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Orientation 2013 2014
Student Name: Form:
VCE Software Development Units 3 & 4 204
Everybody in this country should
learn how to program a computer
because it teaches you how to
Steve Jobs, the Lost nterview
Learning to write programs
stretches your mind, and helps you
think better, creates a way o!
thinking about things that think is
help!ul in all domains.
"ill #ates
$hairman, %icroso!t
Learning to code is use!ul no
matter what your career ambitions
&rianna 'u!!ington
(ounder, )he 'u!!ington *ost
+ids who understand code are at the
highest level o! literacy in the ,1st
century. )his will give all kids the tools to
move !rom consumers to creators,
enabling them !or huge success.
-igital Li!estyle E.pert / )0 'ost, 1"$,
$112'L1, 1*3
%ario &rmstrong
Adhere to BHS V! Attendance po"ic# ma#imum 4 non
V! Appro$ed a%sences per se&ester.
'hen a%sent see #our teacher a%out the (or) &issed and
catch up ASA*.
S!C $S"%ool !ssessed Coursewor&' (as&s ) *0+ of stud, s"ore
Four SA tas)s +2 per unit,.
-repare -or SA tas)s thorough"# %# doing a"" c"ass (or) and practice
.no( the wei.%tin. o- SA tas)s.
!ttend a"" SA c"asses +un"ess #ou need a V! appro$ed a%sence,.
/i$e prior warnin. (hen #ou )no( #ou (i"" %e a%sent -or a SA e.g.
e0cursion1 so &a)e2up SA ti&e can %e arranged.
*a# c"ose attention to assessment "riteria and &ar)s a""ocated.
/alan"e SA ti&e (ise"#.
-la.iarism is not a""epta0le. 3o ,our own (or) in c"ass so that it can
%e authenticated. Students caught p"agiarising can %e gi$en an N -or the
outco&e 4 5 -or unit.
E#am ) ot%er *0+ of stud, s"ore
End of ,ear e#am inc"udes content -ro& 0ot% 6nits 3 and 4.
o&p"ete all pra"ti"e1past e#ams.
.eep summar, s%eets2 mind maps and a .lossar,
t%rou.%out t%e ,ear to use -or end o- #ear e0a& re$ision.
3or& %a0its for a su""essful ,ear
Be pun"tual and e4uipped for "lass: te0t%oo)1 -o"der1 handouts1 diar#1
Be attentive in c"ass.
6se c"ass ti&e effe"tivel,.
No ga&es or (e% %ro(sing.
Be an a"tive "earner e.g. note ta)ing (ithout %eing
as)ed1 getting in$o"$ed in discussion1 pro%"e&
o&p"ete all wee&l, %omewor& set #ourse"- a ho&e(or) schedu"e.
See) e#tra %elp outside of "lass as needed.
File mana.ement
.eep -i"es organi7ed in "ogica" folders 88
5a&e -i"es meanin.full, and as instru"ted.
/a"& up -i"es regu"ar"#.
5eep all files unti" the end of t%e ,ear.
46nit 7
48utcome 1
4*rac S&$
48utcome ,
4*rac S&$
9e0t %oo) +So-t(are 3e$e"op&ent ore 9echniques and *rincip"es %#
5e(spaper technica" artic"es e.g. 9he /reen /uide
;9 9eachers and other students
- O--icia" Stud# 3esign1 past papers
- <ar) .e""#=s "ecture notes/s"idesho(s http://(((.$
- On"ine enc#c"opedia o- technica" ter&s http://((.(
- Ho( stu-- (or)s http://(((.ho(stu--(or)
Be cautious using resources -ro& %e-ore 2011 as the course has changed.
; (ish #ou a"" the %est (ith #our studies in So-t(are 3e$e"op&ent>
?.!1 2013
6nit 3: So-t(are 3e$e"op&ent
6nit 3 -ocuses on progra&&ing as a strateg# -or so"$ing pro%"e&s -or speci-ic
users in a net(or)ed en$iron&ent. Students de$e"op )no("edge and s)i""s in
the use o- a progra&&ing "anguage. 'hen progra&&ing in 6nit 31 students
are e0pected to ha$e an o$er$ie( o- the pro%"e&2so"$ing &ethodo"og# and a
detai"ed understanding o- the stages o- ana"#sis1 design and de$e"op&ent.
