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La Trobe Business School

Faculty of Business, Economics and Law

Subject Learning Guide
Dr Evi Lanasier
Steve Burke
Subect Details
Su#%ect &ode' (B)1B*F Su#%ect Title' Business Foundations
Teac+in ,eriod' Semester 1, 2014 Location-s.' Sydney
&redit ,oints' 1/&, Mode' 0n cam"us Le1el' *nderraduate
,rere2uisites' 34)
&o5re2uisites' 34)
6ncom"ati#les' 34)
)ssumed S$ills 7 8nowlede' 34)
S"ecial Study Re2uirements' 34)
"ole %a&'us Na&e E&ail
Sydney (r E1i Lanasier lane@auscam"us!net!au
Ste1e Bur$e s#ur$e@s#manaement!co
T+is su#%ect will introduce students to +ow #usinesses o"erate today and in t+e future! Students will enae acti1ely wit+ current
#usiness issues, focusin "articularly on t+e im"act of e9ternal and internal en1ironments on #usinesses and indi1iduals! 6n
addition, t+is su#%ect is desined to de1elo" students: critical t+in$in and creati1e "ro#lem sol1in wit+ a "articular focus on
manaement, mar$etin and +uman resource "ractices! Students will also e9amine and resol1e contem"orary social issues drawn
from 1arious oranisational and cultural conte9ts!
*"on successful com"letion of t+is su#%ect, you s+ould #e a#le to'
"esearch and evaluate an e9istin #usiness; define its internal and e9ternal en1ironments and identify a stratey to #est
alin t+e
#usiness internal ca"a#ilities wit+ its e9ternal o""ortunities!
2 "esearch, ,e-ine and ar.ue a #usiness case to %ustify a new "roduct!
< De&onstrate and usti-/ t+e use of manaement s$ills to sol1e a contem"orary social "ro#lem in a dynamic en1ironment!
4 %o&&unicate effecti1ely t+rou+ "rofessional oral "resentations!
/ %o&&unicate effecti1ely t+rou+ structured written arument in a "rofessional re"ort format!
= Search for, locate and evaluate disci"line s"ecific information
0 De&onstrate and re-lect on "ersonal 1iews and +a1e an o"enness to t+e "ers"ecti1es of ot+ers!
T+e followin Faculty >raduate &a"a#ilities -F>&s. are evaluated in t+is su#%ect'
F>& F>& ,oint
a ?ritin &ornerstone
# S"ea$in &ornerstone
c 6n2uiry4researc+ &ornerstone
d &ritical t+in$in &ornerstone
e &reati1e ,ro#lem sol1in &ornerstone
f 6nformation Literacy &ornerstone
Learnin )cti1ity' Sc+edule
Online learning lectures/activities. Weeks 1-12
Weekly quizzes. Weeks 1-12
Assess&ent Tasks4 Due Date SILOs F!%
5 %o&&ents
?ee$ly 2ui@@es -total of 10 2ui@@es.
wee$ly = f 10A )ll 2ui@@es are
a1aila#le on
Mar$etin ,lan56ndi1idual ?ritten Re"ort
?ee$ B
1,2,/,= a,d 40A
Social )ction ,lan -,art ). >rou"
re"ort -/ students "er rou", 2000
words "er rou".
?ee$ 11
<,/,= a,c,d
Social )ction ,lan -,art B. >rou"
"resentation or
cam"ain 1ideo sellin t+e social action
"lan -/ students "er rou"; 12 mins "er
rou", 2 mins "er student includin
?ee$ 12 4 #,e 10A >rou"
"resentations41ideos /
students "er rou", 2
minutes "er students,
total of 12 minutes "er
rou" includin
"ea,in. T/'e Title Author an, 1ear )ublisher ISBN
Te9t#oo$ Business
&om"iled #y La
,earson BCD 1 4D=0 1<C/ <
T+e Student Feedback on Subjects (SFS Survey is "art of t+e 2uality assurance "rocess t+at occurs across t+e uni1ersity! 6n t+is
sur1ey you are in1ited to tell us a#out your learnin e9"eriences in t+is su#%ect! Eour 1iews will #e ta$en seriously and will assist us
to en+ance t+is su#%ect for t+e ne9t rou" of students! T+e sur1eys are anonymous and will #e distri#uted "rior to t+e end of t+e
teac+in "eriod!
)cademic interity means #ein +onest in academic wor$ and ta$in res"onsi#ility for learnin t+e con1entions of sc+olars+i"! La
*ni1ersity 1iews t+is seriously as e1idenced #y t+e followin e9tract'
!cade"ic #onesty is a $unda"ental %rinci%le in teac#ing& learning& researc# and sc#olars#i%. '#e (niversity
requires its acade"ic sta$$ and students to observe t#e #ig#est et#ical standards in all as%ects o$ acade"ic
)ork and it de"onstrates its co""it"ent to t#ese values by a)arding due credit $or #onestly conducted
sc#olarly )ork& and by %enalising acade"ic "isconduct and all $or"s o$ c#eating.
!cade"ic *ntegrity +rocedures (2,1,& %. 1 o$ -
)cademic misconduct includes "oor referencin, "laiarism, co"yin and c+eatin! Eou s+ould familiarise yourself wit+ your
res"onsi#ilities in relation to )cademic 6nterity and if you +a1e any 2uestions, direct t+em to your &ourse &oordinator! 6nformation
can #e found on t+e we#site at' + tt " '44 www !latr o #e !edu !a u 4l e ar n i n 4i n te r ity! + tml !
Learnin )cti1ity (etails
Sche,ule o- Learnin. Activities
Session ,lan
6eek To'ic 6eekl/ "esources Assess&ents ,ue ,ates
Stu,ent Learnin.7In-or&ation Literac/
activities7assess&ent learnin. &aterials
1 &ulture4>lo#al
&iti@ens+i" wee$
and rou" wor$
0nline 2ui@ -1. to"ic'
&ustomer Falue5
creatin conce"ts
3o readins
2 &ustomer Falue
&reatin &once"ts
0nline 2ui@ -2. to"ic'
E9ternal En1ironment
analysis and &om"etitor
&+a"ter 1' 3ew
"ers"ecti1es on
mar$etin in t+e
ser1ice economy
&+a"ter 2'
6n class ?ee$ 2
< E9ternal
)nalysis and
0nline 2ui@ -<. to"ic'
6nternal En1ironment
analysis and S?0T
0nline 2ui@ -4. to"ic'
findin, e1aluatin and
referencin -6nformation
&+a"ter <' T+e lo#al
&+a"ter 4'
Mar$etin strateies
for com"etiti1e
6n class ?$ < 0nline module information and
materials includin learnin resources'
1! Findin information'
*sin com"any re"orts
and industry re"orts
2! E1aluatin resources usin
&!R!)!, "rinci"les G
)ut+ority, ,ur"ose4,oint of
<! Referencin' *sin t+e
citation style
4 6nternal
)nalysis and
0nline 2ui@ -/. to"ic'
&+a"ter /' )ssessin
Strent+s and
?ea$nesses' (oin
an 6nternal
In class Wk4
/ Student
session on
academic writin
0nline 2ui@ -=. to"ic'
Screenin Business
&+a"ter 1/'
6ntroduction to critical
&+a"ter 1=' Re"ort
6n class ?$/
Student Learnin rou" in class'
1! Re"ort
2! Referencin
0nline module information and
materials includin learnin resources'
<! Findin information' usin
6eek To'ic 6eekl/ "esources Assess&ents ,ue
,ates Stu,ent Learnin.7In-or&ation Literac/
activities7assess&ent learnin. &aterials
= Screenin
0nline 2ui@ -C.
&+a"ter =' (e1elo"in new
"roducts and manain
"roduct life cycle
&+a"ter C' (e1elo"in
and screenin #usiness
6n class
C 0ranisational
3o online 2ui@ for t+is
&+a"ter 10' 0rani@ational
Structure and (esin
6n class
D Teamwor$ and
0nline 2ui@ -D.
(ecision5 ma$in
Student Learnin online materials'
1! &ritical T+in$in
2! &reati1e "ro#lem5sol1in
B 0ranisational
0nline 2ui@ -B.
&+a"ter 11'
Foundations of
decision ma$in
6n class
10 Leaders+i" 0nline 2ui@ -10.
&+a"ter 12' Leaders+i" and
6n class Student Learnin online materials'
1! >rou"wor$
2! Referencin etc
11 0ranisational
3o online 2ui@
&+a"ter 1<' ?+y
,lanI &+a"ter 14'
Foundations of
6n class
12 ,resentations 6n class
3o Readins 6n class
Stu,ent Learnin.
