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ersons Cr|m|na||y ||ab|e

1he general rule ls LhaL an offender ls crlmlnally llable for hls own acLlons.
When Lhere ls only one felony, he alone ls crlmlnally llable.
ln case of mulLlple offenders, crlmlnal llablllLy depends on Lhe degree and naLure of parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe
crlmlnal acL.
Art|c|e 16. !"# %&' (&)*)+%,,- ,)%.,'
Grave and |ess grave fe|on|es:
- rlnclpals
- Accompllces
- Accessorles
L|ght fe|on|es:
- rlnclpals
- Accompllces
Sub[ects |n a cr|me.
1. AcLlve sub[ecL (crlmlnal)
2. asslve sub[ecL (ln[ured parLy: prlvaLe lndlvldual or Lhe SLaLe)
Cn|y natura| persons.
- 8C requlres LhaL a person acL wlLh mallce or wlLh negllgence.
- !urldlcal persons cannoL be deprlved of llberLy.
- MosL penalLles can be execuLed by naLural persons.
Art|c|e 17. r|nc|pa|s
1. 1hose who take a d|rect part |n the execut|on of the act,
2. 1hose who d|rect|y force
r|nc|pa| by d|rect part|c|pat|on.
1. 1haL Lhey parLlclpaLe ln Lhe crlmlnal resoluLlon,
2. 1hey carrled ouL Lhelr plan and personally Look parL ln lLs execuLlon by acLs whlch dlrecLly
Lended Lo Lhe same end.

arLlclpaLlng ln Lhe crlmlnal resoluLlon ls consp|racy.
1wo or more persons come Lo an agreemenL concernlng Lhe commlsslon of a felony and declde Lo
commlL lL.
Consplracy noL as a felony buL a manner of lncurrlng crlmlnal llablllLy.

p v. 8eyes
Consplracy presupposes unlLy of purpose and unlLy ln Lhe execuLlon of Lhe unlawful ob[ecLlve among Lhe
accused. When Lhe accused by Lhelr acLs almed aL Lhe same ob[ecL, one performlng one parL and Lhe
oLher perfromlng anoLher parL as Lo compleLe Lhe crlme, wlLh a vlew Lo Lhe aLLalnemenL of Lhe same
ob[ecL, consplracy exlsLs.
Consp|racy may be express or |mp||ed.
SLaLed oLherwlse, lL ls noL essenLlal LhaL Lhere be proof of Lhe prevlous agreemenL and declslon Lo
commlL Lhe crlme, lL ls sufflclenL LhaL Lhe malefacLors acLed ln concerL pursuanL Lo Lhe same ob[ecLlve.
Manner of comm|ss|on of cr|me
Consplracy may be deduced from Lhe mode and manner ln whlch Lhe offense was perpeLraLed or
lnferred from Lhe acLs of Lhe accused whlch show a [olnL or common purpose and deslgn, a concerLed
acLlon and a communlLy of lnLeresL among Lhe accused. (pp v. Slcad)
Ind|cators of consp|racy
- SponLaneous agreemenL
- AcLlve cooperaLlon by all Lhe offenders ln Lhe perpeLraLlon of Lhe crlme
- ConLrlbuLlng poslLlve acLs Lo Lhe reallzaLlon of a common crlmlnal lnLenL
- resence durlng Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme by a band and lendlng moral supporL
- knowlng Lhe plan and accepLlng Lhe role asslgned and acLually performlng LhaL role.
Where there |s no consp|racy.
Mere sllence does noL make one a consplraLor (p v. Censola)
Mere companlonshlp ls noL consplracy. (pp v. padrones)
When there |s no consp|racy, each |s ||ab|e for h|s own act.

p v. enr|quez
lf a number of persons agree Lo commlL, and enLer upon Lhe commlsslon of a crlme whlch wlll probably
endanger human llfe such as robbery, all of Lhem are responslble for Lhe deaLh of a person LhaL ensues
as a consequence"
Not the ob[ect of the consp|racy]necessary or |og|ca| consequence of the cr|me |ntended.
- ln umall case (96 hll 183) robbery ls noL lncluded/necessary or loglcal consequence of sedlLlon,
- Where Lhe consplracy speclflcally LargeLed one and only one person, Lhe kllllng of oLhers would
noL affecL Lhe consplraLors. (ue la Cerna)
Some ru|es |n consp|racy.
Consplracy alone does noL resulL ln crlmlnal llablllLy (1lmbol)
arLlclpaLlon ln Lhe crlmlnal resoluLlon musL elLher be before or s|mu|taneous wlLh Lhe crlmlnal acL.
Appllcable only ln crlmes commlLLed by means of dolo.
requ|s|te. /"'- (%&&)'0 #12 2"')& 3,%+ %+0 3'&4#+%,,- 2##5 3%&2 )+ )4 '6'(12)#+ .- %(24 7")(" 0)&'(2,-
2'+0'0 2# 2"' 4%*' '+08
Pe musL be aL Lhe scene of Lhe crlme personally Laklng parL ln lLs execuLlon.
lL ls sufflclenL LhaL Lhe acL performed dlrecLly Lend s Lo accompllsh Lhe lnLended crlme.
Lx: holdlng down Lhe vlcLlm ln murder or rape, acLlng as a lookouL/guard.
1hose who d|rect|y force or |nduce others to comm|t |t.
1. D|rect|y forc|ng another to comm|t a cr|me,
- uslng lrreslsLlble force,
- Causlng unconLrollable fear.
2. D|rect|y |nduc|ng another to comm|t a cr|me.
- Clvlng prlce or reward
- uslng words of command.
kequ|s|tes of a pr|nc|pa| by |nducement:
1. lnducemenL wlLh Lhe |ntent|on of procurlng Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.
2. lnducemenL ls Lhe determ|n|ng cause of Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.

