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1. According to Kbler-Ross, the five stages of death and dying are denial, anger, bargaining,
depression, and acceptance.
2.Flight of ideas is an alteration in thought processes thats characteried by s!ipping fro" one topic to
another, unrelated topic.
#.$a belle indiff%rence is the lac! of concern for a profound disability, such as blindness or paralysis that
"ay occur in a patient &ho has a conversion disorder.
'.(oderate an)iety decreases a persons ability to perceive and concentrate. *he person is selectively
inattentive +focuses on i""ediate concerns,, and the perceptual field narro&s.
-.A patient &ho has a phobic disorder uses self-protective avoidance as an ego defense "echanis".
../n a patient &ho has anore)ia nervosa, the highest treat"ent priority is correction of nutritional and
electrolyte i"balances.
0.A patient &ho is ta!ing lithiu" "ust undergo regular +usually once a "onth, "onitoring of the blood
lithiu" level because the "argin bet&een therapeutic and to)ic level s is narro&. A nor"al
laboratory value is 1.- to 1.- "234$.
5.2arly signs and sy"pto"s of alcohol &ithdra&al include an)iety, anore)ia, tre"ors, and inso"nia. *hey
"ay begin up to 5 hours after the last alcohol inta!e.
6.Al-Anon is a support group for fa"ilies of alcoholics.
11. *he nurse shouldnt ad"inister chlorpro"aine +*horaine, to a patient &ho has ingested alcohol
because it "ay cause oversedation and respiratory depression.
11. $ithiu" to)icity can occur &hen sodiu" and fluid inta!e are insufficient, causing lithiu" retention.
12. An alcoholic &ho achieves sobriety is called a recovering alcoholic because no cure for alcoholis"
1#. According to 2ri!son, the school-age child +ages . to 12, is in the industry-versus-inferiority stage of
psychosocial develop"ent.
1'. 7hen caring for a depressed patient, the nurses first priority is safety because of the increased ris!
of suicide.
1-. 2cholalia is parrot li!e repetition of another persons &ords or phrases.
1.. According to psychoanalytic theory, the ego is the part of the psyche that controls internal de"ands
and interacts &ith the outside &orld at the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious levels.
10. According to psychoanalytic theory, the superego is the part of the psyche thats co"posed of
"orals, values, and ethics. /t continually evaluates thoughts and actions, re&arding the good and
punishing the bad. +*hin! of the superego as the 8supercop9 of the unconscious.,
15. According to psychoanalytic theory, the id is the part of the psyche that contains instinctual drives.
+Re"e"ber i for instinctual and d for drive.,
16. :enial is the defense "echanis" used by a patient &ho denies the reality of an event.
21. /n a psychiatric setting, seclusion is used to reduce over&hel"ing environ"ental sti"ulation,
protect the patient fro" self-in;ury or in;ury to others, and prevent da"age to hospital property. /ts
used for patients &ho dont respond to less restrictive interventions. <eclusion controls e)ternal
behavior until the patient can assu"e self-control and helps the patient to regain self-control.
21. *yra"ine-rich food, such as aged cheese, chic!en liver, avocados, bananas, "eat tenderier,
sala"i, bologna, =hianti &ine, and beer "ay cause severe hypertension in a patient &ho ta!es a
"onoa"ine o)idase inhibitor.
22. A patient &ho ta!es a "onoa"ine o)idase inhibitor should be &eighed bi&ee!ly and "onitored for
suicidal tendencies.
2#. /f the patient &ho ta!es a "onoa"ine o)idase inhibitor has palpitations, headaches, or severe
orthostatic hypotension, the nurse should &ithhold the drug and notify the physician.
2'. =o""on causes of child abuse are poor i"pulse control by the parents and the lac! of !no&ledge
of gro&th and develop"ent.
2-. *he diagnosis of Alhei"ers disease is based on clinical findings of t&o or "ore cognitive deficits,
progressive &orsening of "e"ory, and the results of a neuropsychological test.
2.. (e"ory disturbance is a classic sign of Alhei"ers disease.
20. *hought bloc!ing is loss of the train of thought because of a defect in "ental processing.
25. A co"pulsion is an irresistible urge to perfor" an irrational act, such as &al!ing in a cloc!&ise circle
before leaving a roo" or &ashing the hands repeatedly.
