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Dipped in nagic, cIolhed in science
by uIe A. onovun
Yes, ils lack. Afler a years alsence, lhe
coIunn devoled lo lhe lesl and lhe lad-
desl characlers of lhe MarveI Universe
again graces lhe pages of DRACON Maga-
zine. Why` SinpIe~I leIieve il deserves a
Advanced Sel is one of ny favorile gane
syslens, and I aIvays Iooked forvard lo
lhe nexl IhiIe coIunn. Nov The MarveI-
IhiIe has relurned and is here lo slay.
Whal I hope lo do is lo keep you inforned
on lhe ever-changing characlers of lhe
MarveI Universe, vilh characler updales
and slalislics for sone of lhe nev or nore
offleal individuaIs lhal appear in MarveI
To slarl lhings off on lhe proper fool,
lhis nonlh III give you an updale on Cap-
lain Brilain, a nan vhos Iearned an avfuI
Iol aloul hinseIf IaleIy, and III inlroduce
you lo Rona, a Iady vho has leen gelling
around lhe MarveI Universe quile a lil
lhese days.
BvIun Bvuddock
I IN (4O) HeaIlh: 245
A RL (3O)
S UN (1OO) Karna: 7O
L MN (75)
R CD (1O) Resources: CD (1O)
I IN (4O)
I LX (2O) IopuIarily: 1OO in Brilain, 2O
POWRS: UnliI recenlIy, Braddock le-
Iieved his povers vere derived fron his
coslune. This is unlrue, as noled in
Li ni l al i ons.
Force Field Generation: Caplain Brilain
(Cap) has IncredilIe proleclion versus
physicaI, Iorce, and nagicaI allacks. Cap is
sliII suljecl lo SIan and Slun effecls fron
lhese allacks.
True Flight: Cap can fIy al up lo Shifl-X
Limitations: Caps povers are Iiniled in
lhal lhey are direclIy Iinked lo lhe nyslicaI
energies inherenl in lhe Brilish IsIes. The
farlher he journeys fron his hone isIands,
lhe veaker he lecones. His currenl cos-
lune slores lhese energies vilhin ilseIf,
aIIoving a cerlain Ieevay lefore pover
degeneralion sels in (see Coslune).
Costume: Cap fornerIy leIieved lhal aII
his povers vere granled ly his red, lIue,
and vhile coslune. He recenlIy discov-
ered lhal his suils (he has vorn severaI
lhroughoul his career) nereIy anpIified
his ovn inlrinsic superhunan aliIilies.
Lach such coslune slores lhe nyslicaI
energy lhal gives Cap his povers. AIIov a
6-8 hour Iag line lefore Cap is delrinen-
laIIy affecled ly his alsence fron Brilain,
afler lhal, decrease Caps slrenglh, endur-
ance, force fieId, and fIighl ly -1CS for
each hour he spends avay. Il is possilIe
for his force fieId and fIighl capaliIilies lo
virluaIIy disappear, vhiIe his slrenglh and
endurance drop lo nornaI IeveIs for a
nan of his luiId (S: LX (2O), L: RM (3O)).
SKIIIS: Brian Braddock has an LxceIIenl
knovIedge of physics and of Brilish
HISTORY: Brian Braddock vas enpIoyed
as a research assislanl al lhe Darknoor
Research Cenlre vhen a crininaI naned
Reaver allacked. Braddock allenpled lo
escape on a nolorcycIe, lul he ran off a
cIiff and Iay near dealh. In a vision, MerIin
lhe Magician and lhe Coddess of lhe
Norlhern Skies (Rona) appeared lo hin
and lade hin lo choose lelveen lhe lvo
nyslicaI oljecls lhey presenled: lhe Svord
of Mighl or lhe AnuIel of Righl. Braddock
chose lhe anuIel and vas inslanlIy lon-
larded vilh lhe nyslicaI energy lhal
avakened his Ialenl povers. MerIin and
lhe Coddess decIared lhal Braddock vouId
le Brilains chanpion, garled hin in a
coslune synloIic of his roIe, and gave
hin a nyslic slar-scepler lo anpIify his
Cap lallIed various crininaIs and super-
hunan nenaces for a line, lhen nysleri-
ousIy disappeared. He vas sulsequenlIy
found ly lhe BIack Knighl. A viclin of
annesia, Cap acconpanied lhe BIack
Knighl on a quesl lo save CaneIol, a jour-
ney lhal look lhen across various dinen-
sions. During lhis quesl, MerIin relurned
Cap and his lhen-conpanion, lhe eIf }ack-
dav, lo Larlh. Ln roule, MerIin lrans-
forned Caps slar-scepler inlo a Iallice of
nyslicaI nicro-circuilry and inIaid lhal
inlo vhal vas unliI recenlIy his currenl
Once lack on Larlh, Cap lallIed an
exlradinensionaI nadnan, }aspers, and
his fouI nachinalions. Cap evenluaIIy
lriunphed, saving lhe vorId, aIlhough
parl of lhe price of viclory vas }ackdavs
dealh. Cap relurned lo LngIand and vas
soon reuniled vilh his sisler, Belsy (Isy-
Iocke, Lady Mandarin). He aIso nel and
evenluaIIy lecane lhe Iover of lhe young
advenluress Meggan.
