, 2GG2,
2ecture W9BBB, page C2F.
4 Clinical results are there!ore anarchic= not co"$arale and at ti"es even
#hese e-amples illustrate the e-tant confusion, and even as there are many others, these
are sufficient so as not to insist on the matter.
Hahnemann was not opposed to the development of high dynami'ation, he only was
afraid that the re3uired techni3ues to prepare the remedies enter a venue devoid of a systematic
method and whose results were neither trustworthy nor uniform.
#his is ascertained in a letter he sent to his pupil Schreter in 2emberg0
8y opinion is that you rigorously stick to the precepts contained in my Treatise of
5hronic 6iseases!, and if possi"le, it is necessary to go even further than I have, giving
antipsoric medicines for even longer periods, also administering them in smaller doses that I
have advised and dynamizing all antipsoric medicaments beyond :!.
2astly, a little before the year 1E7G, Hahnemann admitted0
N #he need to reach very high dynami'ations beyond 6G Centesimal, indispensable to
treat severe and old Chronic @iseases,
N #he convenience to this end in proKecting a new scale, the .illesimal, which would
systemi'e the techni3ue of manual preparation for these new high potencies, such as he did
previously with the Centesimal scale and would also avoid the use of $orsakovds single flask
method. #his new scale would be his answer to the need of going beyond potency 6G
#he biggest practical difficulty he had in conceiving the .illesimal scale was how to
subdivide in CGG parts the medicinal drop in the diluting process, so as to achieve high
1round 1E7G in his EC
year, in full possession of his e-traordinary intelligence he kept
till the end of his life, Hahnemann solved this enormous technical challenge when he verified
that CGG globules =si'e0 poppy seed>, absorb one drop of the substance, therefore one of these
impregnated globules is the CGG
part of that drop, which diluted in 1GG drops of alcohol gives
a dilution of 1DCG,GGG =1DCGG ]1D1GG>.
?ach one of these steps, starting from one of these globules, gives as a result a potency
of the .illesimal scale, so, repeating this process 6G times, the scale is completed and the
final HahnemannJs 6G .illesimal potency is achieved.
#his high dilution per potency allowed him to apply 1GG succussions per step, by which
he reached his goal0
3ith this highly disproportionate ratio "etween medicine and diluting medium a
development of a higher potency may "e o"tained "y means of numerous shakings ###!
)fter many e'erting e'periments and countere'periments, I have found that the
activity of the preparation achieved has the ma'imum potency and the most mildness, that is
the most perfected *!
Bf in the last potency of the Centesimal scale the amount of 6GG shakings and a dilution
of 1G
are reached, in the .illesimal scale, the succussions are 6,GGG and the dilution is 1G
@. @emar3ue, *#5cnicas HomepAticas,, uenos 1ires, ?d. .arecel, 1IE1, page 111.
S. Hahnemann *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a 1IE7, note to paragraph 2FG.
Bn reference to this enormous dilution, Hahnemann e-pressed his admiration0
It is surprisingly evident that the material part, "y means of dynami:ations, has finally
dissolved into its individual essence, similar to the spirit (conceptual)#
In conse1uence, it may "e considered that in its raw state, such conceptual essence is
really contained, though not developed!#
Bt is evident that Hahnemann looked for0
N An increasing in the nu"er o! succussions to %hich he attriuted all the
"edicine5s activity. The higher the Juantity= the higher the $o%er.
N To increase the nu"er o! succussions he had to increase the dilution= to %hich he
attriuted the $o%er to attenuate or moderate the e>cess o! intensity given y these
succussions. To the dilution A$er seB he considered it an accessory devoid of all
therapeutic activity.
N The ratio et%een oth !actors / succussion and dilution or their eJuivalent
@riction and Deconcentration= res$ectively= he estalished esti"atively.
N Bt is clear that his purpose was to be able to apply the ma-imum of succussions, to
which he attributed all the medicinal potency.
3ith this highly disproportionate ratio "etween medicine and diluting medium a
development of a higher potency may be obtained by means of numerous shakings.!
6aily we listen to references a"out homeopathic medicinal potencies as if they were
mere dilutions, "ut actually they are the opposite9 it is a true dissociation of the natural
su"stance "y which the specific medicinal hidden powers contained in its interior surge and
are revealed, displayed by rubbing and shaking. 'he aid of a chosen non medicinal
attenuated medium, is solely a secondary condition!#
* the aim is the development of medicinal potencies, but only in the same degree as the
re9uired attenuation is achieved7 e'pressed in another way9 we try to moderate the potency
of the medicament in the same degree in which its powers penetration increases#!
HahnemannJs ultimate goals in creating the .illesimal scale were0
N To accede to the highest curative ca$acities in severe and old chronic diseases= y
"eans o! a considerale increase o! the re"edy5s intensity given y increasing
succussions !or every $otency.
N To decrease violent "edicinal aggravations= in !reJuency and severity.
N To avoid 8orsa&ov5s "ethod= as it $roduces an irregular deconcentration= %ith
erratic clinical res$onses.
N To avoid the use o! dyna"i?ing "achines %hich "a&e re"edies o! a & furious
and even dangerous violence= as he %arned in a note on $aragra$h -0. o! AOrganonB5s
- To avoid the need o! using a large a"ount o! !las&s and alcohol.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, note to paragraph 2FG.
S. Hahnemann, op. cit., note to paragraph 2FG.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, note on paragraph 2)I.
S. Hahnemann, *Chronic @iseases,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 2E2.
N To uni!y the "ethod o! $re$aring ho"eo$athic re"edies= that "ust continue eing
"anual and %ith "ulti$le !las&s as in the Centesi"al scale= %hich allo%s to co"$are
e>$eriences a"ong di!!erent ho"eo$aths.
N To achieve very high dyna"i?ations %ithout the aid o! illogical "ethods devoid o!
nor"s= as the continuous !lu>ion e"$loyed later.
+n @ecember 1), 1E7G, while living in /aris, Hahnemann indicated for the first time a
remedy in the .illesimal scale. His patient .. %ousselot that day received Sulphur 1G 2...
1t present, to all the chaos regarding the norms to prepare homeopathic remedies, the
following is added0 as the .illesimal scale or 2., has, starting from the millionth a fluid phase
and a dry phase in which globules are impregnated, it does not allow the use of dynami'ing
machines that employ $orsakovJs method, as it re3uires that the remedy only be in a li3uid
4evertheless, countless pharmacies and laboratories, tergiversating HahnemannJs
norms, prepare remedies on the .illesimal scale starting from the millionth only in the li3uid
phase so as to adapt them to $orsakovJs method, obtaining through this pharmaceutical
practice, medicaments that do not belong to HahnemannJs .illesimal scale, though they are
sold as such.
Up to the millionth, or dry phase, HahnemannJs method is compatible with the
employment of triturating machines. From the millionth onwards, the procedure must be
manual with multiple flasks and not with dynami'ing machines which use $orsakovJs system.
#he homeopathic doctor must be warned of these practices0
N when he observes severe symptoms of aggravation and of return.
N when cure does not begin and the remedy is well chosen.
1ll the effort that the doctor e-erts in achieve the clinical record, which habitually takes
two or more hours, and whose prescription is trusted to those pharmacies or laboratories, may
be sterili'ed by the procedure above mentioned.
He %ho considers these conce$ts as an e>aggeration= "ay ignore the sur$rise that a
doctor !eels %hen he oserves !or the !irst ti"e the "arvelous results that the re"edies o!
high dyna"i?ations done "anually %ith "ulti$le !las&s $roduce.
#hese manual dynami'ations may be reserved only to prepare antimiasmatic remedies
for the treatment of Chronic @iseases, whose amount is no problem as their limited number
varies between )G and EG substances.
Bn 1E)G !nninghausen commented an article by . Fincke in which he affirmed that
his e-periences confirmed is own conclusions0 dyna"i?ation done y "anual sha&ings
haitually do not cause sy"$to"atic aggravations, e-cept when they are very numerous.
One "ay %ell as& hi"sel! i! hu"an health is not %orth "ore %or& i"$lied in
$re$aring ho"eo$athic re"edies "anually and %ith "ulti$le !las&s= according to the
nor"s given y ho"eo$athy5s !ounder= as the thera$eutic results are very su$erior.
1fter so much disorder as to the norms to prepare homeopathic remedies, it is evident
that the only trustworthy, systematic and comparable is0
%. Handley. *Bn search of the later Hahnemann, U.$. ?d. eaconsfield, 1IIF, page 172.
C. !nninghausen, #he value of high potencies. Bn *#he lesser writings,, 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain,
2GG6, page 17G.
N @or the u$ to date considered lo% $otencies= Hahne"ann5s "ethod o! the
Centesi"al scale= o! "anual $rocedure= o! "ulti$le !las&s and 2. sha&ings $er ste$= u$ to
$otency *.= e>$lained in AChronic DiseasesB.
N @or high $otencies= Hahne"ann5s "ethod o! the Millesi"al scale= "anual
$rocedure= that a!ter the "illionth has a !luid $hase and a dry $hase i"$regnation o!
gloules= also %ith "ulti$le !las&s and 2.. succussions $er ste$= u$ to $otency *.. His
e>$lanation is in the (
edition o! AOrganonB= $aragra$h -0..
#he rest pertains to the confusion caused by the delay in publishing the )
edition of
*+rganon,, and is the cause of erratic clinical results and also the violent aggravations that have
harmed patients and Homeopathy.
*It is much easier to disintegrate an atom than a pre.udice.,
1lbert ?instein.
#his historical review shows that HahnemannJs seven last discoveries, which run from
1E2E to the end of his life, are omitted in routine practice when treating Chronic @iseases, as it
is usual that0
N A$soric and anti$soric remedies are employed indiscriminately in treatments for
maladies derived from the psora, forgetting how easily when using the former it changes its
appearance without curing.
N #he oral route used e-clusively, disregarding the advantages of other medicinal routes
of administration0 inhalatory, which is the mildest and better tolerated, without losing
dynamism, and percutaneous, which should be chosen in those entrenched diseases that re3uire
great depth in stimulating the iologic ?nergy.
N Single @oses are prescribed, delaying or not achieving the cure of old and grave
diseases, which are only cured by means of .ultiple @oses and continuous treatment, which
subKects the illness to an without declination medicinal activity and in a constant manner.
N #o administer fre3uently the dry medicine, depriving the patient of the higher power
and better tolerance that it emits in a solution, with an increase of degree of potency!, and
even omitting to indicate the dose, so the amount of globules to dissolve in the mouth is left to
the patientJs decision.
N #he Centesimal scale is nearly always indicated, sometimes the @ecimal, in old and
chronic diseases, depriving them of high dynami'ations of the .illesimal scale.
N %emedies made by $orsakovJs method of a single flask are employed, they have an
erratic deconcentration, instead of employing the manual method of multiple flasks, of
HahnemannJs Centesimal and .illesimal scales, whose deconcentration is regular.
Bt is evident therefore, that the homeopathic doctor has a great richness of therapeutic
resources that are omitted in daily practice.
#he last great discoveries of HahnemannJs e-traordinary genius tend towards making
the daily prescription an art and not a routine.
Beyond Hahne"ann
The si> ne% i"$rove"ents
- Magnitudes o! ho"eo$athic re"edies.
- Balance et%een oth !unda"ental "agnitudes.
- A ne% understanding o! dyna"i?ation and o! the e>$ansion o! the re"edy5s
energy !ield.
- The !irst alanced scale in ho"eo$athy.
- Continuous treat"ent !or years.
- A ne% "ethod o! "edicinal i"$regnation to treat very hi$erreactive $atients.
@ollo%ing Hahne"ann5s !ootste$s
The Millionesi"al scale.
="serve, see and test "y thyself!
)fter all, empiricism is the "asis of science!#
Claude ernard
Bt is desirable to make clear that the concepts and findings that are here e-pressed, as in
general those of all the second part of this book, were not achieved in a linear se3uence as is
followed in te-tbooks, as throughout the years there were advances, countermarches, tests,
successes and errors as happens in every empirical science. (ith the same criterium, the dates
are appro-imate.
(ith the obKect of presenting a revealing understanding of the concepts, they have been
displayed here, as a summary of a succession of Koined notions in the search of a remedy of
deep effect and well tolerated.
Bn the year 1II2, the 1rgentine Homeopathic Foundation was created, its mission was
among other aims, the diffusion, the teaching and research of homeopathy.
%eferring to one of its aims, which was to elaborate techni3ues and research in
e-perimental laboratory in homeopathy, a thorough analysis of the methodology for
HahnemannJs Centesimal and .illesimal or fifty millesimal was carried out during the years
1II1, 1II2 and 1II6. #hroughout that period, the laboratory procedures and techni3ues were
also systemati'ed, in order to prepare them for e-perimentation.
Bt was vastly useful to have counted on the mathematical development of the .illesimal
scale, not e-pressed by Hahnemann in the )
edition of *+rganon,, carried out by @r. Horacio
;anetto, which allowed a thorough study of that scale.
For a long time, the author had systematically employed the .illesimal scale, orally by
inhalations or percutaneously, always with the purpose of curing relatively recent Chronic
@iseases, as also the old and severe ones.
#hough in many cases cure was achieved, there was always an appreciable percentage
in which results were not favourable due to aggravations, in spite of the correct choice of the
similar remedy, therefore since 1II7 the following e-perimental proKect was planned0
N Follow the path opened by Hahnemann, when he passed from the Centesimal to the
.illesimal scale and advance to the creation o! a ne% scale o! higher dyna"i?ationH the
Millionesi"al scale.
N Study the $o%er o! the ne% scale5s dyna"is" in the severest Chronic Diseases.
N Bnvestigate how employing it aggravations could e avoided or attenuated.
efore broaching the following analysis, the fact that ho"eo$athic re"edies are
$re$ared y "eans o! the $rocess o! successive @riction and Deconcentration must be
pointed out.
#hroughout the book, the following terms may be associated among themselves as they
allude to the same concept.
- concentration
- concentrated energy
- intensity
- friction, shakings and succussions.
1s for these0
- deconcentration
- e-tended or e-panded energy
- e-pansion or *liberation,
- dilution.
Friction is achieved in a dry medium by rubbing the medicinal substance in the mortar,
and in a fluid medium by shaking or by succussions of the flask with the substance in a solution.
@econcentration is achieved in a mortarJs dry medium by separating the particles of the
medicinal substance, employing lactose powder, and in an ac3uous medium by diluting it in
alcoholi'ed water.
#hrough the variation of these two processes0 Friction and @econcentration,
homeopathyJs creator designed the Centesimal and .illesimal homeopathic remedies.
1s was e-plained, shakings mean the vigorous movement of the arm that holds the
flask, taking it from the opposite shoulder to the leg of the same side, this being the method
used by Hahnemman for the Centesimal scale. Succussion means the knocks given with the
flask to a book of leather binding or similar surface, being the procedure he employed for the
.illesimal scale. oth methods refer to the remedy in a solution.
Bf Hahnemann in the Centesimal scale applied 1G shakings with a dilution of 1D1GG per
potency, to increase medicinal power he designed a new scale in which he could apply 1GG
succussions per potency, as he attributed all curative capacity to those succussions, considering
the dilution as necessary but not therapeutic.
Bn order to achieve it, he was obliged to reach high dilutions to moderate the power of
the medicament! but he considered the dilution devoid of all therapeutic activity!.
He estimated that to be able to apply those 1GG succussions, for each potency, a dilution
of 1DCG,GGG was necessary, also for each one, which was an estimated ratio, as no system of
measures e-isted for both magnitudes.
1s in the first scale he created dilutions were 1D1GG per potency, it was named
Centesimal scale =or HahnemannJs Centesimal, or HC>.
#he last scale he designed has dilutions of 1DCG,GGG per potency, was named .illesimal
scale =or fifty millesimal or 2.>, in correspondence with the Centesimal that precedes it.
Bn a similar manner the new e-perimental scale, for reasons displayed in the following
figures, should have dilutions of 1D2C,GGG,GGG and would have been called .illionesimal =or
twentyNfive millionesimal, or ..>
HahnemannJs estimation for conversion factors from the Centesimal to .illesimal scale
were as follows0
Centesimal scale Factor .illesimal scale
Shakings per potency 1G ] 1G 1GG
@ilution per potency 1D1GG ] CGG 1DCG,GGG
Bn %oman nomenclature, the symbol representing one million is the letter . with a hori'ontal bar over
it, for practical reasons, it will be e-pressed by ...
1s it shows, Hahnemann multiplied shakings by ten =1G> and dilution by five hundred
1pplying these same conversion factors to make the new .illionesimal scale of the
e-perimental proKect mentioned previously, these results were obtained0
.illesimal scale Factor .illionesimal scale
Succussions per potency 1GG ] 1G 1,GGG
@ilution per potency 1DCG,GGG ] CGG 1D2C,GGG,GGG
#he methodology chosen to work out what would become the .illionesimal scale was
to follow all the procedure of HahnemannJs .illesimal scale, with the sole addition of
intermediate steps of dilution in each potency, to reach millionesimal =1D2C,GGG,GGG> dilutions,
and also giving 1,GGG manual succussions for each potency.
Clinical e>$erience %ith the Millionesi"al scale.
;ailure is the clue of success!
.orihei Ueshiba, creator of 1ikido.
1t the onset of 1II7, an e-perimental test in volunteers was begun, and from then on to
the end of that test, at the end of the same year, the results were disappointing.