!rea of stud, : !nal,sin. information pro0lems
Area o- Stud# 1 -ocuses on the ana"#sis stage o- the pro%"e&2so"$ing
&ethodo"og#. 9#pica""#1 as a precursor to the ana"#sis stage1 pro@ect p"ans
are created and students e0a&ine the )e# tas)s associated (ith pro@ect
p"anning +students are not required to use pro@ect &anage&ent so-t(are,.
'hen ana"#sing1 students deter&ine the require&ents1 the constraints and
the scope o- the so"utions. 9he net(or)ed en$iron&ent and securit# are )e#
considerations (hen deter&ining the require&ents o- so"utions. As a &eans
o- understanding the net(or)ed en$iron&ent1 students e0a&ine the Open
S#ste&s ;nterconnections +OS;, &ode"1 (ith an e&phasis on ?a#er 1.
Students docu&ent the -indings o- the ana"#sis in the -or& o- so-t(are
require&ents speci-ications +SBS,.
On co&p"etion o- this unit the student shou"d %e a%"e to ana"#se an
in-or&ation pro%"e& in order to produce so-t(are require&ents speci-ications
-or a so"ution that operates (ithin a net(or)ed en$iron&ent.
!rea of stud, 2: Desi.n and development
;n this area o- stud# students de$e"op )no("edge and s)i""s re"ated to the
design and de$e"op&ent stages o- the pro%"e&2so"$ing &ethodo"og#. 'hen
designing1 students de$e"op )no("edge and s)i""s in descri%ing data t#pes and
data structures. 9he# e0press so-t(are designs using data dictionaries and
data structure diagra&s1 o%@ect descriptions and pseudo2code. ;n addition1
students propose criteria to e$a"uate the e--icienc# and e--ecti$eness o- the
so"utions the# de$e"op1 %ased on their designs.
9he de$e"op&ent stage in$o"$es trans-or&ing design speci-ications into
so"utions %# underta)ing the pro%"e&2so"$ing acti$ities o- coding1 testing and
docu&enting. Students de$e"op )no("edge and s)i""s in the use o- an
appro$ed progra&&ing "anguage1 (hich is used to de$e"op protot#pe
so"utions to s&a"" in-or&ation pro%"e&s. 9he so"utions can -ocus on "i&ited
-eatures o- the progra&&ing "anguage. 9he -ocus o- a protot#pe so"ution
a""o(s testing the "ogic o- processes in readiness -or a "arger so-t(are pro@ect.
Students do not ha$e to design and de$e"op a co&p"ete so-t(are so"ution1 as
the -ocus in this area o- stud# is on progra& "ogic. 9here is no e&phasis on
user inter-ace design or $a"idation in this area o- stud#. 9esting techniques
are app"ied to ensure so"utions operate as intended and students de$e"op
)no("edge and s)i""s in (riting interna" docu&entation into their code.
Students de$e"op so"utions in response to gi$en so-t(are require&ents
speci-ications and do not ha$e to underta)e the ana"#sis stage.
7ut"ome 2
On co&p"etion o- this unit the student shou"d %e a%"e to represent a so-t(are
design and app"# a range o- -unctions and techniques using a progra&&ing
"anguage to de$e"op a protot#pe so"ution to &eet a speci-ic need.
6nit 4: So-t(are de$e"op&ent
9his unit -ocuses on ho( the in-or&ation needs o- indi$idua"s1 organisations
and societ# are and can %e &et through the creation o- purpose2designed
so"utions in a net(or)ed en$iron&ent. Students continue to stud# the
progra&&ing "anguage se"ected in 6nit 3. ;n this unit students are required to
engage in the design1 de$e"op&ent and e$a"uation stages o- the pro%"e&2
so"$ing &ethodo"og#.
!rea of stud, : -urpose8desi.ned solutions
Area o- Stud# 1 -ocuses on the design and de$e"op&ent stages o- the
pro%"e&2so"$ing &ethodo"og# (hen so"$ing pro%"e&s suita%"e -or use (ith
&o%i"e de$ices.
