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Notes And Cases On SUCCESSION pp 70

Based on Lectures given by:

Pro! "uben Ba#ane and Pro! Arace#i Baviera
Concept!&& Succession is t'e #ast (ode o ac)uiring
o*ners'ip. It is an independent mode of acquiring ownership.
"e)uisites o Succession: (DEPA)
(1) %eat' of the predecessor;
(2) E+istence and capacity of the successor;
() Provision o t'e #a* or provision o a *i## granting the right
of succession;
(!) Acceptance "# the successor.
,: Is tradition -de#ivery. re)uired or o*ners'ip to transer/
A$ %o. &wnership is transferred "# succession' not "# an# other
Ety(o#ogy!&& Succession is deri(ed from 2 )atin words$ sub'
meaning under (e.g.' an under*ing' a su"ordinate' if a p*ane
tra(e*s at a su"sonic speed or f*# "e*ow opposite++ su"sonic) and
cedere' meaning to gi(e' to pass.
Succession' therefore' is a passing under. It gi(es the idea
of the nature of succession as originated from ,oman )aw. -h#
do the ,omans ca** it a passing under. /ec. of the fiction in
,oman )aw that a persona*it# occupies a space' that is' a *ega*
persona*it# is permanent. A permanent fi0ture "ut the occupant
wi** go awa#. And it is the successor who wi** occup# the space
#ou *eft (acant. 1here is a*wa#s what #ou ca** personalitas.
2Sound through2 *i3e a p*a#' where #ou wear a mas3' and the one
"ehind the curtain is sounding through. that is' some"od# is
rea**# ta*3ing "ehind #ou. 1his' "# ana*og# is' succession.
Persona means 2#ou'2 the character. Personalita or
persona*it# w4c is a*wa#s there' and there is or there wi** a*wa#s
"e an occupant' who comes and goes; it ma# change the
character' the person passes under. -hat is "ehind a** this.
Persona*it# ne(er dies. -e are "ut dust and shadows "ased on
the rea*it# of death.
-h# do we ha(e to de(ise this fiction. -h# the *aw on
succession. 1he )aw on succession has (arious underpinnings
in ,oman )aw' that is' first0 the (ague idea of after *ife' *i3e the
ideas of 5orace ++ state of good in the E*ipian fie*ds; second' that
the *aw de(e*ops "ased on conditions of societ#. &ne of the most
"asic desire of man is the desire for immorta*it#.
5ow' -hen' 1o -hom' In -hat proportion are the# transmitted ++
/ASIS &6 15E )A- &% S788ESSI&%$
1. Succession pro(ides the (ehic*e for satisf#ing #our yearning
and #onging or i((orta#ity. It satisfies or conso*es #ourse*f
that something in #ou *i(es fore(er and this is #our persona*it#.
&thers usua**# *ea(e something *i3e paintings' "oo3 of poems'
statue so that the# wi** "e remem"ered fore(er' e.g.' 5orace "#
2. 8oncept of pater familias! Di*igence of pater familias. Pater
familias (eans 'ead o t'e a(i#y . 1he "asic unit of ,oman
societ#. It is he who managed and e0ercised authorit# o(er his
chi*dren' a"so*ute contro* o(er his wife. In ,oman *aw' a man9s
wife is his chi*d. It is he who is the guardian of the fami*# gods. It
is a position that must "e occupied e(er# time. It is unthin3a"*e to
"e otherwise. &nce he dies' it is a"so*ute*# necessar# not on*# in
re*igion that he is to "e rep*aced immediate*#. 1his is
1hese underpinnings are gone now. 1oda#' succession is
nothing "ut a mode of acquiring ownership. -h#. /ecause #ou
do not ha(e the fiction to ha(e succession' "ec. of the spread of
8hristianit# w4c too3 the p*ace of those #earning that it is "e*ie(ing
in :od and *ife after death. %o more #earnings for immorta*it#'
un*ess #ou do not "e*ie(e in the teachings of 8hristianit#.
A*so' the concept of pater familias is no *onger app*ica"*e
"ec. of parenta* authorit# w4c restricted the authorit# of the head
of the fami*#. -e no *onger ha(e s*a(es' a"so*ute contro* o(er
chi*dren' etc.
/ut o*d "e*iefs do not die easi*#. Some pro(isions of the *aw
on succession are inf*uenced "# these underpinnings. )i3e'
2heirs are the continuation of the persona*it# of the decedent.2
Another is$ when a condition is imposed upon the su"stitute'
does the su"stitute ha(e to fu*fi** the condition. A** of these are
residua* e*ements of ,oman )aw.
%einition o Succession!&& Succession in a ;uridica* sense is
the su"stitution of one person for another in a determina"*e
re*ationship or a su"rogation of one person "# another in a
;uridica* situation. (<anresa.)
Succession is the su"stitution of a person to the
determina"*e *ega* re*ationship of another. (8astan.)
8astan9s definition is "etter. (/a*ane.)
P1ILIPPINE LA2 ON SUCCESSION -Based on t'e #ecture
given by 3BL "eyes!.
E(er# person during his *ifetime is at the center of a num"er
of ;uridica* re*ation f*owing from persona*it#. Some of these *ega*
re*ations are permanent' some are transitor#. Some of these
re*ations are$ paternit# and fi*iation' marriage and maternit#'
mem"ership of the "ar' student of 7P' etc.' w4c other persons do
not ha(e. 1here are transitor# re*ations' and e0amp*es of these
are one when "ought a "ott*e of 8o3e; *ease of an apartment
unit; a mortgage; a contract of partnership; when one rides a "us'
-hen a person dies' persona*it# is e0tinguished. Some of
these ;uridica* re*ations wi** die w4 #ou++ intuitu personae -- SSS'
:SIS++ if the# die w4 #ou' no pro"*em. "ut some of them sur(i(e'
e.g.' *and' sa# a thousand hectares. If it is on*# a "a** pen *eft "#
the decedent' it is not a "ig pro"*em. /ut what if the decedent *eft
a "ig tract of *and' or there is a contract of sa*e w4c transfers
ownership "et. the decedent and third parties. =ou ha(e to set a
de(ise. =ou can not *ea(e them hanging in the air. =ou ha(e to
de(ise a set of ru*es to determine the how' when' to whom' to
what e0tent these rights wi** "e transmitted. 1he *aw w4c
go(erns them is succession. And that is a** on succession'
e(er#thing is footnotes.
A. /# the (o(ent of transmission$
1. mortis causa-- ta3es p*ace "# (irtue of death
2. inter vivos-- ta3es p*ace independent*# of death during
the *ifetime of the parties (now ca**ed Donation inter vivos.)
/. E0tent of rights in(o*(ed$
1. Universal++ this is (er# catch#+ it in(o*(es the entire
estate or fractiona* or a*iquot or undi(ided part of the estate' e.g.' I
gi(e #ou 142 of m# estate.
2. Particular/ partial.++ succession to specific items
a. #egacy&& speciic personal prop.' e.g.' I gi(e #ou
m# car
". devise&& speciic real prop.' e.g.' I gi(e to : m#
fishpond in )aguna.

8. As to cause$
1. Compulsory.++ that effected "# operation of *aw to forced
heirs e(en if not in a wi**; succession to the reser(ed portion4
2. Testamentary.-- by *i##
. Intestate or legal.-- succession in defau*t of a wi**;
su"ordinate to testamentar# succession
!. Mixed.++ com"ination of the a"o(e.
>. Contractual.++ E.g.' donation propter nuptias "# one to
another of future prop. w4c ta3es effect after death. -h#
contractua*. /ec. of the transfer of prop. is not "# (irtue of a wi**
"ut "# contract. So it is go(erned "# the #a* on contracts.
5ence' it must "e go(erned "# the Statute of 6rauds. It must "e
in writing to "e enforcea"*e.
D. As to parties to succession$
1. Decedent' transferor' causante, acutor, de cuius
2. Successor' transferee' causa abiente
E. As to terms$
1. 1estator.++ decedent *eft a wi**
2. Intestate.++ decedent did not *ea(e a wi**
. 5eir.++ one who succeeds "# uni(ersa* tit*e or to a share
of the estate
!. De(isee.++ one who succeeds "# particu*ar tit*e to rea*
>. )egatee.++ one who succeeds to a specific persona* prop.
E#e(ents o Succession -6anresa!.:
1. 8hange of su";ect (cambio de sueto.)++ ownership is
transferred from deceased to heir (su";ecti(e change.)
2. Identit# of &";ect (identidad de ob!ecto)++ same prop. is
in(o*(ed' on*# the owner is changed. 1he right is the same
(o";ecti(e identit#.)
I(portant Princip#es o Succession -*'ic' per(eate -means
fill. t'e entirety o Succession.:
1. Mortis Causa.--Succession cannot ta3e p*ace whi*e the
owner is a*i(e. 1he heir4 successor has a (ere e+pectancy rig't
to the prop. of the decedent' during the *ifetime of the *atter.
2. Interest of the fami*# ma# o(erride the wi** of the decedent
"ec. of compu*sor# heirs. 1here is a *egitime reser(ed for the
fami*#. A *i## cannot i(pair t'e #egiti(e!
. 1he estate passes or de(o*(es to the fami*# un*ess the
decedent e0press*# orders otherwise in a wi**. 6ami*# co(ers
spouse' ascendants' descendants' and co##atera# re#atives.
!. 1he fami*# can not "e entire*# depri(ed of the estate "ec.
of the s#stem of *egitime.
>. -ithin the fami*#' heirs of equa* degree4 pro0imit# inherit
in equa* shares. Presu(ption o e)ua#ity. 1his is on*# the
genera* ru*e. Tere are exceptions.
?. 1he State has a share in the inheritance through ta0es.
@. 1he heirs are not *ia"*e for the de"ts of the estate "e#ond
their share in the inheritance. Estate is *ia"*e for the de"ts *eft "#
the decedent. De"ts are to "e deducted "efore the heirs can get
their shares. Procedure$ Co##ect a## assets' deduct debts' then
partition t'e s'ares. 7p to what e0tent. 7p to a** its assets. If
the estate is Aero "a*ance' the heirs get nothing.
7nder the modern ci(i* *aw' if the decedent *eft more de"ts than
assets' it wi** not change or affect #our status an#wa#' "ut not w4
the decedent9s creditors++ the# ha(e to "eware++ caveat creditor!
Basis o t'e La* on Succession!&& Some sa# it is the #a* on
property w4c seems to "e the "asic attitude of the 8ode. &thers
sa# succession is a #a* on persons "ec. of the compu*sor# heirs.
5ow can #ou e0p*ain that. Is there some *in3 "et. the *aw on
succession and propert#. 1here is. 8astan said that *aw on
succession is "oth *aw on persons and propert#. 5owe(er' in a
pure testamentar# succession' the *aw on persons do not come to
p*a#. Sa#' a wi** gi(ing 7P a propert#. 1his is more on the *aw of
propert#. 1his is the ec*ectic theor# of 8astan.
6a7or C'anges in t'e Ne* Civi# Code on Succession:
1. A##o*ance o 'o#ograp'ic *i##s -Art! 890!. It gi(es
greater freedom to the decedent to choose in what form he can
dispose "# wi** his estate. 5o*ographic wi** is not a no(e*t# "ut a
re(i(a*. 1his was a**owed in the Spanish times "ut was a"rogated
during the American regime. It was on*# restored under the %88.
2. Impro(ement in the successiona* position of the sur(i(ing
spouse. Under t'e OCC' the surviving spouse 'ad a rig't o
usuruct on#y. Under t'e NCC0 t'e surviving spouse is given
u## o*ners'ip and is a co(pu#sory 'eir. 1he share is (aria"*e
that it is so "ewi*dering.
. A"o*ition of the right of me!ora or "etterment (the right of
the parent to gi(e a chi*d more than the other.) 1his is "asica**# a
portion of the *egitime' 14. 6reedom is gi(en to the testator as to
who among his chi*dren he wi** gi(e the 14. 1his s#stem was
ne(er uti*iAed "ec. it was ne(er understood "# the peop*e.
!. A"o*ition of the reservas and reversiones. 1he %88
restored reserva troncal, reversion adoptiva (under PD ?B.)
>. :ranting successiona# rig'ts to; or spurious
c'i#dren&& i##egiti(ate ot'er t'an natura#. 1his is one of the
re(o*utionar# changes in the %88. 7nder the &88 on*#
*egitimate chi*dren ha(e successiona* rights. %88 liberali"ed it "#
granting successiona* rights to spurious chi*dren.
?. :reater faci*it# in the pro"ate of wi**s. -h#. /ec. of the
a**owance of ante mortem pro"ate' that is' during the *ifetime of
the testator. %ow' pro"ate ma# "e post-mortem or ante-mortem.
@. 1he app*ication of the prohi"ition out*ined in Art. @C to
succession. this is "# (irtue of Art. 1BD. Art. @C pro(ides that$

Artic#e 7<=! $'e o##o*ing donations s'a## be
void: -AC&CO.
-9. $'ose (ade bet*een persons *'o *ere
gui#ty o adu#tery or concubinage at t'e ti(e o t'e
-?. $'ose (ade bet*een persons ound gui#ty
o t'e sa(e cri(ina# oense0 in consideration
-<. $'ose (ade to a pub#ic oicer or 'is *ie0
descendants and ascendants0 by reason o 'is
In t'e case reerred to in No! 90 t'e action or
dec#aration o nu##ity (ay be broug't by t'e spouse
o t'e donor or donee> and t'e gui#t o t'e donor
and donee (ay be proved by preponderance o
evidence in t'e sa(e action!

D. Increase of the free portion++ coro**ar# to the a"o*ition of
the me!ora
C. )imitation of the fideicommisar# su"stitution to one
degree ("efore' two degrees)
1B. Intestate succession is narrowed from si0th degree to
fifth degree.
11. A"o*ition of the institution under pupilar and e!emplar
12. A**owance of *ifetime pro"ate.
Areas in Succession Aected by t'e A(erican Code:
1. ,u*es in interpretation.++ Arts. @DD+@C2
2. ,u*es on forma* requirements of a wi**.++ Arts. DB!+DBC
. ,u*es go(erning witnesses to wi**s.++ Arts. D2B+D2!
!. ,u*es on repu"*ication and re(i(a* of wi**s.++ Arts. D>+D?
>. ,u*es on re(ocation.++ Arts. D2C+D1
?. ,u*es on a**owance and disa**owance of wi**s.++ Arts. DD+DC
@. ,u*es on 1estamentar# capacit#.
8hapter 1
Art! 77A! Succession is a (ode o ac)uisition by virtue
o *'ic' t'e property0 rig'ts and ob#igations to t'e e+tent o
t'e va#ue o t'e in'eritance o a person are trans(itted
t'roug' 'is deat' to anot'er or ot'ers eit'er by 'is *i## or by
operation o #a*!
/a*ane$ 9! Succession is a (ode o ac)uisition!&& Propert#'
rights' and o"*igations are transmitted; those w4c are not
e0tinguished "# death of the decedent is inheritance. Succession
is "ut a process of transmission.
Succession is a mode of acquisition of inheritance
transmitted to the heirs upon the death of the decedent through a
wi** or "# operation of *aw.
?! $*o e#e(ents o Succession!B-OS. (1) identit# of ob7ects;
(2) change of sub7ects.
<! "u#e!&& 1he estate of the decedent pa#s for the o"*igations of
the decedent. -hat is *eft is gi(en to the heirs.
A! Connect Art! 77A *; Art! 77C0 supra!
6or mone# de"ts$ If not paid in sett*ement proceedings'
heirs cou*d "e *ia"*e to the e0tent of what the# recei(ed
6or o"*igations$ E.g.' *essee+*essor++ o"*igation to 3eep the
*essee in the peacefu* possession is transmitted to the heirs.
D! Property and "ig'ts& Passed on to the decedent9s
C! Ob#igations:
a! 6onetary!&& :enera* ru*e$ 1he estate pa#s for them
"efore the estate is partitioned
E0ception$ A*(areA case. Predecessor raudu#ent#y
disposed of the prop. during *itigation. S8 he*d that heirs cannot
escape *ia"i*it# for their father9s transactions w4c ga(e wa# to this
c*aim for damages. E(en though the# did not inherit the prop.' the
monetar# equi(a*ent thereof was de(o*(ed into the mass of the
estate w4c the heirs inherited. 5ereditar# estates are a*wa#s
*ia"*e in their tota*it# for the pa#ments of the de"ts of the estate.
-hate(er pa#ment made "# the estate is u*timate*# a pa#ment "#
the heirs "ec. these pa#ments decrease their inheritance.
b! Non&(onetary!&& 1ransmitted to the heirs.
Art! 77D! In t'is $it#e0 EdecedentE is t'e genera# ter(
app#ied to t'e person *'ose property is trans(itted t'roug'
succession0 *'et'er or not 'e #et a *i##! I 'e #et a *i##0 'e is
ca##ed t'e testator!
/a*ane$ Every testator is a decedent but not a## decedents
are testators! 7nder the American s#stem' a decedent who did
not *ea(e a wi** is ca**ed 2intestate.2 /ut this is not true in the
Art! 77C! $'e in'eritance inc#udes a## t'e property0
rig'ts and ob#igations o a person *'ic' are not
e+tinguis'ed by 'is deat'!
/a*ane$ 1ransmissi"*e propert#' rights and o"*igations constitute
:uide#ines on *'et'er rig'ts; ob#igations are e+tinguis'ed
by deat':
1. Propert#' rights and o"*igations which are pure#y
persona# are e0tinguished "# the death of the decedent. 1he#
are not part of the inheritance' e.g.' mem"ership in the "ar or right
of consortium w4 #our wife.
2. 1hose w4c are pure*# patrimonia*. :enera* ru*e$ 1he#
form part of the inheritance' e.g.' credits.
E0ception$ <one# de"ts.++ o"*igation to pa# is not
transmissi"*e' a*though pure*# patrimonia* "ec. the estate pa#s for
. 1hose o"*igations transmitted to the heirs w4c are not
monetar#' e.g.' o"*igation of a *essor++ patrimonia*. / *eased to 8
a parce* of *and for a term of #ears. After 2 #ears' / died. 1he
heirs of / are "ound "# the *ease contract.
&"*igation as *essee and "ai*ee are transmissi"*e.
Art! 777! $'e rig'ts to t'e succession are trans(itted
ro( t'e (o(ent o t'e deat' o t'e decedent!
/a*ane$ 1. 1his artic*e *itera**# means that the 2decedent has the
right to the succession which is transmitted upon his death.2 1his
is i**ogica* "ec. the decedent does not ha(e rights to the
succession. 1o impro(e the pro(ision' change the words
2succession2 to 2inheritance2 (the right to succeed is an inc'oate
(means unclear) right) and the (er" 2transmitted2 to 2"ecome
?. 4our E#e(ents o Succession: -%&2O&EC&A.
1. Death
2. -i** or &peration of *aw
. E0istence and capacit# of the successor
!. Acceptance.
. 1his pro(ision is the heart and sou* of succession. 1he most
essentia* pro(ision of the *aw on succession.
!. ,ights to succession vest at the moment of death' not
transmitted. 1he right shou*d "e made effecti(e from the moment
of death. 1his is so "ec. the rights to succession "efore death are
mere inchoate (1E%1A1IEE ,I:51). /ut from the moment of
death' those inchoate rights "ecome a"so*ute.
,ights to succession are (ested from the moment of death'
not upon the fi*ing of petition for testate4 intestate proceedings' not
upon the dec*aration of heirship or upon sett*ement of the estate.
1he rights to succession are automatic. 1radition or de*i(er#
is not needed. 6iction of the *aw is that from the moment of the
death of the decedent' the right passes to the heirs.
During the *ifetime of the predecessor' rights to succession
are a mere e0pectanc#. 5ence' no contract can "e *ega**#
entered into regarding the e0pected inheritance. -hen an heir
recei(es his inheritance' he is deemed to ha(e recei(ed it at the
point of death this is so "# *ega* fiction to a(oid confusion.
>. 8ASES$
Uson v! %e# "osario.++ 7pon the death of the hus"and
"efore the %88' the rights of the wife to the inheritance were
(ested. So the rights of the i**egitimate chi*dren under the %88 to
inherit cannot pre;udice the (ested rights of the wife. -e ha(e to
app*# the &88 "ec. at the time of his death' it is the &88 w4c
go(erned the *aw on succession. 6or the determination of
successiona* rights' the *aw at the point of death shou*d "e the
one app*ied.
Bor7a v! Bor7a.++ 1he right to inherit is (ested at the moment
of death. E(en if she did not 3now how much she was going to
inherit' she cou*d sti** dispose of her share in the inheritance.
Said right to the share was hers from the moment of death and
she cou*d do whate(er she wanted w4 her share' e(en se** it.
Boni##a v! Barcena.++ =ou do not need a dec*aration of
heirship whether testate or intestate' (o*untar#' etc. 1he rights of
the heirs to the prop . (est in them e(en "efore ;udicia* dec*aration
of their "eing heirs in the testate proceedings.
An action to )uiet tit#e is not e0tinguished "# the death of
the decedent' it "eing a patrimonia* right. 5ence' the heirs ha(e
the right to "e su"stituted to the action e(en "efore their ha(ing
dec*ared as heirs.
3i(eneF v! 4ernandeF.++ 8ar*os died in 1C?' "efore the
effecti(it# of the %88. As such' his i**egitimate chi*d cannot inherit
from him. As such' tit*e to the *and "e*ongs to the cousin who
inherited the *and w4 8ar*os.
Art! 778! Succession (ay be:
-9. $esta(entary>
-?. Lega# or Intestate> or
-<. 6i+ed!
1. 1estamentar# (Art. @@C.)++ designation of an heir in a wi**
2. )ega* or Intestate .++ w4o a wi** or the wi** is in(a*id
. <i0ed (Art. @DB.)++ part*# "# wi** and part*# "# operation of *aw
!. 8ompu*sor#.++ Succession to the *egitime "# a forced heir.
Art! 77=! $esta(entary succession is t'at *'ic' resu#ts
ro( t'e designation o an 'eir0 (ade in a *i## e+ecuted in
t'e or( prescribed by #a*!
/a*ane$ 5eir inc*udes de(isees and *egatees.
Art! 780! 6i+ed succession is t'at eected part#y by *i##
and part#y by operation o #a*!
Art! 789! $'e in'eritance o a person inc#udes not on#y
t'e property and t'e trans(issib#e rig'ts and ob#igations
e+isting at t'e ti(e o 'is deat'0 but a#so t'ose *'ic' 'ave
accrued t'ereto since t'e opening o t'e succession!
/a*ane$ It is "etter to scrap Art. @D1. It has no significance. E(en
w4o it' those w4c accrue after death wi** sti** "e*ong to the heirs.
E.g.' A has a son' F. A dies in 1CDD. Inheritance is a mango
p*antation. In 1CCB' there is a crop. Is it part of the inheritance.
1. According to Art. @D1' #es. 1his is inconsistent w4 Art @@@
"ec. succession occurs at the moment of death. Art. @D1 imp*ies
a second succession.
2. )ega* concept.++ %o. F owns it through accession and
not succession. 6ruits are no *onger part of the inheritance. It
"e*ongs to the heir "ec. of ownership of the *and he recei(ed at
the moment of death. (Art. @@@.)
1hose w4c ha(e accrued thereto after death do not comprise
the inheritance "ut the# accrue "# (irtue of ownership (accretion.)
Art! 78?! An 'eir is a person ca##ed to t'e succession
eit'er by t'e provision o a *i## or by operation o #a*!
%evisees and #egatees are persons to *'o( gits o rea#
and persona# property are respective#y given by virtue o a
/a*ane$ 1he definitions gi(en in this artic*e are not good. 1he
definitions contained in the Spanish 8i(i* 8ode were "etter. An
heir succeeds "# uni(ersa* tit*e. De(isee or *egatee succeeds "#
particu*ar tit*e.
According to 8astan' an heir is one who succeeds to the
who*e (uni(ersa*) or a*iquot part of the estate. De(isee or *egatee
is one who succeeds to definite' specific' and indi(idua*iAed
E.g.' I "equeathed 142 of m# fishpond in Pampanga to A. Is
the successor an heir' *egatee or de(isee. A de(isee' the prop.
"eing a specific rea* prop.
,: Is it i(portant to distinguis' bet! 'eir devisee and
A$ /efore' #es. 1he heir inherited e(en de"ts of the decedent'
e(en if it e0ceed the (a*ue of the propert#. De(isees or *egatees
were *ia"*e for de"ts of the decedent on*# up to the e0tent of the
(a*ue of the prop.
%ow' %o. E0cept in one instance' in case of preterit ion in
Art. D>!. If read carefu**#' institution of heir is annu**ed whi*e
de(ise and *egac# are not' so *ong as there is no impairment of
the *egitime.
Art! 78? is not a *orGing deinition!&& Someone who is a
de(isee (succeeded "# a particu*ar tit*e) can fit into the definition
of an heir (succeeds to a fractiona*4 a*iquot4 undi(ided part of the
estate.) and (ice (ersa.
C'apter ?
Section 9
Subsection 9
Art! 78<! A *i## is an act *'ereby a person is per(itted0
*it' t'e or(a#ities prescribed by #a*0 to contro# to a certain
degree t'e disposition o 'is estate0 to taGe eect ater 'is
/a*ane$ %einition o *i##:
1. 2Person.2++ refers on*# to natura* persons.
2. 2Permitted to contro* to a certain degree.2++ wh# certain
degree. /ec. compu*sor# heirs cannot "e depri(ed of their
*egitimes. If there are no compu*sor# heirs' the power of the
decedent to dispose of his estate is a"so*ute. If there are
compu*sor# heirs' he on*# has a *imited degree to dispose. 1hat
is wh# the wi** can on*# co(er the disposa"*e portion of the estate
(free portion.)
. 8omment$ .
a. An 2act.2++ is too genera*; "etter 2document2 "ec. a
wi** must "e in writing
". 2After2++ "etter 2upon.2
C'aracteristics o 2i##s: - P4%
1. Pure*# persona* act. (Arts. @D!+@D@.)++ non+de*ega"*e;
persona* participation of the testator is required.
2. 6ree act.++ it means w4o fraud' (io*ence' deceit' duress'
or intimidation. It is (o*untar#. %o (itiated consent.
. Dispositi(e of propert#.++ If it does not' it wi** "e use*ess.
/ut as far as the *aw is concerned' it can "e pro"ated "ut a
use*ess e0pense. It is on*# (a*id as to form and nothing e*se.
E0ceptions$ ,DA
a. when a wi** recogniAes an i**egitimate chi*d
". when a wi** disinherits a compu*sor# heir
c. when it appoints an e0ecutor
!. Essentia**# re(oca"*e.++ ambulatory, it is not fi0ed' can "e
ta3en "ac3 (whi*e the testator is a*i(e.) 1here is no such thing as
an irre(oca"*e wi**. It on*# "ecomes irre(oca"*e upon death of the
>. 6orma**# e0ecuted.++ If the form is defecti(e' it is (oid. It
can not "e cured.
?. 1estamentar# capacit# of the testator.
@. 7ni*atera* act.++ does not in(o*(e an e0change of (a*ues
or depend on simu*taneous offer and acceptance.
D. Mortis causa.++ ta3es effect upon the person9s death (Art.
C. Statutor# grant.++ granted on*# "# ci(i* *aw. 1he *aw can
a*so ta3e it awa#. It is not a constitutiona* right "ut mere*#
statutor#. In ,ussia' there are no wi**s' a** intestac#
1B. #nimus Testandi.-- 1here must "e an intent to dispose
mortis causa the propert# of the testator. 1here must "e a rea*
intent to ma3e a wi** or a disposition to ta3e effect upon death.
Said intent must appear from the words of the wi**.
<ontino*a (. 8A' 8A ,eports @@.++ 1he ,epu"*ic
contended that the phrase 2I here"# *ea(e #ou (mother*and)'
parents' *o(ed ones... 2 is a testamentar# disposition in fa(or of
the ,epu"*ic as an heir. 8A ru*ed that it was not. 1he phrase is a
mere piece of poetr#' there "eing no animus testandi. 1he *ac3 of
such intent might "e seen from the face of the document itse*f.
11. Indi(idua*.++ &ne person a*one. Goint wi**s are
prohi"ited under Art. D1D.
Eitug (. 8A.++ A coup*e e0ecuted a sur(i(orship agreement
wherein their ;oint "an3 account wou*d "ecome the so*e propert#
of the sur(i(ing spouse shou*d one of them die. 1he S8 he*d that
such agreement is (a*id. 1he con(e#ance is not a wi** "ec. in a
wi**' a person disposes of his prop. In this case' the "an3 account
is part of the con;uga* funds. %either is the agreement a donation
inter vivos "ec. it ta3es effect after death.
Art! 78A! $'e (aGing o a *i## is a strict#y persona# act> it
cannot be #et in *'o#e or in part to t'e discretion o a t'ird
person0 or acco(p#is'ed t'roug' t'e instru(enta#ity o an
agent o an attorney!
/a*ane$ 1he ma3ing of a wi** is a pure*# persona* act. It is an
e0ercise of the disposing power w4c can not "e de*egated. /ut
the p'ysica# act o (aGing a notaria# *i## can be de#egated to
t'e secretary "ut not the e0ecution or ma3ing of ho*ographic
E.g.' A dictated 1he Secretar# wrote it down and t#ped. Is the wi**
(a*id. =es. -hat cannot "e *eft in who*e or in part to a third
person is the e0ercise of the wi** ma3ing power' the e0ercise of
the disposing or testamentar# power. $'e (ec'anica# act can
be de#egated!
Art! 78D! $'e duration or eicacy o t'e designation o
'eirs0 devisees or #egatees0 or t'e deter(ination o t'e
portions *'ic' t'ey are to taGe0 *'en reerred to by na(e0
cannot be #et to t'e discretion o a t'ird person

/a*ane$ 1his pro(ision c*arifies Art. @D! on wi**+ma3ing power.
$'ings 2'ic' Cannot be %e#egated to a $'ird Person by t'e
1. Designation of heir' *egatee or de(isee' e.g.' I here"#
appoint F as m# e0ecutor and it is in his discretion to distri"ute m#
estate to whom e(er he wants to gi(e it. 1his cannot "e done.
2. Duration or efficac# of such disposition *i3e' 2/aha*a 3a
na' ,u"en.2
. Determination of the portion to w4c the# are to succeed'
when referred to "# name.

Art! 78C! $'e testator (ay entrust to a t'ird person t'e
distribution o speciic property or su(s o (oney t'at 'e
(ay #eave in genera# to speciied c#asses or causes0 and a#so
t'e designation o t'e persons0 institutions or
estab#is'(ents to *'ic' suc' property or su(s o (oney are
to be given or app#ied!
/a*ane$ Art. @D? is an e0ception to Arts @D! and @D>. It co(ers
things that are part of the essence of wi** ma3ing "ut a**owed to "e
E+a(p#es o Pro'ibited %e#egation:
1. 8an not de*egate the designation of the amount of prop.' e.g.' I
here"# set aside the sum HHHHH w4c m# e0ecutor ma# determine
for the cause of menta* hea*th. 1he amount is not specified.
2. 8an not de*egate the determination of causes or c*asses to w4c
a certain amount is to "e gi(en' e.g.' I here"# set aside P1< for
such worth# causes as #ou ma# determine. 1his is not (a*id "ec.
the cause is not specific.
/# wa# of e0ception' there are 2 things w4c can "e de*egated.
1he testator must specif#++ (a) the a(ount o property; (2) t'e
cause o c#asses o property++ "efore the de*egation can ta3e
1. 1he designation of person or institution fa**ing under the c*ass
specified "# the testator. 8hoosing the mem"ers of the c*ass "ut
is restricted "# the c*ass designation' e.g.' I here"# set aside the
sum of P1< for the de(e*opment of AIDS research. < wi** choose
w4c institution. 1his is a**owed "ec. #ou ha(e guided a*read# <9s
decision. 5owe(er' < cannot designate <ani*a 5ote*.
2. 1he manner of distri"ution or power of apportioning the
amount of mone# pre(ious*# set aside or prop. specified "# the
testator' e.g.' I designate the fo**owing hospita*s to get the share
in m# estate and appoint < to apportion the amount of P1B<. I
set aside P2>B'BBB for the fo**owing institutions$ 7P' P:5' S,' in
an amount as m# e0ecutor ma# determine.
1he a"o(e mentioned are e0ceptions to the ru*e that the ma3ing
of a wi** are non+de*ega"*e.
Art! 787! $'e testator (ay not (aGe a testa(entary
disposition in suc' (anner t'at anot'er person 'as to
deter(ine *'et'er or not it is to be operative!
/a*ane$ 1his pro(ision c*arifies what is meant that 2a wi** is
persona*.2 1his is in effect de*egating the discretion to the
disposition of the wi**.
Artic#es 788& 7=?! Interpretation o 2i##s; "u#es o
Art! 788! I a testa(entary disposition ad(its o
dierent interpretations0 in case o doubt0 t'at interpretation
by *'ic' t'e disposition is to be operative s'a## be preerred!
/a*ane$ Art. @DC is the ru*e on interpretation in order that the wi**
ma# "e (a*id and not perish.
,ationa*e$ 1he State prefers testate to intestate. -h#.
/ec. testamentar# disposition is the e0press wi** of the decedent.
Intestamentar# is the presumed wi** of the decedent. 1his is mere
specu*ation on what the decedent wanted.
Ut res mages valet $uam pereat.-- that the thing "e (a*id than
E.g.' 1he word 2chic32 can ha(e 2 interpretations$ (1) a gir* in w4c
case inoperati(e "ec. not w4in the commerce of man and (2)
sisiw.++ operati(e. Interpret according to the second.
Art! 78=! 2'en t'ere is an i(perect description0 or
*'en no person or property e+act#y ans*ers t'e description0
(istaGes and o(issions (ust be corrected0 i t'e error
appears ro( t'e conte+t o t'e *i## or ro( e+trinsic
evidence0 e+c#uding t'e ora# dec#arations o t'e testator as to
'is intention> and *'en an uncertainty arises upon t'e ace
o t'e *i##0 as to t'e app#ication o any o its provisions0 t'e
testatorIs intention is to be ascertained ro( t'e *ords o t'e
*i##0 taGing into consideration t'e circu(stances under
*'ic' it *as (ade0 e+c#uding suc' ora# dec#arations!
9! 5inds o A(biguity:
a. Patent0 apparent.++ that w4c appears in the face of the
wi**' e.g.' 2I gi(e 142 of m# estate to one of m# "rothers.2 -ho
among the "rothers. 1his is patent*# am"iguous.
"! Latent0 'idden!&& perfect*# unc*ear on its face. 1he
am"iguit# does not appear unti* #ou app*# the pro(isions of the
wi**' e.g.' 2I gi(e to < the prop. intersecting /uendia and P. de
,o0as. 1he am"iguit# is determined on*# when the wi** is
pro"ated. 1hat is' when it appears that I am the owner of a** the !
corners of the *ot. %ow' w4c of those *ots.
?! "u#e: 8*arif# am"iguit# and "e guided "# these$ 1estac#
shou*d "e preferred or uphe*d as far as practica"*e. An# dou"t
sha** "e reso*(ed in fa(or of testac#.
,: 1o* *i## you reso#ve t'e a(biguity/ 2'at evidence do
you ad(it/
A$ =ou can admit an# 3ind of e(idence as *ong as re*e(ant and
admissi"*e according to the ,u*es of 8ourt. 1his inc*udes written
E0cept$ &ra* dec*arations of the testator. -h#. /ec. the#
cannot "e questioned "# the deceased. A*so' "ec. the# are eas#
to fa"ricate.
If inspite of e(idence #ou sti** cannot cure am"iguit#' ten
annul te %ill.
I t'e a(biguity is patent0 disregard t'e *i##! I #atent0
#ooG into t'e evidences a##o*ed by #a*!

Art! 7=0! $'e *ords o a *i## are to be taGen in t'eir
ordinary and gra((atica# sense0 un#ess a c#ear intention to
use t'e( in anot'er sense can be gat'ered0 and t'at ot'er
can be ascertained!
$ec'nica# *ords in a *i## are to be taGen in t'eir
tec'nica# sense0 un#ess t'e conte+t c#ear#y indicates a
contrary intention0 or un#ess it satisactori#y appears t'at t'e
*i## *as dra*n so#e#y by t'e testator0 and t'at 'e *as
unac)uainted *it' suc' tec'nica# sense!
Art! 7=?! $'e inva#idity o one o severa# dispositions
contained in a *i## does not resu#t in t'e inva#idity o t'e
ot'er dispositions0 un#ess it is to be presu(ed t'at t'e
testator *ou#d not 'ave (ade suc' ot'er dispositions i t'e
irst inva#id disposition 'ad not been (ade!
/a*ane$ :enera* ru*e$ Se(era"i*it#. A f*aw does not affect the
other pro(isions. E0ception$ If it was meant that the# were to "e
operati(e together as seen in the wi**.
Art! 7=<! Property ac)uired ater t'e (aGing o a *i##
s'a## on#y pass t'ereby0 as i t'e testator 'ad possessed it at
t'e ti(e o (aGing t'e *i##0 s'ou#d it e+press#y appear by t'e
*i## t'at suc' *as 'is intention!
/a*ane$ 1his is a new pro(ision. It is "etter if this was not p*aced
here. -h#. /ec. prop. acquired after the ma3ing of the wi** wi**
not pass un*ess there is a c*ear intention or e0press pro(isions
that the prop. wi** "e passed "# the testator. E.g.' I gi(e as *egac#
to < m# cars. I on*# had 2 cars when I e0ecuted the wi**. After
w4c I acquired 1> more cars. -hen I die' how man# cars wi** she
get. 6o**owing Art. @C' she wi** get on*# 2 cars. 1he additiona*
cars are not inc*uded.
:enera* ru*e$ After acquired propert# sha** not pass.
E0ception$ If the wi** pro(ides otherwise. If he said 2a** m#
cars when I die' 2 then < gets a** 1@ cars.
8&<<E%1$ 1his is craA#. Art. @C is inconsistent w4 Art. @@@.
At the time of the death' the succession wi** open. As such' a**
cars shou*d "e gi(en.
/ut the *aw shou*d "e app*ied as it is. %o matter how
inconsistent it is as pointed out "# 1o*entino. 6or as *aw#ers' #ou
shou*d ad(ise #our c*ients to "e c*ear or c*arif# e(er#thing to a(oid
this am"iguit#. 1e** #our c*ients to specif# 2as of the time of m#
1he so*ution to this inconsistenc# "et. the 2 artic*es is to repea*
Art. @C.
Art! 7=A! Every devise or #egacy s'a## convey a## t'e
interest *'ic' t'e testator cou#d devise or be)ueat' in t'e
property disposed o0 un#ess it c#ear#y appears ro( t'e *i##
t'at 'e intended to convey a #ess interest!
/a*ane$ :enera* ru*e$ )egac# or de(ise wi** pass e0act*# the
interest of the testator o(er the propert#.
E0ception$ 7n*ess it appears from the wi** that he is gi(ing
E.g.' sa# #ou own a parce* of *and. &n*# the ownership of
the *and can "e gi(en. If the testator is a usuructuary' he can
on*# "equeath his rig'ts as usuructuary' nothing more' nothing
8an #ou gi(e "igger. =es. Art. C2C sa#s so. &n*# good if
the other co+owner is wi**ing to se**.
I$ /' : and G are co+owners. / ga(e to A the *and the# owned in
common' that is the entire *and and fu** ownership o(er it gi(ing
more than what he owns. Is this a**owed.
A$ =es. 1he remed# is to "u# the shares of G and : "ut he
cannot compe* them to "u# his share' there "eing no redemption
of the who*e *and or gi(e to A the (a*ue of /9s share' if : and G
are not wi**ing to se** their shares.
1he testator ma# gi(e a *esser interest' e.g.' I gi(e the
usufruct of m# *and to F. -hat resu*ts. 7sufruct to F' ownership
of the *and goes "# intestac#.
Art! 7=D! $'e va#idity o a *i## as to its or( depends
upon t'e observance o t'e #a* in orce at t'e ti(e it is
9! 4or(a# @a#idity
a. 1ime criterion.++ *aw at the time of e0ecution; su"sequent
*aws cannot app*# retroacti(e*#.
". P*ace criterion.++ 7nder Art D1>+D1@' fi(e (>) choices are
a(ai*a"*e to the testator$ (8,+DEP)
1. 8itiAenship
2. ,esidence
. Domici*e
!. E0ecution
>. Phi*ippines
?! Intrinsic @a#idity
a. 1ime.++ time of death "ec. of Art. @@@
". P*ace.++ )aw of citiAenship of decedent.
Subsection ?!&& Testamentary Capacity and Intent
/a*ane$ Testamentification activa is the capacity to (aGe a
*i##. Testamentification pasiva is the capacity to in'erit
based on a *i## .
-ho has testamentar# capacit#. A** natura* persons.
8orporations cannot ma3e wi**s. &n*# natura* human "eings
can ma3e a wi**.
Art! 7=C! A## persons *'o are not e+press#y pro'ibited
by #a* (ay (aGe a *i##!
/a*ane$ :enera* ru*e$ A** persons ha(e the testamentar# capacit#
to ma3e a wi**. E0ception$ Incapacity' when e0press*# prohi"ited
"# *aw$ (1) dis)ua#iied by reason o age (Art. @C@); (2)
dis)ua#iied by reason o (enta# inco(petence. (Art. @CD.)
Art! 7=7! Persons o eit'er se+ under eig'teen years o
age cannot (aGe a *i##!
,: 1o* do you co(pute t'e age/
A$ According to the Admin. 8ode' age is rec3oned according to
the ca*endar month.
Art! 7=8! In order to (aGe a *i## it is essentia# t'at t'e
testator be o sound (ind at t'e ti(e o its e+ecution!
/a*ane$ &oundness of mind is determined at the time of the
e0ecution of the wi**.
Art! 7==! $o be o sound (ind0 it is not necessary t'at
t'e testator be in u## possession o a## 'is reasoning
acu#ties0 or t'at 'is (ind be *'o##y unbroGen0 uni(paired0
or uns'attered by disease0 in7ury or ot'er cause! - negative
It s'a## be suicient i t'e testator *as ab#e at t'e ti(e o
(aGing t'e *i## to Gno* t'e -a. nature o t'e estate to be
disposed o0 t'e -b. proper ob7ects o 'is bounty0 and t'e -c.
c'aracter o t'e testa(entary act! -positive test)
9! Soundness o (ind!&& does not require that the testator "e in
fu** possession of reasoning capacit# or that it "e who**#
un"ro3en' unimpaired or unshattered.
?! It (eans rea#iFation o or Gno*ing:
a. 1he nature of his estate.++ Jnow what #ou own. 1his
does not mean that the testator has to 3now the description of his
propert# in detai*. It is enough that he has more or *ess a fair*#
accurate idea what his properties are. 1his depends upon the
circumstances. Sa# ,oc3efe**er. 1he idea is *ess if #ou owned
more. the more a person owns' the more he is apt to forget what
he has in detai*. If #ou thin3 #ou own A#a*a "ridge and gi(es it as
a de(ise' something is wrong w4 #ou.
". Proper o";ects of his "ount#.++ Jnow his immediate
re*ati(es. E0perience of man3ind is that #ou gi(e to peop*e who
are attached to #ou "# "*ood. Immediate re*ati(es referred to are
spouses' parents' chi*dren ' "rothers' sisters' "ut not first cousins.
6irst cousins usua**# are not 3nown especia**# if the# *i(e a"road.
1he nearer the re*ation' the more #ou shou*d 3now. 1he farther'
the *ess the *aw e0pects of #ou. If the testator cannot recogniAe
his immediate re*ati(es' then there is something wrong.
c. 8haracter of the testamentar# act.++ Jnow the essence of
ma3ing a wi**. Jnow that #ou are$ (1) ma3ing a document that
disposes (free*#' gratuitous*#) of #our propert#; (2) to ta3e effect
upon #our death.
%ote$ E(en if #ou are insane as to other things' as *ong as #ou
3now these three () things' #ou ha(e testamentar# capacit#.
<! Insanity is re#ative! It is different in marriage and in contracts.
/ut in wi**s' not 3nowing one or more of the mentioned a"o(e'
#ou are considered insane.
Art! 800! $'e #a* presu(es t'at every person is o
sound (ind0 in t'e absence o proo to t'e contrary!
$'e burden o proo t'at t'e testator *as not o sound
(ind at t'e ti(e o (aGing 'is disposition is on t'e person
*'o opposes t'e probate o t'e *i##> but i t'e testator0 one
(ont'0 or #ess0 beore (aGing 'is *i## *as pub#ic#y Gno*n to
be insane0 t'e person *'o (aintains t'e va#idity o t'e *i##
(ust prove t'at t'e testator (ade it during a #ucid interva#!
/a*ane$ 1his is the *aw on presumption of soundness of mind as
of the time of the e0ecution of the wi**.
:enera# ru#e: Presumption is for soundness of mind.++
proponent of wi** does not ha(e to pro(e the soundness of mind of
the testator. -h#. 1he #a* on evidence sa#s that #ou don9t
ha(e to pro(e$ (1) that w4c is admitted; (2) that w4c is presumed;
and () that w4c is ta3en ;udicia* notice of. Disputa"*e
presumptions ma# "e o(ercome "# proof to the contrar#. 1here
are < presu(ptions o #a*$ (1) conc#usive; (2) )uasi&
conc#usive w4c can "e o(ercome on*# "# specific proof; ()
E+ception: Insanit# is re"utta"*e presumed when$
1. Art. DBB par. 2.++ &ne month or *ess "efore the ma3ing of
the wi**' the testator was pub#ic#y Gno*n to be insane! E.g.' A'
one month "efore ma3ing of the wi** was running in the P*aAa
<iranda na3ed and shouting 2I"agsa3K2 1his is what #ou mean "#
pu"*ic*# 3nown.
2. If there had "een a 7udicia# dec#aration o insanity and
"efore such order has "een re(o3ed. (1orres (. )opeA' !D P
In these 2 cases' it is the proponent9s dut# to offer e(idence
to the contrar#' i.e.' pro(e that the ma3ing of the said wi** was
made "# the testator during a *ucid inter(a*.
3udicia# %ec#aration o Insanity Consists o:
1. A guardian appointed "# reason of insanit#. (,u*e C'
2. If the insane was 'ospita#iFed "# order of the court
In either of these cases' there is a presumption of insanit#. /ut
once the order is *ifted' the presumption ceases.
Effect$ 1. ,e"utta"*e presumption of sanit# is nu**ified or swept
2. 1here is a re"utta"*e presumption of unsoundness of
Art! 809! Supervening incapacity does not inva#idate an
eective *i##0 nor is t'e *i## o an incapab#e va#idated by t'e
supervening o capacity!
/a*ane$ 1his artic*e ma3es e0p*icit what was mentioned in Art.
DBB. 1he requirement is that sanit# shou*d e0ist on*# at the time
of e0ecution. Su"sequent insanit# does not affect the (a*idit# of
the wi** nor an in(a*id wi** "e (a*idated "# the reco(er# of the
senses of the testator.
Art! 80?! A (arried *o(an (ay (aGe a *i## *it'out t'e
consent o 'er 'usband0 and *it'out aut'ority o t'e court!
Art! 80<! A (arried *o(an (ay dispose by *i## o -a. a##
'er separate property as *e## as 'er -b. s'are o t'e con7uga#
partners'ip or abso#ute co((unity property!
Subsection <!&& Forms of Wills
/a*ane$ 5inds o 2i##s a##o*ed under t'e NCC!&& (1) ordinary
or notarial %ill w4c requires an attestation c#ause' an
acGno*#edge(ent beore a notary pub#ic; (2) olograpic %ill
w4c must "e entire#y *ritten0 dated and signed in t'e
'and*riting o t'e testator!
,: 1o* about Non-cupative 2i##s/
A$ 1he# are not a**owed "# the %88. 1his 3ind of wi** is an ora#
*i## made "# the testator in contemp*ation of death. 1his is
a**owed among <us*ims on*#.
Co((on "e)uire(ents or bot' Ginds o *i##s:
1. It must "e in *riting
2. E0ecuted in the #anguage or dia#ect 3nown to the testator.
I$ -hat 3ind of *anguage.
A$ It must "e a *anguage (a) spo3en "# a su"stantia* num"er of
persons; (") must ha(e "een reduced to writing and (c) fair*#
su"stanti(e "od# of *iterature
I$ -hat is a dia*ect
A$ A dia*ect is a (ariation of tongue.
Art! 80A! Every *i## (ust be in *riting and e+ecuted in a
#anguage or dia#ect Gno*n to t'e testator!
1. In writing "ut no specific form is required. It cou*d "e in a
(arb#e g#ass or on a *a##' so *ong as there was testamentar#
2. -ritten in a *anguage or dia*ect 3nown to the testator.
SuroFa v! 1onrado.++ 1he issue here is whether the wi**'
w4c was written in Eng*ish is (a*id. 1he S8 ru*ed that it is not.
1he testatri0 does not 3now Eng*ish' "eing an Igorot and an
i**iterate. &"(ious*#' the wi** is (oid' "ec. of non+comp*iance w4
Art. DB!. In a wi**' can #ou conc*ude that it is (oid where in the
attestation c*ause' it was stated that the wi** was read and
trans*ated to 6i*ipino. 1he *aw does not require trans#ation nor
interpretation of the *anguage to the testator "ut that he himse*f
persona**# understands the said *anguage.
I$ Is it necessar# for a wi** to state that the testator 3new the
A$ %o. E0trinsic4 testimonia* e(idence ma# pro(e this.
I$ Is direct e(idence a*wa#s necessar# to pro(e that the testator
3new the *anguage.
A$ %o. Sometimes' circumstantia* e(idence is sufficient. E.g.' a
person w4 a co**ege degree does a wi** in Eng*ish. Is it not
enough that he studied *e(e*s to pro(e that he understands
Artic#es 80D to 80=!&& Specia# "e)uire(ents or Attested
Art! 80D! Every *i##0 ot'er t'an a 'o#ograp'ic *i##0 (ust
be -a. subscribed at t'e end t'ereo by t'e testator 'i(se# or
by t'e -b. testatorIs na(e *ritten by so(e ot'er person in
'is presence0 and by 'is e+press direction0 and -c. attested
and subscribed by t'ree or (ore credib#e *itnesses in t'e
presence o t'e testator and o one anot'er!
$'e testator or t'e person re)uested by 'i( to *rite 'is
na(e and t'e instru(enta# *itnesses o t'e *i##0 s'a## a#so
sign0 as aoresaid0 eac' and every page t'ereo0 e+cept t'e
#ast0 on t'e #et (argin0 and a## t'e pages s'a## be nu(bered
corre#ative#y in #etters p#aced on t'e upper part o eac' page!
$'e attestation s'a## -9. state t'e nu(ber o pages used
upon *'ic' t'e *i## is *ritten0 and t'e -?. act t'at t'e
testator signed t'e *i## and every page t'ereo0 or caused
so(e ot'er person to *rite 'is na(e0 under 'is e+press
direction0 in t'e presence o t'e instru(enta# *itnesses0 and
t'at t'e #atter *itnessed and signed t'e *i## and a## t'e pages
t'ereo in t'e presence o t'e testator and o one anot'er!
I t'e attestation c#ause is in a #anguage not Gno*n to
t'e *itnesses0 it s'a## be interpreted to t'e(!
A. 6ourth Paragraph.++ Jnow the *anguage
1. /od# of the wi**.++ testator
2. Attestation c*ause
a. 1estator.++ %o.
". witnesses.++ %o. &n*# required to 3now the
contents thereof.
/. Discrepancies
1. Par. 1.++ %o mention that the testator signs in the
presence of witnesses and #et par. states this.
2. Par. 2.++ %o statement that the testator and the
witnesses must sign e(er# page in one another9s presence and
#et that is required to "e stated in the attestation c*ause.
. Par. .++ In case of agent' a** it requires is that the agent
signed "# his direction and not in his presence' "ut that is
required in par. 1.
8. ,equisites for an ordinar# attested wi** (notariAed wi**.).++
Purpose of requisites$ ;udgment ca** of 8ode 8ommission;
"a*ancing of 2 po*icies.++ (1) to encourage a person to ma3e a
wi**; (2) to ma3e sure that the wi** is testament of the testator to
minimiAe fraud.
9! Signed by t'e testator or 'is agent in 'is presence and by
'is e+press direction at t'e end t'ereo and in t'e presence
o t'e *itnesses!
a. Su"scri"e.++ *itera**# means 2to write one9s name.2 Sign
means 2to put a distincti(e mar32 (this is the "etter term to use.)
". Signing.++ "# writing his own name; a person ma# sign in
other wa#s
(i) 6atias v! Sa#ud.++ 1he testator signed affi0ing her
thum" mar3 on the wi**' this is "ecause he can no *onger write due
to sic3ness4 disease ca**ed erpes "oster' co*d' ph#sica* infirmit#.
Is this a sufficient signature. =es. A thum" mar3 is a sufficient
signature of the testator. In fact' it is a*wa#s and under an# and
a** circumstances a (a*id wa# to sign a wi**. ,eason$ It is *ess
posssi"*e to forge. A thum" mar3 is a*wa#s a (a*id wa# of signing
whether *iterate or i**iterate. 5owe(er' there is a*so the danger of
fa*sif#ing it "# affi0ing the thum" of a new*# dead person.
I$ -hat if the testator has no disease "ut signed in his thum"
A$ 1his wi** do "ec! t'u(b (arG is a suicient signature under
a## circu(stances.
1he contro(ers# is that what if after the testator affi0ed his
thum" mar3' another person signed on her "eha*f. Attestation
c*ause does not state this. I mean' it wou*d not appear in the
attestation c*ause. 1he S8 said that the person signing on his
"eha*f is not an agent and "esides it was a*read# signed "# the
testator affi0ing his thum" mar3 and to state this (the affi0ing of
the thum" mar3) in the attestation is a mere surp*us age.
(ii) :arcia (. de *a 8uesta.++ 1estator signed w4 a
cross. Is this (a*id. %o. 1his is so "ec. such cross is eas# to
fa*sif#. A cross cannot "e considered a signature.
:enera# ru#e$ A cross is unaccepta"*e as a signature.
E+ception$ 1hat is his norma* wa# of signing.
c. Purpose.++ to authenticate the wi**
d! 2'ere s'ou#d t'e testator sign/ At the end of the wi**.
1here are 2 3inds of ends$
(i) P'ysica# end.++ where the writing ends
(ii) Logica# end!&& that where testamentar# disposition
7sua**#' the# are the same. /ut if different' then either wi**
do. -hat if after the signature' some c*auses fo**ow. -hat is the
effect of the said c*auses to the wi**. If annu*s or ma3es the
who*e (oid "ec. of the non+comp*iance w4 Art. DB>.
e. 1estator directs another to sign his name.
(i) 6our cases$ 1estator+ A; Agent+ /
a. 2/2 is not (a*id
". 2A2 handwritten 2"# /2 t#pewritten is (a*id
c. 2A2 t#pewritten 2"# /2 handwritten is not (a*id.
d. 2A2 is (a*id
(ii) 8ases$
a. /arut (. 8a"acungan.++ ,equirements$ (1)
agent must write the name of the testator "# hand; (2) ad(isa"*e
if the agent write his name a*so.
". /a*onan (. A"e**ana.++ 1he witness signed his
name a"o(e the t#pewritten words 2por *a testadora Anac*eta
A"e**ana.2 1he S8 he*d that the testator9s name "e written "# the
agent signing in his stead in the p*ace where he wou*d ha(e
signed if he were a"*e to do so. It is required that the witness
write the testator9s name in the testator9s presence and under her
e0press direction.
(iii) 1he agent must sign where the testator9s signature
shou*d "e.
(i() Purpose of the ru*es$ to test the authenticit# of the
agenc#. It is an added safeguard to minimiAe fraud.
f. 1estator must sign in the presence of witnesses
(i) 6our cases$ 1estator.++ A; -itnesses.++ /' 8' D
a. A signs w4 / "reathing on her face. Is it signing
in the presence of the testator. =ES.
". A signs whi*e / is ta*3ing to 8. / can see A
through perip'era# vision. Is A signing in /9 s presence. =ES
c. A signs whi*e / is ta*3ing to 8 w4 /9s "ac3 to A.
Is it signing in /9s presence. =ES.
d. / goes out and stands "ehind the wa**. 5e
cannot see A. / is a*so ta*3ing to 6. Is a signing in /9s presence.
(ii) Nera v! "i(ando!&& Actua* seeing is not required.
-hat is required is that the person required to "e present must
ha(e "een a"*e to see the signing' if he wanted to do so' "#
casting his e#es in the proper direction. 5is *ine of (ision must not
"e i(peded "# a *a## or curtain . 1his is a question of fact for
the *ower court to determine. /*ind witnesses are therefore
?! Attested and subscribed by at #east t'ree credib#e
*itnesses in t'e testatorIs presence and o one anot'er!
a! ,$ 8an the testator sign first not in the witness9 presence'
then *et the witnesses sign. %o. Art. DB> requires that the
testator shou*d sign at their presence (Eda. de ,amos case.)
1here is some inconsistenc# here "ut we ha(e to fo**ow Art. DB>.
,$ 8an the (a*idit# "e affected if the witness signed ahead of the
A: %o. Pro(ided it is made in one occasion or transaction.
5owe(er' in strict theor#' it cannot "e done "ec. "efore the
testator signed there is no wi** at a** w4c the witnesses can sign
and attest to. If there is more than one transaction' then the
testator must a*wa#s sign ahead of the witnesses.
". Attestation Su"scri"ing
++(isua* act ++ manua* act
++witness ++ sign
1he three witnesses must do "oth attesting and
c. -here must witnesses sign. 1his is not c*ear.
1a"oada (. ,osa*.++ In this case' the witnesses signed at
the *eft hand margin. Petitioner contended that the# shou*d ha(e
singed at the same p*ace where the testator signed' that is' at the
"ottom of the end of the wi**. 1he S8 was *i"era*. 1he purpose of
signing at the end is to pre(ent interpo*ation. 1he o";ect of
attestation and su"scription which is for identification' was met
when the witnesses signed at the *eft hand margin of the so*e
page w4c contained a** the testamentar# dispositions. (1his
concerned a 2+page wi** w4 the first page containing a** the
dispositions and the second page the attestation and
ac3now*edgement.) 1he wi** was signed "# the witnesses at each
and e(er# page thereof.
Litera# re)uire(ent.++ witnesses must a*so sign at the end4
*ast page
In t'e case.++ as *ong as signed in the margin' &J
No*!&& under or on margin' &J.
d. 8an witnesses sign w4 thum" mar3. (1) Some sa# =es
"ec. it is on*# an act of authentication; (2) some sa# no "ec. one
requirement is that witnesses must 3now how to read and *rite
w4c imp*ies that the witness write his name.
<! $'e testator or agent (ust sign every page e+cept t'e #ast
on t'e #et (argin!
a. Purpose.++ to pre(ent the disappearance of the pages.
". 2E(er# page e0cept the *ast.2 -h# not the *ast. /ec. it
wi** a*read# "e signed at the "ottom.
c. Let 'and (argin!&& requirement was made when right
hand was not ;ustified when t#ped.
d. %ow' testator can sign an#where in the page.
(i) each page is signed and authenticated.++ mandator#
(ii) *eft margin.++ director#.
A! 2itnesses (ust sign eac' and every page0 e+cept t'e #ast0
on t'e #et (argin!
1his is the same as num"er .
2itnesses (ay sign any*'ere as #ong as t'ey sign
Icasiano v! Icasiano!&& In the wi** su"mitted for pro"ate'
one page was not signed "# one of the witnesses. Such fai*ure to
sign was due to inad(ertence since in the cop#' a** pages were
signed. 1he S8 he*d that this was not a fata* defect. 8onsidering
the circumstances' the fact that the other requirement was
comp*ied with' and the notaria* sea* coincided w4 the third page
during the sea*ing' then the wi** cou*d "e pro"ated. 7nusua*
circumstances w4c e0isted in the case$
(1) there was another cop#
(2) inad(ertence4 o(ersight
() "ecause of the notaria* sea*.
1he presence of these facts *ed the S8 to a**ow the wi**.
$'e genera# ru#e0 'o*ever0 is t'at0 t'e ai#ure to sign any
page is a ata# deect!
D! A## pages (ust be nu(bered in #etters on t'e upper part o
t'e page!
a. 6andatory.++ there must "e a method "# w4c the
sequence of the pages can "e 3nown; to pre(ent an insertion or
ta3ing out of a page.
". %irectory
(i) <anner it is num"ered+ *etters' num"ers' Ara"ic'
roman numera*s' etc.; an# conventiona# se)uence o sy(bo#s
is a##o*ed
(ii) 7pper part
C! Attestation C#ause!
a. 1hree things that must "e stated$
(i) the NU6BE" O4 PA:ES IN $1E 2ILL
(ii) the 4AC$ $1A$ $1E $ES$A$O" O" 1IS A:EN$
SI:NE% $1E 2ILL IN E@E"H PA:E $1E"EO4 IN $1E
(iii) that the INS$"U6EN$AL 2I$NESSES
". Attestation c*ause is not a part of the wi** proper "ec. if
contains no dispositions. It is mere*# essentia* for the forma*
requirements of a (a*id wi**. It is a state(ent o t'e *itnesses.
c. -here must witnesses sign. At the "ottom in order to
pre(ent additions.
Cagro v! Cagro!&& In the case' the page where the
attestation c*ause appears was signed "# the witnesses on the
side and not after the attestation c*ause. 1he S8 he*d that this
was a fata* defect. 1he *ogic is that if there had "een no signature
at the "ottom "ut on the sides' there wi** "e amp*e room for fraud'
that is' to add in the attestation c*ause upon the death of the
decedent an essentia* matter w4c was not there in the first p*ace
to (a*idate it.;

