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Section II: Bid Data Sheet II.

1 /8
The following specific data for the goods to be procured shall complement, supplement,
or amend the proisions in the Instructions to Bidders !ITB". #heneer there is a conflict, the
proisions herein shall preail oer those in ITB.
Clause Item Introduction
1 1
$ac%age 1: Suppl& of $rimar& '(uipment and )aterials
*ame of pro+ect: Installation of ,,-%./,0-).1 transformer in 0--%. 2iep
2oa substation.
Scope of suppl&:
/ $rimar& '(uipment, )aterials
, Time for performance of 3ontract: &i'e (()) mont*s from the effectie date
of the contract.
4 Source o+ &und, E"NNPT.
, 1 Re-uirements o+ Bidder.s Eli/i0ilit1,
i. A bidder may be an entity shall be deemed to be eligible when it
satisfies the following conditions:
/ 3ertificate of business registration, 3ertificate of inestment issued
pursuant to .ietnam5s law or a Decision of establishment in the case of
a domestic bidder which is an organi6ation without business
registration. 1 foreign bidder must submit lawful registration of
operation issued b& the competent authorit& of the countr& which bidder
has nationalit&.
/ It is an independent cost accounting entit&.
/ There is no decision b& a competent authorit& concluding that the
bidder has an unhealth& financial status7 he is not ban%rupt or insolent,
and he is not in the process of dissolution.
ii. In case of a Joint Venture, these additional conditions must be met:
/ Signed 8./consortium agreement in which shall nominate a
9epresentatie of the 8./consortium. The contents of this consortium
agreement shall bind the +oint and seeral liabilities of all parties, diide
the (uantit& of wor% to be implemented in the pac%age between parties
of the 8., clearl& indicate the general and particular obligations of each
part& to wor%s in the pac%age.
/ Business registration certificate of each part& and other documents to
proe their eligibilities satisfactor& to the $urchaser.
Bidding document Package 2: Supply of Primary Equipment and Materials
Section II: Bid Data Sheet II. , /8
Documents to proe each part&5s e:perienced and financial capacit& in
accordance with their responsibilit& and wor% assignment in the signed 8.
'nsure bidding competitieness: according to 1rticle 11 of .ietnam5s <aw
on $rocurement dated ,= *oember ,--0 and 1rticle 4 of .ietnam5s Decree
80/,--=/*D/3$ dated 10 >ctober ,--= ?uiding implementation of <aw on
$rocurement and selection of bidder in accordance with .ietnam5s <aw on
4 1 'ligible ?oods and related serices: 1ll ?oods and related serices to be
supplied under the 3ontract shall hae their legible and legal origins and be
released in .ietnam5s mar%et. 1ll ?oods must be (uite new.
, >rigin of ?oods: In case the ?oods hae origin outside the $urchaser5s
countr&, Bidder hae to submit 3ertificate of >rigin issued b& 3hamber of
3ommerce or competent authorit& of the e:ported countr&, manufacturer5s
3ertificate of (ualit& and import declaration before ?oods delier&.
0 , $urchaser5s address, telephone, tele:, and facsimile numbers:
Attn, !r. N/u1en Duc Tu1en2 Director
Central Po3er Pro4ects !ana/ement Board (CPP!B)
;@8 ,/= street, 2ai 3hau District, Da *ang 3it&, .iet *am
Tel: A8; /011/,,,-4@1/,,,-848 Ba:: A8; /011/,,,-4C@
1ll re(uests for clarification must be receied b& the $urchaser not later than
ten (5() da1s prior to the deadline for submission of the Bids.
C 1mendment !if an&" shall be communicated in writing to all bidders who hae
obtained the Bidding Documents directl& from the $urchaser prior to ten (5()
da1s before the deadline for submission of Bids.
@ <anguage of the bid: En/lis*
8 C >ther re(uirements: *one
= 3hange of legal status !name": Bidder is re(uired to notif& the $urchaser in
writing of his change of legal status !name" proided that the notification is
receied b& the $urchaser prior to the deadline for submission of the Bids.
