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J av aScr i pt Execut abl e

J av aScr i pt Execut abl e

Us er Manual
Us er Manual
( v e r s i o n 1 . 0 )

JavaScript Executable v.1.0 - User Manual 2/11
Table of Contents Table of Contents
I. Introduction I. Introduction................................................................................... ...................................................................................3 3
II. Features II. Features....................................................................................... .......................................................................................5 5
III. JavaScript Executable Usage III. JavaScript Executable Usage....................................................... .......................................................7 7
Step 1. Download the package..........................................................................................7
Step 2. Write down your JavaScript code..........................................................................7
Step 3. Execute your applications.....................................................................................7
Step . !ena"e your executa#les with the na"e o$ your application..............................7
IV. Support and Troubleshooting IV. Support and Troubleshooting...................................................... ......................................................
V. !elease "otes V. !elease "otes.............................................................................. ..............................................................................# #
VI. $icense VI. $icense...................................................................................... ......................................................................................%& %&
Copyright 2009 Remiya Solutions All rights reserved.
JavaScript Executable v.1.0 - User Manual 3/11
I. I. Introduction Introduction
JavaScript overview JavaScript overview
The eas' to learn and cr'stal clear s'ntax o( the JavaScript
language )ade it *idel' popular. +ue to its nu)erous (eatures as
being cross,plat(or)- ob.ect,oriented- s)all and light*eight to
na)e a (e* the language got /uic0l' adopted. The )ain ai) *as to
allo* eas' e)bedding in other products and applications- )ainl' in
the *eb bro*sers and to produce d'na)ic *eb pages.
JavaScript drawbacks JavaScript drawbacks
1riginall' designed (or inclusion in *eb pages- JavaScript is
o(ten underesti)ated as a standalone language. This is because it
lac0s basic (unctionalit' (or developing (ull scale des0top
applications. This (unctionalit' includes but is not li)ited to2 (ile
access- graphical user inter(ace- large set o( libraries- etc.
JavaScript Executable JavaScript Executable
The JavaScript Executable is a s)all standalone J3! (ile
designed to allo* the production o( standalone applications. 4ut
si)pl' it is a JavaScript runner- that e)beds !hino 5an open,source
i)ple)entation o( JavaScript *ritten entirel' in Java6 and provides
access to the *ide set o( the Java built,in classes and their
)ethods- *hich re)oves the above )entioned dra*bac0s. 7o*ever
the straight(or*ard JavaScript s'ntax and the re)oved need to
co)pile the Java source code prior to execution )a0es developing
application )uch (aster.
JavaScript Exe JavaScript Exe
JavaScript Exe is the co)piled executable- *hich is )a0ing
Copyright 2009 Remiya Solutions All rights reserved.
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it possible to run the JavaScript Executable li0e an' executable
5.exe6 (ile on the 8indo*s and $inux 1S. This overco)es the
inclination o( the users *ho usuall' loo0 (or executable (iles to run a
Copyright 2009 Remiya Solutions All rights reserved.
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II. II. eatures eatures
JavaScript Executable is crossplat(or) due to the (act that
Java *as built to be )ulti,plat(or) (ro) the ver' start. This (eature
is secured b' the Java Virtual 9achine. JavaScript Executable is a
standalone J3! (ile- there(ore it is possible to run on ever' plat(or).
For the 8indo*s and $inux plat(or) a JavaScript Exe is provided in
order to suit the best needs o( the users.
JavaScript Executable helps the JavaScript developers
create applications- that *ill start as an' nor)al 8indo*s and
$inux binar' progra)- *hich helps the (inal users to adopt to and
continuousl' use. Thus the end users *ill be satis(ied and
con(identl' use the (inal product.
The developer can easil' e)bed a virtual )achine in the
application. This *ill ensure- that the application *ill sa(el' *or0-
even i( no Java Virtual 9achine is installed on the operation s'ste).
The provided JavaScript Exe chec0s *hether a speci(ied Java
Virtual 9achine is provided b' the developer in order to run the
application. This allo*s the developer to e)bed a JV9- that suits
)ost (or the application- and re)oves the bac0*ard inco)patibilit'
o( the progra)s- *hen ne* JV9 is installed on the co)puter. I( a
JV9 is not (ound the user *ill be redirected on the internet to
Copyright 2009 Remiya Solutions All rights reserved.