kequ|s|te. Intent|on.
C|ear |ntent|on to procure the comm|ss|on of the cr|me.
ln CLadora Lhe promlse of pecunlary galn (money and carabaos) and supplylng Lhe gun Lo use ln Lhe
commlsslon of Lhe crlme.
ln AlconLln, Lhe promlse of llvlng LogeLher once Lhe husband of Lhe lnducer ls kllled.
Does not |nc|ude
- 1houghLless expresslons,
- lmprudenL advlce,
kequ|s|te. Determ|n|ng cause.
MusL be of such a naLure LhaL wlLhouL lL Lhe crlme would noL have been commlLLed.
It must:
1. recede Lhe acL lnduced, and
2. lnfluenLlal.
kequ|s|tes: Words of Command
1. lnLenLlon Lo procure commlsslon of crlme.
2. lnducer musL have ascendancy or lnfluence.
3. Words musL be dlrecL, so efflcaclous, so powerful as Lo amounL Lo physlcal coerclon.
4. uLLered prlor Lo Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme.
3. MaLerlal execuLor has no personal reason Lo commlL Lhe crlme.
1hose who cooperate |n the comm|ss|on of the offense by another act w|thout wh|ch |t wou|d not
have been accomp||shed.
1. arLlclpaLlon ln crlmlnal resoluLlon.
2. 9##3'&%2)#+ ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe offense by performlng anoLher acL, w/o w/c lL would noL
have been accompllshed.
- Cooperat|on - lmplles LhaL Lhere ls a deslre or wlsh ln common.
- Another act - Lhe acL musL be dlfferenL from Lhe acLs of Lhe prlnclpal by dlrecL parLlclpaLlon. 1he
acL musL noL lnvolve Lhe maLerlal execuLlon of Lhe offense.
Lx. uragglng a glrl Lo a place where she ls Lo be raped, cerLlfylng a check Lo faclllLaLe esLafa.
1hree types of pr|nc|pa|s.
- Lven ln case of consplracy, Lo be llable as a prlnclpal one musL fall under any of Lhe Lhree
concepLs ln ArL. 17.
- ln such case, we apply our rullng ln "" #$ %&'() where we held LhaL when a accused does noL fall
under any of Lhe Lhree concepLs deflned ln ArLlcle 17 of Lhe 8C, he may only be consldered
gullLy as an accompllce. ( v. Carrlaga)
Art|c|e 18. Accomp||ces
1. CooperaLes by prevlous or slmulLaneous acLs
2. noL a prlnclpal
3. no consplracy
Consp|rator v. Accomp||ce
ConsplraLors and accompllces know and agree ln Lhe crlmlnal deslgn.
ConsplraLors parLlclpaLe ln Lhe crlmlnal resoluLlon, accompllces concur ln Lhe crlmlnal deslgn.
1. CommunlLy of deslgn
2. CooperaLlon by prevlous or slmulLaneous acLs.
3. 8elaLlon beLween acLs of prlnclpal and accompllce.
requ|s|te. Commun|ty of des|gn.
CommunlLy of deslgn requlres knowledge and concurrence of Lhe crlmlnal deslgn.
rlor Lo Lhe commlsslon of Lhe acL.
knowledge of a crlme dlfferenL from LhaL acLually commlLLed. As long as lL ls a naLural consequence of
Lhe crlme lnLended, an accompllce ls llable.
requ|s|te. Cooperat|on by prev|ous or s|mu|taneous acts.
- 1he acLs of Lhe accompllce musL noL be lndlspensable.
requ|s|te. ke|at|on between acts of pr|nc|pa| and accomp||ce.