26. A patient &ho has a chosen "ethod and a plan to co""it suicide in the ne)t '5 to 02 hours is at
high ris! for suicide.
#1. *he therapeutic seru" level for lithiu" is 1.- to 1.- "234$.
#1. >hobic disorders are treated &ith desensitiation therapy, &hich gradually e)poses a patient to an
an)iety-producing sti"ulus.
#2. :ysfunctional grieving is absent or prolonged grief.
##. :uring phase / of the nurse-patient relationship +beginning, or orientation, phase,, the nurse obtains
an initial history and the nurse and the patient agree to a contract.
#'. :uring phase // of the nurse-patient relationship +"iddle, or &or!ing, phase,, the patient discusses
his proble"s, behavioral changes occur, and self-defeating behavior is resolved or reduced.
#-. :uring phase /// of the nurse-patient relationship +ter"ination, or resolution, phase,, the nurse
ter"inates the therapeutic relationship and gives the patient positive feedbac! on his
#.. According to Freud, a person bet&een ages 12 and 21 is in the genital stage, during &hich he
learns independence, has an increased interest in "e"bers of the opposite se), and establishes an
#0. According to 2ri!son, the identity-versus-role confusion stage occurs bet&een ages 12 and 21.
#5. *olerance is the need for increasing a"ounts of a substance to achieve an effect that for"erly &as
achieved &ith lesser a"ounts.
#6. <uicide is the third leading cause of death a"ong &hite teenagers.
'1. (ost teenagers &ho !ill the"selves "ade a previous suicide atte"pt and left telltale signs of their
'1. /n 2ri!sons stage of generativity versus despair, generativity +invest"ent of the self in the interest
of the larger co""unity, is e)pressed through procreation, &or!, co""unity service, and creative
'2. Alcoholics Anony"ous reco""ends a 12-step progra" to achieve sobriety.
'#. <igns and sy"pto"s of anore)ia nervosa include a"enorrhea, e)cessive &eight loss, lanugo +fine
body hair,, abdo"inal distention, and electrolyte disturbances.
''. A seru" lithiu" level that e)ceeds 2.1 "234$ is considered to)ic.
'-. >ublic $a& 6'-2'0 +=hild Abuse and ?eglect Act of 160#, re3uires reporting of suspected cases of
child abuse to child protection services.
'.. *he nurse should suspect se)ual abuse in a young child &ho has blood in the feces or urine, penile
or vaginal discharge, genital trau"a that isnt readily e)plained, or a se)ually trans"itted disease.
'0. An alcoholic uses alcohol to cope &ith the stresses of life.
'5. *he hu"an personality operates on three levels@ conscious, preconscious, and unconscious.
'6. As!ing a patient an open-ended 3uestion is one of the best &ays to elicit or clarify infor"ation.
-1. *he diagnosis of autis" is often "ade &hen a child is bet&een ages 2 and #.
-1. :efense "echanis"s protect the personality by reducing stress and an)iety.
-2. <uppression is voluntary e)clusion of stress-producing thoughts fro" the consciousness.
-#. /n psychodra"a, life situations are appro)i"ated in a structured environ"ent, allo&ing the
participant to recreate and enact scenes to gain insight and to practice ne& s!ills.
-'. >sychodra"a is a therapeutic techni3ue thats used &ith groups to help participants gain ne&
perception and self-a&areness by acting out their o&n or assigned proble"s.
--. A patient &ho is ta!ing disulfira" +Antabuse, "ust avoid ingesting products that contain alcohol,
such as cough syrup, fruitca!e, and sauces and soups "ade &ith coo!ing &ine.
-.. A patient &ho is ad"itted to a psychiatric hospital involuntarily loses the right to sign out against
"edical advice.
-0. 8>eople &ho live in glass houses shouldnt thro& stones9 and 8A rolling stone gathers no "oss9 are
e)a"ples of proverbs used during a psychiatric intervie& to deter"ine a patients ability to thin!
abstractly. +<chiophrenic patients thin! in concrete ter"s and "ight interpret the glass house
proverb as 8/f you thro& a stone in a glass house, the house &ill brea!.9,
-5. <igns of lithiu" to)icity include diarrhea, tre"ors, nausea, "uscle &ea!ness, ata)ia, and confusion.
-6. A labile affect is characteried by rapid shifts of e"otions and "ood.
.1. A"nesia is loss of "e"ory fro" an organic or inorganic cause.
