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ECE 4501 Power Systems Laboratory Manual Rev 1.

Simulator 13.0
To use and understand a powerflow smulaton and !an understandn! of t"e
mpa#t of varous power system #omponents$ su#" as !enerators$ transmsson
lnes$ transformers and s"unts$ on system volta!e levels.
% power system s des!ned and operated to mantan #ertan mnmum
re&urements of relablty and safety. Su#" re&urements n#lude mantann!
system volta!e levels su#" t"at t"e steady state volta!e at any pont on t"e
system les wt"n '() 5* of ts nomnal value. +n ot"er words$ f t"e nomnal
volta!e on t"e "!" volta!e sde of a power transformer were 100 ,-$
a##eptable volta!e would ran!e from .5 ,- to 105 ,-. T"e system s
des!ned to mantan t"at ran!e even f a pe#e of e&upment$ su#" as a
transmsson lne$ s ta,en out of serv#e. T"e loss of one pe#e of e&upment
s #alled a sn!le #ontn!en#y or /ust a #ontn!en#y. -olta!e values as low as
.0* of nomnal may be a##eptable under emer!en#y #ondtons w"ere t"e
loss of multple pe#es of e&upment "as wea,ened t"e system beyond ts
des!n #onstrants.
%not"er re&urement s operatn! t"e system n a manner t"at wll avod t"e
overloadn! of any transmsson lne for an e0tended perod of tme 110
mnutes or more2. Transmsson lnes are rated n me!avolt)amperes of
#apa#ty. T"e ratn!s are based on t"e ma0mum #ondu#tor temperature at
w"#" t"e lne s des!ned to operate. Condu#tor temperatures are a fun#ton
of t"e t"ermal "eatn! e0peren#ed by t"e lne3s #ondu#tors w"en #arryn!
ele#tr# load. Sn#e t"e #ondu#tors "ave s!nf#ant t"ermal mass$ t"ere s a
tme delay between a sudden #"an!e n t"ermal "eatn! 1su#" as from an
over#urrent on t"e #ondu#tors2 and t"e subse&uent rse n temperature. T"s
wndow of tme allows t"e operators of a power system to ma,e #"an!es to
t"e !rd n order to releve t"e problem. %s a !eneral !udelne$ a transmsson
lne #an wt"stand a 115* overload for 10 mnutes wt"out e0#eedn! des!n
T"s laboratory e0er#se s des!ned to use t"e PowerWorld Simulator 13.0 to
demonstrate met"ods for relevn! transmsson overloads$ re!ulatn! system
volta!e and #ondu#tn! power transa#tons between nter#onne#ted systems.
Pa!e 1
ECE 4501 Power Systems Laboratory Manual Rev 1.1
Power system smulators are mat"emat#al models of t"e ele#tr# system.
T"ey use an teratve met"od to smultaneously solve a lar!e matr0 of
#omple0 numbers$ w"#" numer#ally represent t"e power system for a set of
ntal #ondtons. T"ey are often a##ompaned by a !rap"#al nterfa#e w"#"
allow t"e user to 4see3 t"e numer#al results t"ey produ#e.
Power5orld Smulator$ -erson 16.0
Saved Case 4501)11.pwb
Personal Computer
Saved Case 4501-11 #ontans an nter#onne#ted power system wt" t"ree
ndependent areas 1#onsder t"em to be t"ree dfferent ele#tr# utltes2. T"e
t"ree areas #ontan buses 1substatons2$ unts 1!enerators2 and lnes
1transmsson lnes2. %ll t"ree areas also #ontan loads 1a load represents t"e
ele#tr# power delvered to #ustomers from a !ven substaton2 at varous
buses. Transmsson lnes t"at run from one area to anot"er are #alled te lnes
or /ust tes.
