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Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid, or just lipoic acid (LA), is a unique and potent antioxidant. It can deliver
antioxidant activity in both fat- and water-soluble edius, and it is capable of havin! an antioxidant
effect in both its oxidi"ed (LA) and reduced (#$LA %dihydrolipoic acid&) fors ('oraca et al., ()**).
+his effectively allows LA to deliver its antioxidant effect to any cell or tissue type, as well as to any
subcellular copartent, in the body (,ac-er et al., *../0 1ochette et al., ()*2). It appears to be
particularly effective in rechar!in! en"yes in the itochondria, the 3ener!y centers4 of the cells
(Ariva"ha!an et al., ())*).
5hile vitain 6 and !lutathione are absolutely essential to !ood health, LA can be considered a
aster antioxidant orchestrator, facilitatin! the optial interactions aon! the other antioxidants. #$LA
directly rechar!es vitain 6 and indirectly rechar!es vitain 7. LA also increases intracellular
!lutathione levels (8lein-auf-1ocha et al., ()*2) and coen"ye 9*) levels. LA adinistration has been
docuented to increase intracellular !lutathione levels by as uch as /):, and this bolsterin! of
!lutathione has been seen both in vivo and in vitro ($an et al., *..;). 1educed LA (#$LA) can
re!enerate !lutathione fro its oxidi"ed counterpart, and LA can also help provide the cysteine needed
for the synthesis of !lutathione. <urtherore, LA adinistration increases vitain 6 levels inside the
cells (=hay et al., ()).)
In reviewin! the edical literature, it is iportant to note the any different naes ascribed to
LA, so that it can be better reali"ed all that LA has been docuented to do. +hese synonys include, but
are still not copletely liited to, thioctic acid, >,?-thioctic acid, >,?-dithioctane acid, *,(-dithiol-2-
valeric acid, lipoate, and @-lipoic acid. +his article will only use the naes LA for the oxidi"ed for and
#$LA for the reduced for.
Biochemical Properties
#$LA, the reduced for of LA, is capable of exertin! an antioxidant effect directly by donatin!
electrons to a pro-oxidant or an oxidi"ed olecule. It can re!enerate reduced vitain 6 (ascorbic acid)
fro dehydroascorbic acid (oxidi"ed ascorbic acid), and it can indirectly re!enerate vitain 7 bac- fro
its oxidi"ed state (=cholich et al., *.?.). As well, LA etabolites have been shown to have anti-
inflaatory (antioxidant) effects (8wiecien et al., ()*2).
Aniquely, even LA, the oxidi"ed for of #$LA, can exert an antioxidant effect. But this does not
ean there is any donation of electrons by LA to an pro-oxidant or oxidi"ed olecule, since there are
none to !ive. $owever, it has been docuented that LA can inactivate free radicals, which is a si!nificant
antioxidant effect (,ac-er et al., ())*). Also, the ability of LA to chelate etals can produce an
antioxidant effect ('hibu et al., ()).). And just li-e reduced vitain 6, #$LA can exert a pro-oxidant
effect by donatin! its electrons for the reduction of iron, which can then brea- down peroxide to the pro-
oxidant hydroxyl radical via the <enton reaction (,ac-er et al., *..C). =o, dependin! upon the
icroenvironent in which it is found, LA and its reduced partner, #$LA, can proote antioxidation or
LA has been to show to effectively chelate toxic etals directly, and it also indirectly stron!ly
supports the chelation of etals by its ability to increase !lutathione levels inside the cells. 'lutathione
and its associated en"yes play iportant roles in the ability of the body to chelate and excrete a wide
variety of toxins, toxic etals included. Detals -nown to for coplexes directly with LA and #$LA
include an!anese, "inc, cadiu, lead, cobalt, nic-el, iron, copper, cadiu, arsenic, and ercury.
+he use of LA in the detoxification of individuals with hi!h levels of ercury is not a
strai!htforward situation clinically, however. =oe evidence exists that LA can redistribute the heavy
etals that it binds to other tissues under the ri!ht clinical circustances. 5hat these circustances are is
not always clear, and a lon!-ter detoxification pro!ra containin! LA should be onitored by a
-nowled!eable healthcare practitioner. 6ertainly, unli-e any other antioxidant suppleents, a !ood
clinical response to a saller dose of LA does not always ean that ore is better.
