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Sense Relations (I): Polysemy and Homonymy

4.1 Semasiology and onomasiology - two basic approaches to the study
of words and their senses
The terminological pair onomasiology/ semasiology is a traditional
one in Eropean le!icology and le!icography. This pair is generally
regarded as identi"ying t#o di""erent perspecti$es "or stdying the
relationship %et#een #ords and their semantic $ales.
Semasiology ("rom the &ree' sema, (sign() ta'es its starting point
in the #ord as a "orm and descri%es #hat semantic $ales/senses/signi"ies
it may ha$e. )nomasiology ("rom &ree' onoma (name() acconts "or the
opposite direction in the stdy o" meaning* that is it starts "rom a semantic
$ale/gi$en concept (signi"ied/ signi"ie) to the $arios
#ords/e!pressions/signi"iers (signi"iants) that are sed to name that
particlar concept.
+ctally* onomasiological research is rather concerned #ith sets o"
related concepts (e!pressed %y sense relations sch as synonymy and
antonymy) than #ith a single semantic category (e.g. polysemy and
homonymy), as sch* it traditionally coincides #ith le!ical "ield research.
&eeraerts* &rondelaersand and -a'ema (1..4: /) inclde
semasiological and onomasiological $ariation among the "or main 'inds
o" le!ical $ariation they identi"y: semasiological* onomasiological* "ormal
and conte!tal. The "irst t#o types are placed nder the general heading
conceptal $ariation.
Semasiological $ariation in$ol$es the sitation that one particlar
le!ical item may re"er to distinct types o" re"erents. )nomasiological
$ariation in$ol$es the sitation that a re"erent or type o" re"erent may %e
named %y means o" $arios conceptally distinct le!ical categories.
0hile the poststrctralist phase in the history o" le!ical semantics
had a predominantly semasiological "ocs (concentrating as it did on the
changes o" meaning o" indi$idal #ords)* the strctralist stage stressed
the necessity o" complementing the semasiological perspecti$e #ith an
onomasiological one.
-aldinger (1.12: /23) discsses onomasiology and semasiology in
terms o" spea'er4s and hearer4s points o" $ie#: ()nomasiology
approaches pro%lems "orm the $ie#point o" the spea'er* #ho has to
choose %et#een di""erent names o" e!pression. Semasiology approaches
pro%lems "rom the $ie#point o" the listener* #ho has to determine the
meaning o" the #ords he hears* "rom all the possi%le meanings(
The complementarity o" the onomasiological and semasiological
perspecti$es is smmari5ed in the last chapter* presenting the
interdependence o" the t#o strctres: (Each lingistic e$oltion is
prodced on the one hand #ithin the "rame#or' o" a semasiological
strctre and on the other #ithin the "rame#or' o" an onomasiological
strctre.( (-aldinger* 1.12: /21)
4.6 From word to concept: polysemy and homonymy
The classical distinction %et#een polysemy and homonymy has
concerned semanticists li'e 7llman (1.86)* 0einreich (1.8/* 1.88)*
9yons (1.33)* 9ehrer (1.34%).
7llman (1.86) has proposed t#o criteria "or distingishing
homonymy and polysemy: etymology and spelling. :ollo#ing 9ehrer
(1.34%) #e contend that these criteria rely on diachronic strctre and are
not #or'a%le "or langages that are n#ritten or "or #hich the history is
Ho#e$er* 7llmann (1.86) rightly notes that it is impossi%le to
imagine a langage #ithot polysemy #hile a langage #ithot
homonymy is not only concei$a%le, it #old in "act %e a more e""icient
The criteria that are most in$o'ed in the literatre to distingish
%et#een polysemy and homonymy are etymology and relatedness o"
meaning. In terms o" the "ormer criterion* le!ical items #ith the same
origin are considered as polysemic* #hereas i" they ha$e e$ol$ed "rom
distinct le!emes in some earlier stage o" the langage than they are
regarded as homonymos.
This condition is not al#ays rele$ant and there"ore decisi$e*
%ecase the history o" the langage does not al#ays re"lect its present
state: there are instances o" #ords that come "rom the same sorce and
cannot %e considered polysemantic* %t homonymic. :or instance* in
present;day English* the le!emes pupil
(stdent( and pupil
* (iris o" the
eye( are not semantically related %t they %oth come "rom 9atin pupillus,
pupilla (#ard* orphan;%oy( #hich is a diminti$e o" pupus (child(.
The opposite case is also "airly common* namely #hen t#o
le!emes deri$ed "rom di""erent roots in an earlier state o" the langage are
seen as related. :or e!ample* ear
(organ o" hearing( comes "orm 9atin
auris 4ear4* #hile ear
(spi'e o" corn( is deri$ed "orm 9atin acus* aceris
4hs'4 .
Synchronically* most people heat these t#o le!emes as one
polysemos #ord and e!plain their relation %y means o" metaphor* i.e.
the ear corn #as "elt to %e a metaphor o" the type (the eye o" a needle(*
(the "oot o" the montain(* etc.
There"ore* the etymological criterion can %e misleading #hen
deciding %et#een homonymy and polysemy. The latter criterion* i.e.
relatedness $s. nrelatedness o" meaning is <estioned %y 9yons (1.33)
#ho arges that relatedness o" meaning appears to %e a matter o" degree*
together #ith the "act that sometimes nati$e spea'er4s intitions are "rom
%eing the tre interpretations as has %een seen #ith the ear e!ample.
Similarity/relatedness o" meaning has %een represented in a
"ormali5ed manner %y =at5 (1.36)* =at5 and :odor (1.8/) #ho propose
the decomposition o" the sense o" a #ord into its minimal distincti$e
"eatres* i.e. into semantic components #hich contrast #ith other
7n"ortnately* componential de"initions o" the type >physical
o%?ect@* >concrete@* >animate@ "or the description o" le!emes sch as bank
or mouth are not s""icient "or the polysemy;homonymy pro%lem.
The relatedness %et#een the di""erent senses o" a #ord is not
e!pressi%le in terms o" A; "eatres %ecase there are cases in #hich these
"eatres are present in di""erent degrees* not in a%solte terms. :or
instance* the terms bachelor* lie and mother ha$e %ecome classic
e!amples in the literatre.
:illmore (1.16a) analyses bachelor that is sally de"ined as an
nmarried adlt man %y %ringing into discssion less typical e!amples o"
%achelors sch as male participants in long;term nmarried copling*
%oys a%andoned in the ?ngle and gro#n to matrity a#ay "rom contact
#ith hman society* some priests or homose!als.
Boleman and =ay (1.11: 61) discss the concept lie in terms o" (a)
"alsehood* (%) deli%erateness and (c) intent to decei$e. +s these three
elements may possess di""erent degrees o" importance* there may %e
prototypical lies* #hen a statement is characteri5ed %y properties (%) and
(c) and partial lies that inclde instances o" social lie (e.g. 4Drop in any
time4)* #hite lie* e!aggerations* ?o'e* etc. + social lie is a case #here
deceit is help"l and a #hite lie is a case #here deceit is not harm"l.
9a'o"" (1.13: 38) analyses the concept mother and concldes that
it cannot %e de"ined (in terms o" common necessary and s""icient
condition approach( that can %e associated #ith B+ in strctralist
semantics. His argment is the e!istence o" marginal or less typical cases
o" mother: %iological mothers* donor mothers (#ho donate an egg)*
srrogate mothers (#ho %ear the child %t may not ha$e donated the egg)*
adopti$e mothers* n#ed mothers #ho gi$e their children p "or
adoption* and stepmothers.
The pro%lem o" relatedness o" meaning shold there"ore %e
regarded as a gradient and sometimes s%?ecti$e notion. +lthogh some
lingists sch as 9yons (1.33: CC/) <estion to some e!tent the
theoretical signi"icance o" the distinction %et#een polysemy and
homonymy* the t#o phenomena di""er "rom each other in t#o ma?or
(1) homonymy is an accident and ths highly langage;speci"ic
(6) polsemy is moti$ated and similar senses can %e "ond in
di""erent e$en typologically/historically nrelated langages.
4./. Study questions and exercises
1. +ns#er these <estions:
1. 0hat do semasiology and onomasiology generally stdyD
Semasiology ("rom the &ree' sema, (sign() ta'es its starting point in the
#ord as a "orm and descri%es #hat semantic $ales/senses/signi"ies it
may ha$e. )nomasiology ("rom &ree' onoma (name() acconts "or the
opposite direction in the stdy o" meaning* that is it starts "rom a semantic
$ale/gi$en concept (signi"ied/ signi"ie) to the $arios
#ords/e!pressions/signi"iers (signi"iants) that are sed to name that
particlar concept.
6. 0hat is the distinction %et#een semasiology and onomasiologyD
)nomasiological research is rather concerned #ith sets o" related
concepts (e!pressed %y sense relations sch as synonymy and antonymy)
than #ith a single semantic category (e.g. polysemy and homonymy), as
sch* it traditionally coincides #ith le!ical "ield research.
Semasiological $ariation in$ol$es the sitation that one particlar le!ical
item may re"er to distinct types o" re"erents.
)nomasiological $ariation in$ol$es the sitation that a re"erent or type o"
re"erent may %e named %y means o" $arios conceptally distinct le!ical
/. 0hat is the "ocs o" semasiological researchD
Single semantic category (e.g. polysemy and homonymy)
4. 0hat semantic relations are associated #ith onomasiologyD
Sets o" related concepts (e!pressed %y sense relations sch as synonymy
and antonymy).
0hat does semasiological $ariation re"er toD
Semasiological $ariation in$ol$es the sitation that one particlar le!ical
item may re"er to distinct types o" re"erents.
0hat does onomasiological $ariation implyD
)nomasiological $ariation in$ol$es the sitation that a re"erent or type o"
re"erent may %e named %y means o" $arios conceptally distinct le!ical
C. Ho# does onomasiology di""er "rom semasiologyD
0hile the poststrctralist phase in the history o" le!ical semantics had a
predominantly semasiological "ocs (concentrating as it did on the
changes o" meaning o" indi$idal #ords)* the strctralist stage stressed
the necessity o" complementing the semasiological perspecti$e #ith an
onomasiological one. -aldinger (1.12: /23) discsses onomasiology and
semasiology in terms o" spea'er4s and hearer4s points o" $ie#:
()nomasiology approaches pro%lems "orm the $ie#point o" the spea'er*
#ho has to choose %et#een di""erent names o" e!pression. Semasiology
approaches pro%lems "rom the $ie#point o" the listener* #ho has to
determine the meaning o" the #ords he hears* "rom all the possi%le
8. 0hat are the criteria sed in distingishing polysemy "rom
7llman (1.86) has proposed t#o criteria "or distingishing homonymy
andpolysemy: etymology and spelling.
2. E!plain the mechanism o" sense e!tension in these #ords:
a) clim%
Noun 1. climb ; an p#ard slope or grade (as in a road), (the car coldn4t
ma'e it p the rise(
accli$ity* ascent* pgrade* raise* rise
incline* slope* side ; an ele$ated geological "ormation, (he
clim%ed the steep slope(, (the hose #as %ilt on the side o" a
phill ; the p#ard slope o" a hill
2. climb ; an e$ent that in$ol$es rising to a higher point (as in
altitde or temperatre or intensity etc.)
clim%ing* monting
rising* ascension* ascent* rise ; a mo$ement p#ard, (they
cheered the rise o" the hot;air %alloon(
3. climb ; the act o" clim%ing something, (it #as a di""iclt clim% to
the top(
ascending* rise* ascent* ascension ; the act o" changing location in
an p#ard direction
scaling ; ascent %y or as i" %y a ladder
clam%er ; an a#'#ard clim%, (reaching the crest #as a real
montain clim%ing* montaineering ; the acti$ity o" clim%ing a
roc' clim%ing ; the sport or pastime o" scaling roc' masses on
montain sides (especially #ith the help o" ropes and special
Verb 1. climb ; go p#ard #ith gradal or continos progress, (Eid yo
e$er clim% p the hill %ehind yor hoseD(
clim% p* go p* mont
scale ; clim% p %y means o" a ladder
escalade ; clim% p and o$er, (They had to escalade canyons to
reach their destination(
ramp ; creep p ;; sed especially o" plants, (The roses ramped
o$er the #all(
montaineer ; clim% montains "or pleasre as a sport
go p* rise* mo$e p* li"t* arise* come p* prise ; mo$e p#ard,
(The "og li"ted(, (The smo'e arose "rom the "orest "ire(, (The
mist prose "rom the meado#s(
ride ; clim% p on the %ody, (Shorts that ride p(, (This s'irt
'eeps riding p my legs(
%estride* clim% on* hop on* ?mp on* mont p* get on* mont ;
get p on the %ac' o", (mont a horse(
clim% do#n* alight ; come do#n, (the %irds alighted(
2. climb ; mo$e #ith di""iclty* %y grasping
mo$e ; mo$e so as to change position* per"orm a nontranslational
motion, (He mo$ed his hand slightly to the right(
shin* shinny* s'in* clam%er* scram%le* sptter* strggle ; clim%
a#'#ardly* as i" %y scram%ling
3. climb ; go p or ad$ance, (Sales #ere clim%ing a"ter prices #ere
mont* #a!* rise
?mp ; increase sddenly and signi"icantly, (Prices ?mped
increase ; %ecome %igger or greater in amont, (The amont o"
#or' increased(
gain* ad$ance ; rise in rate or price, (The stoc' mar'et gained 64
points today(
4. climb ; slope p#ard, (The path clim%ed all the #ay to the top o"
the hill(
slope* incline* pitch ; %e at an angle, (The terrain sloped do#n(
5. climb ; impro$e one4s social stats, (This yong man 'no#s ho#
to clim% the social ladder(
progress* shape p* come along* come on* get along* get on*
ad$ance ; de$elop in a positi$e #ay, (He progressed #ell in
school(, (Fy plants are coming along(, (Plans are shaping p(
6. climb ; increase in $ale or to a higher point, (prices clim%ed
steeply(, (the $ale o" or hose rose sharply last year(
go p* rise
soar ; go or mo$e p#ard, (The stoc' mar'et soared a"ter the
cease;"ire #as annonced(
%ll ; ad$ance in price, (stoc's #ere %lling(
gro# ; %ecome larger* greater* or %igger, e!pand or gain, (The
pro%lem gre# too large "or me(, (Her %siness gre# "ast(
1. ascend* scale* mont* go p* clam%er* shin p !limbing the first hill
took half an hour.
2. clam%er* descend* scram%le* dismont "e climbed down from the cab.
3. rise* go p* soar* ascend* "ly p #he plane took off, lost an engine as it
climbed, and crashed $ust off the runway.
4. increase* rise* mont* go p* roc'et* soar* escalate* in"late* shoot p*
sno#%all %rices hae climbed by &'( since the beginning of the year.
5. slope* rise* go p* incline #he road climbs steeply.
climb down %ac' do#n* #ithdra#* yield* concede* retreat* srrender*
gi$e in* ca$e in )informal** retract* admit de"eat* %ac';pedal* eat yor
#ords* eat cro# )+.S. informal* "e has climbed down on pledges to
reduce capital gains tax.