%rea 17 8uses7 101$ 109$ 106$ 104
:enerators7 ;<E
Te Lnes7 9 wt" %rea 9$ 1 wt" %rea 6
%rea 97 8uses7 901$ 909$ 906
:enerators7 ;<E
Te lnes7 9 wt" %rea 1$ 9 wt" %rea 6
%rea 67 8uses7 601$ 609$ 606
:enerators7 T5;
Te Lnes7 1 wt" %rea 1$ 9 wt" %rea 9
8us 609 s t"e =swn! !enerator> or =sla#, bus> for t"e entre system.
?Smulators need one bus 1wt" a !enerator2 at w"#" t"e error of ea#"
teraton n a soluton #an be added to ma,e t"e e&uatons balan#e@
1. Start Power5orld and open #ase 4501-11.p!.
9. Asn! t"e mouse$ click on C"#$ I%&'()"*+'% from t"e top menu bar
and t"en sele#t A($"#. %s stated prevously$ t"s #ase #onssts of t"ree
Pa!e 9
ECE 4501 Power Systems Laboratory Manual Rev 1.1
areas$ ea#" representn! a separate ele#tr# utlty. Atltes routnely
buy and sell power to ea#" ot"er as e#onom#s and unforeseen
#r#umstan#es d#tate. T"e transfer of power from one utlty to all
ot"er utltes wt" w"#" t s nter#onne#ted s #alled ts net
interchange. T"e utlty also ,eeps tra#, of "ow mu#" power t s
!eneratn! and "ow mu#" power t s selln! to #ustomers 1load2.
Bnown! t"ese t"ree values$ !eneraton$ load and net nter#"an!e$ t"e
utlty #an ma,e t"e follown! #al#ulaton7 Losses C :eneraton D
Load D <et +nter#"an!e. Losses represent anyt"n! n t"e system t"at
#onsumes real power but #an3t be blled for t. :eneraton statons
#onsume lar!e amounts of real power 1#alled staton serv#e2$
transmsson lnes and transformers lose power n t"e form of "eat
ener!y 1+
R losses2$ et#. %s mpled$ t"e #al#ulaton of losses nvolves
only real power 1Me!a5atts2$ yet t"e system wll not operate wt"out
t"e proper flow of rea#tve power 1Me!a-ars2. 5t"out rea#tve
power to support t$ t"e system would not be able to mantan ts
des!ned volta!e levels. Eowever$ t "as been #ustomary sn#e t"e
n#epton of power systems to !nore rea#tve power n t"e dre#t
#al#ulaton of load and losses.
;n t"e C"#$ I%&'()"*+'% sele#t M',$- E.p-'($(-/A($" and t"en
read and re#ord t"e values of !eneraton$ load$ nter#"an!e and losses
for ea#" area7
F'( $"12 "($"3 ,' *2$ -'##$# $45"- *2$ ,+&&$($%1$ !$*$$%
6$%$("*+'% "%, *2$ #5) '& -'", "%, +%*$(12"%6$7 8888888888
W2"* +# *2$ #5) '& "-- *2$ -'##$#7 88888888888
6. Asn! t"e mouse$ ,ll t"e %rea Re#ords wndow and sele#t E,+* M',$.
Right click on 8us 609 and t"en sele#t B5# I%&'()"*+'% D+"-'6.
-erfy t"at t"s s ndeed t"e system sla#, bus by #l#,n! on t"e
system sla#, bus #"e#,bo0 to unsele#t t. Cl#, ;B at t"e bottom of
t"e dalo! s#reen and sele#t R5% M',$. %n error messa!e s"ould pop
up sayn! t"at t"e #ase s now nvald for la#, of a sla#, bus. %!an
sele#t E,+* M',$ 1t"e pro!ram may do t"s for you2$ r!"t #l#, on
Pa!e 6
ECE 4501 Power Systems Laboratory Manual Rev 1.1
8us 609 and sele#t B5# I%&'()"*+'% D+"-'6. Click on t"e system
sla#, bus #"e#,bo0 to re)sele#t t as t"e swn! !enerator and t"en #l#,
4. Sele#t R5% M',$. +n toolbar new optons s"ould appear$ n#ludn!
=reset>$ =play> and =pause> symbols. Click on t"e P-": symbol to start
a smulaton.
