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The Crucial Difference Between Creativity and

By Mark McGuinness | 4/20/2009 | 24 Comments
Image by Hugh MacLeod
Hugh MacLeod recently pulished an interesting take on the di!!erence et"een
creati#ity and inno#ation$
%ne o! the u&&"ords you hear a lot in the usiness "orld these days' is ()nno#ation*+
,es' it-s a genuinely "orthy thing to aspire to+ Genuine inno#ation creates lots o! genuine
#alue' e#ery young intern kno"s this+ .hich is "hy people like to thro" it around like
con!etti+ )t-s one o! those "ords that sound good in meetings' regardless o! ho" serious
one is aout /C01/LL, inno#ating /2,0H)2G+
Heres some friendly advice for all you Innovation-buzzword fanboys: You dont et
to be more innovative! until you ma"e yourself more creative #I$%T&
()nno#ati#e* is an (e3ternal* "ord+ )t can e measured+ )t generally talks aout things
that ha#e een tested properly and !ound to ha#e "orked in the real "orld+
(Creati#e*' ho"e#er' is more o! an (internal* "ord+ )t-s su4ecti#e' it-s murkier+ )t-s !ar
harder to measure' it-s !ar harder to de!ine+ )t-s an in"ard 4ourney' not out"ard+ .hich is
"hy a lot o! people in usiness try to keep the "ord out o! their o!!icial le3icon'
pre!erring instead more neutral' more e3ternally5!ocused language like (6alue*'
(73cellence*' (8uality* and yes' ()nno#ation*+
Creative Dreamers vs 'roductive Innovators(
Hugh-s put his !inger on an important distinction that ) ha#en-t seen articulated 9uite like
this e!ore+ He-s put me in mind o! 0heodore Le#itt-s classic de!inition o! creati#ity and
Creati#ity is thinking up ne" things+ )nno#ation is doing ne" things+
)n other "ords' it-s no use sitting around dreaming up !antastic ideas unless you-re
prepared to do the hard "ork o! making things happen+ Le#itt e3pands on this theme in
an entertaining tirade in the Harvard Business Review$
:Creati#ity- is not the miraculous road to usiness gro"th and a!!luence that is so
aundantly claimed these days; 0hose "ho e3tol the lierating #irtues o! corporate
creati#ity; tend to con!use the getting o! ideas "ith their implementation < that is'
con!use creati#ity in the astract "ith practical inno#ation+
=0heodore Le#itt' :Creati#ity )s 2ot 7nough- =>9?@AA
Le#itt doesn-t pull any punches "hen it comes to creati#e daydreamers$
Bince usiness is a uni9uely :get things done- institution' creati#ity "ithout action5
oriented !ollo"5through is a uni9uely arren !orm o! indi#idual eha#iour+ /ctually' in a
sense' it is e#en irresponsile+ 0his is ecause$ =>A 0he creati#e man "ho tosses out ideas
and does nothing to help them get implemented is shirking any responsiility !or one o!
the prime re9uisites o! the usiness' namely' actionC and =2A y a#oiding !ollo"5through'
he is eha#ing in an organi&ationally intolerale < or' at est' sloppy < !ashion+
Bo !or Le#itt$
Creativity ) Ideas
Innovation ) Ideas * +ction
Le#itt highlights another important distinction et"een creati#ity and inno#ation$
the ideas are o!ten 4udged more y their no#elty than y their potential use!ulness' either
to consumers or to the company+
Creativity ) ,ovelty
Innovation ) ,ovelty * -alue
Le#itt-s article "as "ritten o#er 40 years ago' ut it-s still commonplace !or "riters to
distinguish et"een creati#ity and inno#ation on grounds o! ideas and action' no#elty and
%!ten' in common parlance' the "ords creati#ity and inno#ation are used
interchangealy+ 0hey shouldn-t e' ecause "hile creati#ity implies coming up "ith
ideas' :it-s the ringing ideas to li!e- + + + that makes inno#ation the distinct undertaking it
=0ony Da#ila' Marc E+ 7pstein and Foert Bhelton' .a"in Innovation /or": How to
.anae It! .easure It! and 'rofit from It =200?AA
Creati#ity$ the generation o! ne" ideas y approaching prolems or e3isting practices in
inno#ati#e or imaginati#e "ays; Creati#ity is linked to inno#ation' "hich is the process
o! taking a ne" idea and turning it into a market o!!ering+
=Business: The 0ltimate $esource' Bloomsury' 2002A
0he distinction is ali#e and "ell on the internet' in cut5and5dried de!initions o! creati#ity
#s inno#ation and )nno#ation #s Creati#ity' and among loggers keen to con!ront us "ith
:the ugly truth- that creati#ity is merely :a "ay o! thinking- and there!ore :a suset o!
