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In order to perpetuate a climate of collegiality, mutual trust and respect it is important to resolve
differences in a timely, objective, and equitable manner.
If concerns or conflicts regarding policies and procedures, pedagogy, and or a community
member arise, the following procedures should be followed:
Step 1: Go directly to the person involved.
Prior to that meeting, it is encouraged to clarify your feelings, needs and possible solutions to
the problem and to form an I Statement about the problem. Use a confidant and/or the problem
solving form if it would be helpful. Go to Step 2 If:
! you feel you need support in speaking to the person involved
! the other person refuses to meet with you
! you have met with the person involved and cannot come up with a solution
Step 2: Meet with PIT Crew representative
Schedule a meeting with a member of the PIT Crew to discuss the problem and develop a plan
to solve the problem. Prior to meeting with a PIT Crew member you must fill out the Problem-
Solving form. PIT Crew members are trained to follow an objective procedure that can assist
the person in clarifying and working towards resolution of the problem.
Step 3: Implement Plan and Evaluate Results
After implementing a plan, meet with PIT Crew representative to evaluate the results. If the
problem has not been resolved, move to Step 4.
Step 4: Administrative Resolution
The administrative resolution process consists of a meeting between the parties involved with
the director in attendance. An attempt at administrative resolution is to be made prior to
requesting a formal resolution. If issue involves the director, proceed to step 5.

Step 5: Formal Resolution
Formal resolution consists of the submission of a problem-solving report to the Schoolcraft
Learning Problem Solving Committee. The Problem Solving Committee is an ad hoc committee
consisting of 3 current board members, and is selected as needed. All board members will
receive mediation training and will offer unbiased consideration on the issues brought before
them. A problem-solving report may be submitted within 10 working days of the administrative
resolution meeting. The Problem Solving Committee will then take one of the following actions
within 5 working days of receiving the report.

A. Determine that the issue calls for a change in board policy or procedures or that current
policies have not been adequately followed. The committee will recommend a plan of corrective
action to the board or director.

B. Conclude that the issue is personal opinion by an individual or small group of individuals and
that changing policy or taking action based upon this opinion would not be in the best interest of
the school community.

C. Seek further mediation on the issue
Problem-Solving Form

Name __________________________ Date _______________________

Ground Rules for stating conflict in writing and in discussions:

! Address the problem, dont attack the person
! State your needs and feelings with I statements
! Discuss the conflict when you are calm
! Focus on the stated problem
! Hear the others needs and feelings
! Seek mutually beneficial solution

State the problem/conflict:

What steps have you taken to try to resolve this issue?

What are your needs and feelings regarding this problem?

What do you want to have happen (include all options that would be acceptable to you)?

What effect will this action have on others in the school and/or the school culture

Following the discussion:

If this issue has not been resolved, what plan is there to help resolve it?

If you are approached by a staff member, parent or community member with a problem or
concern and you are not a member of the PIT Crew, here are a few suggestions:

! Ask whether they need to vent, or if they want help solving the problem.
! If they need to vent, listen and remain objective.
! If they want help solving the problem, ask the person if they have followed or need help
following the Problem Solving Procedure.
! Help the party fill out the Problem Solving Report.
! Direct the party to a member of the PIT Crew.

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