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8hen the JavaScript Exe executable is started it *ill chec0- i(
the JavaScript application script exists. I( it is not (ound an
auto)atic error )essage *ill be raised- *hich *ill help the
developers to repair the error at the ver' beginning stage o( the
Copyright 2009 Remiya Solutions All rights reserved.
JavaScript Executable v.1.0 - User Manual 7/11
III. III. JavaScript Executable Usa!e JavaScript Executable Usa!e
JavaScript Executable is )ade *ith si)plicit' in )ind. It is
enough .ust to cop' and paste the JavaScript Executable binar'
5(ound in the distributive6 in 'our application (older and 'ou are
read' to go.
Step #$ Dow%&oa' t(e pac)a*e
+o*nload the JavaScript Executable pac0age (or the 1S 'ou
are developing (or and unpac0 it.
Step +$ ,rite 'ow% yo-r JavaScript co'e
8rite do*n 'our JavaScript code and place it in the (ile
)ain*+s in the )ain distributive (older. The code in the (ile )ain*+s
is the (irst executed b' the application.
Step .$ Exec-te yo-r app&icatio%/
To execute 'our application clic0 on the (ile +s*exe 58indo*s6
or +s 5$inux6. For the other 1S clic0 on the (ile +s*+ar. It is standalone
executable- so it should *or0 *ith a double clic0.
Step 0$ Re%ame yo-r exec-ta1&e/ wit( t(e %ame o2
yo-r app&icatio%
!ena)e the executable (iles to )atch the na)e o( 'our
application. For exa)ple i( 'our desired na)e is 9'4rogra)-
change the na)e o( the (ile +s*exe to &,Progra)*exe.
Copyright 2009 Remiya Solutions All rights reserved.
JavaScript Executable v.1.0 - User Manual /11
I". I". Support and Troubles#ootin! Support and Troubles#ootin!
I( 'ou have run into a proble) using JavaScript Executable-
here are so)e co))on techni/ues to (ix the proble).
:hec0- i( 'our have included JavaScript Exe (iles2 +s*exe
58indo*s6 and +s 5$inux6 reside in the application director'.
9a0e sure- that the JavaScript application script
5)ain*+s6 is in the sa)e (older as the JavaScript binar' (iles
5+s*exe and +s*+ar6
+oes the supplied Java Virtual 9achine corresponds to
the (eatures 'ou use.
!un 'our application through the ter)inal; co))and
line inter(ace to see- i( there is an' error output generated.
I( 'ou still have a proble) and 'ou *ould li0e to as0 (or
assistance- or 'ou have (ound a bug in JavaScript Executable-
please use the (ollo*ing lin0s.
Support Via 8ebsite
Support Via E,)ail
Copyright 2009 Remiya Solutions All rights reserved.
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". ". $elease %otes $elease %otes
'ersion -*.
Release Date/ =5.&3.=&&#
The initial release o( JavaScript Executable
Copyright 2009 Remiya Solutions All rights reserved.
JavaScript Executable v.1.0 - User Manual 10/11
"I. "I. &icense &icense
Follo*ing is the co)plete license agree)ent (or the usage o(
the so(t*are.
JavaScript Executable 1.0
Copyright (c) 2009 Remiya Solution (http!""
#ll Right Reerve$
%%% &'CE(SE #)REE*E(+ %%%
,ou houl$ care-ully rea$ the term an$ con$ition be-ore uing
thi o-t.are. /nle you have a $i--erent licene agreement igne$ by Remiya
Solution your ue o- thi o-t.are in$icate your acceptance o- thi licene
agreement an$ .arranty.
+hi i -ree.are2 o you may intall an$ ue it .ithout paying a -ee. ,ou are
not allo.e$ to hol$ Remiya Solution legally liable -or any $amage that ha
been caue$ by thi o-t.are. ,ou mut not lay claim to .arranty againt
Remiya Solution. 0or -urther in-ormation ee 34iclaimer o- 1arranty3 an$
3&imitation o- &iability3 belo.. ,our intallation an$ ue o- thi o-t.are
i at your 51( ri6.
)57ER('() &#,
+hi agreement hall be governe$ by the la. o- Republic o- 8ulgaria.
&'*'+#+'5(S 5( RE7ERSE E()'(EER'()2 4EC5*9'&#+'5(2 #(4 4'S#SE*8&,
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4'SC&#'*ER 50 1#RR#(+,
+:'S S50+1#RE #(4 +:E #CC5*9#(,'() 0'&ES #RE S5&4 3#S 'S3 #(4 1'+:5/+
1#RR#(+'ES #S +5 9ER05R*#(CE 5R *ERC:#(+#8'&'+, 5R #(, 5+:ER 1#RR#(+'ES
1:E+:ER E;9RESSE4 5R '*9&'E4. +:'S 4'SC&#'*ER C5(CER(S #&& 0'&ES )E(ER#+E4
#(4 E4'+E4 8, RE*',# S5&/+'5(S #S 1E&&.
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'n no event hall Remiya Solution be liable -or any $amage .hatoever
(inclu$ing2 but not limite$ to2 $amage -or or lo o- buine pro-it2
buine interruption2 lo o- buine in-ormation2 or any other pecuniary
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lo) ariing out o- the ue o- or the inability to ue the o-t.are2 even i-
Remiya Solution ha been a$vie$ o- the poibility o- uch $amage.
'( (5 E7E(+ S:#&& RE*',# S5&/+'5(S 8E &'#8&E 05R 9/R95SE2 C5(+E(+ #(4
0/(C+'5(#&'+, 50 +:E 9R54/C+S CRE#+E4 8, +:'S S50+1#RE #(4 50 +:E 0'&ES +:#+
:#7E 8EE( '(S+#&&E4 8, '+ #(4 +:E '(S+#&&ER.
'n the event o- invali$ity o- any proviion o- thi agreement2 the partie
agree that uch invali$ity hall not a--ect the vali$ity o- the remaining
portion o- thi agreement.
4'S+R'8/+'5( 50 +:'S 0REE1#RE 7ERS'5(
,ou are hereby licene$ to ma6e a many copie o- the -ree.are verion o-
thi o-t.are an$ $ocumentation a much a you nee$ in or$er to $itribute
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Copyright 2009 Remiya Solutions All rights reserved.

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