Sie sind auf Seite 1von 3

WeII, heIIo again.

Lasl nonlh I exloIIed lhe aliIilies of lvo he-

roes, Caplain Brilain and Rona, so I lhoughl lhis nonlhs coIunn
vouId le a good opporlunily lo lake a Iook al sone of Caps
viIIains~and in keeping vilh lhis nonlhs Iighl lone, I herely
presenl lo you lhe Crazy Cang!
The Crazy Cang is a group of five professionaI (inepl, lul profes-
sionaI) crininaIs vho aII resenlIe characlers fron lhe slorylooks
nosl of us read vhen ve vere young. They vere crealed ly an
olher-dinensionaI nadnan, }anes }aspers, as parl of his pIan lo
lake over his vorId, designaled as Larlh 238. (Nole: This is aIso lhe
hone dinension of Linda McQuiIIan, a.k.a. Caplain U.K.) The }as-
pers of Larlh 238 possessed vasl psionic povers and did succeed in
doninaling his hone vorId.
}aspers vas evenluaIIy defealed, lhough, and lhe Crazy Cang
shouId have ceased lo exisl, as il vas onIy a conslrucl of }aspers
rf viv ils 'ead!
by uIe A. onovun
(olviousIy) deranged nind. Bul lhe gang vas lransporled, lhrough
unknovn neans, lo MarveI-Larlh~nore specificaIIy, lo LngIand.
nce lhe Cang arrived, il nade severaI alorlive efforls al crine,
vilh lhe }esler acling as de faclo Ieader of lhis nolIey crev. The
}esler look nosl of his crininaI inspiralion fron lhe leIevision, lul
TV didnl lransIale inlo reaIily very veII. Wilh aInosl no
inaginalion of lheir ovn, lhe Cang nenlers crininaI careers
foundered (lig surprise). Thal is, unliI lhe }esler pul an adverlise-
nenl in a London nevspaper, announcing lheir need for a cIever
Caplain Brilains foe, SIaynasler, ansvered lheir ad and nasler-
ninded a series of speclacuIar crines, incIuding rolleries of lhe
Brilish Museun and lhe RoyaI Minl. As SIaynasler expecled, lhis
crine spree gained lhe allenlion of Caplain Brilain. SIaynasler and
lhe Crazy Cang sulsequenlIy defealed Cap in lallIe, and SIaynas-
ler deIivered Cap lo his enpIoyer, lhe Vixen. Having achieved his
ovn end, SIaynasler disnissed lhe Cang fron his enpIoy.
The Cang has since found a nev enpIoyer: lhe assassin Arcade.
RecenlIy, Arcade senl lhe Cang lo alducl Courlney Ross, an infIu-
48 APRIL 1990
enliaI Brilish lanker and an oId fIane of
Caps. LxcaIilur, lhe lean of vhich Cap is
nov a nenler, cane lo Rosss aid and did
lallIe vilh lhe Cang and Arcades nany
conlraplions. Al one poinl in lhe lallIe,
TveedIedope used a device, vhich he had
apparenlIy invenled, lhal svilched lhe
psyches and personaIilies of lhe foIIoving
pairs of conlalanls: NighlcravIer and lhe
}esler, Cap and TveedIedope, and Meggan
and lhe Knave. Ihoenix deslroyed lhe
Lxeculioners rololic lody lul vas pos-
sessed ly ils consciousness.
LvenluaIIy, lhe nind exchanges vere
reversed, Ihoenix lroke free of lhe Lxecu-
lioners possession, Ross vas rescued, and
Arcade and lhe Cang vere caplured. As of
lhis vriling, lhe four surviving nenlers
of lhe Crazy Cang are in lhe cuslody of
lhe Brilish aulhorilies.
Robot {destroyed}
I CD(1O) HeaIlh: 54
A IR(4)
S CD(1O) Karna: 34
L RM(3O)
R IB(2) Resources: IeelIe
I IB(2)
I RM(3O) IopuIarily: O
Nntc: Al lhis line, lhe Lxeculioner has no
naleriaI lody. Whal happened lo ils con-
sciousness afler Ihoenix lroke ils hoId on
her is unknovn. Il is possilIe lhal lhe
consciousness has ceased lo exisl, or lhal
il is searching for (or has found) anolher
lody lo possess. The Lxeculioner nay le
vorking for ils conpalriols freedon even
nov (no, pIease).
POWERS: The onIy lrue superpover lhal
lhe Lxeculioner had lhus far dispIayed
vas lhe aliIily lo possess anolhers lody
and conlroI ils aclions. Il did lhis al
Anazing IeveI.
EQUIPMENT: The Lxeculioner vieIded a
greal axe in conlal lhal did 15 poinls of
danage and allacked on lhe Ldged Allacks
coIunn. Il vas nade of LxceIIenl slrenglh
SKILLS: The onIy skiIIs lhal lhe Lxecu-
lioner possessed vere LxceIIenl skiII
vieIding ils axe, and a dogged delernina-
lion in pursuing ils inlended largel.
Criminal acrobat {looks scary}
I LX(2O) HeaIlh: 66
A RM(3O)
S TY(6) Karna: 2O
L CD(1O)
R IR(4) Resources: IeelIe
I TY(6)
I CD(1O) IopuIarily: O
EQUIPMENT: The }esler nornaIIy carries