#he very high fre3uency of symptomatic aggravations, though not severe, as in general
non oral entering routes were employed =percutaneous and inhalatory>, led to deem this scale as
not appropriate for current clinical use.
+ne repeated observation was the fre3uent apparition of psoric pruritus.
+nly very seldomly, in hyporeactive volunteers, was it well tolerated and useful.
#hough the fre3uency and amount of doses were decreased, though low potencies were
employed, and even if the intakes were limited to the inhalatory route, the most appropriate to
produce mild stimuli, the result in the great maKority was the same0 aggravation of clinical
Several 3uestions then cropped up0
Bf the conversion factors Hahnemann used to pass from the Centesimal to the .illesimal
scale were respected, why did the new .illionesimal scale cause such fre3uent aggravationsQ
Bs there a clinical limit to the increase of processes of Friction and @econcentrationQ or
put in another way0 is there a clinical end for the very high dynami'ationsQ
Bt is evident that to answer these 3ueries it was necessary to e-periment modifying
factors that intervene in preparing homeopathic remedies.
#he first decision adopted was to abandon the estimation of these factors and then, as if
proceeding for the knowledge of medicinal activity, 3uery 4ature by means of systematic
research to discover the cause of such fre3uent aggravations.
Due to the !act that in the "a&ing o! ho"eo$athic re"edies= only t%o $rocesses
e>istH @riction and Deconcentration= one o! the" %as &e$t unchanged and the other %as
"odi!ied= as a "eans to identi!y the !actors that incide in its tolerance and its curative
(ith the aim to preserve unchanged the achieved millionesimal deconcentration, it was
decided to prepare remedies with four variants of the new scale in the following conditions0
N $eep unchanged all the procedure of @econcentration or dilution of the .illionesimal
scale, and observe the responses.
N .odify Friction or amount of succussions in the following four variants of the
.illionesimal scale, and observe the responses.
N .illionesimal scale with CGG succussions per potency.
N .illionesimal scale with 1GG succussions per potency.
N .illionesimal scale with 1G succussions per potency.
N .illionesimal scale with C succussions per potency.
@uring the two following years =1IICD1II)>, e-perimental verifications of these four
variants of the .illionesimal scale were carried out.
#he techni3ue to prepare this scale is not e-plained here as it was abandoned for another
perfected newer one, which will be shown further on.
7n search o! alance
Sit down like a small child and face the facts, and prepare yourself to a"andon all
preconceived notion7 hum"ly follow wherever and to any chasm &ature leads or you shall learn
#homas H. Hu-ley. iologist. @efender of the #heory of ?volution.
1t the beginning of 1IIC, the e-perimental verifications with the four variants of the
.illionesimal scale were put into practice.
#he first verifications were done on old chronic diseases, with remedies prepared with
the variant of the .illionesimal scale, made with CGG succussions per potency.
@ue to the fact that clinically the most hyperreactive patients are those called allergic, in
whom their illness lies precisely in that pathological e-cessive response, and therefore present
many aggravations during treatment, asthmatic volunteers were selected for these verifications
in order to easily detect the slightest intolerance.
Aggravation "eans that as a conseJuence o! the re"edy5s activity= there is an
increase o! the $resent sy"$to"s o! the $atient= %hile the return sy"$to"s re!er to the
rea$$earance o! $revious sy"$to"s= not evident at $resent.
Both= unless they e slight= usually are a sure sign o! an e>cess o! "edicinal
sti"ulus and the stronger the aggravation $roduced y the e"$loyed re"edy= the %ea&er
its curative e!!ect= %hat is "ore= great aggravations virtually annul all thera$eutic $o%er
o! the re"edy.
?-pressing it in other wordsR to a better toleration or a larger absence of aggravation
symptoms andDor returns employing the similar remedy, the process that leads to health is
deeper. #herefore, this relation surged as the most sought for premise to reach the re3uired
curative depth. #he relation between aggravation and cure was dealt with at the end of the
Chapter0 *1E2I. @iscovery of 4ew %outes for 1dministering .edicines,, under the subtitle0
*2aw of +verstimulation,.
#he target then was to achieve remedies that do not produce symptoms of aggravation
andDor return, or that these were very moderate and transient.
%eturn symptoms evoked by medicinal overstimulation, also shows the presence of a
memory of previous sufferings.
Bt is understood that all the e-pressed refers to the similar remedy.
#ime confirmed the criterium that if besides searching for the medicinal power of the
new scale, better tolerance was also a goal, there were no better verifiers than the asthmatic
volunteers, due to their enormous reactivity and their tendency to worsen which characteri'es
7! %ell tolerated re"edies y asth"atics %ere achieved= tolerance %ould e
e>cellent in all other $atients %ith lesser reactivity.
#he clinical results obtained with medicines made with CGG succussions per potency of
the .illonesimal scale showed a slight but stimulating decrease of the aggravation and return
symptoms compared to those made with 1,GGG succussions.
#his was a stimulus to pass without delay to the ne-t variant of 1GG succussions per
potency of the .illonesimal scale, which took place at the beginning of 1II).
(ith this variant clinical responses surpassed all previous achievement, especially
tolerance, though the fre3uency of aggravations still re3uired a solution as they only improved
very little in relation to those produced by the employment of HahnemannJs .illesimal scale.
Bn spite of this, now we were certain to be on the right track, so with the hope of having
at armJs length the possibility of obtaining in hyperreactive patients better curative results in
chronic diseases, than those achieved with all the known scales, we began verification of the
two last variants proposed for the .illionesimal scale0 with 1G and with C succussions per
No% the clinical e!!ects sur$assed all e>$ectations.
Asth"atic volunteers s%i!tly started and %ith astounding gentleness the $ath
to%ards cure.
#his cure, logically is related to the length of time illness set in, the reactive capacity of
the iological ?nergy of each patient in particular, and to the maKor or minor disorder or
deterioration allopathic treatment may have caused, principally through prolonged use of
1t the end of 1II), it was evident that when comparing both variants of the
.illionesimal scale, with 1G and with C succussions per potency, from the point of view of the
e-perimental clinical results, one was not superior to the other.
There %as no dout that these "arvelous clinical res$onses highly sur$assed
tolerance and ca$acity to reestalish health o! the Centesi"al= Millesi"al and
Millionesi"al scales e"$loyed $reviously.
#hrough these last two variants of the .illionesimal scale had these astounding results,
they did not reach the dynamic depth hoped for, nevertheless, they were deemed an enormous
step in the right direction.
#hen, what had to be understood was in which factors were lodged the capacity to cure
and the almost absence of aggravations, precisely in patients with great reactivity.
(hich was the clueQ
Having understood that the goal of good tolerance could be achieved, what had to be
understood were the phenomena that were displayed so clearly.
#he clue was nearer but not wholly understood.
1gain we had to stop for deep thinking.
The Juestion o! "agnitudes.
8atter is constituted "y the regions of space in which the field is very intense# ;ield
and matter do not e'ist as all is field!#
1lbert ?instein.
The particles are merely local condensations of the field7 concentrations of energy
that come and go thus losing their individual character and dissolving in the underlying field!#
FritKof Capra
For the full understanding of the e-periments of the previous Chapter it is evident that
none of the factors there involved had to be estimated as what was needed was a system of
#he bad, fair or e-cellent therapeutic results obliged to a deep understanding of the
processes at play, as e-perience was very rich and no doubt it held the lookedNfor clue.
Progress %ould not e "ade in these investigations %ithout !irst counting on an
accurate &no%ledge o! the !unda"ental "agnitudes o! the ho"eo$athic re"edy, so at the
onset of 1IIF the utmost effort was e-erted to establish the definition and measure of those
A revealing conce$t
#he e-traordinary assertions of ?instein and Capra that prologue this Chapter, in the
sense that all is energy !ield in t%o di!!erent states according to its degree o! intensity or
concentration, opens our sight to the phenomena that intervene in that invisible and marvelous
universe that awakes when dynami'ing substances by means of the homeopathic method.
We call dyna"i?ation the $rocess o! energetic i"$regnation that successive
@riction and Deconcentration give to "edicinal sustances suCected to the ho"eo$athic
elaoration "ethod.
#his dynamism possesses0
- energy in intense state or Concentrated @ield= %hich is given y @riction and
- energy in e>tended state or E>$anded @ield= %hich is given y
There!ore= oth !ields corres$ond to the conce$ts announced y Einstein %hen he
a!!ir"ed that all is energy !ield in t%o states= according to its degree o! intensity or
Actually oth are only states o! a single energy !ield in %hich %hen "ore intensity
is a$$lied= a higher e>$ansion o! it is reJuired so the "edicine e alanced as to its
tolerance and ca$acity to cure.
Thus= during the $rocess o! dyna"i?ing the energy !ield that is eing intensi!ied y
!riction accedes to the state o! E>$anded @ield= through deconcentration in the "ortar
adding lactose= and through dilution adding alcoholi?ed %ater to the !las&s %hen it is in
And= the state o! Concentrated @ield a$$ears %hen the intensity reaches a high
charge in the energy !ield as a conseJuence o! !riction in the "ortar that contains the dry
sustances= and !ro" sha&ings or succussions o! the !las&s that contain the" in solution=
%hich is also !riction.
Simple dilution, *devoid of all therapeutic activity, belongs to the realm of chemistry,
but dynami'ed substances are in the realm of energy, and in it all is field with a maKor or minor
e-pansion and concentration.
Concentration as deconcentration =for reasons which shall be e-pressed in Chapter
9B>= enhance the "edicinal ca$acity o! the energy !ield o! sustances %hen they are
dyna"i?ed and thus develo$ the e>traordinary ca$aility to sti"ulate the Biologic Energy.
Even i! the !ield5s intensity decreases %hen it is deconcentrated= %hat is
!unda"ental is that at the sa"e ti"e it e>$ands signi!icantly= %hich enales it to e>ert its
o$ti"al thera$eutic $otential.
There!ore= the curative ca$acity is in direct ratio to the degree o! e>$ansion o! the
energy !ield as clinical oservation veri!ies.
(hat follows is to refresh what was e-pressed at the beginning of Chapter B of this
Second /art, in the sense that the following terms may connect one to the other as they refer to
the same concept0
concentrationDconcentrated energyDintensityDfriction, shakings and succussions
1lso these0
deconcentrationDe-tended or e-panded energyDe-pansion or *liberation,Ddilution
The si"$le "edicinal sustances not suCected to successive concentration and
deconcentration= "a&es these act che"ically and not on account o! their energy or
dyna"is"= Cust as %hat ha$$ens %ith allo$athic re"edies.
y introducing the notion of field of energy in e-panded and concentrated states,
replacing the concepts of simple dilution and friction, a new scene opens to the understanding of
these phenomena.
7! the re!erred states o! the @ield o! Energy could e considered isolated one !ro"
the other= it "ay e $roved that the Concentrated @ield lac&s curative aility ecause it is
an e>cessive energy and there!ore clinically violent, %hereas curative energy "ay cure
only %hen AlieratedB= as %hen it is the state o! E>$anded @ield.
Nevertheless= as oth are $art o! a sole energy !ield= one cannot act inde$endently
!ro" the other= though to cure they "ust &ee$ a har"onic relationshi$.
@uring the dynami'ing cycle the process continues to increase concentration and
e-pansion of the field of energy, as one of their characteristics is accumulation.
1s it does not return to previous states, it is irreversible, and also it is almost illimitable
as at present the moment when its dynamism stops stimulating iologic ?nergy is not known.
#he conclusion is0 that the development of dynami'ation is a process that is0
- Cumulative
- Brreversible
- almost Illimita"le!
Summing up, as the process that both fields follow is cyclic =concentration Z e-pansion
Z concentration O> it may be considered that in space it represents an imaginary traKectory of a
double helicoid =see following figure>.
Hahnemannes affirmation referring to homeopathic dynami'ation in a letter to $orsakov, in *%emarks
on the e-treme attenuation of homeopathic medicines, in *#he lesser writings of S. Hahnemann,, 4ew
@elhi, ?d. . "ain, 1IIG, page F)6.
Dyna"i?ation cycle o! the ho"eo$athic re"edy
SB./2? SUS#14C?

C+4C?4#%1#?@ FB?2@ R B4F#?4SB#T
?4?%&T C+4C?4#%1#?S
?W/14@?@ FB?2@
4 B4#?4SB#T
?4?%&T ?W/14@S
+% BS *2B?%1#?@,

C+4C?4#%1#?@ FB?2@ b B4#?4SB#T
?4?%&T C+4C?4#%1#?S
@T41.B;1#?@ SUS#14C?
#H? CTC2? BS0
CU.U21#B9? N
)lmost I//I8IT)B/C
#he same double helicoid figure was designed by 2eonardo da 9inci for the construction of the central
staircase of the Castle of Chambord belonging to Francis B, $ing of France, on the banks of the river 2oire.
+n it, two people may descend, each one on his own helicoid following independent traKectories, Kust as
with the Fields, though both belong to the same double helicoid.

#he double helicoid which represents these phenomena must not be confused with a
spiral, as the former revolves around a cylinder, and the latter around a cone.
#he dynami'ed substance subKected to a succession of ?-panded Field and
Concentrated Field states, progressively displays its medicinal capacities making the hidden and
latent therapeutic 3ualities more noticeable.
#hat is called dynami'ation, and it is precisely what gives substances the e-traordinary
capability to stimulate iologic ?nergy, so as to recover its lost balance.
Moreover= the dyna"i?ed "edicine not only sti"ulates Biologic Energy= ut also
directs the sti"ulus to%ards the sy"$to"s to e treated= %hich is achieved y choosing the
si"ilar "edicine.
#herefore, each medicine bestows iologic ?nergy an e-clusive orientation according
to the symptoms it shall cure, so it is possible to affirm that that ?nergy may be stimulated in as
many directions as e-tant remedies.
#he above mentioned e-plains the failure of treatments that administer several
medicines at the same time as iologic ?nergy is incapable of reacting therapeutically in several
simultaneous directions.
Biologic Energy sti"ulated y the single sustance so dyna"i?ed and chosen !or
si"ilarity is the greatest curative $o%er e>tant in Nature.
7t is as i! the succession o! lin&ed energetic states o! E>$anded @ield /
Concentrated @ield / E>$anded @ield= %hich %e call dyna"i?ation= %ere a $o%er!ul
doule helicoid that ores and $enetrates into the inti"ate nature o! sustances=
a%a&ening its dor"ant curative $otentiality.
Both states o! energy have a relationshi$ that "ay or "ay not e in thera$eutic
7! the Concentrated @ield is e>cessive in relation to E>$anded @ield= thera$eutic
activity is violent= according to Hahne"ann5s %arning. Conversely= i! it is scarce= it does
not $rovide etter thera$eutic results and ha"$ers laoratory %or&.
When the states o! Concentrated @ield and E>$anded @ield are in har"onic
relationshi$= they are in an o$ti"al thera$eutic agree"ent= and then the re"edy has the
ut"ost ca$acity to sti"ulate Biologic Energy so it "ay reach its alance.
7n short= %hen the !ield o! energy is "ore concentrated or intensi!ied= a greater
e>$ansion or AlierationB is reJuired !ro" it.
7n conseJuence= Concentrated @ield and E>$anded @ield constitute the t%o asic
"agnitudes o! the ho"eo$athic re"edy.
?ven if the e-pressed must be deemed as a simplified hypothesis on the process of
dynami'ation of substances, there probably does not e-ist at present an interpretation of what
happens in it, that e-plains it better, and that penetrates deeper into the nature of this
e-traordinary phenomenon.
2astly it must be admitted that the marvelous interaction between the energy of
dynami'ed substances and iologic ?nergy is a phenomenon even devoid of a true e-planation,
and perhaps its intimate nature will never be known.
Magnitudes o! the ho"eo$athic re"edy
* I affirm that the notion of normal si:e! is ar"itrary and does not e'ist in &ature#
There is a purely human pre.udice that decrees that the si:es that run from a fleas to that of a
hippopotamus are normal7 "ut the si:e of a hydrogen atom or of the 8ilky 3ay though not
normal for us, are perfectly normal for &ature#
;or all these reasons, arguments over the infinitesimal dose seem to have no sense!#
Salvador de .adariaga
1s a result of the investigations related in the previous chapter, during the first half of
1IIF all effort was centered in achieving in homeopathic remedies0
- #o define and measure Concentrated @ield and E>$anded @ield.
- #o define and measure Dyna"is" and the 6atio, magnitudes that link both fields.
- @iscover the value of Balance, or optimal therapeutic ratio between Concentrated
and ?-panded Field.
- 1pply the measurements of these magnitudes to all the known scales.
- Continue research begun in 1II1, to reach the ideal of achieving0
@eep dynamism,
.a-imum curative capacity and
+ptimal tolerance.
1fter countless tests of trial and errors, in the middle of 1IIF, we were in condition to
establish and calculate the magnitudes, apply them to known scales and make noticeable the
direction in which the research must proceed.
#he first consideration taken into account referred to the definition of those two basic
magnitudes that intervene in the development of dynami'ation of medicinal substances in the
process to make homeopathic remedies0 Concentrated @ield and E>$anded @ield.
2. Concentrated @ield or intense state o! energy !ield.
Energy !ield "ay acJuire through high !riction a high charge o! energy= in %hich
case it is called intense or Concentrated @ield.