T+e Student Learnin unit wor$s closely wit+ teac+in staff in t+e Faculties and on t+e Mel#ourne cam"us and t+e reional cam"uses to ensure t+at all La Tro#e students G includin t+ose
from non5Enlis+5s"ea$in #ac$rounds G de1elo" +i+5le1el academic s"ea$in, writin, readin, and numeracy s$ills re2uired for successful learnin in t+eir courses! For furt+er
information, "lease see t+e we#site at' + tt " '44 www !latr o #e !e d u !a u 4l e a r n in 4
T+e Student Learnin lecturers in FBEL are a#le to assist you wit+ lanuae and academic s$ills +el", includin academic writin, mat+s, e9am "re"aration and more! Find out w+at:s on at t+e
Student Learnin we#site' latro#e!edu!au4students4learnin!
Learnin. #ana.e&ent S/ste& *L#S+8 #oo,le
T+e Learnin Manaement System -LMS. is an 6nternet #ased system w+ic+ allows you access to learnin materials and to interact wit+ ot+er students and teac+in staff in acti1ities related to
your studies from any location wit+ 6nternet access! Most su#%ects +a1e a LMS site into
w+ic+ you are automatically added as "art of your enrolment into t+e su#%ect!
T+e LMS can #e accessed at' +tt"s'44learnin!auscam"us!net
#y usin your *sername and ,assword "ro1ided to you on your State"ent o$ !ccount!
T+e Li#rary +as many 1alua#le "+ysical and online learnin resources t+at can +el" you wit+ your study! 0n cam"us students s+ould et to $now t+e "+ysical Li#rary en1ironment #y oin
on a Li#rary Tour! )ll students s+ould et familiar wit+ t+e Li#rary we#site w+ere online resources include'
Li#>uides J + tt " '44la t ro #e !l i # u id es !co m4i nd e 9 !" + " K G "ro1idin s"ecific disci"line and su#%ect uides;
Business Foun,ations Lib!ui,es 8 h tt ' 4 77l at r ob e 9l ib . u i , e s9 co & 7b u s1 bu - 8 #ore hel' an, resources -or BUS1BUF
Li#S$ills J+ tt " '44latr o #e ! li # u i des ! co m4li #s $ill s K G to teac+ you li#rary researc+ and information literacy s$ills;
Li#&+at J+ tt " '44 www !li # !latr o #e ! edu !a u 4K 5 a li#rary discussion forum allowin you to c+at wit+ a Li#rarian;
)cademic Referencin Modules J + tt " '44latr o# e !l i #u i d e s !co m4r e fe ren c in m o du le s K G to assist you to understand s"ecific referencin styles;
)cademic Referencin Tool J+ tt " ' 44 www !li # !latr o #e !edu !a u 4r e fe re n c in too l4 n o n 5fla s + 4i n de9 ! " + " K G "ro1idin detailed referencin e9am"les; and,
)ssinment &alculator J+ t t" '44 w ww !li # !latr o #e !e d u !a u 4c al c u lat o r 4i nd e 9 !" +" K G to assist you in time manain your assinments and su#mittin on time!
(ro" in sessions and +el" reardin usin li#rary data#ases, e1aluatin resources and referencin is a1aila#le durin semester! &ontact your Faculty Liaison Li#rarian
-+ tt " '4 4 www !latr o #e !edu !a u 4l i # rary4 co n t a c t5us 4fa c u lty5li # raria n 5 "+ o ne 5a n d 5e mail .for furt+er details or loo$ for announcements in t+e LMS or on t+e Trainin we# "ae at'
+ tt " '4 4 www !li # !latr o #e !edu !a u 4trai n in 4
Stu,ent Su''ort Services
6f you +a1e s"ecial needs due to disa#ility or ot+er factors t+e E2uality and (i1ersity &entre can "ro1ide ad1ice and su""ort! T+is &entre can #e contacted #y tele"+one on -0<. B4CB 2B00
-Mel#ourne.; -0<. /444 C410 -Bendio.; -02. =024 B=2D -)l#ury5?odona.; National Relay Service Deaf and Hearing Impaired' T' 1<<=CC -wit+in )ustralia only.! Email'
E 2u ality@latr o# e !e d u !au or refer to t+e we#site at' + tt " '44 www !latr o #e !e d u !a u 4e 2u a lity4 !
Assess&ent an, Fee,back Details
Assess&ent Task ONE4 $UI::ES Due Date 5 SILOs
10 9 10 multi"le c+oice4true or false 2ui@@es Eac+ wee$ 10A
Sub&ission Details
?ee$ly online multi"le c+oice4 true or false 2ui@@es a1aila#le on LMS and must #e com"leted online!
!ra,in. %riteria an, Fee,back
)utomatic feed#ac$ of mar$s "ro1ided online after su#mission
Descri'tion o- Task
Eac+ wee$ students will #e re2uired to com"lete 10 2ui@@es, made u" of 105 2uestions eac+ w+ic+ consists of multi"le
c+oice4true or false 2uestions! Eac+ 2ui@ will assess t+e 1arious learnin outcomes, from #asic recall a""lication, analysis and
e1aluation! Eac+ 2ui@ measures t+e learnin outcome relati1e to eac+ wee$Ls content! Students must complete the online
weekly quiz before the due date Students who fail to complete each weekly quiz before the due date will automatically
receive a zero
Assess&ent Task T6O4 INDI2IDUAL "E)O"T Due Date 5 SILOs Assesse,
6ndi1idual Mar$etin Re"ort
40A 1,2,/,=
Sub&ission Details
Su#mission 1ia LMS t+rou+ Turnitin!
!ra,in. %riteria an, Fee,back
Refer to "ae 1C
Descri'tion o- Task
T+is assessment is desined to a""ly t+e $nowlede and s$ills de1elo"ed #y t+e students to e1aluatin t+e e9ternal and internal
in w+ic+ t+e #usiness conce"t -or new "roduct. is to #e realised and definin strateies a""ro"riate to its realisation! T+e
#usiness conce"t relates to a new "roduct rele1ant to t+e case w+ic+ forms t+e o1erarc+in focus of t+e learnin acti1ities of t+is
section of t+e su#%ect! 6n t+is assinment, t+e student is e9"ected to #riefly analyse t+e e9ternal and internal en1ironments
-S?0T., identify a rele1ant stratey "rofile -S50 etc!., identify and descri#e a taret mar$et, and de1elo" a suita#le new "roduct
Assess&ent Task T;"EE )art A4 !"OU) SO%IAL A%TION )LAN Due Date 5 SILOs Assesse,
Social )ction ,lan5 >rou" Re"ort -includin indi1idual "ersonal
40A <,/,=
Sub&ission Details
,ersonal Reflection is su#mitted 1ia LMS!
!ra,in. %riteria an, Fee,back
Refer to "ae 1D
Descri'tion o- Task
T+e "ur"ose of t+is assessment is to ena#le and acti1ely enae students to lead t+eir own action! )lon wit+ a""lyin t+e
$nowlede and s$ills ained from learnin a#out local, national and lo#al issues, students will #e su""orted in t+e
de1elo"ment of t+e necessary s$ills of
"ro#lem4o""ortunity identification and action "lannin, necessary to #e "ro5acti1e in ma$in a "ositi1e difference in t+e world!
T+is is also desined to "ro1ide an o""ortunity for students to wor$ colla#orati1ely and res"ectfully wit+ a rane of students from
Assess&ent Task T;"EE )art B4 )"ESENTATION72IDEO Due Date 5 SILOs Assesse,
Social )ction ,lan5 >rou" "resentation41ideos ?ee$ 12 classes 10A <,4,=
Sub&ission Details
>rou" "resentations41ideos in class
!ra,in. %riteria an, Fee,back
Refer to "ae 1B
Descri'tion o- Task
6n wee$ 12 classes, eac+ rou" will "resent or s+ow 1ideo of t+eir social action "lan to t+e class! Eac+ mem#er of t+e rou"
will recei1e an indi1idual mar$ #ased on t+e "resentation! Eac+ rou" must "resent for 12 mins includin 2uestions! Eac+
student will "resent for 2 mins!
Assess&ent Task 14 BUS1BUF <ui==es
Assess&ent task 1 BUS1BUF <ui==es
Due ,ate7
Assi.n&ent sub&ission
E1ery wee$ -"lease refer to learnin acti1ities "lan on " =5C.