0he message is clear$ creativity is all very well for intellectuals and bohemians sittin
around on bean bas! but it ta"es an innovator to et thins done+
)t-s hard to argue "ith the logic+ 2o reasonale person "ould claim ideas are more
#aluale than action < ut then creati#e people are notoriously unreasonale+
%r are theyG
Creativity %tri"es Bac"
Most o! the e3amples )-#e 9uoted so !ar are !rom usiness authors+ But i! "e look at the
psychological literature on creati#ity and inno#ation' it-s like going through the looking
glass+ =)-#e added old to the !ollo"ing 9uotations to highlight the key terms+A
Hsychological de!initions o! creativity generally contain t"o separate components+ )n the
!irst place' creati#ity re9uires that "e make or think something ne"' or a ne"
comination o! e3isting elements+ 0his is the element o! novelty or innovation;
Ho"e#er' mere no#elty is not enough+ 0o e creati#e' the idea must also e useful' or
=Chris Bilton' .anaement and Creativity =200?AA
Bilton is not 4ust talking aout ideas < note that he re!ers to :making- as "ell as
:thinking-+ Bo on this side o! the looking glass' the terms o! the e9uations are re#ersed$
Innovation ) 1mere novelty
Creativity ) ,ovelty * -alue
Creativity ) Ideas * +ction
He-s not alone in this #ie" o! creati#ity$
Like most creati#ity researchers' "e rely on a product de!inition$ / product is #ie"ed as
creati#e to the e3tent that it is oth a novel response and an appropriate' useful' correct'
or valuable response to an open5ended task+I
/ :product de!inition- means that a mere idea is not enough to 9uali!y as creati#ity <
action is needed to trans!orm the idea into a product+
Bound !amiliarG Here are a !e" more de!initions o! creati#ity$
the concept o! creativity is #alue5laden+ / creati#e idea must e useful' illuminating or
challenging in some "ay+-
=Margaret Boden' The Creative .ind =>990AA
)n usiness' originality isn-t enough+ 0o e creative' an idea must also e appropriate <
useful and actionable+ )t must someho" in!luence the "ay usiness gets done < y
impro#ing a product' !or instance' or y opening up a ne" "ay to approach a process+
=0eresa /maile' :Ho" to Jill Creati#ity- =>99KAA
0he study o! creati#ity has generated a "ide5ranging #ariety o! de!initions; Ho"e#er'
most contemporary researchers and theorists ha#e adopted a de!inition that !ocuses on the
product or outcome o! a product de#elopment process; in the current study "e de!ined
creati#e per!ormance as products' ideas or procedures that satis!y t"o conditions$ =>A they
are novel or original and =2A they are potentially rele#ant !or' or useful to' an
=G+ F+ %ldham and /+ Cummings' :7mployee creati#ity$ Hersonal and conte3tual !actors
at "ork- =>99?AA
) don-t kno" aout you' ut )-m starting to get a sense o! dL4M #u+
Chris Bilton con!ronts the discrepancy et"een the t"o "orlds head on$
)n the management literature on inno#ation' some authors re#erse my distinction et"een
:creati#ity- and :inno#ation-' "ith creati#ity e9uating to :mere no#elty- and inno#ation
encompassing the dualism o! no#elty and !itness !or purpose
Bemantic di!!erences aside' it should e noted that the arument 2 that two elements
3novelty and fitness4 are necessary to 5ualify as innovation 6 creativity is
fundamentally the same+
=.anaement and CreativityA
Bo "hen you look care!ully at the de!initions' there is in !act no essential difference
between creativity and innovation+ 2ot !or anyone "ho takes either o! them seriously+
7#eryone asically agrees on the importance o! ideas * action and novelty * value+
Nrom this angle' arguments aout the superiority o! inno#ation to creati#ity start to look
like macho one5upmanship+
/nd this is "hy ) like Hugh-s post so much < loically' the t"o concepts may e the
same' ut emotionally they ha#e #ery di!!erent connotations$
:)nno#ation- has the !eel o! an e3ternal process' "hich corporate types are com!ortale
measuring and taulating+ But Hugh reminds us that you can-t ha#e any o! this "ithout a
creati#e !ire in your elly+
.hich means not eing a!raid to go to that messy' su4ecti#e' risky place "here the
di!!erence et"een success and !ailure' praise and ridicule is alanced on a ra&or-s edge+
/hats the Difference between Creativity and Innovation(
What do the words creativity and innovation mean to you?