d. <ust the *anguage of the wi** "e understood or 3nown "#
the witnesses. No. Ater a##0 *itnesses need not Gno* t'e
contents o t'e *i##!
,: Is it required that the witnesses 3new the *anguage of the
attestation c*ause$
A: No! So #ong as it 'as been interpreted to t'e(!
,: <ust the testator 3now the *anguage of the attestation
A: No! 2'at is re)uired o t'e testator is to Gno* t'e
#anguage o t'e *i##! An e+press re)uire(ent o Art! 80A.
,eason for the a"o(e ru*es$ In order to minimiAe fraud. 1he
(er# purpose of Art! 80A and 80D! 1he *aw encourages not
discourages wi** ma3ing. Precise*# "ec. it wanted to encourage
wi**s. It sets up safeguards to protect the wi**.
e. 6ust t'e testator sign t'e attestation c#ause/ No!
Abangan v! Abangan!&& 1his case concerns a wi** that has
on#y ? pages. 1he first page contained the dispositions and
was signed by t'e testator and t'e *itnesses at t'e botto(.
1he second page contained the attestation c#ause on*# and was
signed "# the *itnesses at the "ottom. 6rom the case' we can
*earn 2 things$ 1he first concerns the first page. Since it was
signed "# the testator and the witnesses at the "ottom' then there
is no need for them to sign at the *eft margin. 1he second
concerns the second page. Since it was a*read# signed "# the
witnesses at the "ottom of the attestation c*ause' then there is no
need for them to sign on the margin.
I$ <ust an attested wi** "e dated.
A$ %o. )ac3 of date does not annu* an attested wi**. /ut a
'o#ograp'ic *i## (ust be dated. (Art. D1B.)

7! NotariFation!&& A wi** is a pu"*ic instrument that is wh# it must

Art! 80C! Every *i## (ust be acGno*#edged beore a
notary pub#ic by t'e testator and t'e *itnesses! $'e notary
pub#ic s'a## not be re)uired to retain a copy o t'e *i##0 or i#e
anot'er *it' t'e oice o t'e C#erG o Court!
1. CruF v! @i##asor!&& 1his case in(o*(es a wi** wherein the
notary pub#ic was a*so one of the three instru(enta#
*itnesses! Did the wi** comp*# w4 the requirement of
witnesses. %o. 1he S8 ga(e 2 reasons$ (1) 1he notar# pu"*ic
cannot "e an oat' *itness and at the same time an oat' taGer.
It is impossi"*e for him to ac3now*edge "efore himse*f; (2) the
aim of the notar# pu"*ic to insure the trustworthiness of the
instrument wou*d "e *ost "ec. he wi** tr# to insure the (a*idit# of his
own act.
:enera# ru#e: $'e notary pub#ic cannot be a *itness.
E0ception$ -hen there are more than witnesses. In such
a case' the requisite of witnesses is achie(ed.
2. :abucan v! 6anta.++ In the case' the notaria*
ac3now*edgement of the wi** *ac3ed a documentar# stamp. As
such the ;udge in the *ower court denied pro"ate. Does the
a"sence of the documentar# stamp in(a*idate the wi**. No! 1he
a"sence of the documentar# stamp does not affect the (a*idit# of
the wi**. Its only effect is to prevent it from being presented as
evidence. 1he so*ution is to "u# a documentar# stamp and attach
it to the wi**.
. 3ave##ana v! Ledes(a.++ 1he case dea*s w4 the question of
whether or not the ac3now*edgement of the wi** shou*d "e done
on the same occasion as the e0ecution of the wi**. 1he S8 said
no. 1he *aw does not require that e0ecution and
ac3now*edgement "e done on the same occasion.
Ac3now*edgement ma# "e (a*id*# done after e0ecution. In fact'
the testator and the witnesses do not ha(e to ac3now*edge
together. =ou can ac3now*edge one "# one. 1he *aw does not
require it to "e made simu*taneous*#. As *ong as the testator
maintains his testa(entary capacity and the *itnesses
maintain their *itnessing capacity unti* the *ast person
ac3now*edges' then the wi** is (a*id. 5owe(er' if the testator dies
"efore the *ast person ac3now*edges' then the wi** is not (a*id.
1he wi** is considered as "eing unac3now*edged.
!. ,uestions.
I1$ 8an a witness "e an agent who wi** sign for the
A1$ (a) =es. 1here is no prohi"ition.
(") %o. 1he testator must sign "efore witnesses. 5e
cannot sign "efore himse*f.
1o "e safe' do not *et this happen. As the *aw#er' "e sure
#ou ha(e at *east witnesses.
,?: Is t'ere any particu#ar order o signing/
A2$ (a) %o. As *ong as the signing is done on one
occasion or one continuing transaction!
(") =es. If the signing is not done on one occasion or
transaction. In such a case' there is nothing that the witness is
attesting to.

Artic#es 807 and 808 are specia# additiona# re)uire(ents
*'ic' are (andatory!
Art! 807! I t'e testator be dea0 or a dea&(ute0 'e (ust
persona##y read t'e *i##0 i ab#e to do so> ot'er*ise0 'e s'a##
designate t*o persons to read it and co((unicate to 'i(0 in
so(e practicab#e (anner0 t'e contents t'ereo!
/a*ane$ 1his pro(ision *ists down a specia* requirement if a
notaria* wi** is e0ecuted "# a deaf+mute testator.
1. 1here are two cases contemp*ated$ (1) If the testator can
read' then he must read the wi** persona**#; (2) If i##iterate' then
2 persons must read the wi** and communicate to him the
meaning of the wi** in some practica"*e manner.
2. 1he *aw is not c*ear if the 2 persons reading it to him wou*d do
it separate*# or in consonance.
. 1hese additiona* requirements are mandator# "# perfect
ana*og# to the case of :arcia v! @as)ueF!!
Art! 808! I t'e testator is b#ind0 t'e *i## s'a## be read to
'i( t*ice> once0 by one o t'e subscribing *itnesses0 and
again0 by t'e notary pub#ic beore *'o( t'e *i## is
1. If the testator is "*ind' the wi** must "e read to him twice$ (1)
"# one of the su"scri"ing witnesses; and (2) "# the notar# pu"*ic'
not necessari*# in that order.
2. a. Is the pro(ision mandator#. =es. If this is not fo**owed'
the wi** is (oid. (:arcia (. EasqueA.)
In the case' the wi** was read to the testator on*# once. 1he
S8 denied pro"ate of the wi** for fai*ing to comp*# w4 the
requirements of Art! 808. Suc' ai#ure is a or(a# deect!
". 8an this "e presumed. %o.
c. 8an this "e pro(en to ha(e "een comp*ied w4 "#
co(petent evidence/ =es. In the a"sence of w4c the wi** is
(oid. Such fact or reading must "e pro(en "# e(idence during the
pro"ate proceedings.
. Purpose$ 1he reading is mandator# for the purpose of ma3ing
3nown to the testator the pro(ision of the wi** so that he ma#
o";ect if it is not in accordance w4 his wishes.
Art! 80=! In t'e absence o bad ait'0 orgery0 or raud0 or
undue and i(proper pressure and in#uence0 deects and
i(perections in t'e or( o attestation or in t'e #anguage
used t'erein s'a## not render t'e *i## inva#id i it is proved
t'at t'e *i## *as in act e+ecuted and attested in substantia#
co(p#iance *it' a## t'e re)uire(ents o artic#e 80D! - b&iii&
/a*ane$ 1his is a *i"era*iAation ru*e' an attempt to *i"era*iAe
Artic*es DB! to DBD. Su"stantia* comp*iance w4 Artic*es DB> and
DB? wi** (a*idate the wi** despite some defects in the attestation
)oo3ing at Art. DBC' #ou get the impression of utmost
*i"era*iAation. -e can not determine how *i"era* we can "e or can
we go. 1his artic*e does not gi(e a c*ear ru*e. G/) ,e#es and
1o*entino suggest that #ou ma3e a distinction.
:uide$ If the defect is something that can "e remedied "#
the visua# e+a(ination of the wi** itse*f' *i"era*iAe. If not' then
#ou ha(e to "e strict.
I**ustration$ If in an attestation c#ause0 the num"er of pages
used was not stated' then #ou can *i"era*iAe "ec. "# e0amining
the wi** itse*f' #ou can detect the defect. 1his is "ec. the
pagination of statement in the attestation c*ause is mere*# a
dou"*e chec3.
If the attestation c*ause fai*ed to state that 2the testator
signed in the presence of witnesses'2 and this cannot "e
remedied "# visual examination of the wi**' then #ou need to "e
Suggested amendment of the *aw$ 2If such defect and
imperfections can "e supp*ied "# e0amination of the wi** itse*f and
it is pro(ed.2
Artic#es 890 to 89A!&& Provisions on Holograpic Wills!
Art! 890! A person (ay e+ecute a 'o#ograp'ic *i## *'ic'
(ust be entire#y *ritten0 dated0 and signed by t'e 'and o t'e
testator 'i(se#! It is sub7ect to no ot'er or(0 AN% 6AH BE
2I$NESSE%! -"#$.
A. Ad(antages$
1. 8heaper' simp*e' easier to re(ise' no notar# pu"*ic
2. A"so*ute secrec# is guaranteed+ on*# #ou' the father and
the mem"ers of the fami*# wi** 3now its contents.
1. Precise*# "ec. it guarantees secrec# and is simp*er' it is
a*so easier to fa*sif#++ *ess peop*e #ou need to co**ude w4++ on*#
#ourse*f' "ut in attested wi**' #ou need at *east four (!) other
2. It ma# not e0press testator9s wishes due to fau*t#
. %o protection against causes (itiating consent "ec. there
are no witnesses++ danger is higher.
!. Does not re(ea* testamentar# capacit# of testator due to
*ac3 of witnesses
>. Easier to concea* than an attested wi**.++ #ou can a**ege
that no wi** was made
?. :enera**#' danger of am"iguit# is greater than in attested
wi**s.++ "ec. testator is not a *aw#er' he ma# not understand
technica* and *ega* words. In attested wi**' the testator is assisted
"# a *aw#er.
G/) ,e#es opines that the disad(antages outweigh the
ad(antages. 5e suggested a midd*e ground' a m#stic wi**
(testamento cerrado.) It is not as strict as a notaria* wi**' "ut not
as fraught w4 ris3s as a ho*ographic wi**. 1his 3ind of wi** is sea*ed
in an en(e*ope and "rought to the notar# who puts his sea* and
signs to authenticate' and it wi** "e opened on*# upon the death of
the testator. 1his 3ind of wi** minimiAes the ris3 of fraud and
protects the pri(ac# of the testator.
/. ,ea* ,equirements.++ <A%DA1&,=.++ must "e "# the hand
of the testator himse*f.
1. 2ritten entire#y by t'e testator
E.g.' (a) If part*# "# the testator and part*# "# another
person' @OI%
(") If another person wrote an additiona* part w4o
3now*edge of the testator' the wi** is EA)ID "ut the addition is
(c) If another person wrote an additiona* part w4 the
3now*edge of the testator' E&ID.
2. Dated
a. (1) "o+as v! de 3esus!&& &n the wi**' the date was
written as 26e".4 ?1.2 Is it (a*id. =es.
:enera* ru*e$ Da#' month and #ear must "e indicated.
E0ception$ -hen there is no appearance of fraud' "ad faith'
undue inf*uence' and pressure and the authenticit# of the wi** is
esta"*ished' and the on*# issue is whether or not 26e".4?12 is
(a*id' then it shou*d "e a**owed under the P,I%8IP)E &6
S7/S1A%1IA) 8&<P)IA%8E.
8&<<E%1$ I am not happ# w4 the decision "ec. the period
co(ers one who*e month. &ne of the purposes is to 3now when it
was e0ecuted' specia**# in the cases where there are other wi**s.
E0amp*e' another wi** dated 6e". 1@4 ?1. As such' it is dangerous
to sa# that 26e".4?12 is sufficient.
(2) Labrador v! Ca!&& In this case ' the date was
indicated in the "od# of the wi** as part of the narration. Is this
(a*id. =es. It is not necessar# that the wi** "e separate from the
"od#. In fact' it can "e an#where in the wi** as *ong as the date
appears in the wi**.
". If the date is pro(en wrong' then its (a*idit# depends on
*'et'er t'e error is de#iberate or not. If de*i"erate' the wi** is
considered not dated and the wi** is (oid. If not de*i"erate' the
date wi** "e considered as the true date.
c. Date is usua**# written "# putting the da#' month' and
#ear. 5owe(er' other wa#s ma# "e adopted such as EC'rist(as
day o 9==D!E

. Signature.++ 8ommentators ha(e said that the signature
must consist of the testator9s writing his name down. 1he reason
for this is since he is a"*e to write his wi**' then he is *iterate
enough to write his name.
8. 1. Are ho*ographic wi**s in *etters a**owed. =es' pro(ided
there is an intent on the part of the testator to dispose of the
propert# in the *etters and the requisites are present.
E.g.' 2I gi(e #ou 142 of m# estate as pro(ided for in the
document I 3ept in the safe.2 1his is a ho*ographic wi** "ec. the
*etter does not in itse*f dispose of the propert#.
2. 8an a "*ind testator ma3e a ho*ographic wi**. =es.
1here is no form required. -hat is important is the presence of
the < re)uisites.
Art! 899! In t'e probate o a 'o#ograp'ic *i##0 it s'a## be
necessary t'at at #east one *itness *'o Gno*s t'e
'and*riting and signature o t'e testator e+p#icit#y dec#are
t'at t'e *i## and t'e signature are in t'e 'and*riting o t'e
testator! I t'e *i## is contested0 at #east t'ree o suc'
*itnesses s'a## be re)uired!
In t'e absence o any co(petent *itness reerred to in
t'e preceding paragrap'0 and i t'e court dee( it necessary0
e+pert testi(ony (ay be resorted to!
"e)uire(ents in t'e Probate o 1o#ograp'ic 2i##s:
1. Documentar# ,equirement
a. :enera* ru*e$ 1he wi** itse*f must "e presented
:an v! Hap!&& In the case' the proponent of the supposed
wi** sought to esta"*ish its contents through e0trinsic e(idence.
1he S8 denied such attempt to pro"ate a ho*ographic wi** that
was not presented "efore the court. 1he S8 said that the actua*
wi** shou*d "e presented to the court. 1he reason is that the wi**
itse*f is the on*# materia* proof of authenticit#. 5ow can the#
oppose the wi** if the wi** is not there.
E.g.' =ou are presented in the pro"ate court the "*ood# test
papers of A in 8i(i* )aw' ;ust to show the handwriting of A' "ut #ou
do not ha(e the wi**. 5ow wi** #ou compare when #ou do not ha(e
an# wi** to "e compared. /ut if the wi** is there' I wou*d "e the first
one to pro(e #our handwriting "# showing #our "*ood# test
papers. (/a*ane.)
E0ception$ If there is an e+isting copy or dup#icate
p'otostatic +ero+!
"ode#as v! AranFa!&& In the case' the proponent of the wi**
sought to present a cop# of the ho*ographic wi** to the court. 1he
court a**owed the production of the cop#. 1he "asis of this
acceptance is the ootnote no! 8 in t'e case o :an v! =an
where the court said that 2perhaps if a photostatic cop# is
1he merit of the ,ode*as case is dou"tfu*.. Aut'enticity o
t'e *i## is "ased on the handwriting and the signature.
5andwriting e0perts use as a "ases the pen#its o t'e *riter. In
photocopies' pen*ifts are not discerni"*e and so the e0perts are
depri(ed of their "asis in determining the authenticit# of the wi**.
b! Lost 'o#ograp'ic *i##s cannot "e pro"ated e(en "# the
testimonies of the witnesses. 1he reason is that the *i## itse# is
t'e on#y proo o its aut'enticity!
2. $esti(onia# "e)uire(ent
a. 7ncontested wi**.++ on*# one witness to identif# the
signature and handwriting of the testator.
". 8ontested wi**.++ three witnesses to identif# the signature
and handwriting of the testator.
AFao#a v! Singson!&& In the case' the oppositors of the wi**
contested the wi** on the ground that it was e0ecuted through
raud. 1he#' howe(er' admitted its due e0ecution. During the
case' the proponent presented on*# one witness to identif# the
signature and handwriting of the testator. Is one witness sufficient
considering there is an oppositor to the wi**.
Hes. 1he S8 he*d that one witness is sufficient. -hat the
*aw en(isions is that the genuineness of the handwriting and
signature "e contested. 8ontested ho*ographic wi** refers to the
cha**enge "# the oppositors that the wi** is not in the handwriting
of the deceased. 1he oppositors in this case did not cha**enge
the handwriting of the deceased. 1heir ground for opposing
pro"ate is that the wi** was e0ecuted through fraud and improper
and undue inf*uence. 5ence' the pro"ate required on*# one
1he authenticit# of the wi** is not contested. 1herefore' the
wi** itse*f' not "eing contested was that of the testator. 1he
oppositors here precise*# admit that authenticit# of the wi** "ut
oppose on the ground that there is fraud or undue inf*uence
initiated upon her in the e0ecution of the wi**. 5ence' it is
'biter dictum( 1he three witness pro(ision for contested
ho*ographic wi** is mere*# director#. 1he court upon satisf#ing
itse*f of the authenticit# of the wi** can require one or ten
witnesses. 1he ;udge 3nows "est. 1he second paragraph of Art.
D11 gi(es the court discretion' hence the director# effect of the
Art.++ (a) it is a matter of qua*it# and not quantit#; (") to require
witnesses' ma3es it worse than treason' w4c requires on*# 2
-hich is "etter. &ne who testif# "ut w4 unquestioned
credi"i*it# or 2B AESE8&< witnesses. So do not re*# on the
quantit#. 1he case of AAao*a is mere*# a guide and interprets Art.
D11 for us. It is not mandator#. It a*wa#s depends on the ;udge.
Art! 89?! In 'o#ograp'ic *i##s0 t'e dispositions o t'e
testator *ritten be#o* 'is signature (ust be dated and
signed by 'i( in order to (aGe t'e( va#id as testa(entary
/a*ane$ 1o authenticate additiona# dispositions' the same must
"e signed and dated "# the testator.
Art! 89<! 2'en a nu(ber o dispositions appearing in a
'o#ograp'ic *i## are signed *it'out being dated0 and t'e #ast
disposition 'as a signature and date0 suc' date va#idates t'e
dispositions preceding it0 *'atever be t'e ti(e o prior
/a*ane$ If a wi** has se(era* additions' the testator has two
(1) Sign each disposition and sign and date the *ast; or
(2) Sign and date each one of the additions.
Art! 89A! In case o any insertion0 cance##ation0 erasure
or a#teration in a 'o#ograp'ic *i##0 t'e testator (ust
aut'enticate t'e sa(e by 'is u## signature!
/a*ane$ Insertion0 Cance##ation0 Erasure0 or A#teration!&&
Authenticate "# 2fu** signature'2 that is' in the manner the testator
usua**# signs his name.
5a#a* v! "e#ova.++ In the case' there were 2 a*terations. In
the first a*teration' the name of ,osa as so*e heir was crossed out
and :regorio9s name was inserted. In the second a*teration' the
name of ,osa as e0ecutor was crossed out and :regorio9s name
was inserted. 1he second a*teration was initia*ed. Are the
a*terations (a*id. %o.
A*teration 1$ %ot signed' thus' not (a*id.
A*teration 2$ Initia*ed' thus' not (a*id; it must "e fu**
:regorio cannot inherit as a so*e heir "ec. it was not
authenticated. ,osa cannot inherit as so*e heir "ec. her name
was crossed out. 1his indicated a change of mind on the part of
the testator. 1he S8 he*d that a change done "# cance**ation and
putting in a new name' w4o the fu** signature' is not (a*id. As
such' the pro"ate is denied and the# "oth inherit "# intestac#.
/a*ane$ ,osa shou*d inherit as so*e heir. 1he cance**ation
was not done proper*# since it was not signed. 1he effect is as if
the cance**ation was not done. If the testator wants to change his
mind' he shou*d ref*ect it in the proper wa#.
,: 1o* do *e (aGe a c'ange in a notaria# *i##/
A$ 1here is no pro(ision of *aw dea*ing on this. 1he ordinar#
ru*es of e(idence wi** app*#. 1o pro(e change' the testator shou*d
affi0 either his signature or initia*s. 1he "est wa#' howe(er' is to
ha(e the testator and notar# pu"*ic sign.
Artic#es 89D to 897!&& %a&s &ic govern formal execution
according to te place of execution!
Art! 89D! 2'en a 4i#ipino is in a oreign country0 'e is
aut'oriFed to (aGe a *i## in any o t'e or(s estab#is'ed by
t'e #a* o t'e country in *'ic' 'e (ay be! Suc' *i## (ay be
probated in t'e P'i#ippines!
Art! 89C! $'e *i## o an a#ien *'o is abroad produces
eect in t'e P'i#ippines i (ade *it' t'e or(a#ities
prescribed by t'e #a* o t'e p#ace in *'ic' 'e resides0 or
according to t'e or(a#ities observed in 'is country0 or in
conor(ity *it' t'ose *'ic' t'is Code prescribes!
Art! 897! A *i## (ade in t'e P'i#ippines by a citiFen or
sub7ect o anot'er country0 *'ic' is e+ecuted in accordance
*it' t'e #a* o t'e country o *'ic' 'e is a citiFen or sub7ect0
and *'ic' (ig't be proved and a##o*ed by t'e #a* o 'is
o*n country0 s'a## 'ave t'e sa(e eect as i e+ecuted
according to t'e #a*s o t'e P'i#ippines!
1. 6our com"inations as to situation$
a. 6i*ipino ma3es a wi** here
". 6i*ipino ma3es a wi** a"road.
c. 6oreigner ma3es a wi** here.
d. 6oreigner ma3es a wi** a"road.
2. -hat *aw go(erns the (a*idit# of wi**.
a. Intrinsic.++ the nationa* *aw of the testator
". 1ime.++ At the time of death.
c. P*ace.++ the same for 6i*ipinos and a*iens. 1he same ru*e
where(er #ou ma3e #our wi**. =ou ha(e fi(e (>) choices++ the *aw
1. 1he testator9s citiAenship
2. 1estator9s domici*e
. P*ace of e0ecution
!. 1estator9s residence
>. Phi*ippines.
E0amp*e' an Argentine citiAen' domici*ed in 6rance' residing in
/e*gium (isiting the Phi*s. In Gapan' he e0ecuted a wi**. 5e ma#
choose among the fi(e (>) p*aces as to what *aw sha** go(ern the
forma* requirements of his wi**.
If ,u"en e0ecuted a wi** in <a3ati' he wi** ha(e to fo**ow
Phi*ippine *aw "ec. a** the choices points to that on*#.
Art! 898! $*o or (ore persons cannot (aGe a *i##
7oint#y0 or in t'e sa(e instru(ent0 eit'er or t'eir reciproca#
beneit or or t'e beneit o a t'ird person!
/a*ane$ 9! %einitions!&& (a) A ;oint wi** is one document w4c
ser(es as the wi** of 2 persons; this is prohi"ited; (") A reciproca*
wi** in(o*(es 2 instruments reciproca**# ma3ing each other heir;
this is not prohi"ited.
?! E#e(ents o a 3oint 2i##: (a) one sing*e instrument; (") it is
the wi** of 2 or more persons.
<! ,: 2'y are 3oint 2i##s Pro'ibited/
A$ (a) It encourages undue inf*uence' murder' or attempt
to 3i** the other "ec. genera**#' ;oint wi**s "enefit each other.
(") It runs counter to the idea that wi**s are re(oca"*e.
It ma3es re(ocation more difficu*t. E.g.' tearing it up++ destro#s
the wi** of another.
(c) It undermines the persona* e*ement of a wi**.++ It
"ecomes a mu*tip*e wi**.
A! E+a(p#es:
a. &ne sheet of paper. &n each side is a wi** of one person.
Is it (a*id. =es' "ec. there are 2 documents.
". &ne sheet of paper. &n the front page' on the upper ha*f
is a wi** of A. &n the "ottom ha*f is the wi** of /. Is it (a*id. =es.
1his is not a ;oint wi** "ec. there are sti** 2 documents.
!. In :erman#' ;oint wi**s are a**owed on*# if e0ecuted "# the
>. 1he presumption is that wi**s are (a*id. 1he fau*t pro"a"*# is in
the wording of the *aw. Goint wi**++ one instrument. -hat the *aw
prohi"its is not 2 wi**s on the same sheet of paper "ut ;oint wi**s.
Art! 89=! 2i##s0 pro'ibited by t'e preceding artic#e0
e+ecuted by 4i#ipinos in a oreign country s'a## not be va#id
in t'e P'i#ippines0 even t'oug' aut'oriFed by t'e #a*s o t'e
country *'ere t'ey (ay 'ave been e+ecuted!
1. 1his pro(ision is an e0ception to the ru*e enunciated in Artic*es
D1> to D1@ that for 6i*ipinos' as *ong as the wi** is (a*id in the p*ace
of e0ecution' then it is (a*id in the Phi*s.
2. 6i*ipinos' whether here or a"road' cannot e0ecute ;oint wi**s. It
is against pu"*ic po*ic#.
. 8an a*iens e0ecute ;oint wi**s.
a. If e0ecuted in the countr# where it is a**owed' =ES' it ma#
"e pro"ated here.
". If made here and their countr# a**ows them to do this.
1here are 2 (iews on this$
(i) =es' fo**ow the persona* *aw.
(ii) %o "ec. it is against pu"*ic po*ic#.
Subsection A!&& Witnesses to Wills!
Art! 8?0! Any person o sound (ind and o t'e age o
eig'teen years or (ore0 and not b#ind0 dea or du(b0 and
ab#e to read and *rite0 (ay be a *itness to t'e e+ecution o a
*i## (entioned in artic#e 80D o t'is Code!
Art! 8?9! $'e o##o*ing are %IS,UALI4IE% ro( being
*itnesses to a *i##:
-9. Any person not do(ici#ed in t'e P'i#ippines>
-?. $'ose *'o 'ave been CON@IC$E% O4
/a*ane$ Artic*es D2B and D21 ma# "e ta3en together. 1hese
pro(isions are app*ica"*e on*# to attested wi**s and not to
ho*ographic wi**s.
Si+ ,ua#iications o 2itnesses to 2i##s or "e)uisites or
Co(petence to be a 2itness:
a. $ound 'ind!-- A"i*it# to comprehend what he is doing'
same as soundness of mind for contracts.
". (t least )* yrs or over.-- 8omputed according to the
ca*endar #ear.
c. Not +lind, deaf and mute- dumb!-- 1his is important
"ec. these are the three senses #ou use for witnessing.
d. (ble to read and &rite!&& )iterate. Some commentators
sa# thum" mar3 is not sufficient for witnesses; he has to affi0 his
e. He must be domiciled in te Pilippines!
I$ If a wi** is e0ecuted a"road in a p*ace where there is no
one domici*ed in the Phi*s. a*though there are 6i*ipino citiAens not
domici*ed in the Phi*s.' does domici*e requirement sti** app*#.
A$ 1here are two answers for a** theor#
1. =es "ec. the *aw does not distinguish
2. %o' there is an imp*ied qua*ification.++ 1he ru*e
app*ies in wi**s e0ecuted in the Phi*s.
1o "e practica*' there are two so*utions$
1. =ou ha(e > choices as to w4c *aw go(erns. 8hoose
2. Gust e0ecute a ho*ographic wi**.
f. )e must not ave been convicted of falsification of
document, per!ury or false testimony.
I$ -h# not rape.
A$ /ec. chastit# has nothing to do w4 truthfu*ness.
1ruthfu*ness is the gauge.
:onFa#es v! CA!&& In the case' the oppossitor of the pro"ate
a**eged that the wi** cannot "e pro"ated "ec. the proponent was
not a"*e to pro(e that the witnesses were credi"*e. She c*aims
that Art. DB> requires that witnesses must "e credi"*e as shown in
the e(idence of record. Is the oppossitor correct. %o. 7nder the
*aw' there is no mandator# requirement that the proponent of the
wi** pro(e the credi"i*it# of the witnesses to the wi**. Such
credi"i*it# is presumed. 5owe(er' the oppossitor ma# pro(e
otherwise "# presenting e(idence. 1he S8 a*so said that
credi"i*it# is determined "# the manner the witness testifies in
court. In other words' credi"i*it# depends on how much the court
appreciates and "e*ie(es his testimon#. Socia* standing or
financia* position has nothing to do w4 a witness9 credi"i*it#.
)ast*#' the S8 said that competenc# and credi"i*it# are different.
A witness to a wi** is competent if he has a** the qua*ifications and
none of the disqua*ifications to "e a witness whi*e credi"i*it#
depends on the appreciation of the court of the testimon# of the
Art! 8??! I t'e *itnesses attesting t'e e+ecution o a
*i## are co(petent at t'e ti(e o attesting0 t'eir beco(ing
subse)uent#y inco(petent s'a## not prevent t'e a##o*ance o
t'e *i##!
/a*ane$ 8ompetenc# or capacit# to "e a witness$ (1) is
determined at the time of witnessing; (2) must ha(e the si0
qua*ifications. In effect' this is the same ru*e in testamentar#
Art! 8?<! I a person attests t'e e+ecution o a *i##0 to
*'o( or to *'ose spouse0 or parent0 or c'i#d0 a devise or
#egacy is given by suc' *i##0 suc' devise or #egacy s'a##0 so
ar on#y as concerns suc' person0 or spouse0 or parent0 or
c'i#d o suc' person0 or any one c#ai(ing under suc' person
or spouse0 or parent0 or c'i#d0 be void0 un#ess t'ere are t'ree
ot'er co(petent *itnesses to suc' *i##! 1o*ever0 suc'
person so attesting s'a## be ad(itted as a *itness as i suc'
devise or #egacy 'ad not been (ade or given!
/a*ane$ 1his is a misp*aced pro(ision. It shou*d not "e put here
"ut on the section on the disqua*ification to inherit. It does not te**
us that it incapacitates a witness. It te**s us of the incapacit# of a
witness to succeed.
:enera* ru*e$ -itness' his spouse' parent' chi*d' or person
c*aiming under an# of them cannot inherit.
E0ception$ 1here are three other witnesses to the wi**.
E.g.$ (a) 1estator A' -itnesses /' 8' D. It is presumed that the#
are a** qua*ified to "e witnesses. A' in a wi**' ma3es *egac# to /'
gi(ing him a car. Does it disqua*if# / to "e a witness. %o' it
disqua*ifies / to inherit. 1he *egac# is (oid.
(") If there were ! witnesses. 1he *egac# is gi(en to /. Is
the *egac# (a*id. =es' "ec. there are other witnesses.
(c) If there are four witnesses' each one is gi(en a de(ise or
(i) Are the# competent to "e witnesses. =es.
(ii) Are "equests to them (a*id. 1here are 2 (iews$
1. =es. /ec. for each of them' there are three
other witnesses. ()i"era* (iew.)
2. %o. /ec. this is an o"(ious circum(ention of Art.
D2. Art. D2 has for its purpose the pre(ention of co**usion.
(Strict (iew.)
Art! 8?A! A (ere c'arge on t'e estate o t'e testator or
t'e pay(ent o debts due at t'e ti(e o t'e testatorIs deat'
does not prevent 'is creditors ro( being co(petent
*itnesses to 'is *i##!
Subsection D!&& Codicils and Incorporation by .eference!
Art! 8?D! A codicil is a supp#e(ent or addition to a *i##0
(ade ater t'e e+ecution o a *i## and anne+ed to be taGen as
a part t'ereo0 by *'ic' any disposition (ade in t'e origina#
*i## is e+p#ained0 added to0 or a#tered!
E.g.' In a wi**' 2I gi(e m# car to A' Gu*# 2' 1CC>.2 /ec. I want to
specif# w4c of m# cars' I ma3e a wi** stating 2In m# wi** of Gu*# 2'
1CC>' I ga(e a car to A. I want to c*arif# that I am gi(ing him m#
/<- w4 p*ate num"er .......2
I$ -hen is a su"sequent document a codici* and when is it
another wi**.
A$ 1. It is a codici* when it e+p#ains' adds to' or a#ters a
provision in a prior *i##.
2. It is another wi** if it ma3es an independent disposition.
E.g.' Gune 1' 1CC>' 2I gi(e m# car to A.2
Gu*# 1' 1CC>' 2I gi(e m# house to /.2 1his is a second
6our Iuestions$
1. If origina* wi** is attested' can #ou ma3e an attested codici*.
2. If origina* wi** is attested' can #ou ma3e a ho*ographic codici*.
. If origina* wi** is ho*ographic' can #ou ma3e a ho*ographic
!. If the origina* wi** is ho*ographic' can #ou ma3e an attested
A$ =es to a**. 1he form of a codici* does not ha(e to conform to
the form of the wi**. A wi** does not impose its form on the codici*.
As *ong as the codici* comp*ies w4 the form of wi**s' it is (a*id. (Art.
Art! 8?C! In order t'at a codici# (ay be eective0 it s'a##
be e+ecuted as in t'e case o a *i##!
/a*ane$ -hether #ou ca** the second document a wi** or a codici*
does not rea**# matter. It is a** theoretica*. It is on*# a matter of
termino*ogies. 1he# "oth require the forma* requisites of a wi**.
Art! 8?7! I a *i##0 e+ecuted as re)uired by t'is Code0
incorporates into itse# by reerence any docu(ent or paper0
suc' docu(ent or paper s'a## not be considered a part o t'e
*i## un#ess t'e o##o*ing re)uisites are present: -E&%I&S&S.
-9. $'e docu(ent or paper reerred to in t'e *i## (ust
be in e+istence at t'e ti(e o t'e e+ecution o t'e *i##>
-?. $'e *i## (ust c#ear#y describe and identiy t'e sa(e0
stating a(ong ot'er t'ings t'e nu(ber o pages t'ereo>
-<. It (ust be identiied by c#ear and satisactory proo
as t'e docu(ent or paper reerred to t'erein> and
-A. It (ust be signed by t'e testator and t'e *itnesses
on eac' and every page0 e+cept in case o vo#u(inous booGs
o account or inventories!
I$ -hat do #ou incorporate.
A$ :enera**#' the documents that c*arif# pro(isions in the wi** to
w4c it is attached. E.g.' in(entories' s3etches' "oo3s of account
I$ 8an a document contain an# testamentar# disposition. -h#.
A$ %o. /ec. the# do not conform to the requirements of wi**s.
"e)uisites or Incorporation by "eerence: E&"&I&S
1. %ocu(ent (ust pre&e+ist t'e *i##! It must "e in
e0istence when the wi** is made.
2. 1he *i## (ust reer to t'e docu(ent' stating among
other things the num"er of pages of the document.
. 1he docu(ent (ust be identiied during t'e probate
o t'e *i## as the document referred to in the wi**
!. It must "e signed by t'e testator and t'e *itnesses on
eac' and every page' e0cept in case of (o*uminous "oo3s of
accounts or in(entories.
I$ 8an a document "e incorporated in a ho*ographic wi**
considering that the attached document must "e signed "#
witnesses and that the ho*ographic wi** has no witnesses.
A$ 1here are 2 (iews. (a) =es' witnesses referred to "# *aw
shou*d "e ta3en to mean on*# if there are witnesses to the wi**.
1here is no specification in the *aw.
(") %o. 1he fourth requisite presupposes there were
witnesses. It seems to co(er on*# attested wi**s.
Subsection C! .evocation of Wills and Testamentary
Art! 8?8! A *i## (ay be revoGed by t'e testator at any
ti(e beore 'is deat'! Any *aiver or restriction o t'is rig't
is void!
/a*ane$ &ne of the characteristics of a wi** is that it is
a(bu#atory. It is not fi0ed' it is re(oca"*e. ,e(oca"i*it# is an
essentia* requisite of a wi**. So an# wai(er or restriction of this
right is (oid. 1here are no e0ceptions to this ru*e.
I$ 8an the testator ma3e a wi** irre(oca"*e.
A$ %o. As *ong as he is a*i(e' he can re(o3e wi** at p*easure.
Distinguish this from a donation inter vivos w4c cannot "e re(o3ed
at p*easure "# the donor.
Art! 8?=! A revocation done outside t'e P'i#ippines0 by a
person *'o does not 'ave 'is do(ici#e in t'is country0 is
va#id *'en it is done according to t'e #a* o t'e p#ace *'ere
t'e *i## *as (ade0 or according to t'e #a* o t'e p#ace in
*'ic' t'e testator 'ad 'is do(ici#e at t'e ti(e> and i t'e
revocation taGes p#ace in t'is country0 *'en it is in
accordance *it' t'e provisions o t'is Code!
/a*ane$ 1his artic*e is incomp*ete. It does not co(er a** situations.
I$ 5ow do #ou re(o3e. -hat *aw go(erns re(ocation.
A$ It depends where the re(ocation is made$
1. If done outside the Phi*s$
a. If the testator is not domici*ed in the Phi*s$
-i. t'e #a* o t'e p#ace *'ere t'e *i## *as
(ii) t'e #a* o t'e p#ace *'ere t'e testator *as
do(ici#ed at t'e ti(e o t'e revocation
". If the testator is domici*ed in the Phi*s$
(i) Phi*. *aw "ec. his domici*e is here.
(ii) )aw of the p*ace of re(ocation "ec. of Art. 1@'
2. If done inside the Phi*s.' fo**ow Phi*. *aw.
Art! 8<0! No *i## s'a## be revoGed e+cept in t'e o##o*ing
cases: I&2C2&B$CO
-9. By i(p#ication o #a*> or
-?. By so(e *i##0 codici#0 or ot'er *riting e+ecuted as
provided in case o *i##s> or
-<. By burning0 tearing0 cance##ing0 or ob#iterating t'e
*i## *it' t'e intention o revoGing it0 by t'e testator 'i(se#0
or by so(e ot'er person in 'is presence0 and by 'is e+press
direction! I burned0 torn0 cance##ed0 or ob#iterated by so(e
ot'er person0 *it'out t'e e+press direction o t'e testator0
t'e *i## (ay sti## be estab#is'ed0 and t'e estate distributed in
accordance t'ere*it'0 i its contents0 and due e+ecution0 and
t'e act o its unaut'oriFed destruction0 cance##ation0 or
ob#iteration are estab#is'ed according to t'e "u#es o Court!
$'ree 2ays o "evoGing a 2i##:
9! By I(p#ication o La*!
a. Art! 90<?!&& UN2O"$1INESS $O SUCCEE%0 e.g.' I
instituted P as heiress' after which she 3i**ed m# parents. 1he wi**
instituting her as heiress is re(o3ed "# imp*ication of *aw.
". Art! =D7.++ %EALS 2; $1E %E@ISE O" LE:ACH!&&
transformation of the propert# "# the testator' e.g.' If I con(erted
to a su"di(ision the fishpond w4c I ga(e to 1 as de(ise.
c. Art! 90C!&& LE:AL SEPA"A$ION. 1he gui*t# spouse'
who ga(e the ground for *ega* separation' wi** not inherit and
an#thing gi(en to her is imp*ied*# ta3en awa# "# *aw.
d. Art! 8DA!&& P"E$E"I$ION annu*s the institution of heirs.
?! By Subse)uent Instru(ent0 2i## or Codici#:
a. ,equisites$
1. 8apacit# to re(o3e.++ Insane persons cannot re(o3e
2. ,e(o3ing instrument' wi** or codici* must "e (a*id
. ,e(o3ing instrument' wi** or codici* must contain
either a re(o3ing c*ause (e0press) or "e incompati"*e (imp*ied)
!. ,e(o3ing wi** must "e pro"ated "ec. w4o pro"ating' it
cannot ha(e the effect of re(ocation.
". Such re(ocation ma# either "e$
1. E+press.++ 8ontains an e0press re(ocator# c*ause
2. I(p#ied.++ Pro(isions of su"sequent wi** are
incompati"*e with the pro(isions of the prior wi**. It ma# either "e$
(i) tota* when a** the pro(isions are incompati"*e; (ii) partia* when
on*# some pro(isions are incompati"*e.
<! By p'ysica# %estruction!&& 1his is the most un*imited wa# of
re(ocation "ec. it co(ers an# act of ph#sica* destruction. It is not
an e0c*usi(e *ist "ut more or *ess co(ers e(er#thing
a. Corpus.++ Act of destruction++ comp*etion of intent++ a**
acts needed to re(o3e ha(e "een done
I$ <ust it "e tota* destruction.
A$ %o. As *ong as e(idence on the face of the wi** shows act
to re(o3e.
". (nimus.++ Intent and capacit# to re(o3e.
/oth e*ements must concur.
a. A "*ind testator as3ed his nurse to gi(e him his wi**. 1he
nurse ga(e him his o*d *etters. 1he testator thin3ing it is his wi**'
threw it into the fire. In this case' there is animus "ut no corpus.
,e(ocation is ineffecti(e.
". I threw m# ci(i* *aw e0ams. /ut it turned out it was m#
wi**. ,e(ocation is not (a*id. 1here is no animus or intent to
1. 5ow much destruction of the corpus do #ou need. =ou
need the ph#sica* destruction of the wi** itse*f. Does it mean tota*
destruction of the wi**' so that nothing wi** "e *eft. %o. As *ong as
there is e(idence of ph#sica* destruction' *i3e *et us sa#' edges
were "urned. If on*# the co(er was "urned' there is no
re(ocation++ no corpus. If the destruction was not tota*' there is
sti** re(ocation' as *ong as there is4 was e(idence of the
destruction of the wi**' the destruction need not "e tota*.
2. A man can not re(o3e the wi** effecti(e*# "ec. of insanit#.
. In case of tearing' there must "e intent to re(o3e. 1hat is'
the testator had comp*eted what he intended to "e done. If in the
act of tearing' the testator was dissuaded not to continue' is there
re(ocation. %o' "ec. the testator was not a"*e to do what he
intended to "e done.
E.g.' If the testator tore the wi** into 2' and when he was
a"out to tear it into quarters' the heir as3ed for his forgi(eness.
1he testator said$ 2Gust paste the wi**.2 Is there re(ocation.
%one. 1here is no animus "ec. he was not a"*e to comp*ete what
he intended to do.
!. If the testator tota**# destro#ed the wi** and he changed
his mind' is there re(ocation. =es. 1he act was a*read#
consummated. 5is remed# is to e0ecute another wi**.
6a#oto v! CA.++ In the case' the estate was distri"uted
equa**# "# intestac# "et. the ! heirs. Su"sequent*#' a wi** was
found. In the wi**' more was gi(en to 2 of the heirs. As such' the
2 who got more sought the pro"ate of the wi**. 1he other 2
o";ected c*aiming that the wi** had "een re(o3ed. 1he issue is
whether or not there had "een a (a*id re(ocation. 1he S8 he*d
no. -hi*e there ma# ha(e "een intent to re(o3e' there was no
corpus. 1here is no e(idence to show that what was re(o3ed was
the wi** of the testator. A*so' the destruction was not pro(en to
ha(e "een done in the presence and under the e0pression of the
:ago (. <amu#ac.++ -here the wi** can not "e *ocated at
the time of the death of the testator "ut was shown to ha(e "een
in the possession or contro* of the testator when *ast seen' the
presumption is that in the a"sence of competent e(idence to the
contrar#' the wi** was cance**ed or destro#ed "# the testator. 1he
rationa*e is that it is hard to pro(e the act of re(ocation of the
testator. 1he presumption is disputa"*e.
I$ In the case' what if the wi** was not seen in the
possession of the testator. -i** there "e the same presumption
of re(ocation.
A$ 1he case does not sa# so. /ut "# ana*og#' #es. 1he S8'
howe(er' had not gone this far.
Art! 8<9! Subse)uent *i##s *'ic' do not revoGe t'e
previous ones in an e+press (anner0 annu# on#y suc'
dispositions in t'e prior *i##s as are inconsistent *it' or
contrary to t'ose contained in t'e #atter *i##s!
/a*ane$ 1his is inc*uded as an e*ement in re(ocation "#
su"sequent instrument.
Art! 8<?! A revocation (ade in a subse)uent *i## s'a##
taGe eect0 even i t'e ne* *i## s'ou#d beco(e inoperative by
reason o t'e incapacity o t'e 'eirs0 devisees or #egatees
designated t'erein0 or by t'eir renunciation!
/a*ane$ :enera* ,u*e$ %octrine o Abso#ute "evocation!&&
1he re(ocation of a prior wi** "# means of a su"sequent wi** is
a"so*ute. Such re(ocation does not depend on$
1. 8apacit# of heirs' de(isees' and *egatees in the 2nd wi**;
2. &n their acceptance.
1he re(ocation wi** "e operati(e e(en the heirs' de(isees' or
*egatees named in the re(o3ing wi** are disqua*ified or the#
E.g.' -i** 1.++ 2I gi(e m# house and *ot to A.2 (1CC>)
-i** 2.++ 2I gi(e m# house to / and here"# re(o3e m#
first wi**.2 (1CC@)
Suppose' upon the testators9s death' / renounces or is
incapacitated' what is the effect. 1he institution of A is sti**
re(o3ed. 5ouse and *ot wi** go "# intestac#. 1he first wi** not "e
re(i(ed "# the reason of the inoperation of the re(o3ing wi** due to
its renunciation or the incapacit# of heirs' de(isees' or *egatees in
it. 1he rationa*e is that the second wi** was (a*id e0cept that it
was rendered inoperati(e.
E0ception$ %octrine o %ependent "e#ative "evocation!&&
,e(ocation of the first wi** is made "# the testator to "e dependent
on the capacit# and acceptance of the heirs' de(isees' and
*egatees of the su"sequent wi**. 5ow do #ou 3now. 1he testator
said so in the wi**.
E.g.' -i** 1.++ 2I gi(e m# car to A.2 (1CC>)
-i** 2.++ 2I gi(e m# car to /. Such *egac# is dependent
upon the capacit# and acceptance of /.2 (1CC@)
1he institution of / is conditiona*.
Primar# institution++ /; Secondar# institution++ A.
Art! 8<<! A revocation o a *i## based on a a#se cause or
an i##ega# cause is NULL AN% @OI%!
/a*ane$ Is this artic*e (io*ati(e of the right to re(o3e' e(en without
reason. %o. 1he testator need not ha(e a reason to re(o3e his
wi**. 5e ma# re(o3e it capricious#y or *'i(sica##y at p*easure.
/ut if the re(ocation is due to mista3e or is "ased on some cause
and such cause was *ater pro(en to "e fa*se' then the re(ocation
is (oid "ec. a** transactions "ased on mista3e are (itiated' that is'
#ou are acting on a fa*se cause of facts. 1he cause' howe(er'
must "e stated in the wi**. 1his shows respect for the freedom of
the testator to re(o3e' that his rea* intent "e fo**owed.
E.g.' a. Based on act (3ind of dependent re*ati(e
re(ocation "ec. he wou*d re(o3e on*# if his information is true.)++ I
instituted 8 as m# heir. )ater' I heard that it was 8 who 3i**ed m#
"rother in Da(ao. So' I re(o3ed m# wi**. /ut it turned out that 8
did not do it. ,e(ocation therefore is (oid.
". Based on i(pression!&& I gi(e m# car to / who is
from <ani*a. I re(o3e m# designation of / "ec. I ha(e ;ust found
out that she is from IueAon and I hate peop*e from IueAon "ec.
the# are arrogant and o"no0ious. Is the re(ocation (a*id. =es.
/ec. the re(ocation is "ased on impression or is out of caprice'
pre;udice' or unfounded ethnic opinion.
E#e(ents or "evocation to be Inoperative: -C&4&N
a. 8ause must "e a concrete and a actua# one ;
". 8ause must "e a#se;
c. $estator (ust not Gno* o its a#sity;
d. It appears on the face of the wi** that the testator is re(o3ing
"ec. of the a#se cause .
Art! 8<A! $'e recognition o an i##egiti(ate c'i#d does
not #ose its #ega# eect0 even t'oug' t'e *i## *'erein it *as
(ade s'ou#d be revoGed!
/a*ane$ 1his pro(ision is particu*ar*# true under the %88 "efore
the enactment of the 68. &ne of the modes of recognition was "#
a wi**.
E(en if the wi** is re(o3ed' recognition is (a*id.
,ecognition is irre(oca"*e. -h#. /ec. it is not a
testamentar# act "ut an act w4c under the *aw admits a
re*ationship of paternit#.
1he same ru*e is sti** app*ica"*e under the 68.
Subsection 7!&& .epublication and .evival of Wills!!
Art! 8<D! $'e testator cannot repub#is'0 *it'out
reproducing in a subse)uent *i##0 t'e dispositions contained
in a previous one *'ic' is void as to its or(!
Art! 8<C! $'e e+ecution o a codici# reerring to a
previous *i## 'as t'e eect o repub#is'ing t'e *i## as
(odiied by t'e codici#!
/a*ane$ Art. D> is deri(ed from Argentine 8ode. If #ou want to
re(i(e a wi** w4c is (oid as to its form' #ou must repu"*ish the wi**
and ;ust cannot refer to it. E0amp*e' Attested wi** w4 ;ust 2
witnesses. =ou disco(ered the mista3e *ater on. =ou cannot ;ust
repu"*ish it. =ou ha(e to write it a** o(er again.
&n the other hand' Art. D? is deri(ed from the 8a*ifornia
code. 1he mere reference to a pre(ious wi** wi** re(i(e it
,esu*t of the two artic*es$ 8haosK
5ow to reconci*e. )oo3 at 1o*entino.
Art. D> e0p*icit*# refers to wi**s (oid as to form. 8ause of the
nu**it# is the defect in the form. =ou must reproduce the
dispositions in a su"sequent wi**.
Art. D? app*ies if the reason of nu**it# is other than defecti(e
form' e.g.' 7nderage testator' fraud' under duress. =ou ma#
repu"*ish or refer to the wi**. E.g.' 2I here"# repu"*ish and re(i(e
m# wi** of &ct. 1>' 1CC>...2 Said repu"*ication was made after the
disco(er# of the reason of the nu**it#.
Art! 8<7! I ater (aGing a *i##0 t'e testator (aGes a
second *i## e+press#y revoGing t'e irst0 t'e revocation o t'e
second *i## does not revive t'e irst *i##0 *'ic' can be
revived on#y by anot'er *i## or codici#!
A. 1his pro(ision is craA#KKK
Situation$ F ma3es a wi** in 1CC (-i** 1)
F ma3es a wi** in 1CC! e0press*# re(o3ing wi** 1.
(-i** 2.)
F ma3es a wi** in 1CC> re(o3ing wi** 2. (-i** .)
,e(ocation Instanter-- instant*#
-i** 1 is not re(i(ed "ec. its re(ocation was instant
E+ception$ 1. -i** e0press*# re(i(es -i** 1.
2. wi** reproduces pro(isions of -i** 1.
-h# craA#. /ec. this is contrar# to esta"*ished princip*es in
Succession Princip*e Art. D@
1. -i** ta3es effect upon death. 1. :i(es the wi** 2
effects ante mortem' e(en if the
testator is sti** a*i(e. It
ma3es the wi** operati(e e(en if the
testator is a*i(e.
2. ,e(oca"i*it# of wi**s. 2. <a3es it irre(oca"*e.
/. App*ies on*# when re(ocation of wi** 1 "# wi** 2 is e0press.
/# contrar# imp*ication' if re(ocation of wi** 1 "# wi** 2 is
imp*ied' then re(ocation of wi** 2 "# wi** wi** re(i(e wi** 1 e0cept if
wi** is incompati"*e w4 wi** 1. In such cases' Art. D@ does not
Subsection 8!&& (llo&ance and #isallo&ance of Wills!
Art! 8<8! No *i## s'a## pass eit'er rea# or persona#
property un#ess it is proved and a##o*ed in accordance *it'
t'e "u#es o Court!
$'e testator 'i(se# (ay0 during 'is #ieti(e0 petition t'e
court 'aving 7urisdiction or t'e a##o*ance o 'is *i##! In
suc' case0 t'e pertinent provisions o t'e "u#es o Court or
t'e a##o*ance o *i##s ater t'e testatorIs deat' s'a## govern!
$'e Supre(e Court s'a## or(u#ate suc' additiona#
"u#es o Court as (ay be necessary or t'e a##o*ance o
*i##s on petition o t'e testator!
Sub7ect to t'e rig't o appea#0 t'e a##o*ance o t'e *i##0
eit'er during t'e #ieti(e o t'e testator or ater 'is deat'0
s'a## be conc#usive as to its due e+ecution!
/a*ane$ Pro"ate is mandator#.
1here are 2 3inds of pro"ate$ (a) ante-mortem at the
instance of the testator; (") post-mortem at the instance of an#
interested part#.
Effect$ It is su";ect to appea* "ut once fina*' it "ecomes
conc#usive or res /udicata as to its due e0ecution and
testamentar# capacit# of the testator (e0trinsic (a*idit#.)
Advantages o (nte-mortem Probate:
1. It eases the mind of the testator
2. 1here is opportunit# to change
. =ou can pro(e the capacit# of the testator
%isadvantage o (nte-mortem Probate!&& otios++ superf*uous'
futi*e. -h#. /ec. the testator can easi*# ma3e a su"sequent wi**
re(o3ing it. So un*ess the testator is (er# sure' it might "e
use*ess to ha(e an ante-mortem pro"ate.
1he issue in pro"ate is the e+trinsic or or(a# va#idity o t'e
:enera* ru*e$ Intrinsic or su"stanti(e (a*idit# is not in issue.
E+ception: $'ere is an intrinsic deect on t'e ace o t'e
Nepo(oceno v! CA!&& In the case' the testator *eft his
entire estate to his *ega* wife and chi*dren "ut de(ised the free
portion to his common+*aw wife. -hen the common+*aw wife
sought the pro"ate of the wi**' the 8A dec*ared the wi** (a*id' "ut
he*d the de(ise to the common+*aw wife nu** and (oid for "eing
contrar# to Art. @C of the %88. In effect' the court ru*ed on the
intrinsic (a*idit# of the wi** in the pro"ate proceedings. -as the
ho*ding of the 8A correct. 1he S8 he*d that it was correct.
A*though the genera* ru*e is that on*# e0trinsic (a*idit# cou*d "e at
issue during the pro"ate' this ru*e is not a"so*ute. :iven
e+ceptiona# circu(stances' the pro"ate court ma# do what the
situation constrains it to do "# passing upon certain pro(isions of
the wi**. 8*ear*#' the de(ise for the common+*aw wife was (oid.
1he 8A had the authorit# to ru*e on such nu**it#. It wou*d "e
practica* for the court to ru*e on such an o"(ious matter.
Ot'er*ise0 t'e probate (ig't beco(e an id#e cere(ony i on
its ace it appears to be intrinsica##y void!
:ALLANOSA @! A"CAN:EL& Pro"ate are proceedings in
rem and are mandator#. If the pro"ate is a**owed' it "ecomes
conc*usi(e as to its e0trinsic (a*idit# which pro(ides that$
1. 1he testator was of sound (ind when he e0ecuted the
2. 1he testator was not acting under duress or raud++ his
consent *as not vitiated
. 1he *i## *as e+ecuted in accordance *; t'e
or(a#ities re)uired by #a*
!. 1he wi** is genuine and not a orgery
I$ -hat if after the pro"ate court "ecomes fina* a person was
charged w4 forger# of the wi**' can he can he "e con(icted.
A: No0 t'e probate is conc#usive as to t'e *i##Is genuineness
even against t'e state!
%E LA CE"NA @! "EBECA&PO$O$!&& 1his case in(o*(es a
7oint *i## e0ecuted "# a hus"and and a wife. 1he hus"and died
"efore the wife and the wi** was pro"ated. %ow' the wife died and
the testamentar# heirs sought the pro"ate of the wi**. -i** the wi**
"e pro"ated. %o. 1he S8 he*d that the first pro"ate was (a*id
on*# as to the share of the hus"and. 5owe(er' such ear*ier
pro"ate cannot "e app*ied for the share of the wife "ec. she was
sti** *i(ing at the time the first pro"ate was made. As such' there is
no res !udicata as to the share of the wife. As to the wife' since it
is against a ;oint wi**' then it is (oid and her propert# wi** pass "#
Art! 8<=! $'e *i## s'a## be disa##o*ed in any o t'e
o##o*ing cases: N&I6&4I$U&4&6
-9. I t'e or(a#ities re)uired by #a* 'ave not been
co(p#ied *it'>
-?. I t'e testator *as insane0 or ot'er*ise (enta##y
incapab#e o (aGing a *i##0 at t'e ti(e o its e+ecution>
-<. I it *as e+ecuted t'roug' orce or under duress0 or
t'e in#uence o ear0 or t'reats>
-A. I it *as procured by undue and i(proper pressure
and in#uence0 on t'e part o t'e beneiciary or o so(e ot'er
-D. I t'e signature o t'e testator *as procured by
-C. I t'e testator acted by (istaGe or did not intend t'at
t'e instru(ent 'e signed s'ou#d be 'is *i## at t'e ti(e o
ai+ing 'is signature t'ereto!
/a*ane$ 1his enumeration is e0c*usi(e. 1he# either ma3e the wi**
(oid or (a*id. $'ere is no suc' t'ing as a voidab#e *i##! 4&I&4%&
1. 6orma*ities.++ Art. DB> et seq.
2. Insanit#.++ Art. @CC
. 6orce.++ (io*ence++ Art. 1> par. 1
Duress++ intimidation++ Art. 1> par. 2
!. 7ndue and Improper pressure and inf*uence.++ Art. 1@
>. 6raud.++ Art. 1D
?. <ista3e.++ Art. 11
Section ?!&& Institution of Heir!
Art! 8A0! Institution o 'eir is an act by virtue o *'ic' a
testator designates in 'is *i## t'e person or persons *'o are
to succeed 'i( in 'is property and trans(issib#e rig'ts and
/a*ane$ 1he ru*es on institution of heir a*so app*# to de(isees and
Art! 8A9! A *i## s'a## be va#id even t'oug' it s'ou#d
contain an institution o an 'eir0 or suc' institution s'ou#d
not co(prise t'e entire estate0 and even t'oug' t'e person
so instituted s'ou#d not accept t'e in'eritance or s'ou#d be
incapacitated to succeed!
In suc' cases t'e testa(entary dispositions (ade in
accordance *it' #a* s'a## be co(p#ied *it' and t'e
re(ainder o t'e estate s'a## pass to t'e #ega# 'eirs!
/a*ane$ 1. E(en if there is no institution of an heir' the wi** is
(a*id' "ut it is use*ess un*ess it ac3now*edges an i**egitimate chi*d
or disinherits a compu*sor# heir.
2. If the institution does not co(er the entire estate' the e0cess
sha** either go to the compu*sor# heirs or "# intestac#. (<i0ed
. 5ow much can the testator dispose of from his estate. 5e can
dispose a**' e0cept when there are compu*sor# heirs. In such a
case' he can on*# dispose of the free portion.
!. :enera* ru*e$ If the wi** does not institute an heir' it need not
"e pro"ated.
E0ception$ E(en if it does not institute an heir' if an# of the
fo**owing are present$
a. 2'en t'e *i## recogniFes an i##egiti(ate c'i#d>
". 2'en it disin'erits a co(pu#sory 'eir>
c. 2'en it instituted an e+ecutor!
>. If the instituted heir shou*d repudiate or "e incapacitated to
inherit' then *ega* succession ta3es p*ace.
Art! 8A?! One *'o 'as no co(pu#sory 'eirs (ay
dispose by *i## o a## 'is estate or any part o it in avor o
any person aving capacity to succeed!
One *'o 'as co(pu#sory 'eirs (ay dispose o 'is
estate provided 'e does not contravene t'e provisions o
t'is Code *it' regard to t'e legitime o said 'eirs!
F ++++++++ spouse
4 L M
A / 8
F has a spouse and chi*dren.
8hi*dren get 142 of the estateM
+++++++ )egitimes
Spouse gets 14? of the estate4
Art! 8A<! $'e testator s'a## designate t'e 'eir by 'is
na(e and surna(e0 and *'en t'ere are t*o persons 'aving
t'e sa(e na(es0 'e s'a## indicate so(e circu(stance by
*'ic' t'e instituted 'eir (ay be Gno*n!
Even t'oug' t'e testator (ay 'ave o(itted t'e na(e o
t'e 'eir0 s'ou#d 'e designate 'i( in suc' (anner t'at t'ere
can be no doubt as to *'o 'as been instituted0 t'e institution
s'a## be va#id!
/a*ane$ :enera* ru*e$ An heir must "e designated "# name and
surname. 1his a*so app*ies to de(isees and *egatees.
If there are 2 or more peop*e ha(ing the same name and
surname' the testator must indicate some identif#ing mar3 or
circumstance to which he ma# "e 3nown' otherwise there ma# "e
a *atent am"iguit#.
E.g.' I institute m# cousin A. /ut I ha(e cousins "# the
name of A. 7n*ess I gi(e an identif#ing mar3 or circumstance as
to w4c cousin A I refer to' there wi** "e a #atent a(biguity!
E0ception$ E(en w4o gi(ing the name' the identit# of the heir
can "e ascertained w4 sufficient certaint# or c*arit#' e.g. the
present Dean of the 7P 8o**ege of )aw' m# o*dest "rother.
-hat is important is that the identit# of the heir be *no%n
and not necessari*# his name.