(e may then define0
Concentrated @ield EC@FH is the "easure o! the state o! the !ield energy %ith a high
@riction given to the "edicinal sustance originates its !ield o! energy %hich
increases its intensity %hen !riction is greater. Thus= the !ield acJuires a high energy
@riction is achieved in a dry "ediu" y ruing the sustance %ith lactose $o%der
in a "ortar= and in a !luid "ediu"= y sha&ing or succussing the sustance in alcoholi?ed
*%efle-iones sobre la .edicina,, in *+bras ?scogidas. ?nsayos,. uenos 1ires, ?d. Sudamericana,
1IF2, page 1GGG.
#here is no doubt that Concentrated Field is a cumulative magnitude, so its measure
must reflect this property.
Measure o! Concentrated @ieldH it is "easured y the nu"er o! the accu"ulated
su" o! sha&ings or succussions in the considered "edicinal $otency.
For e-ample0
- Concentrated Field of potency 12 HC =Hahnemann Centesimal>
Shakings per potency0 1G]12` =CF> 12G
- Concentrated Field of potency 6G 2. =Fifty millesimal>0
Succussions per potency0 1GG]6G` =CF> 6,GGG
-. E>$anded @ield or deconcentrated state o! energy !ield.
The energy !ield that is eing intensi!ied y !riction= accedes to the state o!
E>$anded @ield %hen it deconcentrates y "eans o! the addition o! lactose to the dry
sustances= or alcoholi?ed %ater to the sustances in a solution.
7n this case= even i! the energetic concentration decreases y e!!ect o! the greater
e>$ansion o! the !ield= this e>$ansion $recisely has thera$eutic relevance.
@ynami'ations are more active when the Concentrated Field increases, which is an
inde- of the intensity given by friction, and also when the deconcentration of the ?-panded
Field increases, as in that case Aa lieration e!!ectB is produced or an unfolding of the energy
generated by its e-pansion.
Actually these $heno"ena= seen !ro" the Ne% Physics= are "uch "ore co"$le>=
and include the conce$t o! increase o! velocity EenergyF o! the $articles= directly
$ro$ortional to the se$aration or deconcentration a"ong the".
oth states of energy, Concentrated and ?-panded Field, also have an accumulative
character and the dynami'ing process which originates them is irreversible.
4o doubt that to understand what happens in the marvelous phenomenon called
@ynami'ation, a long road must still be traveled.
#o the effect of defining the phenomenon called ?-panded Field, from this new point of
view, the notion of the meaning of its e-pansion or *liberation, is sufficient.
So we may define0
E>$anded @ield EE@FH is the "easure o! the state o! the energy !ield that has een
intensi!ied y !riction %ithout attaining a high charge= ut is very deconcentrated.
7t originates and increases y e>$ansion o! the energy !ield %hich is achieved in the
dry "ediu" o! the "ortar= y se$arating the sustance5s $articles e"$loying lactose
$o%der= and in an acJuous "ediu" y diluting the "edicinal sustances in alcoholi?ed
1ctually the E>$anded @ield is si"$ly the !ield o! in!luence o! the Concentrated
@ield= oth states corres$ond to a sole entire !ield o! energy.
#his is also an accumulative magnitude, thus its measure must reflect this property.
Measuring the E>$anded @ieldH it is "easured y the value o! the e>$onent o! the
"athe"atical $o%er o! ase 2. o! deconcentration or accu"ulated dilution= in the
considered "edicinal $otency.
For e-ample0
N ?-panded Field of potency 12 HC0
@ilution of potency0 12HC01G
` =?F> 27
N ?-panded Field of potency 6G 2.0
@ilution of potency0 6G 2.01G
` =?F> 17F
Bn conse3uence, it is the e-ponent of the accumulated dilution in the considered
medicinal potency, which indicates the degree of deconcentration, e-tension or *liberation, of
the energy of the ?-panded Field.
#aking as definitions of both magnitudes =CF and ?F> the chosen above, we have
parameters that bestow a trustworthy value to the intensity generated by friction, and to the
e-pansion produced by deconcentration.
#he higher the value of the Concentrated Field, the higher is the intensity generated by
friction has the remedyR the higher the value of the ?-panded Field greater is the e-pansion of
the energy field by deconcentration has the remedy. Conversely the numbers decrease in the
same manner.
#aking into account the definitions of Concentrated Field and ?-panded Field, and the
measuring system for each of these magnitudes, we shall see how these values become a most
useful tool to relate them to the clinical evaluation, and they fill an enormous void in
homeopathic doctrine.
1s homeopathy has at its disposal these concepts, for the first time two other
magnitudes which to date were estimated, may now be calculated0 the measure of @ynamism or
the capacity to stimulate iologic ?nergy and the measure of the %atio or degree of therapeutic
accord between both basic magnitudes =CF and ?F> which is an inde- of tolerance and curative
capacity of the homeopathic remedy.
*. Dyna"is".
Dyna"is" EDFH is the "easure o! the ca$acity o! the re"edy to sti"ulate Biologic Energy.
7t constitutes an inde> o! the de$th in %hich the "edica"ent o$erates= sho%ing the
activity o! the Concentrated @ield= in the e>tension o! its E>$anded @ield o! in!luence= and
is related to the gravity and,or ti"e o! evolution o! the disease to treat.
Bt is a fact that the greater the intensity generated y !riction has the Concentrated
@ield= and the greater the deconcentration o! energy has the E>$anded @ield= the greater
%ill e the ca$acity o! the re"edy to sti"ulate Biologic Energy.
There!ore= the dyna"is" o! the re"edy "ust e considered as a $roduct o! oth
#his is also an accumulative magnitude, so its value should reflect this property.
Measuring Dyna"is" EDFH it is "easured "ulti$lying the value o! Concentrated
@ield y the value o! E>$anded @ield= in the considered "edicinal $otency.
#aking the previous e-amples0
@ynamism =@> of potency 12 HC0
=CF>12G ] =?F>27` =@> 2,EEG
@ynamism =@> of potency 6G 2.0
=CF>6,GGG ] =?F>17F` =@> 771,GGG
From the high figures of this inde-, comes the need Z especially for high potencies Z to
establish a unit called @ynamic Unit =@U>, that allows the employment of smaller numbers.
Considering as @ynamic Unit the value corresponding to @ynamism of the last potency
of HahnemannJs Centesimal scale, or 6G HC, the most universal of potencies, conditions were
set to define it so0
Dyna"ic #nit ED#FH is the Dyna"is" o! the last $otency o! Hahne"ann5s
Centesi"al scale= or *. HC= %hose Concentrated @ield is *..= and its E>$anded @ield is (.=
there!ore its value is 2)=....
@ynamism =@> of potency 6G HC0
Concentrated Field of potency 6G HC0 =CF> 6GG =1G]6G>
?-panded Field of potency 6G HC0 =?F> )G =1G
@ynamism =@> of potency 6G HC0 =CF> 6GG ] =?F> )G ` 1E,GGG or =@U>`1
#aking the previous e-amples to determine their @ynamic Units0
@ynamism of potency 12 HC0 =@> 2,EEG 0 1E,GGG ` =@U> G,1
@ynamism of potency 6G 2.0 =@> 771,GGG 0 1E,GGG ` =@U> 27,C
Bn this manner, measuring @ynamism with @ynamic Units we employ smaller figures
which makes calculating much easier.
#he other magnitude that arises from the concepts of Concentrated Field and ?-panded
Field is that of 6atio, which measures the harmony between both magnitudes, and will be
treated as follows0
1. 6atio.
6atio E6FH is the "easure o! the thera$eutic accordance et%een Concentrated
@ield and E>$anded @ield o! the re"edy.
7t "easures the synergy that governs the Coint action et%een these t%o
"agnitudes and constitutes one o! the $rinci$al !actors o! tolerance and there!ore the
curative ca$acity o! the "edicines.
Bt is a magnitude that has an enormous relevance in the conception of scales of
homeopathic remedies.
Measuring 6atio E6FH it is "easured y the Juotient !ro" dividing the value o!
Concentrated @ield y the value o! E>$anded @ield in the considered "edicinal $otency.
%atio of potency 6G HC.
CF 6GGD?F )G ` =%> C
%atio of potency 6G 2..
CF 6GGGD?F 17F ` =%> 2G . 7
This "agnitude is o! ut"ost i"$ortance in the treat"ent o! diseases= as there e>ists
a relation or Juotient o! o$ti"al Balance et%een concentrated @ield and E>$anded @ield
so that oth e>ert the "a>i"u" thera$eutic synergy.
The nearer this Juotient is to this value= the re"edy %ill e etter tolerated and
"ore curative= the o$$osite ha$$ens %hen it is higher in res$ect to the value o! Balance.
Bnferior 3uotients to the value of alance do not give better therapeutic results and make
laboratory work difficult.
Summing up, the four magnitudes are0
N Concentrated @ield or measure of the state of the energy field with high intensity.
N E>$anded @ield or measure of the state of the very deconcentrated energy field and
devoid of great intensity.
N Dyna"is" or measure of the capacity to stimulate iologic ?nergy.
N 6atio or measure of the therapeutic accordance between Concentrated Field and
?-panded Field.
#hey allow to 3uantify and compare HahnemannJs Centesimal scale =HC> and
.illesimal scale =2.>, and also the new ?3uilibrium scale =?3> a product of more than a decade
of tests, which is displayed on a chart in the ne-t chapter.
To e ale to relate these scales one to the other= in all o! the" %e "ust start !ro"
the "illionth= achieved a!ter three hours o! trituration in the "ortar= according to nor"s
laid do%n y Hahne"ann= in order that the initial degree o! the Concentrated @ield and
that o! the E>$anded @ield in the dry $hase e uni!or" in all.
#hese magnitudes are not applicable to medicines obtained by dynami'ing machines
that employ $orsakovJs method, as their irregular deconcentration does not allow a sure
measure of the ?-panded Field in remedies made this way, even less for the continuous flu-ion
method, as its complete lack of common sense and of norms do not allow it to be 3ualified as a
coherent method.
The clue is revealed.
@inding the value o! Balance.
To understand is not arriving at some logical conclusion, it is not an intellectual
movement, it has no relation whatsoever with thought#
3e understand when the Intelligence that is not from the mind, as neither are /ife nor
/ove, illuminates us!#
"orge #orrent.
To understand what is, does not re1uire time "ut only complete o"servation!#
"iddu $rishnamurti.
1s we now have the magnitudes of the homeopathic remedy, one may understand
where is the clue to its mild action, its good toleration and deep activity.
#he magnificent clinical results of e-perimentation on asthmatic volunteers, with the
two last variants of the .illionesimal scale referred in Chapter BB of this Second /art,
illuminating concepts arise which reveal the reason of those astounding effects.
Thus it is evident that the e>$lanation lies in the values o! 6atio as in the re!erred
Millionesi"al scales= %ith 2. and %ith + succussions= such a"a?ing results are a
conseJuence that their values o! 6atio are notoriously di!!erent to those o! the other scales.
The "uch sought !or clue lies in the value o! 6atio %here the Juotient et%een
oth !ields EC@,E@F e>$resses the greater thera$eutic concordance or har"ony et%een
the" in order to e>ert the "a>i"u" thera$eutic synergy.
7n $ractice= !acing a deter"ined intensity o! Concentrated @ield= to %hat e>tent
"ust the E>$anded @ield e deconcentratedL
Conversely= !acing a certain deconcentration o! the E>$anded @ield= %hat intensity
"ust e a$$lied to the Concentrated @ieldL
#he chart which will be shown clarifies the previous 3ueries and from it we may
understand the phenomenon which could not be understood before due to the lack of
This alanced or har"onic 6atio et%een the Concentrated @ield and the
E>$anded @ield e>$resses the synergy o! the Coint action o! oth. 7t is in the e>cellent
thera$eutic concordance o! its lin&ed activity %here lies the secret o! these astounding
results= and the crucial datu" consists in achieving the o$ti"al value o! the 6atio in the
Juotient EC@,E@F= that is in acceding to the "a>i"u" alance et%een the".
oth magnitudes, Concentrated Field and ?-panded Field, in an ade3uate proportion,
may produce marvelous curative responses, mild and at the same time deep, the condition is that
they keep a harmony between them, besides appealing to the art of prescribing according to the
route of intake, to the best choice of fre3uency between doses and the remedy according to the
law of similarity.
1chieving this optimal value of therapeutic concordance is to accede to that crucial
point where the highest synergism between both magnitudes arises, which van3uishes old and
grave Chronic @iseases.
#his optimal relationship was the most sought for goal of these tests, achieving at the
end of 1IIF the value of ma-imum balance, which later constituted the core of a new scale of
homeopathic remedies, in which each one of its potencies preserves that relationship of
unsurpassable synergy.
#hroughout these years of e-periments, ten scales were reKected, but each one of them
made a progressive appro-imation to the sought ideal.
Bn the conception and in the results of the eleventh scale that goal was achieved when
for each one of its potencies the value of alance in the %atio between the Concentrated Field
and the ?-panded Field was reached. #hus the purpose of attaining a greater curative capacity
and a better tolerance for the remedy was accomplished.
As a conseJuence o! these investigations %e reached the iterated con!ir"ation that
the sought !or Balance has the value o! 2 EoneF= and "ay e e>$ressed asH
Balance EBF S EC@F,EE@F S 2
For e-ample, a potency that has CGG accumulated succussions =CF CGG>, must have a
deconcentration or accumulated dilution of 1G
=?F CGG>, for its alance to be 1 =one>.
CF ` CGG ` 1
Bn this relation of optimal harmony, its capacity to cure and its tolerance shall be at a
7n the !ollo%ing chart= %hen a$$lying the "agnitude 6atio to the scales o!
ho"eo$athic re"edies= a andage !alls !ro" our eyes and the !unda"ental i"$ortance o!
the value o! Balance EBS2F in "edical $ractice is revealed in all its signi!icance.
Clinical observation shows how the degree of tolerance and therefore its capacity to
cure depends entirely on the pro-imity to or distance from the %atio value of one =1>.

Scale Shakings or
succussions per
@econcentration Final %atio =%> #olerance and
curative capacity
1G 1G
6GGD)G ` + &ood
6G W 1G 1G
6GGD6G ` 2. Sometimes not
6G 2. 1GG 1G
6GGGD17F ` -. .any times not
6G cC 2GG 1G
)GGGD)G ` 2.. 9ery bad
6G .. 1GGG 1G
6GGGGD22E ` 2*2 9ery bad
6G .. CGG * 1CGGGD22E ` (+ ad
6G .. 1GG * 6GGGD22E ` 2* Sometimes not
6G .. 1G * 6GGD22E ` 2=*2 ?-cellent
6G .. C * 1CGD22E ` .=(+ ?-cellent
=f> HC is Hahnemann CentesimalR W is @ecimalR 2. is Hahnemann .illesimalR cC is current
Centesimal done wih a dynami'er, employing $orsakovJs method, and .. is .illionesimal.
@econcentration or ?-panded Field of potency 6G current Centesimal done with a dynami'er
employing $orsakovJs method, actually cannot be measured, as its deconcentration is erratic.
Here it was imagined as having a regular deconcentration only as a didactic aim.
From this chart the notable evidence points out that0
- #he optimal value of alance is around 1 =one>.
- #he HC scale is distanced C points from the alance value.
- #he W scale is distanced 1G points from the alance value.
- #he 2. scale is distanced 2G points from the alance value.
- #he cC scale is distanced 1GG points from the alance value.
=the .illionesimal scale Z and its variants Z was abandoned in favour of a more balanced one>.
#hese values per se e-plain the good, fair and bad results observed clinically.
#he potencies made by continuous flu-ion are not compared here due to the reasons
mentioned previously.
1s we see in the previous chart, the instruction to apply 2GG or more succussions to
each potency in the current Centesimal scale =instead of 1G> by means of dynami'ing machines
that employ $orsakovJs method, while this is not based on e-perimental laboratory findings
relating it to clinical observation, alters and denatures the norms given by Hahnemann, outcome
of meticulous tests and countertests carried out for years. #hey produce the furious and even
dangerous violence! which he pointed out.
%emedies prepared in this manner have in the last potency ),GGG or more accumulated
succussions instead of 6GG, so its %atio values pass from being C points away from alance to
1GG points away, in conse3uence change their clinical responses from &ood to 9ery ad.
Scale Shakings or
per potency
CF @econcentratio
?F %atio #olerance and
6G HC 1G 6GG 1G
)G 6GGD)G ` + &ood
6G cC 2GG ),GG
)G ),GGGD)G `2.. 9ery ad
?very day, patients and doctors are witnesses of the results due to this baseless
pharmaceutical practice by ignoring HahnemannJs norms and by omitting the cumulative
character of the Concentrated Field =shakings or succussions>.
Bn the ne-t chart, compare the following four potencies, the last one belongs to the new
scale ?3uilibrium, which will be e-plained in its proper Chapter.
1ll have the same Concentrated Field value, but different values for the ?-panded
Field, therefore their %atio values are not the same.
/otency CF ?F %atio #olerance and curative
6 2.
6GG 21 21 Sometimes not
6G W
6GG 6G 2. Sometimes not
6GG )G + &ood
6GG 6GG 2 ?-cellent
1s we can see, the curative responses are very different and the clue to a better curative
capacity lies in *unfurling, the ?-panded Field so that the %atio between it and the
Concentrated Field =CFD?F> be 1 =one>.