Do you think they are basicay the same or are there im!ortant di""erences?
#re you more com"ortabe describing yourse" as creative or innovative?
About the Author$ Mark Mc%uinness is a !oet& creative coach and co'"ounder o" Latera
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$es7onses to this 'ost&&&
There +re 89 $es7onses %o #ar&&& :oin In ;
%ites That <in" to this 'ost
>+ Nresh 0akes on )nno#ation O Blog /rchi#e O 0he crucial di!!erence et"een
Creati#ity and )nno#ation | 4/20/2009
2+ Crucial Di!!erence Bet"een Creati#ity and )nno#ation $ )nno#ation Nreak |
@+ 49 Creati#e .ays ,ou Can Hro!it Nrom Content Marketing P Copylogger |
4+ Links !or /pril 2? 2009 | 7ric D+ Bro"n 5 0echnology' Btrategy' Heople Q
Hro4ects | 4/2?/2009
R> | *ason D Barr | 4/20/2009 at K$0I am
0his is a great article' Mark+ %#iously there-s still some di#ided opinion on ho"
to look at the de!initions o! the t"o "ords+ )t seems to me that )-#e used the "ords
to !unction in di!!erent arenas$ (creati#e* !or the arts' (inno#ati#e* !or the
sciences ="hich includes the usiness realmA+ Nor mysel!' )-#e ne#er really
considered something (creati#e* unless it pro#ides some tangile result =a ook'
sculpture' painting' "hate#erA' same as (inno#ation*+ 0he t"o don-t really di!!er
!rom a results standpoint+
R2 | Dennis McDonad | 4/20/2009 at K$S@ am
0his is a terri!ic re#ie"+ 0his is ho" ) addressed the 9uestion$
) concluded that creati#ity is more a personal trait and inno#ation more o! a
R@ | maggie chicoine | 4/20/2009 at 9$22 am
CheersT ) can-t thank you enough !or this post+ /s the lead !acilitator !or a year5
long leadership program' "e are e3amining (inno#ation* this month+ )-ll e
pointing the class to your post' !or discussion later in May+
.e li#e in a northern community "hich has seen the demise o! the !orestry'
shipping and mining industries+ .e-re on the leading edge o! D2/ and medical
research < ne" industries in an isolated landscape+ )t-s an e3citing time to e
e3ploring oth creati#e potential and inno#ati#e strategy+
5 Maggie
R4 | Drew +ime | 4/20/2009 at 9$4K am
)-m "ith Dennis on this+ Heople are creati#eC products or processes are inno#ati#e+
Bo creati#e people create =hey' same root' ) "onder i! that-s a coincidenceGA
inno#ati#e products+
)deas are in the gray area in et"een+ ,ou could talk aout a (creati#e idea* or an
(inno#ati#e idea*+ But ) pre!er to descrie an idea as original' or interesting+ 0hat
"ay you-re !ocusing on "hat you like aout the idea+
RS | *onathan ,ehar | 4/20/2009 at >0$>@ am
0hanks !or taking on the topicT ) couldn-t agree more "ith the importance o! rigor
in language+
/s much as ) appreciate your thoughts' ) must disagree "ith the conclusions+ )n a
research pro4ect on the de!initions o! inno#ation and creati#ity' ) came to the
conclusion that there /F7 in !act distinctions et"een creati#ity and inno#ation+ )
presented these !indings at the Creati#ity and )nno#ation Management con!erence
at the )nternational Center !or Btudies in Creati#ity last year+
Based on an e3tensi#e literature re#ie" =including ?S pulished de!initions o!