LA should always be ta-en in li!ht of how one feels. 5hile ost individuals will respond very
well ri!ht fro the start, a suppleentin! individual who feels poorly after LA suppleentation either
needs to discontinue it or needs to consult with a practitioner experienced in detoxification protocols.
+here is no denyin! the lon!-ter benefits of LA for ost people (see list below), but everyone is not the
sae, and caution needs to be exerted when a positive clinical response is not seen at the outset of
suppleentation (,atric-, ())().
5hile huans are capable of synthesi"in! LA fro fatty acids and cysteine, the aounts are very
sall at best (6arreau, *./.). +o reali"e the now well-established benefits of LA, enou!h ust be ta-en
in fro outside sources (,ac-er, *..?). Althou!h LA is present in both anial and plant sources, soe
for of suppleentation needs be ta-en to reliably reali"e these benefits. It has been estiated that ()) to
>)) ! LA suppleents effectively deliver up to *,))) ties ore LA that can be obtained fro ost
diets (=in!h and Eialal, ())?).
LA is rapidly absorbed after a sin!le oral dose ran!in! between ;) and >)) !. It is also very
rapidly cleared, as its half-life in plasa is only 2) inutes (Breithaupt-'ro!ler et al., *...). +his rapid
clearance reflects both transport into tissues as well as renal excretion ($arrison and Dc6oric-, *./C).
$owever, the absolute aount absorbed has been variable and incoplete, ran!in! between () and C):
in one study. <ood also ipaired the absorption of suppleented LA (+eichert et al., *..?). LA is
priarily etaboli"ed in the liver, an or!an for which LA has been shown to lessen the ne!ative effects of
a variety of toxic a!ents (=aad et al., ()*)0 +abassu et al., ()*)).
Clinical and Laboratory Effects
LA has been docuented to have positive effects on a wide variety of clinical conditions, which
is copletely consistent with its antioxidant, selective pro-oxidant, and etalFtoxin chelation properties.
Any condition with increased oxidative stress can be expected to respond favorably to LA adinistration
($ardin! et al., ()*(). +hese effects and conditions include the followin!G
1. Anti-a!in! (Dc6arty et al., ()).0 Ba!h et al., ()**0 Eian! et al., ()*2)
2. #ecreased oxidative stress (Li et al., ()*2)
3. Iproved eory (=toll et al., *..2)
4. #epression (=ilva et al., ()*2)
5. Antitoxin (H"tur- et al., ()*20 =o-olows-a et al., ()*2)0 toxic ushroo
poisonin! (Bustaante et al., *..?)0 prevention a!ainst lead toxicity (<lora et al., ()*()0
lessened cisplatin-induced toxicity ($ussein et al., ()*()
6. Alcoholis (Ledesa and Ara!on, ()*20 ,eana et al., ()*2)
7. Alcerative colitis (+rivedi and Eena, ()*2)
8. 6ataract prevention (Hu et al., *..>0 Li et al., ()*2)
9. #iabetes and its coplications (Bajaj and 8han, ()*(0 Iebbioso et al., ()*2)0
suppression of hyperinsulineia and insulin resistance (H"do!an et al., ()*()
10. Anti-inflaatory (8wiecien et al., ()*2)
11. Anti-proliferative effects in cancers (<euerec-er et al., ()*(0 8apoor, ()*20
Dichi-oshi et al., ()*2)
12. ,revention of ali!nant transforation (8uar et al., ()*2)
13. #ecreased yocardial infarct si"e and yocardial protection (#en! et al., ()*2)
14. Lessened bone loss in osteoporosis (Dainini et al., ()*(0 ,olat et al., ()*2)
15. #ecreased ectopic calcification (8i et al., ()*2)
16. 'laucoa (<ilina et al., *..;)
17. Interruption of $IJ replication (Baur et al., *..*0 <uchs et al., *..20 ,atric-,
18. $ypertension %hi!h blood pressure& (Jasdev et al., ()**)
19. Ieuroprotection (Ei et al., ()*20 =ayin et al., ()*2)
20. 7rectile dysfunction (Dit-ov et al., ()*2)
21. Low bac- pain (Battisti et al., ()*2)
22. Lessened wei!ht !ain and obesity (,rieto-$ontoria et al., ()).0 =eo et al., ()*()
23. Ieuropathic pain (Dijnhout et al., ()*))
24. ,revention of fatty liver disease (Eun! et al., ()*(0 8aya-#a!istanli et al., ()*2)
25. ,revention of daa!e to #IA (Anal et al., ()*2)
26. ,rotection a!ainst I=AI#-induced !astric daa!e (8aplan et al., ()*()
27. Lessened evolution of diabetic cardioyopathy (Lee et al., ()*()
28. =yner!istically increases the tuor--illin! effects of vitain 6 in the treatent
of cancer (6asciari et al., ())*)
29. 7ffective treatent in advanced cancer in huans (Ber-son et al., ()).)
