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Minchinhampton Primary School Pupil Premium Data Publication

2012-13 academic year

Overview of the school in the 2012-13academic year:

11.1% of the school population were on FSM compared to a national average of 26.2%. The school deprivation indicator was 0.11 compared to a
national average of 0.24.

The overal attendance for the school was well above average. Attendance of pupils on FSM in 2012 were on the lower percentile compared to other
schools with a similar level of FSM; although well above the national average for pupils on FSM.

Total number of pupils on roll: 294
Number of pupils benefitting from PPG: 36
Total amount of PPG received: () 23,178

Objectives in spending PPG:
To narrow the gap in achievement between FSM and NFSM children.

Summary of spending and actions taken for 2012-13 academic year:

Supply time for teachers to meet parents of target pupils to discuss progress and ways to work together- 2x a year------------900
High level boosting for writing by Mel Corbett- 25% of pupils worked with to be target pupils in years 3 up to 6 (50% of target pupils) ---------3,000
Pastoral support for target pupils and their families Pastoral Manager-------------- 8 300
A+bility- support for vulnerable families -----------1,237
Counselling for vulnerable families-------------120
Peer mediation training------------461.60
Librarian running book clubs with target pupils during school day------------2,000
Opportunities provided for target pupils- organised by pastoral manager and financially aided by school if unlikely to participate without- including
clubs, residentials, -------------- 1020
Total: 23 200

Outcomes to date:
End of KS2 evidence of narrowing the gap between FSM and NFSM over the past two years
2011: 40%, 2012: 38%, 2013: n/a-- of FSM pupils achieved a L4+ in Eng
2011: 40%, 2012: 63%, 2013: n/a-- of FSM pupils achieved a L4+ in Maths
2011: 20%, 2012: 38%, 2013: n/a-- of FSM pupils achieved a L4+ in Eng and Maths
2011: 80% 2012: 83%, 2013: n/a-- of FSM made two levels progress in English from KS1 to KS2
2011: 25%, 2012: 67%, 2013: n/a-- of FSM made two levels progress in Maths from KS1 to KS2

VA progress measure FSM:
English MS VA score 2012: 98.5, 2013: n/a
Maths MS VA score 2012: 100.4, 2013: n/a

Phonic screening- end of Year 1: FSM above FSM national and school NFSM
MS FSM pupils: 2012: 57%, 2013: 67% -------National FSM av 2013: 57%

End of KS1 evidence:
MS FSM pupils exceeded the attainment of FSM pupils nationally in English-
Reading APS: MS FSM: 15.0, 2013: 17.0-------------National FSM av 2013: 14.8
Writing APS: MS FSM: 13.5, 2013: 15.8------------ National FSM av 2013: 13.5
Maths APS: MS FSM: 14.5, 2013: 16.0------------ National FSM av 2013: 14.8

Spending plans for the 2013 14 academic year:

Interventions run by / training for TAs including Better Reading Partners - 8,000
High level boosting for writing by Mel Corbett- 50% of pupils worked with to be target pupils in years 2 up to 6 ---------4,000
Pastoral support for target pupils and their families Pastoral Managers-------------- 3250
A+bility- support for vulnerable families -----------2250
Librarian running book clubs with target pupils / guiding book choice during school day------------1250
SENCo time working for PP pupils [10%] - 6000
Supply time for teachers to intervene with their pupils- 6000
Subsidy on school educational visits, clubs, experiences: [swimming, theatre, residential] - 1848
Total: 32 598

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