inno#ationA' the study concluded$
>A Creati#e thinking' creati#ity' and inno#ation are separate and distinct things+
Creati#e thinking is a process that can e taught' creati#ity is a phenomenon aout
"hich can e taught' and inno#ation is more than creati#ity+
2A .hile creati#ity is made up o! the so5called 4 H-s' =person' process' product'
and pressA' inno#ation in#ol#es the elements o! people' repeated creati#e thinking'
product/concept introduction' implementation strategies and internal and e3ternal
press =or conte3tA+
@A 1sing the terms interchangealy is damaging to the de#elopment o! our !ield
and researchers and practitioners should e delierate in their choice o! "ords and
should educate others as to their pre!erred de!initions
4A 0he likelihood o! settling on one de!inition !or a construct as road as
creati#ity or inno#ation is remote' yet that doesn-t mean "e should a#oid the
/h "ell' at least "e can agree on the last conclusionT
More details' and a link to the article that "as pulished in the Hroceedings o! the
Creati#ity and )nno#ation Management Con!erence at$
)nterestingly enough' Da#ila et al+' "ho you cite in your article' might say that
)nno#ation U creati#ity V producti#ity+ Bound !amiliarG
R? | Ideas by -ric | 4/20/2009 at >0$4@ am
) !a#or the !irst de!inition as it does not rely on the concept o! no#elty+ )deas can
only e ne" cominations o! old things+ 0he !irst de!inition makes a more use!ul
)nno#ation U )deas V /ction <W Companies can support inno#ation oth y
supporting action and creating a en#ironment that supports creati#ity+
RI | Mark Dykeman | 4/20/2009 at >0$4S am
) think something not mentioned' ut rele#ant' is that (creati#e* and (creati#ity*
are also terms used y artists =graphic artist' sculptors' painters' etc+A or people "e
think o! as "orking on cra!ts =potters' sculptors =againA' 9uilters' scrapookers'
etc+A "here there is o!ten a tangile product at the end o! their process+ ,ou could
argue that they are oth creati#e and inno#ati#e i! they come up "ith ideas then
"ork to make those ideas real or to gi#en them !orm+
)t-s also "orth noting that (creati#ity* and (creati#e* are related to the "ord
(creation* "hich is' o! course' making something' or' something made+
) guess Hugh-s point is that all o! this inno#ation has to come !rom some"here+
.here ideas can e "orthless "ithout action' action can e "orthless or !ruitless
"ithout the right ideas+ Moreo#er' ) think he rings up the good point aout the
moti#ation and desire to make stu!! ha#ing to come !rom some"here and a little
heart can go a long "ay+
RK | Rosanne Bachman | 4/20/2009 at >>$40 am
Great article and great discussion on the topic+ Herhaps ) ha#e a 4aded #ie" o!
(creati#e* gi#en the industry ) "ork in+ Nor me creati#e is di!!erent !rom
inno#ation+ /nd in !act in my industry' insurance' eing creati#e can actually
ha#e ad connotations+ e+g+ /)G "as #ery creati#eT ) might e#en go as !ar as
saying creati#ity is not al"ays #alued especially in my industry since the "ord
creati#e suggests "orking around the rules' "hich ) am sure also happens in other
industries+ Nor me creati#ity in a non arts "orld is doing "hat you ha#e een
doing ut putting a ne" !ace on it+ Fe!reshing it to reach people "ho ha#e tuned
out or "ere ne#er listening in the !irst place+ / true inno#ation is something ne"
to sell them' that takes action < a ne" design and adds #alue+ ) like the comment
on the use o! inno#ation is like con!etti+ ) couldn-t agree more+ Ho" o!ten are
products ad#ertised as ne" and impro#edT )nno#ation is "hen someone came up
"ith the idea o! adding a !a3 !unction to a printer not printing out >0 more sheets
in a minute+ .hile someone had to e creati#e to come up "ith the idea and ring
it to market' the reason to do it "as to ring inno#ation to the product that
di!!erentiated the product and the company manu!acturing it+ My #ie" is purely a
usiness "orld #ie" o! these terms ut ) think it is a concept that some parts o!
