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Progress at April 2011

The Tourism Research Advisory Board (Advisory Board) oversees the development of the National
Research Agenda. The Advisory Board is chaired by the Secretary of the Department of Resources
!nergy and Tourism and includes representatives from" Tourism Research Australia (TRA)
Tourism Australia State Tourism #rganisations industry unions and the academia sector.
The Advisory Board is revie$ing demand%side and supply%side research priorities $ith a specific
focus on emerging mar&ets' global competition' labour' and investment. (ro$th in productivity and
innovation is regarded as necessary and the interaction bet$een those issues and the
abovementioned focus $ill be considered accordingly. This is being progressed by Tourism
Research Australia in its capacity as Advisory Board secretariat.
Natio#al Resear% Age#$a
The National Tourism Research Agenda (the Agenda) provides a frame$or& for identifying and
informing both current and future tourism research priorities. The Agenda has been developed as a
frame$or& that supports the policy ob)ectives of the National *ong%Term Tourism Strategy
(Strategy) and its implementation to achieve the +,+, -ndustry .otential (.otential).
The Agenda see&s to build on the issue of understanding tourism industry issues by minimising
research gaps identified in the Strategy and the /ac&son Report and see&s to engage the full
spectrum of tourism%specific and industry%related research participants such as government
industry and academic institutions.
0entral to the Agenda is a pro)ect matri1 (refer Appe#$i& A) 2 a listing of current tourism research.
The draft pro)ect matri1 is currently populated $ith pro)ects managed or underta&en by Strategy
3or&ing (roups and Tourism Research Australia (TRA). Note that it is proposed that the matri1
intends to capture research beyond that $hich is currently under$ay to also include significant
research underta&en by industry and the academic sector. This $ill allo$ for informed decision
ma&ing against &ey research priorities $hilst considering current and emerging research gaps.
The Agenda in particular the development and maintenance of the underlying pro)ect matri1 is
an investment by Australia4s tourism industry in understanding research 2 recent current or
prospective. -mportantly the pro)ect matri1 is an evolving information system on tourism
research providing information on $ho is doing $hat5 3hat 6uestions they see& to ans$er and
$hy5 3ho is driving this research5 7o$ much $ill it cost5 3hen $ill it be delivered5
0urrently the pro)ect matri1 has identified pro)ects by their dominant 8pillar4 but this is a
preliminary categorisation and many research pro)ects listed cut across t$o or more of the four
pillars. By detailing this information a dividend is provided to support policy investment and
planning in a manner not previously available.
0onsistent $ith the Strategy the Agenda is overseen by the Tourism 9inisters4 0ouncil' it includes
all levels of government Strategy 3or&ing (roups state and regional tourism offices industry
associations tertiary institutions and private enterprise (refer Appe#$i& B for the National Tourism
Research Agenda relationship structure). As the secretariat of the Advisory Board responsibilities
for the Advisory Board TRA is responsible for the maintenance of the pro)ect matri1. By
encouraging a dialogue bet$een Advisory Board members and their respective sta&eholders on
research issues and priorities it is e1pected that information $ill filter through to TRA to populate
the pro)ect matri1 to be published on the Advisory Board4s home page
An important ob)ective of the Agenda is to provide a more inclusive and strategic research
A detailed understanding of the research environment $ill assist in minimising research gaps by
directing organisations to 8off the shelf4 research and focusing research on addressing the ob)ectives
set out in the Strategy and +,+, Tourism -ndustry .otential.
-t $ill also allo$ T90 to revie$ the full suite of research available.
Appe#$i& A
Resear% Age#$a Pro'et Matri&( Pro'ets i# progress as at Mar% 2011
This document $as presented to the Tourism Research Advisory Board on :, 9arch +,:: and
revised to reflect amendments to the pro)ects provided by the Digital Distribution 3or&ing
(roup ahead of the AS0#T teleconference on ++ 9arch +,::.
-t provides a summary of the pro)ects in progress at 9arch +,:: by the National *ong%Term
Tourism Strategy 3or&ing (roups and research being underta&en by Tourism Research
Australia (TRA).