Related words
ad$ectie scansorial
d) #riting
Noun 1. writing ; the act o" creating #ritten #or's, (#riting #as a "orm
o" therapy "or him(, (it #as a matter o" dispted athorship(
athorship* penning* composition
$er%al creation ; creating something %y the se o" speech and
-ased on 0ordGet /.2* :arle! clipart collection. H 622/;6216 Princeton 7ni$ersity* :arle! Inc.
ado!ography ; "ine #riting in praise o" tri$ial or %ase s%?ects,
(Eli5a%ethan school%oys #ere taght ado!ography* the art o"
erditely praising #orthless things(, (ado!ography is particlarly
se"l to la#yers(
dra"ting ; #riting a "irst $ersion to %e "illed ot and polished later
dramatisation* dramati5ation ; con$ersion into dramatic "orm,
(the play #as a dramati5ation o" a short story(
"a%rication* "ictionalisation* "ictionali5ation ; #riting in a
"ictional "orm
historiography ; the #riting o" history
metri"ication ; #riting a metrical composition (or the metrical
strctre o" a composition)
no$elisation* no$eli5ation ; con$erting something into the "orm
o" a no$el
redaction ; the act o" ptting something in #riting
le!icography ; the act o" #riting dictionaries
$ersi"ication ; the art or practice o" #riting $erse
indite* pen* #rite* compose ; prodce a literary #or', (She
composed a poem(, (He #rote "or no$els(
#rite a%ot* #rite o"* #rite on ; #rite a%ot a particlar topic,
(Sno# #rote a%ot Bhina(
pro"ile ; #rite a%ot, (The athor o" this article pro"iles a "amos
paragraph ; #rite paragraphs, #or' as a paragrapher
dash o""* "ling o""* scratch o""* toss o""* 'noc' o"" ; #rite <ic'ly,
(She dashed o"" a note to her hs%and saying she #old not %e
home "or spper(, (He scratched o"" a than';yo note to the
re#rite ; re#rite so as to ma'e "it to sit a ne# or di""erent
prpose, (re;#rite a play "or se in schools(
#rite copy ; #rite "or commercial p%lications, (She #rites copy
"or Harper4s -a5aar(
dramatise* dramati5e* adopt ; pt into dramatic "orm, (adopt a
%oo' "or a screenplay(
dra"t* otline ; dra# p an otline or s'etch "or something, (dra"t
a speech(
athor ; %e the athor o", (She athored this play(
co;athor ; %e a co;athor on (a %oo'* a paper)
ghost#rite* ghost ; #rite "or someone else, (Ho# many %oo's
ha$e yo ghost#ritten so "arD(
annotate* "ootnote ; add e!planatory notes to or spply #ith
critical comments, (The scholar annotated the early edition o" a
"amos no$el(
re"erence* cite ; re"er to, (he re"erenced his colleages4 #or'(
#rite ot* #rite p ; pt into #riting, #rite in complete "orm,
(#rite ot a contract(
script ; #rite a script "or, (The play#right scripted the mo$ie(
2. writing ; the #or' o" a #riter, anything e!pressed in letters o"
the alpha%et (especially #hen considered "rom the point o" $ie#
o" style and e""ect), (the #riting in her no$els is e!cellent(, (that
editorial #as a "ine piece o" #riting(
piece o" #riting* #ritten material
%o#dlerisation* %o#dleri5ation ; #ritten material that has %een
title ; (sally plral) #ritten material introdced into a mo$ie or
TI sho# to gi$e credits or represent dialoge or e!plain an
action, (the titles go %y "aster than I can read(
%lac' and #hite* #ritten commnication* #ritten langage ;
commnication %y means o" #ritten sym%ols (either printed or
cryptogram* secret #riting* cryptograph ; a piece o" #riting in
code or cipher
re#rite* re$ision* rescript ; something that has %een #ritten again,
(the re#rite #as mch %etter(
literary composition* literary #or' ; imaginati$e or creati$e
literatre ; creati$e #riting o" recogni5ed artistic $ale
literatre ; p%lished #ritings in a particlar style on a particlar
s%?ect, (the technical literatre(, (one aspect o" 0aterloo has
not yet %een treated in the literatre(
matter ; #ritten #or's (especially in %oo's or maga5ines), (he
al#ays too' some reading matter #ith him on the plane(
literary criticism* criticism ; a #ritten e$alation o" a #or' o"
section* s%di$ision ; a sel";contained part o" a larger
composition (#ritten or msical), (he al#ays trns "irst to the
%siness section(, (the history o" this #or' is discssed in the
ne!t section(
epilog* epiloge ; a short passage added at the end o" a literary
#or', (the epiloge told #hat e$entally happened to the main
paragraph ; one o" se$eral distinct s%di$isions o" a te!t intended
to separate ideas, the %eginning is sally mar'ed %y a ne#
indented line
diary* ?ornal ; a daily #ritten record o" (sally personal)
e!periences and o%ser$ations
inscription* lettering ; letters inscri%ed (especially #ords
engra$ed or car$ed) on something
manscript* ms ; the "orm o" a literary #or' s%mitted "or
atograph ; something #ritten %y one4s o#n hand
treatise ; a "ormal e!position
adaptation* $ersion ; a #ritten #or' (as a no$el) that has %een
recast in a ne# "orm, (the play is an adaptation o" a short no$el(
essay ; an analytic or interpreti$e literary composition
editing* redaction ; ptting something (as a literary #or' or a
legislati$e %ill) into accepta%le "orm
religios te!t* religios #riting* sacred te!t* sacred #riting ;
#riting that is $enerated "or the #orship o" a deity
screed ; a long piece o" #riting
docment* papers* #ritten docment ; #riting that pro$ides
in"ormation (especially in"ormation o" an o""icial natre)
dramatic composition* dramatic #or' ; a play "or per"ormance on
the stage or tele$ision or in a mo$ie etc.
dithyram% ; a #ildly enthsiastic speech or piece o" #riting
plagiarism ; a piece o" #riting that has %een copied "rom
someone else and is presented as %eing yor o#n #or'
transcript ; something that has %een transcri%ed, a #ritten record
(sally type#ritten) o" dictated or recorded speech, (he read a
transcript o" the interrogation(, (yo can o%tain a transcript o"
this radio program %y sending a sel";addressed en$elope to the
3. writing ; (sally plral) the collected #or' o" an athor, (the
idea occrs #ith increasing "re<ency in Heming#ay4s #ritings(
%ody o" #or'* oe$re* #or' ; the total otpt o" a #riter or artist
(or a s%stantial part o" it), (he stdied the entire 0agnerian
oe$re(, (Picasso4s #or' can %e di$ided into periods(
plral* plral "orm ; the "orm o" a #ord that is sed to denote
more than one
%lac' and #hite* #ritten commnication* #ritten langage ;
commnication %y means o" #ritten sym%ols (either printed or
patristics* patrology ; the #ritings o" the early Bhrch :athers
4. writing ; letters or sym%ols that are #ritten or imprinted on a
sr"ace to represent the sonds or #ords o" a langage, (he
trned the paper o$er so the #riting #oldn4t sho#(, (the doctor4s
#riting #as illegi%le(
%lac' and #hite* #ritten commnication* #ritten langage ;
commnication %y means o" #ritten sym%ols (either printed or
orthography* #riting system ; a method o" representing the
sonds o" a langage %y #ritten or printed sym%ols
coding system ; a system o" signals sed to represent letters or
nm%ers in transmitting messages
capitalisation* capitali5ation ; #riting in capital letters
type#riting* typing ; #riting done #ith a type#riter
printing ; te!t hand#ritten in the style o" printed matter
hand#riting* script* hand ; something #ritten %y hand, (she
recogni5ed his hand#riting(, (his hand #as illegi%le(
hieroglyph* hieroglyphic ; #riting that resem%les hieroglyphics
(sally %y %eing illegi%le)
s'y#riting ; #riting "ormed in the s'y %y smo'e released "rom an
printing process* printing ; reprodction %y applying in' to paper
as "or p%lication
notation* notational system ; a technical system o" sym%ols sed
to represent special things
5. writing ; the acti$ity o" ptting something in #ritten "orm, (she
did the thin'ing #hile he did the #riting(
committal to #riting
acti$ity ; any speci"ic %eha$ior, (they a$oided all recreational
coding* steganography* cryptography* secret #riting ; act o"
#riting in code or cipher
hand#riting ; the acti$ity o" #riting %y hand, (hand#riting can
%e slo# and pain"l "or one #ith arthritis(
inscription ; the acti$ity o" inscri%ing (especially car$ing or
engra$ing) letters or #ords
notation ; the acti$ity o" representing something %y a special
system o" mar's or characters
1. script* hand* print* printing* "ist )informal** scri%%le* hand#riting*
scra#l* calligraphy* longhand* penmanship* chirography ,t-s a little
difficult to read your writing.
2. docments* #or's* %oo's* letters* titles* opses* p%lications* literatre*
compositions* %elles;lettres .lthusser-s writings are focused mainly on
writing on the wall omen* sign* #arning* signal* portent* "ore#arning* ill
omen /e should hae seen the writing on the wall and guessed what was
(0riting* at its %est* is a lonely li"e( >Ernest Heming#ay speech,
accepting the 0obel %ri1e for 2iterature@
(I thin' #riting does come ot o" a deep #ell o" loneliness and a desire to
"ill some 'ind o" gap( >Jay FcInerney@
(0old yo not li'e to try all sorts o" li$es ; one is so $ery small ; %t
that is the satis"action o" #riting ; one can impersonate so many people(
>=atherine Fans"ield letter@
%) moth
mouth ; the opening throgh #hich "ood is ta'en in and
$ocali5ations emerge, (he st""ed his moth #ith candy(
oral ca$ity* oral "issre* rima oris
teeth* dentition ; the 'ind and nm%er and arrangement o" teeth
(collecti$ely) in a person or animal
glossa* linga* tonge* clapper ; a mo%ile mass o" msclar tisse
co$ered #ith mcos mem%rane and located in the oral ca$ity
moth ; the e!ternally $isi%le part o" the oral ca$ity on the "ace
and the system o" organs srronding the opening, (she #iped
lipstic' "rom her moth(
ca'ehole* ma#* yap* go%* trap* hole ; in"ormal terms "or the moth
%ccal ca$ity ; the ca$ity %et#een the ?a#s and the chee's
gingi$a* gm ; the tisse (co$ered %y mcos mem%rane) o" the
?a#s that srronds the %ases o" the teeth
palate* roo" o" the moth ; the pper sr"ace o" the moth that
separates the oral and nasal ca$ities
sali$ary gland ; any o" three pairs o" glands in the moth and
digesti$e system that secrete sali$a "or digestion
rima ; a narro# elongated opening or "issre %et#een t#o
symmetrical parts
mouth ; the e!ternally $isi%le part o" the oral ca$ity on the "ace
and the system o" organs srronding the opening, (she #iped
lipstic' "rom her moth(
cytostome ; moth o" a proto5oan
%ea'* ne%* ni%* pec'er* %ill ; horny pro?ecting moth o" a %ird
%ea' ; %ea'li'e moth o" animals other than %irds (e.g.* trtles)
ori"ice* porta* opening ; an apertre or hole that opens into a
%odily ca$ity, (the ori"ice into the aorta "rom the lo#er le"t
cham%er o" the heart(
moth* oral ca$ity* oral "issre* rima oris ; the opening throgh
#hich "ood is ta'en in and $ocali5ations emerge, (he st""ed his
moth #ith candy(
lip ; either o" t#o "leshy "olds o" tisse that srrond the moth
and play a role in spea'ing
arteria lingalis* lingal artery ; an artery originating "rom the
e!ternal carotid artery and spplying the nder side o" the tonge
lingal $ein* $ena lingalis ; a $ein that recei$es %lood "rom the
tonge and the "loor o" the moth and empties into the internal
?glar or the "acial $ein
"ace* hman "ace ; the "ront o" the hman head "rom the "orehead
to the chin and ear to ear, (he #ashed his "ace(, (I #ish I had seen
the loo' on his "ace #hen he got the ne#s(
mouth ; an opening that resem%les a moth (as o" a ca$e or a
gorge), (he rode into the moth o" the canyon(, (they %ilt a "ire at
the moth o" the ca$e(
opening* gap ; an open or empty space in or %et#een things, (there
#as a small opening %et#een the trees(, (the e!plosion made a
gap in the #all(
mouth ; the point #here a stream isses into a larger %ody o"
#ater, (Ge# Kor' is at the moth o" the Hdson(
geological "ormation* "ormation ; (geology) the geological
"eatres o" the earth
mouth ; a person concei$ed as a consmer o" "ood, (he has "or
moths to "eed(
eater* "eeder ; someone #ho consmes "ood "or norishment
mouth ; a spo'esperson (as a la#yer)
collo<ialism ; a collo<ial e!pression, characteristic o" spo'en or
#ritten commnication that see's to imitate in"ormal speech
spo'esperson* representati$e* interpreter* $oice ; an ad$ocate #ho
represents someone else4s policy or prpose, (the meeting #as
attended %y spo'espersons "or all the ma?or organs o"
mouth ; an impdent or insolent re?oinder, (don4t gi$e me any o"
yor sass(
%ac' tal'* %ac'tal'* sass* sassing* lip
come%ac'* re?oinder* retort* riposte* replication* conter* retrn ; a
<ic' reply to a <estion or remar' (especially a #itty or critical
one), (it %roght a sharp re?oinder "rom the teacher(
mouth ; the opening o" a ?ar or %ottle, (the ?ar had a #ide moth(
%ottle ; a glass or plastic $essel sed "or storing drin's or other
li<ids, typically cylindrical #ithot handles and #ith a narro#
nec' that can %e plgged or capped
?ar ; a $essel (sally cylindrical) #ith a #ide moth and #ithot
opening ; a $acant or no%strcted space that is man;made, (they
le"t a small opening "or the cat at the %ottom o" the door(
mouth ; e!press in speech, (She tal's a lot o" nonsense(, (This
depressed patient does not $er%ali5e(
spea'* tal'* $er%alise* $er%ali5e* tter
read ; loo' at* interpret* and say ot lod something that is #ritten
or printed, (The =ing #ill read the proclamation at noon(
commnicate* intercommnicate ; transmit thoghts or "eelings,
(He commnicated his an!ieties to the psychiatrist(
phonate* $ocalise* $ocali5e ; tter speech sonds
troll ; spea' or recite rapidly or in a rolling $oice
%egin ; %egin to spea' or say, (Go# listen* "riends*( he %egan
lip o""* shoot one4s moth o"" ; spea' spontaneosly and #ithot
restraint, (She al#ays shoots her moth o"" and says things she
later regrets(
shot ; tter in a lod $oice, tal' in a lod $oice (sally denoting
characteristic manner o" spea'ing), (Fy grandmother is hard o"
hearing;;yo4ll ha$e to shot(
#hisper ; spea' so"tly, in a lo# $oice
peep ; spea' in a hesitant and high;pitched tone o" $oice
spea' p ; spea' loder, raise one4s $oice, (The adience as'ed
the lectrer to please spea' p(
snap* snarl ; tter in an angry* sharp* or a%rpt tone, (The sales
cler' snapped a reply at the angry cstomer(, (The gard snarled
at s(
enthse ; tter #ith enthsiasm
spea' in tonges ; spea' nintelligi%ly in or as i" in religios
ecstasy, (The parishioners spo'e in tonges(
s#allo# ; tter indistinctly, (She s#allo#ed the last #ords o" her
$er%alise* $er%ali5e ; %e $er%ose, (This la#yer $er%ali5es and is
rather tedios(
#hi"" ; tter #ith a p"" o" air, (#hi"" ot a prayer(
tal' o"* tal' a%ot ; discss or mention, (They spo'e o" many
%l%%er ot* %l%%er ; tter #hile crying
drone on* drone ; tal' in a monotonos $oice
stammer* sttter* %m%le* "alter ; spea' haltingly, (The spea'er
"altered #hen he sa# his opponent enter the room(
rasp ; tter in a grating $oice
%lnder ot* %lrt* %lrt ot* e?aclate* %lnder ; tter implsi$ely,
(He %lrted ot the secret(, (He %lndered his stpid ideas(
in"lect* modlate* tone ; $ary the pitch o" one4s speech
deli$er* present ; deli$er (a speech* oration* or idea), (The
commencement spea'er presented a "orce"l speech that
impressed the stdents(
generalise* generali5e ; spea' or #rite in generalities
%la%%er* pala$er* pi""le* prate* prattle* tattle* tittle;tattle* t#addle*
ga%%le* gi%%er* %la%* clac'* mander* chatter ; spea' (a%ot
nimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
chatter ; ma'e noise as i" chattering a#ay, (The magpies #ere
chattering in the trees(
rattle on* yac'* yac' a#ay* yap a#ay* ?a# ; tal' incessantly and
open p ; tal' "reely and #ithot inhi%ition
sni$el* #hine ; tal' in a tear"l manner
mrmr ; spea' so"tly or indistinctly, (She mrmred so"tly to the
%a%y in her arms(
mm%le* mssitate* mtter* mander ; tal' indistinctly, sally in
a lo# $oice
slr ; tter indistinctly
%ar' ; spea' in an n"riendly tone, (She %ar'ed into the
%ay ; tter in deep prolonged tones
?a%%er* moth o""* ra%%it on* rant* ra$e* spot ; tal' in a noisy*
e!cited* or declamatory manner
siss* si55* hiss* si%ilate ; e!press or tter #ith a hiss
cac'le ; tal' or tter in a cac'ling manner, (The #omen cac'led
#hen they sa# the mo$ie star step ot o" the limosine(
%a%%le ; tter meaningless sonds* li'e a %a%y* or tter in an
incoherent #ay, (The old man is only %a%%ling;;don4t pay
intone* tone* chant ; tter monotonosly and repetiti$ely and
rhythmically, (The stdents chanted the same slogan o$er and
o$er again(
glp ; tter or ma'e a noise* as #hen s#allo#ing too <ic'ly, (He
glped "or help a"ter cho'ing on a %ig piece o" meat(
2 mouth ; articlate silently, "orm #ords #ith the lips only, (She
. mothed a s#ear #ord(
dissem%le* "eign* pretend* sham* a""ect ; ma'e %elie$e #ith the
intent to decei$e, (He "eigned that he #as ill(, (He shammed a
lip;sync* lip;synch ; mo$e the lips in synchroni5ation (#ith
recorded speech or song)
mouth ; toch #ith the moth
toch ; ma'e physical contact #ith* come in contact #ith, (Toch
the stone "or good lc'(, (She ne$er toched her hs%and(
1. lips* trap )slang** chops )slang** ?a#s* go% )slang, esp. 3rit.** ma#* yap
)slang** ca'ehole )3rit. slang* She clamped her hand against her mouth.
2. entrance* opening* gate#ay* ca$ity* door* apertre* cre$ice* ori"ice the
mouth of the tunnel
3. opening* lip* rim a lit candle stuck in the bottle-s mouth
4. inlet* otlet* estary* "irth* ot"all* de%ochment the mouth of the rier
5. ),nformal* %oasting* gas )informal** %ragging* hot air )slang**
%raggadocio* idle tal'* empty tal' She is all mouth and no talent.
tter* say* spea'* $oice* e!press* prononce* articlate* ennciate*
$er%ali5e* $ocali5e* say insincerely* say "or "orm4s sa'e , mouthed some
sympathetic platitudes.
ee! "our mouth shut say nothing* 'eep <iet* 'eep mm )informal**
not tell a sol* 'eep something nder yor hat 4ou-d do well to keep your
mouth shut about it.
mouth o## ),nformal* rant* ra$e* spot* sond o""* declaim* ?a%%er "e
receied a yellow card for mouthing off to the referee.