Art! 8AA! An error in t'e na(e0 surna(e0 or
circu(stances o t'e 'eir s'a## not vitiate t'e institution
*'en it is possib#e0 in any ot'er (anner0 to Gno* *it'
certainty t'e person instituted!
I a(ong persons 'aving t'e sa(e na(es and
surna(es0 t'ere is a si(i#arity o circu(stances in suc' a
*ay t'at0 even *it' t'e use o ot'er proo0 t'e person
instituted cannot be identiied0 none o t'e( s'a## be an 'eir!
/a*ane$ 1. Paragraph 1.++ E(en though there ma# "e an error in
the name of the heir' the error is immateria* if his identit# can "e
3nown in an# other manner.
2. Paragraph 2.++ See the ru*es on *atent am"iguit#.
6irst$ 7se e0trinsic e(idence e0cept the ora* dec*arations of
the testator as to his intentions to cure the am"iguit#.
Second$ If am"iguit# sti** e0ists' none of them wi** inherit.
Art! 8AD! Every disposition in avor o an unGno*n
person s'a## be void0 un#ess by so(e event or circu(stance
'is identity beco(es certain! 1o*ever0 a disposition in avor
o a deinite c#ass or group o persons s'a## be va#id!
/a*ane$ 1. 8an the testator gi(e his entire free portion to a
person he does not persona**# 3now. =es.
1he 2un3nown person2 referred to in this artic*e refers to one
who cannot "e identified and not to one whom the testator does
not persona**# 3now. 1he "asis of the nu**it# is the ina"i*it# to
determine the intention of the testator.
E.g.' 21o someone who cares.2 ++ Eoid.
21o someone w4 ten e#es.2 ++ Eoid' this refers to
someone who does not e0ist.
1his designation is (a*id if the identit# is not 3nown at the
time of ma3ing the wi** "ut can "e 3nown in the future "#
circumstances. 5ow. /# esta"*ishing certain criteria at the
proper time' e.g.' 6irst 6i*ipino who wins a go*d meda* in the
2. 8*ass designation is (a*id' c*ass in 8i(i* )aw ,e(iew' 7P
8o**ege of )aw' 1CC>+1CC?.
<ass institution$ see Artic*es @D?' D!D ("rothers and
sisters)' D!C (designation of a person and his chi*dren) C>C
(re*ati(es)' 1B2C (pra#ers and pious wor3s for the "enefit of his
sou*)' and 1BB (poor.)

Art! 8AC! 1eirs instituted *it'out designation o s'ares
s'a## in'erit in e)ua# parts!
/a*ane$ 1his is a presu(ption o e)ua#ity. 1his supports the
under*#ing princip*e of this chapter w4c is respect for the wishes of
the testator.
Art! 8A7! 2'en t'e testator institutes so(e 'eirs
individua##y and ot'ers co##ective#y as *'en 'e says0 EI
designate as (y 'eirs A and B0 and t'e c'i#dren o C0E t'ose
co##ective#y designated s'a## be considered as individua##y
instituted0 un#ess it c#ear#y appears t'at t'e intention o t'e
testator *as ot'er*ise!
/a*ane$ Pro"*em$ 1he testator pro(ides 2I gi(e 14 of m# estate
to A' / and 8.2 8 is a c*ass of peop*e. 5ow do #ou di(ide the
A$ It is not to "e interpreted as 14 to A' / and c*ass 8.
,ather' the 14 of the estate shou*d "e di(ided equa**# among A'
/ and the mem"ers of c*ass 8. -h#. /ec. the presumption is
that the mem"ers of 8 were individua##y designated.
/ut if the testator sa#s 2I gi(e 14 of m# estate to A' / and
c*ass 8 as a unit' then 14 wi** "e di(ided equa**# among A' / and
c*ass 8.
Art! 8A8! I t'e testator s'ou#d institute 'is brot'ers and
sisters0 and 'e 'as so(e o u## b#ood and ot'ers o 'a#
b#ood0 t'e in'eritance s'a## be distributed e)ua##y0 un#ess a
dierent intention appears!
/a*ane$ 6u** "*ood means same parents; ha*f "*ood means on*#
one parent is the same.
:enera* ru*e$ /rothers and sisters' whether fu** or ha*f "*ood'
inherit in equa* shares.
E0ceptions$ (a) If the testator pro(ides otherwise in the
(") If the# inherit "# intestac#. ,atio is 2$1 in fa(or
of fu** "*ood "rothers and sisters. (Art. 1BB?.)

