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We are exclLed Lo sLarL a new and promlslng parLnershlp wlLh Lhe CuC ln 8aan nam khem.
volunLeers wlll lead Lngllsh classes, summer camps and sporLs acLlvlLles aL Lhe cenLre, ln llne
wlLh our long-Lerm ob[ecLlve Lo lmprove access Lo educaLlon and Lngllsh language apLlLude
ln Lhe area. 8y Leachlng formal classes, volunLeers wlll lncrease Lhe level of Lngllsh ablllLy
and lmprove fuLure prospecLs for Lhe chlldren. 1hls parLnershlp wlll enable us Lo exLend our
lmpacL Lo underprlvlleged chlldren ln Lhe area, for boLh 1hal, 8urmese and Moken (sea
gypsy communlLy) chlldren.

SeL up afLer Lhe 2004 Lsunaml, Lhe CommunlLy uevelopmenL CenLre provldes a safe
envlronmenL for up Lo 30 chlldren ln Lhe 8an Muang ulsLrlcL. 1he CenLre provldes free meals
for Lhe chlldren of poor famllles, full day school Lo allow Lhe underprlvlleged chlldren ln Lhe
area access Lo educaLlon, supplemenL Lhe educaLlon of Lhe 1hal sLudenLs, afLer-school chlld
care, Lngllsh lessons, baslc compuLer knowledge, and oLher skllls developmenL relaLed

SLaff aL Lhe cenLre alm Lo provlde Lhe chlldren wlLh Lhe besL educaLlon Lhey can and Lhe
opporLunlLy for a prosperous fuLure. lor more Lhan a year, Lwo hard worklng volunLeers
LaughL Lngllsh Lo Lhe chlldren aL Lhe cenLre. Pavlng recenLly reLurned home, Lhls gave Cvl
Lhe opporLunlLy Lo offer our supporL and sLarL worklng ln close parLnershlp wlLh Lhe cenLre
Lo Lake over Lhe provlslon of Lngllsh classes. 1here ls huge poLenLlal for our parLnershlp Lo
develop and for our supporL Lo exLend Lo lnclude marlne cosLal conservaLlon and healLhcare
acLlvlLles, as well as poLenLlally provldlng educaLlonal supporL for adulLs ln Lhe communlLy.
We are very exclLed abouL fuLure prospecLs of Lhls parLnershlp.


Cvl volunLeers sLarLed Leachlng aL Lhe CuC ln March 2014, whlch was an exclLlng Llme boLh
for Lhe chlldren and Lhe volunLeers. So far, volunLeers Leach 23 hours of Lngllsh classes aL
Lhe cenLre every week. We are focuslng on four groups: Crade 3, whlch as 18 young and
energeLlc sLudenLs, Crade 4 wlLh 8 sLudenLs, Crade 3 whlch so far has 3 brllllanL buL shy
sLudenLs, and a flnal class whlch comblnes Lwo sLudenLs from Crade 6 and 3 very smarL and
LalenLed glrls from Crade 9. SLudenLs are placed ln Lhe grades accordlng Lo Lhelr skllls and
ablllLles. 1hey are LaughL very pracLlcal aspecLs of Lngllsh whlch Lhey can laLer use ln Lhe
fuLure e.g. abouL hosplLallLy and Lourlsm. As we're nearlng Lhe end of Lhe 1hal school year,
our classes have malnly focused on preparlng sLudenLs for Lhelr end of year examlnaLlons.
volunLeers wlll lead and mark Lhe exams ln Lhe comlng weeks. When Lhe new school year
sLarLs ln May, Cvl alm Lo Lake over full Leachlng responslblllLles aL Lhe cenLre.

1eachlng chlldren aL Lhe CuC ls greaL opporLunlLy for volunLeers Lo galn more Leachlng
experlence, spend more Llme wlLh Lhe chlldren and geL Lo know Lhem beLLer. lor chlldren
lL's a greaL way Lo learn ln a fun and funcLlonal envlronmenL. lL ls Loo early yeL Lo noLlce
any lmprovemenL from Lhose lessons ln chlldren's level of Lngllsh. Cver Lhe comlng monLhs,
we wlll conLlnually monlLor and assess Lhe sLudenLs Lo ensure we are Leachlng effecLlvely
and LhaL Lhe sLudenLs level of Lngllsh ls lmprovlng. ln Lhe long Lerm, we alm Lo lncrease Lhe
fuLure prospecLs of Lhe chlldren boLh ln Lerms of educaLlon and employmenL.

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$(5 &16 D3%& +&#4 #(F14 +#$%&'() +&#D;C- MarLyna Skura - CommunlLy ro[ecLs
Cvl conLlnues Lo work Lowards lLs long-Lerm ob[ecLlves Lo supporL Lngllsh educaLlon ln Lhe
hang nga area, ln llne wlLh Lhe un Mlllennlum uevelopmenL Coal Lo supporL unlversal
prlmary educaLlon. lf you would llke Lo read more abouL Lhls pro[ecL and slgn up Lo
volunLeer, please vlslL our webslLe, llke our facebook page and follow us on LwlLLer for Lhe
laLesL lnformaLlon sLralghL from Lhe fleld.

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