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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of People's Power for Higher Education

Technological nstitute of !est Mariscal "ucre
P#$ %o&puter Engineering
"ection '())
TE"T #ET!*R+"
Ely Perez -./'-0/101
%aracas/ ,pril )(-1
This test &ay show &ore short or 2ust the &ain ideas of co&puter networ3s
as well consists/ in what way is divided and what are the benefits we provide
co&puter networ3s as they have been very i&portant in our everyday life4
%o&puter networ3s can be described as a co&&unication syste& that
provides and allows you to co&&unicate with other users to co&pare and
share files as well as photos/ ga&es/ &usic/ videos/ etc44 n a &ore precise
and clear you can say that is a syste& in which &ultiple units are connected
5co&puters6/ to which allows the& to e7change infor&ation4
The networ3 consists of three levels which are8 software applications
consisting consists of co&puter progra&s that connect and co&&unicate with
users of the networ3 with the purpose to share docu&ents and infor&ation4
The following is networ3ing software which is &ade in co&puter progra&s
that set standards for co&puters to co&&unicate with each other/ and apply
protocols sending and receiving for&atted data groups called pac3ets4 ,nd
finally the networ3 hardware consists of co&ponents that connect to
co&puters/ two &a2or co&ponents are the &eans of trans&ission that carries
signals fro& co&puters4
n co&puter networ3s is called a 9networ3 protocol9 is a set of rules or
standards that specify the co&&ands or data sharing during co&&unication
and interaction between the entities that for& a networ34 #etwor3 standards
EEE .()4 1 Enthernet EEE .()4; standard for to3en ring standard
EEE .()4 -- !i $i standard EEE .()4 Bluetooth standard -;
Types of computer networks
Below are presented which are the types of networ3s/ where they are located
and develop
Personal Area Network (PAN) which is defined as 5Personal ,rea #etwor36
is a co&puter networ3 used for interaction and co&&unication a&ong
co&puter devices close to one person/ nobstante devices &ay or &ay not
belong to the person in <uestion/ the scope of this networ3 is typically so&e
few &eters/ and can be used for co&&unication between personal devices
fro& the&4
Local area network (LAN) is a networ3 which is li&ited to a particular area
such as a particularly s&all roo& or a single building/ local area networ3s are
so&eti&es called 9one rede location94
Public network: this networ3 can be used by any person/ not the networ3s
that are configured with a personal password4 This is a networ3 of
interconnected co&puters that are able to share infor&ation and
co&&unicate clearly allows users regardless of their geographical location4
Private Network: This is a networ3 that only so&e people can use and that
they are configured with password personnel only4
ide area network (AN) is a data co&&unications networ3 that covers a
relatively broad geographic area and that often uses trans&ission facilities
provided by co&&on carriers so&e as phone co&panies4
!tora"e Area Network (!AN): this is the networ3 to connect servers/ dis3
arrays and supporting libraries/ the function of this is to connect <uic3ly and
securely storing the different ele&ents that co&ple&ents it4
#ed irre"ular: it is a syste& of wires and buses that connect through a
&ode& and how this connection result of one or &ore co&puters4 n addition
to this networ3 is si&ilar to a &i7ed but this is the para&eters presented in it4
=ust as there are types of co&puter networ3s also e7ist networ3
topologies are:
Types of topolo"ies
Refers to how they are distributed/ organized or connected group of
co&puters or devices within a networ3 that &eans different nodes are
interconnected in it4
!tar topolo"y: characterized by having all nodes connected to a central
controller/ in this all transactions passing through the central node being the
charge controlling and &anaging all the co&&unications/ one of the benefits
is that it has good fle7ibility to increase the nu&ber of co&puters connected
to the networ3 however a disadvantage is that it is not suitable for large
installations due to the large a&ount of cable that should be grouped in the
central controller
#in" topolo"y: the stations or nodes are connected to each other for&ing a
ring/ for&ing a closed unidirectional path that connects all of the advantage to
