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Host Domination

Okay so this book is going to be very straight forward and to the point. This is a %100 White Hat
Method and you can easily ake !0"!00# a day with little effort. What we are going to be talking about is
offering free web design. What we are going to use is $raigslist %ree &ection to post this in. How you ake
the oney is by having the client siply grab hosting through your host gator affiliate link.
How uch you ake is up to you and ' a basically spoon feeding you this ethod. This will never
get saturated and there is no investent.
Getting Started
(ou are going to need to go to and sign up for their affiliate progra. There is
no approval re)uired* you can +oin instantly and have an account.
,ow that you are signed up for host gator let-s get started on prooting. &iply go to and post in the free your city or in another* it doesn-t atter/. ,ow you are
going to be offering free web design. We want to keep this short and sweet. Here is what your ad will look
%ree web design
' a offering free web site design. &hoot ean eail if you are interested.
2nd that is it. 3ike ' said* we want to keep it short but sweet. (ou can put your own twist on this if
you want but either way it-s solid.
So what do I tell the client?
3ike ' said* ' a spoon feeding you this ethod. &o say a client eails you. ,ow what do you tell
the4 ' keep it honest with the. %or soe reason * it +ust gets better conversions then hiding it fro the.
They also like the fact that you are honest with the.
Here is what ' usually say0
5Hi +ohn doe* how are you4 Okay here is a run down of everything. ' a offering free
website design but in e6change all that ' ask is you use the web host of y choice
with e as the referral for ' ake a sall coission which is how ' a able to offer
free web site design services. ' also have ay e6aples of y work and references
if you are interested.
(our ,ae Here7
2nd this is what has worked the best for e. 2 lot of people know that if soething sounds too good
to be true* it usually is so this is why you are up front with the about it.
Designing the Clients site
There is nothing to this. 8ither you can design a few teplates to have the choose fro or you
can go the wordpress route. This is the route that ' take. 'f you don-t know what wordpress is* it is a
$M&.$ontent Manageent &yste/ which is a blogging platfor but is widely used for anything.
To install a wordpress follow these steps0
9o into the client 5$:2,837
$lick into 5%2,T2&T'$O7 and click 5WO;<:;8&&7
'nstall it* don-t choose a folder for it to go into for we want it in the ain=root directory.
&iply choose an adin nae and password and finish the install..(ou will be aking a seperate adin
account for the client/
,ow that you have wordpress set up all you have to do is soe inor editing. (ou ay reove the
wordpress copyrights in the footer if you choose but do so at your own risk. (ou can edit this in the footer
file of the thee you will be using.
&earch for soe free thees by going to 52ppearance7 and then 52dd ,ew Thees7. (ou can find
thees for free all over the internet and siply +ust upload the and install the. ,ow all you have to do is
soe inor iage work* add in their logo and their content and you are done.
'f you would like to hide anything that says wordpress on it or gives the client an idea of what wordpress is*
here are the plugins that ' use to do so. ' have included the with this book.
Add Logo To Admin
;eoves the current wordpress logo at login screen and in adin panel and replaces it with a logo of your
Admin Trim Interface
2llows you to hide and liit access to only certain things.
Hide Admin Panels
(ou can ake the client an adin nae and then block certain things so they can-t see it when they login.
No Update Nag
Hides the reinder to update your wordpress when updates are available.
Theme ! Login
:rovides a custo login screen
(ou can either un>ip the plugins and upload the via ftp or +ust go to 5:lugins7 in the adin control
panel and click 52dd ,ew7 then click 5?pload7 and +ust upload it and install each fro there. (ou can also
+ust search for plugins and add the as well.
2nd that is pretty uch it. Here is the specs on how uch you get paid out for each referral. 2fter
you hit certain liits* each will convert to a higher payout.
1-5 referrals = 50$ /referral
6-10 referrals = $75 /referral
11-20 referrals = $100 /referral
21+ = $125 /referral
&o let-s say you +ust ade @ referrals. 2ll of your current referrals will be counted as #A! a piece
instead of #!0 a piece. 'f you do 11 a onth that is #1100 a onth with little effort and tie spent. 'f you do
1 a day for a onth that is #1B! 6 C0 which D #CA!0 a onthE How uch you ake is up to you.
' have spoon fed you this whole ethod* now put in soe work and take actionE
'f you want to scale up things* you can advertise in local newspapers for cities such as <etroit* 3.2.*
,($ and so on. Fust put out a siple ad in the classifieds section saying free web design and listing either
your nuber or your eail or both.
This has led e to future clientele and ost of y clients bring e other clients. What you can do
afterward is charge the for &8O* Monthly Maintenance* and ore. The possibilities are endless.
2lso* ' have talked with host gator yself about y ethods of prootion ad referrals and ' is
%100 legit. ' have only had trouble fro 1 person and he harassed e for a while until ' took care of
things GH. Here is the eail they sent e0
5Hi Craig, I have just replied to the user who sent this report. I have not found that you have
done anything which is against our TOS. The only thing I would ask is that you are clear in your posts
that they must have a wehost efore you can work with them. The user gave no proof that you would
not design the site for him if he went to another host, ut if that is the case it would need to e clear in
your advertisement. If that is not the case, then it would e fine that you recommend them to use us
once they contact you. !e have no plans on taking action against your account, and as we told the
customer we do not have the time or resources to learn aout each of our affiliates personal lives or
affiliations, whether you go to college or not has no impact on the service you are providing. !hat we
care aout is that the service is high "uality and provided in a timely manner.
!e appreciate you contacting us in regards to this#
Thank you for contacting Host$ator# 5
' have included everything with this book that you need to get started. 'f you have any further
)uestions or need any help eail e at or P e on Digital Point.

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