?ee$ly 2ui@@es are accessi#le and must #e com"leted online 1ia LMS
6or, li&it7'a.e li&it 3ot a""lica#le
T/'e o- assi.n&ent 6ndi1idual assessment
6ei.htin. 10A of t+e total mar$s for t+is su#%ect
!ra,in. criteria4 )utomated radin
)ur'ose an, ai&s4
T+e "ur"ose of t+is assessment is to aue student learnin and com"re+ension, to see if students understand w+at t+ey +a1e #een tau+t and w+at is to #e co1ered in t+e
ne9t to"ic! T+e s+ort 2ui@@es are a learnin tool for t+e student and a feed#ac$ mec+anism to t+e lecturer!
Descri'tion o- assess&ent4
Eac+ wee$ students will #e re2uired to com"lete 10 2ui@@es, made u" of 105 2uestions eac+ w+ic+ consists of multi"le c+oice4true or false 2uestions! Eac+ 2ui@ will assess
t+e 1arious learnin outcomes, from #asic recall a""lication, analysis and e1aluation! Eac+ 2ui@ measures t+e learnin outcome relati1e to eac+ wee$Ls content!
Students must complete the online weekly quiz before the due date Students who fail to complete each weekly quiz before the due date will automatically
receive a zero
Assess&ent Task >4 #arketin. "e'ort 8 In,ivi,ual assess&ent
Assess&ent task > #arketin. "e'ort 8 In,ivi,ual assess&ent
Due ,ate7
Assi.n&ent sub&ission
TB), ?ord &ount' 1D00 words
- Electronically 1ia Moodle
6or, li&it7'a.e li&it 1D00 words4 = "aes -M45 10A., "lus references -Students are re2uired
to use t+e
LT* Har1ard Referencin style. T/'e o- assi.n&ent 6ndi1idual assessment
6ei.htin. 40A of t+e total mar$s for t+is su#%ect
!ra,in. criteria4 )ssinment s"ecific radin criteria in t+e Su#%ect Learnin >uide
Inten,e, Learnin. outco&es4
"esearch and evaluate an e9istin #usiness; define its internal and e9ternal en1ironments and identify a
stratey to #est alin t+e #usinessLs internal ca"a#ilities wit+ its e9ternal o""ortunities!
2 "esearch, ,e-ine and ar.ue a #usiness case to %ustify a new "roduct!
/ %o&&unicate effecti1ely t+rou+ structured written arument in a "rofessional re"ort format!
= Search for, locate and evaluate disci"line s"ecific information
)ur'ose an, ai&s4
T+is assessment is desined to a""ly t+e $nowlede and s$ills de1elo"ed #y t+e students to e1aluatin t+e e9ternal and internal en1ironment in w+ic+ new "roduct is to #e
realised and definin strateies a""ro"riate to its realisation! T+e #usiness conce"t relates to a new "roduct rele1ant to t+e com"any w+ic+ forms t+e o1erarc+in focus of
t+e learnin acti1ities of t+is section of t+e su#%ect! 6n t+is assinment, t+e student is e9"ected to analyse t+e e9ternal and internal en1ironments -S?0T., identify a rele1ant
stratey -S50, ?50 etc!., identify and descri#e a taret mar$et, and develop a suitable new product for the company to introduce for this target market
Descri'tion o- assess&ent4
Eac+ student will #e e9"ected to c+oose a com"any from t+e list of com"anies "ro1ided -see ta#le #elow.! Eac+ student is t+en re2uired to conduct a S?0T analysis,
identifyin t+e internal strent+s and wea$nesses and e9ternal o""ortunities and t+reats of t+e com"any! T+e oal of a S?0T analysis is to identify t+e critical factors t+at
may affect your "ro"osed #usiness conce"t -or new "roduct. and t+en #uild on your strent+s to reduce your wea$nesses, e9"loit o""ortunities and a1oid "otential t+reats!
Students are also e9"ected 6dentify and descri#e usin sementin 1aria#les, one taret mar$et #ein ser1ed #y your com"any!
Students are re2uired to use < ty"es of resources in t+e mar$etin "lan'
1! 6ndustry re"orts
2! &om"any re"orts
<! ,rescri#ed te9t#oo$
"e-erence List4
Students are re2uired to use t+e LT* referencin style and to list resources in al"+a#etical order usin t+e LT* Har1ard
Referencin Style! More information at' + tt " '44 w w w !li # !l a tr o# e !e du !au 4r e f e re n ci n 5too l4 +a r1 a rd
%ollins Foo,s !rou' *8F& and
%o&'etitive Foo,s Australia -+as 8F& in ?) and 3T, Hunry Nac$s5 nationwide.
Do&ino?s )i==a
#cDonal,?s Australia
$uick Service "estaurants -Red Rooster, &+ic$en Treat, 0"orto.
"etail Foo, !rou' &rust ,i@@a, (onut 8in, Brum#yLs, Mic+elLs ,atisserie etc
"etail :oo SalsaLs and Boost
Sub@a/ S/ste&s
1u&A "estaurants Australia *8F& and ,i@@a Hut.
Detaile, "e'ort Te&'late
O 1! E9ecuti1e Summary
2! 6ntroduction and
#ac$round to
t+e com"any
Half a "ae e9ecuti1e summary
6ntroduction to t+e tas$, definition, "ur"ose and 1alue of a S?0T
analysis for orani@ations!
6ntroduction to t+e com"any #ein analysed G includin e!!
+istory, current mar$et, "roduct lines etc
<! S?0T ta#le 0n one "ae, "resent t+e S?0T analysis in a ta#le format,
ma$in sure
to ran$ t+e elements in eac+ of t+e S?0T dimensions!
4! Findins
a! E9"lanation of t+e
S?0T ta#le
Students are re2uired to "ro1ide an o1er1iew of t+eir findins
descri#e t+eir a""roac+ and c+oice of ran$in!
ons a! Taret
mar$et #! 3ew
c! &ustomer
d! Nustification of t+e
c+oice of new
"roduct usin at
least one stratey
6dentify and descri#e usin sementin 1aria#les, one taret
mar$et #ein ser1ed #y your com"any!
(escri#e your new "roduct desined for your identified taret
mar$et! 6nclude t+e rele1ant mar$etin mi9 1aria#les!
E9"lain t+e customer 1alue "ro1ided #y your new
"roduct! E9"lain +ow t+eir new "roduct PfitsL wit+ t+e
S?0T analysis #y
descri#in at least one stratey "rofile #ein addressed -e!! S5
0, ?50
=! References list and
Students are re2uired to use t+e LT* Har1ard Referencin style C
ASSESS#ENT TAS3 B4 Social Action )lan C !rou' "e'ort an, )resentation7vi,eo
Assess&ent task Ba Social )ction ,lan5 >rou" Re"ort
Due ,ate7
6eek 11 D 1>
- Electronically 1ia LMS
6or, li&it 2000 words -M45 10A., "lus references -Students are re2uired to use t+e LT*
Referencin style.
T/'e o- assi.n&ent >rou" assessment
6ei.htin. 40A of t+e total mar$s for t+is su#%ect
10A for critical t+in$in and "ro#lem sol1in as a team
10A ,ersonal reflection
/A colla#oration and "artici"ation
/A Location, selection and use of information
!ra,in. criteria4 )ssessment s"ecific radin criteria in t+e Su#%ect Learnin >uide
I&'ortant notes - Sined )ssinment &o1er S+eet -)cademic 6nterity Student (eclaration
form. must #e attac+ed to +ard co"y su#mission
- For electronic su#missions' 03LE Microsoft 0ffice document ty"es are
- Font si@e not smaller t+an Times 3ew Roman 12
- Eou M*ST $ee" a du"licate co"y of your assinment
Assess&ent task Bb Social )ction ,resentation or &am"ain Fideo
Due ,ate7
6ee k 1> c las se s9 Eac+ rou" will "resent t+eir social action "lan to t+e rest of
t+e class!
Format' Li1e "resentation or 1ideo cam"ain
Time' 12 mins -2mins "er student, / students "er rou" includin 2uestions. T/'e o- assi.n&ent >rou" ,resentation -6ndi1idual ,resentation mar$.
6ei.htin. 10A of t+e total mar$s for t+is su#%ect
!ra,in. criteria4 )ssinment s"ecific radin criteria in t+e Su#%ect Learnin >uide
Inten,e, learnin. outco&es4
< De&onstrate and usti-/ t+e use of manaement s$ills to sol1e a contem"orary social "ro#lem in a dynamic
4 %o&&unicate effecti1ely t+rou+ "rofessional oral "resentations!