increase or decrease the nu&ber of stations without difficulty so contario one
disadvantage is that a failure anywhere leaves bloc3ed the entire networ34
Bus topology or channel is connected to for& a co&&unication path
directional vi well>defined ter&ination point as one of the disadvantages is
that any brea3 in the bus hindering nor&al operation of the networ3 and the
fault is very difficult to detect but one of the advantages is that you can easily
increase or decrease the nu&ber of stations4
!erver types
$ile server stores various types of file and distributed to other clients on the
Print "erver: controls one or &ore printers and accepts print 2obs fro& other
clients on the networ3/ <ueuing print 2obs/ and perfor&ing &ost or all other
functions that a wor3station would be &ade to achieve a tas3 printing/ if the
printer was connected directly to the printer port of the wor3station4
$ail !erver: stores/ sends/ receives/ routes/ and perfor&s other operations
related to e>&ail for networ3 clients4
%a& !erver: stores/ sends/ receives/ routes/ and perfor&s other functions
necessary for the trans&ission/ receipt and proper distribution of the fa74
Telep'ony server: Perfor&s telephony related functions/ such as the
answering &achine/ perfor&ing the functions of an interactive voice
response/ storing voice &essages/ routing calls and also controlling the
networ3 or the nternet etc44
Pro7y "erver perfor&s a certain type of functions on behalf of other clients in
the networ3 to increase the perfor&ance of certain operations4 t also serves
security/ that is/ have a firewall4 ,llows &anaging internet access on a
co&puter networ3 allowing or denying access to different websites4
#emote Access !erver (#A!) &ode& control lines &onitors or other
co&&unication channels to networ3 re<uests to connect to the networ3 fro&
a re&ote location/ answer inco&ing phone calls or ac3nowledge the re<uest
and perfor& networ3 necessary safety chec3s and other procedures re<uired
to register a user on the networ34
!erver application: perfor&s the logic of business infor&ation or custo&er
use/ accepting the instructions to perfor& the operations of an ,uthentication
"erver site wor3ing and serving in turn results to the 2ob site/ while wor3place
that &a3es the operator interface or ?@ portion of the process 5ie/ the logic
of the presentation6 that is re<uired for proper operation4
eb !erver: stores HTMA docu&ents/ i&ages/ te7t files/ scripts/ and other
!eb &aterial consists of data/ and distributing content to custo&ers who
re<uest it on the net4
(ackup !erver: Bac3up software has the networ3 installed and have large
a&ounts of networ3 storage on hard drives or other storage 5tape/ etc446
,vailable for use in order to ensure that the loss a server does not affect the
networ34 This techni<ue is also called clustering4
: t is responsible for verifying that a user can connect to the networ3 at any
point of access/ either wireless or wired/ based on the .()4-7 standard can
be a R,B@" server type4
DN! !erver: This type of servers resolve do&ain na&es without 3nowing its
P address4
)lements of a local area network
,s noted above networ3 types/ types of topology/ basic server types and very
i&portant as it helps to co&ple&ent the co&puter networ3s/ one of the
largest networ3s is local area networ3 5A,#6 hardware ele&ents e7ist
between which can be highlighted are:
T'e server: the &ain processing ele&ent contains the networ3 operating
syste& and is responsible for &anaging all processes within it/ also controls
access to shared resources such as printers and storage drives4
orkstations: so&eti&es called nodes/ can be personal co&puters or any
ter&inal connected to the networ34 This way wor3s with their own progra&s or
ta3e advantage of e7isting applications on the server4
The networ3 operating syste&: the progra& that allows networ3 control and
resides on the server4 E7a&ples of these are networ3 operating syste&s:
*ommunication protocols: These are a set of rules governing the
trans&ission and reception of data over the networ34
The networ3 interface card: provides connectivity or user ter&inal of the
physical networ3/ as it handles the co&&unication protocols of each specific
%o&puter networ3ing is one of the &ost i&portant co&ponents as it is
indispensable for everyday life as it helps us to be well infor&ed/ and receive
and e7change infor&ation in a &ore accurate way <uic3ly and safely4

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