1- Document 'stablishing 'ligibilit& of Bidder5s authori6ed person: name content
and time of authori6ation in accordance with legal stipulation attached b& a
certified cop& of compan&5s regulation, decision on branch establishment, etc.
11 1 )ode of 3ontract: 6Lum7 sum Contract8
In $rice Schedule, price shall be entered in the following manner:
/ Dnit price must be ade(uatel& (uoted for each item
a) or goods offered from within the Purchaser!s country "orm #,
$ection #)
/ The Bidder is re(uired to list all duties and other ta:es in accordance
with .ietnamese <aw. Bor the price of the ?oods (uoted 'E# !e:/
Bidding document Package 2: Supply of Primary Equipment and Materials
Section II: Bid Data Sheet II. 4 /8
wor%s, e: factor&, e: warehouse, e: showroom, or off/the/shelf, as
applicable", the Bidder is also re(uired to list and separate all customs
duties, import ta:, .1T and other ta:es alread& paid or pa&able on the
components and raw material used in the manufacture or assembl& of
?oods or on the preiousl& imported ?oods7
/ The price for inland transportation, insurance, and other local serices
re(uired to cone& the ?oods to the $urchaser5s warehouses !Dong Da
District, 2anoi, .ietnam".
/ The price of other !incidental" related serices, if an&, in order to
perform the contract.
b) or %oods manufactured outside the Purchaser!s &ountry "orm ',
$ection #):
/ The price of the ?oods, (uoted 3I$ *oi Bai, or 3IB 2ai $hong !as
specified in Incoterm ,-1-"
/ The price for inland transportation, insurance, and other local serices
re(uired to cone& the ?oods to the $urchaser5s warehouses !2iep 2oa
District, Bac ?iang, .ietnam".
/ The price of other !incidental" related serices, if an&, in order to
perform the contract !include all duties, ta:es and other charges of
carr&ing out customs formalities pa&able upon import of the ?oods".
c) or %oods manufactured outside the Purchaser!s &ountry, already
im(orted and being offered for sale in Vietnam "orm ), $ection #):
/ The Bidder is re(uired to list and separate all duties, .1T and other
ta:es in accordance with .ietnamese <aw. Bor the price of the ?oods
(uoted 'E# !e: wor%s, e: factor&, e: warehouse, e: showroom, or
off/the/shelf, as applicable", the Bidder is also re(uired to separate all
customs duties, import ta:, .1T and other ta:es alread& paid or
pa&able on the components and raw material used in the manufacture or
assembl& of the ?oods or on the preiousl& imported ?oods.
/ The price for inland transportation, insurance, and other local serices
re(uired to cone& the ?oods to the $urchaser5s warehouses !2iep 2oa
District, Bac ?iang, .ietnam".
/ The price of other !incidental" related serices, if an&, in order to
perform the contract.
0 Incoterms: ,-1-, published b& the International 3hamber of 3ommerce, $aris
1, Currenc1 o+ Bid,
/ $rices shall be (uoted in D.S Dollars !DSD" or 'uropean currenc& unit
!'D9" or .ietnamese Dong !.*D".
/ Bor goods, products and serices hae manufactured !origin countr&" from
within the $urchaser5s countr&, those prices must be (uoted in $urchaser5s
countr& currenc& !.ietnamese Dong/.*D".