/ %o&&unicate effecti1ely t+rou+ structured written arument in a "rofessional re"ort format!
= Search for, locate and evaluate disci"line s"ecific information!
C De&onstrate and re-lect on "ersonal 1iews and +a1e an o"enness to t+e "ers"ecti1e of ot+ers9
)ur'ose an, ai&s4
T+e "ur"ose of t+is assessment is to ena#le and acti1ely enae students to lead t+eir own action! )lon wit+ a""lyin t+e $nowlede and s$ills ained from learnin
a#out local, national and lo#al issues, students will #e su""orted in t+e de1elo"ment of t+e necessary s$ills of "ro#lem4o""ortunity identification and action "lannin,
necessary to #e "ro5acti1e in ma$in a "ositi1e difference in t+e world! T+is is also desined to "ro1ide an o""ortunity for students to wor$ colla#orati1ely and res"ectfully
wit+ a rane of students from di1erse #ac$rounds!
Eac+ class will colla#orate toet+er to define ONE socially5#ased "ro#lem or o""ortunity w+ic+ could #e a local, national or lo#al issue4o""ortunity rele1ant to some
as"ect of di1ersity, e2uity, social inclusion and enaement, w+ic+ re2uires a "ro"osal for a solution or offers an o""ortunity for de1elo"ment t+at will in1ol1e an as"ect
of social ad1ancement!
)s a small rou"QQ, you must #e a#le to define t+e sco"e of t+e issue4o""ortunity t+rou+ in2uiry4researc+, critically analyse t+e issue and aruments reardin t+e
nature4im"ortance of t+e issue; and offer solutions to t+e issue or a means of realisin t+e o""ortunity!
QQ T+is assessment re2uires students to acti1ely enae and wor$ colla#orati1ely wit+ a di1erse rane of students to #e a#le to understand t+e "ers"ecti1es of ot+ers;
t+erefore, small rou"s of / -rou"s will #e formed in wee$ 2. will #e formed #y self5 selection -with the support of the lecturer. +owe1er, you are +i+ly recommended to
+a1e a rane of disci"lines, aes, cultural and linuistic s$ills as t+e reater t+e di1ersity of your rou", t+e #roader t+e rane of ideas t+at will #e a1aila#le to you! T+is
assessment tas$ "ro1ides students an o""ortunity for inter5cultural learnin, w+ic+ re2uires a culturally +eteroeneous mi9 of students!
Descri'tion o- the assess&ent4
T+ere are T6O "arts to t+e assessment'
)art A4 >rou" action "lan on a social issue4o""ortunity' a written re"ort com"risin of 2000 words! -40A.
)art B4 ,resentation or &am"ain Fideo -10A. 6n wee$ 12 classes, eac+ rou" will "resent t+e social action "lan to t+e class! Eac+ mem#er of t+e rou" will recei1e an
indi1idual mar$ #ased on t+e "resentation! Eac+ rou" must "resent for 12 minutes in total, includin 2uestions!
Students are re2uired at least 4 ty"es of resources in t+e rou" social action "lan'
1! Minimum of 2 %ournal articles -students are re2uired to use sc+olarly and "eer5re1iewed articles.
2! 3ews"a"er articles
<! ,rescri#ed te9t#oo$
4! we#site
Ste's in ,evelo'in. the class issue7o''ortunit/4
6eek Action
B T+e lecturer introduces )ssessment tas$ <' t+e
"ur"ose and
t+e re2uirements of t+e assessment!
6n t+is session, eac+ student in t+e class is as$ed to
t+in$ a#out ONE issue4o""ortunity t+at t+ey would
li$e to "ursue or write a#out! -students are
encouraed loo$ at news"a"ers, maa@ines, news
0ne issue4o""ortunity from eac+ student to
"ro1ided #y wee$ 4
E )nonymously, eac+ student to write down t+e
issue4o""ortunity on a "ost5it note and "lace
on t+e w+ite#oard
&lass to discuss t+e issues4o""ortunities
"resented and identify t+emes emerin
-4 or / t+emes to #e identified.
F Eac+ rou" is to #rainstorm usin #utc+er "a"er eac+
t+emes t+at was identified in wee$ 4 and decide on
issue4o""ortunity t+ey would li$e to wor$ on!
>rou"s to 1ote on ONE issue4o""ortunity #y
nominatin t+eir "referred issue and "lacin it in
t+e #o9 "ro1ided! Lecturer to count t+e 1otes!
Lecturer to at+er all t+e suested
issues4o""ortunities t+emes and eac+ class
is to
1ote ONE issue4o""ortunity
Te&'late -or Social Action )lan
) a r t A C 6 ri tt e n " e'o r t
,art ) of t+e Social )ction "lan needs to include t+e followin'
1. . ackg round to t # e *ss ue
T+is includes, #ut is not limited to a descri"tion of t+e issue, w+y it is im"ortant, w+om it affects, and t+e costs to society of
inaction! T+is section s+ould also include a descri"tion of t+e com"any4rou" t+at +as #een c+osen to address t+e issue!
2. O b jec tiv es o $ t#e ! c ti o n +l an
6n t+is section, rou"s s+ould outline t+e $ey o#%ecti1es of t+e action "lan! 6n doin so, students s+ould demonstrate
awareness of t+e 1ia#ility and "racticality of t+e o#%ecti1es in1ol1ed, and t+e a1aila#ility of resources to meet t+e said o#%ecti1es!
/. + ro%o s ed ! c ti ons
Eac+ o#%ecti1e s+ould #e #ro$en down into a set of im"lementa#le action "oints!
0. ! n ti c i%a ted O u tco " es
Eac+ action "oint from Section < a#o1e is re2uired to +a1e a set of measura#le antici"ated outcomes associated wit+ it!
1. 2 ey ro les and re s %on s ib iliti es
>i1en t+e com"any4rou" descri#ed under Section 1, t+e roles and re"ortin structure s+ould #e outlined and descri#ed
usin an oranisational c+art! Followin t+is, t+e $ey res"onsi#ilities, and indi1iduals accounta#le for eac+ action need to #e outlined!
-. ' i"e li nes and re s ou rces requ i red
T+e antici"ated com"letion date for eac+ action, and t+e resources re2uired to com"lete t+em are to #e descri#ed in t+is section!
3. 2 e y 4i s k s
6n t+is section, rou"s need to demonstrate t+at t+ey are aware of any "otential ris$s and downside associated wit+ eac+ of t+e action "oints!
5. 6 v a lua ti o n 7 e t# o d
Here students are e9"ected to descri#e t+e met+ods to #e used to e1aluate t+e "roress of eac+ action "oint aainst t+e stated o#%ecti1es and antici"ated outcomes
-Sections 2 and 4 res"ecti1ely.! >rou"s s+ould also include w+en t+e e1aluation is oin to #e underta$en, assumin t+at t+e action "oints will +a1e 1aryin timelines
associated wit+ t+em!
! " e rson al Re fl e ct ion# $% && w o rd s ' su b m itt ed v ia ( ) S
6ndi1idually, you are re2uired to write a "ersonal reflection to #e su#mitted on LMS reflectin on your e9"eriences,
t+ou+ts and feelins of wor$in colla#orati1ely as a mem#er of t+e rou" on t+e de1elo"ment of a social action "lan!
'#is is an o%%ortunity $or you to re$lect on your values and #o) t#ey i"%act on your %ers%ectives. *t )ill be i"%ortant $or you to ackno)ledge t#e si"ilarities and
di$$erences o$ t#e vie)s and t#e various %ers%ectives o$ grou% "e"bers. +art o$ t#e %rocess )ill be to re$lect on #o) t#e various %ers%ectives #ave been valued and
res%ect$ully re%resented in t#e %rocess o$ )orking toget#er on t#e social action %lan. *n de$ining t#e sco%e o$ t#e issue/o%%ortunity )it#in t#e grou%& re$lect on #o) your
o)n background and li$e e8%eriences "ig#t #ave in$luenced #o) you %erceived t#e issue/o%%ortunity. W#at i"%act do di$$erent li$e e8%eriences #ave on #o) an
issue/o%%ortunity is %erceived9 :ou can su%%ort your res%onses by using e8a"%les $ro" t#e grou% social action %lan or re$erring to s%eci$ic events t#at occurred )it#in
t#e grou%.