L|ab|e for d|fferent cr|mes.
A aLLacks 8 wlLh Lreachery. LaLer C and u arrlve and Lake parL ln kllllng 8.
A - rlnclpal ln Murder.
C and u - Accompllces ln Pomlclde.
*no consplracy, no knowledge as Lo Lhe manner A aLLacked 8.
Art|c|e 19. Accessor|es.
knowledge ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe crlme, noL belng prlnclpals or accompllces, Lake subsequenL parL ln
lLs commlsslon by:
1. roflLlng or asslsLlng Lhe accused Lo proflL,
2. Conceallng or desLroylng Lhe body of Lhe crlme or lLs effecLs/lnsLrumenLs Lo prevenL lLs
3. Parborlng, conceallng or asslsLlng ln Lhe escape.
narbor|ng, concea||ng or ass|st|ng |n the escape of the pr|nc|pa|.
1. ubllc offlcer who abuses hls publlc funcLlon (any crlme)
2. rlvaLe person (Lreason, parrlclde, murder aLLempL agalnsL Lhe llfe of Lhe presldenL, hablLually
gullLy of some oLher crlme.)
Art|c|e 22. ketroact|ve effect of pena| |aws.
1he general rule ls LhaL penal laws have prospecLlve effecL.
1hey can only be glven reLroacLlve effecL lf:
1. lL ls favorable Lo Lhe accused , and
2. 1he accused ls noL a hablLual crlmlnal.
rospect|ve effect of pena| |aws
Appllcable Lo all penal laws.
1hls rule ls appllcable even for Lhose servlng senLence by flnal [udgmenL.

nab|tua| cr|m|na| |s one who.
1. WlLhln a perlod of 10 years,
2. lrom Lhe daLe of Lhe lasL convlcLlon or release,
3. Cf Lhe crlmes of serlous and less serlous physlcal ln[urles, robbery, LhefL, esLafa or falslflcaLlon,
4. ls found gullLy of any sald crlmes a 3
Llme or ofLener. (arL. 62, par. 3)
Iur|sd|ct|on of the courts
- lL ls Lhe law aL Lhe Llme of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of Lhe acLlon LhaL deLermlnes Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of courLs
- !urlsdlcLlon of Lhe courLs ls deLermlned by Lhe allegaLlons ln Lhe complalnL or lnformaLlon.
Art. 23. ardon by the offended party.
- ardon by Lhe offended parLy does noL affecL Lhe crlmlnal acLlon. Clvll llablllLy may be expressly
walved by Lhe offended parLy.
- 1he excepLlon under arL. 344 of Lhe 8C musL be made before Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of Lhe crlmlnal
Art|c|e 2S. ena|t|es wh|ch may be |mposed.
- ArL. 23 ls a classlflcaLlon of penalLles as Lo prlnclpal or accessory penalLles.
- 1hls ls also a llsL of Lhe penalLles LhaL may be lmposed ln Lhe 8C.
*8A 9346 prohlblLs Lhe lmposlLlon of Lhe deaLh penalLy. 1he penalLy of recluslon perpeLua should be
lmposed ln lleu of deaLh.
Art. 26. I|ne - when aff||ct|ve, correct|ona| or ||ght pena|ty
Aff||ct|ve - exceeds 6, 000.00
Correct|ona| - does noL exceed 6,000.00 buL ls noL less Lhan 200.00.
L|ght - less Lhan 200.00.
*1hls classlflcaLlon should noL be confused wlLh ArL. 9, whlch classlfles felonles.
Art|c|e 27. Durat|on of pena|t|es.
1he amendmenL glvlng a duraLlon Lo recluslon perpeLua (20y and 1d Lo 40y) dld noL mean LhaL lL has
reclasslfled as a dlvlslble penalLy. lL remalns an lndlvlslble penalLy. (p v. Lucas)

