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Practica y Residencia

Juste, Marianela Castillo, Melisa
4rd year

Prof. Mara de los Ros de Janikow


Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa

How is English as a foreign language taught at secondary
school? How is the organization of the teaching-learning process?
What is the development of the lessons like? In order to answer these
questions we have observed 7
th grade
at Escuela N 12 Bernardo
Monteagudo, 2
, 3
rd, 4th
and 5
year at Colegio Secundario N2
Francisca Rocha Solorzano.

In this report, we present an objective and comprehensive
picture of those classes. It is not intended to test or criticize the
teachers performance but to analyse and learn about the way the
classes take place.
We have taken into account the classroom layout, the teachers
management, the students interests and the class itself. Being in a
class gave us the opportunity to reflect about our future role as
teachers. Moreover, this experience was worth doing because it
showed and taught us that teaching is more than being in front of a
Teaching is closely related to being responsible not only for the
students learning but also for their lives, as each of them will
eventually be able to use the different topics that were learnt in our
It is important to mention that because of the inconveniences
during the year in which the observations took place, a teacher from
year did not allow us to proceed with the scheduled observation of
her classes due to the lack of time holidays had left her with, and
another teacher from 1
year was absent for that day.

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
Finally, as observers we could see how we are going to manage
a class properly and how to put into practice all the learning we have
received in our training to be a teacher. In addition to this, these
experiences show us that there are many important points to bear in
mind when doing our practice and residence.

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa

The classes we have observed have an average number of
students of 24, -with the exception of 7
grade, which had about 35
children- having approximately 65% of students being girls in all
courses. Most of the classes lasted about 80 minutes, with the
exceptions of 7
grade that lasted 90 minutes more or less including
break-time, and 4to year that lasted half period.
Both institutions are public but the first (Esc. Monteagudo) is
only a primary school, while the latter (Secundario Solorzano) is a
secondary school. Everything has been taken into account, from the
classrooms facilities, to the students motivation and attitude towards
English and the teacher.
What is more, taking into account the aspects of the
classrooms, they both are in very good conditions. Although Escuela
Monteagudo is known for being a respected institution - therefore it
shows a very tidy and clean organization Secundario Solorzano also
shows a very well designed and tidy administration of space and
Firstly, the layout of the classrooms in Escuela Monteagudo was
in rows. Inopportunely, there was not enough room for the teachers
and the students to move around the classroom because of the
overwhelming population, which made the teachers monitoring task
very hard. On the other hand, Secundario N2 had an average sized
classroom with enough space for students to work together, but not
for the teacher to monitor or walk around.
Secondly, the classroom we visited at Monteagudo was really
dirty because students were about to go home. Walls were well kept

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
and had pictures on them showing elementary knowledge like
numbers, nouns and days of the week; light was adequate for the
blackboard, which was very large. In Secundario N2, the classroom
seemed tidy and the walls were also in good conditions but showed
no pictures. Light was good enough for there were windows that
allowed more light for the classroom. There were also windows at
Monteagudo School but they were covered with curtains.
The classrooms weve visited had two ceiling fans each.
Granting most students in Secundario N2 seemed to have the
governments net-books, there were no modems or AP in the
classroom we observed. Nor did they seem to have Wi-Fi.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that during one of the
observations in Secundario N2 was difficult to start with the class
because students were trying to redeem their grades by re-doing
their tests, which took around 45 minutes of the class.