the usiness "orld needs to get a grip on e!ore the clients get (inno#ation*
R9 | Beth Robinson | 4/20/2009 at >>$44 am
0hat-s !antastic+ ) lo#e Hugh-s de!inition o! di!!erences and think it-s great that
you !ound the t"o di!!erent #ie"points saying essentially the same thing ut
cutting hairs di!!erently+ ) "as nodding along "ith the !irst one < ut then ) "ork
in corporate FQD < and "as #ery amused to see the second+
)-d e "ary o! calling mysel! creati#e at "ork and "ary o! calling mysel!
inno#ati#e in the arts+ Creati#e at "ork "ould seem too !lighty and not
producti#e+ )nno#ati#e in art"ork "ould e like putting on airs and claiming )-d
done something really di!!erent instead o! 4ust e3pressing in my o"n #oice+
.hich !its right in "ith the internal/e3ternal it+
R>0 | Dennis McDonad | 4/20/2009 at S$0? pm
)-#e al"ays een !ascinated "ith the distinctions made et"een (artistic* and
(scienti!ic* creati#ity+ ) !ind such distinctions more political than real' gi#en the
similarity et"een mathematical and musical creati#ity !or e3ample+
R>> | Michae .ishka | 4/20/2009 at ?$>9 pm
)n some "ays there is much cross5o#er et"een de!initions+
)! there "asn-t then Leonardo Da 6inci "ould proaly !all more into the
(Creati#e* camp than the ()nno#ati#e* as he really didn-t ring as much stu!! to
!ruition as came !orth !rom his mind+ But ) think that "ould e "rong+
) still like the )nno#ationUCreati#ity 3 Fisk de!inition that ) uild upon here$
2onetheless' ) ha#e a tendency to lean more to"ards creati#ity as eing that
"hich is more in the realm o! ideas and inno#ation as acting on them+ 6alue has
nothing to do "ith it in my ook+
Heople at home and at "ork are inno#ating all the time and eing creati#e+ Eust
depends on "hen and "ho-s "atching to lael it a!ter the !act+
R>2 | *eremy Robinson | 4/2>/2009 at 9$40 am
Great )nsight' this is a con#ersation that needs to e shared as the "ord inno#ation
has ecome an empty marketing slogan that-s denigrated its meaning+ )-m
personally going to start calling people !or clari!ication+
.e call oursel#es a (creati#e* company =in !act its part o! our nameA and at one
point considered rechristening oursel#es as an (inno#ation* company ut !elt the
"ord had een too aused+ "e also use the "ord ingenuity to descrie "hat "e
e3amples at http$//"""+4arcreati#e+com
R>@ | )u/anna | 4/2>/2009 at 9$0S pm
) think o! the di!!erence this "ay < 0he Fuik-s cue came along ecause o! #ery
creati#e thinking < dra"ing !rom the parts o! the rain "hich can reach !ar past
anything con#entional+ =)t took inno#ation to make it materiali&e' ho"e#er+A
0he part o! the rain that can B%L67 the Fuik-s cue is inno#ati#e+ )t is
"orking "ithin a structure+ )t dra"s on creati#ity in order to inno#ate the solution+
0he ao#e can e !lipped to the opposite and deated that "ay too+ Bo+
2o matter ho" lurry the lines et"een creati#ity and inno#ation' "e can make
good use o! our o"n distinctions+ .hen "e "ant to e creati#e' the rain can e
more rela3ed' spontaneous' e#en ridiculous+ .hen "e "ant to inno#ate' it-s time
to get out the graph paper' so to speak+ ,ou can induce acti#ity in the rain areas
that accomplish inno#ation y supplying practical tools at that point+ /t least
some people can+
)-m "ith Hugh < more inno#ation comes a!ter more creati#ity+ )nno#ation is at the
mercy o! our creati#e aility+ %ur "orld is limited only y our imagination+
Jeep playing'
Bu&anna Btinnett
R>4 | *an Demas | 4/2>/2009 at >>$20 pm
0his is a really !ascinating topic+ /lthough o#er the years )-#e read many di!!erent