Art|c|e 28. Computat|on of pena|t|es.
- lf Lhe offender |s |n pr|son, Lhe Lemporary penalLy - [udgment of conv|ct|on becomes f|na|.
- lf Lhe offender |s not |n pr|son, Lhe penalLy conslsLlng of deprlvaLlon of llberLy - offender |s
p|aced at the d|sposa| of the [ud|c|a| author|t|es.
- uuraLlon of oLher penalLles - from Lhe day on w/c Lhe defendanL commences Lo serve hls
Art|c|e 29. revent|ve detent|on.
erlod of prevenLlve suspenslon - credlLed fully ln Lhe servlce of Lhelr senLence conslsLlng of deprlvaLlon
of llberLy lf Lhe deLenLlon prlsoner agrees ln wrlLlng Lo ab|de by the same d|sc|p||nary ru|es |mposed on
conv|cted pr|soners.
- kec|d|v|sts and Lhose convlcLed prevlously 2 or 3 lLems of any crlme, and
- 1hose who fall Lo surrender volunLarlly when summoned from execuLlon.
- lf Lhe deLenLlon prlsoner does noL ablde by Lhe rules lmposed on convlcLs, he wlll be credlLed ln
Lhe servlce of hls senLence wlLh 4/3 of Lhe perlod of prevenLlve deLenLlon.
- lf Lhe deLenLlon prlsoner has been ln deLenLlon for a perlod equal Lo or more Lhan Lhe posslble
maxlmum lmprlsonmenL of Lhe offense charged Lo whlch he may be senLenced and hls case ls
noL LermlnaLed, he shall be re|eased |mmed|ate|y.
- ln case, Lhe posslble penalLy ls desLlerro, he shall be released afLer 30 days of prevent|ve
Art|c|e 36. ardon.
ardon remlLs Lhe prlnclpal penalLy buL no Lhe accessory penalLy, unless Lhe pardon expressly provldes
Lxcept|on: when pardon ls granLed afLer Lhe prlnclpal penalLy has been fully execuLed.
lL ls Lhe Ch|ef Lxecut|ve who pardons.
8y Ch|ef Lxecut|ve
- LxLlngulshes crlmlnal llablllLy
- CannoL lnclude clvll llablllLy
- Clven afLer convlcLlon
8y offended party
- uoes noL exLlngulsh crlmlnal llablllLy
- Cffended parLy can walve clvll llablllLy
- Clven before lnsLlLuLlon of crlmlnal prosecuLlon (LxcepL: 8ape)
Art. 38. ecun|ary ||ab|||t|es - order of payment
1. 8eparaLlon of damage caused, resLlLuLlon
2. lndemnlflcaLlon of consequenLlal damages, use commonly on crlmes agalnsL persons
3. llne,
4. CosL of proceedlngs.
*1hls arLlcle ls appllcable only when Lhe properLy of Lhe convlcL ls noL sufflclenL Lo pay all Lhe pecunlary
Art. 39. Subs|d|ary pena|ty.
under Lhe 8C, subsldlary lmprlsonmenL ls an addlLlonal penalLy conslsLlng of lmprlsonmenL for a
convlcL who has no properLy Lo pay Lhe flne aL Lhe raLe of one day for each amounL equlvalenL Lo Lhe
h|ghest m|n|mum wage rate preva|||ng |n the h|||pp|nes at the t|me of the rend|t|on of [udgment of
conv|ct|on by the tr|a| court (8A. 10139)
ku|es under the kC
- lf prlson correcclonal or arresLo and flne - subsldlary lmprlsonmenL shall noL exceed 1/3 of Lhe
Lerm of senLence and ln no case exceed 1 year.
- lf penalLy ls only flne - subsldlary lmprlsonmenL shall noL exceed 6 monLhs lf prosecuLed for
grave or less grave, and noL Lo exceed 13 days lf for a llghL felony.
- lf penalLy |mposed ls hlgher Lhan prlson correcclonal, no subsldlary lmprlsonmenL.

ku|es |n spec|a| |aws
- lf courL lmposes a flne - shall noL exceed 6 monLhs
- lf boLh lmprlsonmenL and flne - shall noL exceed 1/3 of Lhe Lerm

