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Rohit Sindhu Rohit Sindhu

Address: Contact Information Contact Information

239, 2nd Floor, Sec 47Today's Blossom I, Mobile No: : 9911448580
Near S.S Plaa , !"r#aon$122018 % &'()'N'* E-mail E-mail:
In quest of a challenging position in an eminent organization that offers me generous opportunities to explore & In quest of a challenging position in an eminent organization that offers me generous opportunities to explore &
outshine while accomplishing personal as well as organizational goals outshine while accomplishing personal as well as organizational goals
P(/FI01 P(/FI01
S,ncere 2 d,l,#en- ,nd,3,d"al +a3e done "#Tech $Com%uter Science & En''#(#
/44er,n# 1 yrs e56er,ence ,n ,m6lemen-a-,on o4 1d"ca-,on 1(P.
So4-7are 1n#,neer o44er,n# 2 yrs o4 e56er,ence ,n .ne- 89: doma,n; 1d"ca-,on 1(P, B,ll,n# Sys-em,
In3en-ory 2 P"rc+ase ,Tra3el .
15cellen- time mana'ement s)ills 7,-+ 6ro3en a<,l,-y -o 7or= acc"ra-ely and >",c=ly 6r,or,-,e coord,na-e
and consol,da-e -as=s. Foc"sed and +ard7or=,n#, sel4 mo-,3a-ed and -eam or,en-ed? 7,-+ 6ro3en
ca6a<,l,-y -o mee- +,#+$6ress"re deadl,nes and coord,na-e m"l-,6le 6ro@ec-s.
Possess -+e )no*led'e of Soft*are +e,elo%ment !ife C-cle $S+!C(. +a3,n# 4a,r "nders-and,n# o4
3ar,o"s 6+ases l,=e (e>",remen-s, 'nalys,sABes,#n, Be3elo6men- and Tes-,n#. &,#+ly moti,ated.
%ositi,e and 'oal-oriented, 7,-+ analy-,cal a66roac+, conce6-"al,a-,on as 7ell as -+e a<,l,-y -o <",ld and
lead e44ec-,3e -eams.
Posses -+e /no*led'e of A'ile Methodolo'-. +a3,n# "nders-and,n# o4 3ar,o"s me-+ods l,=e
CP%15-reme Pro#ramm,n#* 2 Scr"m.
Possess e0cellent communication and inter%ersonal traits 7,-+ -alen- 4or 6ro<lem sol3,n# -+ro"#+
reasoned -+o"#+- 6rocesses.
A s-stematic. or'ani1ed and hard*or)in' ,nd,3,d"al 7,-+ an analy-,cal <en- o4 m,nd de-erm,ned -o <e a
6ar- o4 a #ro7-+$or,en-ed or#an,a-,on. 'n effecti,e team %la-er 7,-+ e5ce6-,onal 6lann,n# and e5ec"-,on
s=,lls co"6led 7,-+ a sys-ema-,c a66roac+ and >",c= ada6-a<,l,-y.
"#Tech $Com%uter Science & En''#( -0o3ely Pro4ess,onal Dn,3ers,-y, P+a#7ara, P"n@a< %INBI'*, :!P'$E.0E
4II 5667-S-.:r,s6,nFs Sr. Sec. Sc+ool %:BS1*, !"r#aon, &aryana, E0G
4 5668-S-.:r,s6,nFs Sr. Sec. Sc+ool %:BS1*, !"r#aon, &aryana, 70G
E4PERIENCE $ 59 :ear ( E4PERIENCE $ 59 :ear (
;# Com%an-: MGRM Net Ltd.
<ob Profile: IT Im6lemen-a-,on 2 S"66or- % 1(P *
Period: 12-Se6-$2011 $ 04$Bec$2012 %1 year*
144ec-,3ely mana#,n# -+e s"6er3,s,on o4 -eam ,ncl"d,n# ,m6lemen-a-,on o4 so4-7are ,ss"es
7,-+ cl,en-.
Programming Language C# , C++,C.,MVC 4, HTML ,HTML 5,CSS 3
Database SQL Server !!5,!!" an# SQL $%ure
Pa&'ages Visua( Stu#io !!" )!*)!*3, $#obe P+otos+o,.
-et.or'ing /oo# 0no.(e#ge o1 -et.or'ing 2asi& &on&e,t
Te&+no(og3 /oo# 0no.(e#ge o1 C(ou# Com,uting Te&+no(og3
8ana#,n# day$-o$day o6era-,onal as6ec-s o4 6ro@ec- and sco6e.
