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Here is the text of what the employee handbook(November 2013) of the California stem cell aency has to say

abo!t revolvin door iss!es" #t can be fo!nd on pae 2$ of the 30%pae handbook"
&'verview of (ost%)mployment *estrictions
&+he (olitical *eform ,ct places three restrictions on the activities of p!blic officials who are leavin
overnment employment" +wo are post%employment- while the third re!lates activities of an official before
'ne%.ear /an0 1ov" Code 2ection 34506 restricts former state officials- for one year after leavin state
service- from bein paid to comm!nicate with their former aency in an attempt to infl!ence aency
decisions that involve the makin of eneral r!les (s!ch as re!lations or leislation)- or to infl!ence a
permit- license- contract- or transaction involvin property or oods" (Note0 +he ,ct also places a one%
year restriction on the activities of members of certain air poll!tion control districts")
7ifetime /an0 1ov" Code 2ections 34500%34508 prohibit former state officials from bein paid to appear
in a proceedin involvin specific parties (e""- a laws!it- administrative law 9!de hearin- or a state
contract) in which the official participated"
(rospective )mployers0 1ov" Code 2ection 34504 prohibits state and local p!blic officials from makin-
participatin in- or infl!encin a overnmental decision that directly relates to any person with whom
the official is neotiatin or has any arranment concernin prospective employment""
&:or detailed information- contact the :((C for assistance" Call 1%$16%322%8660 or toll%free 1%366%,2;%:((C
and press <2< for telephone assistance"
&C#*= will enerally not s!pport brinin back former employees as independent contractors within one year of
their depart!re" ,ccordin to the (!blic Contract Code &for a period of 12 months followin the date of his or
her retirement- dismissal- or separation""" no person employed """ may enter into a contract """ in a policymakin
position in the same eneral s!b9ect area as the proposed contract within the 12%month period prior to his or her
retirement- dismissal- or separation>" #n addition- all other former employees- not in policy makin positions-
will not be offered a contractor role within twelve months of depart!re from C#*= !nless there are
extraordinary reasons as approved by the (resident of C#*=" C#*= may consider hirin a former employee as
a contractor 12 months after their depart!re from C#*= p!rs!ant to C#*= contractin policy">

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