10! Finally, eac+ rou" is re2uired to summarise t+e Social )ction ,lan into t+e followin ta#le, and attac+ it as an a""endi9 to t+e re"ort -6t does no t form "art of t+e word
Social Action )lan4 !rou' Na&e
Social )ction "lan' Team mem#ers'RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! (escri"tion of t+e 6ssue'
Obective 14
Ti&elines an,
3e/ "isks Evaluation
Obective >4
Ti&elines an,
3e/ "isks Evaluation
) a r t B C ) r e s en ta ti o n o r % a & 'a i. n 2 i ,e o * D ue ,a te 4 6ee k 1 > cl a ss e s +
>rou"s are e9"ected to "resent t+eir res"ecti1e Social )ction ,lan ta#les to t+e rest of t+e class! T+is needs to #e done in an enain and "rofessional manner, and
s+ould #e conducted in a ,ower,oint "resentation and4or &am"ain 1ideo format!
Eac+ rou" must "resent for 12 mins in total, includin 2uestions! Eac+ mem#er of t+e rou" will need to "resent for 2 mins and eac+ student will recei1e an indi1idual mar$
#ased on t+e "resentation!
)ll students will #e "ro1ided wit+ 'eer -ee,b a c k ! (urin "resentations41ideos, students will #e "ro1idin feed#ac$ usin t+e radin ru#ric -"ro1ided.! T+e feed#ac$ will
#e anonymous, and will #e collated and "ro1ided #ac$ to eac+ rou"!
* u id e l in es fo r th e in c la s s+ p re s e n ta tio n
>rou"s of / students -some reional classes may define rou"s of a different si@e.
)ll students are re2uired to "resent! Eac+ student is res"onsi#le to s"ea$ for 2 mins
* u id e l in es fo r , a m p a i g n - id e o
Eac+ rou" mem#er to "resent for an e2ual lent+ of time -2 mins.
T+e 1ideo must #e 10 mins in total, wit+ eac+ mem#er of t+e rou" "resentin! Students w+o "resent a 1ideo will also +a1e 2uestion time in class -2 mins.
Fideos must #e u"loaded on des$to" com"uter! ,lease ma$e sure t+e 1ideo lin$-s. wor$ #efore class! Failure to do t+is may result in deduction of mar$s!
(etailed >radin &riteria
!ra,in. %riteria Assess&ent Task >4 In,ivi,ual 6ritten "e'ort *EG5+
%riteria EHcellent *A IG81GG5+ 2er/ !oo, *B 0G80J5+ !oo, *% FG8FJ5+ )ass *D KG8KJ5+ Fail *N G8EJ5+ !ra,e
6ritin. &learly states t+e
"ur"ose, assertion,
aruments and
findins of t+e re"ort,
and su""orts t+is wit+
e1idence in a
sustained and loical
fas+ion! &reates a
tem"late for creatin
t+e re"ort
usin a""ro"riate
academic lanuae
and learnin
0ranises and orders
ideas in a structured and
se2uenced fas+ion,
aimed at ma$in a central
arument or assertion!
)do"ts a reconisa#le
tem"late for creatin t+e
re"ort usin a""ro"riate
lanuae and
&ontains many rele1ant
ideas, and attem"ts to
structure t+em in a
co+erent fas+ion usin a
reconisa#le tem"late for
creatin t+e re"ort usin
a""ro"riate academic
and learnin con1entions!
&ontains some rele1ant
ideas, #ut is una#le to
relate t+em in an
oranised fas+ion in t+e
re"ort usin a""ro"riate
academic lanuae and
learnin con1entions!
&ontains little or no
information relatin
to t+e tas$, and
ma$es no attem"t
to "roduce an
oranised res"onse
to t+e tas$!
LocationL selection
an, use o-
*evi,ence an,
Locates, e1aluates and
interates a rane of
rele1ant information -or
data. into t+e
construction of a
res"onse to t+e tas$,
and uses t+e disci"line
sanctioned Har1ard
Referencin Style at
+ tt "'44www! li#! la tro # e !e
du! a u 4refere n c in 5
tool 4+ a r1 a rd to cite
sources in a timely and
a""ro"riate fas+ion!
Locates and synt+esises
a rane of rele1ant
information -or data. to
inform t+e res"onse to
t+e tas$, and uses t+e
disci"line sanctioned
Har1ard Referencin
Style at
+ tt "'44www! li#! la tro # e !e du!a
refere n cin 5 tool 4+ a r1 a rd to
cite sources in a
timely and a""ro"riate
*ses a rane of
"rescri#ed information
sources -or data. to
inform t+e res"onse to
t+e tas$, and uses t+e
disci"line sanctioned
Har1ard Referencin
Style at
+ tt "'44www! li#! la tro # e !e du!a
refere n cin 5 tool 4+ a r1 a rd to
cite sources in a timely
and a""ro"riate fas+ion,
#ut wit+ some errors!
T+e res"onse to t+e tas$
relies u"on a narrow or
"artially rele1ant selection
of information sources -or
1ery limited data., and
uses t+e disci"line
sanctioned Har1ard
Referencin Style at
+ tt "'44www! li#! la tro # e !e du!
au4 refere n cin 5
tool 4+ a r1 a rd to
cite sources in a timely and
a""ro"riate fas+ion, #ut
wit+ some errors
6rrele1ant sources
and data selected to
inform t+e res"onse
to t+e tas$, or used
ina""ro"riately, wit+
little or no
assu&'tions an,
7 strate.ies
ca"a#ility to a""ly t+e
e9ternal and internal
analyses usin
mar$etin conce"ts!
T+e re"ortLs
com"onents +a1e
#een #rou+t toet+er
loically and
"ersuasi1ely %ustifyin
recommendations or
strateies "resented!
(emonstrates in5de"t+
$nowlede of e9ternal
and internal analyses
usin mar$etin
conce"ts t+at are
e9"licitly interated into
a re"ort!
T+e re"ortLs com"onents
#een #ou+t toet+er to
loically %ustify
recommendations or
strateies "resented!
(emonstrates ade2uate
$nowlede of e9ternal
and internal analyses and
attem"ts to formulate a
co+erently interated
re"ort to %ustify
recommendations or
Limited $nowlede of
e9ternal and internal
analyses and little
attem"t to %ustify
recommendations or
*na#le to
$nowlede of
e9ternal and
internal analyses or
em"loy t+em to
or strateies!
!ra,in. %riteria Assess&ent Task Ba4 !rou' Social Action )lan *EG5+
%riteria EHcellent *A IG81GG5+ 2er/ !oo, *B 0G80J5+ !oo, *% FG8FJ5+ )ass *D KG8KJ5+ Fail *N G8EJ5+ !ra,e
6ritin. )ut+oritati1e use of
conce"ts and terminoloy
in rou" action "lan!
&learly states t+e "ur"ose,
assertion, aruments and
findins, and su""orts t+is
wit+ e1idence in a
sustained and loical
,roficient use of
terminoloy in rou"
action "lan and orders
ideas in a structured and
se2uenced fas+ion,
aimed at ma$in a
central arument or
&om"etent use of
terminoloy in rou" action
"lan! &ontains many
rele1ant ideas, and
attem"ts to structure t+em
in a co+erent manner!
Limited use of a""ro"riate
terminoloy in rou" action
&ontains some rele1ant ideas,
#ut is
una#le to relate t+em
in an oranised
&ontains little or no
meaninful information
relatin to t+e tas$, and
ma$es no attem"t to
"roduce an oranised
res"onse to t+e tas$!
LocationL selection
an, use o-
*evi,ence an,
Locates, e1aluates and
interates a rane of
rele1ant information -or
data. into t+e construction
of a res"onse to t+e tas$,
and uses t+e disci"line
sanctioned Har1ard
Referencin Style at
+ tt "'44www! li#! la tro # e !e du!au
eferen c in 5 tool 4+ a r1 a rd to
Locates and synt+esises a
rane of rele1ant
information -or data. to
inform t+e res"onse to t+e
tas$, and uses t+e
disci"line sanctioned
Har1ard Referencin Style
+ tt "'44www! li#! la tro # e !e du!a
u4r eferen c in 5 tool 4+ a r1 a rd
to cite sources in a timely
and a""ro"riate fas+ion!
*ses a rane of "rescri#ed
information sources -or
data. to inform t+e
res"onse to t+e tas$, and
uses t+e disci"line
sanctioned Har1ard
Referencin Style at
+ tt "'44www! li#! la tro # e !e du!a
u4r eferen c in 5 tool 4+ a r1 a rd
to cite sources in a timely
and a""ro"riate fas+ion,
#ut wit+ some errors!
