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Transition Survey for Level 1 (primary/elementary/preparatory

school) Teachers
The School of Languages and Social Sciences, Aston University, UK, in conjunction with the
British Council is carrying out survey of teachers exeriences of teaching !nglish to children
"etween the ages of aroxi#ately $ and %& as they #ove fro# their initial level of
co#ulsory schooling 'usually ri#ary(ele#entary school, Level %) to the next level of the
school curriculu# 'Level *)+ This #ove is often called ,transition+
Transition ta-es lace at different stages and at a variety of ages in different countries and
#ay involve the #ove fro#. ri#ary(ele#entary school to secondary school curriculu#
ri#ary(ele#entary school to #iddle school curriculu# ri#ary(ele#entary school to
high(junior high school curriculu# rearatory school to lower secondary school curriculu#
Because of these differences fro# country to country, in this roject, we refer to the last year
of the initial level as Level % and the first year of the higher level as Level *+
/f you teach !nglish to transition students at Level % or Level *, we would li-e to invite you to
co#lete this survey+ /t should ta-e you a"out *0 #inutes+ The ai# of the roject is to #a-e
reco##endations for i#roving the exerience of this transition eriod for children and
teachers and to offer ractical suggestions for #a-ing the transition easier+
The survey is anony#ous+ 1owever, if you are willing to "e contacted "y us for a follow2u
discussion or would li-e to receive a coy of the outco#es, lease give your contact details
at the end of the survey+
/f you fully co#lete the survey, you will also have the chance to win one of the newest
"oo-s on 3teaching listening3. Burns, A+ 4 5+C+ 6ichards '*0%*)+ Tis for teaching listening. A
ractical aroach+ 7hite 8lains, 95. 8earson+ htt.((www+earson+co#+au(student(english2
?ou can find #ore details on the last age of the survey+ ?ou can find out #ore a"out the
roject at htt.((www%+aston+ac+u-(lss(research(centres2institutes(language2education2
/f you have any @uestions, lease contact.
8rofessor Anne Burns 'a+c+"urnsAaston+ac+u-)
Br Cuna Corris2Ada#s '#+#+ada#sAaston+ac+u-)
8lease return the co#leted survey er e#ail to j+schwarDAaston+ac+u-
Er ost to Br 5uliane SchwarD, Centre for Language !ducation 6esearch at Aston CL!6A),
6oo# 9$%%A, School of Languages and Social Sciences, Aston University, Aston Triangle,
Bir#ingha# B& <!T, United Kingdo#
Transition Survey for Level % Teachers 8age %
1. ountry !here you !or"# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
% Your nationality# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
& Your 'en(er# #ale fe#ale
). *ave you ha( any special trainin' to help your stu(ents move from level 1
(primary/elementary/preparatory school) to level %
(secon(ary/mi((le/hi'her/+unior hi'h/lo!er secon(ary school) ,n'lish-
?es 9o
.. /f yes0 please in(icate the type of trainin' you have ha( in helpin' your
stu(ents to move from level 1 to level % (1lease tic" all that apply)
A secial course
An external wor-sho
As art of a teaching @ualification
School2"ased training
Ether '8lease secify)
2. 1lease 'ive some information a3out the content of trainin'#
Transition Survey for Level % Teachers 8age *
4. 5hich stu(ents (o you currently teach (1lease select the ones you teach
most often if you teach 3oth)-
Level % 'final year of ri#ary(ele#entary(rearatory school)
Level * 'first year at secondary(#iddle(higher(junior high(lower
secondary school) F lease co#lete the survey for level * teachers
). ,67L/S* T,A*/67 AT L,8,L 1# ABOUT YOU9 LOAL
=+ /n your country, aroxi#ately how #any hours of !nglish do children have
each wee- at level % 'final year of ri#ary(ele#entary(rearatory school):
$+ /n your oinion, this is.
The right a#ount
Too little
Too #uch
%0+ Are the !nglish lessons at level %.