.1. A person &ho has borderline personality disorder is de"anding and ;udg"ental in interpersonal
relationships and &ill atte"pt to split staff by pointing to discrepancies in the treat"ent plan.
.2. :isulfira" +Antabuse, shouldnt be ta!en concurrently &ith "etronidaole +Flagyl, because they
"ay interact and cause a psychotic reaction.
.#. /n rare cases, electroconvulsive therapy causes arrhyth"ias and death.
.'. A patient &ho is scheduled for electroconvulsive therapy should receive nothing by "outh after
"idnight to prevent aspiration &hile under anesthesia.
.-. 2lectroconvulsive therapy is nor"ally used for patients &ho have severe depression that doesnt
respond to drug therapy.
... For electroconvulsive therapy to be effective, the patient usually receives . to 12 treat"ents at a
rate of 2 to # per &ee!.
.0. :uring the "anic phase of bipolar affective disorder, nursing care is directed at slo&ing the patient
do&n because the patient "ay die as a result of self-induced e)haustion or in;ury.
.5. For a patient &ith Alhei"ers disease, the nursing care plan should focus on safety "easures.
.6. After se)ual assault, the patients needs are the pri"ary concern, follo&ed by "edicolegal
01. >atients &ho are in a "aintenance progra" for narcotic abstinence syndro"e receive 11 to '1 "g
of "ethadone +:olophine, in a single daily dose and are "onitored to ensure that the drug is
01. <tress "anage"ent is a short-range goal of psychotherapy.
02. *he "ood "ost often e)perienced by a patient &ith organic brain syndro"e is irritability.
0#. =reative intuition is controlled by the right side of the brain.
0'. (ethohe)ital +Arevital, is the general anesthetic thats ad"inistered to patients &ho are scheduled
for electroconvulsive therapy.
0-. *he decision to use restraints should be based on the patients safety needs.
0.. :iphenhydra"ine +Aenadryl, relieves the e)trapyra"idal adverse effects of psychotropic drugs.
00. /n a patient &ho is stabilied on lithiu" +2s!alith, therapy, blood lithiu" levels should be chec!ed 5
to 12 hours after the first dose, then t&o or three ti"es &ee!ly during the first "onth. $evels should
be chec!ed &ee!ly to "onthly during "aintenance therapy.
05. *he pri"ary purpose of psychotropic drugs is to decrease the patients sy"pto"s, &hich i"proves
function and increases co"pliance &ith therapy.
06. (anipulation is a "aladaptive "ethod of "eeting ones needs because it disregards the needs and
feelings of others.
51. /f a patient has sy"pto"s of lithiu" to)icity, the nurse should &ithhold one dose and call the
51. A patient &ho is ta!ing lithiu" +2s!alith, for bipolar affective disorder "ust "aintain a balanced diet
&ith ade3uate salt inta!e.
52. A patient &ho constantly see!s approval or assistance fro" staff "e"bers and other patients is
de"onstrating dependent behavior.
5#. Alcoholics Anony"ous advocates total abstinence fro" alcohol.
5'. (ethylphenidate +Ritalin, is the drug of choice for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in
5-. <etting li"its is the "ost effective &ay to control "anipulative behavior.
5.. Biolent outbursts are co""on in a patient &ho has borderline personality disorder.
50. 7hen &or!ing &ith a depressed patient, the nurse should e)plore "eaningful losses.
55. An illusion is a "isinterpretation of an actual environ"ental sti"ulus.
56. An)iety is nonspecificC fear is specific.
61. 2)trapyra"idal adverse effects are co""on in patients &ho ta!e antipsychotic drugs.
61. *he nurse should encourage an angry patient to follo& a physical e)ercise progra" as one of the
&ays to ventilate feelings.
62. :epression is clinically significant if its characteried by e)aggerated feelings of sadness,
"elancholy, de;ection, &orthlessness, and hopelessness that are inappropriate or out of proportion
to reality.
6#. Free-floating an)iety is an)iousness &ith generalied apprehension and pessi"is" for un!no&n
6'. /n a patient &ho is e)periencing intense an)iety, the fight-or-flight reaction +alar" refle), "ay ta!e
6-. =onfabulation is the use of i"aginary e)periences or "ade-up infor"ation to fill "issing gaps of
6.. 7hen starting a therapeutic relationship &ith a patient, the nurse should e)plain that the purpose of
the therapy is to produce a positive change.