Related words
ad$ecties oral* osclar* stomatic
(+ sht moth catches no "lies(
e) tonge
tongue ; a mo%ile mass o" msclar tisse co$ered #ith mcos mem%rane
and located in the oral ca$ity
glossa* linga* clapper
organ ; a "lly di""erentiated strctral and "nctional nit in an animal that
is speciali5ed "or some particlar "nction
articlator ; a mo$a%le speech organ
moth* oral ca$ity* oral "issre* rima oris ; the opening throgh #hich "ood
is ta'en in and $ocali5ations emerge, (he st""ed his moth #ith candy(
gstatory organ* taste %d* taste%d ; an o$al sensory end organ on the
sr"ace o" the tonge
pharyn!* throat ; the passage to the stomach and lngs, in the "ront part o"
the nec' %elo# the chin and a%o$e the collar%one
tongue ; a hman #ritten or spo'en langage sed %y a commnity,
opposed to e.g. a compter langage
natral langage
langage* lingistic commnication ; a systematic means o"
commnicating %y the se o" sonds or con$entional sym%ols, (he taght
"oreign langages(, (the langage introdced is standard throghot the
te!t(, (the speed #ith #hich a program can %e e!ected depends on the
langage in #hich it is #ritten(
"irst langage* maternal langage* mother tonge ; one4s nati$e langage,
the langage learned %y children and passed "rom one generation to the
tonal langage* tone langage ; a langage in #hich di""erent tones
distingish di""erent meanings
creole ; a mother tonge that originates "rom contact %et#een t#o
+merican;Indian langage* +merind* +merindian langage* +merican
Indian* Indian ; any o" the langages spo'en %y +merindians
Es'imo;+let* Es'imo;+let langage ; the "amily o" langages that
incldes Es'imo and +let
Bh'chi langage* Bh'chi ; an indigenos and isolated langage o"
n'no#n origin spo'en %y the Bh'chi that is prononced di""erently %y
men and #omen
Sino;Ti%etan* Sino;Ti%etan langage ; the "amily o" tonal langages
spo'en in eastern +sia
+stro;+siatic* +stro;+siatic langage* Fnda;Fon;=hmer ; a "amily o"
langages spo'en in sothern and sotheastern +sia
Hmong langage* Fiao* Hmong ; a langage o" ncertain a""iliation
spo'en %y the Hmong
+stronesian langage* +stronesian ; the "amily o" langages spo'en in
+stralia and :ormosa and Falaysia and Polynesia
Papan langage* Papan ; any o" the indigenos langages spo'en in
Papa Ge# &inea or Ge# -ritain or the Solomon Islands that are not
Falayo;Polynesian langages
=hoisan* =hoisan langage ; a "amily o" langages spo'en in sothern
Indo;Eropean langage* Indo;Hittite* Indo;Eropean ; the "amily o"
langages that %y 1222 -B #ere spo'en throghot Erope and in parts o"
soth#estern and sothern +sia
7ral;+ltaic ; a (postlated) grop o" langages inclding many o" the
indigenos langages o" Rssia (%t not Rssian)
-as<e ; the langage o" the -as<e people, o" no 'no#n relation to any
other langage
Elamitic* Ssian* Elamite ; an e!tinct ancient langage o" n'no#n
a""inities, spo'en %y the Elamites
Bassite* =assite ; an ancient langage spo'en %y the =assites
Bacasian langage* Bacasian ; a nm%er o" langages spo'en in the
Bacass that are nrelated to langages spo'en else#here
Era$idian langage* Era$idic* Era$idian ; a large "amily o" langages
spo'en in soth and central India and Sri 9an'a
+"rasian* +"rasian langage* +"ro;+siatic* +"roasiatic* +"roasiatic
langage* Hamito;Semitic ; a large "amily o" related langages spo'en %oth
in +sia and +"rica
Giger;=ordo"anian* Giger;=ordo"anian langage ; the "amily o" langages
that incldes most o" the langages spo'en in +"rica soth o" the Sahara,
the ma?ority o" them are tonal langages %t there are important e!ceptions
(e.g.* S#ahili or :la)
Gilo;Saharan* Gilo;Saharan langage ; a "amily o" East +"rican langages
spo'en %y Gilotic peoples "rom the Sahara soth to =enya and Tan5ania
tongue ; any long thin pro?ection that is transient, (tonges o" "lame lic'ed
at the #alls(, (ri"les e!ploded <ic' 'ni$es o" "ire into the dar'(
pro?ection ; any solid con$e! shape that ?ts ot "rom something
tongue ; a manner o" spea'ing, (he spo'e #ith a thic' tonge(, (she has a
gli% tonge(
manner o" spea'ing* deli$ery* speech ; yor characteristic style or manner
o" e!pressing yorsel" orally, (his manner o" spea'ing #as <ite a%rpt(,
(her speech #as %arren o" sothernisms(, (I detected a slight accent in his
sharp tonge ; a %itter or critical manner o" spea'ing
tongue ; a narro# strip o" land that ?ts ot into the sea
cape* ness ; a strip o" land pro?ecting into a %ody o" #ater
sand ; a loose material consisting o" grains o" roc' or coral
tongue ; the tonge o" certain animals sed as meat
organs* $ariety meat ; edi%le $iscera o" a %tchered animal
%ee" tonge ; the tonge o" a co# eaten as meat
cal"4s tonge ; the tonge o" a cal" eaten as meat
tongue ; the "lap o" material nder the laces o" a shoe or %oot
%oot ; "oot#ear that co$ers the #hole "oot and lo#er leg
"lap ; any %road thin and lim%er co$ering attached at one edge, hangs loose
or pro?ects "reely, (he #rote on the "lap o" the en$elope(
shoe ; "oot#ear shaped to "it the "oot (%elo# the an'le) #ith a "le!i%le
pper o" leather or plastic and a sole and heel o" hea$ier material
tongue ; metal stri'er that hangs inside a %ell and ma'es a sond %y hitting
the side
%ell ; a hollo# de$ice made o" metal that ma'es a ringing sond #hen
stri'er ; the part o" a mechanical de$ice that stri'es something
tongue ; articlate %y tonging* as #hen playing #ind instrments
msic ; msical acti$ity (singing or #histling etc.), (his msic #as his
central interest(
msic ; (msic) the sonds prodced %y singers or msical instrments (or
reprodctions o" sch sonds)
spiel* play ; replay (as a melody), (Play it again* Sam(, (She played the
third mo$ement $ery %eati"lly(
do%le tonge* triple;tonge ; play "ast notes on a #ind instrment
tongue ; lic' or e!plore #ith the tonge
lap* lic' ; pass the tonge o$er, (the dog lic'ed her hand
c) %ea$er
bea%er ; the so"t %ro#n "r o" the %ea$er
%ea$er "r
"r* pelt ; the dressed hairy coat o" a mammal
&ea%er ; a nati$e or resident o" )regon
+merican ; a nati$e or inha%itant o" the 7nited States
bea%er ; a "ll %eard
%eard* "ace "ngs* #his'ers ; the hair gro#ing on the lo#er part
o" a man4s "ace
bea%er ; a man4s hat #ith a tall cro#n, sally co$ered #ith sil'
or #ith %ea$er "r
dress hat* opera hat* sil' hat* top hat* sto$epipe* high hat* topper
chapea* hat* lid ; headdress that protects the head "rom %ad
#eather, has shaped cro#n and sally a %rim
man4s clothing ; clothing that is designed "or men to #ear
bea%er ; a mo$a%le piece o" armor on a medie$al helmet sed to
protect the lo#er "ace
armor plate* armor plating* armor plate* plate armor* plate armor
; specially hardened steel plate sed to protect "orti"ications or
$ehicles "rom enemy "ire
helmet ; a protecti$e headgear made o" hard material to resist
bea%er ; a hat made #ith the "r o" a %ea$er (or similar material)
"r hat ; a hat made o" "r
bea%er ; large semia<atic rodent #ith #e%%ed hind "eet and a
%road "lat tail, constrct comple! dams and nder#ater lodges
gna#er* rodent ; relati$ely small placental mammals ha$ing a
single pair o" constantly gro#ing incisor teeth speciali5ed "or
gens Bastor* Bastor ; type gens o" the Bastoridae: %ea$ers
Bastor "i%er* )ld 0orld %ea$er ; a Eropean $ariety o" %ea$er
Bastor canadensis* Ge# 0orld %ea$er ; a $ariety o" %ea$er "ond
in almost all areas o" Gorth +merica e!cept :lorida
bea%er ; #or' hard on something
%ea$er a#ay
#or' ; e!ert onesel" %y doing mental or physical #or' "or a
prpose or ot o" necessity, (I #ill #or' hard to impro$e my
grades(, (she #or'ed hard "or %etter li$ing conditions "or the

") reader
reader ; a person #ho en?oys reading
%oo'#orm ; someone #ho spends a great deal o" time reading
%oo'man* scholar* scholarly person* stdent ; a learned person
(especially in the hmanities), someone #ho %y long stdy has
gained mastery in one or more disciplines
reader ; someone #ho contracts to recei$e and pay "or a ser$ice
or a certain nm%er o" isses o" a p%lication
cstomer* client ; someone #ho pays "or goods or ser$ices
reader ; a person #ho can read, a literate person
decipherer ; a reader capa%le o" reading and interpreting illegi%le
or o%scre te!t
literate* literate person ; a person #ho can read and #rite
map;reader ; a person #ho can read maps, (he is a good map;
s'immer ; a rapid sper"icial reader
reader ; someone #ho reads manscripts and ?dges their
sita%ility "or p%lication
re$ie#er* re"eree
critic ; anyone #ho e!presses a reasoned ?dgment o" something
scanner ; someone #ho scans $erse to determine the nm%er and
prosodic $ale o" the sylla%les
reader ; someone #ho reads proo" in order to "ind errors and
mar' corrections
pressman* printer ; someone #hose occpation is printing
reader ; someone #ho reads the lessons in a chrch ser$ice,
someone ordained in a minor order o" the Roman Batholic Bhrch
clergyman* man o" the cloth* re$erend ; a mem%er o" the clergy
and a spirital leader o" the Bhristian Bhrch
Holy )rder* )rder ; (sally plral) the stats or ran' or o""ice o"
a Bhristian clergyman in an ecclesiastical hierarchy, (theologians
still disagree o$er #hether L%ishop4 shold or shold not %e a
separate )rder(
reader ; a p%lic lectrer at certain ni$ersities
lectrer* lector
edcator* pedagog* pedagoge ; someone #ho edcates yong
reader ; one o" a series o" te!ts "or stdents learning to read
school te!t* school%oo'* te!t edition* te!t%oo'* te!t ; a %oo'
prepared "or se in schools or colleges, (his economics te!t%oo' is
in its tenth edition(, (the pro"essor #rote the te!t that he assigned
stdents to %y(
Fc&""ey Eclectic Readers ; readers that com%ined lessons in
reading #ith moralistic messages
3. E!plain the mechanism o" sense e!tension in these e!amples:
a) This land %elongs to the Bro#n.
1. 'rown ; the Bro#n (or the reigning monarch) as the sym%ol o"
the po#er and athority o" a monarchy, (the colonies re$olted
against the Bro#n(
sym%ol ; an ar%itrary sign (#ritten or printed) that has ac<ired a
con$entional signi"icance
2. crown ; the part o" a tooth a%o$e the gm that is co$ered #ith
tooth ; hard %oneli'e strctres in the ?a#s o" $erte%rates, sed
"or %iting and che#ing or "or attac' and de"ense
enamel* tooth enamel ; hard #hite s%stance co$ering the cro#n
o" a tooth
top ; the pper part o" anything, (the mo#er cts o"" the tops o"
the grass(, (the title shold %e #ritten at the top o" the "irst page(
3. crown ; a #reath or garland #orn on the head to signi"y $ictory
cro#n o" thorns ; a moc' cro#n made o" thorn %ranches that
Roman soldiers placed on Jess %e"ore the Brci"i!ion
chaplet* coronal* lei* #reath* garland ; "lo#er arrangement
consisting o" a circlar %and o" "oliage or "lo#ers "or ornamental
4. crown ; an ornamental ?e#eled headdress signi"ying so$ereignty
coronet ; a small cro#n, sally indicates a high ran' %t %elo#
that o" so$ereign
cro#n ?e#els ; regalia (?e#elry and other paraphernalia) #orn %y
a so$ereign on state occasions
?e#eled headdress* ?e#elled headdress ; a headdress adorned
#ith ?e#els
5. crown ; the part o" a hat (the $erte!) that co$ers the cro#n o" the
chapea* hat* lid ; headdress that protects the head "rom %ad
#eather, has shaped cro#n and sally a %rim
ape!* acme* $erte!* pea' ; the highest point (o" something), (at
the pea' o" the pyramid(
6. crown ; an English coin #orth C shillings
coin ; a "lat metal piece (sally a disc) sed as money
7. crown ; the pper %ranches and lea$es o" a tree or other plant
top ; the pper part o" anything, (the mo#er cts o"" the tops o"
the grass(, (the title shold %e #ritten at the top o" the "irst page(
tree ; a tall perennial #oody plant ha$ing a main trn' and
%ranches "orming a distinct ele$ated cro#n, incldes %oth
gymnosperms and angiosperms
capitlm ; an arrangement o" lea"y %ranches "orming the top or
head o" a tree
8. crown ; the top or e!treme point o" something (sally a
montain or hill), (the $ie# "rom the pea' #as magni"icent(,
(they clam%ered to the tip o" Fonadnoc'(, (the region is a "e#
molecles #ide at the smmit(
crest* smmit* top* pea'* tip
hilltop* %ro# ; the pea' o" a hill, (the sn set %ehind the %ro# o"
distant hills(
pinnacle ; a lo"ty pea'
place* spot* topographic point ; a point located #ith respect to
sr"ace "eatres o" some region, (this is a nice place "or a picnic(,
(a %right spot on a planet(
montain pea' ; the smmit o" a montain
(. crown ; the a#ard gi$en to the champion
accolade* honor* larels* honor* a#ard ; a tangi%le sym%ol
signi"ying appro$al or distinction, (an a#ard "or %ra$ery(
crown ; the top o" the head
pate* poll
hman head ; the head o" a hman %eing
tonsre ; the sha$ed cro#n o" a mon'4s or priest4s head
top side* pper side* pside* top ; the highest or ppermost side
o" anything, (pt yor %oo's on top o" the des'(, (only the top
side o" the %o! #as painted(
crown ; (dentistry) dental appliance consisting o" an arti"icial
cro#n "or a %ro'en or decayed tooth, (tomorro# my dentist #ill
"it me "or a cro#n(
cro#n#or'* ?ac'et cro#n* ?ac'et* cap
dental appliance ; a de$ice to repair teeth or replace missing teeth
dental medicine* dentistry* odontology ; the %ranch o" medicine
dealing #ith the anatomy and de$elopment and diseases o" the
crown ; the center o" a cam%ered road
road* rote ; an open #ay (generally p%lic) "or tra$el or
top side* pper side* pside* top ; the highest or ppermost side
o" anything, (pt yor %oo's on top o" the des'(, (only the top
side o" the %o! #as painted(
1. crown ; in$est #ith regal po#er, enthrone, (The prince #as
cro#ned in 0estminster +%%ey(
enthrone* $est* in$est ; pro$ide #ith po#er and athority, (They
$ested the concil #ith special rights(
2. crown ; %e the clminating e$ent, (The speech cro#ned the
clima!* clminate ; end* especially to reach a "inal or climactic
stage, (The meeting clminated in a tear"l em%race(
3. crown ; "orm the topmost part o", (+ #eather $ane cro#ns the
head ; %e in the "ront o" or on top o", (The list #as headed %y the
name o" the president(
4. crown ; pt an enamel co$er on, (cro#n my teeth(
co$er ; pro$ide #ith a co$ering or case to %e co$ered, (co$er
her "ace #ith a hand'erchie"(, (co$er the child #ith a %lan'et(,
(co$er the gra$e #ith "lo#ers(
%) 0e need some ne# "aces arond here.