Destination 9anagement .lanning 3or&ing (roup (0haired by Tasmania)
Digital Distribution 3or&ing (roup (0haired by Ne$ South 3ales)
-ndigenous Tourism 3or&ing (roup (0haired by the Northern Territory)
-ndustry Resilience 3or&ing (roup (0haired by <ueensland)
-nvestment and Regulatory Reform 3or&ing (roup (0haired by =ictoria)
*abour and S&ills 3or&ing (roup (0haired by South Australia)
Research Advisory Board (0haired by the 0ommon$ealth)
Tourism Access 3or&ing (roup (0haired by the 0ommon$ealth)
Tourism <uality 0ouncil of Australia (0haired by 9r Simon 0urrant -ndependent 0hair)
The research being underta&en by the 3or&ing (roups and TRA have been categorised against
the research pillars identified in the draft National Tourism Research Agenda.
-t should be noted this is a preliminary categorisation and that many research pro)ects $ill cut
across t$o or more of the four pillars.
Natio#al To"ris) Resear% Age#$a Pillar $e*i#itio#s +re*er ,elo- *or .pillar/ !e01
0urrent mar&et dynamics" current economic and competitive mar&et environment facing the
tourism industry.
!merging trends " identify and monitor the li&ely impact of long%term emerging issues that
$ill impact on the tourism industry.
Building productive capacity " sustainable productivity improvements to develop sustainable
capacity and fle1ibility to allo$ industry to 6uic&ly respond to endogenous and e1ogenous
challenges and opportunities.
Dissemination path$ays" develop an understanding of the available mechanisms to
promulgate relevant tourism%related research and analysis to all points of the industry value
Current market
Emerging trends Building productive capacity Dissemination pathways
National Tourism Research Agenda: Research projects
in progress as at March 2011 (project summary sorted by main research pillar)
abour and !"ills #or"ing $roup
Profile of tourism labour market by tourism regions
A national survey to identify current levels of tourism and hospitality employment.
Expected delivery May 2!! " t#c$
Current market dynamics / Emerging trends
%n&estment and Regulatory Re'orm #or"ing $roup
Determine whether tourism investment is disadvantaged by regulatory arrangements
%ill examine whether the tourism industry face disincentives for investment from the regulatory framework& and it if does&
what reforms can #e implemented to address the disincentives'
Delivery May 2!!
Current market dynamics / Building productive capacity
A framework guide to facilitate tourism investment
%ill seek to identify what current investment facilitation is undertaken for tourism in Australia( what models of #est practice
facilitation are availa#le( and how can a framework guide to facilitate investment #e most effectively applied in Australia'
Delivery April 2!!
Current market dynamics / Building productive capacity
Project audits 'or (arossa )alley and $reat *cean Road
)roduct audit for* i$ Barossa +alley( ii$ ,reat -cean .oad.
/inal report 0uly 2!!
Current market dynamics
+estination Management ,lanning #or"ing $roup
Pilot Eperience Development !trategy "ED!#$
1wo pro2ects to consider the #est practice approach of destination management planning across regional and ur#an areas and
integrate the lessons in the development of #est practice principles. 1wo consultants have #een engaged to develop the ED3*
/linders 4sland
Current market dynamics / Building productive capacity
Tourism Access $roup
%apping Australia&s 'ourism Aviation Priorities
i$ 1o use to assist in air service negotiations and identify growth opportunities.
Delivery end6May 5 mid6April
Current market dynamics / Emerging trends
(egional Airports Package project
.eport on the current communication processes and options to improve communication of the Enhanced .egional
package to stakeholders. 4nvestigate the level of understanding of the regional aviation packages and develop ways to
#etter communicate the #enefits o industry.
Delivery end March 5 mid April
Current market dynamics / Dissemination pathways
Cruise data
Evaluation of the economic impact of Australia7s cruise shipping indicators through cruise ship passenger surveys.
Delivery end April
Current market dynamics / Productive capacity building / Dissemination pathways
%ndustry Resilience #or"ing $roup
Economic impacts of project climate change trends on the tourism industry
)rovide a tool to #uild resilience to shocks and improve #usiness strength.
Emerging trends
%ndigenous #or"ing $roup
8il research in 2!6!!
Tourism -uality .ouncil o' Australia
)'A* risk assessment
1echnical enhancements to Australian 1ourism Data %arehouse "A1D%$ to support 8ational 1ourism Accreditation
/ramework "81A/$
-ngoing over two years
Building productive capacity
+igital +istribution #or"ing $roup
Development of a )ational +nline !trategy for 'ourism$
A governance framework and collaboration model for a National Online Strategy for Tourism, incorporating a
Digital Distribution Action Plan for industry to enhance online product marketing and distribution.