60. A basic assu"ption of psychoanalytic theory is that all behavior has "eaning.
65. =atharsis is the e)pression of deep feelings and e"otions.
66. According to the pleasure principle, the psyche see!s pleasure and avoids unpleasant e)periences,
regardless of the conse3uences.
111. A patient &ho has a conversion disorder resolves a psychological conflict through the loss of a
specific physical function +for e)a"ple, paralysis, blindness, or inability to s&allo&,. *his loss of
function is involuntary, but diagnostic tests sho& no organic cause.
111. =hlordiaepo)ide +$ibriu", is the drug of choice for treating alcohol &ithdra&al sy"pto"s.
112. For a patient &ho is at ris! for alcohol &ithdra&al, the nurse should assess the pulse rate and blood
pressure every 2 hours for the first 12 hours, every ' hours for the ne)t 2' hours, and every . hours
thereafter +unless the patients condition beco"es unstable,.
11#. Alcohol deto)ification is "ost successful &hen carried out in a structured environ"ent by a
supportive, non;udg"ental staff.
11'. *he nurse should follo& these guidelines &hen caring for a patient &ho is e)periencing alcohol
&ithdra&al@ (aintain a cal" environ"ent, !eep intrusions to a "ini"u", spea! slo&ly and cal"ly,
ad;ust lighting to prevent shado&s and glare, call the patient by na"e, and have a friend or fa"ily
"e"ber stay &ith the patient, if possible.
11-. *he therapeutic regi"en for an alcoholic patient includes folic acid, thia"ine, and "ultivita"in
supple"ents as &ell as ade3uate food and fluids.
11.. A patient &ho is addicted to opiates +drugs derived fro" poppy seeds, such as heroin and
"orphine, typically e)periences &ithdra&al sy"pto"s &ithin 12 hours after the last dose. *he "ost
severe sy"pto"s occur &ithin '5 hours and decrease over the ne)t 2 &ee!s.
110. Reactive depression is a response to a specific life event.
115. >ro;ection is the unconscious assigning of a thought, feeling, or action to so"eone or so"ething
116. <ubli"ation is the channeling of unacceptable i"pulses into socially acceptable behavior.
111. Repression is an unconscious defense "echanis" &hereby unacceptable or painful thoughts,
i"pulses, "e"ories, or feelings are pushed fro" the consciousness or forgotten.
111. Dypochondriasis is "orbid an)iety about ones health associated &ith various sy"pto"s that arent
caused by organic disease.
112. :enial is a refusal to ac!no&ledge feelings, thoughts, desires, i"pulses, or e)ternal facts that are
consciously intolerable.
11#. Reaction for"ation is the avoidance of an)iety through behavior and attitudes that are the opposite
of repressed i"pulses and drives.
11'. :isplace"ent is the transfer of unacceptable feelings to a "ore acceptable ob;ect.
11-. Regression is a retreat to an earlier develop"ental stage.
11.. According to 2ri!son, an older adult +age .- or older, is in the develop"ental stage of integrity
versus despair.
110. Fa"ily therapy focuses on the fa"ily as a &hole rather than the individual. /ts "a;or ob;ective is to
reestablish rational co""unication bet&een fa"ily "e"bers.
115. 7hen caring for a patient &ho is hostile or angry, the nurse should atte"pt to re"ain cal", listen
i"partially, use short sentences, and spea! in a fir", 3uiet voice.
116. Ritualis" and negativis" are typical toddler behaviors. *hey occur during the develop"ental stage
identified by 2ri!son as autono"y versus sha"e and doubt.
121. =ircu"stantiality is a disturbance in associated thought and speech patterns in &hich a patient
gives unnecessary, "inute details and digresses into inappropriate thoughts that delay
co""unication of central ideas and goal achieve"ent.
121. /dea of reference is an incorrect belief that the state"ents or actions of others are related to
122. Eroup therapy provides an opportunity for each group "e"ber to e)a"ine interactions, learn and
practice successful interpersonal co""unication s!ills, and e)plore e"otional conflicts.
12#. Korsa!offs syndro"e is believed to be a chronic for" of 7ernic!es encephalopathy. /ts "ar!ed
by hallucinations, confabulation, a"nesia, and disturbances of orientation.
12'. A patient &ith antisocial personality disorder often engages in confrontations &ith authority figures,
such as police, parents, and school officials.
