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MHR 301
First Exam
Dr. Sari!"a#$
1. Which theory refutes universal principles of management by stating that a variety of factors,
both internal and external to the firm, may actually affect the organizations performance?
a. Systems theory
b. Systematic management
c. Hierarchy of needs
d. ontingency perspective
e. !one of the above
". #he macroenvironment includes all of the follo$ing %&%'#(
a. demographics.
b. technology.
c. government policies.
d. international developments.
e. ne$ entrants.
). oncerns in the international environment include(
a. increased competition from %urope.
b. economic reforms in areas li*e +frica and ,atin +merica.
c. continued and increased competition form the 'acific -im.
d. all of the above present global concerns for managers.
e. all of the above except c present global concerns.
.. !e$ methods of communication, production, and even the development of entire ne$
industries are the results of the changes in
a. demographics.
b. societal preferences.
c. technology.
d. the economy.
e. politics.
/. Statistically describing the population in terms of age, gender, education, income, occupation,
etc. is referred to as
a. demographics.
b. mar*et placing.
c. categorization.
d. population consensus.
e. none of the above.
)01S'0".%&11+ 1
2. ompanies that attempt to reach the same customers refer to one another as
a. suppliers.
b. substitutes.
c. competitors.
d. mar*eting teams.
e. none of the above.
3. + firms current competition, suppliers, customers, and the threat of ne$ entrants or of
substitutes are all elements in the
a. 'orter 4odel for competitive analysis.
b. tas* environment.
c. macroenvironment.
d. 'eters 4odel for organizational excellence.
e. industry environment.
5. 6Sha*eout7 refers to
a. the demise of all but one competitor, creating a monopoly.
b. the elimination of $ea*er competitors.
c. the initial, high1gro$th, phase of an industry.
d. the elimination of a monopoly, creating competition.
e. extracting spices from a small container.
8. 9actors $hich may prevent ne$ firms from entering an industry :i.e.,;the use of patents< are
referred to as
a. barriers to entry.
b. roadbloc*s.
c. unfair trade practices.
d. insider trading.
e. trade protectionism.
10. #he development of ne$ products $hich may replace sales of existing products is referred to as
the threat of
a. substitutes.
b. ne$ entrants.
c. diminished supply.
d. technology.
e. evil forces.
)01S'0".%&11+ "
11. =rganizations must ac>uire a variety of resources in order to produce a product or service of
value. #hese resources may include materials, e>uipment, financing or even people?employees.
#he sources that provide these various resources are referred to as
a. resource firms.
b. placement centers.
c. $holesalers.
d. suppliers.
e. none of the above.
1". #he main difference bet$een a final consumer and an intermediate consumer is
a. the final consumer usually pays cash for the purchase.
b. an intermediate consumer $ill utilize the purchase in order to sell their product?service
to other consumers.
c. final consumers purchase are more :in dollar value< than do intermediate consumers.
d. intermediate consumers are usually more flexible than final consumers.
e. final consumers have more bargaining po$er.
1). @iving customers $hat they $ant or need, the $ay they $ant it, the first time, is *no$n as
a. planned giving.
b. planned obsolescence.
c. customer service.
d. planned service.
e. any of the above.
1.. %nvironmental uncertainty results from
a. complexity.
b. simplicity.
c. dynamism.
d. cooperation.
e. both a and c.
1/. An regards to environmental scanning, managers must deal $ith
a. suppliers.
b. entry barriers.
c. competitors.
d. substitute products.
e. all of the above.
)01S'0".%&11+ )
12. #he three types of strategies for responding to the environment include
a. dependent strategies, independent strategies, and cooperative strategies.
b. independent strategies, cooperative strategies, and strategic maneuvering.
c. cooperative strategies, strategic maneuvering, and dependent strategies.
d. strategic maneuvering, dependent strategies, and independent strategies.
e. none of the above.
13. When a company acts on its o$n to change some aspect of the current environment, they are
a. cooperative strategies.
b. domain selection.
c. competitive management.
d. independent strategies.
e. diversification
15. When t$o or more companies $or* together to alter their current environment, $e say that they
are using
a. monopolistic strategies.
b. unethical trade strategies.
c. cooperative strategies.
d. dependent strategies.
c. codependent strategies.
18. + firms conscious effort to change the boundaries of its tas* environment is referred to as
a. strategic maneuvering.
b. dependent strategies.
c. independent strategies.
d. cooperative strategies.
e. all of the above.
"0. Bomain selection, diversification, mergers?ac>uisitions, and divestiture are all examples of
a. illegal boundary management.
b. maneuvering the competition.
c. strategic maneuvering.
d. independent strategies.
e. portfolio maneuvering.
)01S'0".%&11+ .
"1. 'rospectors are
a. companies that aggressively alter the boundaries of their competitive environment.
b. companies that monitor and protect the established boundaries of their competitive
c. financially sound.
d. a and c
e. b and c
"". CCCCCCCCCC is the process of $or*ing $ith people and resources to accomplish organizational
a. 'lanning
b. 4anagement
c. ontrolling
d. Becision ma*ing
e. !one of the above
"). Which of these is !=# a *ey management function?
a. ontrolling
b. 'lanning
c. ,eading
d. -esearch
e. =rganizing
".. #he *ey management functions include(
a. 'lanning, ,eading, ontrolling, and =rganizing D Staffing
b. 4ar*eting, 9inance, +ccounting, and 'roduction
c. 'lanning, =perations, ,abor, and ontracting
d. Hiring, #raining, +ppraising, and 9iring
e. 4ar*eting, 4anagement, 9inance, and +ccounting
"/. CCCCCCCCCC involves analyzing a situation, determining goals to be pursued, and deciding upon
the actions that $ill be ta*en to achieve these goals.
a. Staffing
b. ,eading
c. =rganizing
d. 'lanning
e. ontrolling
)01S'0".%&11+ /
"2. CCCCCCCCCC involves assembling and coordinating organizational resources.
a. ontrolling
b. 'lanning
c. =rganizing
d. ,eading
e. +ll of the above
"3. +s one of the *ey management functions, leading focuses on a managers efforts to(
a. communicate $ith employees.
b. motivate the $or*force.
c. direct employees efforts.
d. stimulate high performance.
d. +ll of the above.