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
The teacher was a young woman who was very efficient at
maintaining a good management of the classroom. Moreover, she had
this soothing voice that could easily turn into a more demanding one
if needed, or if student happened to misbehave. Although she was
dressed up as a teacher and behaved as one, she did not noticed that
her face was tainted with green dust from the chalk she was using,
which made her look as if she had been beaten. Nevertheless, she
was very clean and tidy not only with her person, but also with her
The learners consisted in blissful children who were eager not
only to learn, but also show themselves off. Their excitement for
activities that included playing, talking, singing or moving was
present from the very beginning or the class, until it concluded.
Moreover, so many of them would raise their hands to participate in
class that it was hard for the teacher to pick one up. Yet, there were
some boys and girls at the back who seemed very shy up raise their
hands, but when an exercise was checked orally they would speak
loud along with the class.
The class started on time. The teacher started her lesson with a
very active warming up in which she made her students find the
school objects that she had taught in order to make a quick review of
classroom objects. Moving on, she greeted her students and asked
them for the date and weather, to which the students would almost
scream to answer first. This resulted in a choral answer in which
some mispronunciation was omitted. A girl was asked to stand up and

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
write the date and weather on the blackboard, and then the teacher
came to us to explain that this class was intended to teach the ABC
In order to develop the presentation, the teacher wrote
the ABC on the blackboard with a piece of chalk, and below each
letter she would write the phonetics symbols as well. Spanish was
used in order to explain the students what the symbols represented,
some rules about the ABC in Spanish and the fact that some letters
we commonly use in Spanish do not exist in English, such as .
Then she started singing it in a very enthusiastic way.
She had this facility to look for examples of the sounds students
could not pronounce, like for example dz in jeans.
Regardless of how vivid and enthusiastic the students were with
things that were not related to the class, she managed to keep their
attention by asking students to repeat the song. Furthermore, there
was a particular student who seemed ahead of the rest but she
wasnt bored with the class, nor she would misbehave.
Firstly, she made them repeat the song chorally. Then she
asked to repeat it in groups which she would point at random.
However, some of them were left behind because they would still be
copying the ABC from the blackboard.
She would always encourage children to participate, focusing
mainly in the pronunciation of the letters. Whenever she students
misbehaved, the teacher would threaten them by saying that there
would be no break-time.
It is important to say that during that class no student was seen
using their cellphone, but they did talk a lot. We would later be told
that it is part of Monteagudos policy that students cannot bring

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
cellphones with them; otherwise that Institution is not responsible for
what it may happen to it.
Immediately the practice stage was developed. She wrote the
first activity on the blackboard while turning her back on the students
who would seize this opportunity to start chatting.
This time students had to complete a chart within the ABC
letters, following a rubric that stated write the letter in the correct
group. It was a nice activity because it made students think about
the sounds which had a similar ending. After that she asked them to
copy the ABC in their folders. If a task was not very clear for them,
she would use Spanish to explain it.
Likewise, students would mimic the teacher and whenever she
explained a task, they would answer O.K. and Very good. These
structures among with the ways teacher would pronounce a letter or
words was imitated by the students.
After 10 minutes or so, the teacher asked if there was a
volunteer for the first activity, so a girl stood up to write her answers
on the chart. Her answers would be checked orally with the whole
class, who were also asked to raise their thumbs if an answer was
correct. Most of the students who volunteered were girls. Thus, boys
were called by the teacher.
Checking this activity took a considerable amount of time.
Nonetheless, by the time they had finished the bell that indicated
break-time rang. We waited outside with the teacher who started
chatting with us about her experience in teaching when she was
younger. She gave us this amazing advice that we had never took
into account before: it is better to write on the blackboard for your
students than handing in copies, that way you not only keep them
busy and you can check for example the attendance, but also you
force them to practice the written aspect of English.