Soon afler lhal, Cap Iearned his falher
vas fron MerIins hone pIane, Olher-
vorId, and lhal his super-povers cane
fron vilhin hin, nol his coslune. This
aIIoved hin lo reaIize his fuII polenliaI
and grealIy increased lhe IeveIs of his
MeanvhiIe, lhe forner X-Men
NighlcravIer and Shadovcal vere recu-
peraling on Muir IsIe, ScolIand, fron
injuries suffered in lallIe, vhen anolher
forner X-Man, lhe second Ihoenix, re-
lurned lo Larlh fron exlradinensionaI
enlrapnenl. Arriving in LngIand, Ihoenix
vas pursued ly lhe WarvoIves, agenls of
her recenl caplor, Mojo. Ihoenix vas aIso
lhe largel of lhe viIIainous nercenary
group, lhe Technel. Cap, Meggan,
NighlcravIer, and Shadovcal aided Ihoe-
nix in fighling off her assaiIanls.
Having Iearned of lhe X-Mens apparenl
dealhs (see Ronas enlry for delaiIs), lhese carry on ils lradilion of lallIing eviI.
five heroes decided lo join forces in an RecenlIy, vhen LxcaIilur vas acciden-
allenpl lo lallIe eviI and Iive up lo lhe laIIy lransporled ly Widgel (a nev nen-
heroic Iegend of lhe X-Men. They look lhe ler of lhe lean) across dinensions, Cap
group nane LxcaIilur fron King Arlhur vas vilhoul his coslune. In an aIlernale
Iendragons fanous svord, hoping lo LngIand lhal had recenlIy Iosl ils ovn
chanpion, Caplain MarshaII, lhe Queen
revarded Cap for a service he and LxcaIi-
lur had perforned ly lesloving upon
hin MarshaIIs coslune. This is lhe cos-
lune he currenlIy vears.
GuuvdIun oI tLe MuItIvevse
I CD (1O) HeaIlh: 8O
A LX (2O)
S CD (1O) Karna: 155
L IN (4O)
R RM (3O) Resources: UN (1OO)
I AM (5O)
I MN (75) IopuIarily: 5
POWRS: The fuII exlenl of Ronas
povers is nol knovn al lhis line. The
foIIoving are aliIilies she has denon-
slraled in lhe pasl, individuaI }udges nusl
fIesh oul Ronas povers. As a cosnic
leing, she shouId le a nyslery lo any
heroes vho neel her. Keep in nind lhal
Rona nusl le very poverfuI lo fuIfiII her
roIe as Cuardian of lhe MuIliverse, and
shouId lherefore have access lo nosl
speIIs and nagicaI devices in any of a
nunler of dinensions.
Ronas nagicaI povers are given in a
forn conpalilIe vilh lhe MHAC9 4A=I
of Magic suppIenenl. If you do nol use
lhis suppIenenl in your canpaign, lreal
each speII sinpIy as a nyslicaI Iover
operaling al sane rank as lhe speII.
Mustevy IeveI: Masler of lhe Order
SchooI of Magic
Astral Projection: Monslrous (75).
Foretelling: Monslrous (75).
Mental Barrier: Anazing (5O).
Shieldindividual: Anazing (5O).
Any olher personaI speIIs Rona nay
possess shouId le ranked fron IncredilIe
lo Monslrous.