4ot all the attention must be given to the Concentrated Field giving the greater number
of shakings or succussions possible, ignoring the importance of the ?-panded Field as the latter
is indispensable to be able to reach the value of alance ` 1 =one>.
Bn curative results it is not the same having a Concentrated Field of 6GG with an
?-panded Field of 21 which in potency 6 of the .illesimal scale has a %atio value of 17, than
having the same Concentrated Field with an ?-panded Field of 6GG which in potency F of the
?3uilibrium scale has a %atio value of 1.
Bn short, the e>cellence in tolerance and also its !ull ca$acity to cure are $laced
around the value o! Balance S 2 EoneF= as in that 6atio the degree o! energy AlierationB
&ee$s an o$ti"al relationshi$ %ith its concentration.
Many o! the 6atio5s values dis$layed in the $revious charts e>$lain $er se the
!reJuent aggravations and the ad "edicinal tolerance that are oserved in daily $ractice=
har"ing the $atients and har"!ul !or ho"eo$athy.
earing in mind that alance => has a value of 1 =one>, in the first chart displayed in
this Chapter, one notices that no scale has that e-act relation, though the two last .illionesimals
clinically have that value and to that end the difference between them is irrelevant.
From the results that the chart e-hibits, it is noteworthy that tolerance and curative
capacity are e-cellent with values around 1, good in value C, and from there on both capacities
become ad and very ad responses according to their progression.
#herefore, it may be affirmed that the ideal scale is the one that in each o! its
$otencies has the Balance eJual to one EB S 2F.
%emedies prepared in a way that the 3uotients between the referred magnitudes be
inferior to the value of 1 =one> also have an e-cellent curative and tolerance response as those of
alance, but they hamper laboratory work due to the large amount of flasks re3uired for their
preparation, conclusion reached after testing an e-perimental scale with a value of % ` G,66 and
?F ` 22I) =1G
> which demanded the use of more than )GG flasks.
Having at our dis$osal the conce$t o! Balance= this can e a$$lied in e>a"ining the
scales re!erred to in the chart= %hich had to have the !ollo%ing a"ount o! sha&ings $er
$otency to e ale to reach the value o! BalanceH
Scale Shakings or succussions per
%atio =%> in the end potency
HC 2 )GD)G ` 1
W 1 6GD6G ` 1
2. C 1CGD17F ` 1 =appro-.>
cC 2 )GD)G ` 1
.. E 27GD22E ` 1 =appro-.>
(e must remember that Hahnemann achieved the e-act value of alance when he gave
two shakings per potency in the Centesimal scale, as he wrote in *Chronic @iseases,.
4evertheless, as he intended to increase shakings and at the same time avoid aggravations, he
increased them to 1G shakings per potency and 1G more shakings previous to each one of the
multiple doses diluted in a large amount of water!, observing that the remedy was of an
acceptable tolerance. He called this procedure variation of the degree of potency!.
(hat follows is that to preserve the value of alance in the .illesimal scale and apply
to each potency 1GG succussions, Hahnemann would have had to reach a deconcentration or
final dilution 2G times greater. ?ach potency would have had a deconcentration of 1D1,GGG,GGG
instead of 1DCG,GGG.
#here is a widespread ignorance of the fundamental importance of the cumulative
character of succussions, which #he #eacher had pointed out, due to the lack of e-perimental
laboratory work related clinically for the training of homeopathic doctors. Bn homeopathic
te-tbooks referring to the preparation of medicines in the Centesimal scale, it is indicated that to
each potency CG to 1GG shakings may be given, that is to say for potency 6G it would mean
1,CGG and 6,GGG accumulated shakings respectively, considering erroneously that one as the
other of the remedies obtained in this manner are similar in their therapeutic responses.
#hese figures are impressive when compared with those employed by Hahnemann in
the Centesimal scale0 1G shakings per potency and an accumulated final of 6GG of them.
The Concentrated @ield cannot e evaluated %ithout ta&ing into account the
accu"ulative character that this "agnitude has in the considered $otency= and the sa"e
ha$$ens in the E>$anded @ield.
The great relevance in res$ect to its curative e!!ects that Hahne"ann assigned to
the di!!erence o! a$$lying - or 2. sha&ings $er $otency in the Centesi"al scale= e>$ressed
in his %or& AChronic DiseasesB= gives us an idea o! the signi!icance o! this !actor.
He who bears in mind the cumulative character of shakings and succussions, and relates
work in the e-perimental laboratory with clinical practice, may verify with certainty what was
previously e-pressed.
Bn reference to the clinical importance of the accumulation of shakings, the reader is
referred to the First /art of this book, Chapter BB, corresponding to the Centesimal scale where it
is treated under the title *#he cumulative character of friction or shakings,, in which it relates
that Hahne"ann co"$ared the activity o! Drosera $re$ared %ith -. and %ith - sha&ings
$er $otency= a!!ir"ing that the !or"er endangers the $atient5s li!e= the latter cures.
(e iterate that deconcentration or ?-panded Field of potency 6G current Centesimal,
made with a dynami'er using $orsakovJs method, actually cannot be measured due to its erratic
behaviour. Bn the previous and following charts it was imagined as having a regular
deconcentration, only as a didactic procedure, and not forgetting that there are no trustworthy
assessments that allow us to know its real value of ?-panded Field.
Bn remedies obtained by $orsakovJs method with widespread dynami'ing machines
which apply 6GG succussions per potency altering even more HahnemannJs Centesimal scale
which only gives 1G manual shakings per potency, the calculation of @ynamism of potency 6G
current Centesimal that is displayed in the following chart proves its dangerousness.
Scale Shakings or
per potency
shakings or
@econcentration @ynamism @ynamic
Units =U@>
1G 6GG 1G
6GG ] )G `
6G cC
I,GGG ] )G `
=HC is Hahnemann Centesimal and cC is current Centesimal made with a dynami'er using
$orsakovJs method>.
#he value of @ynamism C7G,GGG, or of 6G @U of this potency current Centesimal is
e-tremely high, as it surpasses @ynamism of potency 6G 2., which is of 27,C @U and is
6,GGG_ greater than the 6G Hahnemann Centesimal.
2ikewise we can understand the enormous unbalance shown by the calculation of the
value of its %atio.
Scale %atio =%>
6G HC 6GGD)G ` +
6G cC I,GGGD)G ` 2+.
#his value of %atio, distanced 1CG points from the value of alance e-plains the violent
aggravations that so fre3uently are seen in daily practice. 2et the reader imagine what happens
with potencies 1,GGG, C,GGG, 1G,GGG and higher of the current Centesimal scale, made with a
dynami'er employing $orsakovJs method.
#he two previous charts show that the potency 6G current Centesimal with 6G @ynamic
Units, and a %atio value of 1CG, made with a dynami'ing machine using $orsakovJs method,
has a value greatly distanced from the optimal therapeutic concordance, therefore it is a very
decompensated medicine, and on account of the great @ynamism it has, it e-erts its activity very
deeply, therefore it rings aout an unalanced and violent sti"ulus to Biologic Energy.
4evertheless, as we e-pressed previously, due to the fact that deconcentration produced
by $orsakovJs method of a single flask is irregular, its conse3uences not always have the
dangerousness they should have if this accumulated deconcentration were regular, and is at the
same time the reason why these magnitudes are not applicable to remedies made with this
With 6atio values higher than 2 EoneF= the "ore energy in concentrated state is
trans!erred to the e>$anded state= the re"edy %ill have a etter curative activity as in the
case o! high Juotients= energy is $ure "edicinal violence.
7t is $ossile that curative energy "ay act only under the state o! E>$anded @ield=
though this and Concentrated @ield constitute a one and only !ield o! energy.
This is de"onstrated y intensi!ying e>clusively the Concentrated @ield= a$$lying
nu"erous sha&ings !or a long ti"e to a "edicinal solution %ithout diluting it= %hich
"a&es it clinically intolerale.
Summing up0
4 Concentrated @ield EC@F is constituted y the energy generated y the high
intensity a$$lied= %hereas the E>$anded @ield EE@F is the !ield o! in!luence o! that
!or"er and e>$resses the degree o! AlierationB o! that energy.
4 Dyna"is" EDF is the su" o! the high charge EC@F and the e>$ansion o! its !ield o!
in!luence EE@F and "easures the ca$acity o! oth o! the" to sti"ulate Biologic
4 6atio E6F is the degree o! har"ony et%een the Concentrated @ield and the
E>$anded @ield EE@F= and "easures the thera$eutic concordance et%een oth
The greater the intensity a$$lied= greater e>$ansion or AlierationB o! its !ield o!
in!luence is reJuired.
4 The o$ti"al $oint o! this thera$eutic concordance is the value o! Balance EBF.
#herefore, the curing capacity of a remedy for its use in continuous treatment of
Chronic @iseases is linked to0
N that the chosen remedy be the only one and similar especially in its peculiar symptoms,
and it be an anti$soric if itJs a non venereal chronic disease, which will be prescribed in
series with other antipsorics.
N the appropriate choice of the scale whose value of %atio be the closest to the value of
alance = ` 1>R
N the appropriate choice of potencies that shall be used in increasing dinami'ation,
starting by the lowestR
N the appropriate choice of intake routeR
N the appropriate choice of fre3uency of doses and
N the appropriate choice of amount of dose to prescribe.
The notion o! o$ti"al thera$eutic concordance EC@F,EE@F or o! "a>i"u" synergy
e>$ressed y the value o! Balance is one o! the "ost i"$ortant results o! this %or& o!
e>$eri"ental laoratory carried out a!ter 2+ years= it is also one o! the reasons !or %riting
this oo&.
1 central issue already related was the search for this =CFD?F> optimal correspondence,
which was clinically revealed through the therapeutic responses.
1nother fundamental aspect was the understanding of the entity called ?-panded Field
and its function in the @ynamism of the homeopathic remedy, which shall be treated in the ne-t
The e>$ansion o! the energy !ield o! the re"edy.
* perceive the essential to understand the multiple!#
2ao #se.
(hen Hahnemann designed the Centesimal and .illesimal scales, his main goal was to
apply to each potency the greatest possible amount of shakings or succussions, as the greater the
amount, greater would be its capacity to reestablish health.
He assigned all the curative aptitude to those shakings or succussions, 3ualifying
dilution as devoid of all therapeutic activity! and only destined to moderate the strength of
the medicament!#
This nota"le transformation of the properties of natural su"stances due to the
mechanical action of friction and succussion (and "y adding a neuter su"stance, solid or
li1uid, that serves as a permanent su"stratum to the particles of matter so transformed to "e
separate) develops and enhances its dynamic forces, latent, masked, as "y this procedure the
mechanical activity alters even the elemental structure of the matter!#
Hahnemann then attributed to friction done in the mortar with the dry remedy or by
shakings or succussions with the remedy in fluid, all the development of the medicinal powers
and all the capacity to increase its power of penetration!, deeming deconcentration or dilution
as non medicinal! and devoid of all therapeutic activity!, which plays an indispensa"le "ut
accessory role!, only a secondary condition!, and whose sole obKect is to moderate the
strength of the medicament! in the same degree its friction is increased.
He thought that there must be a correspondence or relation between shakings or
succussions and dilution, and this relation linked both magnitudes.
Bn practice, he did not doubt that for a greater friction =shakings or succussions> he
needed to achieve greater deconcentration =dilutions> of the remedy to avoid aggravations.
He could not increase the amount of shakings or succussions as he intended, without
increasing the dilution of which he thought as only a secondary condition!, in a proportion he
had to estimate.
Summari'ing his convictions0
N 1ll medicinal activity is given only by friction =shakings and succussions>.
N @econcentration or dilution is necessary but not active0 *only an accessory condition
devoid of all therapeutic activity!#
N #here is a relation or correspondence that links both magnitudes0 friction and
deconcentration. Bf friction is increased, deconcentration must be increased
N #he relation or correspondence between both magnitudes were evaluated by estimation.
4evertheless, from concepts of 4ew /hysics, from e-perimental work of more than a
decade e-pressed in this book and having been able to clinically observe the activity of very
high deconcentrations as a result from using precision micropipettes, a new and astounding
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, paragraph 2)I translated from &erman to French by @r. /.
Schmidt, /aris. ?d. 9igot Frgres, 1IC2, pages 21)DF.
finding arises of great importance for the development of dynamism of the homeopathic
The so called dilution or deconcentration o! the !ield o! energy= or E>$anded @ield=
is not a "agnitude devoid o! thera$eutic activity %hose only goal is to "oderate "edicinal
strength= Juite the o$$osite= it is an active and !unda"ental agent in the curative
dyna"is" o! the re"edy.
Bt is a factor as important as Concentrated Field, the latter as a result of friction in the
fascinating and e-traordinary process of dynami'ation of substances.
/recision micropipettes have been able to divide the medicinal drop into "ost "inute
"easurale !ractions thus allowing the field to e-pand easily in a measure previously not
imagined, making evident the fundamental therapeutic activity of the ?-panded Field.
1n e-ample is given comparing the value of deconcentration of the last Hahnemann
.illesimal potency which is 17F =1G
> and the last ?3uilibrium potency which is IFF =1G
and this means that the e-pansion of the latter is ))7_ greater
Having reached these very high deconcentrations of the ?-panded Field and relating
them to different intensities of the Concentrated Field, the importance of the former as also the
scope of the Koint action, were revealed clinically.
So it is now understood that it is not a si"$le deconcentration or dilution o! the
"atter= a vacuu" devoid o! thera$eutic activity.
#he new concept implies0
N That it is a $o%er!ul thera$eutic energy called E>$anded @ield= that coe>ists %ith
the Concentrated @ield. Both are t%o states o! a sole entire !ield o! energy.
4 Even i! deconcentration "eans decreasing the intensity o! the !ield o! energy= %hat
is !unda"ental is that at the ti"e it e>$ands notaly allo%ing it to e>ert the greater
curative a$titude as this is in direct relation to the degree o! its e>$ansion.
4 That the deconcentration o! the E>$anded @ield inevitaly "ust &ee$ thera$eutic
concordance %ith the intensity o! the Concentrated @ield.
4 The higher the Juotient o! the 6atio et%een the Concentrated @ield and the
E>$anded @ield over the value o! Balance= the thera$eutic concordance %ill e
lo%er and so %ill e "edicinal tolerance= and lo%er %ill e the a$titude to recover
4 That achieving Balance et%een oth "agnitudes the highest synergy is reached
acceding to a greater ca$acity to cure.
4 That !or ho"eo$athy= the conce$t o! e>$ansion or AlierationB o! the !ield o!
energy= in $lace o! that o! si"$le dilution and the !inding o! the "a>i"u"
thera$eutic concordance EC@,E@F constitute t%o ne% curative tools.
Bn the WBW
century, Faraday and .a-well introduced the notion of energy !ield= or
condition in the surrounding space of a body charged electromagnetically, capable to influence
over other charged bodies and their fields. 2ater, ?insteinJs theory of relativity e-tensively
developed the notion of field of energy.
#o have an obKective evidence of a field of energy the reader should remember the area
of e-tant forces in the space among poles of magnets when they are near to each other.
#he ?3uilibrium Scale is developed in Chapter 9BB of this Second /art.
7t "ay e a!!ir"ed that the energy !ield o! dyna"i?ed re"edies is o! a nature
si"ilar to that o! Biologic Energy= %hich %ould e>$lain their interaction.
Summing up, the simple raw medicinal substances i.e.0 non dynami'ed do not stimulate
iologic ?nergy as they act in the chemical field and not in the energy field and must be rubbed
and deconcentrated successively up to achieve a degree of e-pansion that allows them to reach
the state of ?-panded Field, which through greater friction reaches high intensity, which is to
say that part of it takes on another state which is that of Concentrated Field, having both to be in
alance to e-ert all its curative capacity.
Bf both states Z Concentrated Field and ?-panded Field Z grow in harmony, a medicinal
dynamism arises with such a therapeutic capacity that healthJs lost order is recovered.
7t is then reJuired that to a higher intensity o! the !ield o! energy there should also
e a greater A!reeingB or its e>$ansion.
(hen Hahnemann diluted the remedy in a large amount of water! and applied 1G
shakings previous to each dose, thus increasing the degree of potency!, %hat he $recisely did
%as to increase the intensity o! the !ield and also AlierateB the concentrated energy y
e>$anding it "ore.
The i"$ortance o! the state o! E>$anded @ield is revealed in the asolute need that
there e>ist a alanced relationshi$ et%een that energy and that o! the state o!
Concentrated @ield= !or the re"edy to e %ell tolerated and there!ore curative. Besides= i!
e>$eri"entally the Concentrated @ield is "aintained !i>ed a!ter a$$lying "any
succussions to it= and the E>$anded @ield is "odi!ied decreasing or increasing the
dilutions= the e!!ects o! the re"edies $re$ared in this "anner run !ro" a furious
violence to the "ildest cure res$ectively.
@urther"ore= su$$osing it %ere $ossile to consider the" in an isolated "anner=
the Concentrated @ield %ould not e thera$eutic as it is only intensity %ithout "easure=
and the energy could only cure in the state o! E>$anded @ield. But as they are t%o states
coe>isting in one sole energy= oth are interde$endent and none could e>ist or act %ithout
the other.