14 1
(a) Document Esta0lis*in/ Bidder.s Eli/i0ilit1
The documentar& eidence of the Bidder5s eligibilit& to bid shall include:
!i" The documentar& eidence of the Bidder5s legall& set up and haing
Bidding document Package 2: Supply of Primary Equipment and Materials
Section II: Bid Data Sheet II. ; /8
legall& business registration to allow the Bidder doing business in the sector
suitable to the re(uired scope of suppl&. The person who signed the Bid Borm
should be a legislatie representatie of the Bidder. 1n eligible power of
attorne& shall be submitted b& the Bidder if the Bid Borm to be signed b& an&
person other than a legislatie representatie. Bor foreign bidders, cop& of the
business registration and the power of attorne& should be certified b& notar&
!ii" Bid to be submitted b& a consortium shall include the followings:
1 consortium agreement signed b& all members of the consortium. The
contents of this consortium agreement shall bind the +oint and seeral liabilities
of all members, clearl& indicate the obligations of each member, authori6e a
member to be a lead member, authori6e a person of the lead member to be a
legall& representatie to sign all documents during the bid process as well as
other e:changed documents between the $urchaser and the Bidder on behalf of
all members of the consortium. The consortium agreement shall also indicate
that the lead member shall act on behalf of all members of the consortium to
wor% with other member and the $urchaser.
Business registration of each member of the consortium and all other
documentar& eidence of the eligibilit& of each member of the consortium as
re(uired in ITB 3lause 4.1 and 4.,.
<ac% of an& re(uired documents of an& member of the consortium shall be
deemed as a reason to determine the non/responsieness of the consortium and
its bid shall be re+ected. >nl& consortium agreement specificall& made for this
pac%age shall be acceptable. It shall be unacceptable of the consortium
agreement made for all $ro+ects.
To ma%e a consortium be eligible to bid, each member of the consortium
should meet the minimum re(uirement as stated in the bidding documents
specified for each portion of wor% to be carried out b& such a member. If an& of
those re(uirements is not met, the consortium5s bid might be re+ected.
It is permitted that a Bidder or a member of a consortium ma& be a sub/
contractor or manufacturer or supplier of other Bidders to bid for this pac%age.
In case a 3orporation to be named as a Bidder, its units which are financial
dependent shall not be allowed to submit Bids either b& itself or as a partner in
a consortium.
(0) Ot*ers document Esta0lis*in/ Bidder.s e97erience and ca7acit1.
The re(uirements for Bidder5s capacit& shall be determined b& consideration of
the Bidder5s e:perience, similar contracts which hae been carried out b& the
Bidder, annual income, arious t&pes of certificates, certificated of (ualit&
management granted to the Bidder. Therefore, the following criteria shall be
inancially ca(able of (artici(ating in the bidding (rocess:
1. Binancial statements acceptable to the $urchaser, for the last 4 &ears
certified b& an independent audit or a competent authorities to
demonstrate the current soundness of the Bidders financial position
and its prospectie long/term profitabilit&. 1t the minimum, , fiscal
&ears of the last 4 &ears must &ield high interest.
,. Bidder5s aggregate net worth calculated as the difference between
total assets and total liabilities must be positie. The current ratio
Bidding document Package 2: Supply of Primary Equipment and Materials
Section II: Bid Data Sheet II. 0 /8
calculated as current asset diided b& current liabilities must be
higher than 1.
4. The annual aerage turnoer of the last three &ears !,-11/,-14": :S;
;. Bidder is re(uired to summari6e his financial (ualification in three
!-4" recent &ears b& filling Borm *o. 1-, Section I..
*+(erience to (erform other &ontracts for su((ly e,ui(ment:
0. 1 general e:perience record form is re(uired to complete in
accordance with the form FBidder Information Borm5 attached in
Section I. GSample BormH of the Bidding document. Bidders are
re(uired to hae at least fie !-0" &ears of e:perience in commercial
field of offered materials for this pac%age.
C. Bidders are re(uired to hae satisfactor& e:perience in the e:ecution
!i" at least two (02 similar contracts with a alue of contract for ,,-%.
$rimar& '(uipment and materials for ,,-%. substation shall not be less
than :S; >((<(((7 or
1ll aboe mentioned similar contracts hae been successfull& completed
within the last fie !-0" &ears. 1 similar contract means a contract for
suppl& of ??(@" Primar1 E-ui7ment and !aterials for ,,-%. !or
aboe" transmission line/ substation.