Art! 8A=! 2'en t'e testator ca##s to t'e succession a
person and 'is c'i#dren0 t'ey are a## dee(ed to 'ave been
instituted si(u#taneous#y and not successive#y!
/a*ane$ 1his artic*e is a species of Art. D!@.
Successi(e*# refers to fideicommisary.
Art! 8D0! $'e state(ent o a a#se cause or t'e
institution o an 'eir s'a## be considered as not *ritten0
un#ess it appears ro( t'e *i## t'at t'e testator *ou#d not
'ave (ade suc' institution i 'e 'ad Gno*n t'e a#sity o
suc' cause!
/a*ane$ :enera* ru*e$ E(en if the cause if fa*se' institution is
effecti(e. -h#. /ec. cause of the institution is the *i"era*it# of
the testator and not the cause stated.
I$ 2A is the ta**est in the c*ass. I gi(e him 142 of m# estate.2
If A is not the ta**est' is the institution ineffecti(e.
A$ %o. 6o**ow the genera* ru*e "ec. the rea* cause was not
the height "ut the *i"era*it# of the testator.
Austria v! "eyes!&& In the case' the oppossitor sought to
nu**if# the institution of the adopted chi*dren as heirs "ec. it was
found out that the adoption did not comp*# w4 the *aw. 1he S8
he*d that the institution was (a*id. 6or it to "e in(a*id' and "e an
e0ception to the genera* ru*e' requisites must concur$
1. Cause or t'e institution (ust be stated in t'e *i##;
2. Cause (ust be s'o*n to be a#se;
. It (ust appear on t'e ace o t'e *i## t'at t'e testator
*ou#d not 'ave (ade suc' institution i 'e 'ad Gno*n t'e
a#sity o t'e cause.
1he wishes of the testator must "e respected.
In the case' the third requisite was a"sent. As such' the
e0ception was not app*ica"*e and the genera* ru*e wou*d app*#.
If there is dou"t as to whether there is a (a*id institution "ec.
of the fa*se cause' reso*(e it in fa(or of (a*idit#.
Art! 8D9! I t'e testator 'as instituted on#y one 'eir0 and
t'e institution is #i(ited to an a#i)uot part o t'e in'eritance0
#ega# succession taGes p#ace *it' respect to t'e re(ainder o
t'e estate!
$'e sa(e ru#e app#ies0 i t'e testator 'as instituted
severa# 'eirs eac' being #i(ited to an a#i)uot part0 and a## t'e
parts do not cover t'e *'o#e in'eritance!
/a*ane$ 1he princip*e enunciated here has a*read# "een pro(ided
in Art. D!1.
Assuming in par. 1
a. 1he testator has no compu*sor# heirs ++ part of the who*e
estate not disposed of "# wi** goes "# intestac#.
E.g.' %o compu*sor# heirs and the testator sa#s 2I gi(e 14 of
m# estate to F.2 14 wi** go to F and the 24 wi** go "# intestac#.
". 1estator has compu*sor# heirs++ part of the free portion
not disposed of "# wi** goes "# intestac#.
E.g.' 1wo *egitimate chi*dren and testator sa#s 2I gi(e 14! of
m# estate to F.2 142 wi** go to the 2 chi*dren' 14! wi** go to F' and
14! wi** go "# intestac#.
1he same app*ies when a (acanc# occurs.
Art! 8D?! I it *as t'e intention o t'e testator t'at t'e
instituted 'eirs s'ou#d beco(e so#e 'eirs to t'e *'o#e
estate0 or t'e *'o#e ree portion0 as t'e case (ay be0 and
eac' o t'e( 'as been instituted to an a#i)uot part o t'e
in'eritance and t'eir a#i)uot parts toget'er do not cover t'e
*'o#e in'eritance0 or t'e *'o#e ree portion0 eac' part s'a##
be increased proportiona##y!
/a*ane$ 1his artic*e spea3s of the testator9s intention to gi(e the
entire free portion' or the entire inheritance' as the case ma# "e'
"ut he made a mista3e in the addition of the different proportions.
1. Se(era* heirs;
2. Indicates his intention to gi(e his entire estate to this heirs
a. If no compu*sor# heirs' who*e estate
". If w4 compu*sor# heirs' who*e free portion
. Indicates portions he wants to gi(e to each
!. 1ota* of portions is *ess than who*e estate or free portion' as
the case ma# "e.
E.g.' 1estator has no compu*sor# heirs. 5e indicates in the wi**
that his intention to gi(e his entire estate to his heirs. 5e gi(es
14! to A' 14? to /' 14 to 8. 1he estate is worth P12B'BBB.
/ 2B'BBB
8 !B'BBB
-hat do #ou do with the remaining PB'BBB.
1. :et the *east common denominator++ 12
AN 412' /N 2412' 8N !412
2. :et the ratio of the shares w4 each other.
A () $ / (2) $ 8 (!) + O 2 O ! N C
. <u*tip*# the remainder "# the share of each heir w4
respect to the ratio in num"er 2.
6or A' 4C 0 B'BBB N 1B'BBB
6or /' 24C 0 B'BBB N ?'???.?@
6or 8' !4C 0 B'BBB N 1'.
!. Add the resu*t to what the# origina**# recei(ed and the
sum wi** "e their comp*ete inheritance.
6or A' B'BBB O 1B'BBB N !B'BBB
6or /' 2B'BBB O ?'???.?@ N 2?'???.?@
6or 8' !B'BBB O 1'. N >'.
>. Add #our figures in num"er ! to ma3e sure that it equa*s
to the (a*ue of the entire estate. (1o ma3e sure that #ou did not
ma3e a mista3e.)
!B'BBB O 2?'???'?@ O >'. N 12B'BBB
%ote$ ?. If #ou want to get the inheritance of each right awa#'
mu*tip*# the ratio in num"er with the (a*ue of the who*e estate.
6or A' 4C 0 12B'BBB N !B'BBB
6or /' 24C 0 12B'BBB N 2?'???.?@
6or 8' !4C 0 12B'BBB N >'.
=ou get the same resu*ts "ut faster.
Art! 8D<! I eac' o t'e instituted 'eirs 'as been given
an a#i)uot part o t'e in'eritance0 and t'e parts toget'er
e+ceed t'e *'o#e in'eritance0 or t'e *'o#e ree portion0 as
t'e case (ay be0 eac' part s'a## be reduced proportiona##y!
/a*ane$ 1he same princip*e as in Art. D>2' on*# this time #ou
1 to ++ same as those in Art. D>2
!. 1ota* of portion e0ceeds the who*e estate' or who*e free
portion' as the case ma# "e
E.g.' same as a"o(e e0cept that A gets 142' / gets 14' and
8 gets 14!.
1he (a*ue of the estate is PB'BBB.
A 1>'BBB
/ 1B'BBB
8 @'>BB
-hat do #ou do w4 the e0cess of P2'>BB.
1. :et the )8D' 12
A N ?412' / N !412' 8 N 412
2. :et the ratio of the shares with each other
A (?) $ / (!) $ 8 () + ? O ! O N 1
. <u*tip*# the e0cess "# the share of each heir in the ratio
in num"er 2.
6or A' ?41 0 2'>BB N 1'1>.D!
6or /' !41 0 2'>BB N @?C.2
6or 8' 41 0 2'>BB N >@?.C
!. Su"tract the resu*ts in num"er from what each heir was
to recei(e initia**#.
6or A' 1>'BBB + 1'1>.D! N 1'D!?.1?
6or /' 1B'BBB + @?C.2 N C'2B.@@
6or 8' @'>BB + >@?.C N ?'C2.B@
>. Add the figures in num"er ! to ma3e sure it equa*s to the
(a*ue of the who*e estate.
1'D!?.1? O C'2B.@@ O ?'C2.B@ N B'BBB
%ote$ ?. If #ou want to get the inheritance of each right awa#'
mu*tip*# the ration in num"er "# the (a*ue of the estate.
6or A' ?41 0 B'BBB N 1'D!?.1?
6or /' !41 0 B'BBB N C'2B.@@
6or 8' 41 0 B'BBB N ?'C2.B@
I$ If the testator ma3es wi**s.
-i** 1++ 2I gi(e !BP of m# estate to A.2
-i** 2++ 2I gi(e !BP of m# estate to /.2
-i** ++ 2I gi(e !BP of m# estate to 8.2
5ow wi** the estate "# di(ided. 1here are two answers.
1. 14 wi** go to each. App*# Art. D>.
2. 8 gets !BP' / gets BP' and A gets BP. Assume the
third wi** is incompati"*e to the first 2.
Art! 8DA! $'e preterition or O6ISSION O4 ONE0 SO6E0
*'et'er #iving at t'e ti(e o t'e e+ecution o t'e *i## or born
ater t'e deat' o t'e testator0 s'a## annu# t'e institution o
'eir> but t'e devisees and #egacies s'a## be va#id insoar as
t'ey are not inoicious!
I t'e o(itted co(pu#sory 'eirs s'ou#d die beore t'e
testator0 t'e institution s'a## be eectua#0 *it'out pre7udice
to t'e rig't to representation!
A. 8*arification$
1. 2-hether *i(ing at the time of the e0ecution of the wi** or
"orn after the death of the testator.2 1his does not co(er a** the
possi"i*ities. -hat a"out those "orn after the e0ecution of the wi**
"ut "efore the death of the testator. Art. D>! a*so co(ers them'
;ust an o(ersight.
2. E0tends protection on*# to 2compu*sor# heirs in the direct
*ine.2 Is this redundant. Aren9t compu*sor# heirs in the direct
*ine. %o. Spouses are compu*sor# heirs not in the direct *ine.
So what is the remed# of the wife who has "een omitted.
%e(and 'er #egiti(e.
8ompu*sor# heirs in the direct *ine co(er on*# ascendants
and descendants!
/. Preterition.-+ 2praeter2 means 2to go "e#ond2 ++ not enough
to 3now the meaning.
1. -ho is a person preterited.
<anresa.++ 28omp*ete omission from the wi**2 ++
-rongK -h#. It presupposes that if mentioned in the wi**' then
the heir is not preterited. 5owe(er' whether #ou are mentioned in
the wi** or not has no effect on the preterition.
(1) I ha(e a son' A. 1he wi** states 2I gi(e 142 to
/.2 A is not preterited "ec. he gets the other ha*f.
(2) I ha(e a son' A. 1he wi** states 2I gi(e 14 to /
and 14 to 8.2 A is not preterited "ec. he gets the other
14. 5is *egitime' howe(er' is impaired.
() I ha(e a son' A. 1he wi** states 2I gi(e 142 to
/' 142 to /' and to A' a** m# *o(e.2 A' e(en if mentioned
in the wi**' was preterited.
Preterition occurs if the heir receives not'ing from the
inheritance "# wa# of testamentar# disposition' de(ise' *egac#'
intestac#' or donation inter vivos.
2. Situations
a. 5eir is mentioned "ut nothing is *eft to him++ 1eir is
preterited i 'e receives not'ing by intestacy!
". 5eir is instituted in the wi** "ut the part she is
instituted in is #ess t'an 'er #egiti(e.++ $'ere is no preterition!
"eyes v! Barreto&%atu.++ In the case' )ucia recei(ed a part
of the estate through a ;udicia**# appro(ed pro;ect of partition w4c
was "ased on the wi** of her father. 5owe(er' it was found out
*ater on that he Sa*ud was not rea**# the chi*d of her parents. As
such' )ucia sought to annu* the institution of Sa*ud as heir
c*aiming that she was preterited. 1he S8 he*d that she was not
preterited "e. she had recei(ed a part of the estate. 1here is no
preterition if the heir is gi(en testamentar# disposition' e(en if it "e
*ess than her *egitime. 1he remed# of the heir is for the
comp*etion of her *egitime pursuant to Art! =0C!
. Definition of preterition.-+ Preterition happens when the
compu*sor# heirs in the direct *ine are tota**# omitted from the
inheritance' that is the heir got nothing "# wa# of testa(entarry
disposition0 donation0 #egacy0 devise or intestacy!
8. -ho can "e preterited.
1. )egitimate chi*dren++ =es.
2. I**egitimate chi*dren++ =es. 1he *aw ma3es no distinction.
. Parents' whether *egitimate or i**egitimate.++ =es.
Nuguid v! Nuguid!&& In the case' ,osa died ha(ing ?
"rothers and sisters and her parents. 5owe(er' she instituted one
of her sisters as her uni(ersa* heir. 1he parents opposed the
pro"ate c*aiming the# were preterited. 1he S8 he*d that the
parents were preterited. As such' the institution of the sister as
uni(ersa* heir is (oid. 1he estate wi** "e distri"uted "# intestac#.
1he S8 further stated that ;ust "ec. #ou are an heir' "ut not a
compu*sor# heir' it does not mean that #ou wi** recei(e an#thing.
If compu*sor# heirs in the direct *ine are preterited' and the free
portion had a*read# "een de(ised to other peop*e' the annu*ment
of the institution of heir wi** in effect a nu** #our institution. A*so'
when the *aw sa#s de(ise or *egac#' this is used in its ordinar#
sense. 1he c*aim of the sister that her institution as a uni(ersa*
heir is equi(a*ent to a de(ise is untena"*e. If such were accepted'
it wou*d render Art. D>! use*ess.
!. :randparents.++ =es.
>. Spouse.++ %o.
?. Adopted chi*d.++ =es.
Acain (. Acain.++ In the case' Acain *eft his estate to his
"rothers' comp*ete*# omitting his wife and *ega**# adopted
daughter. As such' the two opposed the pro"ate of the wi**
c*aiming the# were preterited. 1he S8 he*d that the adopted chi*d
was preterited "ut not the wife. A wife is not a compu*sor# heir in
the direct *ine so she cannot "e preterited. -ith respect to the
adopted chi*d' it is different. Under Art! <= o P% C0<' adoption
gi(es to the adopted person the same rights and duties as if he
were a *egitimate chi*d of the adopter and ma3es the adopted
person a *ega* heir of the adopter. 1he S8 further stated that
since there were no de(ises or *egacies' and a compu*sor# heir
was preterited' the effect is' as if nothing was written in the wi**.
1he who*e estate wi** "e distri"uted "# intestac#.
D. Effect of preterition.-+ 2Annu# t'e institution o 'eir "ut
devises and legacies sall be valid insofar as tey are not
inofficious.2 ++ A"rogate' set aside' e*iminate' cance*.
1. Effect of preterition (of parents) when there are no
de(ises or *egacies (%uguid case)++ who*e wi** is considered
2. If there are de(ises or *egacies.++ Set aside on*# the
institution of heirs "ut not the institution of de(isees and *egatees.
If the de(ise and *egac# e0ceed the free portion' decrease the
de(ise and *egac#.
So*ano (. 8A.++ 1his case made a wrong decision. It made
the effect of preterition the reduction of the share of the instituted
heir rather than annu**ing the who*e institution of heir.
Acain (. IA8.++ 1his case restored the correct interpretation
*aid down in %uguid that preterition annu*s the institution of heirs.
E.g.' 1estator has son' A. 5is wi** states 2I gi(e 142 of m#
estate to A and PBB'BBB to %.2 1he estate is worth P?BB'BBB.
5ow much wi** each get. % gets BB'BBB. A gets the other
BB'BBB. < gets nothing.
E. 8riticism
1. -h# not e0tend the app*ication to the wife.
2. -h# distinguish "etween heir and de(isee and *egatee.
%&1E$ 1his is the on*# case where it is important to 3now the
distinction "etween heir' on the one hand' and de(isee and
*egatee on the other.
Art! 8DD! $'e s'are o a c'i#d or descendant o(itted in a
*i## (ust irst be taGen ro( t'e part o t'e estate not
disposed o by t'e *i##0 i any> i t'at is not suicient0 so
(uc' as (ay be necessary (ust be taGen proportiona##y
ro( t'e s'ares o t'e ot'er co(pu#sory 'eirs!
/a*ane$ 1his is not a case of preterition. 1his is a case of
comp*etion of *egitime.
1. Is this right *imited or restricted to a chi*d or descendant. %o.
It a*so app*ies to heirs simi*ar*# situated.
a. spouse
". parents
c. ascendants.
2. Does this app*# to preterition.
a. =es.++ According to the 8ode 8ommission. 1heir intent
was to ma3e Art. D>> app*# to preterition.
". %o.++ If #ou ana*#Ae the pro(ision' it does not refer to
preterition. It app*ies when something is *eft to an heir "ut is *ess
than his *egitime.
(i) Incomp*ete *egitime.++ 2ta3en from part not disposed
of "# wi**2 ++ heir wi** recei(e something "# intestac# ++ no
(ii) Preterition.-+ If the who*e estate is disposed of.++
:o to Art. D>!.
. 1wo errors
a. -h# is it *imited on*# to chi*d or descendant. 1his
(artic*e) shou*d "e app*ica"*e to an# compu*sor# heir whose
*egitime is impaired or who recei(es *ess than his *egitime. (1he
*atter) ma# institute an action to comp*ete his *egitime.
". -here do #ou get the share to comp*ete.
1. Eacant portion (undisposed)
2. If (acant portion is not enough++ 2compu*sor# heirs.2
++ -,&%:. =ou do not reduce the shares of compu*sor# heirs
"ut the shares of testamentar# heirs. If the compu*sor# heir gets
more than his *egitime' the e0cess can "e reduced. -h#. As to
the e0cess' he is considered a testamentar# heir.
I**ustration$ A has chi*dren' F' = and Q. 5is wi** states 2I
gi(e F' 14 of m# estate' A' 1412 of m# estate' and /' 142. 1he
estate is worth ?BB'BBB.
F N 14 N 2BB'BBB + e0cess 1BB'BBB
Q N 1412 N >B'BBB + *ac3s >B'BBB
/ N 142 N BB'BBB
= N B N B + *ac3s 1BB'BBB
)egitime + BB'BBB4 N 1BB'BBB each.
)ac3s 1>B'BBB (Q O =)
1. Is = preterited. %o. 1here is >B'BBB that he wi** get "#
intestac#. = can demand comp*etion of his *egitime under Art.
D>>. 5e can get >B'BBB from the undisposed portion. 5e ;ust
*ac3s >B'BBB. -here do #ou get the deficienc#.
a. If we fo**ow Art. D>>' get from the compu*sor# heirs.
In other words' get from F and Q proportionate*#. 1he resu*t is
that Q wi** comp*ain "ec. now his *egitime wou*d "e incomp*ete.
". :et the deficienc# proportiona**# from testamentar#
heirs. -h#. 1he# are not entit*ed to an# share if it impairs the
*egitime of the compu*sor# heirs.
1ota* *ac3 of *egitimes ++ 1>B'BBB.
1. :et the >B'BBB undisposed of ++ )ac3ing on*# 1BB'BBB.
2. :et proportiona**# from the shares of testamentar# heirs.
1estamentar# heirs$ F N 1BB'BBB + 2>'BBB
/ N BB'BBB + @>'BBB
Art! 8DC! A vo#untary 'eir *'o dies beore t'e testator
$"ANS6I$S NO$1IN: to 'is 'eirs!
A co(pu#sory 'eir *'o dies beore t'e testator0 a
person incapacitated to succeed0 and one *'o renounces
t'e in'eritance0 s'a## trans(it no rig't to 'is o*n 'eirs
e+cept in cases e+press#y provided or in t'is Code!
Jind of 5eir Predecease Incapacit#
8ompu*sor# 1% 1% 1%
,ep. ,ep. %o
Eo*untar# 1% 1% 1%
,ep. %o ,ep. %o
Intestate 1% 1% 1%
,ep. ,ep. %o ,ep.
)egend$ 1%++ 1ransmits %othing
,ep.++ 1here is ,epresentation
%o rep.++ 1here is no representation.
1. 1here is no transmission of an# right from an heir to his own
heirs for an# of the three cases (P' I and ,.) 1here is no
2. 6or (o*untar#' there is no representation' no matter what the
reason for disqua*ification is
. 6or renunciation' there is no representation' no matter what
3ind of heir.
Section <!&& $ubstitution of Heirs!
Art! 8D7! Substitution is t'e appoint(ent o anot'er 'eir
so t'at 'e (ay enter into t'e in'eritance in deau#t o t'e 'eir
origina##y instituted!
1. 2In defau*t.2 ++ fai*ure to inherit "ecause of$ (a) predecease'
(") renunciation or (c) incapacit#.
a. Is it a comp*ete definition. %o. It is incomp*ete "ec.
defau*t co(ers or defines on*# simp*e su"stitution and not
fideicommissary su"stitution.
". 8omp*ete definition.++ Su"stitution is the appointment of
another heir so that he ma# enter into the inheritance either in
defau*t of the heir origina**# instituted or after.
$imple.++ Second heir enters after the defau*t of the first
Fideicommissary.-+ Second heir enters after the first.
2. /asis for su"stitution.++ It co(ers the free portion on*#.
/ec. it is possi"*e that the testator ma# ha(e a second
preference. In re*ation to the first heir instituted' the first is
preferred o(er the su"stitute. /ut in defau*t or after the first' the
testator wou*d rather that the inheritance go to the su"stitute than
"# intestac#.
A**owing su"stitution is gi(ing respect to the first and second
preference of the testator.
1he power to ma3e su"stitution is "ased on the power to
ma3e testamentar# dispositions. 1his is rea**# a condition
imposed on the institution of heirs.
E.g.' A has sons whom he does not want to get the free portion.
5e wants to gi(e it to /. /ut / ma# die "efore A. After /' A
prefers 8 to get it. As "et. 8 and his chi*dren' A wou*d rather that
8 get it. As such' 8 is appointed "# the testator as /9s su"stitute.
Art! 8D8! Substitution o 'eirs (ay be: S&BC&"&4
-9. Si(p#e or co((on>
-?. Brie or co(pendious>
-<. "eciproca#> or
-A. Fideicommissary!
A. Jinds of Su"stitution$
1. Simp*e or common (Art. D>C.)
2. +ideicommissary. (Art. D?.)
/. -h# did we ear*ier define su"stitution w4 on*# 2 3inds. /ec.
there are on*# 2 3inds. /rief and reciproca* are ;ust (ariations and
not 3inds of su"stitutions. =ou cannot ha(e a pure*# reciproca*
su"stitution. A** su"stitutions are either simp*e or
8. In the &88' there were two others$
1. ,!emplar.++ A su"stitution a father was a**owed to ma3e
"ec. his son was insane. 1his was a 3ind of fideicommissary.
2. Popular.++ A su"stitution a father made in "eha*f of a
chi*d who died "efore he reaches 1D.
Art! 8D=! $'e testator (ay designate one or (ore
persons to substitute t'e 'eir or 'eirs instituted in case suc'
'eir or 'eirs s'ou#d die beore 'i(0 or s'ou#d not *is'0 or
s'ou#d be incapacitated to accept t'e in'eritance!
A si(p#e substitution0 *it'out a state(ent o t'e cases
to *'ic' it reers0 s'a## co(prise t'e t'ree (entioned in t'e
preceding paragrap'0 un#ess t'e testator 'as ot'er*ise
/a*ane$ Simp*e Su"stitution.
1. 8auses4 grounds for the second heir to inherit in p*ace of the
a. Predecease of the first heir
". ,enunciation of the first heir
c. Incapacit# of the first heir
2. 1wo wa#s of ma3ing a simp*e su"stitution$
a. Enumerate a** the cases.
E.g.' 2I institute A' in case A predeceases me' or renounces'
or is incapacitated to succeed' then / wi** su"stitute him.2
". /# ;ust ca**ing it.
E.g.' 2I institute A' and "# wa# of simp*e su"stitution' I
institute / as su"stitute.2 In such a case' a** the three causes of
su"stitution wi** app*# un*ess the testator pro(ides otherwise.
%ote$ 1he testator ma# *imit the operation of the causes. 5e
can ;ust mention what he wants to app*#' e.g.' 2I institute A' and if
he predeceases me' then / wi** su"stitute him.2 In such a case' /
wi** on*# su"stitute A if A dies "efore the testator.
5owe(er' if the cause is not co(ered "# the causes gi(en in
this artic*e' then the estate wi** pass "# intestac#.
Art! 8C0! $*o or (ore persons (ay be substituted or
one> and one person or t*o or (ore 'eirs!
1. /rief or 8ompendious.++ &ne su"stitutes for two or more heirs
or two or more su"stitutes for one heir' e.g.' 2I institute A to 14D of
m# estate and as his su"stitute "# wa# of simp*e su"stitution' I
designate F and =.2
2. 1his is ;ust a (ariation of either simp*e or fideicommissary.
E.g.' simp*e++ *oo3 at the e0amp*e a"o(e.
+ideicommissary-- 2I institute A to 142 of m# estate and
impose upon him the o"*igation to preser(e and transmit the
propert# upon his death to F and =.2
. Strict*# or technica**# spea3ing' "rief and compendious are not
the same. /rief++ 2 or more for one heir; compendious ++ one for
two or more heirs.
%ote' howe(er' the# are s#non#mous and ma# "e used
!. Pro"*em$ 2I institute A' / and 8 to 14 each of m# estate and
in case the# a** die "efore me' I institute D as su"stitute "# wa# of
simp*e su"stitution.2 If A and / predecease the testator' wi** D get
their shares. %o. 1he su"stitution wi** ta3e effect on*# upon the
death of a** the three. 5owe(er' if what the wi** stated was 2an#
or... a** die "efore me'2 then D wi** get A and /9s shares.
Art! 8C9! I 'eirs instituted in une)ua# s'ares s'ou#d be
reciproca##y substituted0 t'e substitute s'a## ac)uire t'e
s'are o t'e 'eir *'o dies0 renounces0 or is incapacitated0
un#ess it c#ear#y appears t'at t'e intention o t'e testator *as
ot'er*ise! I t'ere are (ore t'an one substitute0 t'ey s'a##
'ave t'e sa(e s'are in t'e substitution as in t'e institution!
/a*ane$ ,eciproca* su"stitution. 1he heirs are su"stituted for
each other "ased on either simp*e or fideicommissary
su"stitution. If "oth are disqua*ified' then no su"stitution wi** ta3e
p*ace and the estate wi** pass "# intestac#.
E0amp*e of second sentence$ 2I institute A to 14' / to 14?'
and 8 to 142 of m# estate and "# wa# of simp*e su"stitution' I
institute them as su"stitutes of one another.2 If 8 predeceases
the testator' how wi** his share "e di(ided if the estate is worth
A N 14 N P2B'BBB
/ N 14? N 1B'BBB
8 N 142 N B'BBB
5ow wi** the B'BBB "e di(ided "etween A and /.
1. :et the )8D of the remaining heirs. In the e0amp*e' it is
2. :et the ratio "et. the remaining heirs and the sum of the
A N 24?' / N 14?. 1he ratio "etween A and / is 2 $ 1. 1he
sum of the ratios is .
. 1wo wa#s$
a. Di(ide the B'BBB "# the sum of the ratios () and
mu*tip*# the resu*t "# the ratio "et. them of each heir.
B'BBB4 N 1B'BBB. A N 2 0 1B'BBB N 2B'BBB
/ N 1 0 1B'BBB N 1B'BBB
". <u*tip*# B'BBB "# the ratio of each heir with respect
to the tota* ratio.
A N 24 0 B'BBB N 2B'BBB; / N 14 0 B'BBB N 1B'BBB
!. Add the resu*t in num"er to what the# initia**# recei(ed.
%ote$ If #ou want another wa# to compute$
1. :et the )8D "etween A and /. In this case ?.
A N 24?' / N 14?
2. :et the ratio "etween A and /. In this case' 2 $ 1' A N
24' / N 14
. <u*tip*# the origina* share of 8 "# the ratio in 2.
A N 24 0 142 N 24?' / N 14 0 142 N 14?
!. Add the resu*t in num"er to their origina* shares.
A N 24? O 24? N !4?' / N 14? O 14? N 24?
>. <u*tip*# the resu*t in num"er ! "# the (a*ue of the estate.
A N !4? 0 ?B'BBB N !B'BBB; / N 24? 0 ?B'BBB N 2B'BBB.
Art! 8C?! $'e substitute s'a## be sub7ect to t'e sa(e
c'arges and conditions i(posed upon t'e instituted 'eir0
un#ess t'e testator 'as e+press#y provided t'e contrary0 or
t'e c'arges or conditions are persona##y app#icab#e to t'e
'eir instituted!
/a*ane$ In su"stitution' the 2nd heir ta3es the p*ace of the first
heir. A 3ind of su"rogation.
As such' the genera* ru*e is$ 1he second is su";ect to the same
charges and conditions as the first heir.
E0ceptions$ 1. 1estator has e0press*# pro(ided the
2. 8harges and o"*igations are persona**#
app*ica"*e to the first heir.
1he artic*e does not on*# co(er charges and conditions "ut
a*so the rights of the first heir' su";ect to the same e0ceptions.
Art! 8C<! A fideicommissary substitution by virtue o
*'ic' t'e iduciary or irst 'eir instituted is entrusted *it'
t'e ob#igation to preserve and to trans(it to a second 'eir
t'e *'o#e or part o t'e in'eritance0 s'a## be va#id and s'a##
taGe eect0 provided suc' substitution does not go beyond
one degree ro( t'e 'eir origina##y instituted0 and provided0
urt'er0 t'at t'e iduciary or irst 'eir and t'e second 'eir are
#iving at t'e ti(e o t'e deat' o t'e testator!
/a*ane$ 4OU" ELE6EN$S O4 A FI#"IC0''I$$(.1
9! $'ere (ust be a irst 'eir or iduciary!
6or the su"stitution to operate' the first heir recei(es
propert#' either upon the death of the testator or upon the
fu*fi**ment of an# suspensi(e condition imposed "# the wi**. As
distinguished from a simp*e su"stitution where the second heir
recei(es propert# on*# upon defau*t of the first heir. 6irst heir
does not recei(e the propert#.
?! An abso#ute ob#igation is i(posed upon t'e iduciary to
preserve and to trans(it to a second 'eir t'e property at a
given ti(e!
a. Essence of a fideicommissary su"stitution++ dua*
". 2:i(en time.2++ Pro(ided "# the testator; if not' then it is
understood that the period is the *ifetime of the fudiciar#.
P8I/ (. Esco*in.++ In the case' the spouses e0ecuted
reciproca* wi**s. It pro(ided that the share in the con;uga* assets
wi** pass to the sur(i(ing spouse and that the sur(i(ing spouse
can do whate(er he or she wants with the inheritance' e(en se** it'
and if there is an# residue from the inheritance from the other
spouse upon the death of the sur(i(ing spouse' it sha** pass to the
"rothers and sisters of the spouse who first died. 1he wife died
first. 1he hus"and did not *iquidate the con;uga* assets "ec. he
was the so*e heir of his wife. 7pon the hus"and9s death' it is now
questioned whether there is an# residue from the wife9s estate
that cou*d pass to her "rothers and sisters. P8I/' (and the)
administratri0 of the hus"and c*aims that$ (1) 1here was no
fideicommissary su"stitution "ec. there was no o"*igation upon
the hus"and to preser(e and transmit the prop. to the "rothers
and sisters of the wife as seen in his authorit# to se** the propert#'
and (2) since there was an in(a*id attempt to ma3e a su"stitution'
then the testamentar# disposition is (oid and there can "e no
transmission of rights to the "rothers and sisters. 1he S8 agreed
w4 contention no. 1 on the same ground. 1he second requisite
was a"sent and there cou*d "e no ficeicommissary su"stitution.
-ith regard to the second contention' the S8 disagreed. 1he S8
said there was a simu*taneous su"stitution. 1he institution of the
hus"and was su";ect to a reso*utor# condition whi*e the institution
of the "rothers and sisters was su";ect to a suspensi(e condition.
/oth conditions are one and the same. It is the e0istence in the
hus"and9s estate of assets he recei(ed from his wife at the time of
his death. If there is' the hus"and9s right to the residue is
e0tinguished upon his death whi*e the right of the "rothers and
sisters (ests at the same time.
d. Scae(o*a.++ 8haracteriAed the situation as a *egac# or
de(ise of the residue.
<! $'ere is a second 'eir *'o (ust be one degree ro( t'e
irst 'eir!
a. 2&ne generation.2 Does it refer to the degree of
re*ationship or num"er of su"stitution. It refers to the degree of
re*ationship. See Pa*acios (. ,amireA.
5owe(er' fideicommissary su"stitutions are a*so *imited to
one transmission. 7pon the *apse of time for the first heir' he
transmits the propert# to the second heir. 1he# cannot "e an#
more fideicommissary su"stitution coming from the same testator.
In other words' there can on*# "e one fideicommissary
transmission such that after the first' there can "e no second
fideicommissary su"stitution.
Pa*acios (. ,amireA.++ In the case' 24 of the usufruct of the
free portion was gi(en to -anda' w4 2 other persons not re*ated to
her as her su"stitutes "# wa# of simp*e and fideicommissary
su"stitution. 5er grandnephews o";ect on the ground that there
cou*d "e no fideicommissary su"stitution "ec. the su"stitutes
were not w4in one degree of each other. 1he S8 agreed w4 the
nephews. It said' quoting 1o*entino' that one degree refers to one
generation. As such' the fideicommissary can on*# "e either a
parent or c'i#d o t'e iduciary!
A! $'e irst and second 'eir (ust bot' be #iving and )ua#iied
at t'e ti(e o t'e deat' o t'e testator!
a. 6rom the moment of the death of the testator' the rights
of the first and second heir are (ested. (*oo3 at Art. D??.)
". %ature of right of first heir.++ Simi*ar to usufruct.++
Possessor# and en;o#ment rights w4o right to a*ienate.
If fiduciar# is a"*e to register the propert# in his name'
fideicommissary shou*d annotate his c*aim on the *and on the tit*e
to protect himse*f against an# a*ienations in fa(or of innocent third
Ba#ane disagrees *; $o#entino that there can "e no successi(e
fideicommissaries or se(era* transmissions. If this is a**owed'
chaos wi** resu*t if the fideicommissaries die. =ou wi** not 3now
who wi** get the propert# and that the propert# ma# "e tied up for
Art! 8CA! A fideicommissary substitution can never
burden t'e #egiti(e!
/a*ane$ In fact' no testamentar# disposition can "urden the
*egitime "ec. *egitime is transmitted "# operation of *aw upon the
death of the testator.
Art! 8CD! Every fideicommissary substitution (ust be
e+press#y (ade in order t'at it (ay be va#id!
$'e iduciary s'a## be ob#iged to de#iver t'e in'eritance
to t'e second 'eir0 *it'out ot'er deductions t'an t'ose
*'ic' arise ro( #egiti(ate e+penses0 credits and
i(prove(ents0 save in t'e case *'ere t'e testator 'as
provided ot'er*ise!
/a*ane$ 1here are 2 wa#s of ma3ing a fideicommissary
1. /# naming it.++ 2I institute A to 142 of m# estate' and "#
wa# of fideicommissary su"stitution' I institute / as his
2. /# imposing upon the fiduciar# the o"*igation to preser(e
and transmit.++ 2I institute A to 142 of m# estate and impose upon
him the o"*igation to preser(e and to transmit the same to / upon
his return.2
Art! 8CC! $'e second 'eir s'a## ac)uire a rig't to t'e suc&
cession ro( t'e ti(e o t'e testatorIs deat'0 even t'oug' 'e
s'ou#d die beore t'e iduciary! $'e rig't o t'e second 'eir
s'a## pass to 'is 'eirs!
/a*ane$ 1his re*ates to the fourth requisite of fideicommissary.
At the time of the testator9s death' right of the first and
second heir "ecome (ested.
Art! 8C7! $'e o##o*ing s'a## not taGe eect:
-9. Fideicommissary substitutions *'ic' are not (ade
in an e+press (anner0 eit'er by giving t'e( t'is na(e0 or
i(posing upon t'e iduciary t'e abso#ute ob#igation to
de#iver t'e property to a second 'eir>
-?. Provisions *'ic' contain a perpetua# pro'ibition to
a#ienate0 and even a te(porary one0 beyond t'e #i(it i+ed in
artic#e 8C<>
-<. $'ose *'ic' i(pose upon t'e 'eir t'e c'arge o
paying to various persons successive#y0 beyond t'e #i(it
prescribed in artic#e 8C<0 a certain inco(e or pension>
-A. $'ose *'ic' #eave to a person t'e *'o#e or part o
t'e 'ereditary property in order t'at 'e (ay app#y or invest
t'e sa(e according to secret instructions co((unicated to
'i( by t'e testator!
/a*ane$ "easons *'y t'ey *i## not taGe eect:
1. ,e*ate to Art. D?>' par. 1. It wi** not ta3e effect as a
fideicommissary su"stitution "ut ma# ta3e effect as something
2. 1his is not a fideicommissary "ut a prohi"ited institution.
a. Perpetua* prohi"ition wi** freeAe the propert# w4c is
against pu"*ic po*ic#.
". 1emporar# prohi"ition is a**owed "ut cannot go "e#ond
the *imit in Art. D?++ *imit is the death of the fiduciar#. 8annot
prohi"it a*ienation "e#ond the death of the fiduciar#. -hen the
propert# goes to the second heir' there is no more prohi"ition.
8ommentators sa# that it refers to Art. D@B rather than Art.
D?. 1he# contend that the *imit is 2B #rs. In such a case' the
contention is (a*id if #ou do not ma3e it app*ica"*e to su"stitutions.
I$ If #ou prohi"it for B #rs.' what wi** happen.
A$ 1here are 2 answers.
1. 1he who*e period is (oid.
2. &n*# the first 2B #ears is (a*id. (/a*ane agrees w4 this.)
. Attempt to circum(ent one degree *imitation of
fideicommissary su"stitution.
E.g.' 2I gi(e 14 of m# estate to F and impose upon him the
o"*igation to gi(e a P>'BBB pension to A and in A9s death' to A9s
son.2 1his is a**owed. /ut if this is e0tended to the son of the son
of A' then it won9t "e a**owed. 1he first and second recipient must
"e w4in one degree. /ut it cannot e0tend "e#ond the second
!. Dumm# pro(ision. 1his is usua**# used as a means to
circum(ent some prohi"ition of *aw.
E0amp*e' Prohi"ition of gi(ing to paramour
A has a paramour F. A gets / as a dumm#. /ecause of the
prohi"ition of gi(ing to a paramour' the# agree "etween
themse*(es that A wi** *ea(e to / a de(ise and from its profits /
wi** gi(e F. So A pretends to name / as heir. /ut in rea*it#' such
institution is for the "enefit of F.
a. In such a case' the institution wi** not "enefit F. E(en if F
shows a written agreement "et. A and /' it cannot "e enforced
"ec. it is contrar# to *aw.
". As regards /' he can 3eep the inheritance e(en if he
dou"*e+crosses A. A instituted / at his own ris3 that he ma# "e
dou"*e+crossed "# /. 1oo "ad for F.
Art! 8C8! $'e nu##ity o t'e fideicommissary substitution
does not pre7udice t'e va#idity o t'e institutions o t'e 'eirs
irst designated> t'e fideicommissary c#ause s'a## si(p#y be
considered as not *ritten!
/a*ane$ 1he nu**it# of the fideicommissary su"stitution wi** not
affect (a*idit# of institution of the first heir.
E.g.' 2I here"# institute A to 14 of m# estate under o"*igation
to preser(e and to transmit the same to / upon his death.2
a. If institution of / is in(a*id' what wi** happen to the
institution of A. Ea*id. Institution of A is (a*id w4o su"stitution.
". If the institution of A is in(a*id' what wi** happen to the
institution of /. 1he *aw does not pro(ide. 1hin3 a"out it.
Art! 8C=! A provision *'ereby t'e testator #eaves to a
person t'e *'o#e or part o t'e in'eritance0 and to anot'er
t'e usuruct0 s'a## be va#id! I 'e gives t'e usuruct to various
persons0 not si(u#taneous#y0 but successive#y0 t'e
provisions o artic#e 8C< s'a## app#y!
/a*ane$ 1his is simi*ar to Art. D?@' par.
E0amp*e' 2I gi(e to A na3ed ownership' and to / the usufruct
and upon /9s death' to his son 8.2 1his is (a*id. -4in the *imit of
Art. D?. If it goes to the son of the son of /' then it is in(a*id.
%ote$ Gust as there can "e a su"stitution w4 regard to the
usufruct' there can a*so "e a su"stitution w4 regard to the na3ed
Art! 870! $'e dispositions o t'e testator dec#aring a## or
part o t'e estate ina#ienab#e or (ore t'an t*enty years are
/a*ane$ 1his has nothing to do w4 su"stitution. It refers to simp*e
institution of heir' de(isee or *egatee.
I$ 8an it go "e#ond 2B #rs.
A$ 1here are 2 answers.
1. %o. 1he who*e period is (oid.
2. %o. /ut (a*id on*# for the first 2B #ears.
Section A!&& Conditional Testamentary #ispositions
and Testamentary #ispositions Wit a Term
Artic*es D@1+D@> ta*3 of three things$ $esta(entary dispositions
*it' a&&
9! Condition
2. $er(++ certain as to time or certain as to occurrence
. 6ode
a. Simi*arit# "etween condition and term.++ /oth refer to a
future e(ent.
Difference "etween condition and term.++ A condition is
uncertain> a ter( is certain!
". <ode is not inc*uded in the tit*e of the section .++ An
c. ,ationa*e for right to ma3e either of the three$
1. ,ight stems from the right of freedom to dispose of
his propert# mortis causa. If he can dispose of his propert#
mortis causa' then he can certain*# impose either a condition'
term or mode.
2. Same princip*e as su"stitution
Simp*e su"stitution++ specia* 3ind of condition
+ideicommissary-- Institution su";ect to some
d. 1he arrangement of this Section is disorganiAed. 1o
1. :enera* Pro(isions++ app*ies to a** three++ Artic*es
D@1 and D@2.
2. 8ondition.++ Artic*es D@ to D@@' D@C to DD1' DD'
par. 2' DD!
. 1erm.++ Artic*es D@D' DD>
!. <ode.++ Artic*es DD2' DD par. 1
9! :enera# Provisions!
Art! 879! $'e institution o an 'eir (ay be (ade
conditiona##y0 or or a certain purpose or cause!
/a*ane$ 1his gi(es the testator the right to ma3e these
dispositions. 1he artic*e did not inc*ude an institution with a term.
1his is an o(ersight.
Art! 87?! $'e testator cannot i(pose any c'arge0
condition or substitution *'atsoever upon t'e #egiti(es
prescribed in t'is Code! S'ou#d 'e do so0 t'e sa(e s'a## be
considered as not i(posed!
/a*ane$ :enera* *imitation$ 1he testator cannot impair the
*egitime. -h#. /ec. the testamentar# disposition is "ased on the
power to dispose mortis causa. Legiti(es0 on t'e ot'er 'and0
are passed by operation o #a*!
1his is repeated in Art. CB!.
?! Conditions!
/a*ane$ A suspensive condition gives rise to t'e rig't i
it 'appens! A reso#utory condition e+tinguis'es t'e rig't i it
Jinds of 8onditions$
1. Impossi"*e 8onditions.
Art! 87<! I(possib#e conditions and t'ose contrary to
#a* or good custo(s s'a## be considered as not i(posed
and s'a## in no (anner pre7udice t'e 'eir0 even i t'e testator
s'ou#d ot'er*ise provide!
/a*ane$ Impossi"*e conditions inc*ude those w4c are i**ega*'
against pu"*ic order and pu"*ic po*ic#.
Effect$ It nu**ifies the condition. 1he condition is deemed as
not imposed. 1he testamentar# disposition "ecomes pure'
a"so*ute and unconditiona*.
8ompare with donations (Art. @2@.) and onerous o"*igations
(Art. 11D.)
Art! 7?7! I##ega# or i(possib#e conditions in
si(p#e and re(uneratory donations s'a## be
considered as not i(posed!
Art! 998<! I(possib#e conditions0 t'ose
contrary to good custo(s or pub#ic po#icy and
t'ose pro'ibited by #a* s'a## annu# t'e ob#igation
*'ic' depends upon t'e(! I t'e ob#igation is
divisib#e0 t'at part t'ereo *'ic' is not aected by
t'e i(possib#e or un#a*u# condition s'a## be va#id!
%u**ifies the 8ondition %u**ifies the
a. 1estamentar# dispositions a. &nerous
". Donations.
-h# the difference. $esta(entary dispositions and donations
are acts o #ibera#ity. 1he mo(ing factor is *i"era*it#. If #ou ta3e
awa# the impossi"*e condition' the mo(ing factor sti** e0ists' the
*i"era*it#. -hi*e in onerous donations' the condition is an e*ement
of cause. If the condition is impossi"*e' there is a fai*ure of cause.
1his resu*ts in a (oid o"*igation. E.g.' 2I se** #ou m# car if #ou
impregnate the great "*ue "ear of Antartica and if #ou pa# me
P1B'BBB.2 Since there is an impossi"*e condition' there is a
fai*ure of cause. Since there is no cause' then the o"*igation is

2. 8ondition Prohi"iting <arriage.
Art! 87A! An abso#ute condition not to contract a irst or
subse)uent (arriage s'a## be considered as not *ritten
un#ess suc' condition 'as been i(posed on t'e *ido* or
*ido*er by t'e deceased spouse0 or by t'e #atterIs
ascendants or descendants!
Nevert'e#ess0 t'e rig'ts o usuruct0 or an a##o*ance or
so(e persona# prestation (ay be devised or be)ueat'ed to
any person or t'e ti(e during *'ic' 'e or s'e s'ou#d
re(ain un(arried or in *ido*'ood!
/a*ane$ Distinguish.++
1. If the condition is on the first marriage.++ 1he condition is
considered as not imposed.
E.g.' 2I gi(e 14 of m# estate to A if she does not get
married.2 1he condition is considered as not imposed.
2. If the condition is imposed on the second marriage.++
:enera* ru*e$ 1he condition is deemed as not imposed.
E0ception$ Ea*id if imposed "#$ -a. spouse> -b.
ascendants o spouse> -c. descendants o spouse!
E0amp*e$ :enera* ru*e$ 2I gi(e 14 of m# estate to <r. A on
the condition that if he shou*d "e widowed' he wi** not get
married.2 1he condition is deemed as not imposed here.
E0ception$ 2I gi(e the entire free portion of m# estate to m#
hus"and A on the condition that if I predecease him' he wi** not
get married.2 1he condition is (a*id in this case.
&ther Situations$
1. -hat a"out a condition to contract marriage. Ea*id "ec. it is
not prohi"ited and "# contrar# imp*ication.
2. -hat a"out a condition to enter into re*igious *ife. Ea*id.
. -hat a"out a condition to renounce a re*igion. %ot (a*id.
1he second paragraph re*a0es the ru*e to go around the
prohi"ition of the first par. E.g.' 2I gi(e A a pension of P1B'BBB
during the entire time she is sing*e.2 1his is a (a*id condition.

Art! 87D! Any disposition (ade upon t'e condition t'at
t'e 'eir s'a## (aGe so(e provision in 'is *i## in avor o t'e
testator or o any ot'er person s'a## be void!
/a*ane$ E.g.' 2I gi(e 14 of m# estate to A pro(ided he ma3es a
wi** instituting me (or /) as heir.2 1he disposition is (oid. -h#.
a. It is against pu"*ic po*ic# "ec. it impairs the (o*untariness
of wi**s;
". It is against re(oca"i*it#$ If #ou can a*ter #our wi** after
recei(ing' then it is a "reach of good faith. /ut if the testator is
not a**owed to a*ter the wi**' the condition is against re(oca"i*it#.
Either option is unaccepta"*e.
8onsider (the artic*e) restricti(e*#.++ )imit it to cases where
the "eneficiar# is to ma3e a wi** instituting the testator or a third
!. Suspensi(e 8onditions.
Art! 87C! Any pure#y potestative condition i(posed
upon an 'eir (ust be u#i##ed by 'i( as soon as 'e #earns o
t'e testatorIs deat'!
$'is ru#e s'a## not app#y *'en t'e condition0 a#ready
co(p#ied *it'0 cannot be u#i##ed again!
Art! 877! I t'e condition is casua# or (i+ed it s'a## be
suicient i it 'appen or be u#i##ed at any ti(e beore or ater
t'e deat' o t'e testator0 un#ess 'e 'as provided ot'er*ise!
S'ou#d it 'ave e+isted or s'ou#d it 'ave been u#i##ed at
t'e ti(e t'e *i## *as e+ecuted and t'e testator *as una*are
t'ereo0 it s'a## be dee(ed as co(p#ied *it'!
I 'e 'ad Gno*#edge t'ereo0 t'e condition s'a## be
considered u#i##ed on#y *'en it is o suc' a nature t'at it
can no #onger e+ist or be co(p#ied *it' again!
. Art! 87=! I t'e potestative condition i(posed upon t'e
'eir is negative0 or consists in not doing or not giving
so(et'ing0 'e s'a## co(p#y by giving a security t'at 'e *i##
not do or give t'at *'ic' 'as been pro'ibited by t'e testator0
and t'at in case o contravention 'e *i## return *'atever 'e
(ay 'ave received0 toget'er *it' its ruits and interests!
Art! 88<! +++
I t'e person interested in t'e condition s'ou#d prevent
its u#i##(ent0 *it'out t'e au#t o t'e 'eir0 t'e condition s'a##
be dee(ed to 'ave been co(p#ied *it'!
/a*ane$ $'ere are $'ree 5inds o Suspensive Conditions:
1. Pure#y Potestative.++ 1he fu*fi**ment of the condition depends
so*e*# upon the wi** of the heir' de(isee or *egatee.
E.g.' 2I gi(e m# entire free portion to Erap shou*d he sha(e
his moustache.2
:enera* ru*e$ 1he condition must "e fu*fi**ed as soon as the
heir *earns of the testator9s death.
E0ception$ If the condition has a*read# "een fu*fi**ed and it
cannot "e fu*fi**ed again' the condition is deemed fu*fi**ed.
8onstructi(e comp*iance is app*ica"*e.
2. Casua#.++ 1he fu*fi**ment of the condition depends so*e*# on
chance or on the wi** of a third person.
E.g.' 2I gi(e F' 14 of m# estate shou*d <a#on erupt one #ear
from now.2
. 6i+ed.++ 1he fu*fi**ment of the condition depends part*# on
chance and part*# on the wi** of the heir' de(isee' or *egatee.
E.g.' 2I gi(e one mi**ion to A pro(ided he sets up a foundation
for the (ictims of the ne0t eruption of <a#on.2
,u*es for casua* and mi0ed conditions$
:enera* ru*e$ 1he condition ma# "e fu*fi**ed an# time' either
"efore or after the testator9s death un*ess the testator pro(ides
-h#. It is not w4in the heir' de(isee or *egatee9s contro*.
Iua*ification$ If condition is a*read# fu*fi**ed at the time of the
a. 1estator is unaware++ 1he condition is deemed comp*ied
w4 or fu*fi**ed.
". 1estator is aware.++ (1) If the condition can no *onger "e
fu*fi**ed again' it is deemed fu*fi**ed; (2) If the condition can sti** "e
fu*fi**ed' fu*fi** it again.
,u*es for 8onstructi(e comp*iance.++ 1hat when the heir' de(isee
or *egatee has done e(er#thing to comp*# w4 the condition "ut the
condition sti** does not happen.
1. Pure*# potestati(e.++ App*ica"*e.
2. 8asua*.++ %ot app*ica"*e.
. <i0ed.++ a. /# wi** + (1) Person interested + app*ica"*e
(2) Person not interested + not
". /# chance.++ %ot app*ica"*e.
>. &ther Pro(isions.
Art! 880! I t'e 'eir be instituted under a suspensive
condition or ter(0 t'e estate s'a## be p#aced under
ad(inistration unti# t'e condition is u#i##ed0 or unti# it
beco(es certain t'at it cannot be u#i##ed0 or unti# t'e arriva#
o t'e ter(!
$'e sa(e s'a## be done i t'e 'eir does not give t'e
security re)uired in t'e preceding artic#e!
/a*ane$ If the suspensi(e condition is not fu*fi**ed' p*ace the
estate under administration unti*$
1. 1he condition is fu*fi**ed' in w4c case the estate shou*d "e
gi(en to the instituted heir;
2. It "ecomes o"(ious that it cannot "e fu*fi**ed' in w4c case'
the estate shou*d "e gi(en to the intestate heirs.
E.g.' 2I gi(e a car to A when he p*aces first in the "ar.2
1estator dies whi*e A is sti** ta3ing *aw. 1he car is put under
administration unti*$ (1) A tops the "ar' in w4c case the car shou*d
"e gi(en to him; or (") A dies whi*e re(iewing in w4c case' the car
shou*d "e gi(en to the intestate heirs "ec. the condition has
"ecome o"(ious*# impossi"*e of "eing fu*fi**ed.
Art! 889! $'e appoint(ent o t'e ad(inistrator o t'e
estate (entioned in t'e preceding artic#e0 as *e## as t'e
(anner o t'e ad(inistration and t'e rig'ts and ob#igations
o t'e ad(inistrator s'a## be governed by t'e "u#es o Court!
Art! 88A! Conditions i(posed by t'e testator upon t'e
'eirs s'a## be governed by t'e ru#es estab#is'ed or
conditiona# ob#igations in a## (atters not provided or by t'is
/a*ane$ ,u*es on conditiona* o"*igations wi** app*# supp*etori*#.
Artic*es 11@C to 11C2.
<! $er(!
Art! 878! A disposition *it' a suspensive ter( does not
prevent t'e instituted 'eir ro( ac)uiring 'is rig'ts and
trans(itting t'e( to 'is 'eirs even beore t'e arriva# o t'e
/a*ane$ 1his is founded on the princip*e that the right of the heir
instituted su";ect to a term is (ested at the time of the testator9s
death++ he wi** ;ust wait for the term to e0pire.
1he heir must sur(i(e the testator.
If the heir dies after the testator "ut "efore the term e0pires'
he transmits his rights to his own heirs "ec. of the (ested right.
E.g.' 2I gi(e P1< to F' fi(e #ears after m# death.2
8ompare this w4 conditiona*.++ Art. 1B!' par. ++
Iua*ification of heir++ 1he heir must "e a*i(e and qua*ified at the
time of the testator9s death and when the condition happens.
Art! 88D! $'e designation o t'e day or ti(e *'en t'e
eects o t'e institution o an 'eir s'a## co((ence or cease
s'a## be va#id!
In bot' cases0 t'e #ega# 'eir s'a## be considered as
ca##ed to t'e succession unti# t'e arriva# o t'e period or its
e+piration! But in t'e irst case 'e s'a## not enter into
possession o t'e property unti# ater 'aving given suicient
security0 *it' t'e intervention o t'e instituted 'eir!
/a*ane$ -hat happens when the testator dies. Distinguish
1. Suspensi(e (ex die)++ gi(e it to the intestate heirs for
them to en;o# "ut in order to protect the right of the instituted heir'
intestate heirs must put up a "ond (caucion muciana.)
2. ,eso*utor# (in diem.)++ :i(e it to the instituted heirs "ut
when the term arri(es' he must gi(e it to the intestate heirs. 1he
instituted heir does not ha(e to fi*e a "ond.

A! 6ode!
Art! 88?! $'e state(ent o t'e ob7ect o t'e institution0
or t'e app#ication o t'e property #et by t'e testator0 or t'e
c'arge i(posed by 'i(0 s'a## not be considered as a
condition un#ess it appears t'at suc' *as 'is intention!
$'at *'ic' 'as been #et in t'is (anner (ay be c#ai(ed
at once provided t'at t'e instituted 'eir or 'is 'eirs give
security or co(p#iance *it' t'e *is'es o t'e testator and
or t'e return o anyt'ing 'e or t'ey (ay receive0 toget'er
*it' its ruits and interests0 i 'e or t'ey s'ou#d disregard
t'is ob#igation!
/a*ane$ A mode is an o"*igation imposed upon the heir to do or
to gi(e something.
E.g.' 2I gi(e 14 of me estate to A "ut impose upon him the
o"*igation to pa# for m# son9s education.2
A condition suspends "ut does not o"*igate whi*e a mode
o"*igates "ut does not suspend.
1. In case of dou"t "etween a mode and a condition' reso*(e
in fa(or of mode.
2. In case of dou"t whether a mode e0ists' reso*(e in fa(or
of it "eing a request.
Art! 88<! 2'en *it'out au#t o t'e 'eir0 an institution
reerred to in t'e preceding artic#e cannot taGe eect in t'e
e+act (anner stated by t'e testator0 it s'a## be co(p#ied *it'
in a (anner (ost ana#ogous to and in conor(ity *it' 'is
/a*ane$ A caucion muciana is a securit# to "e put up to protect
the right of the heirs (who wou*d succeed to the propert#) in case
the condition' term or mode is (io*ated.
Instances when it is needed$
1. Suspensi(e condition.++ Art. DD>.
2. %egati(e potestati(e condition.++ Art. D@C.
. <ode.++ Art. DD2' par. 2.
Section D!&& %egitime!
/a*ane$ )egitime comes a 6rench word w4c means 2*egitimate
share..2 1his was deri(ed from the Spanish 8i(i* 8ode "ut was
1here are 3inds of S#stems$
1. Partia* ,eser(ation.++ set aside for compu*sor# heirs
2. 8ommon *aw++ no reser(ation e0cept for support
. 1ota* reser(ation++ e(er#thing is set aside.
6or the Phi*s.' we ha(e partia* reser(ation.
%ew 8i(i* 8ode Spanish 8i(i* 8ode
)egitimes4 6ree portion L Short <e;ora 6ree
L )egitime /etterment
A"o*ished me!ora "ec.$ L goes to the goes to the
1. It opened a"uses and ga(e L chi*dren in chi*dren
parents power to inf*uence4 L equa* shares the testator has
"*ac3mai* their chi*dren; L freedom as to
L how the chi*+
L dren wi** share
L it.
2. It was a s#stem our peop*e L M 4
ne(er app*ied nor understood. L M 4
L )ong )egitime

Art! 88C! Legiti(e is t'at part o t'e testatorIs property
*'ic' 'e cannot dispose o because t'e #a* 'as reserved it
or certain 'eirs *'o are0 t'ereore0 ca##ed CO6PULSO"H
/a*ane$ 1. 1here is compu*sion on the part of the testator to
reser(e that part of the estate w4c corresponds to the *egitime.
1he *aw sets a fractiona* portion of the estate aside for the
compu*sor# heirs.
1he *aw does not specif# w4c prop. to reser(e "ut on*# sets
aside a fractiona* portion of the estate.
1here is no o"*igation on the compu*sor# heirs to accept.
2. 1he prohi"ition imposed on the testator is that he is prohi"ited
from ma3ing gratuitous disposition$ (a) testamentar# disposition
mortis causa- (") donation inter vivos
&n*# the *egitime is reser(ed. 1he free portion ma# "e
disposed of "# wi**.
E.g.' A is married to /. 1he# had a chi*d 8. A owns *ot
worth P><.
a. A se**s the *ot to D for P><. 1his is (a*id. 1he prohi"ition
does not co(er an onerous disposition "ec. this in(o*(es an
e0change of (a*ues.
". A donates to D. 1his is not (a*id if it impairs the *egitime
of / and 8.
Art! 887! $'e o##o*ing are co(pu#sory 'eirs:
-9. Legiti(ate c'i#dren and descendants0 *it' respect to
t'eir #egiti(ate parents and ascendants>
-?. In deau#t o t'e oregoing0 #egiti(ate parents and
ascendants0 *it' respect to t'eir #egiti(ate c'i#dren and
-<. $'e *ido* or *ido*er>
-A. AcGno*#edged natura# c'i#dren0 and natura# c'i#dren
by #ega# iction>
-D. Ot'er i##egiti(ate c'i#dren reerred to in artic#e ?87!
Co(pu#sory 'eirs (entioned in Nos! <0 A and D are not
e+c#uded by t'ose in Nos! 9 and ?> neit'er do t'ey e+c#ude
one anot'er!
In a## cases o i##egiti(ate c'i#dren0 t'eir i#iation (ust be
du#y proved!
$'e at'er or (ot'er o i##egiti(ate c'i#dren o t'e t'ree
c#asses (entioned0 s'a## in'erit ro( t'e( in t'e (anner and
to t'e e+tent estab#is'ed by t'is Code!
/a*ane$ 1here are 6i(e (>) 3inds of 8ompu*sor# heirs$ 8P+-AI
1. )egitimate chi*dren and descendants
2. )egitimate parents and ascendants
. -idow or widower
!. Ac3now*edged natura* chi*dren' and natura* chi*dren "#
*ega* fiction
>. &ther i**egitimate chi*dren
7nder the 6ami*# 8ode' there is no more distinction "etween
ac3now*edged natura* chi*dren and i**egitimate chi*dren. 1he# are
a** considered as i**egitimate.
,osa*es (. ,osa*es.++ In this case' the deceased was the
mother+in+*aw of the p*aintiff. 1he p*aintiff9s hus"and had
predeceased his mother. 1he p*aintiff widow see3s a share in her
mother+in+*aw9s estate c*aiming she is a compu*sor# heir "eing a
widow. 1he S8 denied her c*aim "ec. the widow in the *aw refers
to the widow of the deceased and not of a re*ati(e of t he
$'ree 5inds o "e#ations'ip A(ong Co(pu#sory 1eirs:
1. Primar#.++ )egitimate chi*dren' and in their a"sence'
*egitimate descendants.
1he# are primar# "ec. the# are a"so*ute*# preferred' and the#
e0c*ude the secondar#.
2. Secondar#.++ )egitimate parents' and in their a"sence'
*egitimate ascendants
1he# inherit on*# in the a"sence of defau*t of the primar#.
. 8oncurring.++ Sur(i(ing spouse and i**egitimate chi*dren.
1he# get their *egitime together w4 the primar# or secondar# heirs.
%either e0c*ude primar# or secondar# heirs nor each other.
,xcept$ I##egiti(ate c'i#dren e0c*ude i##egiti(ate parents!

Artic#es 888 to =0<! %ierent Co(binations
I. According to 1o*entino (a** shares are w4 respect to the who*e
estate un*ess otherwise pro(ided.)
1. )egitimate chi*dren 142' in equa* portions' whether the#
sur(i(e a*one or with concurring compu*sor# heirs. (Art. DDD.)
2. &ne *egitimate chi*d ++ 142 (Art. DDD.)
Sur(i(ing spouse ++ 14! (Art. DC2' par. 1.)
. )egitimate chi*dren ++ 142' in equa* portions (Art. DDD.)
Sur(i(ing spouse ++ share equa* to that of each chi*d
(Art. DC2' par. 2.)
!. )egitimate chi*dren ++ 142' in equa* portions. (Art. DDD.)
%atura* chi*dren ++ 142 the share of each *egitimate
chi*d (Art. DC>' par. 1.)
R >. )egitimate chi*dren ++ 142' in equa* portions. (Art. DDD.)
I**egitimate chi*dren ++ 24> the share of each *egitimate
chi*d (Art. DC>' par. 2.)
J ?. )egitimate chi*dren ++ 142' in equa* portions.
%atura* chi*dren ++ 142 of the share of a *egitimate chi*d.
(Art. DC>' par. 1.)
I**egitimate chi*dren ++ !4> of the share of each natura*
chi*d. (Art. DC>' par. 2.)
J @. &ne *egitimate chi*d ++ 142 (Art. DDD.)
%atura* chi*dren ++ 142 of the share of a *egitimate
chi*d. (Art. DC>' par. 1.)
I**egitimate chi*dren ++ !4> of the share of a natura*
chi*d. (Art. DC>' par. 2.)
Sur(i(ing spouse ++ 14! (Art. DC2' par. 1.)
%&1E$ A** concurring heirs get their share from the free
portion. 1he sur(i(ing spouse wi** "e preferred o(er the natura*
and i**egitimate chi*dren' whose share ma# suffer reduction pro
rata. (Art. DC>' *ast par.)
D. )egitimate chi*dren ++ 142' in equa* portions. (Art. DDD.)
%atura* chi*dren ++ 142 of the share of a *egitimate
chi*d. (Art. DC>' par. 1.)
I**egitimate chi*dren ++ !4> of the share of a natura*
chi*d. (Art. DC>' par. 2.)
Sur(i(ing spouse ++ share equa* to that of a *egitimate
chi*d. (Art. DC2' par. 2' DC@' DCD.)
C. )egitimate parents ++ 142' whether the# sur(i(e a*one
or w4 concurring compu*sor# heirs. (Art. DDC.)
1B. )egitimate parents ++ 142 (Art. DDC.)
%atura* chi*dren ++ 14!' in equa* shares. (Art. DC?.)
11. )egitimate parents ++ 142 (Art. DDC.)
I**egitimate chi*dren ++ 14!' in equa* shares (Art. DC?.)
R 12. )egitimate parents ++ 142 (Art. DDC.)
PAGE 100
%atura* chi*dren +++++++ M 14! (Art. DC?) "ut each
i**egitimate chi*d gets !4> of
the share of each natura* chi*d (Art. DC>
I**egitimate chi*dren +++ 4 par. 2.)
1. )egitimate parents ++ 142 (Art DDC.)
Sur(i(ing spouse ++ 14! (Art. DC.)
R 1!. )egitimate parents ++ 142 (Art. DDC.)
%atura* chi*dren ++++++ M 14! (Art. DC?) "ut each
i**egitimate chi*d gets !4> of
the share of each natura* chi*d. (Art. DC>'
I**egitimate chi*dren ++ 4 par. 2.)
Sur(i(ing spouse ++ 14D (Art. DCC.)
1>. %atura* and4 or i**egitimate chi*dren ++ a** together get
142 (Art. CB1.) If a** natura* or a** i**egitimate' di(e the portion
If some are natura* and others i**egitimate' each of the
i**egitimate chi*d gets on*# !4> of the share of each natura* chi*d.
(Art. DC>' par. 2.)
J 1?. %atura* and4 or i**egitimate chi*dren ++ 14 (Art. DC!.)'
di(iding it as in num"er 1>.
Sur(i(ing spouse ++ 14 (Art. DC!.)
1@. Sur(i(ing spouse a*one ++ 142 or 14 if the marriage is
in articulo mortis and the deceased dies w4in months after the
marriage. (Art. CBB.)
1D. I**egitimate parents (natura* or otherwise) a*one ++ 142
(Art. CB.)
1C. I**egitimate parents ++ none. (Art. CB.)
8hi*dren or an# c*ass ++ same as in nos. 1' !' ? and
1>' as the case ma# "e.
2B. I**egitimate parents ++ 14!
Sur(i(ing spouse ++ 14! (Art. CB.)
II. According to /a*ane (a** shares are w4 respect to the who*e
estate un*ess otherwise pro(ided.)
PAGE 101
1. 2 *egitimate chi*dren ++ 142 shared equa**# N 14! each
Sur(i(ing spouse (hereinafter SS) ++ 14!
2. > )egitimate chi*dren ++ 142 shared equa**# N 141B
SS ++ same share as in *egitimate chi*d N 141B
&/SE,EE$ 1here is an in(erse proportion "etween
num"er of chi*dren and the share of the SS.
. 1 *eg. chi*d ++ 142
SS ++ 14!
:enera* ru*e$ SS gets share equa* to 1 *eg. chi*d.
E0ception$ If on*# 1 *eg. chi*d' SS gets 14!
!. 2 *eg. parents ++ 142 shared equa**#
SS ++ 14!
>. 2 *eg. parents ++ 142 shared equa**#
SS ++ 14D
1 i**eg. chi*d ++ 14!
?. 2 *eg. parents ++ 142 shared equa**#
i**eg. chi*dren ++ 14! shared equa**#
@. 2 i**eg. parents ++ none
i**eg. chi*dren ++ 142 shared equa**#
D. 1 adopted chi*d ++ 142
2 *eg. parents ++ none.
C. SS ++ 14
! i**eg. chi*dren ++ 14 shared equa**#
1B. SS ++ 14!
! i**eg. chi*dren ++ 142 of the share of a *eg. chi*d N 14D
2 *eg. chi*dren ++ 142 shared equa**# N 14! each
If it e0ceeds the estate' rata"*# diminish the *egitime of
the i**eg. chi*dren N 141?
11. 2 i**eg. parents ++ 14! shared equa**#
PAGE 102
SS ++ 14!
12. 2 *eg. chi*dren ++ 142 shared equa**#
SS ++ share equa* to 1 *eg. chi*d N 14!
HH *eg. parents ++ none
1. 1 adopted chi*d ++ M 142 shared
1 *eg. chi*d +++++++ 4 equa**#
SS ++ 14!
1!. SS ++ 14!
I**eg. parents ++ none
1 adopted chi*d ++ 142
1>. SS a*one ++ 142 e0cept if the marriage is in articulo
mortis' in w4c case the share is 14
a. <arriage is in articu*o mortis
". Dies w4in months
c. %ot *i(ed together for > #ears
d. Person who dies is the sic3 spouse
1?. 1 adopted chi*d ++ 142
1 i**eg. chi*d ++ 142 of the share of an adopted chi*d N
1@. D *eg. chi*dren ++ 142 shared equa**# N 141?
1 i**eg. chi*d ++ 142 of the share of a *eg. chi*d N 142
SS ++ same as the share of 1 *eg. chi*d N 141?
1D. D *eg. chi*dren ++ M 142 shared equa**#
1 adopted chi*d + 4 N 141D each
1 i**eg. chi*d ++ 142 of the share of a *eg. chi*d N 14?
SS ++ same share as 1 *eg. chi*d N 141D
1C. 1 *eg. parent ++ 142
SS ++ 14D
1 i**eg. chi*d ++ 14!
2B. 1 *eg. parent ++ 142
SS ++ 14!
21. 1 *eg. parent ++ 142
1 i**eg. chi*d ++ 14!
PAGE 103
22. 1 adopted chi*d ++ M 142 shared equa**#
1 *eg. chi*d +++++++ 4 N 14!
SS ++ same share as a *eg. chi*d N 14!
1 i**eg. chi*d ++ 142 share of *eg. chi*d N 14D
2 *eg. or i**eg. parents ++ none
2. 1 adopted chi*d ++ 142
SS ++ 14!
1 i**eg. chi*d ++ 14!
2 *eg. or i**eg. parents ++ none
7nder the 6ami*# 8ode$
1. If the decedent died "efore the 6ami*# 8ode too3 effect ++
*eg. $ natura* $ i**eg. N
1B $ > $ !
2. If the decedent died after the 68 too3 effect ++ *eg. $ i**eg.
N 2 $ 1. Do not distinguish "etween natura* and spurious.
(conc)urring fraction ++ 142 ++ ca**ed "asic *egitime
In most cases' there wi** "e a group or sing*e heir who wi**
get 142 of the estate.
E0ceptions$ (1) Art. DC!. ++ I**eg. chi*dren (14) and SS
(2) Art. CB. ++ I**eg. parents (14!) and SS (14!)
() Artic*es CBB ++ SS a*one in case of marriage
in articulo mortis with the fo**owing requisites$
a. <arriage in articulo mortis
". 1he spouse dies w4in months
c. 1he# ha(e not *i(ed together for > #ears
d. Spouse who dies is the sic3 spouse
E0amp*e' A' in the I87' is rich and d#ing of AIDS. /' who
has not *i(ed w4 A' accepts A9s proposa* of marriage. 1he# get
married in the hospita*. After getting married' A *apses into a
coma. 1he doctor sends / to "u# the medicine. As / is crossing
the street' she is run o(er "# a "us and dies. A is the on*#
compu*sor# heir of /. Is this the marriage in articulo mortis
contemp*ated "# the rd e0ception. %o. 1he one who shou*d die
w4in months shou*d "e A for the e0ception to app*#.
PAGE 104
,ationa*e for the e0ception in num"er ++ It is the *aw9s wa#
of showing its distaste to marriages for con(enience or for interest
or gain.
E0ception to e0ception$ If the# ha(e *i(ed together for at
*east > #ears "efore the marriage. 1his shows that it was not on*#
for interest. %ow that one is d#ing' to reward the other spouse.
E0ception to num"er ++ App*ies on*# if the wife is (the)
on*# compu*sor# heir. -h#. /ec. in other cases' she wi** a*wa#s
get *ess than 142. Does not a*so app*# to intestac# if the wife is
the on*# intestate heir. She wi** get the who*e estate. In such a
case' the testator was not gi(en a change to ma3e a wi**. If gi(en
a chance' he cou*d ha(e named other peop*e.
Art! 888! $'e #egiti(e o #egiti(ate c'i#dren and
descendants consists o one&'a# o t'e 'ereditary estate o
t'e at'er and o t'e (ot'er!
$'e #atter (ay ree#y dispose o t'e re(aining 'a#0
sub7ect to t'e rig'ts o i##egiti(ate c'i#dren and o t'e
surviving spouse as 'ereinater provided!
/a*ane$ 1. If there are *egitimate chi*dren' the# wi** get co**ecti(e
*egitime of 142 of the estate. It does not sa# how the# wi** di(ide
the *egitime. 8ommentators agree that the# wi** di(ide the 142
equa**# regard*ess of age' se0' marriage of origin (whether 1st'
2nd' etc.)
2. -h# descendants. ,u*e$ %earer e0c*udes more remote.
If there are chi*dren' the# wi** e0c*ude the more remote
descendants' e.g.' grandchi*dren
-hen descendants.
a. ,ight of representation e0ists
". A** chi*dren renounce. Since a** renounce' the ne0t in *ine
wi** inherit equa**# not "# (irtue of representation "ut "ec. the# are
the nearest re*ati(es in the descending *ine.
PAGE 105
4 L M
A / 8
4 L 4 M L M
e f g h i ;
a. If A' / and 8 renounce' grandchi*dren wi** inherit
". If on*# / renounces' *egitime wi** "e di(ided into 2 on*#'
/9s chi*dren cannot represent him.
. &ther ha*f of the estate ++ free portion. Su";ect to the free
disposa* of the testator. If not disposed of "# the testator' then it
wi** go "# intestac#.