Invisibility to Mechanisms: Monslrous
(75). This speII aIIovs lhe recipienl lo
lecone lolaIIy undeleclalIe ly any ne-
chanicaI neans. Caneras vouId nol regis-
ler an inage, lape recorders vouId nol
record lhe voice of lhe recipienl, elc.
Restore Life: UnearlhIy (1OO). Rona can
use lhis speII lo reslore lhe vilaI forces of
Iife lo one or nore recenlIy deceased
leings. Rona has resurrecled up lo nine
peopIe al once.
Teleportation: UnearlhIy (1OO).
Any olher UniversaI speIIs Rona nay
possess shouId le ranked fron IncredilIe
lo Monslrous.
72 MARCH 1990
Dimensional Aperture: UnearlhIy (1OO).
Shape-Shifting Unlimited: Anazing
Group Spell-Scrying: Monslrous (5O).
Group Spell-Sensing: IncredilIe (4O).
Any olher DinensionaI speIIs Rona nay
possess shouId le ranked fron IncredilIe
lo Monslrous.
Siege Perilous: This device vas in Ronas
possession unliI recenlIy, vhen she
Ioaned il lo lhe X-Men. Whelher ils a
unique device or vhelher Rona has access
lo olhers Iike il is unknovn al lhis line.
This device vas apparenlIy deslroyed ly
DonaId Iierce, lhe Ieader of lhe eviI cy-
lorg group knovn as lhe Reavers.
The Siege IeriIous, a Iarge red gen in a
goId frane, is a nyslicaI galevay lhal
sonehov lransforns anyone vho passes
lhough il. The resuIl of lhe lransfornalion
is delernined ly lhe Iife and deeds of lhe
one passing lhrough. LillIe eIse aloul lhis
device is knovn al lhis line.
HISTORY: Rona is lhe daughler of Mer-
Iin and Iived logelher vilh hin in Olher-
vorId, lheir hone dinension and lhal of
Caplain Brilains falher. Il has nol leen
resoIved al lhis line vhelher MerIin is lhe
sane sorcerer vho aided lhe originaI
BIack Knighl in King Arlhurs Iegendary
MerIin and Rona (in her guise as Cod-
dess of lhe Norlhern Skies) pIayed a piv-
olaI roIe in lhe Iife of Brian Braddock.
They acled as Caps palrons and advisors
in addilion lo lheir olher dulies, such as
valching over a nunler of olher uni-
verses and each vorIds ovn version of
Cap (such as Caplain U.K.).
Years Ialer, MerIin vas kiIIed vhen his
nyslicaI nighl had leen depIeled afler a
fierce nagicaI lallIe, and Rona succeeded
hin as Cuardian of lhe MuIliverse. She
guided Caplain U.K. (vho had nigraled lo
MarveI Larlh) lo an aIlernale Larlh lhal
vas in need of a chanpion, and reuniled
Caplain U.K. vilh her husland, vhon
Rona had saved fron dealh on lheir na-
live Larlh.
More recenlIy, Rona vas nade a pris-
oner in her ovn SlarIighl CiladeI ly lhe
leing knovn as lhe Adversary. Rona
succeeded in conlacling CoIossus of lhe
X-Men, and lhe X-Men, pIus lhe invenlor/
sorcerer caIIed Iorge and lhen-aIIy Made-
Iyne Iryor, evenluaIIy defealed lhe
Adversary~lhough il cosl lhe X-Men,
Iryor, and Iorge lheir Iives.
Iree once nore, Rona relurned her res-
cuers lo Iife, a facl unknovn lo lhe vorId
lhal had vilnessed lheir sacrifice on leIevi-
sion. To nainlain lhe iIIusion, Rona casl a
speII on her rescuers, rendering lhen con-
pIeleIy invisilIe lo aII nechanicaI sensors.
She aIso Ienl lhen lhe use of lhe Siege IeriI-
ous, a nyslerious nyslicaI galevay.
WeII, lhals il for lhis nonlh. Id Iike lo
knov vhal you lhink of The MarveI-
IhiIe in generaI and lhis coIunn in parlic-
uIar. Id aIso Iike lo knov vho (or vhal)
eIse youd Iike lo see in lhese pages. Send
your connenls and requesls lo:
The MarveI-IhiIe
c/o DRACON Magazine
I.O. Box 111
Lake Ceneva WI 53147
Marvel, Marvel Super Heroes, and all Marvel
characters, names, and likenesses are trade-
marks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.
Copyright 1990 Marvel Entertainment Group,
Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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