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Production Engineering

Production engineering is responsible for the implementation of technical and

scientific knowledge to transport resources from the reservoir to the orefineras ports.
Determine which method of production and be exploited and used design and optimize
surface facilities for primary treatment of converted first needs worldwide hydrocarbons
as phase separators, storage tanks, purification systems, flow lines and systems pump
and compressor oil or natural gas, in order to bring the oil or gas to specific conditions
which may be sold or distributed.

They are responsible for the final step in the exploitation of hydrocarbons, which
is converting them into commercial products commonly used, covering fuel, medicines,
clothes, cosmetics, among others. This by subjecting the crude chemical processes in
refineries and petrochemical plants. The petroleum engineer develops new or improved
methods for initial treatment and oil refining, plans and oversees the construction,
installation, startup and operation of the refinery (refineries are usually hired under the
name of process engineers, the which also happens to chemical engineers).
The petroleum engineer prepares, organizes and controls the work of extraction,
storage and transportation of hydrocarbon. Elaborate and recommends the best methods
of production, extraction and injection. Realize geologic studies and examines soil
samples to determine the stratigraphic structural properties of a region. Directly
involved in the secondary processes for the transformation of hydrocarbons in industrial
raw materials, integrating the design, operation and control of industrial units and
chemical separation processes transformation. Performs fault identification by reading

1) Cognates (Cognados)
In historical linguistics, called cognates to those terms with a same etymology
but different phonetic evolution. In other words, the cognates are words that share
meaning, spelling and pronunciation similar in two languages. The word is derived
from latin cognatus, co - (s) and - gnatus, natus, participle of the Latin verb nasci
"birth". Sutraduccion literal would be consanguineous, with a same ancestor, or
related by a nature, characteristic or similar function. Origin: The cognates can be
traces of kinship that stored different languages, or the influence of one language on
another. They may arise as a result of the molding of language loans.

false cognates (Falsos Cognados)
a false cognate are words that seem to keep any relationship, either by their
appearance or pronunciation, with another which is in a different language, but in
reality are completely different in origin and meaning.
2) Withdraw 5 cognates of prayer (Extraer 5 cognados de la oracin)

3) Withdraw 5 false cognates of prayes (Extraer 5 falso cognados de la oracin)

4) Perform 5 questions and answers in Spanish ( Realizar 5 preguntas con sus
respuestas en espaol)

Qu es la Ingeniera de produccin?
Se encarga de la aplicacin de conocimientos tcnicos y cientficos hacia el
transporte de los recursos desde el yacimiento hasta los puertos o refineras.
Qu determina la ingeniera de produccin?
Determinan qu mtodo de produccin explotada y ser usado y disean y
optimizan las instalaciones de superficie para el tratamiento primario de convertidos en
primeras necesidades a nivel mundial los hidrocarburos, como separadores de fases,
tanques de almacenamiento, sistemas de purificacin, lneas de flujo y sistemas de
bombeo y compresin del petrleo o el gas natural, con el objetivo de llevar el crudo o
gas a condiciones especficas a las cuales se puede comercializar o distribuir.
De qu se encarga la ingeniera de produccin?
Se encargan de la etapa final en la explotacin de los hidrocarburos, la cual es la
conversin de stos en productos comerciales de uso comn, que abarcan combustibles,
medicinas, ropa, cosmticos, entre otros.
Mediante que proceso se convierte el hidrocarburo en productos comerciales?
Esto mediante el sometimiento del crudo a procesos qumicos en refineras o
plantas petroqumicas. El ingeniero de petrleo elabora mtodos nuevos o
perfeccionados para el tratamiento inicial y la refinacin del petrleo, proyecta y
supervisa la construccin, montaje, arranque y funcionamiento de la refinera (en las
refineras se les contrata generalmente bajo el nombre de ingenieros de procesos, lo cual
tambin pasa con los ingenieros qumicos).
Qu prepara y realiza el ingeniero de petrleo?
Prepara, organiza y controla los trabajos de extraccin, almacenamiento y
transporte de hidrocarburo. Realiza y recomienda los mejores mtodos de produccin,
extraccin e inyeccin. Realiza estudios geolgicos y examina muestras de tierra para
determinar las propiedades estructurales estratigrficas de una regin.

Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Universidad Nororiental Privada Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho
Ncleo Cuman
Facultad de Ingeniera

Cognados y falsos cognados


Cesar Jess Rodrguez Lezama
Seccin: 01

Cuman, junio de 2014

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