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
When break-time was over, students entered the classroom
without them being called to. They sat and it was time for the next
activity which was a similar game in which the students had to circle
the odd sound. Consequently, the teacher wrote on the blackboard
another sort of chart and explained the meaning of odd using
Spanish. Discovering the odd sounds had a purpose: to fill in an
incomplete sentence that stated E _ _ _ _ _ _ is fun.
After some minutes were given, random students were called to
check the activity in front of the classroom. Though the teacher would
call random students, there were a lot of them who were raising their
hands willing to participate. The tougher task was not the activity
itself, but choosing a student without having another complaining
about not being chosen.
Once they unhide the sentence, some of them laughed because
they already knew English was the word. Alas, they moved on to
the last activity which was a game called bingo. As it is known, this
game consisted on checking if you have the numbers that are given.
Therefore, the teachers made her students to design their own bingo
cards using ink so that they wouldnt be able to cheat.
However, the ABC was used instead of numbers. Since the
teachers explanations were quite simple and understandable, the
game started with problems. What is more, children paid attention
and were eager to participate. The teacher would say a letter from
the ABC and write it down on her note block, but the game was
interrupted by a principal who came to notify those students who
carried the flag for an act. When the principal left, the game resumed
and a winner appeared.
Since the class was about to finish, a last minute game was
proposed and the class accepted to play. They were divided into 3
teams: blue, purple and red team. Students already knew how to

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
divide themselves into three groups, so there was no indication from
the teacher needed. The game consisted on spelling their names
correctly in turns, and for every correct spelled name a team scored a
point. With no time left to keep playing, the final result was a draw
between the three teams.
In a hurry, the teacher said good-bye to them and the
Headmistress in charge entered the classroom. She gave an speech
about how she hoped the student behavior represented the values
that are taught in the Institution, and how pleased they were to have
us the trainee teachers observing them. Both, the Headmistress
and the students saluted us and prepared to leave.
Finally, the teacher had to take care of the children even when
they were leaving the school as English was the last subject of the
A 1
The teacher was a woman who had a strong and loud voice
which allowed her to have a better control of the class. All students
seemed to respect her a lot, but they would still challenge her
authority. Moreover, she could engage rapidly conversations with her
students but unfortunately 50% of her speech has made using
Spanish or translation. However, she remembered all her students
last names and called them using mister or miss. On the other
hand, she would rarely motivate her students, or encourage them to
use English. Finally, she would also yell at those students who would
misbehave during the class. Her only resources were her book -
Whats up? Starter but apparently they had not used it up to now.

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
These students were teenagers who would hardly laugh or
make noises. Furthermore, they were too scared to challenge the
teachers authority. There was a group of girls sitting at the back of
the classroom who were very talkative, but only when the teacher
was distracted. The rest were the average kind of student. Finally,
their English was very Spanish-like.
The teacher greeted the students who would answer back after
standing up. This class was in fact a test day. Therefore, the teacher
split them before handing in the papers. Likewise, she told them what
they were supposed to do, using Spanish. Then, she wrote the date
and weather condition on the blackboard. The test was about
numbers, days of the week, months and seasons.
She started to monitor the class, and while doing so she
reminded them that the days of the week and months are written
using capital letters at the begging of each word. However, she would
use Spanish instead of English.
Students would hardly ever speak, unless they would need
something like a corrector pen in which case they would ask a
classmate, using Spanish.
While the class was doing the test, students showed that they
hadnt studied, and so they asked their teacher for help. However,
she reminded them that they had to keep quiet and think for
Having passed thirty minutes, one student gave up and handed
in a test that from afar seemed to be very incomplete. Nevertheless,
the teacher asked him to quickly review his own test, for he wouldnt
be allowed to complain later. The student reacted by handing in his
test anyways.

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
Some of the students at the back were trying to cheat by
looking their folder, but it was useless since the teacher noticed it.
They even made up silly comments to distract the teacher, like
profe, el Alvaro tiene machete.
Having only fifteen minutes left, they started to hurry and the
whole classroom went silent. Since they were having difficulties in
finishing the tests, there was no noise of people writing. With no time
left, the teacher asked for the students to hand in their exams; while
some of them did, others demanded more time but when the teacher
exclaimed she was not receiving any more papers, they handed in
Students seemed unsatisfied not only with the test, but also
with their performance. After the teacher said good-bye to them and
asked them to clean whatever they have left dirty or untidy, they left
with a long-face.
A 3
The teacher was a young woman who had a soft voice but still
was able to control her class. She was tall and thin; none of the
students were taller than her. Moreover, she could rapidly interact
with her students but unfortunately she would do it using Spanish
most of the time. Likewise, she remembered all her students last
names. On the other hand, she would motivate her students by
making use of her voice and complimenting them, but she would also
offer some punishments for those students who were misbehaving.
Her only resources were her book - Whats up? - of which she
selected the copies with which her students were going to work.