1. #ace ; the "ront o" the hman head "rom the "orehead to the chin
and ear to ear, (he #ashed his "ace(, (I #ish I had seen the loo'
on his "ace #hen he got the ne#s(
hman "ace
hman* hman %eing* homo* man ; any li$ing or e!tinct mem%er
o" the "amily Hominidae characteri5ed %y sperior intelligence*
articlate speech* and erect carriage
e!ternal %ody part ; any %ody part $isi%le e!ternally
%eard* "ace "ngs* #his'ers ; the hair gro#ing on the lo#er part
o" a man4s "ace
moth ; the e!ternally $isi%le part o" the oral ca$ity on the "ace
and the system o" organs srronding the opening, (she #iped
lipstic' "rom her moth(
eye* ocls* optic ; the organ o" sight
eye%ro#* spercilim* %ro# ; the arch o" hair a%o$e each eye
"acial $ein* $ena "acialis ; any o" se$eral $eins draining the "ace
"acial* "acial ner$e* ner$s "acialis* se$enth cranial ner$e ; cranial
ner$e that spplies "acial mscles
head* capt ; the pper part o" the hman %ody or the "ront part
o" the %ody in animals, contains the "ace and %rains, (he stc' his
head ot the #indo#(
nose* ol"actory organ ; the organ o" smell and entrance to the
respiratory tract, the prominent part o" the "ace o" man or other
mammals, (he has a cold in the nose(
chin* mentm ; the protrding part o" the lo#er ?a#
physiognomy* $isage* smiler* 'isser* phi5* contenance* mg ;
the hman "ace (L'isser4 and Lsmiler4 and Lmg4 are in"ormal
terms "or L"ace4 and Lphi54 is -ritish)
"eatre* lineament ; the characteristic parts o" a person4s "ace:
eyes and nose and moth and chin, (an e!pression o" pleasre
crossed his "eatres(, (his lineaments #ere $ery reglar(
"acial mscle ; any o" the s'eletal mscles o" the "ace
%ro#* "orehead ; the part o" the "ace a%o$e the eyes
chee' ; either side o" the "ace %elo# the eyes
?o#l ; a "llness and looseness o" the "lesh o" the lo#er chee' and
?a# (characteristic o" aging)
?a# ; the %ones o" the s'll that "rame the moth and ser$e to
open it, the %ones that hold the teeth
2. #ace ; the "eelings e!pressed on a person4s "ace, (a sad
e!pression(, (a loo' o" trimph(, (an angry "ace(
e!pression* loo'* "acial e!pression* aspect
contenance* $isage ; the appearance con$eyed %y a person4s
"ace, (a pleasant contenance(, (a stern $isage(
leer ; a sggesti$e or sneering loo' or grin
spar'le* t#in'le* spar'* light ; merriment e!pressed %y a
%rightness or gleam or animation o" contenance, (he had a
spar'le in his eye(, (there4s a perpetal t#in'le in his eyes(
3. #ace ; the general ot#ard appearance o" something, (the "ace o"
the city is changing(
appearance* $isal aspect ; ot#ard or $isi%le aspect o" a person
or thing
4. #ace ; the stri'ing or #or'ing sr"ace o" an implement
cl% head* cl%;head* cl%head* gol";cl% head ; (gol") the head
o" the cl% #hich stri'es the %all
head ; the stri'ing part o" a tool, (the head o" the hammer(
rac<et* rac'et ; a sports implement (sally consisting o" a
handle and an o$al "rame #ith a tightly interlaced net#or' o"
strings) sed to stri'e a %all (or shttlecoc') in $arios games
sr"ace ; the oter %ondary o" an arti"act or a material layer
constitting or resem%ling sch a %ondary, (there is a special
cleaner "or these sr"aces(, (the cloth had a pattern o" red dots on
a #hite sr"ace(
5. #ace ; a part o" a person that is sed to re"er to a person, (he
loo'ed ot at a room"l o" "aces(, (#hen he retrned to #or' he
met many ne# "aces(
indi$idal* mortal* person* some%ody* someone* sol ; a hman
%eing, (there #as too mch "or one person to do(
synecdoche ; s%stitting a more inclsi$e term "or a less
inclsi$e one or $ice $ersa
6. #ace ; a sr"ace "orming part o" the otside o" an o%?ect, (he
e!amined all sides o" the crystal(, (de# dripped "rom the "ace o"
the lea"(
%eam;ends ; (natical) at the ends o" the trans$erse dec' %eams
o" a $essel, (on her %eam;ends( means heeled o$er on the side so
that the dec' is almost $ertical
%ottom* nderside* ndersr"ace ; the lo#er side o" anything
"orepart* "ront* "ront end ; the side that is "or#ard or prominent
lee side* lee#ard* lee ; the side o" something that is sheltered
"rom the #ind
#ind#ard ; the side o" something that is to#ard the #ind
%ac' end* %ac'side* rear ; the side o" an o%?ect that is opposite its
"ront, (his room #as to#ard the rear o" the hotel(
sr"ace ; the e!tended t#o;dimensional oter %ondary o" a
three;dimensional o%?ect, (they s'immed o$er the sr"ace o" the
#ater(, (a %rsh small enogh to clean e$ery dental sr"ace(,
(the sn has no distinct sr"ace(
top side* pper side* pside* top ; the highest or ppermost side
o" anything, (pt yor %oo's on top o" the des'(, (only the top
side o" the %o! #as painted(
7. #ace ; the part o" an animal corresponding to the hman "ace
animal* animate %eing* %east* creatre* "ana* %rte ; a li$ing
organism characteri5ed %y $olntary mo$ement
m55le ; "or#ard pro?ecting part o" the head o" certain animals,
incldes the ?a#s and nose
e!ternal %ody part ; any %ody part $isi%le e!ternally
8. #ace ; the side pon #hich the se o" a thing depends (sally the
most prominent sr"ace o" an o%?ect), (he dealt the cards "ace
cloc' dial* cloc' "ace ; the "ace o" a cloc' sho#ing hors and
mintes o" the day
dial ; the "ace o" a timepiece, gradated to sho# the hors
"ront ; the side that is seen or that goes "irst
playing card ; one o" a pac' o" cards that are sed to play card
#atch* tic'er ; a small porta%le timepiece
(. #ace ; a contorted "acial e!pression, (she made a grimace at the
"acial e!pression* "acial gestre ; a gestre e!ected #ith the
"acial mscles
moe* pot* #ry "ace ; a disdain"l grimace
#ace ; a speci"ic si5e and style o" type #ithin a type "amily
"ont* "ont* type"ace* case
type ; printed characters, (small type is hard to read(
type "amily ; a complete set o" type sita%le "or printing te!t
nicameral script ; a script #ith a single case
%icameral script ; a script ha$ing t#o distinct cases
constant;#idth "ont* "i!ed;#idth "ont* monospaced "ont*
type#riter "ont ; a type"ace is #hich each character is gi$en the
same #idth (as %y a type#riter)
proportional "ont ; any "ont #hose di""erent characters ha$e
di""erent #idths
cartridge "ont* "ont cartridge ; any "ont that is contained in a
cartridge that can %e plgged into a compter printer
%lac' letter* &othic ; a hea$y type"ace in se "rom 1Cth to 11th
%old* %old "ace* %old"ace ; a type"ace #ith thic' hea$y lines
italic ; a type"ace #ith letters slanting p#ard to the right
raster "ont* screen "ont ; the "ont that is displayed on a compter
screen, (#hen the screen "ont resem%les a printed "ont a
docment may loo' appro!imately the same on the screen as it
#ill #hen printed(
Hel$etica* sans seri" ; a type"ace in #hich characters ha$e no
#ace ; stats in the eyes o" others, (he lost "ace(
stats* position ; the relati$e position or standing o" things or
especially persons in a society, (he had the stats o" a minor(,
(the no$el attained the stats o" a classic(, (atheists do not en?oy
a "a$ora%le position in +merican li"e(
#ace ; impdent aggressi$eness, (I coldn4t %elie$e her %oldness(,
(he had the e""rontery to <estion my honesty(
%oldness* ner$e* %rass* chee'
aggressi$eness ; the <ality o" %eing %old and enterprising
adaciosness* adacity ; aggressi$e %oldness or nmitigated
e""rontery, (he had the adacity to <estion my decision(
#ace ; a $ertical sr"ace o" a %ilding or cli""
perpendiclar ; an e!tremely steep "ace
$ertical sr"ace ; a sr"ace that is $ertical
coal"ace ; the part o" a coal seam that is %eing ct
1. #ace ; deal #ith (something npleasant) head on, (Ko mst
con"ront yor pro%lems(, (He "aced the terri%le conse<ences o"
his mista'es(
"ace p* con"ront
con"ront* "ace* present ; present some%ody #ith something*
sally to accse or critici5e, (0e con"ronted him #ith the
e$idence(, (He #as "aced #ith all the e$idence and cold no
longer deny his actions(, (+n enormos dilemma "aces s(
go a%ot* set a%ot* approach ; %egin to deal #ith, (approach a
tas'(, (go a%ot a di""iclt pro%lem(, (approach a ne# pro?ect(
tac'le* nderta'e* ta'e on ; accept as a challenge, (I4ll tac'le this
di""iclt tas'(
2. #ace ; oppose* as in hostility or a competition, (Ko mst
con"ront yor opponent(, (Jac'son "aced Smith in the %o!ing
ring(, (The t#o enemies "inally con"ronted each other(
"ront* %reast ; con"ront %odily, (%reast the storm(
ta'e the %ll %y the horns ; "ace a di""iclty and grapple #ith it
#ithot a$oiding it
enconter* ta'e on* meet* play ; contend against an opponent in a
sport* game* or %attle, (Princeton plays Kale this #ee'end(,
(Bharlie li'es to play Fary(
pit* play o""* oppose* match ; set into opposition or ri$alry, (let
them match their %est athletes against ors(, (pit a chess player
against the Rssian champion(, (He plays his t#o children o""
against each other(
%lly o""* "ace o"" ; start a game %y a "ace;o""
3. #ace ; %e oriented in a certain direction* o"ten #ith respect to
another re"erence point, %e opposite to, (The hose loo's north(,
(Fy %ac'yard loo' onto the pond(, (The %ilding "aces the par'(
"ront* loo'
lie ; %e located or sitated some#here, occpy a certain position
"ace ; %e opposite, (the "acing page(, (the t#o so"as "ace each
con"ront ; %e "ace to "ace #ith, (The child screamed #hen he
con"ronted the man in the Hallo#een costme(
4. #ace ; %e opposite, (the "acing page(, (the t#o so"as "ace each
%e ; occpy a certain position or area, %e some#here, (0here is
my m%rellaD( (The toolshed is in the %ac'(, (0hat is %ehind
this %eha$iorD(
"ront* "ace* loo' ; %e oriented in a certain direction* o"ten #ith
respect to another re"erence point, %e opposite to, (The hose
loo's north(, (Fy %ac'yard loo' onto the pond(, (The %ilding
"aces the par'(
5. #ace ; trn so as to "ace, trn the "ace in a certain direction, (Trn
and "ace yor partner no#(
trn ; change orientation or direction* also in the a%stract sense,
(Trn to#ards me(, (The mgger trned and "led %e"ore I cold
see his "ace(, (She trned "rom hersel" and learned to listen to
others4 needs(
"ace ; trn so as to e!pose the "ace, ("ace a playing card(
6. #ace ; present some%ody #ith something* sally to accse or
critici5e, (0e con"ronted him #ith the e$idence(, (He #as "aced
#ith all the e$idence and cold no longer deny his actions(, (+n
enormos dilemma "aces s(
con"ront* present
"ace* "ace p* con"ront ; deal #ith (something npleasant) head
on, (Ko mst con"ront yor pro%lems(, (He "aced the terri%le
conse<ences o" his mista'es(
7. #ace ; trn so as to e!pose the "ace, ("ace a playing card(
"ace ; trn so as to "ace, trn the "ace in a certain direction, (Trn
and "ace yor partner no#(
disclose* e!pose ; disclose to $ie# as %y remo$ing a co$er, (The
crtain rose to disclose a stnning set(
8. #ace ; line the edge (o" a garment) #ith a di""erent material, ("ace
the lapels o" the ?ac'et(
line ; co$er the interior o", (line the glo$es(, (line a chimney(
"ace ; co$er the "ront or sr"ace o", (The %ilding #as "aced #ith
%eati"l stones(
re"ace ; pt a ne# "acing on (a garment)
(. #ace ; co$er the "ront or sr"ace o", (The %ilding #as "aced #ith
%eati"l stones(
re$et ; "ace #ith a layer o" stone or concrete or other spporting
material so as to retain, ("ace an em%an'ment(
re"ace ; pro$ide #ith a ne# "acing, (The %ilding #as re"aced
#ith %eati"l stones(
"ace ; line the edge (o" a garment) #ith a di""erent material, ("ace
the lapels o" the ?ac'et(
co$er ; pro$ide #ith a co$ering or case to %e co$ered, (co$er
her "ace #ith a hand'erchie"(, (co$er the child #ith a %lan'et(,
(co$er the gra$e #ith "lo#ers(
1. contenance* "eatres* 'isser )slang** pro"ile* dial )3rit. slang** mg
)slang** $isage* physiognomy* lineaments* phi5 or phi5og )slang* She had
a beautiful face.
2. e!pression* loo'* air* appearance* aspect* contenance "e was walking
around with a sad face.
3. side* "ront* co$er* otside* sr"ace* aspect* e!terior* right side*
ele$ation* "acet* $ertical sr"ace "e climbed &55 feet up the cliff face.
4. dial* display #he face of the clock was painted yellow.
5. natre* image* character* appearance* concept* conception* ma'e;p
%layers like him hae changed the face of snooker.
6. sel";respect* respect* reptation* dignity* standing* athority* image*
regard* stats* honor* esteem* prestige* sel";image* mana )0.6.* #hey
don-t want a war but they don-t want to lose face.
7. ),nformal* impdence* "ront* con"idence* adacity* ner$e* nec'
)informal** sace )informal** chee' )informal** assrance* gall )informal**
presmption* %oldness* cht5pah )+.S. 7 !anad. informal** sass )+.S. 7
!anad. informal** e""rontery* %rass nec' )3rit. informal** sassiness )+.S.
informal* , haen-t the face to borrow off him.
1. loo' onto* o$erloo'* %e opposite* loo' ot on* "ront onto* gi$e to#ards
or onto #he garden faces south.
2. con"ront* meet* enconter* deal #ith* oppose* tac'le* cope #ith*
e!perience* %ra$e* de"y* come p against* %e con"ronted %y* "ace o""
)slang* "e looked relaxed and calm as he faced the press.
3. )often with up to* accept* deal #ith* tac'le* ac'no#ledge* cope #ith*
con"ront* come to terms #ith* meet head;on* reconcile yorsel" to 4ou
must face the truth that the relationship has ended.
4. %eset* #orry* tro%le* %other* distress* plage #here are two main
health risks that face women.
#ace someone down intimidate* de"eat* con"ront* s%de* disconcert "e-s
confronted crowds before and faced them down.
#ace to #ace "acing* tMte;N;tMte* opposite* con"ronting* eye%all to eye%all*
in con"rontation* N de! )French** $is;N;$is ,t would hae been their first
face to face encounter.
#l" in the #ace o# something de"y* oppose* disregard* go against* "lot*
re%el against* diso%ey* act in de"iance o" "e said that the decision flew in
the face of natural $ustice.
mae or !ull a #ace at someone sco#l* "ro#n* pot* grimace* smir'*
moe )French* She made a face at him behind his back.
on the #ace o# it to all appearances* apparently* seemingly* ot#ardly* at
"irst sight* at "ace $ale* to the eye 8n the face of it, that seems to make
!ut on a bra%e #ace appear cheer"l* air* ta'e corage* grin and %ear it
)informal** loo' cheer"l* 'eep yor chin p )informal** not sho# yor
disappointment Friends will see you are putting on a brae face.
show "our #ace trn p* come* appear* %e seen* sho# p )informal** pt
in or ma'e an appearance* approach , felt , ought to show my face at her
father-s funeral.
to "our #ace directly* openly* straight* in person* in yor presence "er
opponent called her a liar to her face.
(The "ace is the image o" the sol( >Bicero De 8ratore@
(The "ace is the sol o" the %ody( >9d#ig 0ittgenstein 9ournal@
(I thin' yor #hole li"e sho#s in yor "ace and yo shold %e prod o"
that( >9aren -acall@
(+t C2* e$eryone has the "ace he deser$es( >&eorge )r#ell last entry in
(0as this the "ace that lanched a thosand ships(
(+nd %rnt the topless to#ers o" IlimD( >Bhristopher Farlo#e Dr.
c) He el%o#ed me ot o" the <ee.
elbow ; hinge ?oint %et#een the "orearm and pper arm and the
corresponding ?oint in the "orelim% o" a <adrped
articlatio c%iti* c%ital ?oint* c%its* el%o# ?oint* hman el%o#
mscls articlaris c%iti ; a small %ranch o" the triceps that
inserts into the capsle o" the el%o# ?oint
arm ; a hman lim%, technically the part o" the sperior lim%
%et#een the sholder and the el%o# %t commonly sed to re"er to
the #hole sperior lim%
ginglymoid ?oint* ginglyms* hinge ?oint ; a "reely mo$ing ?oint in
#hich the %ones are so articlated as to allo# e!tensi$e mo$ement
in one plane
cra5y %one* "nny %one ; a point on the el%o# #here the lnar
ner$e passes near the sr"ace, a sharp tingling sensation reslts
#hen the ner$e is 'noc'ed against the %one, (the "nny %one is
not hmers(
elbow ; a sharp %end in a road or ri$er
%end* cr$e ; cr$ed segment (o" a road or ri$er or railroad trac'
elbow ; a length o" pipe #ith a sharp %end in it
pipage* pipe* piping ; a long t%e made o" metal or plastic that is
sed to carry #ater or oil or gas etc.
elbow ; the part o" a slee$e that co$ers the el%o# ?oint, (his coat
had patches o$er the el%o#s(
cloth co$ering ; a co$ering made o" cloth
slee$e* arm ; the part o" a garment that is attached at the armhole
and that pro$ides a cloth co$ering "or the arm
elbow ; the ?oint o" a mammal or %ird that corresponds to the
hman el%o#
"oreleg ; the "orelim% o" a <adrped
articlatio* ?oint* articlation ; (anatomy) the point o" connection
%et#een t#o %ones or elements o" a s'eleton (especially i" it
allo#s motion)
Ver 1 elbow ; psh one4s #ay #ith the el%o#s
b . sho$e* ?ostle ; come into rogh contact #ith #hile mo$ing, (The
passengers ?ostled each other in the o$ercro#ded train(
elbow ; sho$e one4s el%o# into another person4s ri%s
ndge* po'e at* prod ; to psh against gently, (She ndged my
el%o# #hen she sa# her "riend enter the restarant(
4. E!plain the type o" sense e!tension in these polysemantic #ords:
a) paper
!a!er ; a material made o" celllose plp deri$ed mainly "rom
#ood or rags or certain grasses
card ; one o" a set o" small pieces o" sti"" paper mar'ed in $arios
#ays and sed "or playing games or "or telling "ortnes, (he
collected cards and traded them #ith the other %oys(
con"etti ; small pieces or streamers o" colored paper that are
thro#n arond on "esti$e occasions (as at a #edding)
piece o" paper* sheet o" paper* sheet ; paper sed "or #riting or
material* st"" ; the tangi%le s%stance that goes into the ma'ep
o" a physical o%?ect, (coal is a hard %lac' material(, (#heat is the
st"" they se to ma'e %read(
art paper ; a high;<ality paper (sally ha$ing a "iller o" china
%lotter* %lotting paper ; a%sor%ent paper sed to dry in'
%leprint paper ; sensiti5ed paper sed to ma'e %leprints
celllose ; a polysaccharide that is the chie" constitent o" all plant
tisses and "i%ers
car%on paper* car%on ; a thin paper coated on one side #ith a dar'
#a!y s%stance (o"ten containing car%on), sed to trans"er
characters "rom the original to an nder sheet o" paper
card%oard* composition %oard ; a sti"" moderately thic' paper
cartridge paper ; paper "or ma'ing cartridge cases
chad ; a small piece o" paper that is spposed to %e remo$ed #hen
a hole is pnched in a card or paper tape
compter paper ; paper "olded to permit continos printing
controlled %y a compter
constrction paper ; paper sita%le "or dra#ing and ma'ing
crepe* crepe paper ; paper #ith a crin'led te!tre, sally colored
and sed "or decorations
dra#ing paper ; paper that is specially prepared "or se in dra"ting
"ilter paper ; a poros nsi5ed paper sed "or "iltering
"lypaper ; paper that is poisoned or coated #ith a stic'y s%stance
to 'ill "lies
graph paper ; paper that has lines to permit dra#ing graphs
greaseproo" paper ; paper that is impermea%le to oil or grease,
sed in coo'ing
linen paper* linen ; a high;<ality paper made o" linen "i%ers or
#ith a linen "inish
litms paper ; nsi5ed paper treated #ith litms "or se as an acid;
%ase indicator
mani"old paper* mani"old ; a light#eight paper sed #ith car%on
paper to ma'e mltiple copies, (an original and t#o mani"olds(
manila* manila paper* manilla* manilla paper ; a strong paper or
thin card%oard #ith a smooth light %ro#n "inish made "rom e.g.