Due April 2!!.
A program of resources to improve industrys capability to become more proficient in digital marketing and
Dissemination pathways
'ourism +perators +nline Capabilities Benchmark !urvey$
A survey to test the Australian tourism industry7s level of online presence and capa#ility "which was stated in the 0ackson
.eport and #eing around 9 per cent$& and there#y esta#lish a #enchmark of the current position against which the Digital
Distri#ution %orking ,roup could measure its forward results.
Dissemination pathways
Tourism Research Ad&isory (oard
,-.. 'ourism Directions Conference
1o #ring to together industry& governments and researchers to discuss the outlook for the Australian tourism industry and
progress with implementing the 8ational :ong61erm 1ourism 3trategy.
!9 -cto#er 2!!
Dissemination pathways
,-.. !tate of the /ndustry
1he report provides a detailed analysis of how Australian tourism is currently performing& the challenges it will face& and
how the industry needs to respond.
early -cto#er 2!!
Current market dynamics / Emerging trends / Productive capacity
'ourism Communication Pathways
;nderstand how regional tourism organisations and tourism operators access and use research and strengthen
understanding of the <dissemination= research pillar of the 8ational 1ourism .esearch Agenda /ramework.
April 2!!
Dissemination pathways
%edical tourism scoping study research
1o assess the via#ility of Australia as a tourist destination* i$ stage ! will investigate the potential demand for Australia as a
medical tourism destination( and ii$ stage 2 will estimate the potential economic #enefits of medical tourism in Australia.
1enders under consideration
Emerging trends
Depart)e#t o* Reso"res2 E#erg02 a#$ To"ris) 3 o#siste#t -it% Port*olio B"$get
Tourism Research Australia
1ourism .esearch Australia "1.A$ provides statistics& research and analysis to support industry development& policy
development and marketing for the Australian tourism industry. 1.A7s work program may #e defined #y four core data and
analytical streams*
8ational surveys
Economic and industry analysis
/orecasting and economic modelling
.egional research
National surveys
"management and production national surveys$
o 4nternational +isitor 3urvey "4+3$. Delivery date* >uarterly releases
o 8ational +isitor 3urvey "8+3$* Delivery date* >uarterly releases
o .egional expenditure ".E?$(
o modelling for .egional Expenditure ".E?$(
o 1otal 4n#ound Economic +alue "14E+$(
o 1otal Domestic Economic +alue "1DE+$(
.urrent mar"et dynamics
Economic and industry analysis
"analysis and facilitation of industry research$
Tourism Research Ad&isory (oard 6 supporting the 1ourism .esearch Advisory Board which plays an active role in
managing the 8ational 1ourism .esearch Agenda& #y identifying research gaps and priorities important for the industry and
policy development.
.urrent mar"et dynamics / 0merging trends / (uilding producti&e capacity / +issemination path1ays
%mpact o' a higher Australian dollar on tourism demand 6 4nsights into the impact and importance of exchange rate
movements on demand for Australian tourism industry services. 1his will #e assessed from #oth a volume and value
.urrent mar"et dynamics / 0merging trends
'ourism0s contribution to Australian economy1 .223425 to ,--24.- 4 1ourism not only contri#utes directly "as captured
#y the 13A$ to the Australian ,D)& ,+A and employment #ut its effect go much further in terms of increasing the use
outputs and inputs produced #y non6tourism industries resulting from the consumption of tourism related goods and
services #y visitors. ;nderstanding the total contri#ution of tourism is crucial for the industry& government and the policy
makers. Delivery date* April5May 2!!
.urrent mar"et dynamics
'ourism businesses in Australia @ 1ourism #usinesses are varied in nature and characteristics and are distinct from
other conventional industries. 1.A 2A report indicated that tourism industry is comprised largely "ABC$ of non6employing
and micro and small #usinesses. ;nderstanding of siDe and spread of tourism related #usinesses at a regular interval is
important. Delivery date* May50une 2!!
.urrent mar"et dynamics
(egional tourism employment @ 1ourism industry provides employment to more than half a million of people in Australia.
1he spread and extent of this employment in Australian tourism regions is however unknown. An understanding of the
importance of tourism industry as a provider of employment is important for government and policy makers for making
relevant policies. Delivery date* May50une 2!!
