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Teaching Practice

Teaching Experience (Background)

Herson Asmel Castro Rivas


Teacher Background
Experimented teacher had faced several of disgusting situations when
they were teaching in a large class because they have to handle with different learners,
disgusting situations, stress, irresponsible students as well as irritating students in the
classroom. But, as a teacher we have to be dealing with that kind of students attitude in
the teaching process because teachers are responsible to make them change in mind, it
is the teacher responsibility to enhance students in the right way, and also as a teacher
we are responsible to make them change their behavior and perception of life too.
Furthermore, the way we teach and also the attitude we take in class is one of the most
principal characteristic which engage the students motivation. Now, based on some
practical teachers experienced (Morales, 2014), and also many of my classmates
experiences when they were doing their social service as teachers, I can say the
following things about that:
Teaching is an art because teacher are students model, we have be dealing whit
this factor because planning a lesson involved a varieties of principles, methodology,
strategies and also techniques to use for, and that is why we have to careful design what
our specters are going to learn and also we have to be in advanced giving our best in
this process because we cannot teach successful if we do not like it, because of that we
have to love teaching. However, experimented teacher had faced many troubles when
planning a lesson, troubles management of the classroom and finally different learners
but they did not give up, just because they felt at the beginning of this process which
became harder than ever, no they did not give up, because of that we have to love the
teaching process keep in mind what we do as teachers nowadays, is what we will
reward in future time.
Now, in addition to this paper I arrived at the conclusion and also reflecting on
my own, I asked to myself What kind of teacher I want to be? first of all; I had
interviewed some of my classmate (Rivas, 2014) who were doing their social services as
teachers and I found many interested things that caught my attention it was that, what
they were doing was wrong because they did not apply what they knew because they
did know how to teach successful, I meant they made many mistakes, they did not
know how to manage or handle a large class with different ages in the same classroom,
they did not plan lessons, they just followed professors guideless but many of them
were doing a good job because they applied teachers knowledge in the classroom,
however this experienced made me to think over about the teacher skills that I would
like to develop in order to succeed as a teacher in real life work.
Describing what was done and how it was done made me to think in advanced,
what I want to be, because I do not want to make the same mistake that my classmates
had done as teachers, I should felt at the begging but I have to be dealing with those

kind of frustrating situations and never give up my principles of teaching because
teacher have to care about the learning process, we are the responsible of students
behavior that is why we have to take in a count the variety of things involved in this
way. Many of my interviewer mistakes were the thing that they did not plan what they
developed in classroom and I do not want to do the same mistakes because I have to be
consciously about my students needs in order to make then stand motivated, even
though if my classmate had not understand bout the last topic, I can reinforce them
whit discussing group, in that way, I will divide the classroom into Teacher-Students
To simplify, I have to take in account what students reasons for learning are
(Harmmer, 2006)? In order to aimed certain of goals to achieve during the course. Also I
have to be well prepared showing confidence between students because this quality
make them feel comfortable, the more confidence teacher shows the more students
motivation we will received. Then, maybe one of the most important thing into teachers
expectation it is the personality, I would like to develop a good and strong attitude if I
want respect from students, I know teacher role in class is crucial because we are
models and we need to show reliability and up date, looking for new thing through the
use the technology. So that implicated to be innovating teacher keeping date up and
finally at least but the most significantly engine which push it the learning process
(motivation) it is the rapport within the classroom, this is very important to create a
good environment if we want to succeed as teachers.
All in all, I arrived at the conclusion who am I and what kind of teacher I want to
be, I reflected about it and I dont want to be a mediocre, teaching someone else without
the communicative competences requirement, I want to be a teacher who care about
their students need, who show confidence, preparedness, and active I meant not spend
the whole class standing I the same place because I will be doing the same mistake that
my classmates had done, I want to be a teacher to whom students will respect and I
hope to accomplish with this aim through experienced and also I want to be and update
teacher who care about what students need to learn about, to plan a good lesson and
finally to help each other who faced troubles with the second language acquisition
because teaching is the greatest things in the world, we are responsible of students
perception of life.

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