"5. + managers ability to stimulate high performance through directing, motivating and
communicating $ith employees is referred to as(
a. 'lanning.
b. =rganizing.
c. ,eading.
d. ontrolling.
e. +ll of the above.
"8. CCCCCCCCCC involves monitoring the progress of the organization to$ard goal attainment and
implementing necessary changes.
a. Eudgeting
b. 'lanning
c. =rganizing
d. ,eading
e. ontrolling
)0. #actical 'lans $ill typically involve a:n< CCCCCCCCCC time frame as compared to Strategic
a. e>uivalent
b. complimentary
c. shorter
d. monthly
e. longer
)01S'0".%&11+ 2
)1. #actical 4anagers are often referred to as(
a. center management
b. middle management
c. lo$er management
d. disposable management
e. upper1middle management
)". 4anagers responsible for supervising the operations of an organization are referred to as(
a. strategic managers
b. functional managers
c. supervisory managers
d. operational managers
e. tactical managers.
)). An smaller entrepreneurial firms, and even in more adaptive larger firms, managers
a. are no longer utilized.
b. rely more heavily on technical s*ills.
c. serve as 6experts7 on $hom the firm depends.
d. have strategic, tactical, and operational responsibilities.
e. focus on internal operations.
).. Which of these represent s*ills necessary for a manager?
a. Anterpersonal D communication, conceptual D decision ma*ing, and professional
b. #echnical, interpersonal D communication, and conceptual D decision ma*ing
c. 'rofessional, technical, and interpersonal D communication
d. onceptual D decision ma*ing, professional, and technical
e. !one of the above
)/. #he ability to perform a specialized tas* is referred to as a
a. conceptual s*ill.
b. >uantitative s*ill.
c. professional s*ill.
d. technical s*ill.
e. decisional s*ill.
)2. CCCCCCCCCC s*ills influence a managers ability to $or* $ell $ith people.
a. Becisional
b. #echnical
c. Anterpersonal
d. 'rofessional
e. onceptual
)01S'0".%&11+ 3
)3. Which of the follo$ing approaches to management is?are considered classical approaches?
a. Scientific management
b. ontingency theory
c. Systems theory
d. urrent and future revolutions
e. both + D
)5. #he emergence of CCCCCCCCCC drove managers to strive for further gro$th.
a. research and development departments
b. strategic planning methods
c. operations management restrictions
d. economies of scale
e. environmental a$areness
)8. #he classical period of management endured from the mid118
century through the early
a. 18/0s
b. 1830s
c. 18"0s
d. 1850s
e. 1880s
.0. #he CCCCCCCCCC approach attempted to build specific procedures and processes into operations
to ensure coordination of effort.
a. scientific management
b. systematic
c. human relations
d. organizational behavior
e. systems theory
.1. CCCCCCCCCC introduced an approach to management *no$n as scientific management.
a. hester Earnard
b. 4ax Weber
c. Henry @antt
d. 9ran* and ,illian @ilbreth
e. 9rederic* #aylor
)01S'0".%&11+ 5
.". #o implement the approach of scientific management, techni>ues such as CCCCCCCCCC $ere
a. time1and1motion studies
b. $idely based obFectives
c. labor division studies
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
.). +s a result of application of the scientific management approach, productivity and CCCCCCCCCC
in manufacturing improved dramatically.
a. effectiveness
b. ra$ material costs
c. efficiency
d. $aste handling
e. labor disputes
... Who $rote a boo* detailing his management experiences and identifying five functions and
fourteen principles of management?
a. Henri 9ayol
b. 9rederic* #aylor
c. 4ax Weber
d. hester Earnard
e. 9ran* @ilbreth
./. An 9ayols fourteen principles of management, $hich is best identified by the description 6ma*e
expectations clear and punish violations7?
a. Gnity of direction
b. Scalar chain
c. %sprit de corps
d. Biscipline
e. +uthority
.2. Which of the follo$ing is identified $ith 6promote a unity of interests bet$een employees and
a. Scalar chain
b. %sprit de corps
c. %>uity
d. Gnity of command
e. Stability and tenure of personnel
)01S'0".%&11+ 8
.3. CCCCCCCCCC developed during the 18)0s and aimed at understanding ho$ psychological and
social processes interact $ith the $or* situation to influence performance.
a. Human relations
b. Systematic management
c. Eureaucracy
d. +dministrative management
e. Scientific management
.5. + *ey concept of the human relations approach is CCCCCCCCCC.
a. %xecutives formulate the organizations purpose, secure employees, and maintain
b. Social needs have precedence over economic needs
c. Hierarchy defines the relationship among Fobs
d. -ules and regulations standardize behavior
e. 'roductivity and employee behavior are influenced by the informal $or* group
.8. CCCCCCCCCC emphasizes the application of >uantitative analysis to management decisions and
a. Scientific management
b. Huantitative management
c. +dministrative approach
d. =rganizational behavior
e. ontingency theory
/0. #he classical approaches to management $ere criticized because they CCCCCCCCCC.
a. $ere not suited for unpredictable management decisions
b. neglected non>uantifiable factors
c. ignored the relationship bet$een the organization and the external environment
d. ignored the organizations technology
e. devalued the individual employee
)01S'0".%&11+ 10

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