Costly infor#al 'ga#es, songs, stories)
Costly for#al 'gra##ar and voca"ulary exercises,
reading and writing)
Both for#al and infor#al
%%+ Bo children ta-e !nglish exa#inations at level %:
9o 'lease go to @uestion %&)
9ot sure
%*+ /f yes, do their !nglish exa#ination results influence which level * 'first
year at secondary(#iddle(higher(junior high(lower secondary) schools they
can go to:
9ot sure
Transition Survey for Level % Teachers 8age >
%>+ Bo their !nglish exa#ination results influence which !nglish class they are
laced in:
9ot sure
%&+ At what age do children #ove fro# level % to level * in your country:
%G+ Aroxi#ately how #any different level * schools do the children go to:
%H+ /n your view, does !nglish teaching at level % in your country reare the
students well for level *:
8lease give your reasons
%<+ 8lease add any further co##ents a"out learning !nglish and the students #ove
fro# level % to level * in your local context+
Transition Survey for Level % Teachers 8age &
.. ,67L/S* T,A*/67 AT L,8,L 1# ABOUT YOU9 ST9AT,7/,S
TO *,L1 STU;,6TS <O8,
%=+ Bo you use any of the following strategies to hel students #ove fro# level %
'final year of ri#ary(ele#entary(rearatory school) to level * 'first year at
secondary(#iddle(higher(junior high(lower secondary school) !nglish learning:
6A6!L? 9!J!6 9ET
% / find out what course "oo-s are used to teach
!nglish at level * school's)+
* / contact the level * teachers to get coies of the
sylla"us (#aterials they use teaching !nglish+
> / have discussions with #y students a"out what
they will learn at level * schools+
& / as- #y students to tell #e what they would li-e to
ractice in rearation for learning level * school
G / wor- with other teachers in #y school to reare
students who are #oving to level *+
H / wor- with teachers in other level % schools to
reare students who are #oving to level *+
< / ta-e #y students to visit their new level *
= / host visits fro# teachers who will "e teaching #y
students !nglish in level * school+
$ / rovide infor#ation in the students first language
a"out what they can exect in level * school+
%0 / reare students "y revising the #ain language
oints "efore they leave+
%% / send ti#e exlaining to #y students the
differences "etween learning !nglish in level %
school and learning !nglish in level * school+
%* / go to the level * school and hel to teach so#e
lessons to students in their first year+
%> / go to the level * school and o"serve !nglish
lessons for first year students+
%& / invite children fro# the first year level * school
classes to tal- to #y students+
%G / organise grou infor#ation sessions for arents
to discuss how they can hel their children learn in
level * school+
%H / organise individual sessions for arents to
discuss how they can hel their children learn in
level * schools+
Transition Survey for Level % Teachers 8age G
%$+ Iro# the answers in %= a"ove, write the nu#"ers of the #ost useful ideas on the
2. ,67L/S* T,A*/67 AT L,8,L1# YOU9 S*OOL=S ST9AT7/,S
SU11O9T/67 T9A6S/T/O6
*0+ Boes your school do any of the following to suort the #ove towards level *
'secondary(#iddle(higher(junior high(lower secondary) school !nglish: '8lease tic-
all that aly).
?es 9o
% Ca-e contact with the level * school !nglish teachers:
* Erganise #eetings of level % and level * !nglish teachers:
> Bevelo #aterials to reare students for learning at level *:
& 1el !nglish teachers reare relevant teaching #aterials:
G 8rovide the !nglish sylla"us used at level * schools:
H 1ost visits for students fro# level * school classes:
< Arrange for arents to visit level * schools:
= 1old infor#ation #eetings for arents of students who are #oving:
$ Erganise wor-shos for final year level % teachers:
%0 1ave a olicy to hel students who are #oving:
%% Erganise visits for children to level * schools:
*%+ 8lease add any other strategies that you or your school use to hel your students