+ne evidence of the enormous therapeutic power of the ?-panded Field is manifest in
comparing two potencies with similar Concentrated Fields and with different degrees of
/otency F ?3. is much more powerful! than potency 6G HC, as shown by clinical
verification during one decade. Bn both the Concentrated Field is almost e3ual, as F ?3. has 2II
accumulated succussions, and 6G HC has 6GG accumulated shakings, therefore the greater
therapeutic power of the former cannot lie in that magnitude.
#he notable difference is found in the values of the ?-panded Field, while in the former
=?3.> it is of 2II =1G
>, in the latter =HC> it is )G =1G
>, that is that the former is almost CGG_
more e-panded than the latter.
There lies the di!!erence.
This signi!icantly "ore e>tended !ield o! energy o! the re"edy is %hat esto%s that
notale greater thera$eutic ca$acity= to which is added the value of e-tant balance between
both Fields.
Conse3uently, the therapeutic importance of the ?-panded Field radically alters our
concept of the dynami'ing process of substances.
Bt ama'es he who relates clinical findings with e-perimental laboratory, that under the
light of this new notion, and considering the two basic magnitudes involved in the process of
dynami'ation, that the state of ?-panded Field be the one that plays the leading role in the
conception of new scales, when previously, for Hahnemann it was the state of Concentrated
Bf the founder of Homeopathy created his two scales with the intention of applying to
each potency the greater amount of shakings or succussions possible to produce a more intense
Concentrated Field, employing dilution or ?-panded Field as an accessory! factor, devoid of
all therapeutic activity!, today the e3uation is inverted as the concept of field of energy and the
value of alance are available.
No% the goal is to e>$and or AlierateB the !ield o! energy= deconcentrate it or
dilute it as "uch as $ossile= a$$lying to it intensity or !riction in the necessary "easure=
so that the Juotient et%een Concentrated @ield and E>$anded @ield e o! "a>i"u"
synergy= that is= that oth e alanced to one another and in this %ay reach the value as
near as $ossile to one EBS2F.
#he definition of magnitudes in homeopathy, the notable change in the concept of
simple dilution to attenuate or moderate! dynami'ation, to the new one consisting in
*liberation, or e-pansion of the field of energy, and the finding of the value of alance or
ma-imum synergy between Concentrated Field and ?-panded Field, revolutioni'e our
conception on the development of dynami'ing substances.
#o achieve this, precision micropipettes which were used to *build, the ?3uilibrium
scale were of great help, with drops 1GG times smaller than those employed by Hahenmann,
who to pour only one drop, with great effort had to abrade with sand the interior wall of the
neck of every glass flask.
#here is no doubt that modern techni3ues and instruments, such as precision
micropipettes, and concepts of the new physics which Hahnemann did not know, allow at
present to accede to a great advance in resources which the homeopathic doctors can count on to
Bncorporating these concepts to a new medicinal scale whose ratio between Fields must
be balanced, the stimuli given by remedies thus prepared to iologic ?nergy, provoke a mild
and deep curative response, if the medicine is the similar and if the routes of administration and
the fre3uency of the repetition of doses are the correct ones.
Continuous treatment for years with .ultiple @oses of these balanced remedies,
produces a continuous reaction of the iologic ?nergy which gives place to a continuous
curative process. #hus it introduces a decisive factor of stability at the levels of curative activity
throughout time, which leads to the cure of very grave and old cases, which previously were
The EJuiliriu" scale EEJF

The most perfect actions are the echo of patterns that are found in nature!
.orihei Ueshiba
Bn 1II7, we began e-perimenting with new scales of homeopathic remedies, in 3uest of
greater tolerance, dynamism and curative capacity, than those obtained with the .illesimal
So as not to tire the reader, we shall avoid relating all the e-perimental process carried
out for four years =1II7N1IIE>, during which 1G successive scales were designed, e-perimented
and discarded, among them the .illonesimals, referred to previously.
(ith the definition of magnitudes of homeopathic remedies, the new conception of field
of energy and its e-pansion, and particularly with the finding of the value of alance, it was
intended to proKect an eleventh scale whose fundamental basis had to be that each one of the
potencies reach this value of alance.
HahnemannJs procedure to make the Centesimal and .illesimal scales was to apply to
each potency a fi-ed increase of the ?-panded Field =1D1GG and 1DCG,GGG of deconcentration or
dilution respectively>, and a fi-ed increase of the Concentrated Field =1G and 1GG shakings or
succussions, respectively>, also for each potency.
No% it %as dee"ed that !or the ne% $otencies to re!lect the est thera$eutic
concordance et%een "agnitudes and clinical oservations= they should e lin&ed %ith the
value o! Dyna"is"= %hich is the "agnitude that "easures the ca$acity to sti"ulate
Biologic Energy= instead o! a$$lying se$arately to the E>$anded @ield= as to the
Concentrated @ield= !i>ed increases devoid o! clinical corres$ondence.
7t %as resolved then to assign to these $otencies values o! Dyna"is" that %ere
su"ulti$les or "ulti$les o! the Dyna"ic #nit= to reach very high deconcentrations o! the
E>$anded @ield and a$$ly succussions that generate intensity and increase the
Concentrated @ield only in the necessary "easure to "aintain the value o! Balance in each
one o! the".
#herefore, it was decided for the ?3uilibrium scale =?3>0
4 That all its $otencies have the value o! Balance.
4 That Hahne"ann5s "ethod o! !riction and deconcentration o! the sustance in a
dry "ediu" to reach the "illionth= a!ter three hours o! trituration in the "ortar=
as Hahne"ann5s Centesi"al and Millesi"al scale= should continue.
4 That in the !luid $hase !ollo% the $rocedure o! !or"ing the Millesi"al scale= %hich
Hahne"ann e>$lained in $aragra$h -0. o! the (
edition o! AOrganonB= $lus the
$articular inter"ediate ste$s o! dilution o! this ne% scale=%ith the ai" to reach the
intended deconcentrations.
4 That all $otencies have Dyna"is" values that e su"ulti$lies or "ulti$les o! the
Dyna"ic #nit.
4 That it have values elo% the Dyna"ic #nit in the !irst $otencies to treat
hy$erreactives= and in the last $otencies these values e high to treat
4 That in the last $otency it reach doule the Dyna"is" o! Hahne"ann5s Millesi"al
4 That !ro" one $otency to the ne>t= there e su!!icient Dyna"is"= so its activity e
clinically oserved= so as not to lea$ over $otencies to a$$reciate it.
4 That conseJuently its nu"er o! $otencies "ay e reduced y hal!.
4 That it e si"$le to "a&e.
Bn the middle of 1IIE, we achieved the intended goal deeming Zsomething later
confirmed clinically Z that the potencies thus conceived have a milder activity, are better
tolerated, and have greater aptitude to cure Chronic @iseases principally, with the condition of
employing the art of choosing the appropriate similar remedy, the intake route and intervals
between doses during continuous treatment with multiple doses.
#his scale should be employed fundamentally to prepare antimiasmatic remedies Z the
only ones capable of curing Chronic @iseases Z and especially the anti$sorics, as for the acute
diseases HahnemannJs Centesimal scales up to potency 6G and of manual preparation is in
general sufficient to achieve their remission.
1s the principal reason of the new scale is to have the value of alance => in all its
potencies, it was called EI#797B67#M EEJF, 2atin ae1ui`e3ual, and li"ra`scales.
#he name refers to the state of the scales when both pans are balanced at the same
height, thus alluding to the fact that in the new scale both basic magnitudes, the Concentrated
Field and the ?-panded Field, are also in balance.
The $rocedure that "ust e !ollo%ed to $re$are the EJuiliriu" scale is the sa"e
that is e"$loyed !or the Millesi"al scale= as is descried in Organon= (
$aragra$h -0. and its notes= e>ce$ting s$eci!ic ste$s the !or"er reJuires, which will be
e-plained in the following note.
#he starting point is one grain =)C milligrams> of the substance to be dynami'ed,
triturating it with lactose powder, to reach the millionth at the end of 6 hours, according to
instructions alluded to in the previous paragraph.
+ne powdered grain =)C milligrams> of a millionth is diluted in a flask which contains
CGG drops of )C milligrams each, of a mi-ture of one part alcohol and 7 of distilled water, to
which C succussions must be applied.
+ne microdrop of G,)C milligrams of this solution Z obtained from the previous flask
with a micropipette Z is dissolved in 1GG drops of alcohol FG_ of )C milligrams each, and this
operation of successive dilutions is repeated ) times. #o each one of the ) flasks, C succussions
are applied.
1 )C milligram drop is taken from the last flask, and is diluted in 1GG drops of FG_
alcohol of )C milligrams each one, in a flask that does not take succussions.
&lobules whose si'e is such that 1GG of them weigh )C milligrams are impregnated with
this mi-ture.
+nce dry, these globules constitute the first ?3. potency.
For the second ?3. potency, only one of these globules is dissolved in 1GG drops of FG_
alcohol, of )C milligrams each one, and C succussions are applied =previously it should be
diluted in one drop of distilled water, as it is not very soluble in alcohol>.
+ne microdrop of G,)C milligrams of this solution obtained with a micropipette is
dissolved in a solution of 1GG drops of )C milligrams each of FG_ alcohol, and this operation of
successive dilutions is repeated twice. #o each one of the two flasks 7 succussions are applied.
From the last flask a microdrop of ),C milligrams is taken, with which CG globules of
the same si'e as the previous one are impregnated.
+nce dry, these globules constitute the second potency of ?3.
1s was done for the 2
potency, the procedure continues up to the 1C
, which is the last
of the scale, varying only the number of steps of deconcentration, and the amount of
#he ne-t chart shows the number of steps of deconcentration =G,GGG1, or 1
> and the
amount of succussions re3uired for each flask, varies for each potency.
c Units
on steps
d Field
ed Field
1 1D1) 1,12C ) 2Ib) 6C 6C 1
2 1DE 2,2CG 2 7E 16 7E 1
6 1D7 7,CGG 7 )I 21 )I 1
7 1D2 I,GGG C I6 27 I6 1
C 1 1E,GGG I 167 71 167 1
) 6 C7,GGG 26 261 IF 261 1
F C IG,GGG 1) 2II )E 2II 1
E F 12),GGG 16 6C) CF 6C) 1
I I 1)2,GGG 1G 7G1 7C 7G1 1
1G 16 267,GGG 2G 7EC E7 7EC 1
11 1F 6G),GGG 1) CC7 )I CC7 1
12 21 6FE,GGG 17 )1C )1 )1C 1
16 2I C22,GGG 2) F27 1GI F27 1
17 6F ))),GGG 22 E1) I2 E1) 1
1C C6 IC7,GGG 6I IFF 1)1 IFF 1
4ote0 #he ?-panded Field of a millionth =1G
> must be added to the e-panded field of the 1
potency which has the value of 2I.
1 &rainDCGG
drops ` )CmgD62,CGG mg ` 2
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
) times ` 1
1 dropD1GG
drops ` )C mgD),CGG ` 1
C succussions to each of the F flasks e-cept for the last one.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
twice ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the 2 flasks and C to the first one. #he last step is the impregnation of
globules, so succussions are not done, neither in this potency nor in all the following ones.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
7 times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the 7 flasks and C to the first one.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
C times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the ) flasks.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
I times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the I flasks and C to the first one.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
26 times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the 26 flasks and C to the first one.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
1) times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the 1F flasks.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
16 times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the 16 flasks and C to the first one.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
1G times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the 1G flasks and C to the first one.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
2G times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the 21 flasks.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
1) times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the 1) flasks and C to the first one.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
17 times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the 17 flasks and C to the first one.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
2) times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the 2) flasks and C to the first one.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
22 times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the 26 flasks.
1 globuleD
1GG drops ` G.)CmgD),CGG mg ` 1
1 microdrop
D 1GG drops ` G.)C mgD),CGG mg ` 1
6I times ` 1
1 microdropD
CG globules ` ).C mgD62.C mg ` 2
7 succussions to each of the 6I flasks and C to the first one.
#he first and last step of each potency are the same as those of the .illesimal scale, the
difference is that it uses in every last step a )C milligram drop to impregnate CGG globules which
weigh 62C milligrams, and the ?3uilibrium scale employs a microdrop of ),C milligrams to
impregnate CG globules that weigh 62,C milligrams, thus the result =G.2 or 2
> is the same in
#he main difference lies in the intermediate steps of dilution or deconcentration =of
G.GGG1 or 1
> which correspond to the ?3uilibrium scale and do not belong to the .illesimal
1s may be noted0
N #he ?3uilibrium scale differs from the .illesimal scale, principally on account of
having a number of intermediate steps of deconcentration or dilution of the ?-panded Field
=G.GGG1 or 1
> different for each potency, carried out with precision micropipettes, attaining
drops 1GG times smaller =G,)C milligrams> than those attained by Hahnemann, aiming to achieve
the value of alance => in each potency and the proKected values, submultiples and multiples of
the @ynamic Unit.
N #he new scale has the Concentrated Field or succussions shared among the dilution
flasks for each potency, instead of receiving all the succussions together at the end of each
N #he slightly variable number of succussions, 7 or C, applied to each of these
intermediate dilution flasks, is due to the need of reaching the e-act Concentration Field, to
attain the value of alance in all potencies.
N /otency 1 has a @ynamism e3ual to 1D1) of @U.
N Bn potency C, @U has the value of 1.
N /otency 1C, end of the new scale has C6 @U.
N eing able to divide the drop into one 1G times smaller, at the end of each potency,
only CG globules are able to be impregnated, and as the new scale has half the potencies of 2.,
this means that the total amount of globules is 2G times smaller.
Bt is evident that the procedure to prepare the ?3uilibrium scale is basically similar to
the .illesimal scale. #he starting point for both is the millionth after three hours labour with the
#he new ?3uilibrium scale can then be compared to the .illesimal scale, taking for
both the values of their final potencies.
Factors to compare 6G .illesimal =2.> 1C ?3uilibrium =?3>
Concentrated Field =CF>
?-panded Field =?F>
%atio =%>
2G.7 1
@ynamism =@> final in @U
27.C C6
Succussions per potency
1GG )C =average>
@ilution or e-pansion per potency
7.I )C =average>
Submultiples and multiples of @U
4+ T?S
1mount of /otencies
6G 1C
1mount of globules used
1mount of flasks used
)G 2CC
1s the chart shows, the ?3uilibrium scale is ) X more deconcentrated and 6 times less
frictioned than HahnemannJs .illesimal scale, in order to reach the value of alance for each
esides, having that value in all its potencies, it has a better tolerance and a greater
capacity to recover health.
#he .illesimal scale, having a %atio value of 2G points distant from the value of
alance leads to results of fair tolerance and fair capacity to cure.
#he chart shows that @ynamism or capacity to stimulate iologic ?nergy in the
?3uilibrium scale, reaches to more than twofold than in the .illesimal scale.
1lthough 2CC flasks must be employed for the new scale instead of )G for the
.illesimal scale, which means a greater cost, nowadays it lacks the economic weight it had in
HahnemannJs time.
1s for the fact that preparing the ?3uilibrium scale must be manual, the same as for the
.illesimal scale, as they do not adapt to the dynami'ing machines that employ $orsakovJs
method, because both have a fluid phase and a dry phase of globule impregnation, this is not a
hindrance due to the limited number of remedies to dynami'e, as the new scale should be
prepared principally for antimiasthmatic remedies, and especially for anti$sorics, whose
number is only between )G and EG substances.
#o tergiverse the norms of preparing the scale, as is fre3uently done with the .illesimal
scale, will lead to obtain remedies that do not belong to the ?3uilibrium scale, and the results
will be very different to those obtained according to the norms and manually.
And lastly the e>traordinary deconcentration o! the E>$anded @ield o! this ne%
scale is noted= as it is ((1M greater than that o! the Millesi"al scale.
#his e-ceptional e-pansion of the ?3uilibrium scale is evident when comparing the
average increase o! the E>$anded @ield $er $otency in each scale.
Scale 1verage increase of the ?-panded Field per potency
?3uilibrium )C
1s both magnitudes are balanced, the Concentrated Field also has an average increase of )C
succussions per potency.
Ta&ing the E>$anded @ield to such a"a?ingly high values= and considering that
this crucial energy is in a state o! "a>i"u" synergy %ith the energy o! the Concentrated
@ield due to the alance oth $arta&e= these re"edies have the greatest $o%er to cure.
Bn the ne-t Chapter, a summary of the correct use of the ?3uilibrium scale for
continuous treatment of Chronic @iseases for years will be displayed.
Continuous treat"ent !or years %ith the EJuiliriu" scale in Chronic
The dose of a homeopathic chosen remedy and highly potentiated * will never "e
prepared so minute as not to "e stronger than the natural illness and not "e capa"le of
surpassing its power*!
S. Hahnemann.
#he ?3uilibrium scale has the ma-imum capacity to stimulate iologic ?nergy, and %as
develo$ed to treat Chronic Diseases, as for acute diseases, habitually HahnemannJs
Centesimal scale is sufficient, up to potency 6G, prepared manually, employing multiple flasks
and prepared with 1G shakings per potency.
Conforming to conditions set down by Hahnemann, doctors shall prescribe0
- +nly anti$sorics, if the chronic illness is non venereal, they shall be administered
in series.
- For peculiar symptoms be they physical andDor mental.
- +nly one medicine at a time.
- +ne globule, sometimes two.