Art. 4S. Conf|scat|on and Iorfe|ture of the proceeds of the cr|me and |nstruments and too|s |n the
comm|ss|on of the cr|me.
- Lvery penalLy" presupposes LhaL Lhls ls an accessory penalLy.
- 1he conflscaLlon or forfelLure ls ln favor of Lhe governmenL.
- lf a Lhlrd person owns Lhe properLy and ls noL llable for Lhe offense, Lhe properLy cannoL be
conflscaLed or forfelLed ln favor of Lhe governmenL.
- lf Lhe properLy ls noL sub[ecL of lawful commerce, lL shall be desLroyed regardless of wheLher lL
belongs Lo Lhe accused or a Lhlrd person.
- 1here musL be a crlmlnal case oLherwlse no penalLy can be lmposed.
- lf Lhe properLy belongs Lo a person noL lncluded ln Lhe charge, Lhe courL cannoL order Lhe
conflscaLlon/forfelLure of Lhe properLy.
- lf Lhe properLy was noL submlLLed Lo Lhe courL ln evldence, sald properLy cannoL be conflscaLed.
DLA v. 8rodett
ArL. 43 of Lhe 8C bars Lhe conflscaLlon and forfelLure of an lnsLrumenL or Lool used ln Lhe commlsslon
of Lhe crlme lf such be Lhe properLy of a Lhlrd person noL llable for Lhe offense."
ke|ease of property
roperLy selzed musL be reLurned Lo Lhe person from whom lL was Laken or Lo person who ls enLlLled Lo
lLs possesslon:
- no crlmlnal prosecuLlon
- unreasonable prosecuLlon
Art. 46. ena|t|es to be |mposed on pr|nc|pa|s |n genera|.
- 1he penalLles provlded for ln Lhe 8C are Lhe penalLles lmposed on prlnclpals for Lhe
consummaLed felony.
- 1here are, however, cerLaln provlslons where a penalLy ls provlded for a frusLraLed sLage or
aLLempLed sLage of a felony.
Art. 47. When death pena|ty |mposed.
MusL be lmposed ln all cases under exlsLlng laws.
- 8elow 18 years of age,
- More Lhan 70 years of age,
- 8equlred ma[orlLy ln SC ls noL obLalned.
p v. Mateo
lf only Lo ensure uLmosL clrcumspecLlon before Lhe penalLy of deaLh, recluslon perpeLua or llfe
lmprlsonmenL ls lmposed, Lhe CourL now deems lL wlse and compelllng Lo provlde ln Lhese cases a
revlew by Lhe CourL of Appeals before Lhe case ls elevaLed Lo Lhe Supreme CourL."
Art. 48 Comp|ex cr|mes.
ln complex crlmes aL leasL Lwo crlmes are commlLLed buL Lhey consLlLuLe only one crlme, as only one
penalLy ls lmposed upon Lhe offender. 1hls ls lnLended Lo beneflL Lhe offender who ls, ln Lhe eyes of Lhe
law, less crlmlnally perverse Lhan one who commlLs Lwo or more separaLe and lndependenL crlmes.
1wo k|nds of comp|ex cr|mes:
- Compound cr|me - a slngle acL consLlLuLes Lwo or more grave or less grave felonles. Lx,
Lhrowlng a hand grenade aL a group of people causlng deaLh or ln[urles Lo several ln Lhe group.
- Comp|ex cr|me proper - one offense ls a necessary means for commlLLlng Lhe oLher. Lx,
falslfylng cedulas so as Lo collecL Lhe fees from persons Lo whom Lhey are lssued.
Compound cr|me.
1. Cne slngle acL.
2. 1he slngle acL produces Lwo or more grave or less grave felonles.
Cne s|ng|e act.
- 1hrowlng a hand grenade lnLo a group of people ls a slngle acL.
- laclng a bomb ln an alrplane ls a slngle acL.
- llrlng a gun once ls a slngle acL.
1wo or more grave or |ess grave fe|on|es.
ln case Lhe slngle acL produces llghL felonles Lhey are elLher LreaLed as:
- SeparaLe offenses, or
- Absorbed. /"' &1,' 2"%2 ,):"2 ;',#+)'4 %&' %.4#&.'0 4"#1,0 #+,- .' %33,)'0 7"'+ 2"'&' )4 #+,- #+'
p v. de |os Santos
1he s||ght phys|ca| |n[ur|es caused by glenn Lo Lhe Len oLher vlcLlms Lhrough reckless lmprudence,
would, had Lhey been lnLenLlonal, have consLlLuLed llghL felonles. 8elng llghL felonles, whlch are noL
covered by ArLlcle 48, Lhey should be LreaLed and punlshed as separaLe offenses. Separate |nformat|on
shou|d have, therefore, been f||ed.
Severa| offenders and severa| v|ct|ms
Where Lhere are several offenders and lL cannoL be ascerLalned who among Lhem kllled Lhe several
deceased, Lhere ls only one crlme commlLLed. 1h|s ru||ng shou|d on|y be app||ed when |t cannot be
ascerta|ned who among the offenders k|||ed the v|ct|ms (Sanldad, Aprll 30, 2003, Lawas, !une 30, 1933,
Abella, Aug 31, 1979)
Comp|ex cr|me proper.
1. AL leasL Lwo offenses,
2. Cne or some musL be a necessary means Lo commlL Lhe oLher,
3. 8oLh offenses musL be punlshed under Lhe same sLaLuLe.
At |east two offenses.
- lalslflcaLlon as a means Lo commlL malversaLlon (barbas)
- usurpaLlon of offlclal funcLlons as a means Lo commlL slmple seducLlon.
Necessary means
necessary does noL mean lndlspensable oLherwlse Lhe offense would be consldered as an elemenL of
Lhe offense and Lhe resulL would be one felony commlLLed.
1he oLher crlme musL be a means Lo commlL noL Lo conceal. lf Lhe oLher crlme ls used Lo conceal Lhe
oLher, Lhey are separaLe offenses.
App||cab|||ty of Art. 48.
ArL. 48 ls appllcable only when Lhe 8C does noL provlde a speclflc penalLy for a Speclal Complex Crlme.
Lx: =)0+%33)+: 7)2" >1&0'& #& ?#*)()0'@ A#..'&- 7)2" ?#*)()0'@ A%3' 7)2" ?#*)()0'8
Iorc|b|e Abduct|on w|th kape.
1he abducLlon ls a necessary means Lo commlL rape. 1hls should only be applled Lo Lhe flrsL rape. lf
subsequenL rapes are commlLLed, Lhey are separaLe felonles, slnce Lhe abducLlon was no longer
necessary for Lhelr commlsslon.
ena|ty for comp|ex cr|me
1he penalLy ls for Lhe most ser|ous cr|me comm|tted Lo be applled ln lLs max|mum per|od.