5. E0amne 8us 109. Somew"ere near t"e bus s"ould be a per unt
volta!e value$ su#" as 0... pu. <ow Right Click on t"e bus and t"en
#$-$1* B5# I%&'()"*+'% D+"-'6. Somew"ere near t"e mddle of t"e
menu s"ould be two bo0es labeled =volta!e 1p.u.2> and =volta!e 1,-2>.
Re#ord t"ose values n t"e spa#e below and t"en #an#el t"e menu by
#l#,n! t"e ; button n t"e upper r!"t "and #orner or at t"e bottom.
B5# 102 V'-*"6$< P$( U%+*< 88888888 =V< 88888888
Per Ant s t"e rato of t"e a#tual volta!e to t"e rated or nominal
volta!e. Asn! t"e values above$ #al#ulate t"e rated volta!e for t"s
R"*$, V'-*"6$ > =V ? p$( 5%+* > 888888888 =V.
F. ;bserve t"e transmsson lne between buses 101 and 109$
t"ou!"tfully labeled$ =11 Lne>. T"e red bo0es on t"e lne represent
#r#ut brea,ers and are pla#ed at ea#" end of t"e lne to nterrupt t"e
#urrent flown! on t"e lne n t"e event of a fault. Click one of t"e red
bo0es. 8ot" bo0es s"ould now turn !reen. +n a power system !reen
means open or safe 1de)ener!Ged2$ red means #losed or dan!erous
1"ot2. <ote t"at t"e lne now #arres Hero power. %s noted n t"e
Is#usson se#ton$ t"s s #alled a contingency$ meann! t"e
transmsson lne "as been lost from useful serv#e and t"e power
system must be operated wt"out t.
J. %lso note t"at t"e volta!e at 8us 109 falls to a level below t"e
a##eptable volta!e #rtera stated n t"e Is#usson se#ton. Re#ord t"e
per unt volta!e n t"e spa#e below7
P'#*-C'%*+%6$%1: B5# 102 V'-*"6$< P$( U%+*< 88888888
K. T"e low volta!e at 8us 109 o##urs for a sn!le)#ontn!en#y outa!e.
T"at s$ t"e loss of one pe#e of e&upment #aused an una##eptable
volta!e #ondton. T"s volates t"e des!n #rtera of t"e system. +t
may be t"at t"e system was or!nally des!ned to a##ommodate t"e
Pa!e 4
ECE 4501 Power Systems Laboratory Manual Rev 1.1
loss of 11 Lne$ but now$ due to !rowt" n ele#tr# load$ s unable to do
so. Atlty en!neers routnely perform #ontn!en#y studes to
determne f t"e power system #an be operated relably wt" present
day ele#tr# load and also wt" load pro/e#ted to be present 5 or 10
years n t"e future. 5"erever t"e system #annot meet des!n #rtera
for t"e pro/e#ted load$ t"e en!neers must devse #ost)effe#tve
met"ods to stren!t"en t"e system.
.. Return 11 Lne to serv#e by #l#,n! t"e R$#$* button on t"e toolbar
and perform a #ontn!en#y study on t"s power system. +n ot"er
words$ met"od#ally remove ea#" transmsson lne from serv#e w"le
t"e smulaton s playn! and e0amne t"e system for low volta!e
1L 0..5 pu2 or overloaded lnes 1M100*2.
D'$# "%: '*2$( 1'%*+%6$%1: @+'-"*$ 1(+*$(+"7 888888888 I& #'3
2+12 L+%$A#B7
R$#$* *2$ #:#*$) *' +*# '(+6+%"- 1'%&+65("*+'%.
10. <ow stren!t"en t"e system to elmnate t"e low volta!e problem at
8us 109 for t"e sn!le)#ontn!en#y loss of 11 Lne. Re#all t"at Step 9
of t"e Pro#edure stated rea#tve power supports volta!e on t"e system.
