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1275 K Street, NW; Washington, DC 20005-4006

PHOIE 202.712.9799 FAX 202.712.9798

August 2, 2002

Dear Northwest Flight Attendant,

We have been advised that a group calling itself PFAA is urging you to sign a card requesting a
representation election that could result in you forfeiting your Teamsters' membership.

As the elected flight attendant leader of the largest flight attendant union in the world, the Associa-
tion of Flight Attendants, AFL-CIO, I'm writing to reinforce the power of unity and the weakness
of a divided flight attendant group.

Some of the power your group of flight attendants has is derived from the mere fact that you are
representedby a union. Butthatpoweris limitedif that'sall youhave- an independent union. And
with the PFAA, you would be independent.

As members of the Teamsters, you are part of one of the most powerful unions in the world. As
members of the Teamsters, you are also part of the 13 million-member AFL-CIO (to which my
union is also affiliated). The combined power of those organizations not only gives you the re-
sources necessary to counter the power of a large corporation like Northwest Airlines, but it also
gives you a voice on Capitol Hill, at the FAA and at the new Transportation Security Administra-

AFA has worked with the Teamsters and the AFL-CIO to win flight and duty time regulations for
flight attendants,eliminationof smoking on all flights and whistleblowerprotection.Wehave worked
together to protect the number of exits on commercial aircraft, the required evacuation space at
overwing exits and the positioning of cabin jumpseats to allow a direct view of the cabin. Most
recently we have joined together to pursue our common goal of flight attendant certification. These
issues all have a dramatic impact on the work you do every day.

_The PFAA could never Qfovide you with that kind of representation, an independent union simply
does not have the resources or strength in numbers to win that kind of positive change.

I urge you to work within your union, the Teamsters, to change things for the better for flight
attendants at Northwest. The problems and challenges that would face you as members of an
independent union would be insurmountable, and would severely hinder your quest to improve
your job and our profession.

In Solidarity,

Patricia A. Friend
International President



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