Art! 88=! $'e #egiti(e o #egiti(ate parents or
ascendants consists o one&'a# o t'e 'ereditary estates o
t'eir c'i#dren and descendants!
$'e c'i#dren or descendants (ay ree#y dispose o t'e
ot'er 'a#0 sub7ect to t'e rig'ts o i##egiti(ate c'i#dren and o
t'e surviving spouse as 'ereinater provided!
Art! 8=0! $'e #egiti(e reserved or t'e #egiti(ate parents
s'a## be divided bet*een t'e( e)ua##y> i one o t'e parents
s'ou#d 'ave died0 t'e *'o#e s'a## pass to t'e survivor!
I t'e testator #eaves neit'er at'er nor (ot'er0 but is
survived by ascendants o e)ua# degree o t'e paterna# and
(aterna# #ines0 t'e #egiti(e s'a## be divided e)ua##y bet*een
bot' #ines! I t'e ascendants s'ou#d be o dierent degrees0 it
s'a## pertain entire#y to t'e ones nearest in degree o eit'er
/a*ane$ Artic*es DDC and DCB ++ )egitimate parents or
ascendants a*one ++ 142 of the estate.
A. 1hree ru*es$
PAGE 106
1. %earer e0c*udes the more remote. %o representation in
the ascending *ine.
A1 A2 /1 /2 a. If F dies' the *egitime wi** "e shared
"# the parents
M 4 M 4 A and / "ec. the nearer
e0c*udes the more remote.
A /
M 4 ". If A predeceases F' / gets a**.
A1 and A2 wi** get
M 4 nothing "ec. there is no right of
representation in the
K 4 ascending *ine.
2. Di(ision "# ("etween the) *ines ++ 142 of *egitime each to
materna* and paterna* (assuming that the nearest re*ati(es in "oth
sides are of the same degree.)
I**ustration (see i**ustration a"o(e.)
a. If "oth parents predecease F' the nearest ascendants
wou*d "e the grandparents. Di(ision "# *ine wi** app*#. 1he estate
wi** "e di(ided equa**# "et. the materna* and paterna* *ines (14! of
estate each.) )egitimes$ A1 N 14D' A2 N 14D' /1 N 14D' /2 N 14D
". If A1 predeceases F' there wi** sti** "e equa* di(ision "#
*ines. /oth *ines get 14! of the estate each. )egitimes$ A2 N 14!'
/1 N 14D' /2 N 14D.
%&1E$ If one of the parents' either A or /' is a*i(e' di(ision
"# *ine wi** not app*#. ,u*e 1 wou*d app*# where the nearer wou*d
e0c*ude the more remote. 1he parent wou*d e0c*ude the
. Equa* di(ision w4in the *ine.
/. 5ow far up do #ou go. As far as possi"*e as *ong as a** *ower
ascendants are dead. 1he *aw does not *imit "ut nature does.
PAGE 107
Art! 8=?! I on#y one #egiti(ate c'i#d or descendant o
t'e deceased survives0 t'e *ido* or *ido*er s'a## be
entit#ed to one& ourt' o t'e 'ereditary estate! In case o a
#ega# separation0 t'e surviving spouse (ay in'erit i it *as
t'e deceased *'o 'ad given cause or t'e sa(e!
I t'ere are t*o or (ore #egiti(ate c'i#dren or
descendants0 t'e surviving spouse s'a## be entit#ed to a
portion e)ua# to t'e #egiti(e o eac' o t'e #egiti(ate
c'i#dren or descendants!
In bot' cases0 t'e #egiti(e o t'e surviving spouse s'a##
be taGen ro( t'e portion t'at can be ree#y disposed o by
t'e testator!
/a*ane$ A. )egitime of Sur(i(ing spouse$
1. If (a*id or (oida"*e marriage ++ Iua*ified. Spouse ma#
2. If *ega**# separated' it depends$
a. If innocent spouse ++ not disqua*ified to inherit from
the gui*t# spouse
". If gui*t# spouse ++ disqua*ified to inherit from the
innocent spouse.
/. ,u*es as to *egitime of the sur(i(ing spouse if concurring w4
*egitimate chi*dren.
1. 1 *eg. chi*d ++ 142 of estate
SS ++ 14! of estate
2. 2 or more *eg. chi*dren ++ 142 of estate shared equa**#
SS ++ share equa* to that of a *eg. chi*d.
8. 2&r descendant2 (a** portions are in re*ation to the who*e
estate un*ess otherwise pro(ided.)
F +++++++++++ = (spouse)
; L K
A / 8
4 L 4 L M L M
1 2 ! > ? @
1. If / predeceases F A N 14?
/9s chi*dren N 141D per chi*d
PAGE 108
8 N 14?
= N 14?
2. If / renounces A N 14!
8 N 14!
= N 14!
. If A' / and 8 predecease 1 and 2 N 1412
+++ representation ' ! and > N 141D each
? and @ N 1412 each
= N 14?
According to commentaries$ =9s share is "ased on what the
chi*dren wou*d ha(e recei(ed if the# were a*i(e.
!. If A' / and 8 renounce *egitime of 142 is
di(ided equa**#
+++ no representation "etween the C
grandchi*dren = N .
According to 1o*entino' = gets 14?. =9s share is "ased on
the num"er of chi*dren. 1o a**ow =9s share to "e equa* to a
grandchi*d wou*d gi(e the chi*dren the opportunit# to reduce the
*egitime of =' especia**# if = is on*# a stepmother. 1he pro"*em in
this case is when 2or descendants2 wi** app*#. 1his issue is
Art! 8=<! I t'e testator #eaves no #egiti(ate
descendants0 but #eaves #egiti(ate ascendants0 t'e surviving
spouse s'a## 'ave a rig't to one&ourt' o t'e 'ereditary
$'is ourt' s'a## be taGen ro( t'e ree portion o t'e
/a*ane$ 8om"ination$ )egitimate parents or ascendants ++ 142
(di(ide according to Art. DDC and DCB.)
Spouse ++ 14!
6ree portion ++ 14!
PAGE 109
Art! 8=A! I t'e testator #eaves i##egiti(ate c'i#dren0 t'e
surviving spouse s'a## be entit#ed to one&t'ird o t'e
'ereditary estate o t'e deceased and t'e i##egiti(ate
c'i#dren to anot'er t'ird! $'e re(aining t'ird s'a## be at t'e
ree disposa# o t'e testator!
/a*ane$ 1his is one of the e0ceptions to the "asic ru*e of 142.
I**eg. chi*dren ++ 14 co**ecti(e*# N di(ided depending if the
decedent died "efore (> $ !) or after (equa*) the 6ami*# 8ode.
Sur(i(ing spouse ++ 14
6ree portion ++ 14
Art! 8=D! $'e #egiti(e o eac' o t'e acGno*#edged
natura# c'i#dren and eac' o t'e natura# c'i#dren by #ega#
iction s'a## consist o one&'a# o t'e #egiti(e o eac' o t'e
#egiti(ate c'i#dren or descendants!
$'e #egiti(e o an i##egiti(ate c'i#d *'o is neit'er an
acGno*#edged natura# c'i#d 0 nor a natura# c'i#d by #ega# ic&
tion0 s'a## be e)ua# in every case to our&it's o t'e #egiti(e
o an acGno*#edged natura# c'i#d!
$'e #egiti(e o t'e i##egiti(ate c'i#dren s'a## be taGen
ro( t'e portion o t'e estate at t'e ree disposa# o t'e
testator0 provided t'at in no case s'a## t'e tota# #egiti(e o
suc' i##egiti(ate c'i#dren e+ceed t'at ree portion0 and t'at
t'e #egiti(e o t'e surviving spouse (ust irst be u##y
Art! 97C! I##egiti(ate c'i#dren s'a## use t'e
surna(e and s'a## be under t'e parenta# aut'ority
o t'eir (ot'er0 and s'a## be entit#ed to support in
conor(ity *it' t'is code! $'e #egiti(e o eac'
i##egiti(ate c'i#d s'a## consist o one&'a# o t'e
#egiti(e o a #egiti(ate c'i#d! -4a(i#y Code!.
/a*ane$ 1. )egitime of i**eg. chi*dren affected "# the 6ami*#
a. If "efore ++ 1B $ > $ !
PAGE 110
". If after ++ 2 $ 1
2. 8om"ination$
)eg. chi*dren ++ 142 co**ecti(e*#
I**eg. chi*dren ++ 142 of the share of a *eg. chi*d each
SS ++ share is equa* to that of 1 *eg. chi*d.
. I**ustration$
4 L
A / 8 D
After the 6ami*# 8ode.
a. A N 14! ". If there is a third i**eg.
chi*d' E
/ N 14! A N 14!
= N 14! / N 14! )egitime
e0ceeds estate
8 N 14D = N 14!
D N 14D 8 N 14D M
D N 14D + ,educe
E N 14D 4
8 N 1412
D N 1412
E N 1412
Art! 8=C! I##egiti(ate c'i#dren *'o (ay survive *it'
#egiti(ate parents or ascendants o t'e deceased s'a## be
entit#ed to one&ourt' o t'e 'ereditary estate to be taGen
ro( t'e portion at t'e ree disposa# o t'e testator!
)eg. parents ++ 142 di(ided according to Art. DDC and DCB
I**eg. chi*dren ++ 14! co**ecti(e*# di(ided according to
whether decedent died "efore or after the 6ami*# 8ode.
PAGE 111
Art! 8=7! 2'en t'e *ido* or *ido*er survives *it'
#egiti(ate c'i#dren or descendants0 and acGno*#edged
natura# c'i#dren0 or natura# c'i#dren by #ega# iction0 suc'
surviving spouse s'a## be entit#ed a portion e)ua# to t'e
#egiti(e o eac' o t'e #egiti(ate c'i#dren *'ic' (ust be
taGen ro( t'at part o t'e estate *'ic' t'e testator can
ree#y dispose o!
/a*ane$ 1his is a repetition of Art. DC>.
Art! 8=8! I t'e *ido* or *ido*er survives *it'
#egiti(ate c'i#dren or descendants0 and *it' i##egiti(ate
c'i#dren ot'er t'an acGno*#edged natura#0 or natura# c'i#dren
by #ega# iction0 t'e s'are o t'e surviving spouse s'a## be
t'e sa(e as t'at provided in t'e preceding artic#e!
/a*ane$ 1his is the same as Art. DC>. 1he 68 has simp*ified this.
Art! 8==! 2'en t'e *ido* or *ido*er survives *it'
#egiti(ate parents or ascendants and *it' i##egiti(ate
c'i#dren0 suc' surviving spouse s'a## be entit#ed to one&
eig't' o t'e 'ereditary estate o t'e deceased *'ic' (ust
be taGen ro( t'e ree portion0 and t'e i##egiti(ate c'i#dren
s'a## be entit#ed to one&ourt' o t'e estate *'ic' s'a## be
taGen a#so ro( t'e disposab#e portion! $'e testator (ay
ree#y dispose o t'e re(aining one&eig't' o t'e estate!
/a*ane$ 1his shows how ar"itrar# *egitime scheme is with regard
to the sur(i(ing spouse.
)eg. parents ++ 142 di(ided according to Artic*es DDC and
I**eg. chi*dren ++ 14! di(ided depending on when the
decedent died
SS ++ 14D
6ree portion ++ 14D
Art! =00! I t'e on#y survivor is t'e *ido* or *ido*er0
s'e or 'e s'a## be entit#ed to one&'a# o t'e 'ereditary estate
o t'e deceased spouse0 and t'e testator (ay ree#y dispose
o t'e ot'er 'a#!
PAGE 112
I t'e (arriage bet*een t'e surviving spouse and t'e
testator *as so#e(niFed in articulo mortis0 and t'e testator
died *it'in t'ree (ont's ro( t'e ti(e o t'e (arriage0 t'e
#egiti(e o t'e surviving spouse as t'e so#e 'eir s'a## be one&
t'ird o t'e 'ereditary estate0 e+cept *'en t'ey 'ave been
#iving as 'usband and *ie or (ore t'an ive years! In t'e
#atter case0 t'e #egiti(e o t'e surviving spouse s'a## be t'at
speciied in t'e preceding paragrap'!
/a*ane$ )egitime of sur(i(ing spouse when he4 she sur(i(es
:enera* ru*e ++ 142; 6ree portion ++ 142
E0ception ++ <arriage in articu*o mortis ++ 14; 6ree
portion ++ 24
Art! =09! 2'en t'e testator dies #eaving i##egiti(ate c'i#&
dren and no ot'er co(pu#sory 'eirs0 suc' i##egiti(ate
c'i#dren s'a## 'ave a rig't to one&'a# o t'e 'ereditary estate
o t'e deceased!
$'e ot'er 'a# s'a## be at t'e ree disposa# o t'e testa&
/a*ane$ I**eg. chi*dren ++ 142 di(ided either equa**# (decedent
died after the 68) or > $ ! (decedent died "efore the 68.)
Art! =0?! $'e rig'ts o i##egiti(ate c'i#dren set ort' in
t'e preceding artic#es are trans(itted upon t'eir deat' to
t'eir descendants0 *'et'er #egiti(ate or i##egiti(ate!
A /
; K ;
a1 a2 "1 "2
1. A is *egitimate whi*e / is i**eg. /oth A and / predeceased
F. A *eft a1' a *eg. chi*d and a2' an i**eg. chi*d. / *eft "1' a *eg.
PAGE 113
chi*d and "2' an i**eg. chi*d. -ho wi** inherit and not inherit when
F dies.
A1 can inherit from F "# representation.
A2 cannot inherit from F in either intestate or compu*sor#
succession "ecause of Art. CC2 w4c pro(ides that an i**egitimate
cannot inherit ab intestado from the *egitimate re*ati(es of the
father or mother and (ice+(ersa
1his resu*ts in inconsistenc# and unfairness. (Art. CB2) read
with Art. CC2 puts a premium on "astardness. Preference is gi(en
to "astard chi*dren of "astard chi*dren as compared to "astard
chi*dren of *egitimate chi*dren.
2. If "oth A and / are dead. -ho can F inherit from.
a1 dies ++ F can inherit.
a2 dies ++ F cannot inherit "ecause of Art. CC2
"2 dies ++ F cannot inherit. In i**egitimac#' #ou cannot go
"e#ond the parent in representation.
"1 dies ++ 7n3nown. 1he *aw is si*ent on this.
Art! =0<! $'e #egiti(e o t'e parents *'o 'ave an i##egiti&
(ate c'i#d0 *'en suc' c'i#d #eaves neit'er #egiti(ate
descendants0 nor a surviving spouse0 nor i##egiti(ate
c'i#dren0 is one& 'a# o t'e 'ereditary estate o suc'
i##egiti(ate c'i#d! I on#y #egiti(ate or i##egiti(ate c'i#dren are
#et0 t'e parents are not entit#ed to any #egiti(e *'atsoever! I
on#y t'e *ido* or *ido*er survives *it' parents o t'e
i##egiti(ate c'i#d0 t'e #egiti(e o t'e parents is one&ourt' o
t'e 'ereditary estate o t'e c'i#d0 and t'at o t'e surviving
spouse a#so one&ourt' o t'e estate!
/a*ane$ 1here are 2 com"inations$
1. I**eg. parents ++ 142
does not go "e#ond i**eg. parents un*i3e
Artic*es DCC and DCB.
2. I**eg. parents ++ none
)eg. or i**eg. chi*dren ++ depending on who is *eft
,u*es$ a. &n*# *eg. chi*dren e0c*ude *eg. parents
PAGE 114
". An# 3ind of chi*dren e0c*ude i**eg. chi*dren.
.eserva Troncal!
Art! 8=9! $'e ascendant *'o in'erits ro( 'is
descendant any property *'ic' t'e #atter (ay 'ave ac)uired
by gratuitous tit#e ro( anot'er ascendant0 or a brot'er or
sister0 is ob#iged to reserve suc' property as 'e (ay 'ave
ac)uired by operation o #a* or t'e beneit o re#atives *'o
are *it'in t'e t'ird degree and *'o be#ong to t'e #ine ro(
*'ic' said property ca(e!
/a*ane$ 5istor# of .eserva Troncal$
In the o*d *aw' there were 2 reser(ations$
1. /iudal ++ 2ordinaria2' Art. C?D' &88
2. Troncal ++ 2*inea*'2 2fami*ia*'2 2e0traordinaria'2 Art. D11 of
the &88
In addition$ .eversiones
1. )ega* ++ Art. D12
2. Adoption ++ ,u*es of 8ourt
,eser(ations.++ Propert# set aside for a group of peop*e
who are *imited to persons re*ated from whom it came
.eversiones.-+ Propert# goes "ac3 to the person from
whom it came.
1he 8ode 8ommission a"o*ished a** !. In the f*oor of
8ongress' there was a *ast minute amendment to inc*ude reserva
troncal. In 1C?' PD ?1 re(i(ed reversion adoptiva. /ut this was
e*iminated "# the 6ami*# 8ode. %ow' on*# reserva troncal
1<S ,
M 4 M
M 4 M
M 4 M
2P !,
PAGE 115
1<S (<ediate Source) ++++ gratuitous tit*e ++++ 2P (Prepositus) +++
"# operation of *aw +++ , (.eservista/ reserver) +++ !,
0.eservatorios/ reservees)
I. Purpose of .eserva Troncal
:onFa#es v! C4I!&& 1he purpose of reserva troncal is to
return the propert# to where it originated and from where it
stra#ed due to the accident of marriage. 2Accident2 here means
unforeseen de(e*opment.
1. 6euda*
a. 7nder*#ing concept.++ Propert# shou*d sta# w4 the
fami*# "ecause it has sta#ed w4 them for so *ong and marriage
shou*d not "e a**owed to cause that propert# to *ea(e that fami*#.
". 1o pre(ent the propert# from *ea(ing the fami*#
through the accident of marriage.
E.g.' F ++++++++++ =
Propert# from F9s fami*#. F dies' propert# goes to A. A
dies' propert# goes to =. 1he propert# ma# end up w4 =9s fami*#.
2. 1his is not good
a. It impairs the free circu*ation of propert#
". 7nder*#ing phi*osoph# is "ad++ outdated'
II. ,equisites
C'ua v! C4I!&& 1. 1he propert# was acquired "# a person
from an ascendant of from a "rother or sister "# gratuitous tit*e.
2. Said person died without *egitimate issue.
. 1he propert# is inherited "# another ascendant "#
operation of *aw.
!. 1here are re*ati(es w4in the third degree "e*onging
to the *ine from w4c said propert# came.
PAGE 116
1. 2descendant2 ++ app*ies on*# if one got it from an
ascendant; "ut what if one got it from a "rother; it shou*d ha(e
"een 2"# a person or indi(idua*2
2. Indi(idua* died without *egitimate issue.
2Issue2 here means chi*dren or descendants.
If w4 *egitimate issue' this wi** not app*# "ut wi** go to
*egitimate descendants.
If w4 *egitimate issue "ut the# a** renounce' the
indi(idua* dies as if there was no *egitimate issue
. 2&peration of *aw2 means *ega* or compu*sor#
1<S ,
M 4 M
A M / 4 M 8
M 4 M
2P !,
1. A N 1<S ++ 2P
a. <S ++ either on*# an$ (1) ascendant M
++ of 2P
(2) "rother or sister 4
". <S to P ++ "# gratuitous tit*e ++ either$ (1)
(2) succession
C'ua v!s C4I.++ As *ong as the transmission to the heir is
free from an# condition imposed "# the deceased himse*f and the
propert# is gi(en out of pure generosit#' it is gratuitous. E(en if
the 8ourt ordered the heirs to pa# Standard &i*' it is sti**
gratuitous. If the e0pense or charge is ;ust incidenta*' it is sti**
considered gratuitous.
E.g.' 2I gi(e #ou m# house pro(ided #ou pa# the mortgage.2
1his is sti** gratuitous "ut #ou su"tract the (a*ue of what #ou paid.
2. / N 2P ++ ,
PAGE 117
&peration of *aw$ (a) compu*sor# succession
(") intestate succession
8annot "e "#$ (a) testate succession
(") donation
.eserva troncal commences at this point.
. 8 N , ++ !,
1his is a consequence of reserva troncal
1his occurs when the reservista dies
.eserva troncal ends here.
IE. %A17,E
1. &f right of the reservista o(er the reser(ed propert#.
"droso v! $ablan.++ a. ,eser(ista9s right o(er the propert#
is that of ownership
". ,eser(ista9s right is su";ect to a reso*utor# condition
which is that the reservatorios e0ist at the time of the reser(ista9s
death. If there are' the reser(ista9s right terminates and the
propert# wi** pass to the reservatorios.
c. ,eser(ista9s ownership is a*iena"*e "ut su";ect to
the same reso*utor# condition. 1he "u#er9s ownership is su";ect
to the same reso*utor# condition.
d. ,eser(ista9s right of ownership is registra"*e.
S27nc*e :erman$ ++ 2germanus2 ++ coming from the same
seed; *ater came to mean 2"rother.2T
Error in the case$ 1he case said 2reservatorios cannot
dispose of the e0pectanc#.2 According to the Sienes case'
supra.' which is correct' the e0pectanc# can "e a*ienated.
2. &f right of the reservatorios o(er the reser(ed propert#.
Sienes v! Esparcia!&& a. ,eser(atorious right o(er the
propert# during the *ife of the reser(ista is a mere e0pectanc#.
". 1he e0pectanc# is su";ect to a suspensi(e condition
which is that the reser(atorio is a*i(e at the time the reservista
PAGE 118
c. 1he right of e0pectanc# can "e a*ienated "ut it wi** "e
su";ect to the same suspensi(e condition
d. 1he right of e0pectanc# is registra"*e. It must "e
annotated at the "ac3 of the tit*e to protect the reservatorios from
innocent purchasers for (a*ue.
Errors in the case$
1. 1he case said the 2right of reservista is su";ect to a
dou"*e reso*utor# condition.2 ++ (a) death of the reservista; and
(") sur(i(a* or reservatorio
5owe(er' the death of the reservista is a term. It shou*d "e
the 2right of (the) reservatorio is su";ect to a suspensi(e
2. 1he case said that 2a*ienation "# (the) reservatorios is
su";ect to a reso*utor# condition.2 It shou*d read 2suspensi(e
A. 6our Parties.
1. 6ediate Source!&& Either an ascendant or a "rother or
sister of the prepositus.
a. If ascendant' there is no pro"*em. =ou 3now from what
*ine the propert# came from.
". If "rother or sister and fu** or ha*f "*ood.
(i) If ha*f "*ood' no pro"*em. =ou 3now what *ine
the propert# came from.
(ii) If fu** "*ood' there is a pro"*em. 5ow wi** #ou
what *ine it came from.
3BL "eyes!&& .eserva troncal app*ies on*# to
ha*f "*ood "rothers and sisters. =ou cannot determine
the *ine if it is of fu** "*ood.
<anresa.++ It shou*d app*# regard*ess of whether
it is of fu** or ha*f "*ood. 1he *aw does not distinguish.
-hat *ine do #ou app*# it to. =ou cannot app*# it
to either *ine as *ong as it is within the third degree.
-h#. 1he purpose of the *aw is not on*# to "ring "ac3
PAGE 119
the propert# to the *ine (curati(e) "ut a*so to pre(ent it
from *ea(ing the fami*#.
E.g. A++++++++++/
4 M
F =
= to F. A is dead. F dies' so the propert# goes to /. /
remarries. 1he propert# is *ost.
<anresa9s (iew is the accepted (iew.
2. Prepositus.++ Either a descendant' or "rother or sister of
the mediate source.
5e is the centra* figure in the reserva troncal "ecause$
a. At the time he recei(es the propert#' he "ecomes the
a"so*ute owner. 5e can pre(ent reser(a tronca* from happening.
5ow. /# pre(enting it from going to an ascendant "# operation
of *aw. 5ow.

1. /# se**ing it. Dispose of a potentia**# free portion
propert# (e(en "# pacto de retro.)
2. :i(e it to an ascendant "# donation' de(ise' *egac#
or testamentar# succession.
". 5e is the "asis or point of reference for the third degree
%ote$ 1here is no reserva troncal #et whi*e the propert# is in
the hands of the prepositus.
. .eservista++ ca**ed 2ascendant reser(ista.2 5e must "e
another ascendant other than the mediate source if the mediate
source is an ascendant.
.eserva troncal "egins once the reservista inherits the
propert#. 5e is "ound "# the o"*igations.
PAGE 120
I$ <ust the ascendant+reservista "e*ong to a *ine simi*ar to
the mediate source or shou*d he "e from a different *ine.
E.g.' F++++++++++= F donates to 8. 8 dies
and it goes to A.
L 1<S ++ F
A++++++++++/ 2P ++ 8
L , ++ A .
Is there reserva troncal.
1. %o. 1he propert# ne(er *eft the *ine.
2. =es. 1here is no requirement in Art DC1 that the 1<S
and , must "e*ong to different *ines. 1his is the (iew accepted
"# the ma;orit# of commentators.
!. .eservatorios ++ c*ass or group
a. ,equirements$
1. <ust "e w4in the third degree from the
2. <ust "e from the *ine from w4c the propert#
. <ust "e re*ated "# "*ood to the mediate
(According to commentators.)
E.g.' A++++++++++A1
/++++++++++/1 (.eservista)
8 (Prepositus)
/ died. 7pon A9s death' 8 inherits from A. 7pon 89s death'
the propert# is transmitted to /1. Is A1 a reservatorio.
6o**owing the requisites$
1. =es.
2. =es.
. %o. A1 is not re*ated "# "*ood to the mediate source.
PAGE 121
". ,eser(ation.++ in fa(or of a c*ass. It is not required
that reser(atorios "e *i(ing at the time of the prepositus9
death "ut required to "e a*i(e at the time of the death of the
reser(ista. 1y2 3ec. reservation is in favor of a class. #s
long as you belong to te class %en te reservista dies'
then #ou are a reservatorio.
c. 5ow do the# inherit w4in the c*ass.
Padura (. /a*do(ina.++ App*# the ru*es in intestate
a. %earer e0c*udes the more remote.
". ,epresentation in fa(or or nieces for predeceased
c. Proportion of 2 $ 1 "etween fu** and ha*f "*ood
nephews and "rothers. 5owe(er' there is no representation
in the case "ec. there are no other "rothers. 5owe(er' the
ratio of 2 $ 1 is maintained.
6*orentino (. 6*orentino.++ ,epresentation on*# in fa(or of
nephews and nieces of deceased "rothers and sisters of the
prepositus. 1he case is wrong' howe(er' when it did not
distinguish "etween fu** and ha*f "*ood nephews and nieces.
/. 1hree re*ationships
1. <ediate Source.++ Prepositus++ ascendant or "rother or
2. Prepositus.-- .eservista ++ descendant + ascendant
. .eservatorio -- .eservista
<ediate Source ++ "*ood re*ation
Prepositus ++ within the rd degree
A** re*ationship must "e *egitimate.
In effect' this requirement punishes *egitimate re*ations "ec.
if the re*ation is i**egitimate' there is no o"*igation to reser(e.
PAGE 122
IE. P,&PE,1=.
A. In order for reserva troncal to e0ist' propert# from 1<S +++
2P and from P ++ , must "e the same.
-hat 3ind of propert#. An# 3ind' whether rea* or persona*' as
*ong as it is the same propert#. -hat a"out mone#' can it "e
reser(ed. =es. In mone#' the propert# is the purchasing power
and not the "i**s. As such' the (a*ue of the mone# can "e
/. Specia* Pro"*ems
<S ,
M 4
<S donates a piece of *and to P worth P1BB'BBB. P then
dies w4o *egitimate issue. , is the morther of P.
1. If P had no wi** and the *and is the on*# propert# in his
estate' what is reser(ed. 1he who*e *and.
%ote$ 142 to , as *egitime
142 to , "# intestac#.
2. If with a wi** that said 2I gi(e the free portion to m#
mother'2 what is reser(ed. &ne+ha*f (142) of the *and.
%ote$ 142 to , as *egitime
142 to , "# wi**

-hat is reser(ed is what , recei(ed as *egitime (transferred
"# operation of *aw.)
. If P acquired another piece of *and worth P1BB'BBB
"efore he died and he did not ha(e a wi**' what is reser(ed. 1he
*and from <S is reser(ed.
!. Same as num"er ' "ut this time P died w4 a wi** stating 2I
gi(e the free portion to m# mother.2 -hat is reser(ed.
%ote$ 142 to , as *egitime N P1BB'BBB
142 to , "# wi** N P1BB'BBB
PAGE 123
)and from <S ++ can "e reser(ed
)and su"sequent*# acquired ++ cannot "e reser(ed.
1wo theories$
a. .eserva maxima (ma0imum operation of
reserva tronca*) ++ fit as much of reser(a"*e propert#
as #ou can in the 142 "# *egitime. In the e0amp*e' the
who*e *and from <S is reser(a"*e.
". .eserva minima (fo**owed "# most
commentators) ++ E(er# item wi** pass according to
ratios of the properties. In the e0amp*e' 142 wi** pass as
*egitime and 142 "# wi** for "oth pieces of *and N 142 of
*and from <S is reser(a"*e.
>. If the *and from <S is 1BB'BBB and the *and su"sequent*#
acquired is ?B'BBB' and P died w4o a wi**' what is reser(ed.
%ote$ 142 as *egitime N DB'BBB
142 "# intestac# N DB'BBB
a. .eserva Maxima + D41B of *and from <S is
". .eserva Minima + 142 of the *and from <S is
?. Same as num"er ? "ut P had a wi** stating 2I "equeath
14! of m# estate to m# mother.2 -hat is reser(ed.
%ote$ 142 as *egitime N DB'BBBM 4! "# ope+
14! "# intestac# N !B'BBB 4 ration of *aw
14! "# wi** N !B'BBB
a. .eserva maxima ++ -ho*e *and from <S is
". .eserva minima ++ 4! of *and from <S is
)oo3 at how much passes "# operation of *aw.
1his arises on*# if$
1. P dies *ea(ing propert# he got from <S "# gratuitous tit*e
and other propert# from other sources.
2. P made a wi** instituting the reservista to part of the
PAGE 124
@I! "I:1$S AN% OBLI:A$IONS O4 $1E PA"$IES!
,ights of .eservatorio &"*igations of
1. 1o demand in(entor# and appraisa* 1. 1o
in(entor# and appraise
2. 1o demand annotation of reser(a"*e 2. 1o annotate
reser(a"*e character of
character of the prop. proper. w4in CB
. 1o demand securit#4 "ond . 1o gi(e scurit#4
Suma#a (. IA8 ++ It is ;urisprudence on*# that states that
there is an o"*igation to annotate. 1he other rights e0ist "#
ana*og# from the &*d 8ode wherein simi*ar rights e0isted for
reserva viudal.
EIII. E0tinguishment
1. Death of reservista ++ %o more reserva troncal. 1he
reservatorios get the propert#. If there are no reservatorios' the
prop. sha** form part of the estate of the reservista. It is a 3ind of
de*a#ed succession (G/) ,e#es) from the prepositus.
8ano (. Director ++ 1he reser(ed prop. does not form part of
the reservista4s estate if there are reservatorios
2. Death of a** the reservatorios ++ .eservista4s tit*e to the prop.
"ecomes a"so*ute and unconditiona*.
. 6ortuitous *oss of the reser(ed prop. If the *oss was due to the
fau*t of the reservista' the securit# wi** answer for the propert#.
!. -ai(er "# a** the reservatorios pro(ided no reser(atorio is
su"sequent*# "orn ++ 1his is a tentati(e e0tinguishment "ec.
those su"sequent*# "orn cannot "e "ound "# the wai(er. A
wai(er is persona*.
PAGE 125
>. ,egistration of the prop. under the 1orrens s#stem "# an
innocent purchaser for (a*ue wherein the reser(a"*e character of
the prop. is not annotated on the tit*e ++ not rea**# an
e0tinguishment "ut more of a freeing of the prop. 1he reservista'
howe(er' is *ia"*e for the (a*ue of the prop. p*us damages.
?. E0tincti(e prescription ++ reservista ad(erse*# occupies the
prop. or open*# denies the reserva.
@. <erger ++ .eservista can a*ienate ++ "ut must "e to a** the
reservatorios or if on*# to one' then merger ta3es p*ace on*# w4
regard to that share.
In sett*ement proceedings of the estate of the reservista,
reservatorios ma# enter a c*aim to e0c*ude the prop. from the
in(entor#. .eservatorios can a*so fi*e an accion reivindicatoria.
5owe(er' this is usua**# conso*idated w4 the sett*ement
Art! =0A! $'e testator cannot deprive 'is co(pu#sory
'eirs o t'eir #egiti(e0 e+cept in cases e+press#y speciied by
Neit'er can 'e i(pose upon t'e sa(e any burden0
encu(brance0 condition0 or substitution o any Gind
*'atsoever! -BECS.
Par. 1.++ 1he testator cannot depri(e his compu*sor# heirs of
their *egitime. &therwise' he wi** preterit them or disinherit them
Par. 2.++ See Art. D?! and D@2. 1he princip*e is that the
testator has no power o(er the *egitime
E0ceptions$ 6PI,
a. Art. 2D.++ 6ami*# home++ 1en (1B) #ears.
". Art. 1BDB.++ Partition inter vivos of wi**
c. Art. 1BD.++ Indi(ision for 2B #ears
d. Art. DC1.++ .eserva troncal.

PAGE 126
Art! =0D! Every renunciation or co(pro(ise as regards a
uture #egiti(e bet*een t'e person o*ing it and 'is
co(pu#sory 'eirs is void0 and t'e #atter (ay c#ai( t'e sa(e
upon t'e deat' o t'e or(er> but t'ey (ust bring to co##ation
*'atever t'ey (ay 'ave received by virtue o t'e
renunciation or co(pro(ise!
/a*ane$ 1his is the prodiga* son pro(ision.
1. <one# recei(ed "# the compu*sor# heir (is) considered as
ad(ance on his *egitime. Art. CB> prohi"its an# contract or
agreement "etween the predecessor and the successor. E(en if
there is an agreement' the same is not "inding and the heir can
sti** get his *egitime minus the ad(ance.
2. If the agreement is "etween the heir and his "rother that
he wi** wai(e his *egitime in fa(or of his "rother' can he *ater c*aim
his *egitime after their father9s death. %o. 1he agreement is (oid
under Art. 1!@ that 2%o contract ma# "e entered into upon future
inheritance e0cept in cases e0press*# authoriAed "# *aw.2
1wo (iews$
a. 1o*entino.++ 1he heir shou*d return mone# to his
"rother as a matter of equit#. 1his is not a case of co**ation
"ec. the mone# was not recei(ed from the decedent.
". Do not return the mone# "ec. the# are in pari delicto.
1he# shou*d "e *eft as the# are. 1he reason is that the right
of the compu*sor# heirs is on*# inchoate' the same princip*e
app*ied in Art. @@@.
Art! =0C! Any co(pu#sory 'eir to *'o( t'e testator 'as
#et any tit#e #ess t'an t'e #egiti(e be#onging to 'i( (ay
de(and t'at t'e sa(e be u##y satisied!
/a*ane$ 2/# an# tit*e2 means "# gratuitous tit*e. (It a*so co(ers)
donation inter vivos which are considered ad(ances on the
,e*ate this pro(ision to Artic*es CBC and C1B.
PAGE 127
,e*ate his a*so to Art. 1B?2 where the testator e0presses
otherwise for purposes of co**ation on*# and not preterition.
Art! =07! $esta(entary dispositions t'at i(pair or
di(inis' t'e #egiti(e o t'e co(pu#sory 'eirs s'a## be
reduced on petition o t'e sa(e0 insoar as t'ey (ay be
inoicious or e+cessive!
/a*ane$ ,e*ate this pro(ision to Art. 1B11.
Art! =08! $o deter(ine t'e #egiti(e0 t'e va#ue o t'e
property #et at t'e deat' o t'e testator s'a## be considered0
deducting a## debts and c'arges0 *'ic' s'a## not inc#ude
t'ose i(posed in t'e *i##!
$o t'e net va#ue o t'e 'ereditary estate0 s'a## be added
t'e va#ue o a## donations by t'e testator t'at are sub7ect to
co##ation0 at t'e ti(e 'e (ade t'e(!
/a*ane$ 5ow to compute the net estate$
1. In(entor# a** gross assets.
2. Deduct unpaid de"ts from the gross assets since the
de"ts of the decedent are to "e paid "# his estate.
:ross assets + De"ts N A(ai*a"*e assets.
. Add donations inter vivos made "# the decedent to
an#one. 1he (a*ue of the donated propert# is to "e ascertained at
the time the donation was made. An# change in the (a*ue is for
the account of the donee+owner.
A(ai*a"*e assets O Donations N %et 5ereditar# Estate.
1he "asis for computing the *egitime
:ross Assets P2'>BB'BBB
&utstanding de"ts >BB'BBB
A(ai*a"*e assets 2'BBB'BBB
Donation to e*dest son O BB'BBB
KCC1 stoc3 to "rother O >BB'BBB
PAGE 128
Donation to daughter O 2BB'BBB
%et Estate P'BBB'BBB
If there are chi*dren + *egitime N 1'>BB'BBB
>BB'BBB each.
Spouse + *egitime N >BB'BBB.
Art! =0=! %onations given to c'i#dren s'a## be c'arged
to t'eir #egiti(e!
%onations (ade to strangers s'a## be c'arged to t'at
part o t'e estate o *'ic' t'e testator cou#d 'ave disposed
by 'is #ast *i##!
Insoar as t'ey (ay be inoicious or (ay e+ceed t'e
disposab#e portion0 t'ey s'a## be reduced according to t'e
ru#es estab#is'ed by t'is Code!
Art! =90! %onations *'ic' an i##egiti(ate c'i#dJ (ay
'ave received during t'e #ieti(e o 'is at'er or (ot'er0
s'a## be c'arged to 'is #egiti(e!
S'ou#d t'ey e+ceed t'e portion t'at can be ree#y
disposed o0 t'ey s'a## be reduced in t'e (anner prescribed
by t'is Code!
/a*ane$ Artic*es CBC and C1B are ta3en together.
A. 1. Donation to chi*d' whether *egitimate or i**egitimate
Donation to parents or ascendants (Art. 1B?2.)
:enera* ru*e$ 8harged to the *egitime
E0ception$ If the testator pro(ides otherwise. (Art.
2. Donation to spouse
:enera* ru*e$ %ot a**owed.
E0ception$ :ifts of moderate (a*ue; treat the same as a
donation to a compu*sor# heir.
PAGE 129
. Donation to a stranger ++ charged to the free portion.
/. 8o**ation (Art. 1B?1.)
1. 1hree senses
a. 8omputation.++ Art. CBD' par. 2
". Imputation.++ Artic*es CBC and C1B.
c. ,eduction4 return.++ Artic*es C11 to C1.
2. E0amp*e'
L L L $
A / 8 D
:ross Estate @B'BBB
)ess$ De"ts >'BBB
A(ai*a"*e assets >'BBB
Add$ Donations$
1CD@ to A 1>'BBB
1CDC to < B'BBB
1CC1 to D !B'BBB
%et 5ereditar# Estate 12B'BBB
)egtimes $ Donation Ad(ance $ )ac3
on )egitime
P!>'BBB is needed to comp*# w4 the *egitime "ut (we) on*#
ha(e >'BBB a(ai*a"*e assets. So we need 1B'BBB. ,educe the
a. Donation to / is considered as donation to a stranger as
far as the B'BBB is concerned
". Donation to < is a donation to a stranger
c. Donation to A is not su";ect to reduction
PAGE 130
1he first to "ear the reduction is the donation to D' so deduct
1B'BBB from him
/ N 2B'BBB
8 N 2B'BBB

Art! =99! Ater t'e #egiti(e 'as been deter(ined in
accordance *it' t'e t'ree preceding artic#es0 t'e reduction
s'a## be (ade as o##o*s:
-9. %onations s'a## be respected as #ong as t'e #egiti(e
can be covered0 reducing or annu##ing0 i necessary0 t'e
devise or #egacies (ade in t'e *i##>
-?. $'e reduction o t'e devises or #egacies s'a## be pro
rata0 *it'out any distinction *'atever!
I t'e testator 'as directed t'at a certain devise or
#egacy be paid in preerence to ot'ers0 it s'a## not suer any
reduction unti# t'e #atter 'ave been app#ied in u## to t'e
pay(ent o t'e #egiti(e!
-<. I t'e devise or #egacy consists o a usuruct or #ie
annuity0 *'ose va#ue (ay be considered greater t'an t'at o
t'e disposab#e portion0 t'e co(pu#sory 'eirs (ay c'oose
bet*een co(p#ying *it' t'e testa(entary provision and
de#ivering to t'e devisee or #egatee t'e part o t'e in'eritance
o *'ic' t'e testator cou#d ree#y dispose!
/a*ane$ &rder of reduction
1. )egacies and de(ises. (Art. CB@.)
:enera* ru*e$ Pro+rata.
E0ception$ Preferred ones as stated "# the testator wi** "e
the *ast to "e reduced among the de(ises and *egacies if sti**
2. ,educe donations to strangers.
,u*e$ <ost recent donation to "e reduced first (ear*ier
donations are preferred.) See Art. @@' %88.
PAGE 131
%ote$ 1 and 2 wi** "e reduced e(en up to B as *ong as
. ,educe the share of i**egitimate chi*dren.
Art! =D0! I t'e estate s'ou#d not be suicient
to cover a## t'e #egacies or devises0 t'eir pay(ent
s'a## be (ade in t'e o##o*ing order:
-9. "e(uneratory #egacies or devises>
-?. Legacies or devises dec#ared by t'e
testator to be preerentia#>
-<. Legacies or support>
-A. Legacies or education>
-D. Legacies or devises o a speciic0
deter(inate t'ing *'ic' or(s part o t'e estate>
-C. A## ot'ers pro rata!
Art! =9?! I t'e devise sub7ect to reduction s'ou#d
consist o rea# property0 *'ic' cannot be convenient#y
divided0 it s'a## go to t'e devisee i t'e reduction does not
absorb one&'a# o its va#ue> and in a contrary case0 to t'e
co(pu#sory 'eirs> but t'e or(er and t'e #atter s'a##
rei(burse eac' ot'er in cas' or *'at respective#y be#ongs
to t'e(!
$'e devisee *'o is entit#ed to a #egiti(e (ay retain t'e
entire property0 provided its va#ue does not e+ceed t'at o
t'e disposab#e portion and o t'e s'are pertaining to 'i( as
Art! =9<! I t'e 'eirs or devisees do not c'oose to avai#
t'e(se#ves o t'e rig't granted by t'e preceding artic#e0 any
'eir or devisee *'o did not 'ave suc' rig't (ay e+ercise it>
s'ou#d t'e #atter not (aGe use o it0 t'e property s'a## be
so#d at pub#ic auction at t'e instance o any one o t'e
interested parties!
Art! =9A! $'e testator (ay devise and be)ueat' t'e ree
portion as 'e (ay dee( it!
Section C!&& #isineritance!
PAGE 132
/a*ane$ A compu*sor# heir cannot depri(e his compu*sor# heir of
his *egitime un*ess e0press*# pro(ided "# *aw. 1he *aw e0press*#
pro(ides on*# one wa#' (a*id disinheritance.
1. <ade in a (a*id wi**. (Art. C1?.)
2. Identit# of the heir is c*ear*# esta"*ished
. 6or a *ega* cause. (Artic*es C1C to C21.)
!. E0press*# made
>. 8ause stated in the wi**.
?. A"so*ute or unconditiona* (not 2if he doesn9t apo*ogiAe.2)
@. 1ota*
D. 8ause must "e true and if cha**enged "# the heir' it must
"e pro(ed to "e true (proponent of disinheritance has the "urden
of proof.)
Art! =9D! A co(pu#sory 'eir (ay0 in conse)uence o
disin'eritance0 be deprived o 'is #egiti(e0 or causes
e+press#y stated by #a*!
Art! =9C! %isin'eritance can be eected on#y t'roug' a
*i## *'erein t'e #ega# cause t'ereor s'a## be speciied!
Art! =97! $'e burden o proving t'e trut' o t'e cause
or disin'eritance s'a## rest upon t'e ot'er 'eirs o t'e
testator0 i t'e disin'erited 'eir s'ou#d deny it!
Art! =98! %isin'eritance *it'out a speciication o t'e
cause0 or or a cause t'e trut' o *'ic'0 i contradicted0 is
not proved0 or *'ic' is not one o t'ose set ort' in t'is
Code0 s'a## annu# t'e institution o 'eirs insoar as it (ay
pre7udice t'e person disin'erited> but t'e devises and
#egacies and ot'er testa(entary dispositions s'a## be va#id to
suc' e+tent as *i## not i(pair t'e #egiti(e!
PAGE 133
Art! =9=! $'e o##o*ing s'a## be suicient causes or t'e
disin'eritance o c'i#dren and descendants0 #egiti(ate as
*e## as i##egiti(ate:
-9. 2'en a c'i#d or descendant 'as been ound gui#ty o
an atte(pt against t'e #ie o t'e testator0 'is or 'er spouse0
descendants0 or ascendants>
-?. 2'en a c'i#d or descendant 'as accused t'e
testator o a cri(e or *'ic' t'e #a* prescribes
i(prison(ent or si+ years or (ore0 i t'e accusation 'as
been ound ground#ess>
-<. 2'en a c'i#d or descendant 'as been convicted o
adu#tery or concubinage *it' t'e spouse o t'e testator>
-A. 2'en a c'i#d or descendant by raud0 vio#ence0
inti(idation0 or undue in#uence causes t'e testator to (aGe
a *i## or to c'ange one a#ready (ade>
-D. A reusa# *it'out 7ustiiab#e cause to support t'e
parent or ascendant *'o disin'erits suc' c'i#d or
-C. 6a#treat(ent o t'e testator by *ord or deed0 by t'e
c'i#d or descendants>
-7. 2'en a c'i#d or descendant #eads a dis'onorab#e or
disgraceu# #ie>
-8. Conviction o a cri(e *'ic' carries *it' it t'e
pena#ty o civi# interdiction!
/a*ane$ 1his is an e0c*usi(e *ist and not i**ustrati(e.
1. Attempt against the *ife' etc.++ 6ina* con(iction is
2Attempt2 is a generic term which inc*udes a** 3inds of
commission' whether frustrated or consummated.
Intent to 3i** must "e present.
2. Accusation.
a. Accusation is a generic term which inc*udes$ (i) fi*ing
of an information; (ii) presenting incriminating e(idence; (iii)
acting as a witness against the ascendant.
". Imprisonment of more than si0 (?) #ears
c. Accusation is ground*ess.++ Ascendant is acquitted on the
finding that$ (i) there is no crime; or (ii) that the ascendant did
not commit it.
PAGE 134
If the ascendant was acquitted on reasona"*e dou"t' the
ascendant cannot disinherit "ecause the accusation is not
. Adu*ter# and concu"inage.++ 1his needs con(iction. E.g.'
-hen #our parent remarries someone #oung and #ou ha(e an
affair with that person.
!. 6raud' (io*ence' intimidation or undue inf*uence as
regards the wi**.++ 1his goes into the (er# essence of wi**+
ma3ing++ the freedom depri(ed "# the chi*d or descendant.
It does not mention pre(ent "ecause if he was pre(ented'
how can he ma3e a wi** of disinheritance. Pre(ention is a ground
for unworthiness (Art. 1B2' par. @) which has the same effect as
>. ,efusa* to support without ;ustifia"*e cause.++ ,efusa*'
itse*f' is not a ground; it must "e un;ustified. E.g.' In the 68' there
is an order of preference for support. 1he person ma# "e wi**ing
to support "ut it is not economica**# feasi"*e. A person must
support his wife and chi*dren first. 1here is here a ;ustified
?. <a*treatment.++ %o con(iction is required as compared to
num"er 1 wherein con(iction is needed. 1his ma# "e pro(en "#
preponderance of e(idence. It is possi"*e for an act not to fa** in
num"er 1 "ut to fa** in num"er ?.
E.g.' 1he son shoots his father. 1he father is wounded "ut
he reco(ers. 1he father does not want a scanda* so he does not
fi*e charges against his son. So' he disinherits his son not under
num"er 1 "ut under no. ?.
@. )eads a dishonora"*e *ife.++ 1his is a catch+a** pro(ision.
2)eads2 denotes ha"itua*it#. Dishonora"*e and disgracefu* are
"ased on the sense of the communit# as percei(ed "# the ;udge.
It is not *imited to se0ua* immora*it#. E.g.' drug addict' a*coho*ic.
C. 8i(i* Interdiction.++ 8on(iction is required.
Accessor# pena*t# that goes w4 the principa* pena*t# of
reclusion temporal and up.
%otes$ 8on(iction is required in num"ers 1' and C.
PAGE 135
Art! =?0! $'e o##o*ing s'a## be suicient causes or t'e
disin'eritance o parents or ascendants0 *'et'er #egiti(ate
or i##egiti(ate:
-9. 2'en t'e parents 'ave abandoned t'eir c'i#dren or
induced t'eir daug'ters to #ive a corrupt or i((ora# #ie0 or
atte(pted against t'eir virtue>
-?. 2'en t'e parent or ascendant 'as been convicted o
an atte(pt against t'e #ie o t'e testator0 'is or 'er spouse0
descendants0 or ascendants>
-<. 2'en t'e parent or ascendant 'as accused t'e
testator o a cri(e or *'ic' t'e #a* prescribes
i(prison(ent or si+ years or (ore0 i t'e accusation 'as
been ound to be a#se>
-A. 2'en t'e parent or ascendant 'as been convicted o
adu#tery or concubinage *it' t'e spouse o t'e testator>
-D. 2'en t'e parent or ascendant by raud0 vio#ence0
inti(idation0 or undue in#uence causes t'e testator to (aGe
a *i## or to c'ange one a#ready (ade>
-C. $'e #oss o parenta# aut'ority or causes speciied in
t'is Code>
-7. $'e reusa# to support t'e c'i#dren or descendants
*it'out 7ustiiab#e cause>
-8. An atte(pt by one o t'e parents against t'e #ie o
t'e ot'er0 un#ess t'ere 'as been a reconci#iation bet*een
/a*ane$ %um"ers 2' > and @ are the same as the grounds in Art.
1. Enumerates grounds$
a. A"andonment "# parent of his chi*dren.++ In
a"andonment' there are two (2) (iews$
1. Strict.++ )ea(ing them a*one whi*e sti** chi*dren under
circumstances that wou*d endanger them.
2. Accepted.++ An# case where a parent' without
;ustifia"*e cause' withho*ds his care. E.g.' )ea(ing someone
at the doorstep.
". Induced their daughter to *i(e a corrupt or immora* *ife.++
Does it inc*ude grandparents to granddaughters. =es. 1he
pro(ision co(ers ascendant9s (is+U+(is descendants.
PAGE 136
c. Attempt against their (irtues.++ <ere attempt is enough
as *ong as it can "e pro(en.
%ote$ In a** cases' con(iction is not required.
?. )oss of parenta* authorit#.++ 68 does not inc*ude a** causes of
*oss of parenta* authorit#. E0ception$ Adoption' age of ma;orit#.
1he grounds refer to those which in(o*(e the same mora*
cu*pa"i*it#. E0ception$ Artic*es 22C' par. !' 2B and 21 of 68.
D. Attempt "# a parent against the other.++ 1his does not need
con(iction. E0ception$ -hen the# reconci*e.
1his presupposes that there is no disinheritance #et.
)osses right to disinherit upon reconci*iation.
/ut what if a*read# disinherited "efore reconci*iation. 1his is
not c*ear. /ut it shou*d "e considered re(o3ed "ec. in case of
dou"t' reso*(e against disinheritance.