;n this area o- stud# students app"# a range o- too"s and techniques to
produce purpose2designed so"utions suita%"e -or use on &o%i"e co&puting
de$ices. Suita%"e &o%i"e de$ices inc"ude persona" digita" assistants +*3As,1
&o%i"e phones1 "aptops and ga&ing conso"es. Students do not need to %e
a%"e to ph#sica""# i&p"e&ent the so"ution on a &o%i"e de$iceC ho(e$er1 the#
&ust %e a%"e to test the -unctions o- the so-t(are in a con$enient en$iron&ent
in order to de&onstrate that the so"ution require&ents ha$e %een &et. 'ithin
this area o- stud# students so"$e pro%"e&s %# app"#ing the design and
de$e"op&ent stages o- the pro%"e&2so"$ing &ethodo"og#C (ith greater
e&phasis gi$en to de$e"op&ent. Students e0pand their range o-
progra&&ing s)i""s and de$e"op )no("edge and s)i""s re"ated to -i"e
&anage&ent in order to i&pro$e processing e--icienc#. As part o- this stage1
students de$e"op )no("edge and s)i""s in preparing user docu&entation using
appropriate so-t(are1 and consider strategies -or pre$enting securit# $io"ations
o- stored and co&&unicated in-or&ation. Students e0a&ine their "ega"
o%"igations as progra&&ers.
On co&p"etion o- this unit the student shou"d %e a%"e to app"# stages o- the
pro%"e&2so"$ing &ethodo"og# to produce a so"ution -or use on a &o%i"e
de$ice1 (hich ta)es into account technica" and "ega" require&ents.
!rea of Stud, 2: Evaluatin. purpose8desi.ned
;n this area o- stud# students -ocus on the -ina" stage o- the pro%"e&2so"$ing
&ethodo"og#1 e$a"uation1 (hich entai"s -or&u"ating strategies -or &easuring
%oth the qua"it# o- so"utions and the net(or)ed en$iron&ents (ithin (hich
the# operate. !$a"uation o- so"utions t#pica""# ta)es p"ace a-ter the so"utions
ha$e %een operating -or a short ti&e. 9his e$a"uation in$o"$es app"#ing
criteria to &easure the e--icienc# and e--ecti$eness o- so"utions1 and
deter&ining the techniques -or acquiring the e$a"uation data. !$a"uation o-
net(or)ed en$iron&ents in$o"$es se"ecting criteria and techniques -or
&easuring "e$e"s o- securit# and user acceptance1 the suita%i"it# o- training
and s#ste& support docu&entation -or users1 the i&pact o- con-"icts %et(een
sta)eho"ders and the suita%i"it# o- actions -or reso"$ing ethica" di"e&&as.
7ut"ome 2
On co&p"etion o- this unit the student shou"d %e a%"e to reco&&end and
@usti-# strategies -or e$a"uating the e--ecti$eness and e--icienc# o- so"utions
that operate in a net(or)ed en$iron&ent.
*0 "%ara"teristi"s of a .reat software developer
9 -assionateC "o$es co&puters and progra&&ing1 ta)es an interest and
thin)s a%out things e$en outside (or)ing hours.
29 CuriousC (ants to understand ne( things1 researches un-a&i"iar ter&s.
39 :um0leC recogni7es that other peop"e are s&art and ha$e great ideas and
)no("edge1 respects re"ationships &ore than techno"og#.
49 CreativeC sees (a#s to do things that others don=t see1 co&es up (ith
%etter (a#s o- doing things1 goes %e#ond.
*9 Friendl,C eas# to get a"ong (ith1 does not sa%otage or %ring do(n tea&
;9 Fast learnerC can quic)"# research1 understand and use un-a&i"iar so-t(are
techno"ogies1 too"s and "anguages.
<9 Fo"usC (or)s to(ards co&p"etion o- tas)s (ith &ini&a" distraction1 a$oids
ta)ing tangents.
=9 Compre%ensionC can &a)e sense o- so-t(are require&ents and
understand (hat it is that needs to %e %ui"t1 a%"e to grasp the D&enta" &ode"E
o- the interna" structure o- a so-t(are app"ication.