#ove to learning !nglish at level * schools+ /n articular we are interested in
exa#les of successful exeriences+
4. ,67L/S* T,A*/67 AT L,8,L 1# ABOUT YOU9 8/,5S
Transition Survey for Level % Teachers 8age H
**+ 7hich of the following state#ents reflect your views+ Tic- all that aly.
Coving to level * school !nglish is handled well in #y teaching situation
Coving to level * school is handled oorly in #y teaching situation
Learning !nglish in level % schools is valua"le rearation for level * !nglish
/n level * school !nglish, students can easily continue what they have already
Students who have learned !nglish in level % schools will do "etter in level *
schools than those who have not
Students who have not learned !nglish in level % schools will do just as well
as those who have
*>+ 7hat is your "iggest challenge in your teaching of !nglish to students who
are #oving to level * schools:
*&+ 7hat is the #ost ositive asect of teaching of !nglish to students who are
#oving to level * schools:
*G+ /f you could #a-e one reco##endation to your #inistry of education a"out how
to i#rove students #ove fro# level % to level * school !nglish, what would it "e:
*H+ /f you could #a-e one reco##endation to your school a"out how to i#rove
Transition Survey for Level % Teachers 8age <
students #ove fro# level % to level *, what would it "e:
*<+ /f you have any other co##ents a"out students #oving fro# level % to level *
!nglish, lease add the# here+
>. ,67L/S* T,A*7 AT L,8,L 1# <O9, /6?O9<AT/O6 ABOUT
*$+ ?our highest level of education.
Bachelors '%
level degree)
Casters '*
level degree)
Ether lease secify
>0+ ?ears of exerience teaching !nglish language.
02& G2$ %02%& %G2%$ *02*& *GL
>%+ ?ears of exerience teaching !nglish at level%.
02& G2$ %02%& %G2%$ *02*& *GL
>*+ Tye of level % institution you teach !nglish in #ost often.
Transition Survey for Level % Teachers 8age =
8rivate State Ether 'lease secify)

>>+ Location of your institution.
Ur"an area
6ural area
>&+ 7hat -ind of training have you received for teaching !nglish '8lease tic- all that
/ received training as art of #y university(college @ualification
/ did a secialist course in addition to #y university(college @ualification
/ have attended less than %0 wor-shos in teaching !nglish
/ have attended %0 and #ore wor-shos in teaching !nglish
Ether 'lease secify)
@. ,67L/S* T,A*/67 AT L,8,L 1# ABOUT YOU9 LASS,S
>G+ 1ow #any !nglish classes 'i+e+ grous of students, not lessons) do you teach
each wee-:
>H+ 1ow #any !nglish classes in the last year of level % do you teach each wee-:
><+ 1ow #any children are in the last year !nglish classes on average: 'Tic- one)
%2%0 %%2*0 *%2>0 >%2&0 &%2G0 G0L
>=+ 1ow is !nglish teaching organised in your school:
/ teach all su"jects, including !nglish
/ teach !nglish and so#e su"jects
/ only teach !nglish
Ether 'lease secify)
Transition Survey for Level % Teachers 8age $
<0+ /f you are willing to "e contacted for a follow2u interview, lease give your
contact details.
<%+ /f you would li-e to receive a coy of the outco#es of the roject, lease leave
your contact details here.
<*+ /f you would li-e to "e entered in a riDe draw to win. Tis for teaching listening.
A ractical aroach "y 8rofessor Anne Burns and A+ 4 5+C+ 6ichards u"lished
*0%*+ 8lease enter your details "elow+ 7e will contact the winner via e#ail+
11. T*A6B YOU A6; ?U9T*,9 O6TAT
?ou can find out #ore a"out the roject at.
/f you have any @uestions, lease contact
8rofessor Anne Burns 'a+c+"urnsAaston+ac+u-)
Br Cuna Corris2Ada#s '#+#+ada#sAaston+ac+u-)
T1A9K ?EU F ?EU6 1!L8 /S CUC1 A886!C/AT!B
8lease return the co#leted survey er e#ail to j+schwarDAaston+ac+u-
Er ost to Br 5uliane SchwarD, Centre for Language !ducation 6esearch at Aston CL!6A),
6oo# 9$%%A, School of Languages and Social Sciences, Aston University, Aston Triangle,
Bir#ingha# B& <!T, United Kingdo#
Transition Survey for Level % Teachers 8age %0

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