The bidder should demonstrate in the bid the documents as eidence for his
e:perience b& using Borm *o.@ I 8 Section I. that include list of contracts
implemented or being implemented, *otification of contract awards,
contract agreements, scope of suppl&, $urchaser5s certificates, etc
-ocuments establishing .anufacturer!s e+(erience
@. Documentar& eidence to proe that the )anufacturer hae at least
fie !-0" &ears of e:perience in manufacturing for primar& e(uipment
and materials with oltage leel shall be ,,-%. and aboe.
8. The manufacturer!s" of $rimar& '(uipment and )aterials should
hae at least two !-," records of commercial safet& operation for at
least , &ears in the manufacture of ,,-%. !or aboe" $rimar&
'(uipment and )aterials for ,,-%. !or aboe" substation
!certificates from end users are re(uired as proof".
=. Jualit& 1ssurance 3ertificates: IS>/=--1/=--, of the manufacturer
accredited to the product range!s" offered for the bid.
The documentary e/idence of conformity of the %oods to the bidding
1-. The Sales license under the cop&right of manufacturer or
)anufacturer5s 1uthori6ation, according to Borm *o. 1,, 3hapter I.
!In case the Bidder is not a manufacturer".
11. T&pe test certificates and test report in accordance with I'3 standard
for the offered or other e(uipment b& independent testing laborator&
haing IS>/I'3 1@-,0 certification for testing e(uipment.
1,. 3omplete catalogues and technical documents of goods offered.
3atalogues ma& be in the Bidder5s own language proided that
essential parts are translated into 'nglish.
Bidding document Package 2: Supply of Primary Equipment and Materials
Section II: Bid Data Sheet II. C /8
ailure to furnish all abo/e stated information0documents as well as the
other re,uirements as sti(ulated in the bidding documents "after thorough
clarification of the bid (ro(osal) may result in the re1ection of its bid as non2
1; , The documentar& eidence of conformit& of the goods and serices to the
bidding documents ma& be in the form of literature, drawings, and data, and
shall consist of:
!a" 1 detailed description of the essential technical and performance
characteristics of the goods7
!b" 1n item/b&/item commentar& on the $urchaser5s Technical Specifications
demonstrating substantial responsieness of the goods and serices to those
specifications, or a statement of deiations and e:ceptions to the proisions of
the Technical Specifications.
!c" Bor purposes of the commentar& to be furnished pursuant to ITB 3lause 1;
aboe, the Bidder shall note that standards for wor%manship, material, and
e(uipment, as well as references to brand names or catalogue numbers
designated b& the $urchaser in its Technical Specifications, are intended to be
descriptie onl& and not restrictie. The Bidder ma& substitute alternatie
standards, brand names, and/or catalogue numbers in its bid, proided that it
demonstrates to the $urchaser5s satisfaction that the substitutions ensure
substantial e(uialence to those designated in the Technical Specifications.
10 1
Bid Securit& re(uirements:
Borm of Bid Securit&: 1 ban% guarantee !Borm *o. 11, Section I." issued
b& a reputable ban% legall& operated and located in the $urchaser5s countr&
or abroad, in the form proided in the Bidding documents or another form
acceptable to the $urchaser. If the Bid securit& issued b& a foreign ban%, it is
re(uested that the securit& should be issued through its legall& operated
representatie office in .iet *am !if an&" or its alidit& should be confirmed
b& a .ietnamese Ban% which has the agent relationship with the issuing
1mount of Bid Securit&: DSK A<)(( or .*D 18-,---,---.
.alidit& period of bid securit&: one hundred and fift& !10-" da&s since the
deadline for bid submission.
4 The Bid Securit& of unsuccessful Bidders shall be returned within 4- da&s from
the date of *otification of award.
1C 1 Bid 'alidit1 7eriod,
The bid alidit& period is one hundred and twent& !1,-" da&s since the deadline
for bid submission.