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
Lastly, she would allow participation of the students, but most of the
time is has her lecturing.
The students were very noisy teenagers; they would hardly
ever stop laughing or making noises. Furthermore, they would
challenge the teachers authority as much as they could. There was a
group of girls sitting in front of the teacher who would participate in
the class, while the rest had to be called to come to the front or to
respond some question. Their English was very Spanish-like, as they
would not say, for example, the days of the week in English but
instead they would read it as if it was Spanish.
The teacher greeted the students who would answer back after
standing up. They were about 22 students of which 10 were girls.
This was a special class because most of the students had failed their
previous exams and the trimester was coming to an end. Therefore,
the teacher offered them 45 minutes to correct their own exams.
Then, she introduced us in Spanish, and also used it to explain why
they would have to re-do the wrong answers in their exams.
When the students got very noisy, she again used Spanish to
threaten them. Likewise, some instructions like open your folders
are given in Spanish.
To continue with the test, she did not separate them, nor did
she ask some of them to switch their seats. They would just stay in
their places. Once more, instructions like you must use a color pencil
different from black or blue were given using Spanish. The test
covered up the topics Present Simple and Present Continuous.
While the class was doing the test, students once more got
noisy and started to speak with each other. There were some

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
students who had passed and so they were given homework to do in
class in order to keep them busy, but the rest of them would still talk
even though they were doing and exam. Alas, the teacher tried to
keep them quiet but they were too much for her.
Suddenly, two people interrupted the class to give a speech.
They were supposed to be in charge of some workshops and so, they
invited the students to come to a meeting on Saturday. Students
didnt pay much attention to them, so they left. Back to the test, the
teacher monitored them by walking around the classroom; the room
is big enough for her to walk freely. When one of the students
whistled, she reacted by threatening him to leave the classroom.
Most of the students at the back were playing or chatting
instead of doing the test. Some of them tried to cheat by looking
their folder, but it was useless since the teacher noticed it. They even
made up silly excuses to avoid doing the test like chalk dust makes
me sick.
When there were only fifteen minutes left, they started to
concentrate and the whole classroom went silent. Since they were
having difficulties in relating adverbs of frequency with the correct
tenses, she teacher decided to help them a little by, for example,
saying how the verb ended. Having those minutes passed, the
teacher asked for the students to hand in their exams; while some of
them did, others demanded more time but when the teacher
exclaimed she was not receiving any more papers, they handed in
Finally, the class started. She hadnt used the blackboard yet,
but when she did she wrote Revision and the date on the
blackboard. By now, she was using English to tell her students to sit
down. However, they were using translation to understand the
meanings of words; in this case the modal must in its affirmative,

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
negative and interrogative form. Moreover, she asked for examples in
English, but she gave her lecture about how and when to use this
modal in Spanish. Furthermore, when she finished refreshing the
concept her students were supposed to know already, she gave a
speech again, using Spanish on how much effort should they put
in the next trimester, since theyve been a bit lazy on the previous
Back to the class, she asked for more examples and got some
of her students to participate while others were only making jokes.
She even explains how to pronounce some words like talk. Once the
affirmative form was clear enough, she asked if you want to make a
question, where do you put must? and some of the students
answered out loud. However, their misbehavior once again
interrupted the class and the teacher was forced to threaten them to
swap seats unless they answer correctly. Although they were unable
to answer in a proper way, the teacher moved on with the lesson, but
this time the same misbehaving group had to turn an affirmative
sentence into a question as a punishment. With the help of their
classmates, they managed to turn the sentences into questions.
Then, the teacher explained that although must is not often used in
question, it is important that they know how to use it. This whole part
of the class, except of the exercises and what not, was given in
Then, she checked the time and wrote an activity. The rubric
stated circle the correct option and some sentences like you
must/mustnt drink a lot of water were given. Furthermore, she
made the class read the rubric and then she asked for the meaning,
to which they responded using translation. Once they had finished
the exercises, they used translation to check the answers with the