Cont|nued cr|me.
A conLlnued, conLlnulng or conLlnuous crlme ls noL speclflcally provlded for ln Lhe 8C. 1he prlnclples on
conLlnued crlme ls based on a slngle crlmlnal lmpulse and should resulL ln one crlmlnal llablllLy.
1he dlfference ln B',% 9&1C and D+:1'&# case, ls LhaL ln B',% 9&1C Lhere was evldence LhaL Lhere was a
general plan Lo commlL robbery ln Lhe vlclnlLy of Lhe elghL households. ln D+:1'&# no such evldence was
Art. 49. ena|ty when cr|me d|fferent from that |ntended.
- 1hls arLlcle ls only appllcable ln error |n personae.
- ln Aberrat|o |ctus, Lwo crlmes are commlLLed, Lherefore, ArL. 48 (complex crlmes) ls appllcable,
- ln *+),-,+ '(-,(-'.(,/, Lhe offender ls llable for Lhe crlme acLually commlLLed.
- ku|e 1
enalLy for felony commlLLed ls hlgher Lhan penalLy for felony lnLended: enalLy for felony wlLh
lower penalLy lmposed ln maxlmum.
- ku|e 2
enalLy for felony commlLLed ls lower Lhan penalLy for felony lnLended: enalLy for felony wlLh
lower penalLy lmposed ln maxlmum.
Art. S0-S7
- 8ules ln deLermlnlng Lhe lmposable penalLles for accompllces and accessorles of frusLraLed and
aLLempLed felonles.
- uegree ls one enLlre penalLy.
- erlod ls one of Lhe Lhree equal porLlons of a dlvlslble penalLy.
- A perlod when prescrlbed by Lhe 8C as a penalLy for a felony ls consldered a degree.
Art. 60. Lxcept|ons.
- 1he rules ln ArL. 30-37 are noL appllcable where Lhe law speclflcally provldes for a penalLy for a
frusLraLed or aLLempLed sLage of a felony or speclflcally provldes for Lhe penalLy of an
accompllces or accessory.
Art. 61.ku|es for graduat|ng pena|t|es
8asls for graduaLlon of penalLles ls Lhe scale ln ArL. 71.
- ueaLh
- 8ec erp
- 8ec 1emp
- r Mayor
- r Corr
- Arr mayor
- uesLlerro
- Arr Menor
- ubllc Censure
- llne
ku|e. S|ng|e and |nd|v|s|b|e
1he penalLy nexL lower ln degree shall be LhaL lmmedlaLely followlng.
kec|us|on erpetua - penalLy
kec|us|on 1empora| - penalLy nexL lower ln degree
ku|e. 1wo |nd|v|s|b|e pena|t|es or one or more d|v|s|b|e pena|t|es to be |mposed to the|r fu|| extent.
1he penalLy nexL lower ln degree shall be LhaL lmmedlaLely followlng Lhe lesser of Lhe penalLles
1wo |nd|v|s|b|e:
Death -
--------- arrlclde
kec|us|on erpetua -
kec|us|on 1empora|
ru|e. Cne or more d|v|s|b|e pena|t|es to be |mposed to the|r fu|| extent.
Cne dlvlslble penalLy Lo be lmposed Lo lLs full exLenL.
8ecluslon erpeLua
8ecluslon 1emporal - penalLy
rlslon Mayor - penalLy nexL lower ln degree