More spe#f#ally$ leadn! -ars 1#apa#tve2 #reated by !enerators and
s"unt #apa#tor ban,s supply t"e la!!n! -ars 1rea#tve2 #onsumed by
transmsson lnes$ transformers and most mportantly$ ele#tr# load.
5"en enou!" #apa#tve -ars are avalable$ a properly des!ned
system wll be able to mantan desred volta!e levels$ even after a
#ontn!en#y. T"erefore$ t"e addton of a s"unt #apa#tor ban, at 8us
109 may provde t"e ne#essary volta!e support. E0amne t"e load at
8us 109 and enter t"e nformaton below7
L'", "* B5# 102< 88888888 MW 88888888 MV"(
11. Cal#ulate t"e power fa#tor for t"e load7
p& > 1'# A*"%
AC?PBB > 888888888 L$",+%6?L"66+%6 A1+(1-$ '%$B
19. Cal#ulate t"e sGe of a s"unt #apa#tor ban, 1n M-ar2 t"at would
#orre#t t"e power fa#tor of t"s load to 0... la!!n!.
> P *"% A1'#
BB > 88888888888 MV"(
> C
> 888888888888 MV"(
Pa!e 5
ECE 4501 Power Systems Laboratory Manual Rev 1.1
16. +nstall a s"unt #apa#tor ban, at 8us 109 of t"e same sGe as #al#ulated
n step 19 above. Sele#t E,+* M',$. T"en sele#t Iraw)M<etwor, and
sele#t S+*12$, S25%* from t"e pull down menu. %l!n t"e #ross"ars
on t"e mddle of 8us 109 and #l#,. T"e S+*12$, S25%* Op*+'%#
nformaton menu s"ould appear. +n t"e N')+%"- MV"( bo0$ type n
t"e value #al#ulated n Step 19 1Power5orld only #onsders Postve
-%Rs to be Capa#tve2. %lso ma,e sure t"at t"e C'%*('- T:p$ s
=f0ed>. N0ed means t"at t"e #apa#tor ban, wll not "ave any
automat# #ontrols to tell t w"en to swt#" n 1su#" as for low volta!e
due to a #ontn!en#y2. % f0ed ban, s always on and s t"e lowest
#ost soluton. % #"e#, wll be performed later to ensure t"at t"s
soluton wll be ade&uate. Cl#, O9 at t"e bottom of t"e nformaton
menu to fns" t"e nstallaton. Sele#t R5% M',$ and press t"e P-":
14. Re#ord t"e new system nta#t volta!e value for 8us 109 and also t"e
M-ar output value for t"e new #apa#tor ban, n t"e table below.
15. Cl#, on one of t"e red brea,ers for 11 Lne. Re#ord t"e new post)
#ontn!en#y volta!e for 8us 109 and t"e #orrespondn! M-ar output
value n t"e table below.
C'%,+*+'%#< S25%* C"p
B5# 102 V'-*"6$
P$( 5%+*
S:#*$) I%*"1*
11 L+%$ C'%*+%6$%1:
1F. % f0ed #apa#tor ban, may not be desrable f t #auses volta!e to rse
above t"e a##eptable lmt of 1.05 pu w"en t"e system s nta#t and
l!"tly loaded 1su#" as at n!"t w"en people aren3t usn! as mu#"
ele#tr#ty2. +f t"e system nta#t #ondton above s #onsdered to be a
l!"tly loaded #ase$ does t"e f0ed #apa#tor appear to be t"e r!"t
1J. Reset t"e R$#$* button to restore ntal #ondtons.
1K. Powerflow smulators are effe#tve tools for e0amnn! t"e mpa#t of
lar!e power transfers between utltes. Pror to Iere!ulaton$ w"en
utltes e0#"an!ed power$ t"ey de#lared a =#ontra#t pat"> for t"e
transa#ton. T"e #ontra#t pat" dentfed 1on paper2 t"e transmsson
lnes between t"e utltes upon w"#" t"e e0#"an!e would ta,e pla#e.