de!initions o! "hat creati#ity and "hat inno#ation mean )-#e still struggled to try
and get clear in my mind "hat the di!!erence is+
,our post has really made me sit ack and once again try and get clarity around
"hat ) elie#e it is+ Bo here goes++
0o me' creati#ity is aout the person' the "ay they go aout sol#ing prolems or
come up "ith ideas < their thought processes+ )nno#ation on the other hand is
more around ho" they put their ideas together < the practical processes+
0ake the classic in#ention o! 6elcro+ 0he creati#ity "as in the curiosity o! de
Mestral aout "hy the urrs stuck to the dog and his trousers and then thinking
aout "hat it meant+ 0he inno#ation "as doing something aout it y putting the
t"o together < the loops in the trouser !aric and the hooks in the urr to create a
R>S | Danie -den | 4/22/2009 at >>$49 am
0hat-s Hugh-s method' tautological "ordplay' semantics+ His distillation is the
#alue he adds' not the "ords+ ) think most people read his "ork !or the "ords' not
the content+
)t-s !unny that this "hole post talks aout talking and doing and nothing aout
doing and letting others do the talking+ )t-s all "ords+ His cartoon is (create or
D)7*' not (create or inno#ate*+
R>? | 0oe | 4/22/2009 at 9$4K pm
Nunny thing' "hen ) read that post o! Hugh-s' my !irst thought had een' (Hmm' )
al"ays think o! :creati#e- as a u&&"ord !irst+* %h' semantics+ ) lo#e ho" you
unra#eled one side o! the story and then turned around to sho" up the completely
!lipped story+
Bemantically' it-s hard to argue a deep di!!erence+ But the connotations are
de!initely strong' as you-#e illustrated here+ )nteresting' though' i! "e actually
look at a dictionary' it makes a distinction /" inno#ati#e products and ideas' and
inno#ati#e people+ .hen talking aout a person' it sounds no di!!erent than
inno#ati#e | inY #Zti#|
=o! a product' idea' etc+A !eaturing ne" methodsC ad#anced and original $
inno#ati#e designs | inno#ati#e "ays to help unemployed people+
[ =o! a personA introducing ne" ideasC original and creati#e in thinking $ an
inno#ati#e thinker+
)n the end' ) guess the #alue o! this semantic ack5and5!orth is 4ust a ig reminder
that it-s all "ell and good to e original' ut you-#e gotta CF7/07 something
"ith it+
0hanks !or the though5pro#oking post' as al"ays+
R>I | Mark | 4/2@/2009 at >2$2I pm
0hanks e#eryone' great discussion as usual+ /nd interesting to e reminded that
:creati#ity- can ha#e negati#e connotations in some conte3ts+
Be#eral o! you mention the distinction et"een people and the process' "hich
could e the theme o! another article;
XFosanne < Fe the "ord inno#ation eing :tossed around like con!etti-' it
reminded me o! this' 9uoted y Chris Bilton at the start o! Management and
:Creati#e-' :creation-' :creati#ity- are some o! the most o#erused and ultimately
deased "ords in the language+ Btripped o! any special signi!icance y a
generation o! ureaucrats' ci#il ser#ants' managers and politicians' la&ily used as
political margarine to spread appro#ingly and inclusi#ely o#er any acti#ity "ith a
non5material element to it' the "ord :creati#e- has ecome almost unusuale+
=Eohn 0usa' 2n 1reativityA
R>K | Mark | 4/2@/2009 at >2$@9 pm
XEonathan < ) think )-ll ha#e to return this compliment+
/s much as ) appreciate your thoughts' ) must disagree "ith the conclusions+
Beriously < thanks !or sharing your conclusions and the link to your research+ )
can-t go along "ith such hard5and5!ast distinctions as you make' ut ) think "e-d
proaly agree on "hat constituted e!!ecti#e thinking and action+