30. 7ffective onotherapy for cancer in ice (Al Abdan, ()*()
31. ,rotection a!ainst radiation daa!e in a palladiu coplex (1aachandran et
al., ()*))
Io defined toxic level or upper liit for consuption has been established for LA in huans.
$owever, unli-e an antioxidant li-e vitain 6, LA does reliably show toxicity in anials at very hi!h
levels of inta-e. As discussed above, the ultiple potential effects of LA in the body, includin! the
bindin! and possible redistribution of toxic etals, a-es individuali"ed dosin! and clinical follow-up a
reasonable approach. +he stored toxin profile and its response to a re!ular inta-e of LA will always be a
factor that differs fro one person to the next.
In rats, an L#
of (,))) !F-! of body wei!ht was observed. +his eans at this dosa!e level,
;): of the rats died. In huans, such a dose would ran!e fro about *)),))) ! for a sall woan to
about ()),))) ! for a lar!e an, even thou!h such toxicity cannot be reliably extrapolated fro the
anial study. =uppleental dosin! and intravenous dosin! of LA have never reotely approached these
levels. 6linical trials in huans have !iven daily doses of *,?)) and (,C)) ! daily for extended periods
with no evidence of adverse effects ('oraca et al., ()**).
Liposome-Encapsulated Lipoic Acid
5hen the re!ular for of LA is suppleented, the absorption is rapid but incoplete, and the
half-life in the plasa is very short, as noted above. As with other liposoe-encapsulated preparations,
liposoe-encapsulated lipoic acid (L7LA) will have the additional characteristics of this delivery syste.
Absorption will be virtually coplete, no loss of payload will result fro !astrointestinal acid or
di!estive en"yes, and no ener!y consuption should occur while it is assiilated, ultiately into the
cytoplas of cells throu!hout the body. 1e!ular LA utili"es an ener!y-dependent transport across
intestinal cells (+a-aishi et al., ())/). LA also appears to use a Ia
-dependent ultivitain transporter to
!o fro the blood plasa into tissues (=hay et al., ()).0 Hh-ura et al., ()*)0 de 6arvalho and 9uic-,
5hile there is a si"eable body of evidence on liposoes in !eneral, and there is a !rowin! body
of evidence on the especially stri-in! benefits of a nutrient such as vitain 6 in a liposoe-encapsulated
for, there does not yet exist an accuulated body of evidence on the benefits of L7LA. +he lac- of
ener!y consuption by the liposoe delivery syste in L7LA is always desirable. Also, the ability of
liposoes to penetrate into subcellular copartents should a-e L7LA an especially useful
suppleent, as it is the itochondria inside the cells that concentrate and use the ost LA. A possible
additional benefit of L7LA is that it effectively a-es the contained L7 a 3sustained-release4
forulation. 1e!ular L7 !ets cleared rapidly fro the plasa, a si!nificant aount of which is excreted
into the urine. L7LA would be expected to !et substantially ore of the in!ested L7 inside the cells
throu!hout the body.
Dultiple older studies have asserted that re!ular L7 has no proble crossin! the blood-brain
barrier. A recent study now asserts that LA does not cross the blood-brain barrier readily, even thou!h the
brain does end up receivin! si!nificant antioxidant benefit fro any adinistered LA (6hn! et al., ()).).
+he unique bioavailability of L7LA i!ht prove to be especially useful in brain and neurolo!ical
A final note would be to re-ephasi"e that L7 has any different effects inside the body, ost of
the extraordinarily positive, as the list of L7 effects above deonstrates. $owever, LA is a powerful
detoxifier, and anyone who experiences undesirable syptos after ta-in! L7LA or re!ular LA should
not continue it without the !uidance of a healthcare practitioner experienced in dealin! with patients on
detoxification re!iens.
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