.urrent mar"et dynamics
'ourism investment in Australia @ 4ncreased investment is important for improving productivity and well#eing of the
tourism industry. ;nderstanding the level and pattern of investment is crucial for the long term growth and sustaina#ility of
the tourism industry. Delivery date* March5April 2!!
(uilding producti&e capacity
'ourism Productivity in Australia @ ;nderstanding productivity "i.e. la#our& capital and multifactor productivity as
compared to the market sector of the economy$ is important for the long term sustaina#ility of Australia7s tourism industry.
Delivered date* .eleased 0an 2!!
(uilding producti&e capacity
Forecasting and economic modelling
"management and production of industry forecasts and economic modelling$
Tourism 2orecasting .ommittee
o 3ecretariat
o 3tage 2 of consultation on the proposed changes to the 1/C /orecast pu#lications& after May 2!!
o Development of Forecast 2011: 1.A "1/C$& Issue 1 proposed for release in May 2!!& Forecast Issue 2,
2011 on !9 -cto#er 2!!.
0merging trends / (uilding producti&e capacity
0conomic modelling:
o -versight of the 3tate 1ourism 3atellite Accounts "for years 2E6A and 2A6!$
o -versight of Computa#le ,eneral E>uili#rium "C,E$ modelling pro2ects "2!6!!$*
)assenger Movement Charge
.eturn on 4nvestment
3coping study of tourism employment data
Emerging trends / Building productive capacity
Regional Research
"undertakes tourism research at the local or regional level$
Project outputs through the Destination 6isitor !urvey "D6!# Program 6 a Commonwealth ,overnment funded
program that #egan in 2F6B developed with the #road o#2ective of providing tourism destinations& at the local or
regional level& with tourism research to support their information needs and #usiness decision making.
Current market dynamics
'he Economic /mportance of 'ourism to Australia0s (egions @ Analysis of the economic importance of tourism across
each tourism region in Australia is estimated #y comparing the value of each region7s tourism industry to its local economy.
.egions are ranked #y the relative importance of tourism to their local economies and comparisons are made #etween
tourism industry siDe and importance. 1.A& April 2!!
.urrent mar"et dynamics
(egional 'ourism Profiles @ regional6level data from a range of sources including 1.A7s 4nternational and 8ational
+isitor 3urveys& 1.A7s modelled regional expenditure estimates& 1.A7s estimates for the num#er of tourism #usinesses(
the AB3 3urvey of 1ourist Accommodation& and modelled economic contri#ution data from the 3tate 1ourism 3atellite
Accounts produced #y the 31C.C. 1.A& 0anuary 2!!
Current market dynamics
(egional Ependiture 6 As 1.A7s 4+3 and 8+3 do not collect expenditure data #elow the trip level& 1.A model regional
and state5territory expenditure estimates. 1.A& top line estimates 6 -nce a >uarter with the 4+3 and 8+3 pu#lications&
Comprehensive estimates* End of 2!5!!
Current market dynamics
Appe#$i& B
Natio#al To"ris) Resear% Age#$a( str"t"re a#$ resear% pillars
i. Cnderstand the current economic and competitive mar&et environment facing the tourism
industry through research in areas such as productivity the labour mar&et investment and
regulation innovation consumer preferences competitor analysis 6uality assurance and
distribution systems.
ii. Through research in demographic trends climate change and geo%political changes identify
and monitor the li&ely impact of long% term emerging issues that $ill impact on the tourism
iii. Research in areas such as industry productivity to enable sustainable capacity increases and
fle1ibility. This $ill include e1amining ho$ current mar&et dynamics and emerging trends
affect the tourism industry4s responses to challenges.
iv. Develop an understanding of the available mechanisms to promulgate relevant tourism related
research and analysis to all points of the industry value chain.
Two-way flow of information from Advisory Board member and respective stakeholder
Tourism Ministers Council (TMC)
"ational #on$-Term Tourism trate$y
%orkin$ &roups
'('( )ndustry *otential
"ational Tourism +esearch A$enda
Current market
Tourism +esearch Advisory Board
(+esearch %orkin$ &roup of the trate$y
reportin$ to AC!T , TMC)
T+A , &overnment , )ndustry , Academia , T-C
.mer$in$ trends
Capacity buildin$
C.! -orum
(tate and

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