/nd sorry !or the delay in your comment appearing' it got caught in our spam
R>9 | *im 1anterucci | S/>/2009 at I$0I am
) think o! creati#ity as a prere9uisite to inno#ation+ )n Hersonal Brilliance and !or
audiences ) attempt to simpli!y the semantic "anderings "e-#e indulged in here
y de!ining the terms this "ay$
Creati#ity is generating something ne"+ )nno#ation ho"e#er' is the practical
application o! creati#ity+
%ne not etter than the other' rather a symiotic relationship+ 0here is #alue in not
reaching a practical application and certainly #alue in something that results in
"hat "e call inno#ation+
R20 | .ius 2nobhayedo | I/>@/2009 at ?$>@ am
0he Di!!erence et"een Creati#ity and )nno#ation+
/ closer look at the Latin origins o! the t"o "ords "ould help to thro" some
more lights on the di!!erences+ Creati#e comes !rom the Latin cre\re =to cause to
e3istA the aility to make something e3ist+ %n the other hand )nno#ate comes !rom
the latin "ord inno#are =to rene"' alterA !rom no#us :ne"-+
Both "ords ha#e to do "ith no#elty+ Ho"e#er' "ith respect to principle o!
causality' creati#e is more radical in the sense that it-s primary !ocus is the !act o!
ringing into e3istence "hat did not e3ist e!ore+ 0he less the material cause' the
more per!ect it is as a creati#e act+ Hence' creati#e act per e3cellence is that "hich
rings something ne" into e3istence out o! nothing =i+e+ &ero material causeA
"hich "e normally attriute to God only+ Conceptually' creati#e tends to e lind
to"ards other e3istence ut !ocuses on the sustance and accidents =9ualities' etcA
o! the ne" (eing*+ Creati#ity in man has to do "ith his aility to ring into
e3istence ne" ideas !rom "ithin his spiritual =immaterialA sel!+ 0he less the
re!erence to other realities as material causes' the more per!ect it is as creati#ity+
)t-s good to note at this point that' less re!erence to other things in e3istence does
not mean that the latter cannot e source o! inspiration !or the ne" idea+
)nspiration ho"e#er does not imply share copying as ne" ideas are 4ust that' ne"+
)nno#ation tends to ha#e a re!erence to "hat already e3ists ="ay o! doing things'
"hat is done' etcA+ %!ten times' products o! creati#e acts !ind their true :meaning-
in the conte3t o! association or interaction "ith other realities =created man !inds
it-s meaning in relation to God+ 7#e !inds her meaning in relation to /dam and
#ice5#ersaA+ )n the conte3t o! an organi&ation' one can argue that it is more
appropriate to talk o! inno#ation as a corporate goal rather than creati#ity in the
sense that' e#ery ne" idea =creati#eA generated must !ind its :meaning- in the
conte3t o! the organi&ation+ 0hanks to the ne" idea' the organi&ation through an
act o! inno#ation can :alter- the "ay it does somethings' :modi!y- some products'
:add- some ne" products to the catalog =analogously' the addition o! 7#e to the
human society is an inno#ation in the human society' "hile the !act o! e3istence
o! 7#e is a creati#e actA' etc+
)n summary' one can conclude that !ollo"ing the chain o! causality' creati#ity
gi#es rise to inno#ation+ )nno#ati#e organi&ations are those that kno" ho" to
make good use o! creati#e minds to achie#e it-s organi&ational goals in a more
e!!icient and e!!ecti#e "ay+ Creati#e minds alone "ill not take the organi&ation
)nno#ation U creati#ity V appropriation o! creati#ity output
:oin the Discussion&&&
2ame 3$e5uired4
7mail 3$e5uired But ,ot Dis7layed4

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