- Choosing the most convenient medicinal intake route.
- For .ultiple @oses, with appropriate intervals.
- For increasing dynami'ations, starting from the lowest.
- 2astly, Sulphur or Hepar Sulphur shall be prescribed before, during or after the use
of anti$sorics.
For more than a decade, the new ?3uilibrium scale was tested in oral, percutaneous and
inhalatory routes, to treat the most various chronic pathologies in hyperreactive, normoreactive
and hyporeactive volunteers, duration of therapy, fre3uency and amount of doses, employing a
dry globule or in solution.
#he out come of all this e-perience is syntheti'ed here0
Bn the last C or ) years of his life, Hahnemann applied continuous treatment for
months. With the EJuiliriu" scale= continuous treat"ent "ay e carried out not only
for months ut !or years, always choosing the remedy similar to the present symptoms,
which vary in time as new symptomatic layers crop up.
;o= this continuous treat"ent !or years introduces the decisive !actor o! staility at
sti"ulation levels in the course o! ti"e= asent %hen single Doses are e"$loyed.
1s the unbalance is subKected to a constant not declining activity for long periods, it
gradually yields and iologic ?nergy gently recovers its order.
*+rganon,, )th ed., .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 2FI.
1s was stated .ultiple @oses, are repeated without waiting for the symptoms to
reappear an indispensable re3uisite for Single @oses.
As each one o! the 2+ $otencies o! the EJuiliriu" scale has the o$ti"al
thera$eutic concordance= et%een Concentrated @ield and E>$anded @ield= that is= that
they all reach the value o! Balance= their de$th and ca$acity to sti"ulate Biologic Energy
is "a>i"al.
Due to this great ca$acity to sti"ulate= t%o "ost i"$ortant conditions "ust e
care!ully res$ected as to avoid aggravations %ith the loss o! curative a$titude= during
continuous treat"ent !or years o! chronic diseases.
#hese two conditions refer to0 B> the "edicinal inta&e route, and BB> !reJuency in
re$etition o! doses.
7F Medicinal inta&e route.
#he outcome of all clinical e-perience accumulated during one decade shows that for
Continuous treatment the EJuiliriu" scale "ust e al%ays e"$loyed y inhalatory route.
Bn these prolonged treatments of chronic diseases which may last years, the oral route
and the percutaneous route cause aggravations.
@or nor"oreactive $atients= inhalation o! the gloule in a solution shall e
Bn a 1GG ml. caramel colored flask half full with alcoholi'ed water at C_ or 1G_, one
globule the si'e of a poppy seed which has been previously impregnated with medicinal fluid
and dried afterwards shall be diluted.
efore each dose, 1G succussions shall be applied to the flask, and the indication is to
inhale deeply once through each nostril, at night, before going to bed.
@or hy$erreactive $atients only the inhalation o! the dry gloule= it is the only
route %ell tolerated y these $atients, and shall be carried out in the following manner0
Bn a small 1G ml. caramel colored flask, one or two globules, the si'e of a poppy seed
shall be placed, these having been previously impregnated with medicinal fluid, and later dried,
to be inhalated by one or by both nostrils, according to reactivity, at night, before going to bed.
7t is indis$ensale to %arn the $atient that a!ter every inhalation avoid e>haling
into the !las&= as the va$or o! the e>haled air da"$ens and ruins the s"all gloules.
Bt is useful to add to the flask E to 1G round rice grains called *mochi, to keep a dry
atmosphere, and besides they seem to be globules of a larger si'e, without them the flask seems
empty, due to the minute si'e of the medicinal globules.
77F @recuency that doses should e re$eated.
?-perimentation and prolonged clinical use, definitely confirm that inhalations o! a
gloule in a solution or o! a dry gloule "ust not e re$eated e!ore *. days= as %ith
shorter intervals and in continuous treat"ents !or years they $roduce aggravations in
chronic diseases.
1n interval of 6G days between doses avoids superimposing the high level of
stimulation of each dose over the preceding one, a conclusion reached after countless tests in
which all possible fre3uencies were e-perimented.
7n continuous treat"ents !or years= the oral route as the $ercutaneous route= and
also intervals shorter than *. days in the re$etition o! doses lead to aggravations %hose
intensity is in direct rates to the loss o! its curative $o%er.
(e reiterate that the above is referred to long lasting treatments, sometimes several
years, a reason why tolerance must be optimal.
#hroughout therapy of Chronic @iseases using the ?3uilibrium scale it is convenient to
egin y the lo%est dyna"i?ations= ascending to the i""ediate su$erior $otency every t%o
to !our "onths.
Though it "ay see" a"a?ing= in these continuous treat"ents o! chronic diseases
!or years %ith the EJuiliriu" scale= it "ay e asserted that a$$ro>i"ately ).M or "ore
o! the $atients tolerate etter and cure in a gentle %ay= inhaling the dry gloule every *.
days= than %ith a li&e gloule in solution.
(hen presenting the doctrine of Chronic .iasmas, Hahnemann affirmed0
But making the world know of this great discovery I regret I cannot e.ect the dou"t if
my contemporaries will understand the logical se1uence of these, my teachings * or if,
alarmed "y the unusual character of many of these revelations, they may prefer to re.ect them
"efore having started to test them, in conse1uence turning them useless#!

1s inhalation every 6G days of the dry globule of the ?3uilibrium scale to subdue vast
Chronic @iseases also has an unusual character, the doctorJs own preKudice may become the
great roadblock to admit its effectivity.
(hat follows is a sche"e !or $rescriing doses o! increasing intensity according to
the $atients reactivity and the duration o! the chronic illness, for treatments for years with
the ?3uilibrium scale0
- 7nhalation o! the gloule in a dry "ediu" every *. days =EG_ of cases,
- Alternate inhalation o! the gloule in a dry "ediu" and o! the gloule in a
solution every *. days Zone month the former the following month the latterN
=appro-imately 1C _ of the cases>.
- 7nhalation o! the gloule in a solution and a!ter%ards a$$lication o! 2 c.c.
$ercutaneously y !riction every *. days oth !or"ing one dose =C _ of the
cases appro-imately>. Useful for infre3uent cases resistant to cure like those for
e-ample who suffer the multiple sclerosis disease.
1pplying the ?3uilibrium scale for years by means of .ultiple @oses every 6G days by
inhalation, when aggravations do happen, these are notably different to those observed in
treatments which employ scales distanced from the value of alance, and employ Single @oses
and the oral route.
Aggravations e"$loying the ne% scale y inhalation are sutle and consist in a
slight increase o! one or several sy"$to"s o! the state eing treated.
At other ti"es sy"$to"s su!!ered $reviously to the state %hich led to consultation=
rea$$ear slightly= and on occasions these sutle aggravations a$$ear as cures that do not
All this ehooves the ho"eo$athic doctor and his $atient to e a%are o! these
$heno"ena %hich indicate oversti"ulation.
S. Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, 1st edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 1).
7n other cases= having $rescried an erroneous re"edy= it $roduces in the $atient
the cro$$ing u$ o! sy"$to"s not $resent $reviously and that do not $ertain to the s$here
o! action o! the given re"edy= ut sho% %ith "ore clearness the i"age o! si"illi"u"
there!ore easing the choice.
#he r5sum5 of a clinical case is an e-ample of the subtlety the aggravation may present,
impeding the complete cure of a chronic disease.
C1S? HBS#+%T0 H. S. female, age 67R consulted for suffering psoriasis since the age of 1I,
with pla3ues and scabs on hands, knees, legs, sacrum, nape of the neck and scalp, accompanied
by arthralgia o! !ingers= aggravated u$on %a&ening and alleviated y "ove"ent= with
progressive deformation of nails.
6etarted "enses and "uscular contractions in nec&= also alleviated y "ove"ent.
#he patient felt hot, she li&ed very hot !ood and %as a!raid to e alone= su!!ered
claustro$hoia and anguish on %a&ening. Several members of her family had psoriasis,
varicous vens and renal colics. (as medicated with a continuous treatment of 2ycopodium in
?3uilibrium scale, with low potencies, inhaling a dry globule every 1C days, a fre3uency the
author employed years ago. 1 dry globule was used thinking she was hyperreactive, according
to the clinical picture.
Bn the course of the first year of treatment all her symptoms cured, e-cept pla3ues on the scalp
which seemed to be impervious to treatment.
;ur$risingly and al"ost auto"atically= they disa$$eared %hen the !reJuency o! inhalation
o! the dry gloule %as set at every *. days= sho%ing ho% a sutle aggravation i"$eded the
co"$lete cure. #he aggravation caused by an e-cessive fre3uency of doses, was displayed as a
resistance to a complete cure, more than a symptomatic increase.
1nother interesting case is the following, which shows a subtle aggravation in the
course of a good evolution.
C1S? HBS#+%T0 1.;., female, londe, age 61, dentist, showed since C years pervious to
consultation a marked fear of going to a clinic to give birth to her children, which she bore at
#wo years later, she started with sporadic hallucinations %hich terrori?ed her= and %hich she
recogni?ed as a vision o! an anor"al reality= against %hich she struggled %ith e!!ort. She
said she clearly sees a person already deceased, sitting in an armchair, and also a threatening
human figure in her bathroom.
1t the same time, she felt it was i"$ossile !or her to listen to horrile stories= she would not
see the news on television, horror films, nor read the newspaper. ;he %as a!raid o! the
dra%ing o! lood !or tests and though she kept on with her work, she stopped practicing
surgery, and !eared greatly to e assisted odontologically y colleagues.
Since adolescence she suffered consti$ations o! 2. days and urinary infections with a
periodicity of around EG days.
4o other significant antecedent.
.edicated by continuous treatment with Calcarea Carbonica in ?3uilibrium scale with low
potencies by inhaling a globule in solution every 6G days, in E months all sy"$to"s %ere
cured= including hallucinations= e>ce$t !or the increase in !reJuency o! urinary in!ections=
%hich a$$eared every 1. days.
This last event %as dee"ed as a sutle aggravation due to the inhalation o! the gloule in
solution= so the treat"ent %as continued %ith the inhalation o! the dry gloule= also every
*. days.
With this last $rocedure at the end o! ( "onths the urinary in!ections ceased co"$letely=
eing asy"$to"atic a!ter 21 "onths o! continuous treat"ent= sho%ing that the greater
!reJuency o! urinary in!ections %as a sutle aggravation due to oversti"ulation.
(hen the ?3ulibrium scale is employed by inhalation of the dry globule every 6G days,
slight aggravations in hyperreactive patients may occur with the first and second doses, which
are transitory, habitually well tolerated and rarely occur after the second dose.
+n the other hand, employing the same scale by inhalation of the globule in a solution
every 6G days, if the aggravation is intense or it continues well beyond the second dose, this
indicates the need to inhale the dry globule, also every 6G days, these patients then may be
considered hyperreactive, which are more numerous than can be estimated.
The doctor "ust e certain that the re"edies o! the EJuiliriu" scale have een
$re$ared in "ulti$le !las&s= "anually and co"$lying to the given nor"s so there should
e no douts as to their ca$acity to cure.
Bn this way the only remaining factor of error is the mistaken choice of the remedy,
which must be reconsidered if the curative process does not take place.
Bf there are doubts about more than one factor involved, as for e-ample0 a remedy
prepared not complying to the norms and a mistaken choice of the remedy, there can never be
certainty where the error lies.
#here must be only one factor to be corrected, so as not to lose control of treatment, and
this should be a mistaken choice of the remedy.
#he amount of globules to employ is not as important as the intake route and the
fre3uency the doses are repeated, though it is sufficient to employ one or two of them.
7n old $ersons %ith very old diseases= not even a continuous treat"ent !or years
%ith the EJuiliriu" scale "ay give a stale cure= as the alanced state o! Biologic Energy
does not hold. Nevertheless= the continuous treat"ent allo%s to "aintain the"
asy"$to"atic %hile they are suCected to it.
As %as e>$ressed= 2. years o! e"$loying the EJuiliriu" scale leave no dout
%hatsoever that in continuous treat"ents o! Chronic Diseases= carried out !or years= the
oral and $ercutaneous inta&e routes= as re$etition intervals o! doses elo% *. days= lead to
a sy"$to"atic aggravation and conseJuently to a loss o! curative ca$acity.
4evertheless, isolated symptoms very old and entrenched, resistant to the inhaled
remedy, may be cured combining the percutaneous route with the inhalatory route. #his way,
the depth is such that cure surprisingly may be achieved with ease.
Bn the article *Commentaries on the e-treme attenuation of homeopathic medicines,,
included in *2esser (ritings,, Hahnemann confirmed $orsakovJs affirmation that the effects
produced by high dynami'ations cease faster!#
Bn spite of this, e-perience of this decade with high dynami'ations of the ?3uilibrium
scale, categorically affirms that employing these remedies the above mentioned does not take
place, when used in continuous and prolonged treatments.
#he e-planation may lie in the great capacity to stimulate that the Scale has, as it
possesses an optimal balance between two basic magnitudes =CF and ?F>.
#herefore, in the mentioned continuous and prolonged treatments, notice should be
taken that intervals between doses, of less than 6G days produce sooner or later aggravation of
symptoms, and i! co"$lying to intervals o! *. days= i! the re"edy is the si"ilar and the
inta&e is inhalatory= the results are "arvelous.
1fter these concepts, in the following Chapter a ne% "ethod o! "edicinal
i"$regnation for the treatment of very hyperreactive patients will be analy'ed.
Treat"ent o! very hy$erreactive $atients.
A ne% "ethod o! "edicinal i"$regnation.
)n enormous effort is re1uired to admit that something so minute, that a dose so
prodigiously negligi"le of a remedy, may have even a minimum effect in the human "ody and
even less to cope with those overwhelming and immensely vast diseases#!
S. Hahnemann
Bf there is one difficulty with which the homeopathic doctor must contend daily, besides
finding the similar remedy, is how to treat the very hyperreactive patients.
#hese may be, as an e-ample, those called allergic, especially those suffering from
rhinitis and from asthmaR those who have a state of great irritability of their nervous system, as
in facial neuralgia or in hysteriaR those who suffer the intolerable psoric pruritus, when it is at its
full strength or e-tended, those who suffer the penphigus diseases, and so many others.
(hen treated, these patients worsen easily, and these worsenings are habitually so
severe that the case generally comes to naught. Sometimes, patients even worsen with the
remedy in the lowest potencies of the ?3uilibrium scale, inhaling a dry globule every 6G days.
As %as stated= to a greater aggravation= a lesser curative $rocess !ollo%s= so it
ehooves to search !or a %ay that allo%s a sti"ulus o! very lo% dyna"is" to treat very
hy$erreactive $atients which is very difficult if there is a lack of the remedy sufficiently mild
in its activity, that gives a stimulus whose dynamism be so minute to be in accordance to such
How to help these patients without worsening their conditionQ
$orsakov stated in an essay that in a flask he had placed only one dry medicinal
globule, in contact with other 16,CGG also dry non medicated globules.
He had shaken the flask for C minutes so that the only medicated globule be in contact
with all the others, and according to his assertion, each one of the 16,CGG had a similar
medicinal power as the single medicated globule.
He e-plained that medicinal power was transmitted through contact, that the gloules
i"$regnated in this "anner had a lo%er tendency to $roduce aggravations= and their
curative activity was greater.
Bn reference to this $orsakovJs essay, Hahnemann in an article of .ay 6G, 1E62, titled
*%emarks on the e-treme attenuation of homeopathic medicines,, thanked him his contribution
to the new science, but pointed out that as to the e-periment so related, he did not consider it
proved by facts, and he deemed it incredible until it were sustained by e-perimental proof.
Bn spite of this evaluation, he also $ointed out that trans"ission o! the "edicinal
$o%er to the virgin gloules= carried out in 8orsa&ov5s e>$eri"ent= "ust have ta&en $lace
y "eans o! emanation or exhalation that the "edicinal gloule e"its in a continual and
constant "anner= perpetually, even though dry= Cust as the e"anation is used y
inhalation o! the dry gloule= as a thera$eutic ai".
*?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a 1IIG, page 26C.
S. Hahnemann, *#he lesser writings of S. Hahnemann, %emarks on the e-treme attenuation of
homeopathic medicines,. 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain 1IIG, page F)6.
?ndorsing the perdurability of this emanation!, Hahnemann refers to having verified
the medicinal power of globules of Staphisagria 6G, kept dry in a flask for 2G years,
notwithstanding that the flask was opened several hundred times, to be used by inhalation in a
dry medium.
#o that emanation!, to which he referred in 1E62, he de!ined as a "agnetic !orce in
the )
edition of *+rganon, =1E72>, a force that today new physics Koined to the electric force,
and so it is conceived as electromagnetic force.
Bn the long note on paragraph 11 of that work he wrote0
The magnet attracts towards itself and this implies that it acts on the piece of iron or
on the steel needle, "y means of an inherent energy, purely immaterial, invisi"le, conceptual,
that is, it communicates dynamically to the steel needle the magnetic energy (dynamic) e1ually
2ater on, in the same note he affirmed0
$n a similar manner the effect of medicines on the live man must be judged.
Bt is very probable that the dry globule emit a radiant energy continually and constantly,
perpetually!, and also when diluted the energy be transferred to the fluid, which also will emit
Bf the dry non medicated globules of $orsakovhs e-periment had medicinal activity,
very probably if was due to them being e-posed to the radiant energy of the single globule
impregnated in medicinal fluid and afterwards kept dry in the same flask.