(es6ons,<le 4or s"66or-,n# and ,m6lemen-,n# 1(P -+ro"#+o"- -+e cl,en-s and -eam -o
#enera-e "nd,3,ded comm,-men- and ded,ca-,on amon# or#an,a-,on 2 c"s-omer? 6ossess
6ersonal -ra,-s o4 6"nc-"al,-y, e5ce6-,onal comm"n,ca-,on, analy-,cal and co$ord,na-,on s=,lls.
0e3era#e =een analys,s 4or -+e ,m6lemen-a-,on o4 so4-7are 7,-+ 4"ll s"6er3,s,on and con-rol
o3er -eam, ,ns,#+-s and -eam a66roac+ ,n -ra,n,n# 2 de3elo6men- -o dr,3e or#an,a-,onal
,m6ro3emen-s and ,m6lemen-a-,on o4 <es- 6rac-,ces, ade6- a- 7or=,n# ,n +,#+ 6ress"re
en3,ronmen-s 7,-+ s-r,c- deadl,nes and m"l-,6le del,3era<les.
5# 5#Com%an-: Maarkss Pvt. Ltd.
<ob Profile: So4-7are 1n##.
Period: S,nce 28$Bec$2012 -,ll da-e
.Ne- Be3elo6er 89:
Hor=,n# 7,-+ la-es- 8,croso4- Tec+nolo#y %89:4 ,:lo"d :om6"-,n# Tec+nolo#y, S>l '"re*
156er- ,n Sc+ed"ler and o-+er 8od"le l,=e &(8, 15am , Fee, 0,<rary .
Pro=ects +etails: Pro=ects +etails:
;# ;#
Title Cloud E0%ert S-stem$Online Portal(
Technolo'- :I , 89:, IIS 7, .Ne- 4.5, S>l '"re 2012, 9S 2012
Role & Res%onsibilities Team 0eader, 8od"le Bes,#ner.
T+e 6ro@ec- <ased on Sc+ool 7or= deals 7,-+ Sc+ed"ler, /nl,ne
(e#,s-ra-,on, 'dm,ss,on ,0,<rary, Fee, 15am, e-c
5# 5#
Title G:M Online "ill S-stem
Technolo'- :I , 89:, IIS 7, .Ne- 4.5, S>l Ser3er 2012
Role & Res%onsibilities Team 0eader, mod"le des,#n
+escri%tion T+e 6ro@ec- deals 7,-+ em6loyee de-a,ls, B,ll,n# 2 I9( S8S.
># >#
Title Restaurant "ill S-stem
Technolo'- :I, H,n Form , .Ne- 3.5, S>l Ser3er 2005
Role & Res%onsibilities 8od"le Bes,#ner
+escri%tion T+e 6ro@ec- deals 7,-+ em6loyee de-a,ls ,B,ll,n# 2 I9( S8S.
?# ?#
Title 2otel Online "oo)in' & "ill S-stem
Technolo'- :I , 89:, IIS 7 ,.Ne- 4.0, S>l Ser3er 2012
Role & Res%onsibilities Team 0eader, mod"le des,#n
T+e 6ro@ec- deals 7,-+ (oom '3a,la<,l,-y , Boo=,n# , B,ll,n# 2 I9(
S8S In-e#ra-,on.
Current Pro=ects +etails: Current Pro=ects +etails:
;# ;#
Title Tra,el "oo)in' S-stem
Technolo'- :I , 89: ,.Ne- 4.0, S>l Ser3er 2012
Role & Res%onsibilities Team 0eader, mod"le des,#n
T+e 6ro@ec- deals 7,-+ 7e< 6or-al, Fl,#+- Searc+, /nl,ne Boo=,n#,
Pa-ment Gate*a- Inte'ration, I9( S8S 'ler-s, In3o,ce
!enera-,on, :"s-omer Sel4 Ser3,ce Por-al.
5# 5#
Title Online Sho%%in'
Technolo'- :I , 89:4,&T80 5, :SS 3 ,.Ne- 4.0, S>l Ser3er 2008
Role & Res%onsibilities Team 0eader, mod"le des,#n
T+e 6ro@ec- deals 7,-+ Prod"c- Searc+, /6en S+o66,n# :ar-,
:+ec=o"-, Trac=,n# ,Pa-ment Gate*a- Inte'ration, I9( S8S
'ler-s, In3o,ce !enera-,on, :"s-omer Sel4 Ser3,ce Por-al, /rder
Bel,3ery, To-al Bel,3ery S-a-"s (e6or-, Pend,n# Bel,3ery.
Trainin's Attended
E 8on-+s Ind"s-r,al Tra,n,n# ,n :8: 0-d, Bel+,.
+ate of "irth +ate of "irth: 12
!an'ua'es /no*n: !an'ua'es /no*n: 1n#l,s+, &,nd,
References References: '3a,la<le on (e>"es-

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