T+e res"onse to t+e tas$ relies
u"on a narrow or "artially
rele1ant selection of
information sources -or 1ery
limited data. and uses t+e
disci"line sanctioned Har1ard
Referencin Style at
+tt" '44www! li# !la tro#e !e d u !a u 4re
fe r encin 5 tool 4+ a r1 a rd to cite
sources in a timely and
a""ro"riate fas+ion, #ut wit+
some errors
6rrele1ant sources and
data selected to inform t+e
res"onse to t+e tas$, or
used ina""ro"riately, wit+
little or no attri#ution!
cal thinkin.
Situates t+e "ro#lem or
issue "resented in wit+in a
manaement conte9t or
conce"tual framewor$ and
draws su""orted
conclusions from a""lyin
$ey manaement conce"ts
to "ro1ide well %ustified
,recisely identifies all
rele1ant factors of t+e
manaement "ro#lem
"resented and accurately
a""lies manaement
conce"ts to "ro1ide a
"ossi#le solution!
&orrectly identifies many
rele1ant factors of t+e
manaement "ro#lem
"resented and attem"ts,
wit+ some inaccuracy, to
a""ly manaement
conce"ts to ac+ie1e a
&orrectly identifies some
rele1ant factors of t+e
manaement "ro#lem
"resented and attem"ts wit+
some uncertainty to a""ly
manaement conce"ts to
ac+ie1e a feasi#le solution!
Ma$es little or no attem"t
to se"arate t+e elements
of t+e "ro#lem "resented
or to relate t+em to
rele1ant manaement
)n interated
contri#ution to t+e rou"
social action "lan, w+ic+
reflects critical
assimilation of rou"
"ers"ecti1es, reac+in a
#alanced and well
founded conclusion, set
of findins or
) co5ordinated
contri#ution to t+e rou"
social action "lan, w+ic+
reflects assimilation of
rou" "ers"ecti1es,
reac+in a 2ualified
conclusion, set of findins
or recommendations!
) res"onse to t+e rou"
social action "lan w+ic+
attem"ts to accommodate
or draw u"on t+e rou"
contri#ution in a co+erent
and structured fas+ion,
reac+in a tentati1e
conclusion, set of findins
or recommendations!
) res"onse to t+e rou"
social action "lan, w+ic+
reflects rou" contri#ution,
and constructs a less t+an
co+erent, #ut "lausi#le,
conclusion, set of findins or
Res"onse does not
account for rou" social
contri#utions, or is una#le
to effecti1ely include ot+er
"oints of 1iew to reac+ a
"lausi#le conclusion!
)ersonal re-lection ) 1ery clear understandin
of oneLs own t+in$in and
learnin "rocesses #y
e9aminin o"enly own
e9"eriences and clearly
articulatin t+e di1ersity of
o"inions wit+in t+e rou"!
) clear understandin of
oneLs own t+in$in and
learnin "rocesses #y
e9aminin o"enly own
e9"eriences and clearly
articulatin t+e di1ersity of
o"inions wit+in t+e rou"!
)n understandin of oneLs
own t+in$in and learnin
"rocesses #y e9aminin
o"enly own e9"eriences
and clearly articulatin t+e
di1ersity of o"inions wit+in
t+e rou"!
3o clear understandin of
oneLs own t+in$in and learnin
"rocesses #y e9aminin o"enly
own e9"eriences and clearly
articulatin t+e di1ersity of
o"inions wit+in t+e rou"!
3o understandin of oneLs
own t+in$in and learnin
"rocesses #y e9aminin
o"enly own e9"eriences
and clearly articulatin t+e
di1ersity of o"inions wit+in
t+e rou"!
!ra,in. %riteria Assess&ent Task Bb4 !rou' Action )lan )resentation *1G5+
%riteria EHcellent *AIG81GG5+ 2er/ !oo, *B 0G80J5+ !oo, *% FG8FJ5+ )ass *D KG8KJ5+ Fail *N G8EJ5+ !ra,e
n D
,ersuasi1ely defines t+e
conce"tual a""roac+ to
t+e "resentation,
structures t+e
"resentation and uses
clear, "owerful and
a""ro"riate lanuae for
an academic and
"rofessional audience!
&o+erently and loically
structures t+e "resentation
and uses clear and
a""ro"riate lanuae for
an academic and
"rofessional audience!
Loically structures
t+e "resentation.,
co+erence, and uses
some a""ro"riate
lanuae for student
-or disci"linary.
)ttem"ts to structure t+e
"resentation if somew+at
inco+erently, and uses
minimal a""ro"riate
lanuae for student -or
disci"linary. audience!
Ma$es no attem"t to
structure t+e
"resentation and
does not a""ro"riate
lanuae for student
-or disci"linary focus.!
$uestions an,
Res"onds to 2uestions
in a "recise, "ersuasi1e
manner wit+ rele1ance to
t+e "resentation and
refers to information t+at
oes #eyond ideas
already "resented!
Res"onds to 2uestions in
a "recise manner wit+
rele1ance to t+e
"resentation and refers to
some information t+at
#eyond ideas already
Res"onds to 2uestions in
an a""ro"riate manner
and wit+ some rele1ance
to t+e "resentation, and
s+ows $nowlede and
understandin of t+e
Res"onds to 2uestions in
an a""ro"riate and
co+erent manner, #ut
demonstrates a limited
$nowlede of t+e to"ic
(oes not res"ond to
2uestions or does so
wit+ little co+erence
and rele1ance to t+e
(isci"linary $nowlede
is clearly "resented and
uses disci"linary
lanuae aut+oritati1ely;
s+ows critical
understandin of t+e
issue "resented and
demonstrates de"t+ and
accuracy of
(isci"linary $nowlede is
clearly "resented and uses
disci"linary lanuae
com"etently, s+ows a
"roficient awareness of t+e
issue "resented and
accuracy of
(isci"linary $nowlede is
"resented and uses
disci"linary lanuae
a""roac+in com"etency,
s+ows an awareness of
t+e issue "resented and
demonstrates limited
content understandin!
(isci"linary $nowlede
lac$s clarity and uses
disci"linary lanuae
tentati1ely, s+ows an
awareness of t+e issue
"resented and some
e1idence of ainin new
$nowlede is unclear
and does not use t+e
lanuae of t+e
disci"line in a
sustained fas+ion, and
demonstrates no
e1idence of ainin
new understandin!
)artici'ation an,
)n interated
contri#ution to t+e
res"onse to t+e tas$,
w+ic+ reflects critical
assimilation of ot+er
rou" "ers"ecti1es,
reac+in a #alanced and
well5founded conclusion,
set of findins or
) co5ordinated
contri#ution to t+e
res"onse to t+e tas$,
w+ic+ reflects assimilation
of ot+er "ers"ecti1es,
reac+in a 2ualified
conclusion, set of findins
or recommendations!
) res"onse to t+e tas$
w+ic+ attem"ts to
accommodate or draw
u"on eac+ indi1idual
contri#ution in a co+erent
and structured fas+ion,
reac+in a tentati1e
conclusion, set of findins
or recommendations!
) res"onse to t+e tas$,
w+ic+ reflects eac+
indi1idual contri#ution,
and constructs a less
t+an co+erent, #ut
"lausi#le, conclusion, set
of findins or
Res"onse does not
account for ot+er
contri#utions, or
is una#le to effecti1ely
include ot+er "oints of
to reac+ a
%O##ENTS 71G
)oliciesL )roce,ures an, !ui,elines
T+e *ni1ersity +as a com"re+ensi1e "olicy framewor$ to w+ic+ #ot+ staff and students must ad+ere! Eou s+ould familiarise yourself wit+ t+ose "olicies, "rocedures and uidelines li$ely to
affect you es"ecially t+e followin'
)cademic 6nterity!
)cademic ,roress!
)ssessment and Feed#ac$!
E9tension to Su#mission (ates!
Late Su#mission of )ssessment Tas$s!
0ccu"ational, Healt+ and Safety J0HSK!
S"ecial &onsideration!
Student &+arter!
*se of Electronic Mail!
