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Learning styles.

Ive known for a while, that Im a great percentage a visual/spatial learner, well, Im an
Architect after all ;)

For this week, I took an on line test at Multiple IntelligencesTest; this show the result that
Ive expected, Visual/Spatial learner but in addition, it shows me another results
involving the rest of the intellligences, so I can mix different learning styles? Of course!
Personally, I'm also Kinaesthetic and Logical as you can see in the test result.

Using multiple learning styles and multiple intelligences for learning is a relatively new
approach. Many schools still rely on classroom and book-based teaching, much repetition,
and pressured exams for reinforcement and review. A result is that we often label those
who use these learning styles and techniques as bright. Those who use less favored
learning styles often find themselves in lower clases.

By recognizing and understanding your own learning styles, you can use techniques better
suited to you. This improves the speed and quality of your learning.

The suggestions below demonstrate how we can incorporate the concept of multiple
intelligences into the subject or integrated subjects that we are being taught or are trying to
learn. Knowing which intelligence you possess enables you to select learning styles that
work for you.
We can work in small groups (interpersonal) to do a variety of tasks such as gather
information, organize what we already know, and brainstorm etc (verbal/linguistic,
We can research additional information using the internet, the library, books, multi-
media centre and resources (verbal, linguistic)
We can classify, sort and organize the information according to a variety of
attributes (logical, mathematical)
We can use software simulations and manipulatives and communicate our learning
in written form (visual/spatial, verbal/linguistic)
We can work in groups to communicate the steps and processes involved to solve
problems (verbal/linguistic, interpersonal)
We can create a musical selections and jingles to memorize key points and facts
We can reflect about learning tasks and think about the process involved

Some of us display strengths in more than one or two areas of multiple intelligences and it
is sometimes difficult to determine which intelligence is a real strength. However, by using
a variety of methods when learning, your learning needs are more likely to be met.
Although not all of us will learn everything, we can all learn something! Using a variety of
methods and strategies to learn, we ensure that learning will occur!

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