12-. A patient &ith paranoid personality disorder e)hibits suspicion, hypervigilance, and hostility to&ard
12.. :epression is the "ost co""on psychiatric disorder.
120. Adverse reactions to tricyclic antidepressant drugs include tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension,
hypo"ania, lo&ered seiure threshold, tre"ors, &eight gain, proble"s &ith erections or orgas"s,
and an)iety.
125. *he (innesota (ultiphasic >ersonality /nventory consists of --1 state"ents for the sub;ect to
interpret. /t assesses personality and detects disorders, such as depression and schiophrenia, in
adolescents and adults.
126. Frganic brain syndro"e is the "ost co""on for" of "ental illness in elderly patients.
1#1. A person &ho has an /G of less than 21 is profoundly retarded and is considered a total-care
1#1. Refra"ing is a therapeutic techni3ue thats used to help depressed patients to vie& a situation in
alternative &ays.
1#2. Fluo)etine +>roac,, sertraline +Holoft,, and paro)etine +>a)il, are serotonin reupta!e inhibitors used
to treat depression.
1##. *he early stage of Alhei"ers disease lasts 2 to ' years. >atients have inappropriate affect,
transient paranoia, disorientation to ti"e, "e"ory loss, careless dressing, and i"paired ;udg"ent.
1#'. *he "iddle stage of Alhei"ers disease lasts ' to 0 years and is "ar!ed by profound personality
changes, loss of independence, disorientation, confusion, inability to recognie fa"ily "e"bers,
and nocturnal restlessness.
1#-. *he last stage of Alhei"ers disease occurs during the final year of life and is characteried by a
blan! facial e)pression, seiures, loss of appetite, e"aciation, irritability, and total dependence.
1#.. *hreatening a patient &ith an in;ection for failing to ta!e an oral drug is an e)a"ple of assault.
1#0. Ree)a"ination of life goals is a "a;or develop"ental tas! during "iddle adulthood.
1#5. Acute alcohol &ithdra&al causes anore)ia, inso"nia, headache, and restlessness and escalates to
a syndro"e thats characteried by agitation, disorientation, vivid hallucinations, and tre"ors of the
hands, feet, legs, and tongue.
1#6. /n a hospitalied alcoholic, alcohol &ithdra&al deliriu" "ost co""only occurs # to ' days after
1'1. =onfrontation is a co""unication techni3ue in &hich the nurse points out discrepancies bet&een
the patients &ords and his nonverbal behaviors.
1'1. For a patient &ith substance-induced deliriu", the ti"e of drug ingestion can help to deter"ine
&hether the drug can be evacuated fro" the body.
1'2. *reat"ent for alcohol &ithdra&al "ay include ad"inistration of /.B. glucose for hypoglyce"ia, /.B.
fluid containing thia"ine and other A vita"ins, and antian)iety, antidiarrheal, anticonvulsant, and
antie"etic drugs.
1'#. *he alcoholic patient receives thia"ine to help prevent peripheral neuropathy and Korsa!offs
1''. Alcohol &ithdra&al "ay precipitate seiure activity because alcohol lo&ers the seiure threshold in
so"e people.
1'-. >araphrasing is an active listening techni3ue in &hich the nurse restates &hat the patient has ;ust
1'.. A patient &ith Korsa!offs syndro"e "ay use confabulation +"ade up infor"ation, to cover "e"ory
lapses or periods of a"nesia.
1'0. >eople &ith obsessive-co"pulsive disorder realie that their behavior is unreasonable, but are
po&erless to control it.
1'5. 7hen &itnessing psychiatric patients &ho are engaged in a threatening confrontation, the nurse
should first separate the t&o individuals.
1'6. >atients &ith anore)ia nervosa or buli"ia "ust be observed during "eals and for so"e ti"e
after&ard to ensure that they dont purge &hat they have eaten.
1-1. *ransse)uals believe that they &ere born the &rong gender and "ay see! hor"onal or surgical
treat"ent to change their gender.
1-1. Fugue is a dissociative state in &hich a person leaves his fa"iliar surroundings, assu"es a ne&
identity, and has a"nesia about his previous identity. +/ts also described as 8flight fro" hi"self.9,
1-2. /n a psychiatric setting, the patient should be able to predict the nurses behavior and e)pect
consistent positive attitudes and approaches.