Art! =?9! $'e o##o*ing s'a## be suicient causes or
disin'eriting a spouse:
-9. 2'en t'e spouse 'as been convicted o an atte(pt
against t'e #ie o t'e testator0 'is or 'er descendants0 or
-?. 2'en t'e spouse 'as accused t'e testator o a
cri(e or *'ic' t'e #a* prescribes i(prison(ent or si+
years or (ore0 and t'e accusation 'as been ound to be
-<. 2'en t'e spouse by raud0 vio#ence0 inti(idation0 or
undue in#uence causes t'e testator to (aGe a *i## or to
c'ange one a#ready (ade>
-A. 2'en t'e spouse 'as given cause or #ega#
-D. 2'en t'e spouse 'as given grounds or t'e #oss o
parenta# aut'ority>
-C. Un7ustiiab#e reusa# to support t'e c'i#dren or t'e
ot'er spouse!
/a*ane$ Simi*ar grounds found in Artic*es C1C and C2B.
1. /oth.
2. /oth.
. /oth.
PAGE 137
>. Art. C2B on*#.
?. /oth.
1he on*# new ground is num"er !$
)ega* separation is not a ground. If there is *ega* separation'
#ou do not need to disinherit. Disinheritance ta3es p*ace "#
operation of *aw.
As *ong as there is cause for *ega* separation' #ou can
disinherit pro(ided #ou are the offended spouse.
Art! =??! A subse)uent reconci#iation bet*een t'e
oender and t'e oended person deprives t'e #atter o t'e
rig't to disin'erit0 and renders ineectua# any disin'eritance
t'at (ay 'ave been (ade!
/a*ane$ 1. ,econci*iation.++ 1wo persons who are at odds
decide to set aside their differences and to resume their re*ations.
1he# need not go "ac3 to their o*d re*ation. A handsha3e is not
reconci*iation. It has to "e something more. It must "e c*ear and
2. -hat is the effect of reconci*iation.
a. If there is no wi**.++ It depri(es the offended person
of his right to disinherit the offending person.
". If a*read# disinherited.++ It sets aside disinheritance
a*read# made.
. 1his is inconsistent with Art. 1B. In disinheritance'
reconci*iation is sufficient. It need not "e in writing. In
unworthiness' howe(er' it needs to "e in writing. 1his is
inconsistent "ec. when #ou are dea*ing w4 the e0press wi** to
disinherit' reconci*iation is enough when #ou are dea*ing w4 the
presumed wi**' it must "e in writing.
Art! =?<! $'e c'i#dren and descendants o t'e person
disin'erited s'a## taGe 'is or 'er p#ace and s'a## preserve t'e
rig'ts o co(pu#sory 'eirs *it' respect to t'e #egiti(e> but
t'e disin'erited parent s'a## not 'ave t'e usuruct or
ad(inistration o t'e property *'ic' constitutes t'e #egiti(e!
/a*ane$ ,epresentation in case of disinheritance$
PAGE 138
1. Effect of disinheritance is not e0p*icit*# pro(ided for.
1he tota* e0c*usion N *oss of *egitime' right to intestate
succession' and of an# disposition in a prior wi**.
2. 21a3es p*ace on*# in *egitime.2++ 1he *aw assumes that
free portion has "een gi(en awa#. If not' inc*ude the intestate
. ,epresentation.++ (1his is app*ica"*e on*#) if (the) person
disinherited is a chi*d or descendant.
Inc*udes "oth *egitime and intestate share of the disinherited
A /
a1 a2
a. F made a wi** gi(ing =' a friend' 142 of his estate. 1his
co(ered the free portion. F (a*id*# disinherited A. 8an a1 and a2
represent A. =es. 8hi*dren of A can represent him as to the
*egitime on*# "ec. the free portion has "een gi(en to /.
". F (a*id*# disinherits A. F did not dispose of his free
portion. 5ow much wi** the chi*dren of A inherit from F. 1he# wi**
inherit A9s share in the *egitime and in the free portion' 14! ++
14! ++ free portion.
1he representati(e of the disinherited person wi** recei(e
"oth the *egitime and the free portion which might ha(e accrued to
the person disinherited if he had not "een disinherited.
Section 7!&& %egacies and #evises!
/a*ane$ Definition in Art. @D2 is not a good definition.
PAGE 139
1. 8astan.++ 2A *egac# or a de(ise is a gratuitous grant in a
wi** of a specific persona* or rea* propert#.2
2. a. In a de(ise or *egac#' 2a person succeeds "#
particu*ar tit*e'2 to a specific propert#.
". 5eir is 2a person who succeeds "# uni(ersa* tit*e'2 to
a fractiona* part of the estate.
Art! =?A! A## t'ings and rig'ts *'ic' are *it'in t'e
co((erce o (an (ay be be)ueat'ed or devised!
/a*ane$ -hat can "e "equeathed or de(ised. An#thing w4in the
commerce of man or w4c is a*iena"*e.
Art! =?D! A testator (ay c'arge *it' #egacies and
devises not on#y 'is co(pu#sory 'eirs but a#so #egatees and
$'e #atter s'a## be #iab#e or t'e c'arge on#y to t'e e+tent
o t'e va#ue o t'e #egacy o t'e devise received by t'e(!
$'e co(pu#sory 'eirs s'a## not be #iab#e or t'e c'arge
beyond t'e a(ount o t'e ree portion given t'e(!
/a*ane$ 1his pro(ision gi(es a misimpression.
:enera* ru*e$ )egac# or de(ise is an o"*igation of the estate
un*ess it impairs the *egitimes.
E0ception$ If the o"*igation is imposed "# the testator on a
testamentar# heir' de(isee or *egatee. 1he o"*igation "ecomes a
su"+de(ise or su"+*egac# N mode imposed on the heir' de(isee or
E.g.' 2I gi(e A 14! of m# estate "ut I impose upon him the
o"*igation to gi(e / a car.2
If A wants to accept the 14!' he wi** ha(e to gi(e a car to /.
Art! =?C! 2'en t'e testator c'arges one o t'e 'eirs
*it' a #egacy or devise0 'e a#one s'a## be bound!
S'ou#d 'e not c'arge anyone in particu#ar0 a## s'a## be
#iab#e in t'e sa(e proportion in *'ic' t'ey (ay in'erit!
PAGE 140
Art! =?7! I t*o or (ore 'eirs taGe possession o t'e
estate0 t'ey s'a## be so#idari#y #iab#e or t'e #oss or
destruction o a t'ing devised or be)ueat'ed0 even t'oug'
on#y one o t'e( s'ou#d 'ave been neg#igent!
Art! =?8! $'e 'eir *'o is bound to de#iver t'e #egacy or
devise s'a## be #iab#e in case o eviction0 i t'e t'ing is
indeter(inate and is indicated on#y by its Gind!
/a*ane$ (1his is a) "ad wa# to put it. As in Art. C2>' it is not the
heir' de(isee or *egatee who is *ia"*e "ut the estate un*ess su"+
*egac# is imposed.
E.g.' 2I gi(e a fishpond to F.2 1he fishpond was gi(en to F.
If a third person then puts a c*aim on the fishpond and succeeds
in ta3ing possession of the fishpond "# winning the suit' then as a
genera* ru*e' the estate is *ia"*e un*ess it is a su"+de(ise or su"+
*egatee' in w4c case the de(isee or *egatee is *ia"*e.

Art! =?=! I t'e testator0 'eir0 or #egatee o*ns on#y a part
o0 or an interest in t'e t'ing be)ueat'ed0 t'e #egacy or
devise s'a## be understood #i(ited to suc' part or interest0
un#ess t'e testator e+press#y dec#ares t'at 'e gives t'e t'ing
in its entirety!
/a*ane$ 1he propert# gi(en is owned on*# in part "# the testator.
:enera* ru*e$ If the testator owns on*# a part' the de(isee or
*egatee wi** on*# get that part.
(1) 1estator gi(es more.++ E.g.' :i(ing it in it9s entiret#.
5ow. 1he estate shou*d "u# out the rest of the propert#. If co+
owners don9t *i3e to se**' then the estate gi(es him the testator9s
share p*us the cash (a*ue of the rest of the propert#.
(2) 1estator gi(es *ess.++ Art. @C!.
Art! =<0! $'e #egacy or devise o a t'ing be#onging to
anot'er person is void0 i t'e testator erroneous#y be#ieved
t'at t'e t'ing pertained to 'i(! But i t'e t'ing be)ueat'ed0
t'oug' not be#onging to t'e testator *'en 'e (ade t'e *i##0
PAGE 141
ater*ards beco(es 'is0 by *'atever tit#e0 t'e disposition
s'a## taGe eect!
Art! =<9! I t'e testator orders t'at a t'ing be#onging to
anot'er be ac)uired in order t'at it be given to a #egatee or
devisee0 t'e 'eir upon *'o( t'e ob#igation is i(posed or t'e
estate (ust ac)uire it and give t'e sa(e to t'e #egatee or
devisee> but i t'e o*ner o t'e t'ing reuses to a#ienate t'e
sa(e0 or de(ands an e+cessive price t'ereor0 t'e 'eir or t'e
estate s'a## on#y be ob#iged to give t'e 7ust va#ue o t'e t'ing!
/a*ane$ Artic*es CB and C1.
Art. CB.++ :enera* ru*e$ A *egac# or de(ise of a thing
"e*onging to someone e*se when the testator thought that he
owned it is a (oid *egac# or de(ise "ec. it is (itiated "# mista3e.
E0ception$ If the testator acquires it after ma3ing his wi**.
Art. C1.++ If the thing gi(en as de(ise or *egac# is not
owned "# the testator at the time he made the wi** "ut he orders
his estate to acquire it' it is a (a*id *egac# or de(ise. 1he testator
3new that he did not own it. 1here is no mista3e.
<idd*e ground.++ Supposing$
a. 1he testator 3new that he did not own it.++ Art. CB does
not app*#.
". 1estator does not order his estate to purchase it.++ Art.
C1 does not app*#.
-hat is the status of that *egac# or de(ise. According to
1o*entino' when the testator ga(e the *egac# or de(ise 3nowing
that it is not his' there is an imp*ied order to the estate to acquire
it. App*# Art. C1 "# ana*og#. At the (er# *east' there is a dou"t
and dou"ts are reso*(ed in fa(or of (a*idit#.
Art! =<?! $'e #egacy or devise o a t'ing *'ic' at t'e
ti(e o t'e e+ecution o t'e *i## a#ready be#onged to t'e
#egatee or devisee s'a## be ineective0 even t'oug' anot'er
person (ay 'ave interest t'erein!
I t'e testator e+press#y orders t'at t'e t'ing be reed
ro( suc' interest or encu(brance0 t'e #egacy or devise
s'a## be va#id to t'at e+tent!
PAGE 142
/a*ane$ )egac# of a thing a*read# "e*onging to the *egatee or
Art! =<<! I t'e t'ing be)ueat'ed be#onged to t'e #egatee
or devisee at t'e ti(e o t'e e+ecution o t'e *i##0 t'e #egacy
or devise s'a## be *it'out eect0 even t'oug' it (ay 'ave
been subse)uent#y a#ienated by 'i(!
I t'e #egatee or devisee ac)uires it gratuitous#y ater
suc' ti(e0 'e can c#ai( not'ing by virtue o t'e #egacy or
devise> but i it 'as been ac)uired by onerous tit#e 'e can
de(and rei(burse(ent ro( t'e 'eir or t'e estate!
/a*ane$ 1his is the same situation as in Art. C2.
Par. 1.++ 1he *egac# or de(ise is ineffecti(e e(en if the
*egatee or de(isee a*ienates the thing after the wi** is made.
Par. 2.++ If at the time the *egac# or de(ise is made' the thing
did not "e*ong to the *egatee or de(isee "ut *ater on he acquires
it' then$
a. If he acquired it "# gratuitous tit*e' then the
*egac# or de(ise is (oid "ec. the purpose of the testator
that the propert# go to the de(isee or *egatee has
a*read# "een accomp*ished with no e0pense to the
*egatee or de(isee.
". If he acquired it "# onerous tit*e' then the
*egac# or de(ise is (a*id and the estate ma# "e required
to reim"urse the amount.
Art! =<A! I t'e testator s'ou#d be)ueat' or devise
so(et'ing p#edged or (ortgaged to secure a recoverab#e
debt beore t'e e+ecution o t'e *i##0 t'e estate is ob#iged to
pay t'e debt0 un#ess t'e contrary intention appears!
$'e sa(e ru#e app#ies *'en t'e t'ing is p#edge or
(ortgaged ater t'e e+ecution o t'e *i##!
Any ot'er c'arge0 perpetua# or te(porary0 *it' *'ic'
t'e t'ing be)ueat'ed is burdened0 passes *it' it to t'e
#egatee or devisee!
/a*ane$ Par. 1.++ 1he purpose of the pa#ment of de"t is so that
the *egatee or de(isee wi** get it free from encum"rance.
:enera* ru*e$ P*edge4 mortgage must "e paid "# the estate.
PAGE 143
E0ception$ If the testator pro(ides otherwise.
Par. .++ E.g.' Easement' usufruct.
Art! =<D! $'e #egacy o a credit against a t'ird person or
o t'e re(ission or re#ease o a debt o t'e #egatee s'a## be
eective on#y as regards t'at part o t'e credit or debt
e+isting at t'e ti(e o t'e deat' o t'e testator!
In t'e irst case0 t'e estate s'a## co(p#y *it' t'e #egacy
by assigning to t'e #egatee a## rig'ts o action it (ay 'ave
against t'e debtor! In t'e second case0 by giving t'e #egatee
an ac)uittance0 s'ou#d 'e re)uest one!
In bot' cases0 t'e #egacy s'a## co(prise a## interests on
t'e credit or debt *'ic' (ay be due t'e testator at t'e ti(e
o 'is deat'!
Art! =<C! $'e #egacy reerred to in t'e preceding artic#e
s'a## #apse i t'e testator0 ater 'aving (ade it0 s'ou#d bring
an action against t'e debtor or t'e pay(ent o 'is debt0
even i suc' pay(ent s'ou#d not 'ave been eected at t'e
ti(e o 'is deat'!
$'e #egacy to t'e debtor o t'e t'ing p#edged by 'i( is
understood to disc'arge on#y t'e rig't o p#edge!
/a*ane$ 1he *egac# to the de"tor of the thing p*edged "# him is
understood to discharge on*# the right of p*edge.
Art! =<7! A generic #egacy o re#ease or re(ission o
debts co(prises t'ose e+isting at t'e ti(e o t'e e+ecution
o t'e *i##0 but not subse)uent ones!
/a*ane$ )egac# of credit or remission. Artic*es C> to C@.
A. Definitions.
1. )egac# of credit.++ ta3es p*ace when the testator
"equeaths to another a credit against a third person. In effect' it
is a novation of the credit "# the su"rogation of the *egatee in the
p*ace of the origina* creditor. E.g.' 2I gi(e to A a** the de"ts /
owes me.2
PAGE 144
2. )egac# of remission.++ a testamentar# disposition of a
de"t in fa(or of the de"tor. 1he *egac# is (a*id on*# to the e0tent
of the amount of the credit e0isting at the time of the testator9s
death. In effect' the de"t is e0tinguished. E.g.' 2I gi(e to A as
*egac# his de"t to me.2
/. ,u*es app*ica"*e.
1. Art. C>.++ )egac# app*ies on*# to the amounts
outstanding at the time of the testator9s death. E.g.' A owes /
P1'BBB. / ma3es a wi** gi(ing as *egac# to A the de"t of A. After
the wi** is made' A pa#s / >BB. 5ow much is the *egac#. P>BB.
2. Art. C?.++ 1he *egac# is re(o3ed if the testator fi*es an
action (;udicia* suit) against the de"tor. E.g.' A "equeaths the
credit he has against / to /. After ma3ing the wi**' A sues / for
co**ection. A dies whi*e the suit is pending. Does / ha(e a right
to the credit. %o. 1he fi*ing of the action re(o3ed the *egac#.
. Art. C@.++ It app*ies on*# to credits e0isting at the time
the wi** was made' and not to su"sequent credits. E.g.' 2I gi(e to
A a** the credits I ha(e against /.2 -hen the wi** was made' /
had de"ts. After the wi** was made' / incurs 2 more de"ts.
-hich ones can A c*aim.
:enera* ru*e$ &n*# the first .
E0ception$ -hen the testator pro(ides otherwise.
Art! =<8! A #egacy or devise (ade to a creditor s'a## not
be app#ied to 'is credit0 un#ess t'e testator so e+press#y
In t'e #atter case0 t'e creditor s'a## 'ave t'e rig't to
co##ect t'e e+cess0 i any0 o t'e credit or o t'e #egacy or
/a*ane$ :enera* ru*e$ )egac# or de(ise is not considered
pa#ment of a de"t. -h#. /ec. if it is' then it wou*d "e a use*ess
*egac# or de(ise since it wi** rea**# "e paid.
E0ception$ If the testator pro(ides otherwise.
Art! =<=! I t'e testator orders t'e pay(ent o *'at 'e
be#ieves 'e o*es but does not in act o*e0 t'e disposition
PAGE 145
s'a## be considered as not *ritten! I as regards a speciied
debt (ore t'an t'e a(ount t'ereo is ordered paid0 t'e
e+cess is not due0 un#ess a contrary intention appears!
$'e oregoing provisions are *it'out pre7udice to t'e
u#i##(ent o natura# ob#igations!
Art! =A0! In a#ternative #egacies or devises0 t'e c'oice is
presu(ed to be #et to t'e 'eir upon *'o( t'e ob#igation to
give t'e #egacy or devise (ay be i(posed0 or t'e e+ecutor or
ad(inistrator o t'e estate i no particu#ar 'eir is so ob#iged!
I t'e 'eir0 #egatee or devisee0 *'o (ay 'ave been given
t'e c'oice0 dies beore (aGing it0 t'is rig't s'a## pass to t'e
respective 'eirs!
Once (ade0 t'e c'oice is irrevocab#e!
In a#ternative #egacies or devises0 e+cept as 'erein
provided0 t'e provisions o t'is Code regu#ating ob#igations
o t'e sa(e Gind s'a## be observed0 save suc' (odiications
as (ay appear ro( t'e intention e+pressed by t'e testator!
/a*ane$ 2heir upon whom the o"*igation to gi(e the *egac# or
de(ise ma# "e imposed.2 (1his is) not necessar#. )oo3 at the
genera* ru*e and the e0ception in Art. C2>.
1he same ru*es as in a*ternati(e o"*igations app*#. See
Artic*es 11CC to 12B?.
Art! =A9! A #egacy o generic persona# property s'a## be
va#id i t'ere be no t'ings o t'e sa(e Gind in t'e estate!
A devise o indeter(inate rea# property s'a## be va#id
on#y i t'ere be i((ovab#e property o its Gind in t'e estate!
$'e rig't o c'oice s'a## be#ong to t'e e+ecutor or
ad(inistrator *'o s'a## co(p#y *it' t'e #egacy by t'e
de#ivery o a t'ing *'ic' is neit'er o inerior nor o superior
:eneric )egac# (s.
Indeterminate De(ise
E(en if no thing of the same 3ind 1here must
e0ist immo(a"*es
PAGE 146
e0ist in the estate' the *egac# is of the
same 3ind in order to "e
(a*id. 1he estate wi** ha(e to "u# it. (a*id.
-h# the difference in the ru*es. 5istorica**#' in ,oman )aw'
persona* propert# was treated with more *i"era*it# "ec. the# were
easier to acquire and dispose.
If gi(en a choice' I wou*d amend the *aw and ma3e the same
ru*e app*ica"*e to "oth' name*#' the ru*e on de(ises. 1his wou*d
"e more in conformit# with the intent of the testator. (/a*ane.)
,ight of choice.++ E0ecutor4 administrator. <ust gi(e neither
inferior nor superior qua*it#.
Art! =A?! 2'enever t'e testator e+press#y #eaves t'e
rig't o c'oice to t'e 'eir0 or to t'e #egatee or devisee0 t'e
or(er (ay give or t'e #atter (ay c'oose *'ic'ever 'e (ay
Art! =A<! I t'e 'eir0 #egatee or devisee cannot (aGe t'e
c'oice0 in case it 'as been granted 'i(0 'is rig't s'a## pass
to 'is 'eirs> but a c'oice once (ade s'a## be irrevocab#e!
Art! =AA! A #egacy or education #asts unti# t'e #egatee is
o age0 or beyond t'e age o (a7ority in order t'at t'e #egatee
(ay inis' so(e proessiona#0 vocationa# or genera# course0
provided 'e pursues 'is course di#igent#y!
A #egacy or support #asts during t'e #ieti(e o t'e
#egatee0 i t'e testator 'as not ot'er*ise provided!
I t'e testator 'as not i+ed t'e a(ount o suc' #egacies0
it s'a## be i+ed in accordance *it' t'e socia# standing and
t'e circu(stances o t'e #egatee and t'e va#ue o t'e estate!
I t'e testator during 'is #ieti(e used to give t'e #egatee
a certain su( o (oney or ot'er t'ings by *ay o support0
t'e sa(e a(ount s'a## be dee(ed be)ueat'ed0 un#ess it be
(arGed#y disproportionate to t'e va#ue o t'e estate!
/a*ane$ Duration and Amount of the different *egacies.
PAGE 147
,u*es as to amount$
1. Amount prescri"ed "# the testator
2. -hat the testator used to gi(e during his *ifetime
. In accordance with the socia* standing and circumstances
of the *egatee. In other words' according to his needs.
Art! =AD! I a periodica# pension0 or a certain annua#0
(ont'#y0 or *eeG#y a(ount is be)ueat'ed0 t'e #egatee (ay
petition t'e court or t'e irst insta##(ent upon t'e deat' o
t'e testator0 and or t'e o##o*ing ones *'ic' s'a## be due at
t'e beginning o eac' period> suc' pay(ent s'a## not be
returned0 even t'oug' t'e #egatee s'ou#d die beore t'e
e+piration o t'e period *'ic' 'as co((enced!
/a*ane$ E.g.' 1estator dies on <arch 1' 1CC?. 5e has a wi**
gi(ing A a month*# pension of P1'BBB.
1. If we fo**ow Art. C!> *itera**#' A can compe* the estate to
gi(e him his pension from <arch 1' 1CC?.
2. In rea*it#' A has to wait. 1he estate shou*d "e sett*ed first
(wi** pro"ated' pa#ment of de"ts' determine if *egac# is effectua*'
etc.) After sett*ement of the estate' A can demand his *egac# and
its effecti(it# wi** retroact to <arch 1' 1CC?.
Art! =AC! I t'e t'ing be)ueat'ed s'ou#d be sub7ect to a
usuruct0 t'e #egatee or devisee s'a## respect suc' rig't unti#
it is #ega##y e+tinguis'ed!
/a*ane$ 1his is the same as in Art. C!' par. .
Art! =A7! t'e #egatee or devisee ac)uires a rig't to t'e
pure and si(p#e #egacies or devises ro( t'e deat' o t'e
testator0 and trans(its it to 'is 'eirs!
Art! =A8! I t'e #egacy or devise is o a speciic and
deter(inate t'ing pertaining to t'e testator0 t'e #egatee or
devisee ac)uires t'e o*ners'ip t'ereo upon t'e deat' o t'e
testator0 as *e## as any gro*ing ruits0 or unborn ospring o
ani(a#s0 or unco##ected inco(e> but not t'e inco(e *'ic'
*as due and unpaid beore t'e #atterIs deat'!
4ro( t'e (o(ent o t'e testatorIs deat'0 t'e t'ing
be)ueat'ed s'a## be at t'e risG o t'e #egatee or devisee0 *'o
PAGE 148
s'a##0 t'ereore0 bear its #oss or deterioration0 and s'a## be
beneitted by its increase or i(prove(ent0 *it'out pre7udice
to t'e responsibi#ity o t'e e+ecutor or ad(inistrator!
Art! =A=! I t'e be)uest s'ou#d not be o a speciic and
deter(inate t'ing0 but is generic or o )uantity0 its ruits and
interests ro( t'e ti(e o t'e deat' o t'e testator s'a##
pertain to t'e #egatee or devisee i t'e testator 'as e+press#y
so ordered!
/a*ane$ Artic*es C!@ to C!C.++ ,u*es on Demanda"i*it#' 6ruits
and &wnership.
1. Demanda"i*it# depends on whether$
a. Pure.++ 7pon the testator9s death. (Artic*es C!@' C!>.)
". -ith a term.++ 7pon arri(a* of the term
c. 8onditiona*.++ 7pon the happening of the suspensi(e
2. 6ruits w4c depends on whether$
a. Pure and specific.++ 7pon the testator9s death. (Art. C!D.)
". Pure and generic.++ 7pon determination of what is to "e
de*i(ered to the de(isee or *egatee un*ess the testator pro(ides
otherwise. (Art. C!C.)
c. -ith a term.++ 7pon arri(a* of the term.
d. 8onditiona*.++ 7pon the happening of the suspensi(e
. &wnership
a. Pure and specific.++ 7pon the death of the testator. (Art.
". Pure and generic.++ It depends$
(i) if the thing comes from the testator9s estate'
upon the testator9s death
(ii) if the thing has to "e acquired from a third
person' upon the acquisition of the thing.
c. -ith a term.++ 7pon the testator9s death (effect retroacts.)
d. 8onditiona*.++ 7pon the testator9s death (effect retroacts.)
PAGE 149
Art! =D0! I t'e estate s'ou#d not be suicient to cover
a## t'e #egacies or devises0 t'eir pay(ent s'a## be (ade in
t'e o##o*ing order:
-9. "e(uneratory #egacies or devises>
-?. Legacies or devises dec#ared by t'e testator to be
-<. Legacies or support>
-A. Legacies or education>
-D. Legacies or devises o a speciic0 deter(inate t'ing
*'ic' or(s part o t'e estate>
-C. A## ot'ers pro rata!
/a*ane$ &rder of preference.
1his conf*icts w4 Art. C11.++ 2If #ou reduce *egacies' reduce
a** e0cept those preferred according to the testator.2++
So*ution according to commentators.++ :i(e each its own
sphere of operation$
1. If #ou ha(e to reduce "ec. *egitimes ha(e "een impaired'
fo**ow Art. C11.
2. If for an# other reason' fo**ow Art. C>B.
Art! =D9! $'e t'ing be)ueat'ed s'a## be de#ivered *it'
a## its accessions and accessories and in t'e condition in
*'ic' it (ay be upon t'e deat' o t'e testator!
Art! =D?! $'e 'eir0 c'arged *it' a #egacy or devise0 or
t'e e+ecutor or ad(inistrator o t'e estate0 (ust de#iver t'e
very t'ing be)ueat'ed i 'e is ab#e to do so and cannot
disc'arge t'is ob#igation by paying its va#ue!
Legacies o (oney (ust be paid in cas'0 even t'oug'
t'e 'eir or t'e estate (ay not 'ave any!
$'e e+penses necessary or t'e de#ivery o t'e t'ing
be)ueat'ed s'a## be or t'e account o t'e 'eir or t'e estate0
but *it'out pre7udice to t'e #egiti(e!
Art! =D<! $'e #egatee or devisee cannot taGe possession
o t'e t'ing be)ueat'ed upon 'is o*n aut'ority0 but s'a##
re)uest its de#ivery and possession o t'e 'eir c'arged *it'
PAGE 150
t'e #egacy or devise0 or o t'e e+ecutor or ad(inistrator o
t'e estate s'ou#d 'e be aut'oriFed by t'e court to de#iver it!
Art! =DA! $'e #egatee or devisee cannot accept a part o
t'e #egacy or devise and repudiate t'e ot'er0 i t'e #atter be
S'ou#d 'e die beore 'aving accepted t'e #egacy or
devise0 #eaving severa# 'eirs0 so(e o t'e #atter (ay accept
and t'e ot'ers (ay repudiate t'e s'are respective#y
be#onging to t'e( in t'e #egacy or devise!
/a*ane$ 1his app*ies to a situation where there is on*# one *egac#
or de(ise.
Par. 2.++ 1he same ru*e as in accretion' acceptance and
Art! =DD! $'e #egatee or devisee o t*o #egacies or
devises0 one o *'ic' is onerous cannot renounce t'e
onerous one and accept t'e ot'er! I bot' are onerous or
gratuitous0 'e s'a## be ree to accept or renounce bot'0 or to
renounce eit'er! But i t'e testator intended t'at t'e t*o
#egacies or devises s'ou#d be inseparab#e ro( eac' ot'er0
t'e #egatee or devisee (ust eit'er accept or renounce bot'!
Any co(pu#sory 'eir *'o is at t'e sa(e ti(e a #egatee
or devisee (ay *aive t'e in'eritance and accept t'e #egacy
or devise0 or renounce t'e #atter and accept t'e or(er0 or
*aive or accept bot'!
/a*ane$ 1his app*ies to a situation where there are two or more
*egacies or de(ises.
:enera* ru*e$ 1he same ru*e as in Art. C>!.
E0ception$ 1estator pro(ides otherwise.
Art! =DC! I t'e #egatee or devisee cannot or is un*i##ing
to accept t'e #egacy or devise0 or i t'e #egacy or devise or
any reason s'ou#d beco(e ineective0 it s'a## be (erged
into t'e (ass o t'e estate0 e+cept in cases o substitution
and o t'e rig't o accretion!
PAGE 151
Art! =D7! $'e #egacy or devise s'a## be *it'out eect:
-9. I t'e testator transor(s t'e t'ing be)ueat'ed in
suc' a (anner t'at it does not retain eit'er t'e or( or t'e
deno(ination it 'ad>
-?. I t'e testator by any tit#e or or any cause a#ienates
t'e t'ing be)ueat'ed or any part t'ereo0 it being understood
t'at in t'e #atter case t'e #egacy or devise s'a## be *it'out
eect on#y *it' respect to t'e part t'us a#ienated! I ater t'e
a#ienation t'e t'ing s'ou#d again be#ong to t'e testator0 even
i it be by reason o t'e nu##ity o t'e contract0 t'e #egacy or
devise s'a## not t'ereater be va#id0 un#ess t'e reac)uisition
s'a## 'ave been eected by virtue o t'e e+ercise o t'e rig't
o repurc'ase>
-<. I t'e t'ing be)ueat'ed is tota##y #ost during t'e
#ieti(e o t'e testator0 or ater 'is deat' *it'out t'e 'eirIs
au#t! Nevert'e#ess0 t'e person ob#iged to pay t'e #egacy or
devise s'a## be #iab#e or eviction i t'e t'ing be)ueat'ed
s'ou#d not 'ave been deter(inate as to its Gind0 in
accordance *it' t'e provisions o artic#e =?8!
/a*ane$ :rounds for the re(ocation of *egac# or de(ise (ta3es
effect "# operation of *aw.)
1. 1ransformation of the thing.
E.g. a. 2I "equeath m# ring to /.2 After ma3ing the wi**' the
ring is me*ted and turned into a pendant.
". -hen a coconut p*antation is transformed into a
2. 1his manifests the intent to re(o3e.
E0ception$ If pacto de retro and reacquired during the
testator9s *ifetime.
Annu*ment depends on the "asis$
a. Eitiated consent.++ %ot re(o3ed "ec. there was no
intention to re(o3e
". A** other reasons.++ ,e(o3ed.
. 1ota**# *ost.
PAGE 152
Art! =D8! A (istaGe as to t'e na(e o t'e t'ing
be)ueat'ed or devised0 is o no conse)uence0 i it is possib#e
to identiy t'e t'ing *'ic' t'e testator intended to be)ueat'
or devise!
/a*ane$ 1his is simi*ar to Art. @DC.
Art! =D=! A disposition (ade in genera# ter(s in avor o
t'e testatorIs re#atives s'a## be understood to be in avor o
t'ose nearest in degree!
/a*ane$ 1his does not refer to *egacies and de(ises
1his artic*e is misp*aced. 1his shou*d "e in the 8hapter on
Institution of 5eirs
1his app*ies on*# in fa(or of the testator9s own re*ati(es.
C'apter <
Section 9!&& 2eneral Provisions!
I. Intestac#.++ 1hat which ta3es p*ace "# operation of *aw in
defau*t of compu*sor# and testamentar# succession. It is the *east
preferred among the three modes of succession' "ut is the most
common. It ta3es p*ace on*#$ (a) insofar as it does not impair
*egitimes; (") on*# if there is no wi** disposing of the propert#.
It app*ies the princip*e of e0c*usion and concurrence (the
same princip*es as in compu*sor# succession.)
II. -5& A,E I%1ES1A1E 5EI,S.
PAGE 153
1. )egitimate chi*dren or descendants
2. I**egitimate chi*dren or descendants
. )egitimate parents or ascendants
!. I**egitimate parents
>. Sur(i(ing spouse
?. /rothers and sisters' nephews and nieces
@. &ther co**atera* re*ati(es up to the fifth degree
D. 1he State.
%otes$ %um"ers 1 to > are "oth compu*sor# and intestate
%um"ers ? to D are intestate heirs.
1his shows wh# the ru*es on *egitime are simi*ar to the
ru*es of intestac#.
III. /ASI8 ,7)ES &6 I%1ES1A8=
1. ,u*e of ,e*ationship.++ Intestate heir must "e re*ated to
the deceased.
1here are four 3inds$
a. 6ami*#.++ 5s familial, ascendants and descendants
in the direct *ine.
". /*ood.++ 5us sanguinis' co**atera*s up to the fifth
c. Spouse.++ 5us con!ugis.
d. State.++ 5us imperii' the right of so(ereignt#.
2. ,u*e of Preference of *ines.++ 1his is a*so true in
compu*sor# succession. 1he descending is preferred o(er the
. ,u*e on pro0imit# of degree.++ 1his ru*e e0c*udes the
further. (1his qua*ifies) representation.
!. ,u*e of equa*it# among re*ati(es of the same degree.++
1his is coro**ar# to the third.
6i(e e0ceptions$
a. ,e*ati(es of the fu** and ha*f "*ood.++ Art. 1B2? (does
not refer to "*ood cousins' "ec. the# inherit equa**#.)
PAGE 154
". ,u*e of di(ision "# *ine in the ascending *ine.++
<aterna*4 paterna*
c. ,u*e on preference of *ines.++ Art. C2D if decedent is
sur(i(ed "# a father and son' the father is e0c*uded.
d. Distri"ution "etween *egitimate and i**egitimate
chi*dren.++ 2 $ 1' a*though in the same degree.
e. /# representation.++ /ecause of this' the# inherit in
different shares.
Art! =C0! Lega# or intestate succession taGes p#ace:
-9. I a person dies *it'out a *i##0 or *it' a void *i##0 or
one *'ic' 'as subse)uent#y #ost its va#idity>
-?. 2'en t'e *i## does not institute an 'eir to0 or
dispose o a## t'e property be#onging to t'e testator! In suc'
case0 #ega# succession s'a## taGe p#ace on#y *it' respect to
t'e property o *'ic' t'e testator 'as not disposed>
-<. I t'e suspensive condition attac'ed to t'e
institution o 'eir does not 'appen or is not u#i##ed0 o i t'e
'eir dies beore t'e testator0 or repudiates t'e in'eritance0
t'ere being no substitution0 and no rig't o accretion taGes
-A. 2'en t'e 'eir instituted is incapab#e o succeeding0
e+cept in cases provided in t'is Code!
/a*ane$ 1his enumeration is not e0c*usi(e. 1here are other
A. Jinds
1. 1ota* + %o testamentar# disposition at a**.
2. Partia* + A wi** that disposes of part of the free portion
/. 8auses
1. a. %o wi**.++ 1ota* intestac#
". Eoid wi** N no wi**.++ 1ota* intestac#
c. Erroneous.++ wi**' once (a*id' a*wa#s (a*id "ut ma#
*ose its efficac#' e.g.' when re(o3ed.
2. a. 2does not institute an heir.2++ 7se*ess wi** as far as
succession is concerned.
". 2Does not dispose a**.2++ Partia* intestac#
PAGE 155
. 2Suspensi(e condition does not happen.2++ Intestac# as
to that specific institution.
!. 2Incapa"*e of succeeding++ &n*# specific pro(ision wi**
gi(e rise to intestac#.
>. &thers not in Art. C?B.
a. 1he arri(a* of the reso*utor# term.
". Impossi"i*it# of ascertaining the wi** of the testator.
Art! =C9! In deau#t o testa(entary 'eirs0 t'e #a* vests
t'e in'eritance0 in accordance *it' t'e ru#es 'ereinater set
ort'0 in t'e #egiti(ate and i##egiti(ate re#atives o t'e
deceased0 in t'e surviving spouse0 and in t'e State!
Art! =C?! In every in'eritance0 t'e re#ative nearest in
degree e+c#udes t'e (ore distant ones0 saving t'e rig't o
representation *'en it property taGes p#ace!
"e#atives in t'e sa(e degree s'a## in'erit in e)ua#
s'ares0 sub7ect to t'e provisions o artic#e 900C *it' respect
to re#atives o t'e u## and 'a# b#ood0 and o artic#e =870
paragrap' ?0 concerning division bet*een t'e paterna# and
(aterna# #ines!
Subsection 9!&& .elationsip!
Art! =C<! Pro+i(ity o re#ations'ip is deter(ined by t'e
nu(ber o generations! Eac' generation or(s a degree!
Art! =CA! A series o degrees or(s a #ine0 *'ic' (ay be
eit'er direct or co##atera#!
A direct #ine is t'at constituted by t'e series o degrees
a(ong ascendants and descendants!
A co##atera# #ine is t'at constituted by t'e series o
degrees a(ong persons *'o are ascendants and
descendants0 but *'o co(e ro( a co((on ancestor!
PAGE 156
Art! =CD! $'e direct #ine is eit'er descending or
$'e or(er unites t'e 'ead o t'e a(i#y *it' t'ose *'o
descend ro( 'i(!
$'e #atter binds a person *it' t'ose ro( *'o( 'e
Art! =CC! In t'e #ine0 as (any degrees are counted as
t'ere are generations or persons0 e+c#uding t'e progenitor!
In t'e direct #ine0 ascent is (ade to t'e co((on
ancestor! $'us0 t'e c'i#d is one degree re(oved ro( t'e
parent0 t*o ro( t'e grandat'er0 and t'ree ro( t'e great&
In t'e co##atera# #ine0 ascent is (ade to t'e co((on
ancestor and t'en descent is (ade to t'e person *it' *'o(
t'e co(putation is to be (ade! $'us0 a person is t*o
degrees re(oved ro( 'is brot'er0 t'ree ro( 'is unc#e0 *'o
is t'e brot'er o 'is at'er0 our ro( 'is irst cousin0 and so
Art! =C7! 4u## b#ood re#ations'ip is t'at e+isting bet*een
persons *'o 'ave t'e sa(e at'er and t'e sa(e (ot'er!
1a# b#ood re#ations'ip is t'at e+isting bet*een persons
*'o 'ave t'e sa(e at'er0 but not t'e sa(e (ot'er0 or t'e
sa(e (ot'er0 but not t'e sa(e at'er!
/a*ane$ Artic*es C? to C?@ on re*ationships.
1. (1hese ru*es on re*ationship are) important "ecause of certain
princip*es which ordain in intestac#' name*#$
a. %earer e0c*udes the more remote;
". Direct *ine is preferred o(er the co**atera*;
c. Descending *ine is preferred o(er the ascending.
2. 1wo "asic concepts in re*ationship$
a. 8oncept of degree.++ 1his is the method of computing the
pro0imit# of re*ationship. E(er# degree is one generation.
". 8oncept of *ines.++ (1hese are) re*ati(e positions in the
fami*# "etween 2 persons (genea*ogica* chart.)
In intestac#$
a. 1here is no *imit.++ Direct *ine++ (i) ascending
(ii) descending
PAGE 157
". )imit of fi(e degrees.++ 8o**atera* *ine++ 2 persons ha(ing
a common ascendant
/ D
8 E
6or /' A is in the direct *ine. D is in the co**atera* *ine.
. 6u** and ha*f+"*ood re*ations in intestac#.
a. /rothers and sisters. (Art. 1BB?.)++ 2 $ 1++ 1his is
app*ica"*e on*# in intestate succession.
". %ephews and nieces. (Art. 1BBD.)++ 2 $ 1++ %ephews or
nieces of the ha*f "*ood++ chi*d of a "rother or sister of the ha*f
Art! =C8! I t'ere are severa# re#atives o t'e sa(e
degree0 and one or so(e o t'e( are un*i##ing or
incapacitated to succeed0 'is portion s'a## accrue to t'e
ot'ers o t'e sa(e degree0 save t'e rig't o representation
*'en it s'ou#d taGe p#ace!
Art! =C=! I t'e in'eritance s'ou#d be repudiated by t'e
nearest re#atives0 s'ou#d t'ere be one on#y0 or by a## t'e near&
est re#atives ca##ed by #a* to succeed0 s'ou#d t'ere be
severa#0 t'ose o t'e o##o*ing degree s'a## in'erit in t'eir
o*n rig't and cannot represent t'e person or persons
repudiating t'e in'eritance!