>9 ?o.i" s&illsC a%i"it# to de$ise "ogica" so"utions -or progra&&ing pro%"e&s.
09 -ra.mati"C a%"e to &a)e a $a"ue @udge&ent a%out (hat is rea""#
i&portant1 $a"ues practica" outco&es and getting the @o% done1 a$oids go"d
9 Not do.mati"C (i""ing to change their &ind and see things -ro& the
perspecti$e o- so&eone e"se1 $a"ues the inte""ect o- others. 5ot a @er).
29 3or&man li&eC (i""ing to do the drudge (or) as (e"" as the e0citing (or).
39 (%orou.%C puts in the 10F &ore needed to do a great @o% rather than an
adequate @o%.
49 @ntelle"tC a%"e to grasp $er# co&p"e0 co&puting concepts1 a%"e to de$e"op
$er# sophisticated code1 a%"e to do Dthe hard stu--E.
*9 Ener.,C producti$e1 &oti$ated1 strong (or) ethic1 gets a "ot o- (or) done
in the a$ai"a%"e (or)ing ti&e.
;9 -ra"ti"esC (rites "ots o- code1 especia""# in the ear"# #ears.
<9 -ersisten"eC stic)s at it1 ta)es the ti&e needed to get so&ething done or
to "earn so&ething ne(.
=9 Fle#i0leC adapta%"e1 happ# to ta)e ne( directions1 happ# to (or) (ith ne(
techno"ogies1 happ# to tr# ne( things1 happ# to change priorities.
>9 (%irst for &nowled.eC acti$e"# se"- educates1 reads and researches1
(i""ing to "earn -ro& others1 a"(a#s %e"ie$es there is a"(a#s &uch &ore to
209 E#pert &nowled.eC has super% )no("edge o-1 and has thorough"#
researched the pri&ar# progra&&ing "anguages +t#pica""# 3 or -e(er,1 o%@ect
&ode"s and -ra&e(or)s that the# do &ost o- their da# to da# progra&&ing
29 Deep &nowled.eC has an in2depth understanding and e0perience in so&e
s&a"" nu&%er +t#pica""# -e(er than 10, progra&&ing "anguages and re"ated
229 /road &nowled.eC has passing -a&i"iarit# (ith a $er# (ide range o-
progra&&ing "anguages and re"ated co&puter techno"ogies.
239 !0ilit, to writeC can string (ords together to co&&unicate. "ient e&ai"s1
co2(or)er e&ai"s1 docu&entation1 e&ai"s1 proposa"s1 %"og posts1 t(eets.
249 5nowled.e of "omputer s"ien"e fundamentalsC o%@ect oriented
progra&&ing1 design patterns1 a"gorith&s and data structures1 ho(
co&puters (or) at a "o( "e$e"1 hard(are1 operating s#ste&s1 net(or)ing1
data%ases G &uch &ore stu--.
2*9 Ver0al "ommuni"ationC a%"e to e0p"ain their o(n thought process1 can
e0p"ain co&p"e0 concepts1 can participate in discussions (ith tea& &e&%ers1
can co&&unicate (ith custo&ers/users and other non technica" peop"e.
2;9 User orientedC can e&pathise (ith users1 understands (here the users
are co&ing -ro& and (hat is &ost i&portant to the&.
2<9 Software desi.n and ar"%ite"tureC can design c"ass structures1 can
design A*;=s1 can design su%s#ste&s (ithin an app"ication1 or can design
entire app"ication architectures.
2=9 Aualit, orientedC understands so-t(are testing1 (rites tests -or their code
(here appropriate1 understands the concept o- test dri$en de$e"op&ent1
&eets organisationa" e0pectations -or testing G qua"it#1 -ee"s satis-ied %# a @o%
(e"" done.
2>9 /alan"es "odin. prioritiesC )no(s (hen code shou"d %e (ritten pri&ari"#
-or ro%ustness1 &aintaina%i"it#1 reusa%i"it#1 speed o- de$e"op&ent1 e0ecution
per-or&ance1 sca"a%i"it#1 securit#1 po"ish1 presentation1 usa%i"it# or so&e other
309 -ro0lem solvin.C )no(s ho( to attac) a pro%"e& and has the tenacit# to
so"$e e$en $er# hard pro%"e&s1 uses appropriate de%ugging too"s.