1-#. 7hen establishing a schedule for a one-to-one interaction &ith a patient, the nurse should state
ho& long the conversation &ill last and then adhere to the ti"e li"it.
1-'. *hought broadcasting is a type of delusion in &hich the person believes that his thoughts are being
broadcast for the &orld to hear.
1--. $ithiu" should be ta!en &ith food. A patient &ho is ta!ing lithiu" shouldnt restrict his sodiu"
1-.. A patient &ho is ta!ing lithiu" should stop ta!ing the drug and call his physician if he e)periences
vo"iting, dro&siness, or "uscle &ea!ness.
1-0. *he patient &ho is ta!ing a "onoa"ine o)idase inhibitor for depression can include cottage
cheese, crea" cheese, yogurt, and sour crea" in his diet.
1-5. <ensory overload is a state in &hich sensory sti"ulation e)ceeds the individuals capacity to
tolerate or process it.
1-6. <y"pto"s of sensory overload include a feeling of distress and hyperarousal &ith i"paired thin!ing
and concentration.
1.1. /n sensory deprivation, overall sensory input is decreased.
1.1. A sign of sensory deprivation is a decrease in sti"ulation fro" the environ"ent or fro" &ithin
oneself, such as daydrea"ing, inactivity, sleeping e)cessively, and re"iniscing.
1.2. *he three stages of general adaptation syndro"e are alar", resistance, and e)haustion.
1.#. A "aladaptive response to stress is drin!ing alcohol or s"o!ing e)cessively.
1.'. Dyperalertness and the startle refle) are characteristics of posttrau"atic stress disorder.
1.-. A treat"ent for a phobia is desensitiation, a process in &hich the patient is slo&ly e)posed to the
feared sti"uli.
1... <y"pto"s of "a;or depressive disorder include depressed "ood, inability to e)perience pleasure,
sleep disturbance, appetite changes, decreased libido, and feelings of &orthlessness.
1.0. =linical signs of lithiu" to)icity are nausea, vo"iting, and lethargy.
1.5. As!ing too "any 8&hy9 3uestions yields scant infor"ation and "ay over&hel" a psychiatric patient
and lead to stress and &ithdra&al.
1.6. Re"ote "e"ory "ay be i"paired in the late stages of de"entia.
101. According to the :<(-/B, bipolar // disorder is characteried by at least one "anic episode thats
acco"panied by hypo"ania.
101. *he nurse can use silence and active listening to pro"ote interactions &ith a depressed patient.
102. A psychiatric patient &ith a substance abuse proble" and a "a;or psychiatric disorder has a dual
10#. 7hen a patient is read"itted to a "ental health unit, the nurse should assess co"pliance &ith
"edication orders.
10'. Alcohol potentiates the effects of tricyclic antidepressants.
10-. Flight of ideas is "ove"ent fro" one topic to another &ithout any discernible connection.
10.. =onduct disorder is "anifested by e)tre"e behavior, such as hurting people and ani"als.
100. :uring the 8tension-building9 phase of an abusive relationship, the abused individual feels helpless.
105. /n the e"ergency treat"ent of an alcohol-into)icated patient, deter"ining the blood-alcohol level is
para"ount in deter"ining the a"ount of "edication that the patient needs.
106. <ide effects of the antidepressant fluo)etine +>roac, include diarrhea, decreased libido, &eight
loss, and dry "outh.
151. Aefore electroconvulsive therapy, the patient is given the s!eletal "uscle rela)ant succinylcholine
+Anectine, by /.B. ad"inistration.
151. 7hen a psychotic patient is ad"itted to an inpatient facility, the pri"ary concern is safety, follo&ed
by the establish"ent of trust.
152. An effective &ay to decrease the ris! of suicide is to "a!e a suicide contract &ith the patient for a
specified period of ti"e.
15#. A depressed patient should be given sufficient portions of his favorite foods, but shouldnt be
over&hel"ed &ith too "uch food.
15'. *he nurse should assess the depressed patient for suicidal ideation.
15-. :elusional thought patterns co""only occur during the "anic phase of bipolar disorder.
15.. Apathy is typically observed in patients &ho have schiophrenia.
150. (anipulative behavior is characteristic of a patient &ho has passiveI aggressive personality
155. 7hen a patient &ho has schiophrenia begins to hallucinate, the nurse should redirect the patient
to activities that are focused on the here and no&.
