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1. Formas -ing
Gerund (verb-ing)
Nurturing this migration to stimulate productive research and
improve clinical medicine is an ever-present challenge for the NIH.
As object
A forty-year-old woman gave up smoking due to her premature
As object of prepositions
A sleep disorder exists whenever a lower quality of sleep leads to
impaired functioning or excessive sleepiness.
As predicate noun
The main function of antibiotics is killing or injuring bacteria

Present Participle
Smoking cigarettes is causing angina in patients with coronary
artery disease.

Indicating a relative clause
Other published trials comparing nicotine patch with placebo had
similar results


During the electrophysiological study, ventricular fibrillation was
easily inducible.

The use of nicotine chewing gum (4 mg) has a smaller effect on
blood pressure and heart rate than cigarette smoking.
2. Infinitive

As subject
To quantify the risk and severity of negative effects of treatment
for localised prostate cancer on long term quality of life was our
As object
He started to have tonic-clonic movements of his extremities.
As subject complement
The objective is to investigate the risk of early childhood cancers
associated with the mothers exposure to radiofrequency.
As adjective complement
It is possible to feel the radial nerve as it passes around the
Passive Voice
There are no large blood vessels or nerves to be injured in this
Perfect Form
A nursing home was reported to have set up an excellent
treatment plan.

Ejercicios de formas de -ing
1. Other published trials comparing nicotine patch with placebo

(not analysed
here because their follow up was shorter than

six months) had early results
similar to the six trials included

in this analysis.
2. The direct effects of nicotine in

increasing blood pressure and heart rate are
short term and

shared by many common activities not regarded as

3. Also, smoking a cigarette does not commonly precipitate angina

in patients
with coronary artery disease.
4. In any case the use

of nicotine chewing gum (4 mg) has a smaller effect on

pressure and heart rate than cigarette smoking.
5. If there is

hazard at all it must be smaller than that of continuing to


6. Nicotine dependent patients who are motivated but have

not succeeded in
stopping smoking without nicotine replacement

can be advised to use this
7. Nicotine

replacement therapy overall could enable about 15% of smokers

who are motivated to seek help to give up smoking - a useful

effect in
overcoming a lethal habit.

8. Bioengineering advances the nation's health by increasing biological
knowledge through the use of engineering principles and techniques and
contributes methods that have facilitated the development of novel devices
and drugs.
9. To address current needs and prepare for the future of this emerging area, I
am establishing an NIH bioengineering consortium.
10. BECON meetings will identify major issues and establish small working
groups, each led by a BECON representative and including individuals with
appropriate expertise.
11. Panels discussed the role of biomedical engineering in addressing these
challenges and proposed recommendations for future NIH activities.
12. He emphasised the importance of increased funding by the NIH for
13. Panels, dealing with a broad range of biomedical engineering research
areas discussed the obstacles to addressing future research needs and
made recommendations for areas of investment and for means to
implement the recommendations.
14. New developments are providing crucial information and essential
approaches for understanding the structure and function of cells and
15. The emergent microscopies are particularly critical in research on
mechanical modelling of cells and tissues, interactions of implanted devices
with host tissues, biosensors that monitor physiological processes, and
prosthetics to augment deficient sensory systems.
16. Diagnostic imaging of tissues and organs, especially in the modalities of
ultrasound, nuclear medicine, nuclear magnetic resonance and
spectroscopy, and X-ray computed tomography, has been a field of rapid
17. The NIH can facilitate achievement of this goal by supporting the
multidisciplinary research necessary to develop instruments and devices
for the next century.
18. Improvements in preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic medicine require
the ongoing infusion of new technologies (drugs, devices, equipment and
procedures) evolving from discovery and knowledge gained through basic
biomedical research.
19. Nurturing this migration to stimulate productive research and improve
clinical medicine is an ever-present challenge for the NIH.
20. Nanobiotechnology will generate new capabilities, facilities, and
approaches for investigating and understanding cellular and molecular
21. Biochemical modeling is a glue holding together various experimental and
interpretative modalities.
22. Both fields involve acquiring, processing, and analysing information.
23. Biomechanics is a branch of engineering science dealing with the
involvement of force, deformation and motion in biology, from molecules to
whole individuals.
24. Diseases involving electrical dysfunction in the heart, brain, and skeletal
muscles are major health problems.
25. In the hernia programme the sound is of patchy quality, varying

in clarity
and amplitude.
26. The teaching of operative surgery will almost

certainly involve computer
based learning packages such as these.
27. At present, they are limited in scope and expensive, and most trainees

unlikely to find them more useful than the traditional combination

of a
textbook of operative surgery and a period of supervised

training in the
operating theatre.

28. To conduct a systematic review of the efficacy and

safety of exogenous
melatonin in managing secondary sleep disorders

and sleep disorders
accompanying sleep restriction, such as

jet lag and shiftwork disorder.
29. A sleep disorder exists whenever a lower quality of sleep leads

to impaired
functioning or excessive sleepiness.
30. Our findings can help to guide

clinicians and patients in treatment decisions
regarding the

use of exogenous melatonin in the management of these
31. Continuous

outcomes were combined, using a weighted mean difference,

the exception of sleep quality, for which studies were combined

using a standardised mean difference.
32. A point estimate with corresponding

95% confidence interval was
computed for each outcome.
33. Regarding the effect of allocation concealment on effect estimates,

failure to
conceal treatment allocation adequately is associated

with larger effect
34. Two other systematic reviews examining the use of melatonin

for jet lag
concluded that melatonin is effective in alleviating

the symptoms of jet lag.
35. The MRC's chief executive, Colin Blakemore, announced on Monday

that a
team of senior scientists, including the MRC's influenza

expert John Skehel,
would be visiting China, Vietnam, and Hong

36. The proportion of rehabilitation

patients requiring subsequent surgery
continues to increase.
37. Chronic low back pain, defined as pain lasting for more than

three months,
is common and places a major economic burden on

individuals, the
healthcare system, and society as a whole.
38. The chosen form of analysis will

facilitate comparisons between the cost
effectiveness of surgery

and that of other healthcare interventions
competing for healthcare

39. Rehabilitation patients attended

a paced exercise and education
programme based on principles

of cognitive behaviour therapy totalling
about 75 hours.
40. We used unit

costs obtained from the lead investigating centre to value

and numbers of surgical implants and intraoperative spinal x



Hazardous: arriesgado, Hazard: riesgo, Enable: permitir, Overcome. Superar,
Consortium: consorcio, BEACON:Bioengineering Consortium, NIH: NATIONAL
INSTITUTE OF HEALTH, Range: alcance, Microscopies: microscopies, Ongoing:
actual, Nurture: alimentar, Patchy:irregular, Scope: alcance, Jet lag. Aturdimiento
tras un largo viaje en avin, Allocation: asignacin

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