Bn other words, i! in that e>$eri"ent the non "edicated gloules %ere activated
%ith "edicinal $o%er= it %as not due to direct contact %ith the single "edicated gloule=
ut y the "edicinal at"os$here e"itted y it to %hich they %ere e>$osed.
Searching for an impregnation method that achieved remedies whose activity were of
negligible dynamism, as from the year 2GG7 the author employed a system that may be called
Ai"$regnation through "edicinal at"os$hereB.
This "ethod is in total agree"ent %ith Hahne"ann5s inter$retation o! 8orsa&ov5s
e>$eri"ent= %hen he attriuted the "edicinal $o%er achieved to the !act that the gloules
had een suCected $recisely to the action o! a "edicinal at"os$here.
1ccording to the stated concepts, on a cylindrical glass flask, appro-imately 1G cm.
high, and a F cm. base diameter, a steel filter of very fine mesh was placed on its mouth, on it
1GG non medicated =virgin> globules were placed, and at the bottom of the flask there were C
medicated globules of some of the lowest potencies of the ?3uilibrium scale, et%een oth
grou$s o! gloules there %as a distance o! al"ost 2. c".= there!ore= no $hysical contact
et%een the"= the entire a"ount o! gloules shared the sa"e "edicinal at"os$here. #hey
were all in a dry medium and their si'e was such that 1GG weighed )C milligrams. 6G to 7G rice
grains, to keep a dry atmosphere, were added to the flask, and that flask was closed for not less
than a week before using the globules.
+ne of these globules was taken from the filter and put dry in a 1G cubic centimeter
flaskR from it patients with a highly increased reactivity inhaled only once through each nostril,
every 6G days for some months.
Surprisingly therapeutic responses were e-cellent, and with scarce and brief
aggravations, but the cases whose results e-ceded all e-pectations were those when iologic
?nergy was highly enhanced, as with very hyperreactive patients, such as those bearing a
breakout of intolerable generali'ed psoric pruritus, and other conditions.
1s these e-periences show, it is more than e-traordinary that0
aF A "inute lactose gloule the si?e o! a $o$$y seed= that has een soa&ed in
"edicinal !luid and later dried= e"it as radiation or "edicinal at"os$here the
energy this !luid contained.
F Another gloule o! si"ilar si?e ut not "edicated= e i"$regnated only y the
at"os$here o! energy %hich the $revious one e>hales= oth eing dry= and that
it in turn also e"its= and then y its activity= hu"an Biologic Energy recover
its alance.
1s incredible this may seem, the facts are there for those who wish to prove them in
e-perimental laboratory.
&oing to the results obtained by dry globules impregnated by medicinal atmosphere, a
r5sum5 of a clinical case may serve as an e-ample.
C1S? HBS#+%T0 ". %. age FI, when 2G years old had an outbreak of $ruriginous listery
ec?e"a on the back of his hands, suppressed by radiumtherapy, that reappeared mildly once or
twice per year, for the ten following years.
Bn these last years presented a unilateral glauco"a =left eye>, and muscletendinous
retraction of both palms.
Since E months previous to consultation0 hoarseness= aggravated y tal&ing and
hawking, after having suffered an important financial loss, accompanied by a "ar&ed general
+ne week before consulting a sudden outbreak of listery ec?e"a, similar to what $
had when $ was !, but much more severe and more extended, accompanied now by !ear o!
#he eruption caused a very intense volu$tuous $ruritus, almost impossible to avoid
scratching, aggravated y hot aths and alleviated y cold contactR in this respect, his
description was0 I sleep almost naked!#
He had been treated with antihistaminics and inKectable corticoids, but no alleviation of
#he indication was0 for three months, every 6G days to inhale through each nostril from
a flask of 1G c.c. which contained one dry globule of G,)C miligrams, of /hosphorus 1 ?3,
which had been i"$regnated y "edicinal at"os$here.
1fter a mild aggravation that lasted 2 days, a notale i"$rove"ent egan= %ith a
total disa$$earance o! $ruritus 2+ days a!ter the !irst inhalation= to the ama'ement of the
patient and more so of the author. A $rogressive and gradual cure o! the ec?e"a !ollo%ed.
The "edicated gloules contained on the otto" o! the !las&= destined to e"it the
"edicinal at"os$here= "ust e very !e%O et%een 2 and += other%ise aggravations ta&e
$lace in these highly reactive $atients= and according to e>$erience a good ratio is
estalished %hen the non "edicated gloules $ut on the !ilter are a$$ro>i"ately one
What is signi!icant is that the "ethod o! i"$regnating dry gloules y "edicinal
at"os$here and its e"$loy"ent y inhalation also in a dry "ediu" o! the lo%est $otencies
o! the EJuliriu" scale= "ay $ut an end to aggravations in very hy$erreactive $atients=
%hich have een one o! the greater di!!iculties in ho"eo$athic thera$y.
Since Hahnemann discovered dynami'ation of substances in 1FII, up to the present, he
as all the homeopathic world searched for a way in which the remedy be better tolerated
therefore more curative. #his search of the remedy capable of e-erting a mild activity without
producing an aggravation is taking over 2GG years.
#he ideal continuous treatment for years, as a means to subdue the most severe and
oldest Chronic @iseases, is only possible with remedies whose stimulus Z each dose is a
stimulus Z be according to each patientJs reactivity.
#here e-ists an inverse ratio between the reactivity of iologic ?nergy of the patient
and the @ynamism of the medicament to be used. #o a greater reactivity, there must correspond
a lesser @ynamism, the reverse is also true.
All in all= every ill $erson is hy$erreactive due to the enhanced sensitivity or
avidity that his unalanced Biologic Energy has !or the dyna"is" o! the re"edy that
A"ong the hy$erreactive= nor"oreactive and hy$oreactive $atients there are only
di!!erences in degree= ut they all have their reactivity greatly increased in res$ect to %hen
they %ere healthy.
Bn short= cure "ust e attriuted not only to the dyna"is" o! the si"ilar re"edy=
ut also to the AavidityB o! the dyna"is" o! the unalanced Biologic Energy. Both
energies are o! the sa"e nature= there!ore "ay interact.
#hese investigations may attain that so yearned for goal in the treatment of Chronic
@iseases in very hyperreactive patients, by being available a minute stimulus by means of
inhaling once every 6G days one globule =rarely two> impregnated by the atmosphere of a
similar remedy of the lowest potencies of the ?3uilibrium scale, and placed dry in a flask of 1G
2astly, in order to be able to graduate the dynamism of the inhaled remedy, it is
convenient to recall HahnemannJs teachings in this respect, which are still in force for this case.
Bt refers to graduation, which goes from inhaling through both nostrils and deeply to inhaling
through one nostril and slightly.
7n cases o! su$er hy$erreactive $atients= when Hahnemann used the oral route, he
subKected the solution of one medicinal globule diluted in a glass of water to the following
procedure of successive dilutions0 he took from there a teaNspoonful and diluted it in a second
glass of water. From this last one, he took one =or more> teaspoonful to give to the patient.
7n cases o! e>tre"e hy$erreactivity he proceeded in a like manner, successively, with
a third and sometimes with a fourth glass, always taking a teaspoonful from the last glass to
give to the patient.
If he Lthe patientM were unusually e'cited or were very sensitive, one teaspoonful of
this solution Lone globule diluted in a glass of waterM may "e poured into a second glass of
water, the contents well stirred and given doses of one or more teaspoonful!#
There are patients with such an extreme sensitiveness that it may "e necessary to
prepare "y the same means a third and even a fourth glass!#
#he same procedures employed by Hahnemann to treat very hyperreactive patients, may
be used in the case of impregnation by atmosphere. Bn this way, the impregnated globule by
atmosphere may impregnate another one also by atmosphere, and from this last one the patient
Bn cases of e'treme sensitivity! following Hahnemann, the same procedure may be
carried out, and successively employ three, four or more steps of atmosphere impregnation so
that the patient inhale the last globule.
This ne% "ethod o! "edicinal i"$regnation then avoids the turulent
aggravations that are $roduced in $atients so sensitive= and accede gently to a
ho"eo$athic cure.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, note to paragraph 27E.
@inal considerations
* To all those who as I, have taken the firm resolution to devote the rest of their life
to homeopathy and suffering humanity!#
Clemens von !nninghausen.
#his book cannot be ended without first reflecting on the surest techni3ue to choose the
appropriate similar remedy.
Bn 1EG1, in his essay *+n the power of small doses of medicines in general and of
belladona in particular,, Hahnemann asked about the effect that 1D1GG,GGG parts of a grain of
belladona could have on the human being.
efore developing his answer, and aiming to study the problem thoroughly, he proposed
to e-amine it following the 2atin principle which separates the subKect in it classical parts of0
%"i, Ouamodo, Ouando and Oui"us )u'ilis, that is9 (here, How, (hen and (ith what help.
Under this same analytical scheme of the problems, he asked Clemens van
!nninghausen, his best pupil and friend, to develop a repertory of homeopathic remedies.
Hahnemann said to him0 if some day I "ecome ill and cannot cure myself, he would "e
the one to whom I would entrust myself!#
#he %epertories point to the remedy according to the symptom, and are the reverse of
.ateria /rima, which points to the symptom according to the remedy.
(hen !nninghausen was labouring on his prodigious work, whose opening words
head this Chapter, it seemed more like a result from a computer than a manual achievement.
efore getting half the work done, !nninghausen observed that the length of the
manuscript was increasing to an enormous si'e, so he asked his teacher about reassessing the
bases on which he was building.
His 3uestion was referred to the possibility of considering local aggravation and
i"$rove"ent "odalities as general "odalities, that is, if local modalities could generali'e.
For e-ample, as lycopodium cures Koint inflammations which produce pain in the knees
or hip, aggravated by rest and improved by moving, the 3uestion consisted in considering if it
was possible to affirm that the remedy cures the symptoms wherever their site of appearance,
which aggravate during rest and improve by moving, which would make the local modality a
general modality.
This generali?ation %as a$$roved y Hahne"ann= to the e>tent o! "a&ing it a la%
o! ho"eo$athy, by which the length of the %epertory was reduced considerably.
Bn his work published in 1E7C, !nninghausen maintained the premise of (here, How,
(hen and (ith what help, which was called in brief *Handbook of homeopathic therapies and
#he Where (%"i) refers to the site of symptoms or functions, and for which each
remedy has an affinity, that is the tropism of remedies for each tissue, organ, region or functions
of the body =corresponds to items 6) to F1)>.
4umeration corresponding to C. !nninghausen, *.anual de #erap5utica homeopAtica,, .5-ico, ?d.
/ropulsora de homeopat:a, 1st. spanish edition.
#he Ho% (Ouamodo) refers to the type of manifestation of each symptom, sensation or
painR for e-ample0 is the pain penetrating or fiery, i.e. it alludes to the characteristics of how the
symptom is perceived =corresponds to items F1F to 1C)2>.
#he When (Ouando) refers to the circumstances the symptoms appear as the time of
day or the season, as also the modalities of aggravation or improvement in a particular
movement, position and other circumstances =corresponds to items 1FIG to 2621>.
#o With What Hel$ (Oui"us au'ilius) he assigned the na"e o! Conco"itant
;y"$to"s, or symptoms that appear at the same time with those that motivated consultation,
these do not seem to be related to the latter, but nevertheless constitute a unit with them, and
many times help to find the similar.
He $ointed out that the Conco"itant ;y"$to"s= i! they are $eculiar= "ay lead to
the si"ilar re"edy %hen this is not $ossile %ith the Princi$al ;y"$to"s or those that
"otivate the consultation.
He also affirmed that the higher the dynami'ation, the sphere of action of the remedy
increases in respect to the Where and the Ho%, nevertheless remaining constant the When,
which he considered as another law of 4ature.
Tears later !nninghausenJs %epertory was incorporated by $ent to his own %epertory,
N Bn the following editions he progressively eliminated the Where, or tropism of the remedies
for each tissue, organ or function, and in his last edition only left the item 2iver, in the Chapter
N He scattered throughout the book the When or modalities and circumstances of aggravation
and improvement of symptoms which !nninghausen had grouped in the Chapter ?tiology, and
in the Chapter &eneralities, valuables modalities of symptoms, were left out.
BUnninghausen5s 6e$ertory even today continues to e the est resource the
ho"eo$athic doctor has to &no% the Where= or a!!inity o! the re"edies !or each tissue=
organ or !unction= and to have at hand in a grou$ed and co"$lete !or" "odalities or
circu"stances o! aggravation and i"$rove"ent o! sy"$to"s or the When. #his is the work
that follows most loyally HahnemannJs clinical conception.
Bn short, the use of the e-tense and detailed $entJs %epertory, later corrected and
enlarged by @r. Fredrik Schroyens with contributions from many homeopaths and published
under the title of *Synthesis,, together with !nninghausenJs %epertory, lead to the similar
remedy in the surest way.
1fter the death of the latter, @r. Cyril .. oger enlarged and updated his work with
new remedies, which was published as *!nninghausenJs characteristics and repertory,.
The "odalities or aggravating and i"$rove"ent circu"stances o! sy"$to"s or
When= grou$ed in BUnninghausen5s 6e$ertory in Cha$ter Etiology= constitute a real
treasure= as they are a co"$lete collection o! $eculiar or characteristic sy"$to"s= and it is
through the" that the choice o! re"edy is done %ith ut"ost $recision.
This is due to its so $eculiar nature that there is no resource that gives a s"aller
"argin o! error in the choice o! a si"ilar re"edy than that o! When= or aggravating and
i"$rove"ent circu"stances o! sy"$to"s.
#he r5sum5 of a clinical case serves as an e-ample of how the Where =Ubi> and
especially the When =<uando> can lead with the greatest degree of precision to the choice of the
C. !nninghausen, #he value of high potencies in *#he 2esser (ritings,, 4ew @elhi, 2GG6, page 171.
C1S? HBS#+%T0 C.., londe female, age 6E, hard worker, three years previously she noticed
dry and rough s&in on the palm of her right hand, and !issures on her fingertips, which
%orsened %hen %et. +ne year later, she began with fre3uent episodes of vertigo which led her
to consult, and had the following modalities0
4 they %orsened %hen she loo&ed u$%ards=
4 they %orsened %hen she turned her head=
4 they %orsened %hen she arose !ro" ed=
4 they %orsened %hen she shut her eyes.
#wo years later the following concomitant symptoms were added0
Acidity %hich %orsened %hile !asting= and o$$ressive $recordial $ain not related to effortR
normal electrocardiograms =in rest and effort>.
+ld symptomsH di!!iculty to egin slee$, and as personal trait, she li&ed to eat ice cues.
.edicated with Calcarea Carbonica, in increasing potencies starting from 1 ?3., by inhaling a
dry globule every 6G days, all her symptoms reverted after a continuous treatment of one and a
half years, e-cept the difficulty to begin sleep, which she attributed to tensions related to her
1s can be seen, the modalities and circumstances of the symptom aggravations were
principally the factors by which through !nninghausenJs %epertory led this case as in others to
the correct choice of the similar remedy =for the symptom of ice yearning the Synthesis
%epertory was employed>.
#he .ateria .edica /ura, virtually has no standing as only on occasion Hahnemann
pointed out a symptom. #o study it through the grading in levels of value 1 to C from
!nninghausenJs %epertory, as he advised, engraves in the memory an important order most
useful for clinical practice, for when he valued it he intended not to err in 3ualifying rank more
than half a point.
#his grading of symptoms in values from 1 to C created by !nninghausen was
endorsed enthusiastically by Hahnemann, and in short these values signify0
- 9alue 10 doubtful and appears between brackets.
- 9alue 20 importance not decisive.
- 9alue 60 obtained from e-perimentations.
- 9alue 70 repeatedly was curative.
- 9alue C0 systematically was curative.
Dalues 1 and + !i> dee$ly in the "ind o! the doctor the i"age o! each re"edy.
#he study of .ateria .edica, enriched by these values has the same importance as in
astronomy has the graded e-amination of stars according to their magnitudes.
For a good schooling of the homeopathic doctor, it must be emphasi'ed that the
unavoidable need to study, besides .ateria .edica, HahnemannJs work, particularly
*+rganon,, *Chronic @iseases,, all work contained in *2esser (ritings, and his letters, part of
which are in *S. Hahnemann, his life and work,, by %. Haehl.
"ames #. $ent, in his *Homeopathic /hilosophy, e-plained according to his lights what
Hahnemann had e-pressed in *+rganon,, but as the latter is clear, conceptual and constitutes
the great doctrinary foundation of the entire Homeopathy, nothing replaces its direct reading.
The other indis$ensale activity in the good schooling o! the ho"eo$athic doctor
lies in regular %or& in e>$eri"ental laoratory= relating it to clinical e>$erience= as it
dee$ens the understanding o! the %onder!ul $o%ers that the doctor has availale to co$e
%ith Chronic Diseases.
1t the beginning of this book, we stated the e-istence of a iologic ?nergy that
organi'es and governs the living beingsR that we call disease the loss of its balance, that the
symptoms are an e-pression of their suffering and the lesions its conse3uence.
ut why does iologic ?nergy lose its balanceQ
Bf acute diseases, e-cepting epidemic disease, are only worsening of chronic diseases,
what is the ultimate cause of the latterQ
Concretely= %hy do %e !all illL Why does an energy that unalances Biologic
Energy invade the odyL
(hen the #eacher warned that to avoid illness one had to avoid errors in the way of life
and in the diet, carry a life of penuries or break moral laws or oneJs own conscience, actually he
advised to live in harmony with oneJs own nature and the &reat 4ature.