156. 7hen a patient &ho is receiving an antipsychotic drug e)hibits "uscle rigidity and tre"ors, the
nurse should ad"inister an antipar!insonian drug +for e)a"ple, =ogentin or Artane, as ordered.
161. A patient &ho is receiving lithiu" +2s!alith, therapy should report diarrhea, vo"iting, dro&siness,
"uscular &ea!ness, or lac! of coordination to the physician i""ediately.
161. *he therapeutic seru" level of lithiu" +2s!alith, for "aintenance is 1.. to 1.2 "234$.
162. Fbsessive-co"pulsive disorder is an an)iety-related disorder.
16#. Al-Anon is a self-help group for fa"ilies of alcoholics.
16'. :esensitiation is a treat"ent for phobia, or irrational fear.
16-. After electroconvulsive therapy, the patient is placed in the lateral position, &ith the head turned to
one side.
16.. A delusion is a fi)ed false belief.
160. Eiving a&ay personal possessions is a sign of suicidal ideation. Fther signs include &riting a
suicide note or tal!ing about suicide.
165. Agoraphobia is fear of open spaces.
166. A person &ho has paranoid personality disorder pro;ects hostilities onto others.
211. *o assess a patients ;udg"ent, the nurse should as! the patient &hat he &ould do if he found a
sta"ped, addressed envelope. An appropriate response is that he &ould "ail the envelope.
211. After electroconvulsive therapy, the patient should be "onitored for post-shoc! a"nesia.
212. A "other &ho continues to perfor" cardiopul"onary resuscitation after a physician pronounces a
child dead is sho&ing denial.
21#. *ransvestis" is a desire to &ear clothes usually &orn by "e"bers of the opposite se).
21'. *ardive dys!inesia causes e)cessive blin!ing and unusual "ove"ent of the tongue, and
involuntary suc!ing and che&ing.
21-. *rihe)yphenidyl +Artane, and bentropine +=ogentin, are ad"inistered to counteract e)trapyra"idal
adverse effects.
21.. *o prevent hypertensive crisis, a patient &ho is ta!ing a "onoa"ine o)idase inhibitor should avoid
consu"ing aged cheese, caffeine, beer, yeast, chocolate, liver, processed foods, and "onosodiu"
210. 2)trapyra"idal sy"pto"s include par!insonis", dystonia, a!athisia +8ants in the pants9,, and
tardive dys!inesia.
215. Fne theory that supports the use of electroconvulsive therapy suggests that it 8resets9 the brain
circuits to allo& nor"al function.
216. A patient &ho has obsessive-co"pulsive disorder usually recognies the senselessness of his
behavior but is po&erless to stop it +ego-dystonia,.
211. /n helping a patient &ho has been abused, physical safety is the nurses first priority.
211. >e"oline +=ylert, is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder +A:D:,.
212. =loapine +=loaril, is contraindicated in pregnant &o"en and in patients &ho have severe
granulocytopenia or severe central nervous syste" depression.
21#. Repression, an unconscious process, is the inability to recall painful or unpleasant thoughts or
21'. >ro;ection is shifting of un&anted characteristics or shortco"ings to others +scapegoat,.
21-. Dypnosis is used to treat psychogenic a"nesia.
21.. :isulfira" +Antabuse, is ad"inistered orally as an aversion therapy to treat alcoholis".
210. /ngestion of alcohol by a patient &ho is ta!ing disulfira" +Antabuse, can cause severe reactions,
including nausea and vo"iting, and "ay endanger the patients life.
215. /"proved concentration is a sign that lithiu" is ta!ing effect.
216. Aehavior "odification, including ti"e-outs, to!en econo"y, or a re&ard syste", is a treat"ent for
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
221. For a patient &ho has anore)ia nervosa, the nurse should provide support at "ealti"e and record
the a"ount the patient eats.
221. A significant to)ic ris! associated &ith cloapine +=loaril, ad"inistration is blood dyscrasia.
222. Adverse effects of haloperidol +Daldol, ad"inistration include dro&sinessC inso"niaC &ea!nessC
headacheC and e)trapyra"idal sy"pto"s, such as a!athisia, tardive dys!inesia, and dystonia.
22#. Dypervigilance and d%;J vu are signs of posttrau"atic stress disorder +>*<:,.
22'. A child &ho sho&s dissociation has probably been abused.
22-. =onfabulation is the use of fantasy to fill in gaps of "e"ory.

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