no veapons on his person, aIlhough he is
quile adepl al using a svord in conlal
(see SkiIIs leIov).
SKILLS: The }esler is ly far lhe nosl
laIenled nenler of lhe group (lhals nol
saying nuch, reaIIy), in lhal he has Incred-
ilIe skiII in acrolalics, lunlIing, juggIing,
and fencing.
nept criminal
I CD(1O) HeaIlh: 7O
A CD(1O)
S RM(3O) Karna: 18
L LX(2O)
R TY(6) Resources: IeelIe
I TY(6)
I TY(6) IopuIarily: O
POWERS: lher lhan his exceplionaI
slrenglh, lhe Knaves onIy olher pover is
his arnor, vhich provides Cood proleclion
fron physicaI allacks.
SKILLS: The Knave knovs MarliaI Arls A.
All but useless criminal
HeaIlh: 16
A IR(4)
S IR(4) Karna: 1O
L IR(4)
R IB(2) Resources: IeelIe
I IR(4)
I IR(4) IopuIarily: O
IR(4) I
EQUIPMENT: The Red Queen usuaIIy
carries a hylrid royaI scepler/roIIing pin
lhal can infIicl TypicaI danage, pIus a
check for possilIe Slunning.
SKILLS: Beyond vieIding her scepler in
conlal vilh TypicaI aliIily, lhe Red
Queens onIy laIenl (`) Iies in leIIoving lhe
Cangs lallIe cry, rf viv ils 'ead!
8avage criminal
I IR(4) HeaIlh: 38
A IR(4)
S CD(1O) Karna: 1O
L LX(2O)
R IB(2) Resources: IeelIe
I IR(4)
I IR(4) IopuIarily: O
POWERS: TveedIedope is a savanl, an
individuaI vilh olhervise-Iiniled facuIlies,
lul vilh one uncanny knack. In TveedIe-
dopes case, lhis knack is for invenling
lhings. His Reason vhen invenling is
Anazing. His surroundings heIp delernine
lhe finished producls IeveI of lechnoIogy.
Ior exanpIe, vhen lhe Cang vas hoIed up
in an alandoned luiIding, TveedIedope
look sone vood, slring, hulcaps, and a
fev rals, and conslrucled a funclionaI ral-
povered chariol for hinseIf. n anolher
occasion, he apparenlIy luiIl lhe dinen-
Continued on page 73
does require cerlain hardvare. Hovever, nosl
peopIe vho ovn and operale conpulers aIready
have lhal hardvare. I have found lhal a hard
drive is a nusl for enough nenory lo Ioad
severaI sequences of dravings and lo cul vail-
ing line.
To give you an idea of hov effeclive lhis
nelhod is, lo dale I have aloul five 3 disk-
elles fuII of various dravings. I pIuck oul and
aIler lhe dravings as needed, so lhal pulling
logelher a dungeon is nereIy a case of pIugging
in lhe righl haII or lhe righl roon. I have en-
cIosed ny address al lhe end of lhis Ieller,
anyone vho vishes nore infornalion on lhis
syslen I have devised can drop ne a Iine vilh a
phone nunler encIosed, and III le gIad lo give
a caII and expIain il in furlher delaiI. I vouId
aIso le nore lhan viIIing lo suppIy anyone
inleresled vilh lhe dravings I have crealed.
Hovever, vrilers viII have lo furnish lheir ovn
diskelles, naluraIIy.
R. L. Brovn
4682 Weslpoinl
Dearlorn Heighls MI 48125
TLe MuvveI-PLIIe
Continued from page 49
sionaI porlaI/Iiving leing knovn as Wid-
gel. If TveedIedope has access lo advanced
lechnoIogy, Iook oul~IileraIIy =OJDEC
couId happen!
EQUIPMENT: TveedIedope needs fev
looIs vhen he is invenling, he jusl invenls
any looIs he requires.
5KILL5: Beyond his I=L=J aliIily, lhe
onIy skiII he possesses is an LxceIIenl (2O)
aliIily lo lile in conlal. Treal lhis as an
allenpled hoId on lhe CrappIing coIunn.
If successfuI, lhis allack does LxceIIenl
danage unliI lhe hoId is lroken.
Nov, despile appearances, lhis lunch of
Iosers couId le a vialIe (if slupid) viIIain
lean if Ied ly a inleIIigenl leing. This
group slacks up veII (leIieve il or nol)
againsl a Ione hero or a fev Iover-
povered heroes such as DaredeviI, BIack
Ianlher, or Henry Iyn, The Crazy Cangs
veighl of nunlers and unique (III say)
aliIilies nake lhen an inleresling~and
siIIy if pIayed vilh lhe slyIe lhese five
deserve-addilion lo your canpaign.
If you have any connenls, queslions, or
suggeslions for The MarveI-IhiIe, naiI
lhen lo: The MarveI-IhiIe, c/o DRACN
Magazine, I.. Box 111, Lake Ceneva WI
53147 U.S.A.
Marvel, Marvel Super Heroes, and all Marvel characters,
names, and likenesses are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment
Group, Inc. Copyright 1990 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc.
All rights resewed.

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