1t present, the lack of harmony is evident in the mistreatment man is inflicting on his
own planet, through the flame of hope remains always lit, as Heraclitus affirmed0 The Sun is
new each day!#
7t "ust e ad"itted that to e healthy it is not enough to achieve the order o! the
s"all universe %e are= alancing its Biologic Energy= as the union and har"ony o!
"an&ind %ith The :reat #niversal Order is indis$ensale= as %e eco"e ill %hen %e
se$arate !ro" it.
As a conclusion %e "ay a!!ir" %ith ut"ost conviction that the "ost e!!ective
"ethod to cure Chronic Diseases= having $reviously chosen the si"illiu"= is the
continuous treat"ent !or years %ith anti"ias"atic re"edies e"$loying once a "onth the
EJuiliriu" scale y inhalatory route.
#his method is also marvelous to cure the onset symptoms of illnesses, before they
spawn their disorder, thus it is also the best preventive system of chronic maladies.
9A;T WO6D;
1 few words in the first person, as only they carry the force of feelings.
#he reason of this book lies in the fact that B feel a deep responsibility in communicating the findings of
these 1C years of research with the conviction that they may give back to many people the Koy of being healthy.
Health implies that full Koy.
1nother reason is linked to the sentiment of fraternity towards all, which nobody has not e-perienced at
some time. #his impelled the search.
1s B let go off these pages and for the well being of those who suffer, B wish that the advances here narrated
be applied without bias and only be Kudged by their results.
B give these concepts to those open in mind and sentiments to allow to be illuminated by Intelligence that
is not from the mind, as neither are /ife nor /ove!.
#hought of "orge #orrent, which heads Chapter 9 of the Second /art of this book.
The most precious treasures are an irreproacha"le conscience, and a good health7 the love of Aod and
the study of oneself give the former, Homeopathy the latter!#
.anuscript of S. Hahnemann, written weeks before his death.
In the course of my life, I have not desired recognition whatsoever for the "eneficient truth I
disinterestedly spread#
3hat I gave the world, I did for the highest reasons!#
Samuel Hahnemann
3e do not forget you 6r# Samuel Hahnemann*!
.ahatma &handi
See Symptoms =1ggravation>
The only re"edies ca$ale o! curing non venereal Chronic Diseases= %hich "eans %ith a ca$acity to turn
latent the @unda"ental 7llness or Psora.
6e"edies e"$loyed to cure acute illness and %hen used !or a $soric disease change or su$$ress so"e
sy"$to"s not turning it latent= there!ore they co"e ac& shortly.
See .agnitudes of homeophatic remedies.
Biologic Energy EDital @orceF
#nitive energy= organi?es and esto%s ada$taility to living eings.
When lac&ing= the ody is a cor$se.
7ts unalance is the cause o! all hu"an diseases.
7ts alance is the state o! health.
7t is the "eans y %hich ho"eo$athic cure is carried out= as it is sti"ulated y the energy o! a dyna"i?ed
si"ilar re"edy= so as to recover its o%n order.
<uoting Hippocrates0
Illness is a vital process deviated from normality!#
Degree o! intensity o! the re"edy5s energy.
For e-ample, the Concentrated Field has a high charge, and the ?-panded Field a lower charge, though
deconcentrated or *liberated,.
Concentrated @ield
See .agnitudes of homeopathic remedies.
Ma&e latent active "ias"a= %hether it e acute or chronic.
Bf aggravation symptoms or return symptoms not mild appear, cure is hampered, even stops when they are severe.
Degree o! $otency
Moderate increase o! intensity and deconcentration o! the re"edy= achieved y sha&ings or succussions to
the re"edy5s !las& and y "eans o! dilution in a large amount of water $revious to each dose= %hich
di!!erenciates it !ro" the states o! intensity and e>$ansion $revious to their a$$liance.
1 better tolerance is obtained when employing it in .ultiple @oses and besides allows to apply 1G shakings to each
potency in preparing the Centesimal scale, without them producing aggravations.
Doses EMulti$leF
Method to re$eat doses= %ithout reJuiring the rea$$earance o! sy"$to"s= though this re$etition "ust e
"ade at intervals that do not $rovo&e aggravations.
Doses E;ingleF
Method conditioned to %ait haitually !ro" 1. to 2.. days !or the rea$$earance o! sy"$to"s to re$eat the
Bt produces a pendular effect between the symptoms and the remedy which makes the cure almost endless.
Dyna"ic #nit
#nit o! "easure o! the re"edy5s Dyna"is"= %hich is the ca$acity to sti"ulate Biologic Energy.
Bt is e3ual to @ynamism of potency 6G HahnemannJs Centesimal, whose value is 1E,GGG, therefore @ynamism
1E,GGG is e3ual to one =1> @ynamic Unit.
Energy= %hether it e Biological or o! the ho"eo$athic re"edy =see @ynamism as a .agnitude, in .agnitudes
of homeopathic remedies>.
A $rocedure consisting in "a&ing "ani!est y "eans o! successive !riction and deconcentration a latent
energy in "edicinal sustances= ca$ale o! sti"ulating Biologic Energy in the direction o! its alance i! it is
the si"illi"u".
The $rocess isH Cu"ulative= 7rreversile and al"ost 7lli"itale.
#hey ac3uire is this manner the power to cure, each one has its own capacity and different to those of the rest.
Energy @ield
Condition o! the surrounding s$ace o! an energy source= ca$ale o! in!luencing others and their !ields.
E>$anded @ield
See .agnitudes of homeophatic remedies.
Ancient "edicinal %eight unit= eJuivalent to the %eight o! a !at %heat grain.
a> Hahnemann employed the 4Yremeberg grain, e3uivalent to G,G)2 grams.
b> #he ?nglish grain is e3uivalent to G.G)7FII grams.
c> 1t present and conventionally a grain is considered e3uivalent to G.G)C grams.
Chronic or acute unalance o! Biologic Energy.
7nvasion o! the ody y an unalancing energy o! the Biologic Energy= si"ilar to that o! a magnet,
according to HahnemannJs conception.
As$iration o! the re"edy in a solution= or dry= %ith a "edicinal goal.
#he word *olfaction, is not applied when the goal is therapeutic.
8orsa&ov5s Method
Dyna"i?ing syste" ased on the use o! a single !las&= !it to e e"$loyed in dyna"i?ing "achines.
Bts deconcentration is erratic, as opposed to regularity of HahnemannJs system of multiple flasks.
Bt is employed in machines of very different designs which conse3uently produce different remedies though they be
labeled with the same name and sold as the same product.
9a% o! Har"ony
AThere is no anarchy or chaos in getting ill= one gets ill in a %ay that there is al%ays in Nature a sustance
%hen dyna"i?ed and chosen !or si"ilarity is ca$ale o! curingB.
9a% o! Oversti"ulation
AThe "ore e>cessive the sti"ulus= the si"ilar re"edy $roduces on Biologic Energy= the less curative is its
action= and vice versaB.
7nCury at tissue level as a conseJuence !ro" severe or $rolonged su!!ering o! unalanced Biologic Energy.
Magnitudes o! ho"eo$athic re"edies
- Concentrated @ield0 measure of the state of the energy field with a high charge.
- E>$anded @ield0 measure of the state of the energy field without a high charge, but very
deconcentrated or *liberated,.
- Dyna"is"0 measure of the capacity to stimulate iologic ?nergy.
- 6atio0 measure of therapeutic concordance between Concentrated Field and the ?-panded Field.
- Balance0 measure of the optimal therapeutic concordance between Concentrated Field and ?-panded
Field. Bts value is one =1>.
Medicinal at"os$here
6adiant energy= e"itted y dry gloules= that %ere $reviously i"$regnated %ith a "edicinal !luid and later
dried= or e"itted y the !luid in %hich they %ere i""ersed.
Trans"itting agent o! acute and chronic diseases.
Hahnemann conceived it as a magnetic energy, e-cept in epidemic diseases.
Mias"a EAcuteF
Transitory unalance o! Biologic Energy.
Brie! in character= has a s$ontaneous tendency to cure= though it "ay end in death.
#he creator of homeopathy distinguished two types of acute miasma.
a> ?pidemic miasmas, at present attributed to a bacteria or a virus, already suspected by Hahnemann0
Cpidemic diseases produced "y a peculiarly contagious principle which is still unknown to us!#
b> 4on epidemic miasmas, which he attributed to the chronic miasma of psora becoming acute.
He described them as flames detached from the "onfire of the latent psora!#
Mias"a EChronicF
Per"anent unalance o! Biologic Energy.
Progressive in character= no s$ontaneous tendency to%ards health= incurale unless treated y the energy or
curative dyna"is" o! a si"ilar re"edy. Other%ise= sooner or later it ends in death.
Hahnemann affirmed that it is caused by an infection!, considering the latter as an invasion o! the ody y an
unstaling energy acting on Biologic Energy.
) dynamic effect * neither material nor mechanic * as the energy of a magnet!#
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph E1, 2
S. Hahnemann, *?nfermedades CrHnicas,, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IIG, page 1)C.
S. Hahnemann, *+rganon,, )th edition, .e-ico, ?d. /orr8a, 1IE7, paragraph 11, 1
Psora or the @unda"ental 7llness
The oldest most widespread and destructive and the less understood, o! the three chronic "ias"as descried
y Hahne"ann= %hich he called fundamental illness.
;ole unalance= $er"anent and $rogressive o! Biologic Energy= cause o! al"ost 3.M o! chronic ail"ents o!
E>ternally= it dis$lays a very $ruriginous eru$tion= not y scaies %ith %hich it is !reJuently con!used.
Hahnemann 3ualified the psora doctrine as *invalua"le discovery whose value for mankind e'ceeds all I had
ever discovered*!
#he remaining 1G_ correspond to chronic miasmas0 syphilis and sycosis.
#heir cure consists in achieving their latency and that re3uires the employment of anti$soric remedies and of
Sulphur and Hepar Sulphur, to give permanence.
1llopathy calls the fragments of this sole unbalance0 diseases, giving them a character of independent and
autonomous entities.
See .agnitudes of homeopathic remedies.
See Symptoms =%eturn>.
Deci"al ET or DFH has a dilution of 1D1G and 1G shakings per potency. Has G.C @U at the end. Bts ratio value is 1G
points away from the balance value. Bt was created by C. Hering and not by Hahnemann as it is sometimes said,
and meant a drawback in the development of dynami'ation in respect to the e-tant Centesimal scale, reason why
the former seemed to regret his invention at the end of his life.
Centesi"al EHCFH Has a dilution of 1D1GG and 1G shakings per potency. Has 1 @U at the end. Bts %atio value is C
points away from the value of alance.
Millesi"al E9MFH Has a dilution of 1DCG,GGG and 1GG manual succussions per potency. Bt is incompatible with the
use of dynami'ing machines which use $orsakovJs method of a single flask. .ust be done manually. Has 27.C
@U at the end. Bts %atio value is 2G points away from the value of alance.
EJuiliriu" EEJ.FH Bn each potency Concentrated Field and ?-panded Field are balanced, and their dynamisms are
submultiples or multiples of the @ynamic Unit. Bt is incompatible with the use of dynami'ing machines which use
$orsakovJs method of a single flask. .ust be done manually. Has C6 @U at the end. Bts %atio value is e3ual to
that of alance.
Digorous "ove"ents o! the ar" %hich holds the !las& %ith the re"edy in solution= ta&ing it !ro" the
o$$osite shoulder to the ho"olateral leg during the dyna"i?ation $rocess. They have a cu"ulative
Hahnemann employed this procedure for the Centesimal scale.
8noc&s %ith the !las& that holds the re"edy in solution given to a leather ound oo& or si"ilar sur!ace
during the dyna"i?ation $rocess. 7t has a cu"ulative character= sa"e as dilution or deconcentration.
Hahnemann employed this procedure for the .illesimal scale.
%. Hael. *S. Hahnemann his life and work, 4ew @elhi, ?d. . "ain, 1II2, 9ol. BB, Supplement E6, page 1C6 =letter referring
to the /sora @octrine to the %oyal &eneral Consul of /russia, written in $!ethen dated 1N1GN1E26.
The "ani!estation o! su!!ering o! the unalanced Biologic Energy.
<uoting Caroll @unham0
)ll that which differentiates the sick man from himself when he was healthy!#
;y"$to"sH Aggravation
7ncrease o! intensity o! the $resent sy"$to"s in the $atient= as an e!!ect o! a dyna"i?ed re"edy.
Bf it is not slight, it is a sign of overstimulation.
Bf they appear at the onset of treatment, they are a conse3uence of the first stimulus of the dynami'ed medicine on
the iologic ?nergy of the patient.
;y"$to"sH Pathogenetic
The a$$arition o! sy"$to"s !ro" e!!ects o! the re"edy= %hich the $atient never had= ut elong to the
s$here o! activity o! the sa"e re"edy.
Bf it is not transient it is an indication of an error in the choice of the remedy.
;y"$to"sH Peculiar
Those %hich elong to the $atient and not to illness. Choosing the remedy for the peculiar physical andDor
mental symptoms, for e-ample by the modalities of aggravation and improvement andDor circumstances of
apparition, the grater certainty possible is reached in choosing the similar remedy.
;y"$to"sH 6eturn
6ea$$earance o! sy"$to"s the $atient had $reviously= as an e!!ect o! a dyna"i?ed re"edy.
Bf it is not slight, it is a sign of overstimulation.
Bf they appear at the end of treatment, they indicate that the patient no longer needs the remedy, because the natural
illness disappeared and only the medicinal illness remained.
#he si- new improvements in the treatment of chronic diseases I
Bn search for the forgotten Hahnemann. #he eight omitted concepts. 11
CHAPTE6 7 A it o! history. :eneral Conce$ts. 2*
2aw of Harmony. 1F
#he omitted clues. 1F
Summary of HahnemannJs monumental work. 1E
CHAPTE6 77 The ases o! the Ne% ;cience -2
1. 203(. 9a% o! Cure -2
2. 2033. Dyna"i?ation o! ;ustances --
6. 2)2.. The ho"eo$athic Doctrine. AOrganonB -(
4oteworthy concepts of each edition of *+rganon,. 2E
#he story behind the )
edition of *+rganon, 6G
7. 2)22. Materia Medica Pura *2
#he /rimary effect 62
1ntipsoric remedies. /eculiar symptoms 66
#he nosodes 67
C. 2)2( Methods o! $re$aring ho"eo$athic "edicines *+
#he Centesimal scale 6C
#he Cumulative character of friction or shakings and of deconcentration
or dilution. 6F
CHAPTE6 777 Develo$"ent and su""it o! the Ne% ;cience *3
1. 2)-) Doctrine o! Chronic Mias"as. 'he lost clue :;
/soric @isease. 6I
?rrors and confusion concerning the concepts of scabies, miasma and psora. 72
#he first confusion. Scabies. 72
#he second confusion. Chronic miasma. 77
+ne more confusion. Sin. 7C
Une last confusion. /sora. 7)
Bmportance of antipsorics. 7F
.iasmatic prescription. CG
-. 2)-3. Discovery o! Ne% 6outes !or Ad"inistering MedicinesH
7nhalatory and Percutaneous. +2
#he inhalatory route C1
Bnhalation of a globule in a dry medium. C2
Bnhalation of a globule in a solution. C6
#he percutaneous route. C6
#he omitted routes. C6
2aw of +verstimulation. C7
6. 2)*-. Multi$le Doses. Aandons ;ingle Doses. ++
7. 2)**. Tests and reCects 8orsa&ov5s "ethod. +(
C. 2)*1. The re"edy in solution %ith an increase o! the degree of potency.
Aandons the re"edy in dry "ediu". +0
). 2)*0,). Continuous treat"ent !or "onths. +3
F. 2)1.. The Millesi"al scale. (2
Conclusions. )F
PA6T -
eyond Hahnemann. #he si- new improvements. )I
CHAPTE6 7. @ollo%ing Hahne"ann5s !ootste$s. The Millionesi"al scale. 02
Clinical e-perience with the .illionesimal scale. F6
CHAPTE6 77. 7n search o! alance. 0+
CHAPTE6 777. The Juestion o! "agnitudes. 00
1 revealing concept. FF
CHAPTE6 7D. Magnitudes o! the ho"eo$athic re"edy. )2
1. Concentrated Field E1
2. ?-panded Field E2
6. @ynamism E6
7. %atio E7
CHAPTE6 D. The clue is revealed. @inding o! the value o! Balance. )0
CHAPTE6 D7. The e>$ansion o! the energy !ield o! the re"edy. 3+
CHAPTE6 D77. The EJuiliriu" scale. 33
CHAPTE6 D777. Continuous treat"ent !or years %ith the EJuiliriu" scale
in Chronic Diseases. 2.0
CHAPTE6 7T. Treat"ent o! very hy$erreactive $atients.
A ne% "ethod o! "edicinal i"$regnation. 22*
CHAPTE6 T. @inal considerations. 220
EP79O:#E 2-2
9A;T WO6D; 2-*
:9O;;A6Y 2-0

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