T+e rele1ant "olicies, "rocedures and uidelines can #e found on t+e we#site at' + tt " '44 www !latr o #e !edu !a u 4" o li c y4
Aca,e&ic Inte.rit/
)cademic interity means #ein +onest in academic wor$ and ta$in res"onsi#ility for learnin t+e con1entions of sc+olars+i"! La Tro#e
*ni1ersity 1iews t+is seriously as e1idenced #y t+e followin e9tract'
)cademic +onesty is a fundamental "rinci"le in teac+in, learnin, researc+ and sc+olars+i"! T+e *ni1ersity re2uires its academic staff and students to o#ser1e t+e +i+est
et+ical standards in all as"ects of academic wor$ and it demonstrates its commitment to t+ese 1alues #y awardin due credit for +onestly conducted sc+olarly wor$, and #y
"enalisin academic misconduct and all forms of c+eatin!
!cade"ic *ntegrity +rocedures (2,1,& %. 1 o$ -
)cademic misconduct includes "oor referencin, "laiarism, co"yin and c+eatin! Eou s+ould familiarise yourself wit+ your res"onsi#ilities in relation to )cademic 6nterity and if you +a1e any
2uestions, direct t+em to your &ourse &oordinator! 6nformation can #e found on t+e we#site at' + tt " '44 www !latr o #e !edu !a u 4l e ar n i n 4i n te r ity! + tml
Assignments must be submitted by 5.00pm Sydney time on the day they are due through the student Portal.
Generally, any assignment worth 5 percent or more of the total mark reuires the use of the Assessment !o"er Sheet downloadable from the student
Portal #to be uploaded with your assignment$. %e-occurring assessment submitted during tutorial, or any assignments with less than 5 percent of the total marks
may not reuire the use of the Assessment !o"er Sheet but it is highly recommended that the co"er sheet is used at all times for all submissions.
Any assignment worth &0 percent or more of the total mark reuires the use of the Statement of Authorship form to be uploaded with your assignment
Assignment Submission
LTUSC uses the popular plagiarism prevention technology Turnitin. This means that, if your assignment is essay-based, it must be submitted to Turnitin. our lecturer may still as! you to
hand in a hard copy, but a soft copy must be uploaded and submitted via the student "ortal.
For equity and consistency it is essential that all lecturers adhere strictly to due dates and apply the policy for late assignments uniformly.
'ate assessments will be penalised by ha"ing &0( subtracted for each working day after the submission date #including weekends$.
)*tensions can only be gi"en on medical grounds #a medical certificate is reuired$ or compassionate grounds, and cannot be granted because of work
commitments. %euest for e*tension must be submitted #with supporting documents$ by using the special consideration form prior to the due date. )*tension
will not be granted if reuest is made after the due date.
)*tension reuest accompanied by a medical certificate is granted in the following manner+
,he number of days co"ered by the medical certificate will be used as a basis for granting the e*tension. -or e*ample, if a medical certificate
co"ers . working days, the student will be granted with a .-day e*tension.
,his will only apply if the medical certificate co"ers a period of /-work days prior to the due date. -or e*ample, if the due date is -riday 5
September .000, only medical certificate that co"ers the ,uesday, 1ednesday and ,hursday prior to -riday 5 September .000 will be
)*tension reuest on compassionate ground will be granted at the discretion of the lecturers and2or the Academic 3anager.
'ate submission penalty applies to assignments submitted after the appro"ed e*tension period.
Missing the Mid-Semester Test
4n rare and e*tenuating circumstances a student may not be able to sit the mid-semester test because of illness or misad"enture. 4n such
circumstances the student should apply by filling out the special consideration form and submitting the form to Academic Ser"ices 5nit within 6.
hours after the e*am. ,he form must include all circumstances appertaining to the test and supporting documentation #eg medical certificates$
should be attached. Students should submit the form immediately upon the resumption of study. ,he application will be re"iewed and the student
will be informed of the outcome.
Missing the Final Examination
-inal e*aminations ha"e been assigned specific dates and "enues for completion. ,hese details are released on the campus website. 7o
alternati"e times or e*tensions are a"ailable for final e*aminations. Students who do not sit for final e*amination at the scheduled time will be
awarded a mark of 8ero.
4n rare and e*tenuating circumstances a student may not be able to sit a final e*am because of illness or misad"enture. 4f you miss the final
e*amination, you must lodge an application for special consideration within 6. hours of the test or e*amination time. 9ou should also e*plain your
circumstances to the sub:ect coordinator. A special consideration form can be found on the portal, and it is usual to include a doctor;s certificate or
supporting e"idence with this form.
Assessment Review and Remark
Final Examination
1. ,he reuest must be recei"ed with accompanying administration fee within 5 working days of release of official results #ie. <y 5P3 -riday of
1eek &$.
2. ,he form to reuest a re"iew2re-mark is a"ailable on the student portal.
3. An Administration fee of =>0 must be paid with )A!? re"iew2re-mark reuest. ,his fee is refunded if the grade subseuently changes otherwise
it is retained as contribution to administration cost.
4. A copy of your e*am script is then sent to your campus. 9ou will be gi"en a &0 minute re"iew session with the academic who has e*amined your
paper. ,he academic will e*plain the reasons behind the marks you ha"e been awarded. ,he academic may also pro"ide their opinion as to the
accuracy, fairness and reasonableness of the mark. 9ou will ha"e the opportunity to check the addition of marks and to look at your paper, but
you are not permitted to keep a copy of your e*am script. ,he academic will summarise the re"iew in a report and make a decision whether a
remark is warranted.
5. 4f your paper is not recommended for a re-mark, no further action is reuired. 9ou may appeal the academic;s decision to the Academic 3anager
in writing. 4n your submission, you must include a clear statement of the reasons why you are reuesting a re-mark. 4n this statement you must
pro"ide your reasons for belie"ing that the original assessment was not fair and2or reasonable. Simply desiring a higher mark or claiming ad"erse
circumstances during the e*am will not be accepted as grounds for a re-mark.
6. Please note that reuests which do not address the point abo"e will not be accepted. ,he appeal must be recei"ed within a week from the date of
the re"iew outcome notification. ,he Academic 3anager will make a decision on your appeal and this decision is final.
7. 4f your paper is recommended for a remark, no further action is reuired on your part. A member of the academic staff of 'a ,robe 5ni"ersity will
re-mark your paper and you will be ad"ised of the outcome.
8. @egree and @iploma students + 4f, at the end of this process, you are still not satisfied with the mark that you ha"e been awarded then you may
appeal the decision to the @ean of the -aculty of <usiness, )conomics, 'aw and finally the -aculty Ambudsman.
-oundation students+ 4f, at the end of this process, you are still not satisfied with the mark that you ha"e been awarded then you may appeal the
decision to the ',5S !ampus Principal and finally the -aculty Ambudsman.
Internal Assessment
- 9our lecturer2tutor is your first point of contact.
- 4f you are still unsatisfied with the e*planation from your lecturer2tutor, you can then submit a reuest for a mark to the Academic manager. 4n your reuest,
you must include the following information
!onfirmation that you ha"e discussed the paper with your lecturer2tutor
,he outcome of that discussion
A clear statement of the reasons for reuesting a remarkB those reasons must pro"ide grounds for belie"ing that the original assessment was not fair
and reasonableB merely desiring a higher mark or grade, or ad"erse circumstances during assessment will not be accepted as grounds for a remark.
Please note that reuests which do not address the point abo"e will not be accepted. ,he reuest must be recei"ed within a week from the date the internal
assessment is returned to the student.
- ,he Academic manager will make a decision on your reuest and this decision is final.
What is Academic Plagiarism
,he following warning is issued by the 5ni"ersity #Undergraduate Course Handbook: 201. !ou can access the Handbook at:*.htm
CAne form of academic cheating is plagiarism+ the reproduction of someone else;s words, ideas or findings and presenting them as one;s own without proper
acknowledgment. ,here are many forms of plagiarism, including the following+
direct copying of sentences, paragraphs or other e*tracts from someone else;s published work #including on the 4nternet and in software$ without
acknowledging the source
paraphrasing someone else;s words without acknowledging the source
using facts and information deri"ed from a source without acknowledging it
using ideas directly deri"ed from an identifiable author without acknowledging the source
producing assignments which should be the student;s own, independent work in collaboration with and2or using the work of other people #e.g. a student
or tutor$.D
Plagiarism and copying the work of other students are forms of cheating and will be treated accordingly. Students found guilty of academic misconduct may
recei"e penalties ranging from a reuirement to participate in academic counselling or a reduction in marks for an indi"idual piece of assessment for minor
cases, through to suspension from your course in serious cases or repeat offences.