+f t"e utltes were separated by a t"rd utlty$ t"at utlty #ould !ve or
wt""old #onsent for ts transmsson to be used n t"e #ontra#t.
Re!ardless of t"e #ontra#t$ t"e power flowed w"ere t wanted$
Pa!e F
ECE 4501 Power Systems Laboratory Manual Rev 1.1
follown! t"e pat" of least resstan#e. +n t"e post)Iere!ulaton era$
any le!tmate power bro,ers 1not /ust utltes2 are enttled to use any
and all of t"e bul, transmsson system for transa#tons$ re!ardless of
w"o owns t. T"ere are restr#tons$ of #ourse$ and t sn3t free. T"e
owners of t"e transmsson are allowed to #"ar!e a Tarff for ts use.
%!an$ even for a sale from pont % to 8$ pont C may see s!nf#ant
#"an!es n power flow f t s a pat" of low resstan#e 1t"s s #alled
Loop Flow2. E0amne t"e mpa#t of a 100 M5 sale from %rea 1 to
%rea 9 1and t"e subse&uent mpa#t on %rea 62.
1.. Ma,e sure t"e #ase s reset to ntal #ondtons and #l#, S+%6-$
S'-5*+'% on t"e tool bar to ensure t"e nformaton dsplayed s vald.
90. Re#ord t"e M5 nformaton asso#ated wt" one end of ea#" te lne
between t"e areas and re#ord t"em n t"e table below.
91. ;n t"e s#reen near t"e !enerator of 8us 106 s"ould be some te0t
des#rbn! t"e me!awatt 1M52 output of t"e !enerator. Right Click on
t to produ#e t"e B5# F+$-, Op*+'%# M$%5. Sele#t t"e G$% MW
O5*p5* feld. A,, 100 MW to t"e value dsplayed n t"e F+$-, V"-5$
bo0. Cl#, O9. %lso$ right click on t"e !enerator output feld for 8us
909. %!an sele#t G$% MW O5*p5*$ but SUBTRACT 100 MW from
t"e value dsplayed n F+$-, V"-5$. Cl#, O9. +n#rementn! %rea 1
!eneraton by 100 M5 and de#rementn! %rea 9 !eneraton by 100
M5$ #reates a sale of 100 M5 between t"e two areas. +n t"s smple
transa#ton$ t"e swn! !enerator wll p#, up any slop$ su#" as
n#reased losses due to t"e sale. . 1+n realty$ %rea 1 would "ave to
n#rease ts !eneraton by more t"an 100 M5 to ma,e 100 M5 move
to %rea 9$ per"aps 109 M5$ be#ause of n#reased transmsson losses.2
99. Sele#t R5% M',$ andt"en #l#, on S+%6-$ S'-5*+'% and P-": from t"e
tool bar. Re#ord t"e new te lne M5 values n t"e table below7
T+$ L+%$ C"#$ 1< N' S"-$ C"#$ 2< 100 MW S"-$ D+&&$($%1$
12 L+%$
13 L+%$
21 L+%$
22 L+%$
31 L+%$
96. Cal#ulate t"e #"an!e n power flow on ea#" te lne$ Case9 D Case 1.
Pa!e J
ECE 4501 Power Systems Laboratory Manual Rev 1.1
0' )512 '& *2$ 100 MW *("%#"1*+'% &-'# '% 12 "%, 13
L+%$#3 *2$ *+$# !$*$$% A($" 1 "%, 27 88888888888 MW
0' )512 '& *2$ *("%#"1*+'% "1*5"--: E-''p#F *2('562
A($" 37 8888888 MW
1. <ame t"e system sla#, bus for t"e #ase /ust studed and brefly des#rbe ts
9. :ve two reasons w"y a s"unt #apa#tor ban, #an mprove t"e operaton of a
power system7
6. E0plan t"e #on#ept of loop flow durn! a power transa#ton7
Pa!e K
ECE 4501 Power Systems Laboratory Manual Rev 1.1
Pa!e .

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