1wo dlvlslble penalLles Lo be lmposed Lo Lhelr full exLenL.
rlslon Mayor -
------ penalLy
rlslon Correcclonal -
ArresLo Mayor - penalLy nexL lower ln degree
ku|e. Cne or two |nd|v|s|b|e pena|t|es and the max|mum per|od of another d|v|s|b|e pena|ty
1he penalLy nexL lower ln degree shall be composed of Lhe medlum and mlnlmum perlods of Lhe proper
dlvlslble penalLy and Lhe maxlmum perlod of LhaL lmmedlaLely followlng.
ueaLh -
8ecluslon erpeLua -
8ecluslon 1emporal (max) -
8ecluslon 1emporal (med) -
8ecluslon 1emporal (mln) -
rlslon Mayor (max) -
rlslon Mayor (med) -
rlslon Mlnor (mln) -
ku|e. ena|ty |s composed of severa| per|ods (at |east 3).
1he penalLy nexL lower ln degree shall be composed of Lhe perlod lmmedlaLely followlng Lhe mlnlmum
prescrlbed and of Lhe Lwo nexL followlng elLher from Lhe penalLy prescrlbed or Lhe penalLy lmmedlaLely
8ec 1emp - Max
- Med
- Mln
r May - Med
- Mln
r Corr - Max
- Mln
ku|e. Not spec|a||y prov|ded for |n ku|es 1-4.
roceed by analogy.
- lf Lhe penalLy conslsLs of Lwo perlods, Lhe penalLy nexL lower ln degree ls Lhe penalLy conslsLlng
of Lwo perlods lmmedlaLely down Lhe scale.
- lf Lhe penalLy conslsLs only of one perlod, Lhe penalLy nexL lower ln degree ls Lhe nexL perlod
lmmedlaLely down Lhe scale.
Art. 62. App||cat|on of m|t|gat|ng, aggravat|ng c|rcumstances and hab|tua| de||nquency.
ku|e. AggravaLlng clrcumsLances whlch ln Lhemselves consLlLuLe Lhe crlme or are lncluded by law ln
deflnlng Lhe crlme - No effect.
8y means of flre" noL Laken lnLo conslderaLlon ln arson.
uwelllng" ln robbery wlLh force upon Lhlngs.
Abuse of confldence" ln quallfled LhefL.
1aklng advanLage of publlc poslLlon and commlLLed by a syndlcaLe - Maxlmum regardless of mlLlgaLlng
SyndlcaLe - Lwo or more persons.
Art. 62. ar. 2. Inherent.
When Lhe aggravaLlng clrcumsLance ls lnherenL ln Lhe crlme - No effect.
LvldenL premedlLaLlon ln robbery and LhefL.
Art. 62. ar. 3. C|rcumstances re|at|ng to the persons part|c|pat|ng |n the cr|me.
1. Moral aLLrlbuLes of Lhe offender.
Lx: LvldenL premedlLaLlon (aggravaLlng)
asslon or obfuscaLlon (mlLlgaLlng)
2. rlvaLe relaLlons of offender and offended parLy
Lx: relaLlonshlps, e.g., faLher and son
3. Any oLher personal cause
Lx: mlnorlLy
ln Lhese Lhree lnsLances Lhe aggravaLlng or mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance shall affecL on|y those to whom
such c|rcumstance |s present.
Art. 62. ar. 4. C|rcumstances cons|st|ng |n the mater|a| execut|on of the cr|me.
Mater|a| execut|on - Lreachery
Means emp|oyed - polson, flre, eLc.
AffecLs only Lhose who had know|edge of them at the t|me of the execut|on of the act or the|r
cooperat|on Lhereln.
Art. 62. ar. S. nab|tua| De||nquency
ku|es on nab|tua| de||nquency
- 8efers only Lo cerLaln crlmes: serlous and less serlous physlcal ln[urles, robbery, LhefL, esLafa and
- lL resulLs ln an addlLlonal penalLy noL merely an lncrease ln Lhe penalLy.
- 1he addlLlonal penalLy ls lmposed upon a Lhlrd convlcLlon.
- 1he 10 years shall always be compuLed from Lhe lasL convlcLlon or release.
- 1he subsequenL crlmes musL be commlLLed afLer convlcLlon.
Art. 63. Ind|v|s|b|e pena|t|es
Slngle lndlvlslble - lmposed regardless of Lhe presence of clrcumsLances
1wo lndlvlslble penalLles
- Cne aggravaLlng - greaLer penalLy
- no mlLlgaLlng no aggravaLlng - lesser penalLy
- Some mlLlgaLlng no aggravaLlng - lesser penalLy
- 8oLh - offseL accordlng Lo number and lmporLance.
Art 64. ena|t|es wh|ch conta|n three per|ods.
8ule 1. no aggravaLlng and no mlLlgaLlng - medlum perlod
8ule 2. Cnly a mlLlgaLlng - mlnlmum
8ule 3. Cnly an aggravaLlng - maxlmum
8ule 4. When Lhere are boLh aggravaLlng and mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLances Lhe courL shall offseL Lhose of
one class agalnsL Lhe oLher.
1wo or more m|t|gat|ng and no aggravat|ng
8ule 3. 1wo or more m|t|gat|ng and no aggravat|ng c|rcumstance - penalLy nexL lower ln degree ln Lhe
perlod appllcable accordlng Lo Lhe number and naLure of clrcumsLance. 1h|s |s ca||ed a pr|v||eged
m|t|gat|ng c|rcumstance.
1he mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance LhaL consLlLuLes Lhe prlvllege mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance can no longer be
consldered ln deLermlnlng Lhe lmposable perlod.
Art. 6S. D|v|d|ng pena|t|es (d|v|s|b|e) |nto three equa| port|ons.
SLep 1. ueLermlne Lhe duraLlon of Lhe penalLy ln lLs enLlreLy by ascerLalnlng Lhe mlnlmum and
SLep 2. ueLermlne Lhe Llme lncluded ln Lhe penalLy prescrlbed by subLracLlng Lhe mlnlmum from Lhe
maxlmum. 1he mlnlmum subLracLed from musL noL lnclude Lhe 1 day.
SLep 3. 1he dlfference should be dlvlded lnLo Lhree equal porLlons.
SLep 4. 1he mlnlmum (lncludlng Lhe 1 day) ls Lhe mlnlmum of Lhe mlnlmum perlod. Add Lhe quoLlenL Lo
Lhe mlnlmum and you have Lhe maxlmum of your mlnlmum perlod.
SLep 3. Add 1 day Lo Lhe maxlmum of Lhe mlnlmum perlod and you have Lhe mlnlmum of Lhe medlum
perlod. Add Lhe quoLlenL Lo Lhe mlnlmum (wlLhouL lncludlng Lhe one day) and you have Lhe maxlmum of
Lhe medlum perlod of Lhe penalLy.
SLep 6. Add 1 day Lo Lhe maxlmum of Lhe medlum and you have Lhe mlnlmum of Lhe maxlmum perlod of
Lhe penalLy. Add Lhe quoLlenL Lo Lhe mlnlmum (wlLhouL lncludlng Lhe one day) and you have Lhe
maxlmum of Lhe maxlmum perlod of Lhe penalLy.
r|s|on correcc|ona| med|um and max|mum
SLep 1. ueLermlne Lhe duraLlon of Lhe penalLy ln lLs enLlreLy by ascerLalnlng Lhe mlnlmum and
2 years 4 monLhs and 1 day Lo 6 years
SLep 2. ueLermlne Lhe Llme lncluded ln Lhe penalLy prescrlbed by subLracLlng Lhe mlnlmum from Lhe
maxlmum. 1he mlnlmum subLracLed from musL noL lnclude Lhe 1 day.
6 years 3 years 12 monLhs
- Cr
- 2 years 4 monLhs 2 years 4 monLhs
___________________ _______________
3 years 8 monLhs
SLep 3. 1he dlfference should be dlvlded lnLo Lhree euql porLlons.
1 year 2 monLhs 20 days
3 ) 3 years 8 monLhs
3 years 6 monLhs
SLep 4. 1he mlnlmum (lncludlng Lhe 1 day) ls Lhe mlnlmum of Lhe mlnlmum perlod. Add Lhe quoLlenL Lo
Lhe mlnlmum and you have Lhe maxlmum of your mlnlmum perlod.
2 years 4 monLhs
1 year 2 monLhs 20 days
3 years 6 monLhs 20 days
SLep 3. Add 1 day Lo Lhe maxlmum of Lhe mlnlmum perlod and you have Lhe mlnlmum of Lhe medlum
perlod. Add Lhe quoLlenL Lo Lhe maxlmum and you have Lhe maxlmum of your maxlmum perlod.