Fanila hemp
msic paper* score paper ; paper #ith lines appropriate "or #riting
ne#sprint* ne#spaper ; cheap paper made "rom #ood plp and
sed "or printing ne#spapers, (they sed %ales o" ne#spaper e$ery
oilpaper ; paper that has %een made translcent and #aterproo" %y
soa'ing in oil
india paper ; a thin togh opa<e paper sed in "ine %oo's
pad* pad o" paper* ta%let ; a nm%er o" sheets o" paper "astened
together along one edge
paper tape ; a long narro# strip o" paper
paper to#eling ; a%sor%ent paper sed as to#eling
paper;mache* papier;mache ; a s%stance made "rom paper plp
that can %e molded #hen #et and painted #hen dry
papyrs ; paper made "rom the papyrs plant %y ctting it in strips
and pressing it "lat, sed %y ancient Egyptians and &ree's and
parchment ; a sperior paper resem%ling sheeps'in
rice paper ; a thin delicate material resem%ling paper, made "rom
the rice;paper tree
roo"ing paper* tar paper ; a hea$y paper impregnated #ith tar and
sed as part o" a roo" "or #aterproo"ing
tic'er tape ; a continos thin ri%%on o" paper on #hich stoc'
<otes are #ritten
tisse paper* tisse ; a so"t thin (sally translcent) paper
tracing paper ; a semitransparent paper that is sed "or tracing
trans"er paper ; a paper that is coated #ith a preparation "or
trans"erring a design to another sr"ace
#allpaper ; a decorati$e paper "or the #alls o" rooms
#aste paper ; paper discarded a"ter se
#a! paper ; paper that has %een #aterproo"ed %y treatment #ith
#a! or para""in
!a!er ; an essay (especially one #ritten as an assignment), (he
got an + on his composition(
theme* report* composition
essay ; an analytic or interpreti$e literary composition
term paper ; a composition intended to indicate a stdent4s
progress dring a school term
!a!er ; a daily or #ee'ly p%lication on "olded sheets, contains
ne#s and articles and ad$ertisements, (he read his ne#spaper at
p%lic press* press ; the print media responsi%le "or gathering and
p%lishing ne#s in the "orm o" ne#spapers or maga5ines
rotogra$re ; printed material (te!t and pictres) prodced %y an
intaglio printing process in a rotary press
daily ; a ne#spaper that is p%lished e$ery day
ga5ette ; a ne#spaper or o""icial ?ornal
school ne#spaper* school paper ; a ne#spaper #ritten and
p%lished %y stdents in a school
ta%loid* rag* sheet ; ne#spaper #ith hal";si5e pages
editorial* ne#spaper colmn* colmn ; an article gi$ing opinions
or perspecti$es
"eatre article* "eatre ; a special or prominent article in a
ne#spaper or maga5ine, (they ran a "eatre on retirement
ne#s article* ne#s story* ne#spaper article ; an article reporting
headline* ne#spaper headline ; the heading or caption o" a
ne#spaper article
sports section ; the section o" a ne#spaper that reports on sports
ne#s item ; an item in a ne#spaper
cartoon strip* comic strip* "nnies* strip ; a se<ence o" dra#ings
telling a story in a ne#spaper or comic %oo'
!a!er ; a medim "or #ritten commnication, (the notion o" an
o""ice rnning #ithot paper is a%srd(
medim ; a means or instrmentality "or storing or commnicating
page ; one side o" one lea" (o" a %oo' or maga5ine or ne#spaper or
letter etc.) or the #ritten or pictorial matter it contains
!a!er ; a scholarly article descri%ing the reslts o" o%ser$ations or
stating hypotheses, (he has #ritten many scienti"ic papers(
article ; non"ictional prose "orming an independent part o" a
!a!er ; a %siness "irm that p%lishes ne#spapers, (Frdoch
o#ns many ne#spapers(
ne#spaper* ne#spaper p%lisher
p%lisher* p%lishing company* p%lishing "irm* p%lishing hose
; a "irm in the p%lishing %siness
!a!er ; the physical o%?ect that is the prodct o" a ne#spaper
p%lisher, (#hen it %egan to rain he co$ered his head #ith a
prodct* prodction ; an arti"act that has %een created %y someone
or some process, (they impro$e their prodct e$ery year(, (they
e!port most o" their agricltral prodction(
!a!er ; co$er #ith paper, (paper the %o!(
co$er ; pro$ide #ith a co$ering or case to %e co$ered, (co$er her
"ace #ith a hand'erchie"(, (co$er the child #ith a %lan'et(, (co$er
the gra$e #ith "lo#ers(
!a!er ; co$er #ith #allpaper
co$er ; pro$ide #ith a co$ering or case to %e co$ered, (co$er her
"ace #ith a hand'erchie"(, (co$er the child #ith a %lan'et(, (co$er
the gra$e #ith "lo#ers(
e) snarl
snarl ; a $icios angry gro#l
tterance* $ocali5ation ; the se o" ttered sonds "or aditory
snarl ; an angry $icios e!pression
"acial e!pression* "acial gestre ; a gestre e!ected #ith the
"acial mscles
snarl ; something ?m%led or con"sed, (a tangle o" go$ernment
ma5e* tangle
perple!ity ; tro%le or con"sion reslting "rom comple!ity
snarl ; tter in an angry* sharp* or a%rpt tone, (The sales cler'
snapped a reply at the angry cstomer(, (The gard snarled at s(
moth* spea'* tal'* $er%alise* $er%ali5e* tter ; e!press in speech,
(She tal's a lot o" nonsense(, (This depressed patient does not
snarl ; ma'e a snarling noise or mo$e #ith a snarling noise,
(-llets snarled past s(
sond* go ; ma'e a certain noise or sond, (She #ent LFmmmm4(,
(The gn #ent L%ang4(
snarl ; t#ist together or ent#ine into a con"sing mass, (The child
entangled the cord(
mat* entangle* tangle
distort* t#ine* t#ist ; "orm into a spiral shape, (The cord is all
"elt ; mat together and ma'e "elt;li'e, ("elt the #ool(
enmesh* ensnarl* mesh ; entangle or catch in (or as i" in) a mesh
nsnarl* disentangle* straighten ot ; e!tricate "rom entanglement,
(Ban yo disentangle the cordD(
1. gro#l* sho# yor teeth )of an animal* #he dogs snarled at the
2. snap* %ar'* lash ot* spea' angrily* ?mp do#n someone4s throat* spea'
roghly :!all that a good performance;- he snarled.
noun tangle* mass* t#ist* #e%* 'not* ?ngle* mat* coil* mesh* ra$el*
entanglement a snarl of logs and branches
snarl something u! tangle* complicate* mddle* em%roil* entangle*
ent#ine* ra$el* enmesh #he row snarled up the work of the commission.
#he group had succeeded in snarling up rush-hour traffic throughout the
%) %oard
board ; a committee ha$ing sper$isory po#ers, (the %oard has
se$en mem%ers(
Bollins Thesars o" the English 9angage O Bomplete and 7na%ridged 6nd Edition. 6226 H
HarperBollins P%lishers 1..C* 6226
appeal %oard* appeals %oard* %oard o" appeals ; a %oard o" o""icials
that are not ?dicial %t are appointed to hear appeals
%oard o" selectmen ; a %oard o" o""icials elected to administer the
p%lic %siness o" a Ge# England to#n
:ederal Reser$e -oard ; the se$en;mem%er %oard go$erning the
:ederal Reser$e System
go$erning %oard ; a %oard that manages the a""airs o" an instittion
commission* committee ; a special grop delegated to consider
some matter, (a committee is a grop that 'eeps mintes and loses
hors( ; Filton -erle
%oard o" directors* directorate ; a grop o" persons chosen to
go$ern the a""airs o" a corporation or other large instittion
ad$isory %oard* planning %oard ; a %oard appointed to ad$ise the
chie" administrator
dra"t %oard ; a %oard to select personnel "or in$olntary military
%oard o" edcation* school %oard ; a %oard in charge o" local
p%lic schools
5oning %oard ; a %oard o" o""icials #ho di$ide an area into 5ones
that are s%?ect to di""erent restrictions
director ; mem%er o" a %oard o" directors
%oard mem%er ; a mem%er o" a go$erning %oard
board ; a stot length o" sa#n tim%er, made in a #ide $ariety o"
si5es and sed "or many prposes
match%oard ; a %oard that has a groo$e ct into one edge and a
tonge ct into the other so they "it tightly together (as in a "loor)
s'id ; one o" a pair o" plan's sed to ma'e a trac' "or rolling or
sliding o%?ects
stra'e* #ale ; thic' plan' "orming a ridge along the side o" a
#ooden ship
lm%er* tim%er ; the #ood o" trees ct and prepared "or se as
%ilding material
chip%oard* hard%oard ; a cheap hard material made "rom #ood
chips that are pressed together and %ond #ith synthetic resin
deal ; a plan' o" so"t#ood ("ir or pine %oard)
'not ; a hard cross;grained rond piece o" #ood in a %oard #here
a %ranch emerged, (the sa# %c'led #hen it hit a 'not(
'nothole ; a hole in a %oard #here a 'not came ot
board ; a "lat piece o" material designed "or a special prpose, (he
nailed %oards across the #indo#s(
a<aplane ; a %oard that is plled %y a speed%oat as a person
stands on it and s'ims o$er the top o" the #ater
%read %oard* %read%oard ; a #ooden or plastic %oard on #hich
dogh is 'neaded or %read is sliced
notice %oard* %lletin %oard ; a %oard that hangs on a #all,
displays annoncements
chopping %oard* ctting %oard ; a #ooden %oard #here meats or
$egeta%les can %e ct
dra"ting %oard* dra#ing %oard ; a smooth %oard on #hich paper is
placed "or ma'ing dra#ings
drain%oard* draining %oard ; a %oard %eside a 'itchen sin' and
inclined to drain into the sin'
"loor %oard* "loor%oard ; a %oard in the "loor
ironing %oard ; narro# padded %oard on collapsi%le spports, sed
"or ironing clothes
'neeler ; a %oard (sometimes cshioned) "or someone to 'neel on
mortar%oard* ha#' ; a s<are %oard #ith a handle nderneath,
sed %y masons to hold or carry mortar
palette* pallet ; %oard that pro$ides a "lat sr"ace on #hich artists
mi! paints and the range o" colors sed
planchette ; a trianglar %oard spported on casters, #hen lightly
toched #ith the "ingertips it is spposed to spell ot spernatral
(or nconscios) messages
score%oard ; a large %oard "or displaying the score o" a contest
(and some other in"ormation)
"lat solid* sheet ; a "lat arti"act that is thin relati$e to its length and
side%oard ; a %oard that "orms part o" the side o" a %ed or cri%
side%oard ; a remo$a%le %oard "itted on the side o" a #agon to
increase its capacity
s'ate%oard ; a %oard #ith #heels that is ridden in a standing or
croching position and propelled %y "oot
sno#%oard ; a %oard that resem%les a %road s'i or a small
sr"%oard, sed in a standing position to slide do#n sno#;co$ered
spring%oard ; a "le!i%le %oard "or ?mping p#ard
sr"%oard ; a narro# %oyant %oard "or riding sr"
trencher ; a #ooden %oard or platter on #hich "ood is ser$ed or
#a'e %oard* #a'e%oard ; a %oyant %oard (resem%ling a
sr"%oard) that is sed to ride o$er #ater #hile %eing plled
%ehind a motor%oat
dry #all* dry#all* #all%oard ; a #ide "lat %oard sed to co$er
#alls or partitions, made "rom plaster or #ood plp or other
materials and sed primarily to "orm the interior #alls o" hoses
#or';%oard* #or'%oard ; a hori5ontal %oard that pro$ides a
spported sr"ace "or manal #or'
board ; "ood or meals in general, (she sets a "ine ta%le(, (room
and %oard(
"are ; the "ood and drin' that are reglarly ser$ed or consmed
training ta%le ; planned meals "or athletes in training (sally
ser$ed in a mess hall)
board ; a $ertical sr"ace on #hich in"ormation can %e displayed
to p%lic $ie#
display %oard* display panel
%ig %oard ; the large display %oard at the Ge# Kor' Stoc'
E!change that reports on stoc's traded on the e!change
$ideo display* display ; an electronic de$ice that represents
in"ormation in $isal "orm
board ; a ta%le at #hich meals are ser$ed, (he helped her clear the
dining ta%le(, (a "east #as spread pon the %oard(
dining ta%le
dining;room ta%le ; dining;room "rnitre consisting o" a ta%le on
#hich meals can %e ser$ed
dinner ta%le ; the dining ta%le #here dinner is ser$ed and eaten
high ta%le ; a dining ta%le in a dining;hall raised on a plat"orm,
seats are reser$ed "or distingished persons
re"ectory ta%le ; a long narro# dining ta%le spported %y a
stretcher %et#een t#o trestles
ta%le ; a piece o" "rnitre #ith ta%le#are "or a meal laid ot on it,
(I reser$ed a ta%le at my "a$orite restarant(
triclinim ; a dining ta%le #ith coches along three sides in
ancient Rome
board ; electrical de$ice consisting o" a "lat inslated sr"ace that
contains s#itches and dials and meters "or controlling other
electrical de$ices, (he chec'ed the instrment panel(, (sddenly
the %oard lit p li'e a Bhristmas tree(
control %oard* control panel* instrment panel* panel
dash%oard* "ascia ; instrment panel on an atomo%ile or airplane
containing dials and controls
electrical de$ice ; a de$ice that prodces or is po#ered %y
idiot light ; a colored #arning light on an instrment panel (as "or
lo# oil pressre)
board ; a printed circit that can %e inserted into e!pansion slots
in a compter to increase the compter4s capa%ilities
add;in* circit %oard* circit card* plg;in* card
BP7 %oard* mother %oard ; the main circit %oard "or a compter
PB %oard ; a remo$a%le circit %oard "or a personal compter, "its
into a slot in the mother %oard
printed circit ; compter circit consisting o" an electronic s%;
assem%ly, copper condctors are laminated on an inslating %oard
or card and circit components are inserted into holes and dip
board ; a "lat porta%le sr"ace (sally rectanglar) designed "or
%oard games, (he got ot the %oard and set p the pieces(
%ac'gammon %oard ; the %oard on #hich %ac'gammon is played
chec'er %oard* chec'er%oard ; a %oard ha$ing 84 s<ares o" t#o
alternating colors
cri%%age %oard ; a %oard #ith pegs and reglarly spaced holes "or
holding the pegs, sed "or 'eeping the score in a game o" cri%%age
dart %oard* dart%oard ; a circlar %oard o" #ood or cor' sed as
the target in the game o" darts
go %oard ; a %oard sed "or playing go
monopoly %oard ; a %oard sed "or playing monopoly
)i?a* )i?a %oard ; a %oard #ith the alpha%et on it, sed #ith a
planchette to spell ot spernatral messages
peg%oard ; a %oard per"orated #ith reglarly spaced holes into
#hich pegs can %e "itted
pnch%oard ; a small %oard "ll o" holes, each hole contains a slip
o" paper #ith sym%ols printed on it, a gam%ler pays a small sm
"or the pri$ilege o" pshing ot a slip in the hope o" o%taining one
that entitles him to a pri5e
sr"ace ; the oter %ondary o" an arti"act or a material layer
constitting or resem%ling sch a %ondary, (there is a special
cleaner "or these sr"aces(, (the cloth had a pattern o" red dots on
a #hite sr"ace(
board ; get on %oard o" (trains* %ses* ships* aircra"t* etc.)
get on
em%ar'* ship ; go on %oard
entrain ; %oard a train
come in* enter* get in* go in* go into* mo$e into* get into ; to come
or go into, (the %oat entered an area o" shallo# marshes(
catch ; reach in time, (I ha$e to catch a train at 3 o4cloc'(
board ; li$e and ta'e one4s meals at or in, (she rooms in an old
%oarding hose(
inha%it* li$e* poplate* d#ell ; inha%it or li$e in, %e an inha%itant
o", (People li$ed in +"rica millions o" years ago(, (The people
inha%ited the islands that are no# deserted(, (this 'ind o" "ish
d#ells near the %ottom o" the ocean(, (deer are poplating the
board ; lodge and ta'e meals (at)
ha%itate* se ; ta'e or consme (reglarly or ha%itally), (She
ses drgs rarely(
%oard ; pro$ide "ood and lodging ("or), (The old lady is %oarding
three men(
board ; pro$ide "ood and lodging ("or), (The old lady is %oarding
three men(
%oard ; lodge and ta'e meals (at)
li$e in* sleep in ; li$e in the hose #here one #or's, (or
%a%ysitter li$es in* as it is too "ar to commte "or her(
cater* ply* pro$ide* spply ; gi$e #hat is desired or needed*
especially spport* "ood or sstenance, (The hostess pro$ided
lnch "or all the gests(
1. %lac'%oard* notice%oard* chal'%oard* "lip chart* #hite%oard "e wrote a
few more notes on the board.