,o ensure that you are not guilty of plagiarism you must, in all your written assignments, declare all sources from which you ha"e obtained materials or ideas.
Further ex*lanations +or ,academic misconduct- and +or ,*lagiarism- are availa.le at/ htt*/00www1latro.e1edu1au0learning0integrit21html 1
4t is the responsibility of all students to ensure that they are aware of rele"ant academic reuirements #e.g., accurate and correct referencing$, and to seek
assistance from staff where reuired. ,he abo"e policy links pro"ide rele"ant information about plagiarism, academic misconduct, and penalties that may apply.
Support and ad"ice with respect to the writing of essays2assignments is a"ailable through ',5S! 1riting Support 1orkshop.
Plagiarism detection and pre"ention software #e.g., ,urnitin$ is used to aid in identifying possible incidences of plagiarism in written assignments.
S*ecial circumstance *rocesses
Pro.lems3 Who to see +or hel*
!hallenges and difficulties in a "ariety of circumstances are not unusual during the years of uni"ersity studies. 4f you are feeling pressure about anything, in the
first instance see Student Services %++icer 4studentservices5auscam*us1net6 who will gi"e you some direction. 4f your problem is sub:ect specific, and if
your challenges and difficulties are seen to need other input, they will help you with a referral to another section of the 5ni"ersity.
S*ecial (onsideration
Special !onsideration is an euity measure to ensure that the assessment of students takes account of temporary ad"erse circumstances that impact
negati"ely on indi"idual students; ability to demonstrate their learning achie"ements in an assessed task.
Students who consider that their performance in an assessed task was ad"ersely affected by compelling or compassionate circumstances may apply to the
5ni"ersity for Special !onsideration. 4t is not a substitute for knowledge or skills you should ha"e learned and because of this you will not be granted special
consideration for your performance throughout a semester.
An application for special consideration does not guarantee that you will be granted a special e*amination or an ad:ustment to your results. ,he !ommittee
re"iews each application on an indi"idual basis.
4n most cases, you will 7A, be gi"en a second opportunity to sit an e*amination as a result of an application for special consideration. ,he !ommittee
only appro"es second e*aminations in e*traordinary cases.
4f you do not submit your application on the Application for Special !onsideration form then your application will not be considered.
4f your application does not contain all of the information reuested and the reuired supporting documentation then your application will not be considered.
4f your application is not submitted within the reuired time frame after the due date of the assessed task then your application will not be considered.
Should you apply for Special !onsideration during the final e*am period due to una"oidable illness or e*perience other e*traordinary circumstances that
pre"ent you from sitting an e*am, your attendance and progress in the unit will now also be taken into account with your application.
,o be considered eligible for Special !onsideration you will need to ha"e attended a minimum of 00( of your classes and ha"e achie"ed results that pro"e
you ha"e the ability to pass the final e*am for that sub:ect. Pro"iding a "alid medical certificate and not meeting these reuirements will significantly
disad"antage your application.
4f you belie"e that your studies ha"e been ad"ersely affected by illness or other factors e*perienced throughout the year you may apply for special
Special !onsideration application forms are a"ailable on A(# Student Portal and should be lodged with an Academic Ser"ices Afficer. 4t is important to note
that submission of an application for special consideration means only that the difficulties referred to therein will be brought to the attention of the e*aminer#s$ in
the unit#s$. 4t does not necessarily mean that special consideration will be granted.
7our a**lication +or s*ecial consideration must .e made in writing3 together with an2 medical evidence or such other evidence as ma2 .e
a**lica.le3 *rior to attending the examination +or the unit4s6 +or which 2ou are re8uesting s*ecial consideration1
4f you consider that your performance during an e*amination has been ad"ersely affected by illness or other cause immediately prior to, or in the course of, the
e*amination, you may in the first instanceB inform the super"isor at any time during the e*aminationB and subseuently furnish in writing a statement containing
the circumstances - together with any medical e"idence by a registered, ualified medical practitioner or other such e"idence as may be applicable no later
than 9: hours a+ter the time scheduled +or the examination in 8uestion
What documentation should .e included with the a**lication
4f your application relates to illness on your part, it must be accompanied by a medical certificate which has been completed by a registered medical practitioner.
,he following principles will apply in the e"aluation of applications in"ol"ing medical certificates+
- ,he medical certificate must be completed by a registered medical practitioner. ,he best way to ensure that this is the case is to ensure the certificate
includes a 3edicare Pro"ider 7umber. #,his is normally a 5 or E-digit number followed by . letters$. !ertificates that do not include a Pro"ider 7umber are
not likely to be accepted.
- ,he medical certificate must state that in the medical practitioner;s opinion you were or will be unfit to attend an assessment component or ha"e been or will
be ad"ersely affected by illness. 3edical certificates in which the medical practitioner reports that you claim to be unwell will not be accepted.
,he medical certificate must co"er the date on which the assessment is held.
<ackdated medical certificates will not be accepted
4f you are unable to complete an assessment component or your study is ad"ersely affected due to a non-medical reason, you are encouraged to pro"ide as
much documentary e"idence as you can to support your application. ,his should be ob:ecti"e e"idence from an independent source.
Who should a**l2 +or s*ecial consideration
A student who is unable to sit an e*amination due to illness or other cause.
A student who considers that his or her performance in an assessed task has been ad"ersely affected by illness or other cause immediately prior to the
due date of the assessed task.
%euests for special consideration must be for serious circumstances beyond the control of the student and will usually fall within the following causes+
- Serious illness or psychological condition F e.g. hospital admission, serious in:ury, se"ere illness, se"ere an*iety, or depression #not on-going
- 'oss or berea"ement F e.g. death of a close family member
- ?ardship2trauma F e.g. "ictim of crime, sudden loss of income or employment, family relationship breakdown, se"ere disruption to domestic
What outcomes are *ossi.le
Applications will be assessed and will be assigned one of the following outcomes+
reschedule an Assessment ,askB or
set a substitute Assessment ,askB or
allow e*tra time to complete an Assessment ,askB or
award a %easonable Ad:ustment of 3ark for the Assessment ,ask or sub:ect for which Special !onsideration is soughtB or
recommend that the !hief )*aminers offer a formal Special )*aminationB or
decide that there are insufficient grounds for the award of Special !onsideration.
'ow should 2ou make a**lication +or s*ecial consideration
All of the information reuested on the form must be filled out.
9ou must supply e"idence of the reason you are applying for special consideration. -or e*ample, if it is medically related you must ha"e a registered
medical practitioner fill out the section in the Application form and sign it. 3edical certificates must be completed by a registered medical practitioner. ,he
best way to ensure that this is the case is to ensure the certificate includes a 3edicare Pro"ider 7umber. #,his is normally a 5 or E-digit number followed
by . letters$. !ertificates that do not include a Pro"ider 7umber will not be accepted. ,he medical certificate must state that in the medical practitioner;s
opinion you were or will be unfit to attend an assessment task or ha"e been or will be ad"ersely affected by illness. 3edical certificates in which the
medical practitioner reports that you claim to be unwell will not be accepted. ,he medical certificate must co"er the date on which the assessment is
4f you are unable to complete an assessment component or your study is ad"ersely affected due to a non-medical reason, you are encouraged to
pro"ide as much documentary e"idence as you can to support your application. ,his should be ob:ecti"e e"idence from an independent source.
@ocumentation may include a death notice or certificate, a police report, a letter from an employer, a current letter from ',5S! Psychologist. 4f you ha"e
uestions or concerns about documentation, see your Administration on your campus for ad"ice. Students can contact with
ueries about documentation.
9ou must lodge the special consideration form and the supporting documentation to your local Administration.
'ow will 2ou know the outcome o+ 2our a**lication
,he !ommittee;s decisions are emailed to your &a Tro.e !niversit2 email address. Please check your email for outcomes.
The +ollowing circumstances are not normall2 matters covered .2 s*ecial consideration/
4f you need support because of a disability, mental health issue, or ongoing medical condition, this is not normally a matter for special consideration. -or this
type of long-term assistance, contact ',5S! Psychologist as soon as you become aware of the need for assistance and as early in the semester as
4f you ha"e timetable clashes, e*ams scheduled close together, or more than the usual number of e*ams because you ha"e been allowed to o"erload your
enrolment, you will not be eligible for special consideration.
Special consideration will not be granted to accommodate tra"el plans, attendance at social e"ents such as weddings, "isits with relati"es2friends or any
discretionary acti"ities.
Special consideration will not be granted because of a"oidable issues related to "isa reuirements.

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