39 Development toolsC understands their de$e"op&ent too"s1 co&pi"er/;3!
and )no(s ho( to get the &ost out o- the&.
329 See&s simpli"it,C understands the danger in co&p"e0it#1 pre-ers si&p"e
339 @nterested in t%e fieldC .no("edge o- the industr#1 trends1 directions1
349 !voids re8inventin. t%e w%eelC a%"e to "oo) at a pro%"e&1 ana"#se it1
(or) out (hat c"ass o- pro%"e&s it co&es -ro&1 can -ind patterns1 "i%raries1
a"gorith&s1 data structures or other pre2e0isting so"utions that &ight -it the
pro%"e& (e"" and reduce the need to (rite code.
3*9 :onestC can ad&it &ista)es1 una-raid to ad&it the# don=t )no( so&ething.
3;9 Detail orientedC pa#s c"ose attention. A$oids &issing things1 not s"opp# or
3<9 Understands t%e life","le of software developmentC the ro"es p"a#ed
%# de$e"opers and other peop"e in that process.
3=9 own wor&loadC a%"e to prioritise their o(n tas)s1 (i""ing to
adapt to change.
3>9 Cares a0out maintaina0ilit,.
409 Uses sour"e "ontrol.
49 !ppre"iates peer reviewC does not -ee" threatened or insu"ted %# peer
429 Cro&sC is a%"e to read source code and "earn (hat it is doing.
439 Understands performan"eC a%"e to opti&ise and (rite -ast code (hen
appropriate1 )no(s ho( to a$oid co&&on per-or&ance pro%"e&s.
449 3rites "lean "odeC reada%"e1 (e"" -or&atted1 appropriate"# co&&ented
4*9 Understands re4uirements spe"ifi"ationsC a%"e to &a)e sense o-
so-t(are require&ents1 )no(s ho( to reso"$e questions and a&%iguities1
understands the re"ationship %et(een require&ents and testing.
4;9 Follows "odin. standardsC (here there is such an e0pectation.
4<9 3ants to 0e wor&in. on t%is proDe"t2 at t%is "ompan,C a progra&&er
is un"i)e"# to do a great @o% i- the# are (or)ing on a pro@ect the# don=t en@o#1 or
(or)ing at a co&pan# the# don=t "i)e.
4=9 Stron. resear"% s&illsC good at -erreting out in-or&ation: digging through
docu&entation1 searching the (e%1 reading re-erence guides1 re"ease notes1
discussion -oru&s1 &ai"ing "ists. .no(s ho( to -ind ans(ers.
4>9 (%is slot reserved for su..estions 8 an,t%in. @Eve missedF
*09 Coto 4>.
-67/?EB S7?V@NC BE(:7D7?7CG
A s#ste&atic (a# o- so"$ing in-or&ation pro%"e&s. 9his &ethodo"og# is used
throughout this stud#.
Source: VAA Stud# 3esign
Analysis involves:
I Determinin. t%e solution re4uirements. 'hat in-or&ation does the
so"ution ha$e to pro$ideJ 'hat data is needed to produce the in-or&ationJ
'hat -unctions does the so"ution ha$e to pro$ideJ 9hese require&ents can %e
c"assi-ied as %eing -unctiona"1 na&e"# (hat the so"ution is required to do1 and
non2-unctiona"1 (hich descri%es the attri%utes the so"ution shou"d possess1
such as user-riend"iness1 re"ia%i"it#1 porta%i"it#1 ro%ustness1 &aintaina%i"it#.
9oo"s to assist in deter&ining the so"ution require&ents inc"ude conte0t
diagra&s1 data -"o( diagra&s and use cases.
I @dentif,in. t%e "onstraints on t%e solution. 'hat conditions need to %e
considered (hen designing a so"utionJ 9#pica" constraints inc"ude cost1
speed o- processing1 require&ents o- users1 "ega" require&ents1 securit#1
co&pati%i"it#1 "e$e" o- e0pertise1 capacit#1 a$ai"a%i"it# o- equip&ent.