Subsection ?!&& .igt of .epresentation!
Art! =70! "epresentation is a rig't created by iction o
#a*0 by virtue o *'ic' t'e representative is raised to t'e
PAGE 158
p#ace and t'e degree o t'e person represented0 and
ac)uires t'e rig'ts *'ic' t'e #atter *ou#d 'ave i 'e *ere
#iving or 'e cou#d 'ave in'erited!
/a*ane$ 1. 1his artic*e contains the definition of representation.
,epresentation is not a (er# accurate term "ecause it does not
con(e# the fu** meaning of the process.
4 L M
A / 8
4 M
"1 "2
/ predeceases F. -hen F dies' "1 and "2 are e0c*uded
"ec. of the ru*e that the nearer e0c*udes the more remote. &n*# A
and 8 shou*d inherit. /ut "ecause of the right of representation'
"1 and "2 wi** inherit in the p*ace of /. 1he# are raised to the
*e(e* of /. 1he# wi** on*# get what / wou*d ha(e gotten.
1he "etter term is successional subrogation' as G/) ,e#es
ca**s it.
It is a process where"# one person ta3es another9s p*ace.
1he representati(e is su"rogated (ta3es the p*ace) of the person
2. 7nder what situations does it operate.
a. Predecease.++ Artic*es CD2' C@>.
". Disinheritance.++ Art. C2.
c. Incapacit# or unworthiness to succeed.++ Art. 1B>.
(1his) does not app*# to renunciation. (See Artic*es C?D'
C?C' C@@.)
. In what 3inds of succession does it operate.
a. 8ompu*sor#
". Intestate
It does not app*# to testamentar# succession.
E.g.' 2I institute m# son' and if he predeceases me' he wi** "e
represented "# his son.2 1his is su"stitution and not
PAGE 159
Art! =79! $'e representative is ca##ed to t'e succession
by t'e #a* and not by t'e person represented! $'e
representative does not succeed t'e person represented but
t'e one *'o( t'e person represented *ou#d 'ave
Art! =7?! $'e rig't o representation taGes p#ace in t'e
direct descending #ine0 but never in t'e ascending!
In t'e co##atera# #ine0 it taGes p#ace on#y in avor o t'e
c'i#dren o brot'ers or sisters0 *'et'er t'ey be o t'e u## or
'a# b#ood!
/a*ane$ 1. In *egitime' in what direction does it operate. &n*# in
the descending' ne(er in the ascending.
2. In intestac#' in what direction does it operate.
a. In descending *ine.++ Same as in *egitimes.
". &n*# one instance in the co**atera* *ine.++ %ephews
and nieces in representation of their parents who predeceased
their decedent "rother or sister.
4 L M
A / 8
4 M
"1 "2
/ predeceases A. -hen A dies' "1 and "2 can represent /
in /9s share in the estate of A.
1eotico (. De* Ea*.++ An adopted chi*d cannot represent his
adopti(e parent "ec. the fiction is on*# "etween the adopter and
the adopted.
Art! =7<! In order t'at representation (ay taGe p#ace0 it
is necessary t'at t'e representative 'i(se# be capab#e o
succeeding t'e decedent!
PAGE 160
/a*ane$ 8apacit# to succeed.++ In representation' there are three
1. 1he decedent;
2. 1he person represented;
. 1he representati(e.
a. <ust ha(e capacit# to succeed from 1. =es' "ec. he is
rea**# succeeding from 1.
". <ust ha(e capacit# to succeed from 2. %o' "ec. is
not succeeding from 2.
c. <ust 2 ha(e capacit# to succeed from 1. %o. 1his is
precise*# wh# succeeds 1.
Art! =7A! 2'enever t'ere is succession by
representation0 t'e division o t'e estate s'a## be (ade per
stirpes0 in suc' (anner t'at t'e representative or
representatives s'a## not in'erit (ore t'an *'at t'e person
t'ey represent *ou#d in'erit0 i 'e *ere #iving or cou#d
Art! =7D! 2'en c'i#dren o one o (ore brot'ers or
sisters o t'e deceased survive0 t'ey s'a## in'erit ro( t'e
#atter by representation0 i t'ey survive *it' t'eir unc#es or
aunts! But i t'ey a#one survive0 t'ey s'a## in'erit in e)ua#
/a*ane$ ,epresentation$
1. In co**atera* *ine.
PAGE 161
A++ a2
F++ / ++ "
8++ c1
a. If A' / and 8 predecease F' a** nephews inherit in
their son right' per capita.
2. In the direct *ine. (Art. CD2.)
4 L M
A / 8
4 L L L M
a1 a2 " c1 c2
a. In A' / and 8 predecease F' a** grandchi*dren inherit
"# representation' per stirpes.
". If A' / and 8 renounce' a** grandchi*dren inherit "#
their own right' per capita.
Art! =7C! A person (ay represent 'i( *'ose in'eritance
'e 'as renounced!
Art! =77! 1eirs *'o repudiate t'eir s'are (ay not be
/a*ane$ Artic*es C@? and C@@.
In renunciation$
a. Person who renounces cannot "e represented. (Art.
". Person who renounces can represent. (Art. C@?.)
I**ustration$ A
PAGE 162
8 renounces his inheritance from /. / then dies. )ater on'
A dies.
1. D cannot represent 8 in /9s estate.
2. 8an 8 represent / in A9s estate. =es. -hen 8
renounced' he on*# renounced his right to inherit from /. 5e did
not renounce his right to inherit from A.
Section! ?!&& 0rder of Intestate $uccession!
Subsection 9!&& #escending #irect %ine!
Art! =78! Succession pertains0 in t'e irst p#ace0 to t'e
descending direct #ine!
Art! =7=! Legiti(ate c'i#dren and t'eir descendants
succeed t'e parents and ot'er ascendants0 *it'out
distinction as to se+ or age0 and even i t'ey s'ou#d co(e
ro( dierent (arriages!
An adopted c'i#d succeeds to t'e property o t'e
adopting parents in t'e sa(e (anner as a #egiti(ate c'i#d!
Art! =80! $'e c'i#dren o t'e deceased s'a## a#*ays
in'erit ro( 'i( in t'eir o*n rig't0 dividing t'e in'eritance in
e)ua# s'ares!
PAGE 163
Art! =89! S'ou#d c'i#dren o t'e deceased and
descendants o ot'er c'i#dren *'o are dead0 survive0 t'e
or(er s'a## in'erit in t'eir o*n rig't0 and t'e #atter by rig't
o representation!
Art! =8?! $'e grandc'i#dren and ot'er descendants
s'a## in'erit by rig't o representation0 and i any one o t'e(
s'ou#d 'ave died0 #eaving severa# 'eirs0 t'e portion
pertaining to 'i( s'a## be divided a(ong t'e #atter in e)ua#
/a(iera$ &n*# *egitimate descendants
:enera* ru*e$ Art. CD2
E0ception$ Art. CC2.++ An i**egitimate chi*d has no right to inherit
ab intestato from the *egitimate chi*dren and re*ati(es of his father
or mother; nor sha** such chi*dren or re*ati(es inherit in the same
manner from the i**egitimate chi*d.
1his app*ies on*# to chi*d' not descendant
1his is ca**ed the 2iron curtain ru*e.2
Art! =8<! I i##egiti(ate c'i#dren survive *it' #egiti(ate
c'i#dren0 t'e s'ares o t'e or(er s'a## be in t'e proportions
prescribed by artic#e 8=D!
/a(iera$ Artic*e DC> + note artic*e 1@? 68 + I**egitimate chi*d is
entit*ed to 142 of share of a *egitimate chi*d. 1he *egitime of the
i**egitimate chi*d sha** "e ta3en from the free portion' pro(ided in
no case sha** the tota* *egitime of i**egitimate chi*d e0ceed the free
portion' and the *egitime of sur(i(ing spouse must first "e fu**#
Art! =8A! In case o deat' o an adopted c'i#d0 #eaving
no c'i#dren or descendants0 'is parents and re#atives by
consanguinity and not by adoption0 s'a## be 'is #ega# 'eirs!
Subsection?!&& (scending #irect %ine.
PAGE 164
Art! =8D! In deau#t o #egiti(ate c'i#dren and
descendants o t'e deceased0 'is parents and ascendants
s'a## in'erit ro( 'i(0 to t'e e+c#usion o co##atera# re#atives!
Art! =8C! $'e at'er and (ot'er0 i #iving0 s'a## in'erit in
e)ua# s'ares!
S'ou#d one on#y o t'e survive0 'e or s'e s'a## succeed
to t'e entire estate o t'e c'i#d!
Art! =87! In deau#t o t'e at'er and (ot'er0 t'e
ascendants nearest in degree s'a## in'erit!
S'ou#d t'ere by (ore t'an one o e)ua# degree
be#onging to t'e sa(e #ine t'ey s'a## divide t'e in'eritance
per capita> s'ou#d t'ey be o dierent #ines but o e)ua#
degree0 one&'a# s'a## go to t'e paterna# and t'e ot'er 'a# to
t'e (aterna# ascendants! In eac' #ine t'e division s'a## be
(ade per capita!
/a(iera$ Per capita means equa**#
Subsection <!&& Illegitimate Cildren!
Art! =88! In t'e absence o #egiti(ate descendants or
ascendants0 t'e i##egiti(ate c'i#dren s'a## succeed to t'e
entire estate o t'e deceased!
Art! =8=! I0 toget'er *it' i##egiti(ate c'i#dren0 t'ere
s'ou#d survive descendants o anot'er i##egiti(ate c'i#d *'o
is dead0 t'e or(er s'a## succeed in t'eir o*n rig't and t'e
#atter by rig't o representation!
Art! ==0! $'e 'ereditary rig'ts granted by t'e t*o
preceding artic#es to i##egiti(ate c'i#dren s'a## be trans(itted
upon t'eir deat' to t'eir descendants0 *'o s'a## in'erit by
rig't o representation ro( t'eir deceased grandparent!
PAGE 165
Art! ==9! I #egiti(ate ascendants are #et0 t'e i##egiti(ate
c'i#dren s'a## divide t'e in'eritance *it' t'e(0 taGing one&
'a# o t'e estate0 *'atever be t'e nu(ber o t'e ascendants
or o t'e i##egiti(ate c'i#dren!
Art! ==?! An i##egiti(ate c'i#d 'as no rig't to in'erit ab
intestato ro( t'e #egiti(ate c'i#dren and re#atives o 'is
at'er or (ot'er> nor s'a## suc' c'i#dren or re#atives in'erit
in t'e sa(e (anner ro( t'e i##egiti(ate c'i#d!
/a(iera$ 1his app*ies on*# to chi*d' not descendants
1his is ca**ed the iron curtain ru*e
Art! ==<! I an i##egiti(ate c'i#d s'ou#d die *it'out issue0
eit'er #egiti(ate or i##egiti(ate0 'is at'er or (ot'er s'a##
succeed to 'is entire estate> and i t'e c'i#dIs i#iation is du#y
proved as to bot' parents0 *'o are bot' #iving0 t'ey s'a##
in'erit ro( 'i( s'are and s'are a#iGe!
Art! ==A! In deau#t o t'e at'er or (ot'er0 an
i##egiti(ate c'i#d s'a## be succeeded by 'is or 'er surviving
spouse0 *'o s'a## be entit#ed to t'e entire estate!
I t'e *ido* or *ido*er s'ou#d survive *it' brot'ers
and sisters0 nep'e*s and nieces0 s'e or 'e s'a## in'erit one&
'a# o t'e estate0 and t'e #atter t'e ot'er 'a#!
Subsection A!&& $urviving $pouse!
Art! ==D! In t'e absence o #egiti(ate descendants and
ascendants0 and i##egiti(ate c'i#dren and t'eir descendants0
*'et'er #egiti(ate or i##egiti(ate0 t'e surviving spouse s'a##
in'erit t'e entire estate0 *it'out pre7udice to t'e rig'ts o
brot'ers and sister0 nep'e*s and nieces0 s'ou#d t'ere by
any under artic#e 9009!
Art! 9009! S'ou#d brot'ers and sisters or t'eir
c'i#dren survive *it' t'e *ido* or *ido*er0 t'e
PAGE 166
#atter s'a## be entit#ed to one&'a# o t'e in'eritance
and t'e brot'ers and sisters or t'eir c'i#dren to t'e
ot'er 'a#!
Art! ==C! I a *ido* or *ido*er and #egiti(ate c'i#dren
or descendants are #et0 t'e surviving spouse 'as in t'e
succession t'e sa(e s'are as t'at o eac' o t'e c'i#dren!
Art! ==7! 2'en t'e *ido* or *ido*er survives *it'
#egiti(ate parents or ascendants0 t'e surviving spouse s'a##
be entit#ed to one&'a# o t'e estate0 and t'e #egiti(ate
parents or ascendants to t'e ot'er 'a#!
Art! ==8! I a *ido* or *ido*er survives *it' i##egiti(ate
c'i#dren0 suc' *ido* or *ido*er s'a## be entit#ed to one&'a#
o t'e in'eritance0 and t'e i##egiti(ate c'i#dren or t'eir
descendants0 *'et'er #egiti(ate or i##egiti(ate0 to t'e ot'er
Art! ===! 2'en t'e *ido* or *ido*er survives *it'
#egiti(ate c'i#dren or t'eir descendants and i##egiti(ate
c'i#dren or t'eir descendants0 *'et'er #egiti(ate or
i##egiti(ate0 suc' *ido* or *ido*er s'a## be entit#ed to t'e
sa(e s'are as t'at o a #egiti(ate c'i#d!
Art! 9000! I #egiti(ate ascendants0 t'e surviving spouse0
and i##egiti(ate c'i#dren are #et0 t'e ascendants s'a## be
entit#ed to one&'a# o t'e in'eritance0 and t'e ot'er 'a# s'a##
be divided bet*een t'e surviving spouse and t'e i##egiti(ate
c'i#dren so t'at suc' *ido* or *ido*er s'a## 'ave one&
ourt' o t'e estate0 and t'e i##egiti(ate c'i#dren t'e ot'er
Art! 9009! S'ou#d brot'ers and sisters or t'eir c'i#dren
survive *it' t'e *ido* or *ido*er0 t'e #atter s'a## be entit#ed
PAGE 167
to one&'a# o t'e in'eritance and t'e brot'ers and sisters or
t'eir c'i#dren to t'e ot'er 'a#!
Art! 900?! In case o a #ega# separation0 i t'e surviving
spouse gave cause or t'e separation0 'e or s'e s'a## not
'ave any o t'e rig'ts granted in t'e preceding artic#e!
Subsection D!&& Collateral .elatives
Art! 900<! I t'ere are no descendants0 ascendants0
i##egiti(ate c'i#dren0 or a surviving spouse0 t'e co##atera#
re#atives s'a## succeed to t'e entire estate o t'e deceased in
accordance *it' t'e o##o*ing artic#es!
Art! 900A! S'ou#d t'e on#y survivors be brot'ers and
sisters o t'e u## b#ood0 t'ey s'a## in'erit in e)ua# s'ares!
Art! 900D! S'ou#d brot'ers and sisters survive toget'er
*it' nep'e*s and nieces0 *'o are t'e c'i#dren o t'e
decedentIs brot'ers and sisters o t'e u## b#ood0 t'e or(er
s'a## in'erit per capita0 and t'e #atter per stirpes!
/a(iera$ Per capita means equa**#
per stirpes means "# representation
Art! 900C! S'ou#d brot'ers and sisters o t'e u## b#ood
survive toget'er *it' brot'er and sisters o t'e 'a# b#ood0
t'e or(er s'a## be entit#ed to a s'are doub#e t'at o t'e
Art! 9007! In case brot'ers and sisters o t'e 'a# b#ood0
so(e on t'e at'erIs and so(e on t'e (ot'erIs side0 are t'e
on#y survivors0 a## s'a## in'erit in e)ua# s'ares *it'out
distinction as to t'e origin o t'e property!
PAGE 168
Art! 9008! C'i#dren o brot'ers and sisters o t'e 'a#
b#ood s'a## succeed per capita or per stirpes0 in accordance
*it' t'e ru#es #aid do*n or brot'ers and sisters o t'e u##
Art! 900=! S'ou#d t'ere be neit'er brot'ers nor sisters
nor c'i#dren o brot'ers or sisters0 t'e ot'er co##atera#
re#atives s'a## succeed to t'e estate!
$'e #atter s'a## succeed *it'out distinction o #ines or
preerence a(ong t'e( by reason o re#ations'ip by t'e
*'o#e b#ood!
Art! 9090! $'e rig't to in'erit ab intestato s'a## not
e+tend beyond t'e it' degree o re#ations'ip in t'e
co##atera# #ine!
Subsection C!&& Te $tate!
Art! 9099! In deau#t o persons entit#ed to succeed in
accordance *it' t'e provisions o t'e preceding Sections0
t'e State s'a## in'erit t'e *'o#e estate!
Art! 909?! In order t'at t'e State (ay taGe possession o
t'e property (entioned in t'e preceding artic#e0 t'e pertinent
provisions o t'e "u#es o Court (ust be observed!
Art! 909<! Ater t'e pay(ent o debts and c'arges0 t'e
persona# property s'a## be assigned to t'e (unicipa#ity or
city *'ere t'e deceased #ast resided in t'e P'i#ippines0 and
t'e rea# estate to t'e (unicipa#ities or cities0 respective#y0 in
*'ic' t'e sa(e is situated!
I t'e deceased never resided in t'e P'i#ippines0 t'e
*'o#e estate s'a## be assigned to t'e respective
(unicipa#ities or cities *'ere t'e sa(e is #ocated!
Suc' estate s'a## be or t'e beneit o pub#ic sc'oo#s0
and pub#ic c'aritab#e institutions and centers0 in suc'
PAGE 169
(unicipa#ities or cities! $'e court s'a## distribute t'e estate
as t'e respective needs o eac' beneiciary (ay *arrant!
$'e court0 at t'e instance o an interested party0 or in its
o*n (otion0 (ay order t'e estab#is'(ent o a per(anent
trust0 so t'at on#y t'e inco(e ro( t'e property s'a## be
Art! 909A! I a person #ega##y entit#ed to t'e estate o t'e
deceased appears and i#es a c#ai( t'ereto *it' t'e court
*it'in ive years ro( t'e date t'e property *as de#ivered to
t'e State0 suc' person s'a## be entit#ed to t'e possession o
t'e sa(e0 or i so#d0 t'e (unicipa#ity or city s'a## be
accountab#e to 'i( or suc' part o t'e proceeds as (ay not
'ave been #a*u##y spent!
Intestate heirs$
1. )egitimate chi*dren4 descendants
a. e0c*udes ascendants' a** co**atera*s' the State
". concurs with i**egitimate chi*dren4 descendants' sur(i(ing
c. e0c*uded "# no one.

2. I**egitimate chi*dren4 descendants
a. e0c*udes i**egitimate parents' co**atera*s' the State
". concurs with sur(i(ing spouse' *egitimate chi*dren'
*egitimate ascendants
c. e0c*uded "# no one.
. )egitimate parents
a. e0c*udes co**atera*s' the State
". concurs with i**egitimate chi*dren' sur(i(ing spouse
c. e0c*uded "# *egitimate chi*dren.
!. I**egitimate ascendants
a. e0c*udes co**atera*s' the State
". concurs with the sur(i(ing spouse
c. e0c*uded "# *egitimate descendants' i**egitimate
PAGE 170
>. Sur(i(ing spouse
a. e0c*udes co**atera*s' other than "rothers and sisters'
nephews and nieces' the State
". concurs with *egitimate chi*d' i**egitimate chi*d' *egitimate
and i**egitimate "rothers and sisters' nephews and nieces.
c. e0c*uded "# no one.
?. /rothers' sisters' nephews and nieces
a. e0c*udes a** other co**atera*s' the State
". concurs with the sur(i(ing spouse
c. e0c*uded "# *egitimate chi*dren' i**egitimate chi*dren'
*egitimate parents' i**egitimate parents.
@. &ther co**atera*s
a. e0*udes co**atera*s in remote degrees' the State
". concurs with co**atera*s in equa* degree
c. e0c*udes *egitimate4 i**egitimate chi*dren4 parents'
sur(i(ing spouse' "rothers and sisters' nephews and nieces.
D. 1he State
a. e0c*udes no one
". concurs with no one
c. e0c*uded "# e(er#"od# e*se.
Artic*es C@D to 1B1!.++ Earious 8om"inations++ 1ota* Intestac#
%ote$ 1he ru*es on e0c*usion and concurrence in *egitimes wi**
a*so app*# to intestac#.
1. )egitimate chi*dren and4 or descendants a*one.++ Entire
estate di(ided equa**# among them. (Art. C@C.)
2. )egitimate chi*dren and i**egitimate chi*dren.++ Entire estate
in proportion of 2 $ 1 or 1B $ > $ ! as the case ma# "e. 1his is
without pre;udice to the impairment of *egitimes. (Art. CD.)
. )egitimate chi*dren and sur(i(ing spouse.++ Sur(i(ing
spouse share equa* to that of one *egitimate chi*d. If on*# 1
*egitimate chi*d' 142 each. (Art. CC?.)
6ormu*a$ no. of *egitimate chi*dren O 1 (sur(i(ing spouse) N
share of each
PAGE 171

!. )egitimate chi*dren
Sur(i(ing spouse.++ Same share as a *egitimate chi*d
I**egitimate chi*dren.++ 142 or ! $ > $ 1B ratio w4 share of a
*egitimate chi*d. (Art. CCC.)
>. )egitimate parents a*one.++ Entire estate shared equa**#.
?. )egitimate ascendants a*one.++ App*# Artic*es DDC and DCB
which are the ru*es on *egitime.
@. )egitimate parents (or ascendants).++ 1 $ 2
I**egitimate chi*dren.++ 142
6ree portion N 14! to i**egitimate chi*dren. (Art. CC1.)
Partia* Intestac#
D. )egitimate parents (or ascendants).++ 142
Sur(i(ing spouse.++ 142
6ree portion.++ 14! to the sur(i(ing spouse. (Art. CC@.)
Partia* Intestac#
C. )egitimate parents (or ascendants.)++ 142
Sur(i(ing spouse.++ 14!
I**egitimate chi*dren.++ 14!
6ree portion.++ 14D to sur(i(ing spouse. (Art. 1BBB.)
1B. I**egitimate chi*dren a*one.++ Entire estate di(ided equa**# or
> $ ! as the case ma# "e.
6ree portion N 142 to i**egitimate chi*dren. (Art. CDD.)
11. I**egitimate chi*dren.++ 142 di(ided as in num"er 1B
Sur(i(ing spouse.++ 142
6ree portion.++ 14? to "oth. (Art. CCD.)
Partia* intestac#
12. Sur(i(ing spouse a*one.++ Entire estate.
6ree portion.++ 142 to sur(i(ing spouse. (Artic*es CC! and
1. Sur(i(ing spouse.++ 142
PAGE 172
I**egitimate chi*dren.++ 142
6ree portion N 14! to "oth (no artic*e.)
1!. Sur(i(ing spouse.++ 142
)egitimate "rothers and sisters and nephews and nieces.++
fu** $ ha*f N 2 $ 1
6ree portion N 142 to "rothers and sisters and nephews and
If marriage is in articulo mortis' add 14? to free portion once
the *egitime of the wife is reduced to 14 (Art. 1BB1.)
1>. Sur(i(ing spouse.++ 142
I**egitimate "rothers and sisters' nephews and nieces (if
decedent is i**egitimate).++ 142
6u** $ 5a*f N 2 $ 1
6ree portion N 142 to i**egitimate "rothers and sisters and
nephews and nieces (Art. CC!.)
1?. I**egitimate parents a*one.++ entire estate
6ree portion.++ 142 to i**egitimate parents. (Art. CC.)
1@. I**egitimate parents.++ none.
8hi*dren of an# 3ind.++ Entire estate di(ided according to
ear*ier ru*es. (Art. CC.)
1D. )egitimate "rothers and sisters a*one.++ -ho*e estate
di(ided in the ratio of 2 $ 1 "etween fu** and ha*f "*ood. (Artic*es
1BB! and 1BB?.)
1C. )egitimate "rothers and sisters and nephews and nieces.++
Entire estate with the ratio of 2 $ 1 "etween fu** and ha*f "*ood
a. %ephews and nieces inherit "# representation.++ per
". %ephews and nieces inherit "ec. a** "rothers and sisters
predecease.++ per capita. (Artic*es 1BB> and 1BBD.)
2B. %ephews and nieces.++ Entire estate.
7nc*es and aunts.++ %one.
PAGE 173
/aca#o (. /orromeo.++ %ephews and nieces e0c*ude unc*es
and aunts e(en if the# ma# "e "oth on*# three () degrees awa#
from the decedent. (Art. 1BBC "# inference.)
21. I**egitimate "rothers and sisters and nephews and nieces.++
Entire estate with the ratio of 2 $ 1 "etween fu** and ha*f "*ood.
1his app*ies on*# if the decedent is a*so i**egitimate.
App*# the ru*es for nephews and nieces stated in num"er 1C
22. %ephews and nieces a*one.++ Entire estate with the ratio of 2
$ 1 "etween fu** and ha*f "*ood.
Per capita. (Artic*es C@> and 1BBD.)
,ight of representation.
2. &ther co**atera*s.++ Entire estate in equa* shares
,u*es$ a. %o distinction "etween fu** and ha*f "*ood
". %o representation
c. %earer e0c*udes the more remote
d. 7p to the fifth degree on*#. (Artic*es 1BBC and
In case of an i**egitimate decedent' co**atera*s are on*# up to
nephews and nieces.
2!. 1he State.++ the entire estate. (Art. 1B11.)
%&1E$ 6o**ow the ru*es e0cept num"ers 2 and ! which requires
two (2) steps. %um"ers 2 and ! are tric3# "ecause #ou ma# end
up impairing the *egitime.
,E<E</E,$ )egitimes cannot "e impaired.
:ood %ews$ Gust fo**ow the ru*es' the *egitimes wi** ne(er "e
impaired. 1he# are automatica**# co(ered "# the ru*es.
/ad %ews$ Art. CD' which co(ers the com"ination of
*egitimate and i**egitimate chi*dren' might impair the *egitime.
I**ustration$ F9s estate is worth P1DB'BBB.
PAGE 174
L L $ $ $ $ $
A / 8 D E 6 :
1. If #ou fo**ow Art. CD *itera**#' 2 $ 2 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1
assuming the decedent died after the 6ami*# 8ode too3 effect.
/ N !B'BBB
8 N 2B'BBB
6 N 2B'BBB
6 N 2B'BBB
: N 2B'BBB
/ut the *egitime of A and / is impaired.
)egitime of A and / N CB'BBB
Share of A and / DB'BBB
)egitime *ac3s 1B'BBB
2. Since Art. CD impairs the *egitime' fo**ow this two+ step
a. :i(e the *egitime first. (:i(e to the *egitimate first
"efore the i**egitimate.)
". (i) If there is an e0cess' di(ide it according to the
ratio of 2 $ 1 or 1B $ > $ ! depending on the circumstances.
(ii) If *ac3ing' reduce the share of i**egitimate
chi*dren pro-rata.
In the i**ustration$
A N !>'BBB
/ N !>'BBB
8 N 22'>BB
D N 22'>BB
E N 22'>BB
6 N 22'>BB
: N 22'>BB
1&1A) 2B2'>BB
1he estate *ac3s 22'>BB
PAGE 175
,educe the shares of i**egitimate chi*dren pro-rata N 22'>BB4
> N !'>BB each. 1he share of each i**egitimate chi*d wi** equa*
%ote$ 1. An adopted chi*d is treated as a *egitimate chi*d.
2. Spouse recei(es shares if$
a. 1he (a*id is marriage
". Eio*a"*e "ut not annu**ed
If *ega**# separated' app*# the same ru*es as in

C'apter A
Section 9!&& .igt of (ccretion!
/a*ane$ (1he right of accretion) ta3es p*ace in$ (1)
testamentar# succession
(2) intestate succession
/ut not with respect to *egitimes.++ Art. 1B21 par. 2. 1his
pro(ision was copied from the &88 and is inapp*ica"*e now
"ecause it was used for the me!ora. 5owe(er' it must sti** "e
Art! 909D! Accretion is a rig't by virtue o *'ic'0 *'en
t*o or (ore persons are ca##ed to t'e sa(e in'eritance0
devise or #egacy0 t'e part assigned to t'e one *'o
renounces or cannot receive 'is s'are0 or *'o died beore
t'e testator0 is added or incorporated to t'at o 'is co&'eir0
co&devisees0 or co&#egatees!
Art! 909C! In order t'at t'e rig't o accretion (ay taGe
p#ace in a testa(entary succession0 it s'a## be necessary:
-9. $'at t*o or (ore persons be ca##ed to t'e sa(e
in'eritance0 or to t'e sa(e portion t'ereo0 pro indiviso0 and
PAGE 176
-?. $'at one o t'e persons t'us ca##ed die beore t'e
testator0 or renounce t'e in'eritance0 or be incapacitated to
receive it!
/a*ane$ Artic*es 1B1> and 1B1?.
1. 1wo or more heirs' de(isees and *egatees are ca**ed to
the same inheritance' de(ise or *egac# pro-indiviso. Pro indiviso
means without designation of parts or the portions are undi(ided.
2. &ne of the persons ca**ed$
a. Die "efore the testator
". ,enounce the inheritance
c. /e incapacitated to recei(e it.
%ote$ 1hese are the same causes for su"stitution.
Su"stitution Accretion ,epresentation
1. predecease 1. predecease 1.
2. incapacit# 2. incapacit# 2.
. renunciation . renunciation
. disinheritance
1. 2I gi(e >BBB to A and /.2 If A dies and does not ha(e an#
chi*dren or descendants' accretion wi** ta3e p*ace. / wi** get
>'BBB' 2>BB "# his own right and 2'>BB "# accretion.
2. 2I gi(e >BBB to A and / in equa* shares.2 Accretion wi**
sti** app*#. 2Equa* shares2 ma3es e0p*icit what is imp*ied "ecause
if nothing is said' it is presumed that it is in equa* shares.
. 2I gi(e 142 to A' 14! / and 14D to 8.2 1his seems to imp*#
a. Is it possi"*e to ha(e unequa* pro indiviso shares.
=es. As *ong as the# are 2undi(ided'2 2a*iquot2 or 2a"stract.2 It is
PAGE 177
not required that the# "e in equa* shares. -hat is required is that
it "e pro indiviso.
". Accretion wi** not app*# according to commentators.
Pro indiviso is not a good phrase' it shou*d "e 2without an#
particu*ar designation of shares.2
If equa* shares.++ Art. 1B1@' accretion app*ies.
If unequa* shares' can accretion app*#.
(i) =es.++ Art. 1B1?
(ii) %o.++ 8ommentators. If sharing is not the same'
accretion cannot ta3e p*ace.
Art! 9097! $'e *ords Eone&'a# or eac'E or Ein e)ua#
s'aresE or any ot'ers *'ic'0 t'oug' designating an a#i)uot
part0 do not identiy it by suc' description as s'a## (aGe
eac' 'eir t'e e+c#usive o*ner o deter(inate property0 s'a##
not e+c#ude t'e rig't o accretion!
In case o (oney or ungib#e goods0 i t'e s'are o eac'
'eir is not ear(arGed0 t'ere s'a## be a rig't o accretion!
Art! 9098! In #ega# succession t'e s'are o t'e person
*'o repudiates t'e in'eritance s'a## a#*ays accrue to 'is co&
/a*ane$ Accretion ta3es p*ace on*# if there is no representation.
Some ru*es from Art. 1B1D "# imp*ication$
1. In renunciation' there is a*wa#s accretion. -h#.
/ecause there is no representation in renunciation. 1his app*ies
on*# to intestac# and testamentar# succession.
2. In intestac#' app*# representation first. If there is none'
then accretion wi** app*#.
. In testamentar# succession' app*# su"stitution first. If
there is no su"stitution' then accretion wi** app*#.
PAGE 178
Art! 909=! $'e 'eirs to *'o( t'e portion goes by t'e
rig't o accretion taGe it in t'e sa(e proportion t'at t'ey
/a*ane$ 1his imp*ies proportion is different. 1his app*ies in
intestac# and not to testamentar# (succession.) In testamentar#
(succession)' shares are a*wa#s equa* "ec. of designation of
shares. In intestac#' it is possi"*e to ha(e different shares. E.g.'
fu** and ha*f "*ood.
F /
Estate N ?BB'BBB. If 8 predecease F' then
Share of 8 di(ided in the proportion the# were to inherit.

Art! 90?0! $'e 'eirs to *'o( t'e in'eritance accrues
s'a## succeed to a## t'e rig'ts and ob#igations *'ic' t'e 'eir
*'o renounced or cou#d not receive it *ou#d 'ave 'ad!
/a*ane$ 1. 8o+heirs get (their) share with the same o"*igations
and conditions.
2. 8an representati(es get accretion. =es. If person
represented wi** get the accretion' then the representati(e shou*d
(a*so) get the accretion.
++++++A 4
L M a2
L ++++/
F ++++L
PAGE 179
L ++++8
Estate is worth ?BB. A predeceased F. / renounced.
If a** present' then 1>B each.
a1 and a2 N 1>B O >B N 2BB
8 N 1>B O >B N 2BB
D N 1>B O >B N 2BB
/9s share acquired "# the others "# accretion 1>B
a1 and a2 get accretion "ec. the# represent A in A9s rights as
if A is sti** around. 1he# stand in the same position as a person
a1 and a2 get @> each "# right of representation' and 2>
each "# accretion.

Art! 90?9! A(ong t'e co(pu#sory 'eirs t'e rig't o
accretion s'a## taGe p#ace on#y *'en t'e ree portion is #et to
t*o or (ore o t'e(0 or to any o t'e( and to a stranger!
S'ou#d t'e part repudiated be t'e #egiti(e0 t'e ot'er co&
'eirs s'a## succeed to in t'eir o*n rig't0 and not by t'e rig't
o accretion!
Art! 90??! In testa(entary succession0 *'en t'e rig't o
accretion does not taGe p#ace0 t'e vacant portion o t'e
instituted 'eirs0 i no substitute 'as been designated0 s'a##
pass to t'e #ega# 'eirs o t'e testator0 *'o s'a## receive it
*it' t'e sa(e c'arges and ob#igations!
Art! 90?<! Accretion s'a## a#so taGe p#ace a(ong
devisees0 #egatees and usuructuaries under t'e sa(e
conditions estab#is'ed or 'eirs!
Section ?!&& Capacity to $ucceed by Will or by Intestacy!
PAGE 180
Art! 90?A! Persons not incapacitated by #a* (ay
succeed by *i## or ab intestato!
$'e provisions re#ating to incapacity by *i## are e)ua##y
app#icab#e to intestate succession!
/a*ane$ Par. 1.++ #b intestato refers "oth to *egitime and
Par. 2.++ <ista3e + not true. Incapacit# to succeed "# wi**'
1B2@' 1B2D and 1B2' are the# app*ica"*e to intestac#. %ot a**.
a. App*ies on*# to incapacit# "# wi**.++ Artic*es 1B2@'
paragraphs 1 to >' 1B2D (app*ica"*e on*# in testamentar#
". App*ies to "oth.++ Artic*es 1B2@' par. ?' 1B2.)
Art! 90?D! In order to be capacitated to in'erit0 t'e 'eir0
devisee or #egatee (ust be #iving at t'e (o(ent t'e
succession opens0 e+cept in case o representation0 *'en it
is proper!
A c'i#d a#ready conceived at t'e ti(e o t'e deat' o t'e
decedent is capab#e o succeeding provided it be born #ater
under t'e conditions prescribed in artic#e A9!
/a*ane$ :enera* ru*e$ Succession opens at the death of the
decedent. (Art. @@@.) 1he heir must "e a*i(e when succession
opens. 1he same as Art. 1B!.
E0ception$ 2In case of representation' when proper.2 1his is
wrong. 1he representati(e must "e a*i(e when the decedent dies.
4 L M
A / 8
1. / dies on Gan. 1CC?. /9s wife is pregnant. F dies in
<arch 1CC?. "1 is "orn in Gu*# 1CC?. -as "1 a*i(e when F died.
=es. Art. !1' the foetus is considered a*i(e from the moment of
conception. 1his is not an e0ception "ec. "1 is a*i(e.
2. / is disinherited in 1CC?. F dies in 1CC@. "1 is "orn in
PAGE 181
a. 8an "1 represent /. %o. 5e was not *i(ing at the
time F died.
". 8an "1 inherit from F. %o. Art. 1B2>' par. 1.
Parish Priest of Eictoria (. ,igor ++ In the case' the priest
pro(ided that his estate wi** go to an# of the nephews who ma#
enter the priesthood. 1he nephew c*aiming' howe(er' was "orn
after the priest had died. As such ' the nephew cannot inherit.
Art! 90?C! A testa(entary disposition (ay be (ade to
t'e State0 provinces0 (unicipa# corporations0 private
corporations0 organiFations0 or associations or re#igious0
scientiic0 cu#tura#0 educationa#0 or c'aritab#e purposes!
A## ot'er corporations or entities (ay succeed under a
*i##0 un#ess t'ere is a provision to t'e contrary in t'eir
c'arter or t'e #a*s o t'eir creation0 and a#*ays sub7ect to
t'e sa(e!
/a*ane$ I$ 8an #ou ma3e a testamentar# disposition in fa(or of
;uridica* persons.
A$ =es' if a**owed "# their charter. 1he# must e0ist'
howe(er' at the time of the death of the decedent.
E.g.' 2I gi(e 14 of m# estate to Da(id+%a(ato &rganiAation' a
non+incorporated org.2 Is this (a*id. %o. It has no ;uridica*
Artic#e 90?7! $'e o##o*ing are incapab#e o succeeding:
-9. $'e priest *'o 'eard t'e conession o t'e testator
during 'is #ast i##ness0 or t'e (inister o t'e gospe# *'o
e+tended spiritua# aid to 'i( during t'e sa(e period>
-?. $'e re#atives o suc' priest or (inister o t'e gospe#
*it'in t'e ourt' degree0 t'e c'urc'0 order0 c'apter0
co((unity0 organiFation0 or institution to *'ic' suc' priest
or (inister (ay be#ong>
-<. A guardian *it' respect to testa(entary dispositions
given by a *ard in 'is avor beore t'e ina# accounts o t'e
guardians'ip 'ave been approved0 even i t'e testator s'ou#d
PAGE 182
die ater t'e approva# t'ereo> nevert'e#ess0 any provision
(ade by t'e *ard in avor o t'e guardian *'en t'e #atter is
'is ascendants0 descendant0 brot'er0 sister0 or spouse0 s'a##
be va#id>
-A. Any attesting *itness to t'e e+ecution o a *i##0 t'e
spouse0 parents0 or c'i#dren0 or any one c#ai(ing under suc'
*itness0 spouse0 parents0 or c'i#dren>
-D. Any p'ysician0 surgeon0 nurse0 'ea#t' oicer or
druggist *'o tooG care o t'e testator during 'is #ast i##ness>
-C. Individua#s0 associations and corporations not
per(itted by #a* to in'erit!
/a*ane$ %um"ers 1 to > ha(e no app*ication to *egitimes.
A. E0amp*e num"er 1. A' a priest' is a friend of /. / regu*ar*#
goes to confession to A. / then "ecomes serious*# i**. 5e
e0ecutes a wi** instituting A to 14 to his estate. Is this
testamentar# disposition (a*id or is A capacitated to inherit from
/. =es.
E0amp*e num"er 2. &n his death"ed' F ma3es a wi**
instituting =' a priest. 1hin3ing he wi** die' F ca**s = to confess. Is
= capacitated to inherit from F. =es.
1. -hen does par. 1 app*#' in other words' when is the
priest incapacitated to succeed.
a. -hen the confession is made prior to the ma3ing of
a wi**. If simu*taneous' the priest is sti** disqua*ified. If the
wi** is made first' the priest can inherit.
". If the confession was made "efore the wi** was made
and the priest is the son of the sic3 person' can the priest
inherit upon the death of the sic3 person. =es. 5e can get
the *egitime.
If the priest were a "rother. =es. 5e can inherit "#
Disqua*ification app*ies on*# to testamentar#
2. 2Priest or minister of the gospe*.2++ Despite this apparent
restriction to 8hristian ministers' this app*ies to a** spiritua*
ministers' e.g.' /uddhist mon3s.
PAGE 183
-h#. /ecause it is conc*usi(e*# presumed that the spiritua*
minister used his mora* inf*uence to induce or inf*uence the sic3
person to ma3e a testamentar# disposition in his fa(or.
. ,equisites$
a. 1he wi** was made during the *ast i**ness
". 1he spiritua* ministration must ha(e "een e0tended
during the *ast i**ness
c. 1he wi** was e0ecuted during or after the spiritua*
/. ,e*ati(es of the priest of minister of the gospe*
1his widens the disqua*ification in A.
&mission was made of the spouse of the minister of the
gospe*. -hat do #ou do. App*# Art. 1B1. 1o disqua*if# the
spouse' #ou ha(e to show that the testamentar# "enefaction
gi(en to the wife was meant to "enefit the minister. 1his is harder
to pro(e.
8. :uardian
:enera* ru*e$ Disqua*ification app*ies when the disposition is
After the guardianship "egan ("eginning of the guardianship)
+++ /efore termination of guardianship (appro(a* of fina* accounts
or *ifting of guardianship.)

E0ception$ Disposition is (a*id when the guardian is an
ascendant' descendant' "rother' sister or spouse.
1. 1his e0ception is not present in the case of a priest.
-h#. 1he# were deri(ed different *aws. 1he omission in the
case of the priest was stupid.
2. Seems to refer on*# to guardian of the propert#.
8ommentators agree that this a*so co(ers guardians o(er the
person "ec. the *atter ha(e more opportunit# to inf*uence the
D. Attesting witness.
8orre*ate this w4 Art. C2.
PAGE 184
:enera* ru*e$ -itness' spouse.... are disqua*ified.
E0ception$ If there are three () other witnesses to the wi**.
E. Ph#sician' surgeon' nurse' hea*th officer or druggist.
1he *atter must ha(e ta3en care of the sic3 person.
1. 1he wi** was made during the *ast i**ness
2. 1he sic3 person must ha(e "een ta3en cared of during
his *ast i**ness. <edica* attendance was made.
. 1he wi** was e0ecuted during or after he was "eing ta3en
cared of.
Art! 90?8! $'e pro'ibitions (entioned in artic#e 7<=0
concerning donations inter vivos s'a## app#y to testa(entary
Artic#e 7<=! $'e o##o*ing donations s'a## be
-9. $'ose (ade bet*een persons *'o *ere
gui#ty o adu#tery or concubinage at t'e ti(e o t'e
-?. $'ose (ade bet*een persons ound gui#ty
o t'e sa(e cri(ina# oense0 in consideration
-<. $'ose (ade to a pub#ic oicer or 'is *ie0
descendants and ascendants0 by reason o 'is
In t'e case reerred to in No! 90 t'e action or
dec#aration o nu##ity (ay be broug't by t'e spouse
o t'e donor or donee> and t'e gui#t o t'e donor
and donee (ay be proved by preponderance o
evidence in t'e sa(e action!
/a*ane$ 1his app*ies on*# to testamentar# succession.
Art! 90?=! S'ou#d t'e testator dispose o t'e *'o#e or
part o 'is property or prayers and pious *orGs or t'e
beneit o 'is sou#0 in genera# ter(s and *it'out speciying it
PAGE 185
app#ication0 t'e e+ecutor0 *it' t'e courtIs approva# s'a##
de#iver one&'a# t'ereo or its proceeds to t'e c'urc' or
deno(ination to *'ic' t'e testator (ay be#ong0 to be used
or suc' prayers and pious *orGs0 and t'e ot'er 'a# to t'e
State0 or t'e purposes (entioned in artic#e 909<!
/a*ane$ Disposition in fa(or of$ (a) pra#ers; (") pious wor3s++
for the sou* of the testator.
142 to the 8hurch which the testator "e*ongs and 142 to the
1his is "ecause of Art. 1B2C' this is not a disposition in fa(or
of an un3nown person.

Art! 90<0! $esta(entary provisions in avor o t'e poor
in genera#0 *it'out designation o particu#ar persons or o
any co((unity0 s'a## be dee(ed #i(ited to t'e poor #iving in
t'e do(ici#e o t'e testator at t'e ti(e o 'is deat'0 un#ess it
s'ou#d c#ear#y appear t'at 'is intention *as ot'er*ise!
$'e designation o t'e persons *'o are to be
considered as poor and t'e distribution o t'e property s'a##
be (ade by t'e person appointed by t'e testator or t'e
purpose> in deau#t o suc' person0 by t'e e+ecutor> and
s'ou#d t'ere be no e+ecutor0 by t'e 7ustice o t'e peace0 t'e
(ayor0 and t'e (unicipa# treasurer0 *'o s'a## decide by a
(a7ority o votes a## )uestions t'at (ay arise! In a## t'ese
cases0 t'e approva# o t'e Court o 4irst Instance s'a## be
$'e preceding paragrap' s'a## app#y *'en t'e testator
'as disposed o 'is property in avor o t'e poor o a deinite
/a*ane$ 1. 1his is *imited to the poor *i(ing at the domici*e of the
testator upon his death. 1his is not c*ear. -hat is the scope of
domici*e. Does it refer to countr#' pro(ince' cit# or "aranga#.
2. -ho is to designate. (In the order of preference)
a. Person appointed "# the testator for that purpose
". E0ecutor
c. <18 ;udge' ma#or' municipa* treasurer. 1his ne(er
happens "ec. if there are no a and "' the court appoints an
PAGE 186
Art! 90<9! A testa(entary provision in avor o a
dis)ua#iied person0 even t'oug' (ade under t'e guise o an
onerous contract0 or (ade t'roug' an inter(ediary0 s'a## be
/a*ane$ -hat #ou cannot do direct*#' #ou cannot do indirect*#.
1his is the same as Art. D?@' par. !.++ 7se of a (a) dumm#; (")
Artic#e 90<?! $'e o##o*ing are incapab#e o succeeding
by reason o un*ort'iness:
-9. Parents *'o 'ave abandoned t'eir c'i#dren or
induced t'eir daug'ters to #ead a corrupt or i((ora# #ie0 or
atte(pted against t'eir virtues>
-?. Any person *'o 'as been convicted o an atte(pt
against t'e #ie o t'e testator0 'is or 'er spouse0
descendants or ascendants>
-<. Any person *'o 'as accused t'e testator o a cri(e
or *'ic' t'e #a* prescribes i(prison(ent or si+ years or
(ore0 i t'e accusation 'as been ound to be ground#ess>
-A. Any 'eir o u## age *'o0 'aving Gno*#edge o t'e
vio#ent deat' o t'e testator0 s'ou#d ai# to report it to an
oicer o t'e #a* *it'in a (ont'0 un#ess t'e aut'orities 'ave
a#ready taGen action> t'is pro'ibition s'a## not app#y to cases
*'erein0 according to #a*0 t'ere is no ob#igation to (aGe an
-D. Any person convicted o adu#tery or concubinage
*it' t'e spouse o t'e testator>
-C. Any person *'o by raud0 vio#ence0 inti(idation0 or
undue in#uence s'ou#d cause t'e testator to (aGe a *i## or
to c'ange one a#ready (ade>
-7. Any person *'o by t'e sa(e (eans prevents
anot'er ro( (aGing a *i##0 or ro( revoGing one a#ready
(ade0 or *'o supp#ants0 concea#s0 or a#ters t'e #atterIs *i##>
-8. Any person *'o a#siies or orges a supposed *i##
o t'e decedent!
/a*ane$ :rounds 1' 2' ' > and ? are the same as in
PAGE 187
%um"er ! has no app*ication "ecause there is no o"*igation
to accuse. 1here is no *aw that o"*igates to accuse. &n*# a ci(ic
or mora* dut# "ut not a *ega* dut#.
%um"ers ?' @ and D co(er si0 (?) cases of acts re*ating to a
a. 8ausing the testator to ma3e a wi**
". 8ausing the testator to change an e0isting wi**
c. Pre(enting the decedent from ma3ing a wi**
d. Pre(enting the testator from re(o3ing his wi**
e. Supp*anting' concea*ing' or a*tering the testator9s wi**.
f. 6a*sif#ing or forging a supposed wi** of the decedent.
1here is no conf*ict with disinheritance despite simi*ar
I**ustration$ A' son of /' tries to 3i** /. / ma# disinherit him
or not. If / disinherits him under Art. C1C' then A is disqua*ified to
inherit. 5owe(er' e(en if / did not disinherit A' A is incapacitated
to inherit "ec. of Art. 1B2. If disinherited under Art. C1C' there is
dou"*e disinheritance. Disinheritance in the wi** is redundant. In
the common grounds' #ou do not ha(e to disinherit in Art. C1C
since the effect of Artic*es C1C and 1B2 are the same.