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
Finally, they were given homework from the copies of a book
which we would be told later it was Whats Up! and the students are
allowed to close their folders. The teacher did not call for the
A 4
The teacher was an old lady who was dressed in a proper way.
Her tone of voice was soft but she could manage with the students
very well. She had a good management of the classroom too.
Furthermore, her pronunciation was quite proper.
This group of adolescents of forth year was similar to the ones
of fifth year. They appeared to be eager to learn as they participated
and raised their hands when the teacher asked. The group was very
respectful. They addressed to the teacher calling her as Ms.
Moreover during the lesson they wanted to be listened by the
The teacher entered the class and started greeting her
students, who stood up to greet her back. She asked a student to
write the date and weather and once the students had finished, she
stood up from her desk and started to resume what she had taught
during the past classes before the presentation of the new topic.
She then made questions about the previous topics so that
students could relate what they have seen and had a solid base on
which she could develop her class. Then she delivered a copy with the
heading of what does my school specialize in?

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
She made her students read the text by turns, and later asked
if they had a question about the vocabulary. Spanish was used to
explain the meanings. Then she gave them questions about the text.
It seemed that they were practicing the present simple and
continuous. Teacher gave 15 minutes to finish the activity. She had a
good tone of voice and that was why adolescents seemed to feel
comfortable with the lesson.
After that, the teacher checked the activity on the blackboard.
Then she asked her students to open their book and complete the
activity that were related to present simple and continuous. Some
students were quicker to finish the task; therefore, the teacher gave
those students extra activities.
Although it was a very short period, the lesson finished in a
proper way. However, there was no homework given, and production
stage was skipped because of the lack of time.
Finally, the teacher said goodbye to the students and left the
classroom first.
A 5
The teacher was a woman who had a very loud voice with which
she would call students attention immediately. She was very
interested in her students and would treat them as if they were her
children. Moreover, she would take care of herself, dress as a
professional and speak to people other than her students like a
professional. Finally, we can state that her whole presence embodied
the kind of teacher that those particular students needed.

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
Also, it is important to point out that in terms of phonetics and
intonation, she was really skillful.
The students were the kind of teenagers that most teachers
would like to have. While they were very noisy sometimes, most of
the time they would pay real attention to their teacher and would
show real interest in her lectures. Even though they are supposed to
challenge older peoples authority, these students knew how much
they could misbehave before making their teacher angry, and if they
happened to anger her, they would stop misbehaving. Although one
of them was wearing earphones, we were close enough to notice that
she was not listening to music.
As soon as the teacher walked in, the whole class stood up. She
did not only greet us, but also asked them to greet us since we were
future teachers. Immediately, she introduced a new topic which
happened to be past continuous in its negative and interrogative
form, since it seemed they have already seen the affirmative form-
by drawing a timeline on the blackboard. In this timeline, she marked
some hours and started making question about what they were doing
at that time, for example, last Saturday. Since the teacher would use
English to teach the entire class, the students realized they couldnt
use Spanish, so when they answered using Spanish, they rapidly
translated their ideas and formed sentences.
There was a lot of laughter in the class, but the teacher was
wise enough to handle the noise without overwhelming her students.
To do this, she would only change her smiling face to a more serious
one, and use her loud voice to yell quiet! Why are you so noisy