I Determinin. t%e s"ope of t%e solution. 'hat can the so"ution doJ 'hat
can=t the so"ution doJ 'hat are the %ene-its o- the so"ution to the userJ 9he
scope states the %oundaries or para&eters o- the so"ution. Bene-its can %e
stated in ter&s o- their e--icienc# and e--ecti$eness. Ana"#sis t#pica""#
ans(ers the K(hat questions= (hat (i"" so"$e a pro%"e&1 gi$en particu"ar
circu&stancesJ 'hat %ene-its (i"" the so"ution %ring to the userJ
Design involves:
I -lannin. %ow t%e solution will fun"tion2 and t%e appearan"e of t%e
resultin. information. 9he so"ution design t#pica""# in$o"$es identi-#ing (hat
speci-ic data is required and ho( the data (i"" %e na&ed1 structured1 $a"idated
and &anipu"ated. 9#pica" design too"s -or this purpose inc"ude data
dictionaries and data structure diagra&s1 input2process2output +;*O, charts1
-"o(charts1 pseudocode1 o%@ect descriptions. So"ution design a"so in$o"$es1
(here appropriate1 sho(ing ho( the $arious co&ponents o- a so"ution re"ate
to one another1 -or e0a&p"e (e% pages1 st#"e sheets1 scriptsC queries1 -or&s1
reportsC &odu"es1 procedures1 -unctions. 9#pica" design too"s used to sho(
re"ationships inc"ude stor#%oards1 site &aps1 entit#2re"ationship diagra&s1
data -"o( diagra&s1 structure charts1 hierarch# charts1 conte0t diagra&s1 use
cases. *"anning the so"ution a"so in$o"$es deter&ining the appearance o-
in-or&ation generated -ro& a so"ution. 9his t#pica""# in$o"$es identi-#ing the
position o- te0t1 i&ages and graphics1 -ont si7es1 co"ours and te0t
enhance&ents. 3esign too"s used -or this purpose inc"ude "a#out diagra&s1
annotated diagra&s/&oc)s up.
I Determinin. t%e evaluation "riteria. 'hat &easures (i"" %e used to @udge
(hether or not the so"ution require&ents ha$e %een &etJ 9hese criteria
shou"d re"ate to the so"ution require&ents identi-ied in the ana"#sis stage.
Development involves:
I !"ectronica""# manipulatin. +or coding, data to K%ui"d= or create the so"ution
-o""o(ing initia" designs. 'here appropriate1 interna" docu&entation is a"so
(ritten1 (hich docu&ents the -unctioning o- the so"ution.
I Validation to chec) -or the reasona%"eness o- data %eing input. Va"idation
can %e %oth &anua" and e"ectronic. *roo-reading is a &anua" technique and it
occurs (hen data is entered direct"# into the so"ution and re&ains -i0ed1 such
as in a (e% page. 'hen the $a"idation process has %een %ui"t into the so"ution
+e"ectronic technique,1 then its e--ecti$eness is deter&ined through the testing
I (estin. (hether the so"ution does (hat it (as intended to do. 9his acti$it#
t#pica""# in$o"$es:
L esta%"ishing (hat tests (i"" %e conducted
L deter&ining (hat test data1 i- an#1 (i"" %e used
L deter&ining e0pected resu"ts
L conducting the test
L recording the actua" resu"ts
L correcting an# identi-ied errors.
I 3ritin. do"umentation to support the use o- the so"ution.
Evaluation involves:
I 3eter&ining a strate., -or -inding out the e0tent to (hich the so"ution &eets
the required needs. 9#pica""# this (ou"d inc"ude speci-#ing a ti&e"ine1 out"ining
(hat data (i"" %e co""ected and %# (hat &ethods and techniques1 and ho( the
data re"ates to the criteria1 (hich (ere de$e"oped in the designing stage.
I 6eportin. on the e0tent to (hich the so"ution &eets the require&ents o- the
user. ;t usua""# ta)es p"ace a-ter the so"ution has %een used %# the user/c"ient
and is %ased on the criteria de$e"oped in the designing stage.
(as& Complete
;ntroductions to course
VAA /"ossar#
haracteristics o- a great S3
oding acti$ities
hapter 1 questions +ho"ida#s,

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