2. plan'* panel* tim%er* piece o" #ood* slat* piece o" tim%er* lath #he floor
was draughty bare boards.
3. management* heads* leaders* directors* managers* e!ecti$es*
committee* %osses )informal** go$ernors* panel* administrators*
controllers* directorate the agenda for the 8ctober '& meeting of the
4. concil* directors* committee* congress* ministry* ad$isers* panel*
assem%ly* cham%er* trstees* go$erning %ody* synod* directorate* <ango*
ad$isory grop* concla$e the +S 0ational #ransportation Safety 3oard
5. meals* "ood* eats )informal** pro$isions* re"reshments* gr% )informal**
'ai )0.6. informal** sstenance* nosh )informal** $ictals* edi%les* daily
meals Free room and board are proided for all hotel staff.
1. get on* enter* mont* em%ar'* get on %oard* go a%oard* entrain* em%s*
enplane , boarded the plane bound for <ngland.
get on land* arri$e* get o""* alight* disem%ar'* dismont* go ashore
2. stay* lodge* li$e* room* stop* %e hosed* ha$e rooms* so?orn She
boarded at the 2ord =ayor #reloar !ollege.
board something u! co$er p* seal* close p* sht p Shopkeepers hae
boarded up their windows.
to tae sth on board >A idea@ P adoptar algo* asimilar algo
4. (Q group of officials) P ?nta f* conse?o m
5. (gas, water etc) P comisiRn f
6. the boards (#heat) P las ta%las
to tread the boards (as profession) P ser actor/actri5, (Q action) P salir
a escena
&. >#
1. >A ship, plane@ P s%ir a %ordo de* em%arcarse en, >A enemy ship@ P
a%ordar, >A bus, train@ P s%ir a
2. (also board u!) (Q coer with boards) P enta%lar
3. (Q feed, lodge) P hospedar* dar pensiRn(completa)a
'. >, to board with P hospedarse en casa de
*. !%D board game 0 P ?ego m de ta%lero
board meeting 0 P reniRn f de la ?nta directi$a or del conse?o de
board o# directors 0 P ?nta f directi$a* conse?o m de administraciRn
board o# go%ernors 0 (3rit) (Scol) P conse?o m (de un colegio, instituto
board o# in+uir" 0 P comisiRn f in$estigadora
&oard o# ,rade 0 (3rit) (formerly) P Eepartamento m de Bomercio y
E!portaciRn (+S) P BSmara f de Bomercio
board in ># ? .D> Q board u!
board out ># ? .D> >A person@ P %scar alo?amiento a
he is boarded out with relaties P $i$e con nos parientes(pagando la
board u! ># ? .D> >A door, window@ P enta%lar
board (%o d) noun
1. a strip o" tim%er. #he floorboards of the old house were rotten.ta%la*
2. a "lat piece o" #ood etc "or a special prpose. notice-boardA
chessboard.ta%lRn* ta%lero
3. meals. board and lodging.pensiRn* comida
4. an o""icial grop o" persons administering an organi5ation etc. the
board of directors.conse?o* ?nta
1. to enter* or get on to (a $ehicle* ship* plane etc). #his is where we
board the bus.s%ir a
2. to li$e temporarily and ta'e meals (in someone else4s hose). "e
boards at =rs Smith-s during the week.alo?arse en* estar hospedado en
boarder noun
a person #ho temporarily li$es* and ta'es his meals* in someone else4s
hose. hTsped, interno
boarding-house noun
a hose #here people li$e and ta'e meals as paying gests. pensiRn
boarding-school noun
a school #hich pro$ides accommodation and "ood as #ell as instrction.
across the board ad$ectie )etc* applying in all cases: #hey were
awarded wage increases across the boardA )*
an across-the-board increase. general
go b" the board
to %e a%andoned. .ll my plans went by the board when , lost my $ob.irse
al traste* $enirse a%a?o
") prr
!urr ; a lo# $i%rating sond typical o" a contented cat
sond ; the sdden occrrence o" an adi%le e$ent, (the sond
a#a'ened them(
!urr ; ma'e a so"t s#ishing sond, (the motor #hirred(, (the car
engine prred(
%irr* #hir* #hirr* #hi5* #hi55
sond* go ; ma'e a certain noise or sond, (She #ent LFmmmm4(,
(The gn #ent L%ang4(
!urr ; indicate pleasre %y prring, characteristic o" cats
ma'e $i%rant sonds
resonate* $i%rate ; sond #ith resonance, (The sond resonates
#ell in this theater(
c) dry
1. dr" ; a re"ormer #ho opposes the se o" into!icating %e$erages
crsader* meliorist* re"ormer* re"ormist* social re"ormer ; a
disptant #ho ad$ocates re"orm
1. dr" ; remo$e the moistre "rom and ma'e dry, (dry clothes(,
(dry hair(
dry ot
alter* change* modi"y ; case to change, ma'e di""erent, case a
trans"ormation, (The ad$ent o" the atomo%ile may ha$e altered
the gro#th pattern o" the city(, (The discssion has changed my
thin'ing a%ot the isse(
dry p* e!siccate* dehydrate* desiccate ; lose #ater or moistre,
(In the desert* yo get dehydrated $ery <ic'ly(
dehydrate* desiccate ; remo$e #ater "rom, (+ll this e!ercise and
s#eating has dehydrated me(
spin;dry ; dry (clothes) %y spinning and ma'ing se o"
centri"gal "orces
tm%le dry ; dry %y spinning #ith hot air inside a cylinder,
(These "a%rics are delicate and cannot %e tm%led dry(
spray;dry ; dry %y %ringing into the "orm o" a spray* throgh
contact #ith a hot gas
dehmidi"y ; ma'e less hmid, (The air conditioner dehmidi"ies
the air in the smmer(
parch* sear ; case to #ither or parch "rom e!posre to heat, (The
sn parched the earth(
rogh;dry ; dry #ithot smoothing or ironing, (rogh;dry the
%lo#;dry ; dry hair #ith a hair dryer
drip;dry ; dry %y hanging p #et
air ; e!pose to #arm or heated air* so as to dry, (+ir linen(
#et ; case to %ecome #et, (0et yor "ace(
2. dr" ; %ecome dry or drier, (The landry dries in the sn(
dry ot
change ; ndergo a change, %ecome di""erent in essence, losing
one4s or its original natre, (She changed completely as she gre#
older(, (The #eather changed last night(
scorch ; %ecome scorched or singed nder intense heat or dry
conditions, (The e!posed tree scorched in the hot sn(
rn dry* dry ot ; %ecome empty o" #ater, (The ri$er rns dry in
the smmer(
.d/. 1. dr" ; "ree "rom li<id or moistre, lac'ing natral or normal
moistre or depleted o" #ater, or no longer #et, (dry land(, (dry
clothes(, (a dry climate(, (dry splintery %oards(, (a dry ri$er
%ed(, (the paint is dry(
#et ; co$ered or soa'ed #ith a li<id sch as #ater, (a #et
%athing sit(, (#et side#al's(, (#et #eather(
2. dr" ; hmorosly sarcastic or moc'ing, (dry hmor(, (an ironic
remar' o"ten con$eys an intended meaning o%li<ely(, (an ironic
no$el(, (an ironical smile(, (#ith a #ry Scottish #it(
ironic* #ry* ironical
hmoros* hmoros ; "ll o" or characteri5ed %y hmor,
(hmoros stories(, (hmoros cartoons(, (in a hmoros $ein(
3. dr" ; lac'ing moistre or $olatile components, (dry paint(
#et ; containing moistre or $olatile components, (#et paint(
4. dr" ; opposed to or prohi%iting the prodction and sale o"
alcoholic %e$erages, (the dry $ote led %y preachers and
%ootleggers(, (a dry state(
#et ; spporting or permitting the legal prodction and sale o"
alcoholic %e$erages, (a #et candidate rnning on a #et
plat"orm(, (a #et conty(
5. dr" ; not prodcing mil', (a dry co#(
lactating* #et ; prodcing or secreting mil', (a #et nrse(, (a #et
co#(, (lactating co#s(
6. dr" ; (o" li<or) ha$ing a lo# residal sgar content %ecase o"
decomposition o" sgar dring "ermentation, (a dry #hite
%rgndy(, (a dry -ordea!(
nons#eet* sgarless ; not containing sgar
sor ; ha$ing a sharp %iting taste
s#eet ; (sed o" #ines) ha$ing a high residal sgar content,
(s#eet dessert #ines(
7. dr" ; #ithot a mcos or #atery discharge, (a dry cogh(, (that
rare thing in the #intertime, a small child #ith a dry nose(
phlegmy ; characteri5ed %y phlegm, (a phlegmy discharge(
8. dr" ; not shedding tears, (dry so%s(, (#ith dry eyes(
dry;eyed* tearless ; "ree "rom tears
(. dr" ; lac'ing interest or stimlation, dll and li"eless, (a dry
%oo'(, (a dry lectre "illed #ith tri$ial details(, (dll and
?iceless as only %oo' 'no#ledge can %e #hen it is nrelated"e(; John Fason -ro#n
ne!citing* nstimlating ; not stimlating
dr" ; sed o" solid s%stances in contrast #ith li<id ones, (dry
solid ; o" de"inite shape and $olme, "irm, neither li<id nor
gaseos, (ice is #ater in the solid state(
dr" ; nprodcti$e especially o" the e!pected reslts, (a dry rn(,
(a mind dry o" ne# ideas(
nprodcti$e ; not prodcing or capa%le o" prodcing,
(elimination o" high;cost or nprodcti$e indstries(
dr" ; ha$ing no adornment or coloration, (dry "acts(, (rattled o""
the "acts in a dry mechanical manner(
plain ; not ela%orate or ela%orated, simple, (plain "ood(, (stc' to
the plain "acts(, (a plain %le sit(, (a plain rectanglar %ric'
dr" ; (o" "ood) eaten #ithot a spread or sace or other garnish,
(dry toast(, (dry meat(
plain ; not ela%orate or ela%orated, simple, (plain "ood(, (stc' to
the plain "acts(, (a plain %le sit(, (a plain rectanglar %ric'
dr" ; ha$ing a large proportion o" strong li<or, (a $ery dry
martini is almost straight gin(
alcoholic ; characteristic o" or containing alcohol, (alcoholic
dr" ; lac'ing #armth or emotional in$ol$ement, (a dry greeting(,
(a dry reading o" the lines(, (a dry criti<e(
nemotional ; nsscepti%le to or destitte o" or sho#ing no
dr" ; practicing complete a%stinence "rom alcoholic %e$erages,
(he4s %een dry "or ten years(, (no than' yo, I happen to %e
so%er ; not a""ected %y a chemical s%stance (especially alcohol)
1. dehydrated* dried;p* %a'ed* arid* scorched* torrid* parched* desiccated*
%one dry* #aterless* rainless* ?iceless* sapless* moistreless a hard, dry
desert landscape
dehydrated #et* damp* moist* hmid
2. dried* crisp* #ithered* %rittle* shri$elled* crispy* parched* desiccated*
sn;%a'ed She heard the rustle of dry leaes.
3. thirsty* dehydrated* parched* dying o" thirst* gasping* longing "or a
drin' She was suddenly dry.
4. alcohol;"ree* teetotal* a%stinent* clean* on the #agon )informal**
prohi%itionist* non;drin'ing Bu$erat is a dry state.
5. sarcastic* ctting* sharp* 'een* cynical* lo#;'ey* sly* sardonic* deadpan*
droll* ironical* <ietly hmoros "e is renowned for his dry wit.
6. nemotional* cool* impassi$e* cold* phlegmatic* n"eeling*
ndemonstrati$e* ne!cita%le #he solicitor-s dry oice
7. dll* %oring* tedios* commonplace* dreary* tiresome* monotonos*
rn;o";the;mill* hmdrm* nimaginati$e* ninteresting* mind;nm%ing*
ho;hm )informal* #he work was ery dry and dull
dull interesting* entertaining* li$ely
8. plain* simple* %are* %asic* pre* star'* nem%ellished an infuriating list
of dry facts and dates
(. dried ot* old* hard* stale* dehydrated* o$ercoo'ed* past its %est #he
meat was dry, shrunk on the bone
1. drain* ma'e dry* remo$e the #ater "rom* #ipe* da% dry* r% dry /ash
and dry the lettuce.
2. )often with out) deh"drate0 mae dr"0 desiccate0 bae0 sear0 !arch0
dehumidi#"0 remo%e the moisture #rom They bought a machine to dry
the wood and cut costs.
dehydrate wet0 moisten
dr" out become sober0 gi%e u! drining0 gi%e u! alcohol0 go on the
wagon0 become teetotal0 o%ercome alcoholism He checked into
hospital to dry out.
dr" u! or out
1. become dr"0 harden0 wither0 mummi#"0 shri%el u!0 wi1en The
pollen dries up and becomes hard.
2. dwindle0 decline0 disa!!ear0 run out0 diminish0 decrease0 lessen0
wane0 subside0 ebb0 die out0 #ade awa"0 !eter out0 ta!er o## Credit
from foreign banks is drying up.
g) grnt
grunt ; the short lo# gr"" noise o" the 'ind made %y hogs
noise ; sond o" any 'ind (especially nintelligi%le or dissonant
sond), (he en?oyed the street noises(, (they heard indistinct
noises o" people tal'ing(, (dring the "ire#or' display that ended
the gala the noise reached .1 deci%els(
grunt ; an ns'illed or lo#;ran'ing soldier or other #or'er,
(in"antrymen in Iietnam #ere called grnts(, (he #ent "rom grnt
to chairman in si! years(
ns'illed person ; a person #ho lac's technical training
grunt ; medim;si5ed tropical marine "ood "ishes that tter
grnting sonds #hen caght
percoid* percoid "ish* percoidean ; any o" nmeros spiny;"inned
"ishes o" the order Perci"ormes
"amily Haemlidae* Haemlidae ; grnts
Haemlon al%m* margate ; a grnt #ith a red moth that is "ond
"rom :lorida to -ra5il
Haemlon macrostomm* Spanish grnt ; a 'ind o" grnt
Haemlon arolineatm* tomtate ; "ond o"" the 0est Indies and
cotton#ic'* Haemlon malanrm ; o" #arm +tlantic #aters
Haemlon parra* sailors choice* sailor4s;choice ; a grnt "ond
"rom :lorida to -ra5il and &l" o" Fe!ico
+nisotrems $irginics* por';"ish* por'"ish ; %lac' and gold grnt
"ond "rom -ermda to Bari%%ean to -ra5il
+nisotrems srinamensis* %lac' margate* pompon ; ds'y grey
"ood "ish "ond "rom 9oisiana and :lorida soth#ard
)rthopristis chrysopters* pig"ish* hog"ish ; "ond "rom 9ong
Island soth#ard
grunt ; isse a grnting* lo#* animal;li'e noise, (He grnted his
relctant appro$al(
let loose* let ot* tter* emit ; e!press adi%ly, tter sonds (not
necessarily #ords), (She let ot a %ig hea$y sigh(, (He ttered
strange sonds that no%ody cold nderstand(
d) sharp
1. shar! ; a msical notation indicating one hal" step higher than
the note named
msical notation ; (msic) notation sed %y msicians
do%le sharp ; a msical notation o" t#o sharps in "ront o" a note
indicating that it is to %e raised %y t#o semitones
2. shar! ; a long thin se#ing needle #ith a sharp point
se#ing needle ; a needle sed in se#ing to pll thread throgh
.d/. 1. shar! ; (o" something seen or heard) clearly de"ined, (a sharp
photographic image(, (the sharp crac' o" a t#ig(, (the crisp snap
o" dry lea$es nder"oot(
distinct ; easy to percei$e, especially clearly otlined, (a distinct
"la$or(, (a distinct odor o" trpentine(, (a distinct otline(, (the
ship appeared as a distinct silhoette(, (distinct "ingerprints(
2. shar! ; ending in a sharp point
acate* needleli'e* acte
pointed ; ha$ing a point
3. shar! ; ha$ing or demonstrating a%ility to recogni5e or dra# "ine
distinctions, (an acte o%ser$er o" politics and politicians(,
(incisi$e comments(, (icy 'ni"eli'e reasoning(, (as sharp and
incisi$e as the stro'e o" a "ang(, (penetrating insight(, ("re<ent
penetrati$e o%ser$ations(
incisi$e* 'een* penetrating* penetrati$e* piercing* 'ni"eli'e*
discriminating* acte
percepti$e ; ha$ing the a%ility to percei$e or nderstand, 'een in
discernment, (a percepti$e eye(, (a percepti$e o%ser$ation(
4. shar! ; mar'ed %y practical hardheaded intelligence, (a smart
%sinessman(, (an astte tenant al#ays reads the small print in a
lease(, (he #as too shre#d to go along #ith them on a road that
cold lead only to their o$erthro#(
astte* shre#d
smart ; sho#ing mental alertness and calclation and
5. shar! ; harsh, (sharp criticism(, (a sharp;#orded e!change(, (a
tart remar'(
sharp;#orded* tart
npleasant ; disagreea%le to the senses* to the mind* or "eelings ,
(an npleasant personality(, (npleasant repercssions(,
(npleasant odors(
6. shar! ; ha$ing or emitting a high;pitched and sharp tone or tones
, (a shrill #histle(, (a shrill gaiety(
high;pitched* high ; sed o" sonds and $oices, high in pitch or
7. shar! ; e!tremely steep, (an a%rpt canyon(, (the precipitos
rapids o" the pper ri$er(, (the precipitos hills o" Bhinese
paintings(, (a sharp drop(
precipitos* a%rpt
steep ; ha$ing a sharp inclination, (the steep attic stairs(, (steep
8. shar! ; 'eenly and pain"lly "elt, as i" cased %y a sharp edge or
point, (a sharp pain(, (sharp #inds(
dll ; not 'eenly "elt, (a dll thro%%ing(, (dll pain(
(. shar! ; ha$ing or made %y a thin edge or sharp point, sita%le "or
ctting or piercing, (a sharp 'ni"e(, (a pencil #ith a sharp point(
pointed ; ha$ing a point
dll ; not ha$ing a sharp edge or point, (the 'ni"e #as too dll to
%e o" any se(
shar! ; (o" a msical note) raised in pitch %y one chromatic
semitone, (B sharp(
msic ; an artistic "orm o" aditory commnication incorporating
instrmental or $ocal tones in a strctred and continos
"lat ; (o" a msical note) lo#ered in pitch %y one chromatic
semitone, (- "lat(
natral ; (o" a msical note) %eing neither raised nor lo#ered %y
one chromatic semitone, (a natral scale(, (- natral(
shar! ; $ery sdden and in great amont or degree, (a sharp drop
in the stoc' mar'et(
sdden ; happening #ithot #arning or in a short space o" time,
(a sdden storm(, (a sdden decision(, (a sdden cre(
shar! ; <ic' and "orce"l, (a sharp %lo#(
"orce"l ; characteri5ed %y or "ll o" "orce or strength (o"ten %t
not necessarily physical), (a "orce"l spea'er(, (a "orce"l
personality(, ("orce"l measres(, (a "orce"l plan "or peace(
.d%. 1. shar! ; changing sddenly in direction and degree, (the road
t#ists sharply a"ter the light(, (trn sharp le"t here(, (the $isor
#as actely pea'ed(, (her shoes had actely pointed toes(
actely* sharply
5. &i$e the homonyms o" these #ords and then se them in sentences
o" yor o#n:
a) throgh thre#
ThroghUsed as a "nction #ord to indicate mo$ement into at one side
or point and ot at another and especially the opposite side o" "e hit the
nail through the wood.