Art! 90<<! $'e causes o un*ort'iness s'a## be *it'out
eect i t'e testator 'ad Gno*#edge t'ereo at t'e ti(e 'e
(ade t'e *i##0 or i0 'aving Gno*n o t'e( subse)uent#y0 'e
s'ou#d condone t'e( in *riting!
/a*ane$ 1. a. 25ad 3now*edge at the time he made the wi**.2++ In
this case' it is presumed that the testator had pardoned the
". 2Jnown su"sequent*#.2++ %eeds written pardon.
2. Pro"*em$ In disinheritance' incapacit# to disinherit is *ifted
"# reconci*iation. /ut in Art. 1B' there must "e a pardon in
writing. 1his is strange.
In Art. C1C + e0press wi** ++ reconci*iation is enough
In Art. 1B + presumed wi** ++ needs written pardon.
PAGE 188
Pro"*em arises if the testator made a wi** disinheriting. -hat
ru*e do #ou app*# if the reason for disinheriting was a common
a. If #ou fo**ow the ru*es of disinheritance.++ =es.
". If #ou fo**ow the ru*es of unworthiness.++ %o.
8ommentators.++ ,u*es of disinheritance shou*d app*#. 1o
ma3e the ru*es of unworthiness app*# wou*d "e gi(ing precedence
to the presumed wi** o(er the e0press wi**.
Art! 90<A! In order to 7udge t'e capacity o t'e 'eir0
devisee or #egatee0 'is )ua#iication at t'e ti(e o t'e deat'
o t'e decedent s'a## be t'e criterion!
In cases a##ing under Nos! ?0 < or D o artic#e 90<?0 it
s'a## be necessary to *ait unti# ina# 7udg(ent is rendered0
and in t'e case a##ing under No! A0 t'e e+pirattion o t'e
(ont' a##o*ed or t'e report!
I t'e institution0 devise or #egacy s'ou#d be conditiona#0
t'e ti(e o t'e co(p#iance *it' t'e condition s'a## a#so be
/a*ane$ 1ime to ;udge the capacit# of the heir.
Par. 1.++ 1ime of death. corre*ate with par. 1 of Art. 1B2>.
1he time succession opens' no e0ceptions.
Par. 2.++ :rounds 2' and >.++ -ait for fina* ;udgment when
con(iction is needed.
Par. .++ 8onditiona*.++ 8onsider "oth time of comp*iance
and time of death of the decedent.
Art! 90<D! I t'e person e+c#uded ro( t'e in'eritance by
reason o incapacity s'ou#d be a c'i#d or descendant o t'e
decedent and s'ou#d 'ave c'i#dren or descendant0 t'e #atter
s'a## ac)uire 'is rig't to t'e #egiti(e!
$'e person so e+c#uded s'a## not en7oy t'e usuruct and
ad(inistration o t'e property t'us in'erited by 'is c'i#dren!
/a*ane$ 1his grants right of representation to chi*dren or
descendants of incapacitated chi*dren or descendants.
1his co(ers the *egitime and intestac#.
It does not mention intestate share on*# *egitime. -h#.
/ecause Art. 1B> assumes that the free portion has "een
PAGE 189
disposed of comp*ete*#. /ut if not' then intestate share is
Art! 90<C! A#ienations o 'ereditary property0 and acts o
ad(inistration peror(ed by t'e e+c#uded 'eir0 beore t'e
7udicia# order o e+c#usion0 are va#id as to t'ird persons *'o
acted in good ait'> but t'e co&'eirs s'a## 'ave a rig't to
recover da(ages ro( t'e dis)ua#iied 'eir!
/a*ane$ 1his app*ies the doctrine of innocent purchaser for (a*ue
without pre;udice to the right to damages of the pre;udiced heirs
against the incapacitated heir.
Art! 90<7! $'e un*ort'y 'eir *'o is e+c#uded ro( t'e
succession 'as a rig't to de(and inde(nity or any
e+penses incurred in t'e preservation o t'e 'ereditary
property0 and to enorce suc' credits as 'e (ay 'ave against
t'e estate!
/a*ane$ 1his is the right gi(en to e(er# possessor' whether he "e
in good or "ad faith in Art. !!.
%ecessar# e0penses for preser(ation.
Art! 90<8! Any person incapab#e o succession0 *'o0
disregarding t'e pro'ibition stated in t'e preceding artic#es0
entered into possession o t'e 'ereditary property0 s'a## be
ob#iged to return it toget'er *it' its accessions!
1e s'a## be #iab#e or a## t'e ruits and rents 'e (ay 'ave
received0 or cou#d 'ave received t'roug' t'e e+ercise o due
/a*ane$ Possessor in "ad faith means he 3nows that he is
incapacitated. 5e must return the propert#' fruits and rents.
Art! 90<=! Capacity to succeed is governed by t'e #a* o
t'e nation o t'e decedent!
PAGE 190
Art! 90A0! $'e action or a dec#aration o incapacity and
or t'e recovery o t'e in'eritance0 devise or #egacy s'a## be
broug't *it'in ive years ro( t'e ti(e t'e dis)ua#iied
person tooG possession t'ereo! It (ay be broug't by any
one *'o (ay 'ave an interest in t'e succession!
/a*ane$ ,ight of heir to reco(er the inheritance must "e
e0ercised within fi(e #ears.
Section <!&& (cceptance and .epudiation of te Ineritance!
Art! 90A9! $'e acceptance or repudiation o t'e
in'eritance is an act *'ic' is pure#y vo#untary and ree!
/a*ane$ 1. Acceptance.++ (a) (o*untar#; (") free
2. /asic ,u*es
a. ,u*es for acceptance are more *i"era* than the ru*es
of renunciation "ecause the former are "eneficia* to the heir whi*e
the *atter is pre;udicia* to the heir.
". In case an heir is incompetent4 insane or a minor'
acceptance or repudiation must "e made "# a representati(e. In
case of renunciation' court appro(a* is necessar# "ec. of a.
Art! 90A?! $'e eects o t'e acceptance or repudiation
s'a## a#*ays retroact to t'e (o(ent o t'e deat' o t'e
/a*ane$ 1his is "ecause of Art. @@@ which states that 2the right to
the succession are transmitted from the moment of the death of
the decedent.2
Art! 90A<! No person (ay accept or repudiate an
in'eritance un#ess 'e is certain o t'e deat' o t'e person
ro( *'o( 'e is to in'erit0 and o 'is rig't to t'e in'eritance!
PAGE 191
/a*ane$ 1his artic*e requires$ (a) certaint# of death; (") right to
inherit (is esta"*ished.)
Art! 90AA! Any person 'aving t'e ree disposa# o 'is
property (ay accept or repudiate an in'eritance!
Any in'eritance #et to (inors or incapacitated persons
(ay be accepted by t'eir parents or guardians! Parents or
guardians (ay repudiate t'e in'eritance #et to t'eir *ards
on#y by 7udicia# aut'oriFation!
$'e rig't to accept an in'eritance #et to t'e poor s'a##
be#ong to t'e persons designated by t'e testator to
deter(ine t'e beneiciaries and distribute t'e property0 or in
t'eir deau#t to t'ose (entioned in artic#e 90<0!
Par. 1.++ <ust ha(e capacit# to dispose of the propert#.
a. &f age
". %ot restricted in his capacit# to act.
Par. 2.++ <inors or incapacitated can inherit through their
parents or *ega* guardians. /ut to renounce' ;udicia* appro(a* is
Art! 90AD! $'e #a*u# representatives o corporations0
associations0 institutions and entities )ua#iied to ac)uire
property (ay accept any in'eritance #et to t'e #atter0 but in
order to repudiate it0 t'e approva# o t'e court s'a## be
/a*ane$ Acceptance needs a *awfu* representati(e whi*e
renunciation needs court appro(a*.
Art! 90AC! Pub#ic oicia# estab#is'(ents can neit'er
accept nor repudiate an in'eritance *it'out t'e approva# o
t'e govern(ent!
Art! 90A7! A (arried *o(an o age (ay repudiate an
in'eritance *it'out t'e consent o 'er 'usband!
PAGE 192
/a*ane$ :enera* ru*e$ A married woman ma# accept without the
consent of her hus"and.
E0ception$ If she is insane. In this case' howe(er' the
marriage is not the reason for the incapacit#.
Art! 90A8! %ea&(utes *'o can read and *rite (ay
accept or repudiate t'e in'eritance persona##y or t'roug' an
agent! S'ou#d t'ey not be ab#e to read and *rite0 t'e
in'eritance s'a## be accepted by t'eir guardians! $'ese
guardians (ay repudiate t'e sa(e *it' 7udicia# approva#!
/a*ane$ :enera* ru*e$ /eing a deaf+mute is not a restriction on
the a"i*it# to accept or renounce as *ong as he can read and write.
5e ma# accept or renounce persona**# or through an agent.
E0ception$ If he cannot read or write' he can on*# accept
through a guardian. If he renounces' the renunciation needs
court appro(a*.
Art! 90A=! Acceptance (ay be e+press or tacit!
An e+press acceptance (ust be (ade in a pub#ic or
private docu(ent!
A tacit acceptance is one resu#ting ro( t'e acts by
*'ic' t'e intention to accept is necessari#y i(p#ied0 or *'ic'
one *ou#d 'ave no rig't to do e+cept in t'e capacity o an
Acts o (ere preservation or provisiona# ad(inistration
do not i(p#y an acceptance o t'e in'eritance i0 t'roug'
suc' acts0 t'e tit#e or capacity o an 'eir 'as not been
/a*ane$ 6orms of acceptance$
1. E0press.++ In c*ear and e0p*icit terms. In writing' whether
in a pri(ate or pu"*ic document.
2. 1acit.++ Art. 1B>B.++ ,esu*ts from acts from which intent
to accept is imp*ied.
. Imp*ied.++ Art. 1B>@.++ If does not do an#thing w4in thirt#
(B) da#s' then it is deemed accepted.
Art! 90D0! An in'eritance is dee(ed accepted:
PAGE 193
-9. I t'e 'eirs se##s0 donates0 or assigns 'is rig't to a
stranger0 or to 'is co&'eirs0 or to any o t'e(>
-?. I t'e 'eir renounces t'e sa(e0 even t'oug'
gratuitous#y0 or t'e beneit o one or (ore o 'is co&'eirs>
-<. I 'e renounces it or a price in avor o a## 'is co&
'eirs indiscri(inate#y> but i t'is renunciation s'ou#d be
gratuitous0 and t'e co&'eirs in *'ose avor it is (ade are
t'ose upon *'o( t'e portion renounced s'ou#d devo#ve by
virtue o accretion0 t'e in'eritance s'a## not be dee(ed as
/a*ane$ Par. 1.++ Acts of ownership++ to do these acts' the heir
must ha(e accepted the inheritance.
Par. 2.++ 5eir is rea**# gi(ing it++ to do this' the heir must
ha(e accepted it first
Par. .++ Se**s it++ must ha(e acquired something "efore #ou
can se**. 5owe(er' if gratuitous in fa(or of co+heirs
indiscriminate*#' to whom it wou*d ha(e de(o*(ed "# accretion'
then true renunciation.
Art! 90D9! $'e repudiation o an in'eritance s'a## be
(ade in a pub#ic or aut'entic instru(ent0 or by petition
presented to t'e court 'aving 7urisdiction over t'e
testa(entary or intestate proceedings!
/a*ane$ 6orms of renunciation$
1. Pu"*ic or authentic document
2. Petition presented to the court.
Strict form is required. &ne cannot renounce tacit*# or
Art! 90D?! I t'e 'eir repudiates t'e in'eritance to t'e
pre7udice o 'is o*n creditors0 t'e #atter (ay petition t'e
court to aut'oriFe t'e( to accept it in t'e na(e o t'e 'eir!
$'e acceptance s'a## beneit t'e creditors on#y to an
e+tent suicient to cover t'e a(ount o t'eir credits! $'e
e+cess0 s'ou#d t'ere be any0 s'a## in no case pertain to t'e
renouncer0 but s'a## be ad7udicated to t'e persons to *'o(0
PAGE 194
in accordance *it' t'e ru#es estab#is'ed in t'is Code0 it (ay
/a*ane$ #ccion Pauliana.++ 1he right of the creditor to set aside
dispositions or renunciations pre;udicia* to them.
5ow much. 1o the e0tent to co(er the de"t on*#. 1he
e0cess is gi(en to whom it wou*d proper*# "e*ong.
1his assumes that #ou do not ha(e enough mone# to pa#
#our creditors.
Art! 90D<! I t'e 'eir s'ou#d die *it'out 'aving accepted
or repudiated t'e in'eritance 'is rig't s'a## be trans(itted to
'is 'eirs!
/a*ane$ -h#. /ecause the right has (ested in him at the time
the decedent died.
Art! 90DA! S'ou#d t'ere be severa# 'eirs ca##ed to t'e
in'eritance0 so(e o t'e( (ay accept and t'e ot'ers (ay
repudiate it!
/a*ane$ I**ustration$
A / 8
a " c
F died on Gan. 1' 1CC?. A died on Gan. 1!' 1CC? without
ha(ing accepted or repudiated the inheritance. a' " and c get the
rights of A. An# of them ma# renounce. If a and " renounce' then
PAGE 195
24 of A9s share is deemed renounced. %o accretion ta3es p*ace
"etween a' " and c.
Partia* acceptance is a**owed. E.g.' / renounces 24 of what
he wi** get.
Art! 90DD! I a person0 *'o is ca##ed to t'e sa(e
in'eritance as an 'eir by *i## and ab intestato0 repudiates t'e
in'eritance in 'is capacity as a testa(entary 'eir0 'e is
understood to 'ave repudiated it in bot' capacities!
S'ou#d 'e repudiate it as an intestate 'eir0 *it'out
Gno*#edge o 'is being a testa(entary 'eir0 'e (ay sti##
accept it in t'e #atter capacity!
/a*ane$ If the heir is "oth a testate and intestate heir$
1. If he renounces in a testate capacit#.++ 5e is deemed to
ha(e renounced in "oth capacities. -h#. If the heir re;ected an
e0press wi**' then he is deemed to ha(e re;ected the imp*ied wi**.
2. If he renounces in an intestate capacit#' whether he had
3now*edge that he was a testate heir or not' on*# his capacit# to
inherit as an intestate heir is renounced. E(en if he had
3now*edge' he ma# want to accept the testate share to show
respect for the wi** of the testator.
Phi*osoph# "ehind this is that testamentar# succession is superior
to intestate succession.
%ote$ )egitime is treated separate*#.++ 1his ma# "e accepted or
renounced separate*#. 1he heir ma# accept the testate share and
re;ect the *egitime and (ice (ersa.
Art! 90DC! $'e acceptance or repudiation o an
in'eritance0 once (ade0 is irrevocab#e0 and cannot be
i(pugned0 e+cept *'en it *as (ade t'roug' any o t'e
causes t'at vitiate consent0 or *'en an unGno*n *i##
/a*ane$ :enera* ru*e$ Irre(oca"i*it# of acceptance or repudiation.
E0ceptions$ 1. Eitiated consent' e.g.' when there is fraud
2. -hen an un3nown wi** appears.++ =ou cannot
renounce what #ou do not 3now.
PAGE 196
Art! 90D7! 2it'in t'irty days ater t'e court 'as issued
an order or t'e distribution o t'e estate in accordance *it'
t'e "u#es o Court0 t'e 'eirs0 devisees and #egatees s'a##
signiy to t'e court 'aving 7urisdiction *'et'er t'ey accept
or repudiate t'e in'eritance!
I t'ey do not do so *it'in t'at ti(e0 t'ey are dee(ed to
'ave accepted t'e in'eritance!
/a*ane$ Imp*ied acceptance.++ 1he thirt# da# period is counted
from the receipt of the order.
Section A!&& "xecutors and (dministrators!
Art! 90D8! A## (atters re#ating to t'e appoint(ent0
po*ers and duties o e+ecutors and ad(inistrators and
concerning t'e ad(inistration o estates o deceased
persons s'a## be governed by t'e "u#es o Court!
Art! 90D=! I t'e assets o t'e estate o a decedent *'ic'
can be app#ied to t'e pay(ent o debts are not suicient or
t'at purpose0 t'e provisions o artic#es ??<= to ??D9 on
Preerence o Credits s'a## be observed0 provided t'at t'e
e+penses reerred to in artic#e ??AA0 No! 80 s'a## be t'ose
invo#ved in t'e ad(inistration o t'e decedentIs estate!
Art! 90C0! A corporation or association aut'oriFed to
conduct t'e business o a trust co(pany in t'e P'i#ippines
(ay be appointed as an e+ecutor0 ad(inistrator0 guardian o
an estate0 or trustee0 in #iGe (anner as an individua#> but it
s'a## not be appointed guardian o t'e person o a *ard!
PAGE 197
/a*ane$ Artic*es 1B>D to 1B?B.++ 6or the procedura* aspects' see
,u*es @ to C1 of the ,u*es of 8ourt.
Section D!&& Collation!
/a*ane$ Definition$ Steps ta3en to sett*e the estate to "e a"*e to
gi(e it to the heirs.
1hree () senses$
1. Computation.++ :et together a** assets' su"tract the
de"ts and add the donations to get the net hereditar# estate.
2. Imputation.++ Determine if the donation is chargea"*e4
imputa"*e to the *egitime or the free portion.
:enera* ru*e$ If compu*sor# heir' imputa"*e to the *egitime.
E0ception$ If testator has pro(ided otherwise.
. .estoration/ return.-- If donation to a stranger e0ceeds
the free portion' he wou*d ha(e to gi(e "ac3 to the estate as much
as is needed to comp*ete the *egitimes. 1his wi** not happen if the
*egitimes are not impaired.
Art! 90C9! Every co(pu#sory 'eir0 *'o succeeds *it'
ot'er co(pu#sory 'eirs0 (ust bring into t'e (ass o t'e
estate any property or rig't *'ic' 'e (ay 'ave received ro(
t'e decedent0 during t'e #ieti(e o t'e #atter0 by *ay o
donation0 or any ot'er gratuitous tit#e0 in order t'at it (ay be
co(puted in t'e deter(ination o t'e #egiti(e o eac' 'eir0
and in t'e account o t'e partition!
/a*ane$ 6irst sense' computation.
1his is the same as the third step in Art. CBD.
Inaccurac# in the pro(ision.++ 2co**ation done "# compu*sor#
heirs.2++ A** donations are co**ated pro(ided there is at *east one
compu*sor# heir "ec. there wi** "e a *egitime.
Art! 90C?! Co##ation s'a## not taGe p#ace a(ong
co(pu#sory 'eirs i t'e donor s'ou#d 'ave so e+press#y
provided0 or i t'e donee s'ou#d repudiate t'e in'eritance0
un#ess t'e donation s'ou#d be reduced as inoicious!
PAGE 198
/a*ane$ Second sense' imputation. (Artic*es CBC' C1B.)
:enera* ru*e$ Donation to a compu*sor# heir sha** "e
co**ated (imputed) to his *egitime.
E0ceptions$ (1) Donor pro(ides otherwise. In such a
case' it wi** "e imputed to the free portion.
(2) Donee repudiates the inheritance.
Art! 90C<! Property #et by *i## is not dee(ed sub7ect to
co##ation0 i t'e testator 'as not ot'er*ise provided0 but t'e
#egiti(e s'a## in any case re(ain uni(paired!
/a*ane$ Second sense' imputation.
1estamentar# Disposition. 1his is imputed against the free
portion and not against the *egitime. 1he heir gets *egitime O
testamentar# disposition. -h#. If not' what is the use. 5e wi**
get it an#wa#. 7n*ess' of course' if it impairs the *egitime of
Art! 90CA! 2'en grandc'i#dren0 *'o survive *it' t'eir
unc#es0 aunts0 or cousins0 in'erit ro( t'eir grandparents in
representation o t'eir at'er or (ot'er0 t'ey s'a## bring to
co##ation a## t'at t'eir parents0 i a#ive0 *ou#d 'ave been
ob#iged to bring0 even t'oug' suc' grandc'i#dren 'ave not
in'erited t'e property!
$'ey s'a## a#so bring to co##ation a## t'at t'ey (ay 'ave
received ro( t'e decedent during 'is #ieti(e0 un#ess t'e
testator 'as provided ot'er*ise0 in *'ic' case 'is *is'es
(ust be respected0 i t'e #egiti(e o t'e co&'eirs is not
/a*ane$ Second sense' imputation.
2:randchi*dren2 refer to a** descendants who inherit "#
4 M
A /
PAGE 199
; K
"1 "2
/ predeceased F.
1. In 1CDD' F donated to / P@B'BBB.
2. In 2BB1' F donated to "1 and "2 P>B'BBB
-hat wi** "1 and "2 impute when F dies.
Par. 1.++ 1CDD donation.++ =es "ec. / wou*d ha(e imputed it
(if he) were he a*i(e.
Par. 2.++ 2BB1 donation.++ =es. 1his is not *ogica* "ec. "1
and "2 inherit "# representation. 1he genera* ru*e is that on*#
persons who recei(e the donation are "ound to impute it.
Art! 90CD! Parents are not ob#iged to bring to co##ation in
t'e in'eritance o t'e ascendants any property *'ic' (ay
'ave been donated by t'e #atter to t'eir c'i#dren!
/a*ane$ Second sense' imputation.
4 M
A /
L ; K
a1 "1 "2
In 1CC>' F donated to a1. In 2BB1' F dies whi*e A is sti**
a*i(e. -i** A impute the donation to a1. %o. a1 is considered a
stranger "ec. he is not a compu*sor# heir. Impute (s. the free
Art! 90CC! Neit'er s'a## donations to t'e spouse o t'e
c'i#d be broug't to co##ation> but i t'ey 'ave been given by
t'e parent to t'e spouses 7oint#y0 t'e c'i#d s'a## be ob#iged to
bring to co##ation one&'a# o t'e t'ing donated!
/a*ane$ Second sense' imputation.
PAGE 200
A9 &&&&A
1wo cases$
1. F donates to A9 on*#' imputed to the free portion.
2. F donates to "oth A and A9' impute 142 to *egitime of A
and 142 to the free portion.
,u*e$ Donation gi(en to the spouse wi** not "e imputed to
the *egitime of the descendant spouse "ec. the spouse is
considered a stranger.
Art! 90C7! E+penses or support0 education0 (edica#0
attendance0 even in e+traordinary i##ness0 apprentices'ip0
ordinary e)uip(ent0 or custo(ary gits are not sub7ect to
/a*ane$ 6irst sense' computation.
1. &(er*ap "etween support in the %88 and in the 68.++
Support in the 68 a*read# inc*udes medica* attendance.
2. A** e0penses in Art. 1B?@ are not imputed to the
*egitime.++ Inc*uding ? things in support in the 68.
Art! 90C8! E+penses incurred by t'e parents in giving
t'eir c'i#dren a proessiona#0 vocationa# or ot'er career s'a##
not be broug't into co##ation un#ess t'e parents so provide0
or un#ess t'ey i(pair t'e #egiti(e> but *'en t'eir co##ation is
re)uired0 t'e su( *'ic' t'e c'i#d *ou#d 'ave spent i 'e 'ad
#ived in t'e 'ouse and co(pany o 'is parents s'a## be
deducted t'erero(!
/a*ane$ Second sense' imputation.
1his qua*ifies Art. 1B?@.
:enera* ru*e$ Imputed (ersus the free portion.
E0ceptions$ (1) -hen parents pro(ide otherwise
(2) -hen it impairs the *egitimes of other
compu*sor# heirs.
/ut if #ou *i(ed awa# from home' deduct the *i(ing e0penses
from what wou*d "e imputed against #our *egitime.
1his is inconsistent "ec. this is inc*uded in support under the
6ami*# 8ode.
PAGE 201
Art! 90C=! Any su(s paid by a parent in satisaction o
t'e debts o 'is c'i#dren0 e#ection e+penses0 ines0 and
si(i#ar e+penses s'a## be broug't to co##ation!
/a*ane$ Second sense' imputation.
Art! 9070! 2edding gits by parents and ascendants
consisting o 7e*e#ry0 c#ot'ing0 and outit0 s'a## not be
reduced as inoicious e+cept insoar as t'ey (ay e+ceed
one&tent' o t'e su( *'ic' is disposab#e by *i##!
/a*ane$ Second sense' imputation.
-edding gifts.++ 1wo (iews$
1. )itera*.++ 8annot "e "e#ond 141B of the free portion. If it
e0ceeds' return the e0cess.
2. )i"era*.++ a. "e*ow 141B of the free portion' impute to
the free portion
". a"o(e 141B of the free portion' impute to the
E.g.' Estate is worth ?BB. 1here are chi*dren. )egitimes N
BB. -hen A got married' he was gi(en a gift of !B. 1his is more
than 141B of the free portion.
1. )itera* N B' impute to the *egitime
1B' return
2. )i"era* N B' impute to the free portion
1B' impute to the *egitime.
Art! 9079! $'e sa(e t'ings donated are not to be
broug't to co##ation and partition0 but on#y t'eir va#ue at t'e
ti(e o t'e donation0 even t'oug' t'eir 7ust va#ue (ay not
t'en 'ave been assessed!
$'eir subse)uent increase or deterioration and even
t'eir tota# #oss or destruction0 be it accidenta# or cu#pab#e0
s'a## be or t'e beneit or account and risG o t'e donee!
/a*ane$ Par. 1.++ 6irst and second senses' computation and
PAGE 202
-hat do #ou compute. 1he (a*ue at the time of the
Par. 2.++ An# change in the (a*ue is for the account of the
donee. -h#. /ec. the donee is the owner of the thing donated.
(.es perit domino.)
Art! 907?! In t'e co##ation o a donation (ade by bot'
parents0 one&'a# s'a## be broug't to t'e in'eritance o t'e
at'er0 and t'e ot'er 'a#0 to t'at o t'e (ot'er! $'at given by
one a#one s'a## be broug't to co##ation in 'is or 'er
/a*ane$ 6irst and second senses' computation and imputation.
1his pro(ision contemp*ates ;oint donation "# parents from
their common propert#.
a. 142 computed for determination of the estate of the
". 142 computed for determination of the estate of the wife.
Same ru*e for imputation w4 respect to the donee. Impute
142 to father and 142 to mother.
Art! 907<! $'e doneeIs s'are o t'e estate s'a## be
reduced by an a(ount e)ua# to t'at a#ready received by 'i(>
and 'is co& 'eirs s'a## receive and e)uiva#ent0 as (uc' as
possib#e0 in property o t'e sa(e nature0 c#ass and )ua#ity!
/a*ane$ Second sense' imputation.
In partition' there shou*d "e among heirs of the same c*ass'
as much as possi"*e' equa*it# not on*# as to (a*ue "ut a*so as to
3ind and nature. 1his is su";ect' of course' to a contrar#
agreement of the heirs concerned.

Art! 907A! S'ou#d t'e provisions o t'e preceding artic#e
be i(practicab#e0 i t'e property donated *as i((ovab#e0 t'e
co&'eirs s'a## be entit#ed to receive its e)uiva#ent in cas' or
securities0 at t'e rate o )uotation> and s'ou#d t'ere be
neit'er cas' nor (arGetab#e securities in t'e estate0 so (uc'
PAGE 203
o t'e ot'er property as (ay be necessary s'a## be so#d at
pub#ic auction!
I t'e property donated *as (ovab#e0 t'e co&'eirs s'a##
on#y 'ave a rig't to se#ect an e)uiva#ent o ot'er persona#
property o t'e in'eritance at its 7ust price!
/a*ane$ Second sense' imputation.
App*ies if Art. 1B@ is not possi"*e.
1. Immo(a"*es++ cash or securities
2. <o(a"*es++ simi*ar*# (a*ued mo(a"*e
Art! 907D! $'e ruits and interest o t'e property sub7ect
to co##ation s'a## not pertain to t'e estate e+cept ro( t'e day
on *'ic' t'e succession is opened!
4or t'e purpose o ascertaining t'eir a(ount0 t'e ruits
and interest o t'e property o t'e estate o t'e sa(e Gind
and )ua#ity as t'at sub7ect to co##ation s'a## be (ade t'e
standard o assess(ent!
/a*ane$ 1hird sense' return.
1. Assume that the propert# donated has to "e returned
"ec. the *egitime has "een impaired. 1he return ma# "e tota* or
2. Donee ma# return$ (a) propert#; (") cash (a*ue
. &"*igation to return arises at the time of death. 1he fruits
are a*so returned from that time. 1he amount depends on how
much of the propert# has to "e returned.
E.g.' A donated to F a mango p*antation.
1. If F has to return a**' return a** the fruits from the time of
the death of A.
2. If F has to return 142' return 142 of the fruits from the time
of the death of A.
PAGE 204
/a(iera$ At the moment of death of donor' donee9s right o(er the
propert# is modified
Art! 907C! $'e co&'eirs are bound to rei(burse to t'e
donee t'e necessary e+penses *'ic' 'e 'as incurred or t'e
preservation o t'e property donated to 'i(0 t'oug' t'ey
(ay not 'ave aug(ented its va#ue!
$'e donee *'o co##ates in Gind an i((ovab#e0 *'ic'
'as been given to 'i(0 (ust be rei(bursed by 'is co&'eirs
or t'e i(prove(ents *'ic' 'ave increased t'e va#ue o t'e
property0 and *'ic' e+ists at t'e ti(e t'e partition is
As to *orGs (ade on t'e estate or t'e (ere p#easure o
t'e donee0 no rei(burse(ent is due 'i( or t'e(> 'e 'as0
'o*ever0 t'e rig't to re(ove t'e(0 i 'e can do so *it'out
in7uring t'e estate!
/a*ane$ 1hird sense' return' on the assumption that the donation
is tota**# inofficious.
Par. 1.++ 1he donee' "eing the rightfu* owner' has to "e
reim"ursed the necessar# e0penses. 5ow much. It depends on
how much is co**ated. (same as Art. 1B@>.)
Par. 2.++ 7sefu* e0penses.++ App*# the same ru*es as in
necessar# e0penses.
Par. .++ &rnamenta* e0penses.++ %o right to
reim"ursement "ut has the right to remo(e.
1hese are incidenta* o"*igations arising from co**ation in the
third sense.
Art! 9077! S'ou#d any )uestion arise a(ong t'e co&
'eirs upon t'e ob#igation to bring to co##ation or as to t'e
t'ings *'ic' are sub7ect to co##ation0 t'e distribution o t'e
estate s'a## not be interrupted or t'is reason0 provided
ade)uate security is given!
Art! D9! +++
$'e de#ivery o t'e presu(ptive #egiti(es
'erein prescribed s'a## in no *ay pre7udice t'e
u#ti(ate successiona# rig'ts o t'e c'i#dren
PAGE 205
accruing upon t'e deat' o eit'er or bot' o t'e
parents> but t'e va#ue o t'e properties a#ready
received under t'e decree o annu#(ent or abso#ute
nu##ity s'a## be considered as advances on t'eir
#egiti(e! -4a(i#y Code0 par! < t'ereo!.
Art! ??7! I t'e parents entrust t'e
(anage(ent or ad(inistration o any o t'eir
properties to an une(ancipated c'i#d0 t'e net
proceeds o suc' property s'a## be#ong to t'e
o*ner! $'e c'i#d s'a## be given a reasonab#e
(ont'#y a##o*ance in an a(ount not #ess t'an t'at
*'ic' t'e o*ner *ou#d 'ave paid i t'e ad(in&
istrator *ere a stranger0 un#ess t'e o*ner0 grants
t'e entire proceeds to t'e c'i#d! In any case0 t'e
proceeds t'us given in *'o#e or in part s'a## not be
c'arged to t'e c'i#dIs #egiti(e! -4a(i#y Code!.
/a*ane$ A** three () senses.

Section C!&& Partition and #istribution of te "state!
Subsection 9!&& Partition!
/a*ane$ Partition.++ Procedura*' a specia* proceeding.
1his is re*e(ant if there are two or more heirs.
Decedent dies+++V Successiona* rights +++V /ut propert#+++V 8o+
ownership+++V E(entua**#' get+++V Di(ide
(est in the heirs is sti** there
among heirs things together Estate
(first immediate effect (second
imme+ and compute Among
PAGE 206
of death) diate
effect of 5eirs
Art! 9078! 2'ere t'ere are t*o or (ore 'eirs0 t'e *'o#e
estate o t'e decedent is0 beore its partition0 o*ned in
co((on by suc' 'eirs0 sub7ect to t'e pay(ent o debts o
t'e deceased!
Art! 907=! Partition0 in genera#0 is t'e separation0
division and assign(ent o a t'ing 'e#d in co((on a(ong
t'ose to *'o( it (ay be#ong! $'e t'ing itse# (ay be divided0
or its va#ue!
/a*ane$ Definition.++ 2Separate' di(ide and assign.2
1. -a#s to go a"out partition.
a. E0tra;udicia**#.++ Decedent dies intestate and there are
no de"ts.
(i) A** the heirs agree among themse*(es.++ 7pon
agreement' partition is a*read# (a*id.
(ii) If registered propert# is inc*uded' pu"*ish the
partition in a pu"*ic document
(iii) :o to the ,egister of Deeds to ha(e tit*es
". Gudicia*
(i) Sett*ement proceeding
(ii) &rdinar# action on co+ownership
2. :enera* Procedure
a. If with a wi**' it must first "e pro"ated. After pro"ate' the
heirs can choose "etween$
(i) E0tra;udicia*
(ii) Gudicia*.++ Gudge wi** di(ide "ut wi** first gi(e the
heirs a chance to su"mit their own partition.
". If the heirs do not agree on the partition ' the ;udge wi**
appoint a commissioner.
PAGE 207
c. 8ommissioner wi** su"mit a pro;ect of partition to the
;udge. 1his pro;ect of partition' howe(er' is not "inding on the
d. 1he ;udge wi** issue an order of partition. Propert# wi** "e
ad;udicated among the heirs according*#.
Art! 9080! S'ou#d a person (aGe a partition o 'is estate
by an act inter vivos0 or by *i##0 suc' partition s'a## be
respected0 insoar as it does not pre7udice t'e #egiti(e o t'e
co(pu#sory 'eirs!
A parent *'o0 in t'e interest o 'is or 'er a(i#y0 desires
to Geep any agricu#tura#0 industria#0 or (anuacturing
enterprise intact0 (ay avai# 'i(se# o t'e rig't granted 'i(
in t'is artic#e0 by ordering t'at t'e #egiti(e o t'e ot'er
c'i#dren to *'o( t'e property is not assigned0 be paid in
/a*ane$ Par. 1.++ Person can ma3e partition. 5ow.
1. /# wi**++ ma3ing two things$
a. 1estamentar# disposition.++ State what (a*ue the
person wi** get.
". Partition.++ State specific propert# the heir wi** get or
what comprises the (a*ue.
E.g.' F has no compu*sor# heirs. 5e states in his wi** 2I gi(e
to A 14 of m# estate. 1o comprise A9s share' I wou*d *i3e her to
get m# house in A*a"ang.2
1he testator is a**owed to do so e(en if he has compu*sor#
heirs. 1he partition is (a*id as *ong as the items gi(en do not
impair the *egitime.
2. Act inter vivos' e.g.' pri(ate writing not a wi**.
a. ,u*e under the &88 ++ to do this' there has to "e a prior
e0isting wi**. -h#. If no prior e0isting wi**' #ou are gi(ing the
person power to ma3e dispositions not in the form of a wi**. 1his
is seen in the use of the word 2testator2 in the artic*e.
". ,u*es under the %88' is it (a*id.
(i) =es' as *ong as (it is) strict*# confine(d) to ru*es of
intestate succession since there is no wi**. (=ou) can on*# state
PAGE 208
what properties the# are to recei(e and not ma3e testamentar#
(ii) &therwise' he wi** ha(e to ma3e a supporting wi**.
1his is seen in the use of the word 2person2 in the artic*e.
%ote$ (1his) can sti** "e done in (the) manner done in the
E0amp*e$ Estate of A consists of ,1- factor# and cash. A
has compu*sor# heirs F' = and Q. A wants the factor# to go to
F. A ma3es a partition 26actor# to F. = and Q are to get their
*egitime in cash.2
1his is (a*id. /ec. *egitimes are on*# (a*ues and not specific
properties. A*so' the *egitimes are not impaired.
8ha(eA (. IA8.++ In the case' <anue*a assigned or
distri"uted her estate equa**# among her si0 (?) chi*dren. 1hree of
those so*d their share to a sister' 8oncepcion' with the consent of
<anue*a. <anue*a then so*d the entire propert# to 6errer. -as
the partition "# an act inter vivos (a*id. =es. Art. 1BDB a**ows the
person to ma3e a partition. If the partition is "# wi**' it must "e
with the forma*ities on wi**s. If the partition is "# an act inter vivos'
the partition ma# "e ora* or written' and need not "e in the form of
a wi**' pro(ided the partition does not pre;udice the *egitime of the
compu*sor# heirs. 1he deeds of sa*e "etween 8oncepcion and
her sisters are (a*id "ec. the# are not contracts with respect to
future inheritance "ut rather a contract perfected and
consummated during the *ifetime of <anue*a' who signed and
ga(e her consent.
Art! 9089! A person (ay0 by an act inter vivos or mortis
causa0 intrust t'e (ere po*er to (aGe t'e partition ater 'is
deat' to any person *'o is not one o t'e co&'eirs!
$'e provisions o t'is and o t'e preceding artic#e s'a##
be observed even s'ou#d t'ere be a(ong t'e co&'eirs a
(inor or a person sub7ect to guardians'ip> but t'e
(andatary0 in suc' case0 s'a## (aGe an inventory o t'e
property o t'e estate0 ater notiying t'e co&'eirs0 t'e
creditors0 and t'e #egatees or devisees!
/a*ane$ 1. 7nder this artic*e' partition ma# "e made "#$ (a) the
testator himse*f; (") 1hird person who is not an heir.
PAGE 209
2. Does this artic*e a*so prohi"it a de(isee or *egatee from
"eing appointed. It is not certain. If he is gi(en a specific portion'
then there is no temptation to fa(or himse*f. /ut if his share "e a
generic portion' then the temptation e0ists.
. Mandatary refers to a person entrusted to ma3e the

Art! 908?! Every act *'ic' is intended to put an end to
indivision a(ong co&'eirs and #egatees or devisees is
dee(ed to be a partition0 a#t'oug' it s'ou#d purport to be a
sa#e0 an e+c'ange0 a co(pro(ise0 or any ot'er transaction!
/a*ane$ An# act or an# mode of distri"ution that ends the co+
ownership is a partition. 1he ru*es on co+ownership app*#.
1. Ph#sica* partition' e.g.' actua**# di(iding the *and.
2. 8onstructi(e partition+ Art. 1BD?
If indi(isi"*e (e.g.' a house) or if it wi** "e great*# impaired if
partitioned. 5ow do #ou partition. "# constructi(e partition.
a. Assign the propert# to the one who wi** gi(e the
other share in cash.
". If an# o";ect' the propert# is so*d at pu"*ic auction.
-h# wi** an# o";ect. Pu"*ic auction wi** usua**# "ring a higher
se**ing price.
I$ 5ow do #ou determine if the propert# is indi(isi"*e or
A$ /# agreement "etween the co+owners. If none' the
courts wi** decide.
Art! 908<! Every co&'eir 'as a rig't to de(and t'e
division o t'e estate un#ess t'e testator s'ou#d 'ave
e+press#y orbidden its partition0 in *'ic' case t'e period o
indivision s'a## not e+ceed t*enty years as provided in
artic#e A=A! $'is po*er o t'e testator to pro'ibit division
app#ies to t'e #egiti(e!
Even t'oug' orbidden by t'e testator0 t'e co&o*ners'ip
ter(inates *'en one o t'e causes or *'ic' partners'ip is
disso#ved taGes p#ace0 or *'en t'e court inds or co(pe##ing
reasons t'at division s'ou#d be ordered0 upon petition o one
o t'e co&'eirs!
PAGE 210
/a*ane$ :enera* ru*e$ An# of the co+heirs can demand a partition
at an# time.
E0ception$ Partition is for"idden "# the testator in his wi**.
1his app*ies e(en to the *egitime. /ut it cannot e0ceed twent#
(2B) #ears.
Par. 2.++ Despite the prohi"ition' if an# ground in Artic*es
1DB or 1D1 (grounds for disso*ution of a partnership e0ists)'
partition wi** happen.
Art! 908A! @o#untary 'eirs upon *'o( so(e condition
'as been i(posed cannot de(and a partition unti# t'e
condition 'as been u#i##ed> but t'e ot'er co&'eirs (ay
de(and it by giving suicient security or t'e rig'ts *'ic'
t'e or(er (ay 'ave in case t'e condition s'ou#d be
co(p#ied *it'0 and unti# it is Gno*n t'at t'e condition 'as
not been u#i##ed or can never be co(p#ied *it'0 t'e partition
s'a## be understood to be provisiona#!
/a*ane$ -h#. ,ight as heir (ests on*# when the suspensi(e
condition happens.
-hat a"out the other heirs. 1he# can as3 that the propert#
"e partitioned "ut the# must gi(e securit#.
Art! 908D! In t'e partition o t'e estate0 e)ua#ity s'a## be
observed as ar as possib#e0 dividing t'e property into #ots0
or assigning to eac' o t'e co&'eirs t'ings o t'e sa(e
nature0 )ua#ity and Gind!
/a*ane$ -e a*read# saw this in Artic*es 1B@ and 1B@!.
It app*ies to heirs simi*ar*# situated.
It is su";ect to agreement "etween the parties.
Art! 908C! S'ou#d a t'ing be divisib#e0 or *ou#d be (uc'
i(paired by its being divided0 it (ay be ad7udicated to one o
t'e 'eirs0 provided 'e s'a## pay t'e ot'ers t'e e+cess in
PAGE 211
Nevert'e#ess0 i any o t'e 'eirs s'ou#d de(and t'at t'e
t'ings be so#d at pub#ic auction and t'at strangers be
a##o*ed to bid0 t'is (ust be done!
/a*ane$ If one or more of the heirs demand that the propert# "e
so*d pu"*ic*#' then this pre(ai*s o(er the offer of one to gi(e the
others their share in cash "ecause he wi** "u# it.
Art! 9087! In t'e partition t'e co&'eirs s'a## rei(burse
one anot'er or t'e inco(e and ruits *'ic' eac' one o
t'e( (ay 'ave received ro( any property o t'e estate0 or
any useu# and necessary e+penses (ade upon suc'
property0 and or any da(age t'ereto t'roug' (a#ice or
I**ustration$ A' / and 8 are heirs. A' / and 8 ta3e possession
and manage a fishpond' citrus p*antation and apartment house
respecti(e*#. )ater' the# decide to partition the propert#.
Assuming the# ha(e equa* shares' the# must each account for the
fruits actua**# recei(ed and these fruits wi** "e di(ided equa**#
among them.
A recei(ed B as fruits
/ recei(ed >B as fruits
8 recei(ed 2B as fruits
Add this and di(ide equa**# among them.
Art! 9088! S'ou#d any o t'e 'eirs se## 'is 'ereditary
rig'ts to a stranger beore t'e partition0 any or a## o t'e co&
'eirs (ay be subrogated to t'e rig'ts o t'e purc'aser by
rei(bursing 'i( or t'e price o t'e sa#e0 provided t'ey do so
*it'in t'e period o one (ont' ro( t'e ti(e t'ey *ere
notiied in *riting o t'e sa#e by t'e vendor!
Art! 9C?0! A co&o*ner o a t'ing (ay e+ercise
t'e rig't o rede(ption in case t'e s'ares o a## t'e
ot'er co&o*ners or o any o t'e(0 are so#d to a
t'ird person! I t'e price o t'e a#ienation is gross#y
e+cessive0 t'e rede(ptioner s'a## pay on#y a
reasonab#e one!
PAGE 212
S'ou#d t*o or (ore co&o*ners desire to
e+ercise t'e rig't o rede(ption0 t'ey (ay on#y do
so in proportion to t'e s'are t'ey (ay respective#y
'ave in t'e t'ing o*ned in co((on!
Art! 9C9=! Lega# rede(ption is t'e rig't to be
subrogated0 upon t'e sa(e ter(s and conditions
stipu#ated in t'e contract0 in t'e p#ace o one *'o
ac)uires a t'ing by purc'ase or dation in payment0
or by any ot'er transaction *'ereby o*ners'ip is
trans(itted by onerous tit#e!
/a*ane$ A. 1he right of redemption gi(en to the co+heir pro(ided
the co+heir4 (endor so*d his undi(ided share or a portion thereof in
the estate.
Artic*e 1?2B on *ega* redemption and Art. 1BDD are the same.
1he on*# difference is in the app*ication.
1. Art. 1?2B app*ies to specific propert#
2. Art. 1BDD app*ies to hereditar# mass
/. 5ow wi** the right of redemption "e e0ercised.
1. If on*# one wi** redeem' he wi** pa# the purchase price.
2. If more than one wi** redeem' the# wi** pa# purchase price
proportiona**# to their share in the propert#.
%ote$ Share must ha(e "een so*d to a stranger. If so*d to a
co+heir' the right of redemption does not e0ist. -h#. 1he
purpose is to 3eep the proprietar# mass w4in the co+owners.
Art! 908=! $'e tit#es o ac)uisition or o*ners'ip o eac'
property s'a## be de#ivered to t'e co&'eir to *'o( said
property 'as been ad7udicated!
/a*ane$ &nce partition is made' respecti(e tit*es are gi(en to the
respecti(e heirs. -h#. So that the# can transfer the tit*es in their
Art! 90=0! 2'en t'e tit#e co(prises t*o or (ore pieces
o #and *'ic' 'ave been assigned to t*o or (ore co&'eirs0 or
*'en it covers one piece o #and *'ic' 'as been divided
bet*een t*o or (ore co&'eirs0 t'e tit#e s'a## be de#ivered to
PAGE 213
t'e one 'aving t'e #argest interest0 and aut'entic copies o
t'e tit#e s'a## be urnis'ed to t'e ot'er co&'eirs at t'e
e+pense o t'e estate! I t'e interest o eac' co&'eir s'ou#d
be t'e sa(e0 t'e o#dest s'a## 'ave t'e tit#e!
/a*ane$ (1his is) to ena"*e e(er#"od# to get their respecti(e
7sua**# #ou must ha(e the *and resur(e#ed.
Subsection ?!&& "ffects of Partition!
Art! 90=9! A partition #ega##y (ade coners upon eac'
'eir t'e e+c#usive o*ners'ip o t'e property ad7udicated to
/a*ane$ Effect of partition.++ Art. 1BC1 or to terminate co+
Art! 90=?! Ater t'e partition 'as been (ade0 t'e co&
'eirs s'a## be reciproca##y bound to *arrant t'e tit#e to0 and
t'e )ua#ity o0 eac' property ad7udicated!
/a*ane$ -arranties are the same as in sa*es$
1. E(iction (tit*e.)
2. 5idden defects (qua*it#.)
E.g.' 1hree co+heirs A' / and 8 di(ided the *and the#
inherited equa**#. /ut part of the *and gi(en to A did not rea**#
"e*ong to the predecessor so A *osses part of his share. -hat
/ and 8 wi** "e *ia"*e for the warrant# for the part *ost. 1he#
wi** either$ (a) gi(e cash; or (") gi(e *and.
Art! 90=<! $'e reciproca# ob#igation o *arranty reerred
to in t'e preceding artic#e s'a## be proportionate to t'e
respective 'ereditary s'ares o t'e co&'eirs> but i any o one
o t'e( s'ou#d be inso#vent0 t'e ot'er co&'eirs s'a## be #iab#e
PAGE 214
or 'is part in t'e sa(e proportion0 deducting t'e part
corresponding to t'e one *'o s'ou#d be inde(niied!
$'ose *'o pay or t'e inso#vent 'eir s'a## 'ave a rig't
o action against 'i( or rei(burse(ent0 s'ou#d 'is inancia#
condition i(prove!
/a*ane$ I**ustration$ A' /' 8 and D. A *ost part (as in Art. 1BC2)
worth CB.
1. /' 8 and D wi** share equa**# in the CB' B each
2. If D is inso*(ent' A' / and 8 wi** shou*der his B share' 1B
. :enera* ru*e$ A' / and 8 ha(e a right of reim"ursement
against D shou*d his financia* situation impro(e.
E0ception$ If D gets a ;udicia* dec*aration of inso*(enc#.
1his wipes out a** his de"ts.
Art! 90=A! An action to enorce t'e *arranty a(ong co&
'eirs (ust be broug't *it'in ten years ro( t'e date t'e
rig't o action accrues!
/a*ane$ 1he ten (1B) #ears is counted from the time the portion
was *ost or the hidden defect was disco(ered.
Art! 90=D! I a credit s'ou#d be assigned as co##ectib#e0
t'e co&'eirs s'a## not be #iab#e or t'e subse)uent inso#vency
o t'e debtor o t'e estate0 but on#y or 'is inso#vency at t'e
ti(e t'e partition is (ade!
$'e *arranty o t'e so#vency o t'e debtor can on#y be
enorced during t'e ive years o##o*ing t'e partition!
Co&'eirs do not *arrant bad debts0 i so Gno*n to0 and
accepted by t'e distributee! But i suc' debts are not
assigned to a co&'eir0 and s'ou#d be co##ected0 in *'o#e or in
part0 t'e a(ount co##ected s'a## be distributed
proportionate#y a(ong t'e 'eirs!
/a*ane$ 1. 8an #ou assign a credit. =es. A credit is a propert#.
2. 1ime of inso*(enc# of the de"tor is important.
a. If the de"tor was origina**# so*(ent (so*(ent "efore
the assignment)' then *ater on "ecomes inso*(ent' the co+heirs
are not *ia"*e.
". If the de"tor was inso*(ent "efore the partition.
PAGE 215
:enera* ru*e$ -arrant# ho*ds and co+heirs are *ia"*e.
E0ception$ If co+heir4 distri"utee 3new of the inso*(enc#
and sti** accepted the "ad de"t' then the co+heirs are not *ia"*e.
Art! 90=C! $'e ob#igation o *arranty a(ong co&'eirs
s'a## cease in t'e o##o*ing cases:
-9. 2'en t'e testator 'i(se# 'as (ade t'e partition0
un#ess it appears0 or it (ay be reasonab#y presu(ed0 t'at 'is
intention *as ot'er*ise0 but t'e #egiti(e s'a## a#*ays re(ain
-?. 2'en it 'a*s been so e+press#y stipu#ated in t'e
agree(ent o partition0 un#ess t'ere 'as been bad ait'>
-<. 2'en t'e eviction is due to a cause subse)uent to
t'e partition0 or 'as been caused by t'e au#t o t'e
distributee o t'e property!
/a*ane$ 1he warrant# does not e0ist in the situations gi(en.
6or par. 1.++ :enera* ru*e$ -arrant# does not app*#.
E0ception$ If *egitimes are impaired.
Subsection <!&& .escission and Nullity of Partition!
Art! 90=7! A partition (ay be rescinded or annu##ed or
t'e sa(e causes as contracts!
A. ,escission.++ Artic*es 1D1 to 1D2.
/. Annu*ment.++ Art. 1CB.
1. Part# incapa"*e of gi(ing consent
2. Eitiated consent
a. <ista3e
". Eio*ence
c. Intimidation
d. 7ndue Inf*uence
e. 6raud.
Art! 90=8! A partition0 7udicia# or e+tra&7udicia#0 (ay a#so
be rescinded on account o #esion0 *'en any one o t'e co&
'eirs received t'ings *'ose va#ue is #ess0 by at #east one&
ourt'0 t'an t'e s'are to *'ic' 'e is entit#ed0 considering t'e
va#ue o t'e t'ings at t'e ti(e t'ey *ere ad7udicated!
PAGE 216
/a*ane$ )esion is the same as that in Art. 1D1' paragraphs 1
and 2. 1his app*ies whether the partition was ;udicia* or
E.g.' A is a co+heir of / and 8. A is entit*ed to recei(e 1BB.
In partition' he recei(es$
1. Propert# worth DB. %o rescission of partition "ec. the
*esion is *ess then 14!. /ut A has rights under the warranties. So
he can as3 for comp*etion.
2. Propert# is worth @>. 1here is *esion so A can demand
for the rescission of the partition.
In actua*it#' (this is) hard to do++ how do #ou pro(e (a*ues'
the# are (er# su";ecti(e. 1his is not *oo3ed upon w4 fa(or "# 8i(i*
)aw commentators.
Art! 90==! $'e partition (ade by t'e testator cannot be
i(pugned on t'e ground o #esion0 e+cept *'en t'e #egiti(e
o t'e co(pu#sory 'eirs is t'ereby pre7udiced0 or *'en it
appears or (ay reasonab#y be presu(ed0 t'at t'e intention
o t'e testator *as ot'er*ise!
/a*ane$ If partition was done "# the testator.++ :enera* ru*e$ 1he
heirs cannot demand rescission on the ground of *esion.
E0ceptions$ (1) when the *egitime of an# compu*sor# heir
was impaired.
(2) when the testator9s intent was not carried out.
Art! 9900! $'e action or rescission on account o #esion
s'a## prescribe ater our years ro( t'e ti(e t'e partition
*as (ade!
/a*ane$ Prescripti(e period.++ 6our (!) #ears from the time the
partition was made.
Art! 9909! $'e 'eir *'o is sued s'a## 'ave t'e option o
inde(niying t'e p#ainti or t'e #oss0 or consenting to a ne*
Inde(nity (ay be (ade by pay(ent in cas' or by t'e
de#ivery o a t'ing o t'e sa(e Gind and )ua#ity as t'at
a*arded to t'e p#ainti!
PAGE 217
I a ne* partition is (ade0 it s'a## aect neit'er t'ose
*'o 'ave not been pre7udiced nor t'ose *'o 'ave not
received (ore t'an t'eir 7ust s'are!
/a*ane$ If there is *esion' there are two (2) options$
1. <a3e a new partition
2. :i(e the pre;udiced heir the monetar# equi(a*ent of the
-ho can choose. 1he heir sued.
E.g. A' / and 8. A is supposed to recei(e 1BB'BBB. 5e
recei(es on*# @B'BBB. A sues / and 8. / and 8 has the choice of
which option to fo**ow.
Art! 990?! An 'eir *'o 'as a#ienated t'e *'o#e or a
considerab#e part o t'e rea# property ad7udicated to 'i(
cannot (aintain an action or rescission on t'e ground o
#esion0 but 'e s'a## 'ave a rig't to be inde(niied in cas'!
/a*ane$ 1his pro(ision does not mean much.
Art! 990<! $'e o(ission o one or (ore ob7ects or
securities o t'e in'eritance s'a## not cause t'e rescission o
t'e partition on t'e ground o #esion0 but t'e partition s'a##
be co(p#eted by t'e distribution o t'e ob7ects or securities
*'ic' 'ave been o(itted!
/a*ane$ 1his contemp*ates a case where there is an incomp*ete
partition. -h#. E.g.' It was not 3nown that the# e0isted. 1he
so*ution is to partition the new*# disco(ered o";ects.
Art! 990A! A partition (ade *it' preterition o any o t'e
co(pu#sory 'eirs s'a## not be rescinded0 un#ess it be proved
t'at t'ere *as bad ait' or raud on t'e part o t'e ot'er
persons interested> but t'e #atter s'a## be proportionate#y
ob#iged to pay to t'e person o(itted t'e s'are *'ic' be#ongs
to 'i(!
/a*ane$ 1his refers to omission of heir in partition and not to
preterition. 1he heir omitted has the right to demand his share.
PAGE 218
Art! 990D! A partition *'ic' inc#udes a person be#ieved
to be an 'eir0 but *'o is not0 s'a## be void on#y *it' respect
to suc' person!
/a*ane$ 1his is the opposite of Art. 11B!. It does not nu**if# the
partition. It ma3es the recipient return what was mista3en*# gi(en
to him.
PAGE 219

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