1@ 1 Num0er o+ co7ies o+ Bid,
The Bidder shall prepare an original and fie (0! copies of t"e #id, clearl&
mar%ing each G>9I?I*1< BIDH and G3>$L >B BIDH
The Bidders shall proide a DSB using )icrosoft ':cel as a part of bid
document including:
/ $rice Schedule
Bidding document Package 2: Supply of Primary Equipment and Materials
Section II: Bid Data Sheet II. @ /8
/ Technical specification data
18 1 Bidders s*all clearl1 state in outer en'elo7e,
*ame of Bidder:
1ddress for bid submission:
Central Po3er Pro4ects !ana/ement Board
;@8 ,/= street, 2ai 3hau District, Da *ang 3it&, .iet *am
Tel: A8; /011/,,,-4@1/,,,-848 Ba:: A8; /011/,,,-4C@
*ame of pac%age:
Do not open before:
In case bid amendment, clearl& state GBid modificationsH in addition to the
1= 1 Deadline +or 0id su0mission
-=:-- am !.ietnam time" on !a1 < ?(5B
,, 1 Time< date< and 7lace +or 0id o7enin/
-=:4- am !.ietnam time" on !a1 < ?(5B
$lace: 3$$)B5s office !the aboe address"
,; , Bid ma& be re+ected due to one or more of the following reasons, included but
not limited to:
a" *ame of Bidder is be&ond the list of bidders who hae b& itself or authori6ed
other to purchased the bidding documents, unless case of changing legal status
!name" indicated in 3lause =, Section II7
b" Bidder5s eligibilit& is not satisfied as re(uested !e.g., business registration, be
legall& allowed to do business within .ietnam, eligibilit& of a consortium, etc.
as indicated in the Item 1, 3lause , and Item 1 3lause 14, Section II"7
c" There is no bid securit& or bid securit& is inalid as indicated in the Item ,
3lause 10, Section I7
d" There is no origin of Bid document7
e" Bid Submission Sheet is inalid as indicated in the 3lause 1- Section I
f" $eriod of .alidit& of Bids does not meet the Bidding document5s
re(uirements as indicated in the Item 1 3lause 1C, Section II7
g" Bid prices is not constant, the Bidder offers seeral bid prices or conditional
bid prices7
h" Bidder is named in two Bids or more as a )ain bidder !independent Bidder
or one part& of the 8./consortium"7
i" Bidder iolates one of prohibited actions in the procurement stipulated in
3lause 1, of .ietnam5s <aw on $rocurement7 and sub/clause 4 I sub/clause
,1 of 3lause , of .ietnam5s 1mendment <aw on $rocurement.
Bidding document Package 2: Supply of Primary Equipment and Materials
Section II: Bid Data Sheet II. 8 /8
3urrenc& chosen for the purpose of conerting to a common currenc&: :S
Dollar (:SD).
Source of e:change rate:
- Ban@: Ban% for Boreign Trade of .ietnam.
- E9c*an/e rate: selling rate.
- Date: Seen da&s before the date of bid opening.
4; , #ithin -@ da&s upon receipt of notice of contract award from the $urchaser, the
Bidder shall send a confirmation letter for negotiation and contract fulfilment to
the $urchaser.
4C , 1ddress for claim submission:
a. 1ddress of $urchaser:
T*e Central Po3er Pro4ects !ana/ement Board
;@8 ,/= street, 2ai 3hau District, Da *ang 3it&, .iet *am
Tel: A8; /011/,,,-4@1/,,,-848 Ba:: A8; /011/,,,-4C@
b. 1ddress of Inestor:
National Po3er Transmission Cor7oration
18 Tran *gu&en 2an, 2oan Miem, 2a *oi, .ietnam
Tel: 8;/; ,,,- ;;;; Ba:: 8;/; ,,,- ;;00
Bidding document Package 2: Supply of Primary Equipment and Materials

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