Thre#; the #ord thre# is the simple past o" the $er% to thro#
/hen , read the expression Cthrough me for a loopD in a recent
comment, , can tell you, it threw me for a loopE
d) steal steel
Steal; .ccusations that one group had stolen ideas from the other were
soon flying.
Steel; #he beams are made of steel.
%) storeys stories
Story means narrati$e. Story also means 4le$el o" a %ilding4 in the 7S.
Ho#e$er* in the 7=* 4le$el o" a %ilding4 is #ritten storey.
Story or Stories may re"er to:
Story* a reconting o" a se<ence o" e$ents
Story (srname)
Story* or storey* a "loor or le$el o" a %ilding
Stories* collo<ial* 7S +merican e!pression "or soap operas
In +merican English* the non story means narratie or 4le$el o" a
%ilding4. Ho#e$er* in -ritish English* 4le$el o" a %ilding4 is #ritten
The plral o" story is stories. The plral o" storey is storeys.
Did you hear the story about bungee $umper who died because he
miscalculated the height of the each storey before diing off a building;
3eowulf is an epic traditional good-ersus-eil story. 3eowulf battles
three monsters throughout the story.
/ith 'F5 storeys, the 3ur$ Ghalifa in Dubai is the tallest building in the

e) %all %all
-all* n. U a sphere, any spherical %ody 3ounce the ball and try and hit it
oer the net.
-all* n. U a large dancing party 3all gowns remain the most formal
female attire to this day, and are worn exclusiely to balls. !inderella
met the prince at the ball
%a#l $. ;;;;to cry or #ail lodly "e %a#led for days after his dog died.
c) se# So* So#* Se#
So; ad$er% ("ollo#ed %y an ad?ecti$e or another ad$er%): /hy are you so
angry this morning;
So#; to plant seeds in an area o" grond Farmers sowed the fields with
Se#; To ma'e* repair* or "asten %y stitching* as #ith a needle and thread
or a se#ing "e sewed a patch onto his sleee.
") stare stair
Stare; to ga5e "i!edly and intently* especially #ith the eyes #ide open.
"is mother told him not to stare.
Stair; one o" the steps in a set o" stairs "e tripped on the bottom stair and
almost fell.

6. Bonsider the "ollo#ing English #ords and decide #hether they are
thoght o" in terms o" homon"m" or !ol"sem" and #hy. Try translating
them into any other langage yo 'no#, are there se$eral possi%le
translation e<i$alents or #ill one #ord do "or the di""erent meanings the
English #ord hasD
7. Ho# man" meanings or senses do yo 'no# "or the "ollo#ing
English #ordsD Eo some senses seem more %asic or central than othersD
I" so* #hich ones and #hyD
3. Bomplete the "ollo#ing e!amples o" !ol"sem" in English. Gote the
degree to #hich they correspond #ith yor o#n langage
leg o" a person / chair
moth o" a person / o" a ri$er
%ranch o" a tree / o" a science
top at the top o" something/the $ery top/ on top o"
tail %e on someone4s tail

(. Bonsider the sentences %elo# and comment on the !ol"sem" o" HE+E
%y e!plaining #hich meaning e!tensions are metaphors and #hich are
a) Fy head is "ll o" strange thoghts.
%) That ?o'e #ent o$er his head.
c) The <een is still the head o" state.
d) I pre"er my %eer #ithot a head o" "oam.
e) 0e paid ten ponds a head "or the meal.
a. The ppermost or "or#ardmost part o" the %ody o" a $erte%rate*
containing the %rain and the eyes* ears* nose* moth* and ?a#s.
b. The analogos part o" an in$erte%rate organism.
c. The length or height o" sch a part: #he horse lost by a head. She is
two heads taller than he is.
2. The seat o" the "aclty o" reason, intelligence* intellect* or mind: , did
the figuring in my head.
3. Fental a%ility or aptitde: She has a good head for mathematics.
4. :reedom o" choice or action: Bie the child his head and see how well
he soles the problems.
5. Slang
a. + ha%ital drg ser. )"ten sed in com%ination: a dopehead.
b. +n enthsiast. )"ten sed in com%ination: a chilihead.
6. + person considered "oolish or contempti%le. )"ten sed in
com%ination: a chowderhead.
7. + portrait or representation o" a person4s head.
8. )used with a sing. erb* The side o" a coin ha$ing the principal design*
o"ten o" the head o" a "amos person* and the date. )"ten sed in the
plral #ith a singlar $er%.
(. ,nformal + headache: had a bad head early this morning.
a. +n indi$idal, a person: charged fie dollars a head.
b. pl. head + single animal: &5 head of cattle.
a. + person #ho leads* rles* or is in charge, a leader* chie"* or director:
the head of the corporation.
b. + headmaster or headmistress.
12. The "oremost or leading position: marched at the head of the parade.
13. + head#aiter.
a. The di""erence in depth o" a li<id at t#o gi$en points.
b. .bbr. hd. The measre o" pressre at the lo#er point e!pressed in
terms o" this di""erence.
c. The pressre e!erted %y a li<id or gas: a head of steam.
d. The li<id or gas e!erting the pressre.
15. The "roth or "oam that rises to the top in poring an e""er$escent
li<id* sch as %eer.
16. The tip o" an a%scess* %oil* or pimple* in #hich ps "orms.
17. + trning point, a crisis: bring matters to a head. See Synonyms at
a. + pro?ection* #eight* or "i!tre at the end o" an elongated o%?ect: the
head of a pinA a head of land oerlooking the harbor.
b. The #or'ing end o" a tool or implement: the head of a hammer.
c. The part o" an e!plosi$e de$ice that carries the e!plosi$e, a #arhead.
d. The part o" a stringed instrment #here the strings are #ond, a tning
e. + tning machine.
1(. .natomy
a. The ronded pro!imal end o" a long %one: the head of the femur.
b. The end o" a mscle that is attached to the less mo$a%le part o" the
a. +n attachment to or part o" a machine that holds or contains the
operati$e de$ice.
b. The magnetic head o" a tape recorder or IBR.
c. The de$ice in a magnetic dis' or tape dri$e that ena%les it to read data
"rom and #rite data to the dis' or tape.
21. + ronded compact mass* as o" lea$es or %ds: a head of cabbage.
22. 3otany + "lo#er head.
23. The ppermost part, the top: %lace the appropriate name at the head
of each column.
24. The end considered the most important: sat at the head of the table.
25. Either end o" an o%?ect* sch as a drm* #hose t#o ends are
26. 0autical
a. The "or#ard part o" a $essel.
b. The top part or pper edge o" a sail.
27. + toilet* especially on a ship.
28. + passage or gallery in a coal mine.
2(. .bbr. hd. %rinting
a. The top o" a %oo' or page.
b. + headline or heading.
c. + distinct topic or category: under the head of recent Spanish history.
3). Head#ay, progress.
31. 2inguistics The #ord in a constrction that has the same grammatical
"nction as the constrction as a #hole and that determines relationships
o" concord to other parts o" the constrction or sentence in #hich the
constrction occrs.
32. >ulgar Slang )ral se!.
1. )"* relating to* or intended "or the head. )"ten sed in com%ination:
headshakingA headwrap.
2. :oremost in ran' or importance: the head librarian.
3. Placed at the top or the "ront: the head name on the list.
4. Slang )"* relating to* or "or drgs or drg sers.
. head2ed* head2ing* heads
1. To %e in charge o", lead: #he minister headed the committee.
2. To %e in the "irst or "oremost position o": !ollins heads the list of $ob
3. To aim* point* or trn in a certain direction: headed the team of horses
up the hill.
4. To remo$e the head or top o".
5. Sports To hit (a soccer %all) in the air #ith one4s head.
6. To pro$ide #ith a head: head each column with a numberA headed the
flagpole with a golden ball.
1. To proceed or go in a certain direction: head for town.
2. To "orm a head* as lettce or ca%%age.
3. To originate* as a stream or ri$er, rise.
Phrasal Verb:
head off
To %loc' the progress or completion o", intercept: #ry to head him off
before he gets home. #he town headed off the attempt to build another
hae a big!swelled head
To %e o$erly sel";con"ident or conceited.
head and shoulders aboe
:ar sperior to: head and shoulders aboe her colleagues in analytical
head oer heels
1. Rolling* as in a somersalt: tripped and fell head oer heels.
2. Bompletely, hopelessly: head oer heels in loe.
keep "one#s) head
To remain calm, remain in control o" onesel".
lose "one#s) head
To lose one4s poise or sel";control.
off!out of "one#s) head
Insane, cra5y.
on "one#s) head
+s one4s responsi%ility or "alt: ,f this pro$ect fails, it-s on your head.
oer "one#s) head
1. -eyond one4s comprehension.
2. -eyond one4s "inancial means.
put heads together
To conslt and plan together: 2et-s put our heads together and sole this
head (h d)
npl head
1. (+natomy) the pper or "ront part o" the %ody in $erte%rates* inclding
man* that contains and protects the %rain* eyes* moth* and nose and ears
#hen present.
2. (+natomy) the corresponding part o" an in$erte%rate animal
3. something resem%ling a head in "orm or "nction* sch as the top o" a
4. (Sociology)
a. the person commanding most athority #ithin a grop* organi5ation*
b. (as modifier): head buyer.
c. (in combination): headmaster.
5. the position o" leadership or command: at the head of his class.
a. the most "or#ard part o" a thing, a part that ?ts ot, "ront: the head of
a queue.
b. (as modifier): head point.
7. the highest part o" a thing, pper end: the head of the pass.
8. (-re#ing) the "roth on the top o" a glass o" %eer
(. aptitde* intelligence* and emotions (esp in the phrases abo%e or o%er
one3s head0 ha%e a head #or0 ee! one3s head0 lose one3s head0 etc): she
has a good head for figures, a wise old head.
1). a person or animal considered as a nit: the show was two pounds per
head, six hundred head of cattle.
11. the head considered as a measre o" length or height: he-s a head
taller than his mother.
12. (-otany) botany
a. a dense in"lorescence sch as that o" the daisy and other composite
b. any other compact terminal part o" a plant* sch as the lea$es o" a
ca%%age or lettce
13. a clmination or crisis (esp in the phrase bring or come to a head)
14. (Pathology) the ps;"illed tip or central part o" a pimple* %oil* etc
15. the head considered as the part o" the %ody on #hich hair gro#s
densely: a fine head of hair.
16. (Physical &eography) the sorce or origin o" a ri$er or stream
17. (Physical &eography) (capital when part of name) a headland or
promontory* esp a high one
18. (Brrencies) the o%$erse o" a coin* sally %earing a portrait o" the
head or a "ll "igre o" a monarch* deity* etc. Bompare tail
1(. a main point or di$ision o" an argment* discorse* etc
2). (Jornalism V P%lishing) (often plural) the headline at the top o" a
ne#spaper article or the heading o" a section #ithin an article
21. (Gatical Terms) nautical
a. the "ront part o" a ship or %oat
b. (in sailing ships) the pper corner or edge o" a sail
c. the top o" any spar or derric'
d. any $ertical tim%er ct to shape
e. (often plural) a slang #ord "or la$atory
22. (&rammar) grammar another #ord "or go$ernor
23. (Instrments) the tat mem%rane o" a drm* tam%orine* etc
24. (&eneral Physics)
a. the height o" the sr"ace o" li<id a%o$e a speci"ic point* esp #hen
considered or sed as a measre o" the pressre at that point: a head of
four feet.
b. pressre o" #ater* cased %y height or $elocity* measred in terms o" a
$ertical colmn o" #ater
c. any pressre: a head of steam in the boiler.
25. (Pharmacology)
a. a person #ho reglarly ta'es drgs* esp 9SE or canna%is b. (in
combination): an acidhead, a pothead.
26. (Fining V Warrying) mining a road dri$en into the coal "ace
27. a. the terminal point o" a rote b. (in combination): railhead.
28. (&eneral Engineering) a de$ice on a trning or %oring machine* sch
as a lathe* that is e<ipped #ith one or more ctting tools held to the #or'
%y this de$ice
2(. (+tomoti$e Engineering) See cylinder head
3). (Electronics) an electromagnet that can read* #rite* or erase
in"ormation on a magnetic medim sch as a magnetic tape* dis'* or
drm* sed in compters* tape recorders* etc
31. (Edcation) short "or headmaster* headmistress
32. (Horse Racing) a. the head o" a horse considered as a narro# margin
in the otcome o" a race (in the phrase win b" a head) b. any narro#
margin o" $ictory (in the phrase (win) b" a head)
33. (Pathology) short "or headache
34. (Brling) curling the stones lying in the hose a"ter all 18 ha$e %een
35. (-o#ls V -o#ling) bowls the ?ac' and the %o#ls that ha$e %een
played considered together as a target area
36. (Rg%y) against the head rugby "rom the opposing side4s pt;in to
the scrm
37. bite someone3s head o## sna! someone3s head o## to spea' sharply
and angrily to someone
38. a. to %ring or %e %roght to a crisis: matters came to a head. b. (o" a
%oil) to case to %e or %e a%ot to %rst
3(. get it into one3s head to come to %elie$e (an idea* esp a #himsical
one): he got it into his head that the earth was flat.
4). gi%e head to per"orm "ellatio
41. gi%e someone his head to allo# a person greater "reedom or
42. (Horse Racing) gi%e a horse its head to allo# a horse to gallop %y
lengthening the reins
43. go to one3s head a. to ma'e one di55y or con"sed* as might an
alcoholic drin' b. to ma'e one conceited: his success has gone to his
44. head and shoulders abo%e greatly sperior to
45. head o%er heels a. trning a complete somersalt b. completely,
tterly (esp in the phrase head o%er heels in lo%e)
46. hold u! one3s head to %e nashamed
47. ee! one3s head to remain calm
48. ee! one3s head abo%e water to manage to sr$i$e a di""iclt
4(. mae head to ma'e progress
5). mae head or tail o# (used with a negatie) to attempt to nderstand
(a pro%lem* etc): he couldn-t make head or tail of the case.
51. o## one3s head out o# one3s head insane or delirios
52. o## the to! o# one3s head #ithot pre$ios thoght, imprompt
53. on one3s head on one3s own head at one4s (o#n) ris' or
54. one3s head o## lodly or e!cessi$ely: the baby cried its head off.
55. o%er someone3s head a. #ithot a person in the o%$ios position
%eing considered* esp "or promotion: the graduate was promoted oer the
heads of seeral of his seniors. b. #ithot conslting a person in the
o%$ios position %t re"erring to a higher athority: in making his
complaint he went straight to the director, oer the head of his immediate
boss. c. %eyond a person4s comprehension
56. !ut their heads together to conslt together
57. tae it into one3s head to concei$e a notion* desire* or #ish (to do
58. turn heads to %e so %eati"l* nsal* or impressi$e as to attract a lot
o" attention
5(. turn something on its head stand something on its head to treat or
present something in a completely ne# and di""erent #ay: health care
which has turned orthodox medicine on its head.