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
Then, to keep her students busy, she would write some more
questions on the blackboard and ask random students to answer one
of them. Then she would pick one of them to write his/her answer on
the blackboard and so on.
It is important to mention that even though the teacher seemed
to have a great relationship with her students, she would not
remember their names and would either call them by their last names
or try to guess, which made students laugh a bit.
She continued asking questions and tried to made them see the
difference between actions they commonly do or dont- at a certain
period of time and actions they were performing at a specific moment
in the past. This activity made them laugh even more because some
student had really funny things to say about what they were doing,
for example, last Saturday at 11 PM.
Moreover, some of them seemed to have difficulties when using
was or were, especially with the constructions such as my friends
and I because they would use was instead of were. So, the
teacher explained than when you have this kind of utterances, you
need to think it as a group, as a whole, so that my friends and I
would mean we and therefore, they should use were instead of
Unfortunately, some of the students didnt catch the meaning of
this, so the teacher was forced to use Spanish. However, little
Spanish was needed for them to get the idea.
When her presentation concluded, she asked them to open the
folder and copy everything there was on the blackboard. Then she
would write the date and weather condition by herself.
She gave them about ten minutes to copy, and then she moved
on to the practice stage. The first activity consisted in half of a

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
sentence that the students had to use in order to build up a new
sentence, using the theory they had just seen plus they one they
already knew. Although this seemed to be an individual activity,
students were allowed to work together as a whole group, so they
would use translation to help those students that couldnt understand
a sentence. This exercise took them about fifteen minutes and it was
checked orally; if some student were unable to answer correctly, the
entire class would help him/her out.
After this activity, came time for a written exercise. While the
teacher was writing the activities, students would call names at each
other and became really noisy again. Naturally, the teacher would
turn and yell quiet! with her demanding but caring voice. The rubric
was pretty simple, since it only stated order. Moreover, the exercise
was about ordering the sentences. However, there was no use of caps
or punctuation that could give hints of the order of each sentence.
Nevertheless, students would easily order the sentences in the
correct way. This would take them about fifteen minutes and it was
supposed to be checked orally, but a student complained that no
exercise had a number and that the teacher was being lazy. Thus, the
teacher laughed and asked that student to not only read his answer,
but also to write in on the blackboard. Still, she would use her
soothing voice to encourage the students, by saying excellent,
very good, and thank you.
Last activity was about filling in the blank, which a very simple
rubric that stated Write true sentences using Past Continuous. Once
again, the students got noisy while she was turning her back on them
to write the activities. Yet, she would join them by making jokes to
help them remember previous knowledge that would help them to fill
in those blanks.

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
Finally, this last activity which took about fifteen minutes
was checked orally and students were allowed to close their folders
and prepare for the break. Before they left, the teacher handed them
some copies which she asked them to bring for next class, otherwise
they wouldnt be able to work. It is important to say that it was she
who paid for the copies.
She said goodbye, and so did her students. Then she would
stay with us telling us about how much she loved her work, how sad
it was to not be able to use internet, and how she managed to keep
students from using their cellphones in class, although she also said
she wasnt able to take a cellphone away from a student if he/she

Juste, Marianela Soledad Castillo, Melisa
By observing these classes, we have learnt a lot. One of the
things that we realized is that although we plan our class carefully,
there might be events that are unpredictable and we may not teach
what we have planned. That is why a teacher must be able to
manage any situation.
All these observations have changed our point of view, in
particular in our beliefs; they taught us that theory is important, but
more important than that is to know how to put it into practice.
Another thing that we have learnt is that we have to be ready to
enter the classroom not only with all the material and lessons
organized but also with enthusiasm and predisposition.
Moreover, it has also made us aware about all the responsibility
teachers have on students education and in their lives. This is to say
that teachers must take the time to think about teaching strategies
and interesting activities.
Finally, having in mind our desires of being good teachers we
paid attention to all the classes and observing them made us think
carefully about the importance of the teachers attitude, presentation,
motivation, encouragement and planning.

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