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to be, was, been=a fi
to see, saw, seen=a vedea
to hear, heard, heard=a auzi
to have, had, had=a avea
to read, read, read=a citi
to say, said, said=a zice
to lay, laid, laid=a aeza, a pune jos
to pay, paid, paid=a plti, a achita
to make, made, made=a face
to lead, led, led=a ndruma; a conduce (oameni)
to flee, fled ,fled=a fugi de (din faa)
to breed, bred, bred=a crete animale
to feed, fed, fed= a hrni
to bleed, bled, bled=a sngera
to hear, heard, heard=a auzi
to leave, left, left= a prsi
to keep, kept, kept=a ine
to sleep, slept, slept= a dormi
to sweep, swept, swept= a mtura
to creep, crept, crept= a se tr; a se furia
to spend, spent, spent=a cheltui(banii);a petrece ( timpul)
to bend, bent, bent= a ndoi
to weep, wept, wept=a plnge
to leap, leapt, leapt=a sri (peste)
to mean, meant, meant= a nsemna
to sell, sold, sold=a vinde
to tell, told, told=a spune, a povesti
to bring, brought, brought=a aduce
to buy, bought, bought=a cumpra
to seek, sought, sought=a cuta
to think, thought, thought=a se gndi
to catch, caught, caught=a prinde, a apuca
to teach, taught, taught= a nva(pe cineva)
to fight, fought, fought=a lupta
to shoot, shot, shot=a mpuca
to get, got, got(ten)=a primi,a lua
to forget, forgot, forgot(ten)=a uita
to choose, chose, chosen=a alege
to freeze, froze, frozen= a inghea
to speak, spoke, spoken=a vorbi
to wake, woke, woken=a se trezi
to shake, shook, shaken=a scutura
to take, took, taken=a lua
to eat, ate, eaten=a mnca
to give, gave, given=a da
to forgive, forgave, forgiven=a ierta
to bite, bit, bitten=a muca
to write, wrote, written=a scrie
to drive, drove, driven=a conduce(un vehicul)
to strive, strove, striven=a se strdui
to draw, drew, drawn=a trage
to grow, grew, grown=a crete
to blow, blew, blown=a sufla
to fly, flew, flown=a zbura
to know, knew, known=a ti
to sow, sowed, sown=a semna
to sew, sewed, sewn=a coase
to saw, sawed, sawn=a tia cu fierstrul
to show, showed, shown=a arta
to swear, swore, sworn=a jura;a njura
to spit, spat, spat=a scuipa
to bear, bore, born=a se nate (la pasiv)
to bear, bore, borne=a purta, a cra
to run, ran, run=a alerga
to come, came, come=a veni
to become, became, become=a deveni
to spin, span, spun=a roti, a nvrti
to begin, began, begun=a ncepe
to swim, swam, swum=a nota
to win, won, won=a ctiga
to do, did, done=a face
to dig, dug, dug=a spa
to hang, hung, hung=a atrna, a aga
to spring, sprang, sprung=a sri;a izvor
to cling, clang, clung=a se aga (de)
to sing, sang, sung=a cnta
to sink, sank,sunk(en)=a se lasa n jos, a se scufunda
to drink, drank, drunk=a bea
to lie, lay, lain=a zcea, a sta culcat
to sit, sat, sat=a edea
to shed, shed, shed=a vrsa(lacrimi);a pierde, a se debarasa (de); a rspndi
(lumin,cldur, etc)
to set, set, set=a pune, a aeza
to hunt, hunt, hunt=a vna
to cut, cut, cut=a tia
to shut, shut, shut=a nchide
to hit, hit, hit=a lovi(cu un obiect)
to hurt, hurt, hurt=a rni
to cost, cost, cost=a costa
to lose, lost, lost=a pierde
to strike, struck, struck=a lovi
to stand, stood, stood=a sta n picioare
to understand, understood, understood=a nelege
to bind, bound, bound=a lega
to find, found, found=a gsi
to shut, shut, shut=a mpuca
to hit, hit, hit=a lovi
to grind, ground, ground=a sfrma
to build, built, built=a construi
to spill, spilt, spilt=a rsturna

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