6). turn someone3s head to ma'e someone $ain* conceited* etc
61. (tr) to %e at the "ront or top o": to head the field.
62. (o"ten "oll %y: up) to %e in the commanding or most important
63. (o"ten "oll %y for) to go or case to go (to#ards): where are you
64. (Gatical Terms) to trn or steer (a $essel) as speci"ied: to head into
the wind.
65. (Soccer) soccer to propel (the %all) %y stri'ing it #ith the head
66. (tr) to pro$ide #ith or %e a head or heading: to head a letter, the
quotation which heads chapter F.
67. (-otany) (tr) to ct the top %ranches or shoots o"" (a tree or plant)
68. (intr) to "orm a head* as a %oil or plant
6(. (Physical &eography) (o"ten "oll %y: in) (o" streams* ri$ers* etc) to
originate or rise in
7). (&ames* other than speci"ied) head them .ustral to toss the coins in a
game o" t#o;p
head (h d) n.
1. the anterior or pper part o" the $erte%rate %ody* containing the s'll
#ith moth* eyes* ears* nose* and %rain.
2. the corresponding part o" the %ody in in$erte%rates.
3. the head considered as the center o" the intellect, mind, %rain: a good
head for mathematics.
4. the position or place o" leadership* greatest athority* or honor.
5. a person to #hom others are s%ordinate* as the director o" an
instittion, leader or chie".
6. a person considered #ith re"erence to his or her mind* attri%tes* stats*
etc.: wise headsA crowned heads.
7. the part o" anything that "orms or is regarded as "orming the top or
pper end: head of a pinA head of a page.
8. the "oremost part or "ront end o" something or a "or#ard pro?ecting
part: head of a procession.
(. the part o" a #eapon* tool* etc.* sed "or stri'ing: the head of a
1). a person or animal considered as one o" a nm%er* herd* or grop: a
dinner at H&5 a headA ten head of cattle.
11. the appro!imate length o" a horse4s head* as indicating a margin o"
$ictory in a race.
12. a clminating point* s. o" a critical natre, crisis or clima!: to bring
matters to a head.
13. "roth or "oam at the top o" a li<id: the head on beer.
14. a. any dense "lo#er clster or in"lorescence. b. any other compact
part o" a plant* s. at the top o" the stem* as that composed o" lea$es in
the ca%%age.
15. the matrated part o" an a%scess* %oil* etc.
16. a pro?ecting point o" a coast* esp. #hen high* as a cape* headland* or
17. +lso* heads. the o%$erse o" a coin* as %earing a head or other
principal "igre(opposed to tail).
18. one o" the chie" parts or points o" a #ritten or oral discorse.
1(. something resem%ling a head in "orm or a representation o" a head* as
a piece o" sclptre.
2). the sorce o" a ri$er or stream.
21. Slang. a. a ha%ital ser o" an illicit drg (o"ten sed in com%ination):
an acid-headA a pothead. b. a "an or de$otee (s. sed in com%ination):
a punk-rock headA a chili head.
22. heads0 alcohol prodced dring the initial "ermentation.
23. headline.
24. a toilet or la$atory* esp. on a %oat or ship.
25. a. the "orepart o" a $essel, %o#. b. the pper edge o" a <adrilateral
sail. c. the pper corner o" a ?i%;headed sail.
26. Bram. a. the mem%er o" an endocentric constrction that can play the
same grammatical role as the constrction itsel". b. the mem%er o" a
constrction pon #hich another mem%er depends and to #hich it is
27. the stretched mem%rane co$ering the end o" a drm or similar msical
28. a le$el or road dri$en into solid coal "or pro$ing or #or'ing a mine.
2(. any o" $arios de$ices on machine tools "or holding* mo$ing*
inde!ing* or changing tools or #or'* as the headstoc' or trret o" a lathe.
3). (loosely) the pressre e!erted %y con"ined "lid: a head of steam.
31. a. the $ertical distance %et#een t#o points in a li<id* as #ater* or
some other "lid. b. the pressre di""erential reslting "rom this
separation* e!pressed in terms o" the $ertical distance %et#een the points.
32. any o" the parts o" a tape recorder that record* play %ac'* or erase
magnetic signals on adiotape or $ideotape.
33. "irst in ran' or position, chie", leading, principal: a head official.
34. o" or "or the head (o"ten sed in com%ination): head coeringA
35. sitated at the top* "ront* or head o" anything (o"ten sed in
com%ination): headlineA headboard.
36. mo$ing or coming "rom a direction in "ront* as o" a $essel: head tide.
37. Slang. o" or pertaining to drgs* drg paraphernalia* or drg sers.
38. to go at the head o" or in "ront o", lead: to head a list.
3(. to otdo or e!cel: to head one-s competitors in a field.
4). to %e the head or chie" o" (sometimes "ol. %y up): to head a school.
41. to direct the corse o", trn the head or "ront o" in a speci"ied
direction: ,-ll head the boat for the shore.
42. to go arond the head o" (a stream).
43. to "rnish or "it #ith a head.
44. to ta'e the head o"", decapitate, %ehead.
45. to get in "ront o" in order to stop* trn aside* attac'* etc.
46. headline (de". 4).
47. to propel (a soccer %all) %y stri'ing it #ith the head* esp. #ith the
48. to mo$e "or#ard to#ard a point speci"ied, go in a certain direction: to
head toward town.
4(. to "orm a head: !abbage heads quickly.
5). (o" a ri$er or stream) to ha$e the head or sorce #here speci"ied.
51. head o##0 to hinder the progress o", intercept.
1. come to a head0
a. to spprate* as a %oil.
b. to reach a crisis, clminate.
2. get one3s head together0 to get onesel" nder control, %ecome sensi%le.
3. gi%e someone his or her head0 to allo# someone "reedom o" choice.
4. go to one3s head0
a. to o$ercome one #ith e!hilaration* di55yness* or into!ication.
b. to "ill one #ith conceit.
5. hang or hide one3s head0 to mani"est shame.
6. head and shoulders0 %y an impressi$ely great amont: head and
shoulders aboe the rest in talent.
7. head o%er heels0
a. headlong* as in a somersalt.
b. intensely, completely: head oer heels in loe.
c. implsi$ely, carelessly: #hey plunged head oer heels into the fighting.
8. head to head0 in direct opposition or competition.
(. ee! one3s head0 to remain calm and e""ecti$e.
1). la" or !ut heads together0 to meet in order to discss* conslt* or
11. lose one3s head0 to %ecome ncontrolled or #ildly e!cited.
12. mae head4s5 or tail4s5 o#0 to nderstand or interpret to e$en a small
e!tent (o"ten sed in the negati$e).
13. mae heads roll0 to dismiss nm%ers o" employees or s%ordinates.
14. on one3s head0 as one4s responsi%ility or "alt.
15. out o# one3s head or mind0
a. insane, cra5y.
b. delirios, irrational.
16. o%er one3s head0 %eyond one4s comprehension* a%ility* or resorces.
17. turn someone3s head0
a. to ma'e someone smg or conceited.
b. to con"se someone.
>%e"ore .22, Fiddle English he)*ed, )ld English hIafod, c. )ld Sa!on
hX%id* )ld High &erman houbit, )ld Gorse ha"th, a'in to )ld Gorse
h foth, 9atin caput@
a non s""i! o" state or condition (godheadA maidenhead)* occrring in
#ords no# mostly archaic or o%solete* many %eing sperseded %y "orms
in ;hood.
>Fiddle English -hede, )ld English J-h du, a'in to -hKd ;hood@
6ead (h d) n.
&essie0 1./3O18* Soth +"rican no$elist.
1). Bomment on the meta!horical e7tension o" these terms:
a) #arm Oicy O"rosty Ocold
%) #hite O%lac' O%le Oyello# Ored
c) see Ohear Otaste Otoch
+ metaphorical e!tension is the (e!tension o" meaning in a ne#
direction( throgh poplar adoption o" an original metaphorical
Fetaphorical e!tension is almost a ni$ersal and natral process in any
langage ndergone %y e$ery #ord. In general* it4s not e$en percei$ed in
e$eryday sage as meaning change. 0hen itYs least o%$ios* sers don4t
e$en see it as e!tending the meaning o" a #ord. Bonsider the e!ample o"
illminate: it originally meant (to light p( something dim or dar'* %t
has e$ol$ed to mean (to clari"y(* (to edi"y(. +"ter a #hile these ne#
meanings seem so natral as to %e integral parts o" the #ord* #here
senses sch as (to cele%rate( and (to adorn a page #ith designs( seem li'e
more o%$ios additions.
Temperatre (toch)
Z+ #arm reception.
ZKo4re as cold as ice. ((+s ice(* ho#e$er* is not a metaphor in this
Z+n icy stare. (S%mitted and demonstrated $ia phone %y -ar%ara Basnig[
Z:ro5en #ith "ear.
There are se$eral emotion s%types #ithin the :EE9IG& IS B)9)R
metaphor (+pres?an* 1..3). :or instance in English 4green4 is associated
#ith en$y and ?ealosy as in 4He #as green #ith en$y #hen he sa# their
e!pensi$e ne# car4 ()IE* P.143) %t in Rssian 4yello#4 is associated #ith
en$y as in 4 po5eletet4 ot 5a$isti 4(c". +pres?an* 1..3) that means4 to trn
yello# #ith en$y 4* %t en$y and ?ealosy does not ha$e any color in
The Fartini<e;%orn :rench :rant5 :anon and +"rican;+merican #riters
9angston Hghes ((That 0ord -lac'()* Faya +ngelo* and Ralph
Ellison* among others* #rote that negati$e sym%olisms srronding the
#ord (%lac'( otnm%er positi$e ones. They arged that the good $s. %ad
dalism associated #ith #hite and %lac' nconsciosly "rame pre?diced
collo<ialisms. In the 1.32s the term %lac' replaced Gegro in the 7nited
8eeing Red ; being furious (it originates "rom the "act that %lls get angry
and charge #hen they see anything red).
. red letter da" ; a special or lucky day
,o get the red light to be told to stop
. red herring something irreleant
Red ta!e ; official bureacracy or formality (so;called %ecase la#yers
and &o$ernment o""iicials tie their docments together #ith red tape)
,o be caught red-handed ; to be caught in the act
,here were some red #aces - there were some embarrassed people
Red s" at night0 she!herds3 delight0 red s" in the morning0
she!herds3 warning a pro$er%* meaning ,f you see a red sky at night, the
weather will be good next day, but a red sky in the morning foretells bad
6e is "ellow ; he is a coward
6e is green with en%" he is enious or $ealous
,he green-e"ed dragon means $ealousy (so yo might say (he is
s""ering "rom the green eyed dragon()
,o get the green light ; to get the go-ahead (this comes "rom tra""ic
6e is green ; he is a noice i.e. doesn4t <ite 'no# #hat he is doing
,o go green ; to become ecologically aware (green isses are issues
relating to conseration and saing the planet*
3e careful therefore, because if you say someone is green, it could mean
either $ealous or uninitiated, or ecologigally aware, depending on the
9n the !in ; in flourishing good health or in a good situation
:our !in" ; your little finger
$in ; relating to homosexuals as in (the pin' economy( (deri$ing "rom
%eing hal";#ay %et#een red and #hite)
8eeing the world through rose-tinted glasses ; seeing things in an
unrealistically benign way
,o be !ur!le with rage ; #o be ery angry
-y ma'ing things $isi%le* they %ecome real. + $isi%le thing is concrete
and ma'es sense. 0e ths se the "act that something can %e seen to call
it into e!istence and gi$e it meaning.
, see what you mean.
0hen something is not $isi%le* it is not here* not a$aila%le "or s to
e!perience. 0e ths se lac' o" $isi%ility to e!plain something that does
not ma'e sense.
, don-t see it that way.
9ight can %e sed to descri%e nderstanding* #ith increasing light
indicating increasing nderstanding.
, don-t see the alue in that.
)ther "orms o" toch* althogh lighter than a grasp also indicate some
"orm o" connection.
She touched many of the people with her moing speech.
Taste can %e sed to indicate that a good or %ad choice has %een made.
,t was all in the best possible taste.
11. The #ords in the H)T;B)9E domain arenYt al#ays sed literally.
They donYt al#ays re"er to TEFPER+T7RE. Eiscss the meanings o"
the e!pressions %elo#:
a. a #arm personality e. a scorching criticism
%. a hot; tempered person ". a %listering attac'
c. a red;hot idea g. a l'e;#arm response
d. an icy stare h. a "rosty reception
Fetaphors sch as icy stare depict social e!clsion sing cold;related
concepts, they are not to %e ta'en literally and certainly do not imply
redced temperatre. Social e!clsion literally "eels cold. The
psychological e!perience o" coldness not only aids nderstanding o"
social interaction* %t also is an integral part o" the e!perience o" social
(0armth( is the most po#er"l personality trait in social ?dgment* and
attachment theorists ha$e stressed the importance o" #arm physical
contact #ith caregi$ers dring in"ancy "or healthy relationships in
In the realm o" social relations* people o"ten se metaphors sch as \she
is cold and aloo"] or \she is a #arm person.] Temperatre metaphors
con$eniently esta%lish and e!plain #hat is meant* and o"ten sho# a
remar'a%le similarity in imagery across langages. In particlar* peopleYs
\social temperatre \is central to the perception o" relationships. These
ideas are reminiscent o" +sch (1.48) early #or'* #hich proposed
psychological #armth as %eing the central dimension on #hich people
?dge one another (see also :is'e et al.* 6223).-t #hat may %e the
nderlying case "or the strong metaphorical connections %et#een
#armth and social relationsD In later #or'* +sch (1.C1) ad$anced that the
metaphor o" #armth may %e related to the real* physical e!perience o"
In addition* s%tle maniplations o" physical #armth (as compared to
coldness) lead to cognitions that "orm the %asis "or commnal relations:
People in physically #armer conditions se more $er%s (indicati$e o"
social closeness, Semin V :iedler* 1.11)* are more "ocsed on
relationships in their en$ironment* and constre themsel$es as ha$ing
greater psychological o$erlap #ith the e!perimenter (IJ5erman V Semin*
622.). In other #ords* de to learning that physical #armth and a""ection
go hand;in;hand* people seem to de$elop mental representations that
inclde %oth a%stract conceptions o" a""ectionate "eelings and the
sensorimotor e!perience o" physical #armth* sch that #hen they are in a
#arm en$ironment* they #ill interact as i" they are psychologically closer
to others.
12. Bonsider some idioms #ith 6.N* e!empli"ying these metonymies:
a) The hand stands "or the acti$ity.;
Do they hae anything to do with the matter in hand;
!ould you $ust concentrate on the $ob in hand;
sit on oneLs hands )Mdeliberately do nothingL*
put oneLs hands in oneLs pockets )Mdeliberately do nothingL*
turn oneLs hand to something )Mtackle some pro$ectL*
be able to do something with one hand behind oneLs back )Mbe able
to do something ery easilyL*
$oin hands with somebody )Mcooperate with a personL*
%) The hand stands "or control.;
%ut the matter in the hands of the lawyer.
/hile their parents away, the children got out of hand giing the
baby sitter hard time.
, want to take in hand in the new pro$ect.
d) Bontrol is holding in the hand.;
During the student demonstration, things got out of hand and
seeral shop windows were broken.
e) The hand stands "or the person.;
/e need more hands.
a factory hand )Ma factory workerL*
from hand to hand )Mdirectly, from one person to anotherL*
all hands on deck )Meerybody ready for action, duty, etc.L*
13. Fention the type o" metonymy yo can identi"y in these idioms:
a) gi$e some%ody a %ig hand d) gain the pper hand
%) "rom hand to hand e) 'eep a strict hand pon a person
c) 'eep one Ys hand(s) in ") an old hand
E!empli"y the idioms a%o$e in sentences o" yor o#n.
a) She got a big hand for singing so well. #hey always gie the
acrobats a big hand.
%) #he book traelled from hand to hand until it got back to its owner.
c) <en if ,-m no longer doing a particular aspect of my $ob that ,
used to do - eg. training, , occasionally like to take on a training
$ob - $ust to -keep my hand in- - to keep in touch, keep practiced,
stay familiar with it, ensure that if , need it again one day, , can
$ust $ump back into it.
d) Boernment troops are gradually gaining the upper hand oer the
e) Discipline and keep a strict hand upon them.
") She-s an old hand at maga1ines, haing trained on !osmopolitan
before editing !ompany.

14. The non length re"ers to the general dimension in #hich the
ad?ecti$es long and short descri%e regions. :ind sch ^a%stract nonsY "or
the "ollo#ing pairs o" ad?ecti$es.
a. tall: short ;height g. "ast: slo#;speed
%. thic': thin ;si5e h. cle$er: stpid;intelligence
c. hea$y: light ;#eight i. %road: narro#;#ide
d. #ide: narro#;measre ?. hot: cold;temperatre
e. old: yong;age '. #arm: cool;temperatre
". "ar: near;distance
15. Sometimes $er%s that e!press +GIF+9 S)7GES are sed as
meta!hors "or "eatres o" H7F+G SPEEBH in English. :ill in the
%lan's #ith the appropriate sond term. Bhoose "rom this list: %ar'* hiss*
grnt* snarl* t#itter* s<eal* prr* and gro#l:
1. Fy mother is so cte #hen she prrs a%ot her grandchildren.
6. ^Stop cryingY* the police o""icer %ar'ed at the drg dealer.
/. The actress hissed her ans#er to the reporters.
4. The prisoner t#itted his reply to the gard.
C. The sergeant %ar'ed his orders to the ne# soldiers.

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