Art. 66. Impos|t|on of f|nes.
WealLh or means of Lhe culprlL ls Lhe prlmary conslderaLlon.
MlLlgaLlng and aggravaLlng clrcumsLances shall also be consldered.
Art. 67. ena|ty when acc|dent |s present.
AccldenL ls an exempLlng clrcumsLance under arL. 12, paragraph 4. lf noL all elemenLs are presenL Lhen
Lhe offender ls punlshed ln Lhe same manner as a person llable for reckless lmprudence under arL. 363.
Art. 68. ena|ty upon a person under 18.
8A 9344
13 years and under - no crlmlnal llablllLy (lnLervenLlon)
Above 13 below 18 -exempL unless acLlng wlLh dlscernmenL (dlverslon)
Art. 69. Cr|me not who||y excusab|e.
Some of Lhe elemeLs of a [usLlfylng or exempLlng clrcumsLance are presenL.
Cne or Lwo degrees lower. rlvlleged mlLlgaLlng clrcumsLance.

Art. 70. Serv|ce of sentence.
SlmulLaneous lf Lhe naLure of Lhe penalLles allow oLherwlse Lhe penalLles musL be served successlvely.
ulsquallflcaLlon, suspenslon, desLlerro, censure, clvll lnLerdlcLlon, conflscaLlon, and cosLs are penalLles
LhaL may be served slmulLaneously.
ena|ty of |mpr|sonment
MulLlple penalLles conslsLlng of lmprlsonmenL have Lo be served successlvely.
1he order of severlLy ln ArL. 71 musL be observed. 1he mosL severe musL be served flrsL.
1hree-fo|d ru|e
A convlcL's senLence shall noL exceed more Lhan Lhree Llmes Lhe lengLh of Llme correspondlng Lo Lhe
mosL severe of Lhe penalLles lmposed on hlm.
Shall noL exceed 40 years.
uoes noL preclude Lhe lmposlLlon of subsldlary lmprlsonmenL.
Art. 71. Graduat|on of pena|t|es
under arL. 9346 deaLh has been effecLlvely ellmlnaLed from Lhe llsL of lmposable penalLles under ArL. 71.
1hls affecLs noL only Lhe consummaLed sLage and Lhe prlnclpals buL also for Lhe frusLraLed and
aLLempLed sLage as well wlLh respecL
ArL. 72-74
ArL 72. SaLlsfacLlon of clvll llablllLy ls based on Lhe chronologlcal order LhaL Lhey are lmposed.
ArL 73. Accessory penalLles under ArL's 40-43 are deemd lmposed.

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